In file ../../src/Pegasus/Client/CIMServerDiscovery.h:


Purpose: allow some flexibility in the nature of the SLP srv requests, particularly to permit unicast da requests, passing of scopes and spi parameters etc


Purpose: allow some flexibility in the nature of the SLP srv requests, particularly to permit unicast da requests, passing of scopes and spi parameters etc

[more] SLPClientOptions()
Constructs an empty object.
[more] ~SLPClientOptions()
Destroys object and contained string values
[more]void print() const
For debugging

o SLPClientOptions()
Constructs an empty object. User must strdup the string values during initialistation, which are then freed automatically during destruction

o ~SLPClientOptions()
Destroys object and contained string values

ovoid print() const
For debugging

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