In file ../../src/Pegasus/Common/CIMObject.h:


The CIMObject class is the superclass for the CIMInstance and CIMClass classes.


The CIMObject class is the superclass for the CIMInstance and CIMClass classes.

The CIMObjectRep data member points to either a CIMInstanceRep or CIMClassRep.


Public Methods

[more] CIMObject ()
Creates CIMObject instance with null values (default constructor)
[more] CIMObject (const CIMObject& x)
Creates a new CIMObject instance (copy constructor).
[more] CIMObject (const CIMClass& x)
Construction of a CIMObject instance based on the CIMClass object
[more] CIMObject (const CIMInstance& x)
Construction of a CIMObject instance based on the CIMInstance object
[more]CIMObject& operator= (const CIMObject& x)
Assign the values of the CIMObject instance to CIMObject.
[more] ~CIMObject ()
Destroys CIMObject
[more]const CIMName& getClassName () const
Gets the ClassName of the object.
[more]const CIMObjectPath& getPath () const
REVIEWERS: Insert description here
[more]void setPath (const CIMObjectPath & path)
Sets the object path for the object.
[more]CIMObject& addQualifier (const CIMQualifier& qualifier)
Adds the CIMQualifier object to the instance.
[more]Uint32 findQualifier (const CIMName& name) const
Searches the instance for the qualifier object defined by the input parameter.
[more]CIMQualifier getQualifier (Uint32 index)
Retrieves the qualifier object defined by the input parameter.
[more]CIMConstQualifier getQualifier (Uint32 index) const
Retrieves the qualifier object defined by the input parameter.
[more]void removeQualifier (Uint32 index)
REVIEWERS: Insert description here
[more]Uint32 getQualifierCount () const
Gets the number of CIMQualifier objects defined for this CIMObject.
[more]CIMObject& addProperty (const CIMProperty& x)
Adds a property object defined by the input parameter to the CIMObject.
[more]Uint32 findProperty (const CIMName& name) const
Searches the CIMProperty objects in the CIMObject for a property object with the name defined by the input parameter.
[more]CIMProperty getProperty (Uint32 index)
Gets the CIMProperty object in the CIMObject defined by the input parameter.
[more]CIMConstProperty getProperty (Uint32 index) const
Gets the CIMproperty object in the CIMObject defined by the input parameter.
[more]void removeProperty (Uint32 index)
Remove the specified property from the instance.
[more]Uint32 getPropertyCount () const
Gets the number of CIMProperty objects defined for this CIMObject.
[more]CIMObject clone () const
Makes a deep copy (clone) of the given object.
[more]Boolean identical (const CIMConstObject& x) const
Compares with another CIM Object.
[more]Boolean isUninitialized () const
Determines if the object has not been initialized.
[more]String toString () const
Returns a string representing the value of the CIMObject.
[more]Boolean isClass () const
Determines if the object represents a CIMClass.
[more]Boolean isInstance () const
Determines if the object represents a CIMInstance.

o CIMObject()
Creates CIMObject instance with null values (default constructor)

o CIMObject(const CIMObject& x)
Creates a new CIMObject instance (copy constructor).
x - Specifies the name of the CIMObject instance to create.

o CIMObject(const CIMClass& x)
Construction of a CIMObject instance based on the CIMClass object

o CIMObject(const CIMInstance& x)
Construction of a CIMObject instance based on the CIMInstance object

oCIMObject& operator=(const CIMObject& x)
Assign the values of the CIMObject instance to CIMObject.
x - Specifies the name of the CIMObject instance.

o ~CIMObject()
Destroys CIMObject

oconst CIMName& getClassName() const
Gets the ClassName of the object.
ClassName of the object in a CIMName parameter. For example,
CIMName className;
CIMClass myclass("myclass", "superclass");
className = myclass.getClassName;

oconst CIMObjectPath& getPath() const
REVIEWERS: Insert description here

ovoid setPath(const CIMObjectPath & path)
Sets the object path for the object.
path - Specifies the CIMObjectPath that contains the object path.

oCIMObject& addQualifier(const CIMQualifier& qualifier)
Adds the CIMQualifier object to the instance.
AlreadyExistsException True if the CIMQualifier already exists in the instance; otherwise, false.
qualifier - CIMQualifier object to add to instance.
The resulting CIMObject.

