In file ../../src/Pegasus/Common/CIMQualifierList.h:


This class is for representing Qualifier lists in the CIM interface.


This class is for representing Qualifier lists in the CIM interface.

Members are provided for accessing elements of the the internal property list. There are none for modifying elements (the entire array must be formed and passed to the constructor or replaced by calling set()).


Public Methods

[more] CIMQualifierList ()
constructor - Constructs a NULL qualifier list
[more] ~CIMQualifierList ()
[more]CIMQualifierList& add (const CIMQualifier& qualifier)
add adds a single CIMQualifier to a CIMQualifierList
[more]Uint32 getCount () const
getCount - Returns the count of qualifiers in the list
[more]CIMQualifier& getQualifier (Uint32 index)
getQualifer - Gets the qaulifier defined at the index provided in the Qualifier list.
[more]void removeQualifier (Uint32 index)
removeQualifier - Removes the Qualifier defined by the index parameter
[more]Uint32 find (const CIMName& name) const
find - Searches for a qualifier with the specified ` input name if it exists in the class
[more]Boolean exists (const CIMName& name) const
exists - Returns true if the qualifier with the specified name exists in the class
[more]Boolean isTrue (const CIMName& name) const
isTrue - Determines if the qualifier defined by the input parameter exists for the class, is Boolean, and has a value of true.
[more]Uint32 findReverse (const CIMName& name) const
findReverse - See find
[more]void resolve ( DeclContext* declContext, const CIMNamespaceName & nameSpace, CIMScope scope, Boolean isInstancePart, CIMQualifierList& inheritedQualifiers, Boolean propagateQualifiers)
resolve - Resolves the qualifierList based on the information provided.
[more]void toXml (Array<char>& out) const
[more]void toMof (Array<char>& out) const
[more]void print (PEGASUS_STD(ostream) &o=PEGASUS_STD(cout)) const
[more]Boolean identical (const CIMQualifierList& x) const
[more]void cloneTo (CIMQualifierList& x) const

o CIMQualifierList()
constructor - Constructs a NULL qualifier list

o ~CIMQualifierList()

oCIMQualifierList& add(const CIMQualifier& qualifier)
add adds a single CIMQualifier to a CIMQualifierList

oUint32 getCount() const
getCount - Returns the count of qualifiers in the list
Zero origin count of qualifiers in the qualifier list.

oCIMQualifier& getQualifier(Uint32 index)
getQualifer - Gets the qaulifier defined at the index provided in the Qualifier list.
- Throws OutofBounds exception of pso not within the qualifier list. ATTN: P0 KS Mar 2002 Add the outofbounds exception.
index - - The position in the qualifierlist containing the qualifier.
CIMQualifier object.

ovoid removeQualifier(Uint32 index)
removeQualifier - Removes the Qualifier defined by the index parameter
IndexOutOfBoundsException if index not within range of current qualifiers.

oUint32 find(const CIMName& name) const
find - Searches for a qualifier with the specified ` input name if it exists in the class
name - CIMName of the qualifier to be found @return Position of the qualifier in the Class.
Returns index of the qualifier found or PEG_NOT_FOUND if not found.

oBoolean exists(const CIMName& name) const
exists - Returns true if the qualifier with the specified name exists in the class
name - CIMName name of the qualifier object being tested.
True if the qualifier exits in the list. Otherwise false is returned.

oBoolean isTrue(const CIMName& name) const
isTrue - Determines if the qualifier defined by the input parameter exists for the class, is Boolean, and has a value of true. This function is useful to quickly determine the state of a qualifier.
- CIMName containing the qualifier name.
Boolean True if the qualifier exists,

oUint32 findReverse(const CIMName& name) const
findReverse - See find

ovoid resolve( DeclContext* declContext, const CIMNamespaceName & nameSpace, CIMScope scope, Boolean isInstancePart, CIMQualifierList& inheritedQualifiers, Boolean propagateQualifiers)
resolve - Resolves the qualifierList based on the information provided. The resolved qualifiers are the result of validating and testing the qualifiers against the inherited qualifiers and qualifier declarations. The qualifier list contains the set of resolved qualifiers when the function is complete. Resolution includes: 1. Determining if the qualifier is declared (obtainable form declContext). 2. Qualifier is same type as declaration 3. Valid for the scope provided (Qualifier scope contains the provided scope). 4. Whether qualifier can be overridden. 5. Whether it should be propagated to subclass If a qualifier can be overridden it is put into the qualifiers array.
- There are a number of different
declContext - Declaration context for this resolution (ex repository, simple)
nameSpace - Namespace in which to find the declaration.
scope - - Scope of the entity doing the resolution (ex. Class, association, etc.)
isInstancePart - - TBD
inheritedQualifiers - - CimQualifierList defining List of inherited qualifiers
propagateQualifiers - Boolean indicator whether to propagate qualifiers.

ovoid toXml(Array<char>& out) const

ovoid toMof(Array<char>& out) const

ovoid print(PEGASUS_STD(ostream) &o=PEGASUS_STD(cout)) const

oBoolean identical(const CIMQualifierList& x) const

ovoid cloneTo(CIMQualifierList& x) const

This class has no child classes.

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