In file ../../src/Pegasus/Common/OperationContext.h:

class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE OperationContext

Contains context information from clients in objects referred to as containers.


Contains context information from clients in objects referred to as containers.

The OperationContext class carries information about the context in which the client program issued the request. The OperationContext class contains containers that specify types of information. Currently, the only supported container is the container that specifies the identity of the user. Providers must use the user container to determine whether the requested operation should be permitted on behalf of the issuing user.

For example, providers can get the user name information from the IdentityContext in an OperationContext as shown below:

    IdentityContainer container(context.get(IdentityContainer::NAME));
    String userName = container.getUserName();


Public Methods

[more] OperationContext (void)
REVIEWERS:Insert description here.
[more] OperationContext (const OperationContext & context)
REVIEWERS:Insert description here.
[more]virtual ~OperationContext (void)
REVIEWERS:Insert description here.
[more]OperationContext& operator= (const OperationContext & context)
REVIEWERS:Insert description here.
[more]void clear (void)
REVIEWERS:Insert description here.
[more]const Container& get (const String& containerName) const
This operation is used to retrieve the container based on the key name.
[more]void set (const Container & container)
REVIEWERS:Insert description here.
[more]void insert (const Container & container)
REVIEWERS:Insert description here.
[more]void remove (const String& containerName)
REVIEWERS:Insert description here.

Public Members

An element of client context information.

o OperationContext(void)
REVIEWERS:Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions?

o OperationContext(const OperationContext & context)
REVIEWERS:Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions?
context - Specifies the name of the OperationContext container.

ovirtual ~OperationContext(void)
REVIEWERS:Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions?

oOperationContext& operator=(const OperationContext & context)
REVIEWERS:Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions?
context - Specifies the name of the OperationContext container.

ovoid clear(void)
REVIEWERS:Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions?

oconst Container& get(const String& containerName) const
This operation is used to retrieve the container based on the key name. Note: If the key is not present, the Exception("Common.OperationContext.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND") is thrown.
containerName - Specifies the name of the String container.

ovoid set(const Container & container)
REVIEWERS:Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions?
container - Specifies the name of the container.

ovoid insert(const Container & container)
REVIEWERS:Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions?
container - Specifies the name of the container.

ovoid remove(const String& containerName)
REVIEWERS:Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions?
containerName - Specifies the name of the container.

This class has no child classes.

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