In file ../../src/Pegasus/Common/CIMScope.h:


The CIMScope class implements the concept of the scope of a CIM qualifier object.


The CIMScope class implements the concept of the scope of a CIM qualifier object. The scope of a qualifier defines the set of types of CIM objects with which the qualifier may be used. The possible values are: NONE, CLASS, ASSOCIATION, INDICATION, PROPERTY, REFERENCE, METHOD, PARAMETER, ANY. The scope is a set of one or more of these possible values. The value "NONE" implies a CIMScope object that has not yet been assigned a value (uninitialized). It is not a valid value for the scope of a qualifier object. The value "ANY" means that the qualifier may be used with any of the CIM object types, and is equivalent to listing each of the object types in the scope.


Public Fields

[more]static const CIMScope NONE
Indicates that the CIMScope object has no value (is uninitialized)
[more]static const CIMScope CLASS
Indicates that the qualifier may be used with classes
[more]static const CIMScope ASSOCIATION
Indicates that the qualifier may be used with associations
[more]static const CIMScope INDICATION
Indicates that the qualifier may be used with indications
[more]static const CIMScope PROPERTY
Indicates that the qualifier may be used with properties
[more]static const CIMScope REFERENCE
Indicates that the qualifier may be used with references
[more]static const CIMScope METHOD
Indicates that the qualifier may be used with methods
[more]static const CIMScope PARAMETER
Indicates that the qualifier may be used with parameters
[more]static const CIMScope ANY
Indicates that the qualifier may be used with any of the types of objects (classes, associations, indications, properties, references, methods, parameters)

Public Methods

[more] CIMScope ()
Constructs a CIMScope object with no value set (default constructor).
[more] CIMScope (const CIMScope & scope)
Constructs a CIMScope object from an existing CIMScope object (copy constructor).
[more]CIMScope& operator= (const CIMScope & scope)
Assigns the value of one CIMScope object to another (assignment operator).
[more]Boolean hasScope (const CIMScope & scope) const
Determines if every value in the specified CIMScope object is included in this CIMScope object.
[more]void addScope (const CIMScope & scope)
Adds the specified scope value to the CIMScope object.
[more]Boolean equal (const CIMScope & scope) const
Compares two CIMScope objects.
[more]CIMScope operator+ (const CIMScope & scope) const
Combines two CIMScope objects.
[more]String toString () const
Returns a String representation of the CIMScope object.

o CIMScope()
Constructs a CIMScope object with no value set (default constructor). The values are null.

o CIMScope(const CIMScope & scope)
Constructs a CIMScope object from an existing CIMScope object (copy constructor).
scope - Specifies an instance of CIMScope object.

oCIMScope& operator= (const CIMScope & scope)
Assigns the value of one CIMScope object to another (assignment operator).
scope - Specifies the name of a CIMScope object that contains the values that you want to assign to another CIMScope object.
The CIMScope object with the values of the specified CIMScope object. For example:
CIMScope s0;
CIMScope s1(s0);
The values in CIMScope s0 are assigned to the CIMScope s1 instance.

oBoolean hasScope(const CIMScope & scope) const
Determines if every value in the specified CIMScope object is included in this CIMScope object.
scope - - Specifies a name of a CIMScope object.
True if every value in the specified CIMScope object is included in the CIMScope object; otherwise, false.

ovoid addScope(const CIMScope & scope)
Adds the specified scope value to the CIMScope object.
scope - - Specifies a scope value. For example:
CIMScope s0;
s0.addScope (CIMScope::INDICATION);
if(s0.hasScope (CIMScope::INDICATION))
...				..

oBoolean equal(const CIMScope & scope) const
Compares two CIMScope objects.
scope - - Specifies a CIMScope object.
True if the two CIMScope objects are equal; otherwise, false. For example,
CIMScope s0;
s0.addScope (CIMScope::CLASS + CIMScope::PARAMETER);
if(s0.hasScope (CIMScope::CLASS))
...	..

oCIMScope operator+ (const CIMScope & scope) const
Combines two CIMScope objects.
scope - - Specifies a CIMScope object to add.
A new CIMScope object that represents the combination of this scope object with the specified scope object.
CIMScope s0(CIMScope::CLASS);
CIMScope s3 = s0 + S1;

oString toString() const
Returns a String representation of the CIMScope object. This method is for diagnostic purposes. The format of the output is subject to change.

ostatic const CIMScope NONE
Indicates that the CIMScope object has no value (is uninitialized)

ostatic const CIMScope CLASS
Indicates that the qualifier may be used with classes

ostatic const CIMScope ASSOCIATION
Indicates that the qualifier may be used with associations

ostatic const CIMScope INDICATION
Indicates that the qualifier may be used with indications

ostatic const CIMScope PROPERTY
Indicates that the qualifier may be used with properties

ostatic const CIMScope REFERENCE
Indicates that the qualifier may be used with references

ostatic const CIMScope METHOD
Indicates that the qualifier may be used with methods

ostatic const CIMScope PARAMETER
Indicates that the qualifier may be used with parameters

ostatic const CIMScope ANY
Indicates that the qualifier may be used with any of the types of objects (classes, associations, indications, properties, references, methods, parameters)

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