oUint32 findQualifier(const CIMName& name) const
Searches the instance for the qualifier object defined by the input parameter.
name - CIMName that defines the qualifier object to be found.
Position of the qualifier to use in subsequent operations or PEG_NOT_FOUND if the qualifier is not found.

oCIMQualifier getQualifier(Uint32 index)
Retrieves the qualifier object defined by the input parameter.
IndexOutOfBoundsException True if the index is out of bounds; otherwise, false.
index - Specifies the index for the qualifier object. The index to qualifier objects is zero-origin and continuous so that incrementing loops can be used to get all qualifier objects in a CIMInstance.
CIMQualifier object defined by the index.

oCIMConstQualifier getQualifier(Uint32 index) const
Retrieves the qualifier object defined by the input parameter.
IndexOutOfBoundsException True if the index is out of bounds; otherwise, false.
index - Specifies the index for the qualifier object. The index to qualifier objects is zero-origin and continuous so that incrementing loops can be used to get all qualifier objects in a CIMInstance.
CIMConstQualifier object defined by the index.

ovoid removeQualifier(Uint32 index)
REVIEWERS: Insert description here

oUint32 getQualifierCount() const
Gets the number of CIMQualifier objects defined for this CIMObject.
Count of the number of CIMQualifier objects in the CIMObject.

oCIMObject& addProperty(const CIMProperty& x)
Adds a property object defined by the input parameter to the CIMObject.
AlreadyExistsException True if the property already exists otherwise, false.
x - Property Object to be added. See the CIM Property class for definition of the property object.
The resulting CIMObject.

oUint32 findProperty(const CIMName& name) const
Searches the CIMProperty objects in the CIMObject for a property object with the name defined by the input parameter.
name - CIMName with the name of the property object to be found.
Position in the CIM object of the property object if found or PEG_NOT_FOUND if no property object found with the name defined by the input parameter.

oCIMProperty getProperty(Uint32 index)
Gets the CIMProperty object in the CIMObject defined by the input parameter.
IndexOutOfBoundsException True if the index is out of bounds; otherwise, false.
index - Specifies the index to the property object in the CIMObject. The index to qualifier objects is zero-origin and continuous so that incrementing loops can be used to get all qualifier objects in a CIMObject.
CIMProperty object corresponding to the index.

oCIMConstProperty getProperty(Uint32 index) const
Gets the CIMproperty object in the CIMObject defined by the input parameter.
IndexOutOfBoundsException True if the index is outside the range of properties in this object; otherwise, false.
index - Specifies the index to the property object in the CIMObject.
CIMProperty object corresponding to the index.

ovoid removeProperty(Uint32 index)
Remove the specified property from the instance.
IndexOutOfBoundsException True if the index is outside the range of properties in this object; otherwise, false.
index - Specifies the index to the property to be removed from the instance. Normally this is obtained by findProperty();

oUint32 getPropertyCount() const
Gets the number of CIMProperty objects defined for this CIMObject.
Count of the number of CIMProperty objects in the CIMObject. Zero indicates that no CIMProperty objects are contained in the CIMObject.

oCIMObject clone() const
Makes a deep copy (clone) of the given object.
Copy of the CIMObject.

oBoolean identical(const CIMConstObject& x) const
Compares with another CIM Object.
x - CIM object for comparison.
True if the objects are identical; otherwise, false.

oBoolean isUninitialized() const
Determines if the object has not been initialized.
True if the object has not been initialized; otherwise, false.

oString toString() const
Returns a string representing the value of the CIMObject. With the inclusion of CIMObject as a CIMValue, the intent of the toString() method is to produce a "human-readable" string consistent with other CIMValue types. The string will be a MOF representation of the object (ie. either CIMClass or CIMInstance) using the _rep's toMof() method.
String representing the CIMObject value.

oBoolean isClass() const
Determines if the object represents a CIMClass.
True if the object represents a CIMClass; otherwise, false.

oBoolean isInstance() const
Determines if the object represents a CIMInstance.
True if the object represents a CIMInstance; otherwise, false.

This class has no child classes.
class CIMConstObject
class CIMClass
class CIMConstClass
class CIMInstance
class CIMConstInstance

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