In file ../../src/Pegasus/Common/CIMParameter.h:


This class provides the interface to construct and manage CIM Parameters.


This class provides the interface to construct and manage CIM Parameters. CIM Parameters are the parameters attached to CIMMethods. A CIM Parameter consists of:
  • qualifiers - zero or more qualifiers.
  • name - The name of the parameter which must be a valid CIM name.
  • type - The type for the parameter, one of the inherent CIM types
  • value - Which is dependent on the type. The value can be
    • a reference type. In this class the value is a Class reference. This must be a single value
    • an array (fixed or variable number of elements) or a single value with any CIMType other than reference. The input parameters allow specifying these conditions.

ATTN: Define the form of this objec, the rep and what it means.


Public Methods

[more] CIMParameter ()
Construct a NULL CIMParameter object
[more] CIMParameter (const CIMParameter& x)
Construct a CIMParameter from another CIMParameter
[more] CIMParameter ( const CIMName& name, CIMType type, Boolean isArray = false, Uint32 arraySize = 0, const CIMName& referenceClassName = CIMName())
Constructs a CIMParameter object with properties.
[more] ~CIMParameter ()
Destroys the object
[more]CIMParameter& operator= (const CIMParameter& x)
Assignment operator.
[more]const CIMName& getName () const
Get the name from the CIMParameter object.
[more]void setName (const CIMName& name)
Set the name field in the object with a valid CIMName
[more]Boolean isArray () const
Test for Array type for this parameter object.
[more]Uint32 getArraySize () const
Get the array size for the parameter.
[more]const CIMName& getReferenceClassName () const
[more]CIMType getType () const
Get the type (CIMTYPE) defined for this parameter.
[more]CIMParameter& addQualifier (const CIMQualifier& x)
Add a single qualifier object to the CIMParameter.
[more]Uint32 findQualifier (const CIMName& name) const
Find a qualifier by name.
[more]CIMQualifier getQualifier (Uint32 index)
Get qualifier at index defined by input.
[more]void removeQualifier (Uint32 index)
Removes the CIMQualifier defined by the input parameter.
[more]CIMConstQualifier getQualifier (Uint32 index) const
Get qualifier at index defined by input.
[more]Uint32 getQualifierCount () const
Gets the count of qualifiers attached to this CIMParameter.
[more]Boolean isUninitialized () const
Determines if the object has not been initialized.
[more]Boolean identical (const CIMConstParameter& x) const
[more]CIMParameter clone () const
Creates a deep copy, ie.

o CIMParameter()
Construct a NULL CIMParameter object

o CIMParameter(const CIMParameter& x)
Construct a CIMParameter from another CIMParameter
- CIMParameter from which the new object is to be constructed

o CIMParameter( const CIMName& name, CIMType type, Boolean isArray = false, Uint32 arraySize = 0, const CIMName& referenceClassName = CIMName())
Constructs a CIMParameter object with properties. The Properties Must include name and type and may include the indicator whether this is an array or not, the size of the array and a reference class name.
TypeMismatchException Thrown if reference type and referenceClassname is Null.
TypeMismatchException Thrown if arraysize != zero and isArray true.
name - Name of the parameter, a legal CIMName.
type - CIMType defining the CIM Type for this parameter
- isArray Boolean indicating whether this parameter defines an array.
arraySize - Size of the array if this is to be a fixed size array parameter. The default is zero which indicates a variable size array.
referenceClassName - Optional property but required for reference type parameters. This defines the class for the reference.

o ~CIMParameter()
Destroys the object

oCIMParameter& operator=(const CIMParameter& x)
Assignment operator. Assigns one CIMParameter to another CIMParameter

oconst CIMName& getName() const
Get the name from the CIMParameter object.
CIMName containing the name from the object.

ovoid setName(const CIMName& name)
Set the name field in the object with a valid CIMName
name - CIMName to set into the name field.

oBoolean isArray() const
Test for Array type for this parameter object.
true if the value for this parameter is defined as an array (is array = true).

oUint32 getArraySize() const
Get the array size for the parameter.
Uint32 array size.

oconst CIMName& getReferenceClassName() const

oCIMType getType() const
Get the type (CIMTYPE) defined for this parameter. If the parameter is not initialized the type returned is TBD.
the type for this parameter defined as a CIMTYPE object.

oCIMParameter& addQualifier(const CIMQualifier& x)
Add a single qualifier object to the CIMParameter.
AlreadyExistsException if a qualifier with the same name already exists for this CIMParameter.
x - CIMQualifier object to be added.

oUint32 findQualifier(const CIMName& name) const
Find a qualifier by name. Finds a single qualifier based on the name input as parameter and returns an index to the name.
name - CIMName with the name of the qualifier to be found
Uint32 with either the index (zero origin) of the parameter that was to be found or the value PEG_NOT_FOUND if no parameter is found with the defined name.

oCIMQualifier getQualifier(Uint32 index)
Get qualifier at index defined by input. Gets the qualifier in the array of qualifiers for this parameter defined by the index provided on input.
IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown if index outside the array of qualifiers.
index - Specifies the position in the qualifier array of the qualifier to be retrieved
CIMQualifier object containing the qualifer defined by the index

ovoid removeQualifier(Uint32 index)
Removes the CIMQualifier defined by the input parameter.
IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is outside the range of qualifiers available for the CIMParameter.
IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown if index outside the array of qualifiers.
index - Index of the qualifier to be removed.

oCIMConstQualifier getQualifier(Uint32 index) const
Get qualifier at index defined by input. Gets the qualifier in the array of qualifiers for this parameter defined by the index provided on input.
IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown if index outside the array of qualifiers.
index - Specifies the position in the qualifier array of the qualifier to be retrieved
CIMQualifier object containing the qualifer defined by the index

oUint32 getQualifierCount() const
Gets the count of qualifiers attached to this CIMParameter.
count of number of qualifiers that have been added to this CIMparameter.
loop to access all qualifiers in a CIMparameter
CIMParameter parm;
....                build the parameter
for (Uint32 i = 0 ; i < parm.getQualifierCount() ; i++

oBoolean isUninitialized() const
Determines if the object has not been initialized. A CIM parameter is intialized only when the name and type fields have been set either on construction or through the set functions.
true if the object has not been initialized, false otherwise.

oBoolean identical(const CIMConstParameter& x) const

oCIMParameter clone() const
Creates a deep copy, ie. a clone, of the associated object.
The deep copy of the associated object.

This class has no child classes.
class CIMConstParameter
class Resolver
class XmlWriter
class MofWriter
class BinaryStreamer

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java