In file ../../src/Pegasus/Common/CIMProperty.h:


The CIMProperty class is used to represent CIM properties in Pegasus.


The CIMProperty class is used to represent CIM properties in Pegasus. A CIM Property consists of the following entities;

  • Name of the property, a CIMName. Functions are provided to manipulate the name. The name must be a legal name for a CIMProperty CIMName.
  • CIMType of the value of the property, a CIMType.
  • CIMValue - The value of the property corresponding to the Type defined. Properties can have either single values or arrays of values. Functions are provided to allow definition and query of the characteristics of the value (isArray(), getArraySize()).

  • Optional CIMQualifiers for the property. A property can contain zero or more CIMQualifiers and functions are provided to manipulate the list of CIMQualifiers
In addition, internally, there are the following additional attributes that are part of a CIMProperty.
  • propagated - attributed defining whether this CIMMethod is propagated from a superclass. Note that this is normally set as part of completing the definition of objects (resolving) when they are placed in a repository and is NOT automatically set when creating a local object. It is part of the context of the object within the repository. It can only logically be set in context of the superclass of which this CIMProperty is defined.
  • ClassOrigin - attribute defining the superclass in which this CIMProperty was originally defined. This is normally set as part of resolving Class and instances in the context of other objects (i.e. a repository). This attribute is available from objects retrieved from the repository, for example and indicates the Class/Instance in the hiearchy (this object or a superclass or instance of a superclass)was originally defined. Together the propagated and ClassOrigin attributes can be used to determine if methods originated with the current object or were inherited from higher levels in the hiearchy.
Normally CIMProperties are defined in the context of CIMClasses and CIMInstances. A CIMClass or CIMInstance can include zero or more CIMProperties. CIMProperty is a shared class so that assignment and copy operators do not create new copies of the data representing a CIMMethod object but point back to the original object and the lifecycle of the original object is controlled by the accumulative lifecycle of any copies and assigned objects. Classes


Public Methods

[more] CIMProperty ()
Creates a new Null CIMProperty object.
[more] CIMProperty (const CIMProperty& x)
Constructs a CIMPropery object from another CIMProperty object.
[more] CIMProperty ( const CIMName& name, const CIMValue& value, Uint32 arraySize = 0, const CIMName& referenceClassName = CIMName(), const CIMName& classOrigin = CIMName(), Boolean propagated = false)
Constructs a CIMProperty with the specified attributes.
[more] ~CIMProperty ()
Destructs the CIMProperty object
[more]CIMProperty& operator= (const CIMProperty& x)
REVIEWERS: Insert description here.
[more]const CIMName& getName () const
Gets the name of the property.
[more]void setName (const CIMName& name)
Set the property name.
[more]const CIMValue& getValue () const
Get the value of the property.
[more]CIMType getType () const
Get the type of the property.
[more]Boolean isArray () const
Check if the property is an array type.
[more]void setValue (const CIMValue& value)
Sets the Value in the Property object from the input parameter.
[more]Uint32 getArraySize () const
Gets the arraysize parameter from the property.
[more]const CIMName& getReferenceClassName () const
Gets the referenceClassName.
[more]const CIMName& getClassOrigin () const
Gets the classOrigin field from the property object.
[more]void setClassOrigin (const CIMName& classOrigin)
Sets the Class Origin attribute.
[more]Boolean getPropagated () const
Tests if this property is propagated.
[more]void setPropagated (Boolean propagated)
Sets the propagated attribute true or false.
[more]CIMProperty& addQualifier (const CIMQualifier& x)
Adds a qualifier object to the property and increases the qualifier count.
[more]Uint32 findQualifier (const CIMName& name) const
Finds the qualifier object defined by the name parameter if it is attached to this CIMProperty.
[more]CIMQualifier getQualifier (Uint32 index)
Gets the Qualifier object specified by the input parameter.
[more]CIMConstQualifier getQualifier (Uint32 index) const
Returns the qualifier at the specified index.
[more]void removeQualifier (Uint32 index)
Removes the CIMQualifier defined by the index input as a parameter.
[more]Uint32 getQualifierCount () const
Returns count of the number of qualifiers attached to the CIMProperty object.
[more]Boolean identical (const CIMConstProperty& x) const
Compares the CIMProperty object with another CIMProperty object defined by the input parameter.
[more]CIMProperty clone () const
Makes a deep copy (clone) of the given object.
[more]Boolean isUninitialized () const
Determines if the object has not been initialized.

