In file ../../src/Pegasus/Consumer/CIMIndicationConsumer.h:

class CIMIndicationConsumer

This class defines the set of methods implemented by an indication consumer provider.


This class defines the set of methods implemented by an indication consumer provider. A provider that derives from this class must implement all methods. The minimal method implementation simply throw the NotSupported exception.


Public Methods

[more] CIMIndicationConsumer (void)
[more]virtual ~CIMIndicationConsumer (void)
[more]virtual void consumeIndication ( const OperationContext & context, const String & url, const CIMInstance& indicationInstance)

o CIMIndicationConsumer(void)

ovirtual ~CIMIndicationConsumer(void)

ovirtual void consumeIndication( const OperationContext & context, const String & url, const CIMInstance& indicationInstance) = 0
context - contains security and locale information relevant for the lifetime of this operation.
url -
indicationInstance -

This class has no child classes.

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