o CIMProperty()
Creates a new Null CIMProperty object. CIMProperites created with this constructor are have no information the only operation that can be performed on them is to copy another object into the new object.
throws UninitializedObjectException() if any method except the copy function is executed against.
See Also:

o CIMProperty(const CIMProperty& x)
Constructs a CIMPropery object from another CIMProperty object. This method assigns the new object to the representation in the parameter and increments the representation count. It does NOT create a new independent object be creates a reference from the assigned object to the representation of the object being assigned.
x - CIMProperty object from which to create newCIMProperty object.
CIMProperty p1(CIMName ("name"), CIMTYPE_STRING);
const CIMProperty cp1(p1);

o CIMProperty( const CIMName& name, const CIMValue& value, Uint32 arraySize = 0, const CIMName& referenceClassName = CIMName(), const CIMName& classOrigin = CIMName(), Boolean propagated = false)
Constructs a CIMProperty with the specified attributes. Note that all attributes are optional except for the name and value.
name - Specifies the name of the CIMproperty. This must be a legal CIMProperty name.
value - Specifies the name of the CIMValue property.
arraySize - Specifies the size of array, if fixed array size (optional).
referenceClassName - CIMName parameter that defines the reference class name for the property. This parameter is required if the property is type CIMObjectPath. (optional)
classOrigin - CIMName parameter to define the class origin of the property (optional).
propagated - If true, this parameter defines the property as propagated (optional).
The constructed CIM property object.

o ~CIMProperty()
Destructs the CIMProperty object

oCIMProperty& operator=(const CIMProperty& x)
REVIEWERS: Insert description here.
x - REVIEWERS: Insert description here.

oconst CIMName& getName() const
Gets the name of the property.
CIMName containing the property name. For example,
CIMProperty p1("count", Uint32(231));
assert(p1.getName() == "count");

ovoid setName(const CIMName& name)
Set the property name.
name - Specifies the CIMName that contains the name for the parameter name.

oconst CIMValue& getValue() const
Get the value of the property.

oCIMType getType() const
Get the type of the property.

oBoolean isArray() const
Check if the property is an array type.

ovoid setValue(const CIMValue& value)
Sets the Value in the Property object from the input parameter.
value - Specifies the CIMValue that contains the value to be put into the property.

oUint32 getArraySize() const
Gets the arraysize parameter from the property.
Uint32 with the arraysize.

oconst CIMName& getReferenceClassName() const
Gets the referenceClassName.
CIMName containing the referenceClassName if this is a reference property or empty if another CIMType.

oconst CIMName& getClassOrigin() const
Gets the classOrigin field from the property object.
CIMName with classOrigin name. This will be a string with the name of the originating class for the property or empty if this is the originating class.

ovoid setClassOrigin(const CIMName& classOrigin)
Sets the Class Origin attribute.
classOrigin - Specifies the CIMName that contains the classOrigin.

oBoolean getPropagated() const
Tests if this property is propagated.
True if the class is propagated; otherwise, false.

ovoid setPropagated(Boolean propagated)
Sets the propagated attribute true or false.
x - Specifies a true or false value that represents the propagated state to be set.

oCIMProperty& addQualifier(const CIMQualifier& x)
Adds a qualifier object to the property and increases the qualifier count.
AlreadyExistsException True if the qualifier already exists; otherwise, false..
x - CIMQualifier object to be added.
The resulting CIMProperpty.

oUint32 findQualifier(const CIMName& name) const
Finds the qualifier object defined by the name parameter if it is attached to this CIMProperty.
name - CIMName parameter that defines the name of Qualifier object.
Position of the qualifier object or PEG_NOT_FOUND (-1), if not found.

oCIMQualifier getQualifier(Uint32 index)
Gets the Qualifier object specified by the input parameter.
IndexOutOfBoundsException If index is outside range of Qualifiers in this property object; otherwise, false.
index - Index parameter for the Qualifier object to be retrieved.
CIMQualifier object at specified index.

oCIMConstQualifier getQualifier(Uint32 index) const
Returns the qualifier at the specified index.
IndexOutOfBoundsException If index is outside the range of qualifiers that exist for the property; otherwise, false.
index - Specifies the index of the qualifier. The index is obtained from the findQualifier method.
The qualifier object.

ovoid removeQualifier(Uint32 index)
Removes the CIMQualifier defined by the index input as a parameter.
IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is outside the range of qualifiers in this property object; otherwise, false.
index - Index of the qualifier requested.

oUint32 getQualifierCount() const
Returns count of the number of qualifiers attached to the CIMProperty object.
Count of the number of CIMQualifier objects attached to the CIMProperty object.

oBoolean identical(const CIMConstProperty& x) const
Compares the CIMProperty object with another CIMProperty object defined by the input parameter.
x - CIMPropery object for comparison.
True if the objects are identical; otherwise, false.

oCIMProperty clone() const
Makes a deep copy (clone) of the given object.
Copy of the CIMProperty object.

oBoolean isUninitialized() const
Determines if the object has not been initialized.
True if the object has not been initialized; otherwise, false.

This class has no child classes.
class CIMConstProperty
class CIMClassRep
class CIMInstanceRep
class Resolver
class XmlWriter
class MofWriter
class BinaryStreamer
See Also:

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java