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TITLE: move slp_client out of Pegasus to Pegasus_Unspported

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Internet Engineering Task Force                  Erik Guttman
INTERNET DRAFT                                    James Kempf
Category: Standards Track
Obsoletes: 2608
August 4, 2002

                  Service Location Protocol, Version 2

Status of this Memo

   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
   all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.

   Comments on this document should be sent to the SLP discussion list,

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents of the Internet Engineering Task
   valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or
   obsoleted by other documents at any time.  It is inappropriate to use
   Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as
   "work in progress."  See http://www.ietf.org/ietf/1id-abstracts.txt.
   Find shadow directories at http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html.

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001).  All Rights Reserved.


   The Service Location Protocol provides a scalable framework for the
   discovery and selection of network services.  Using this protocol,
   computers using the Internet need little or no static configuration
   of network services for network based applications.  This is
   especially important as computers become more portable, and users
   less tolerant or able to fulfill the demands of network system
   administration.  This document updates SLPv2, adding clarifications
   and removing features which were neither widely implemented or deemed


   Authors of previous versions of SLP listed alphabetically are Mike
   Day, Erik Guttman, Scott Kaplan, Charles Perkins and John Veizades.
   Contributors to this version include (in alphabetical order) Kevin
   Arnold, Erik Guttman, Evan Hughes, Terry Lambert, Jim Mayer, Ira
   McDonald, Mikael Pahmp, Matt Peterson and Weibin Zhao.

1. Introduction

   The Service Location Protocol (SLP) provides a flexible and scalable
   framework for provisioning network nodes with information on the

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   existence, location, and configuration of networked services.  Users
   have had to manually configure the location of services by typing in
   their domain names or IP addresses.  SLP eliminates this requirement:
   the user supplies the desired type of service and a set of attributes
   that describe the service.  Based on that description, SLP returns
   all required information to communicate with the service.

   SLP is a dynamic configuration mechanism for applications in networks
   under a common administration.  Client applications using SLP may
   find available services offered by hosts attached on any network
   within an enterprise.

   This document obsoletes SLPv2 [RFC2608], correcting protocol errors
   and removing some requirements.  A separate SLPv2 applicability
   statement [SLPv2AS] describes both the protocol's domain of
   applicability as well as the interoperability of this specification
   with prior versions of the protocol.

2. Terminology and Conventions used in this Document

      An Attribute consists of a tag and a list of typed values.  An
      Attribute without a value list, called a "keyword" attribute, may
      also appear. Attributes are used to describe instances of a
      service type.

   Directory Agent (DA)
      A network element that collects and caches service advertisements.
      There can only be one DA present per host.

   Directory Agent (DA) Service Type
      The Directory Agent Service Type is the service type
      "service:directory-agent".  It is used to discover DAs.

   Naming Authority
      The agency or group that catalogues Service Types and Attributes.
      The default Naming Authority is IANA.  Except for the default
      Naming Authority, requires not describing string, a Naming
      Authority is described by a short string.

   Network Element
      A software process capable of network communication.

      A named collection of service advertisements, making up a logical
      administrative group.

   Service Advertisement
      The set consisting of a Service Type, a Service URL, a list of
      Scopes, a Language Tag, a List of Attributes and a lifetime,
      indicating how long the advertisement is valid. This set serves to

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      describe the service and provide information on its location,
      availability, and language locale.

   Service Agent (SA)
      A network element working on the behalf of services to advertise

   Service Agent (SA) Service Type
      The Service Agent Service Type is the service type
      "service:service-agent". It is used to discover and advertise SAs.

   Service Template
      A structured description of a service, including the Service Type,
      Service URL, and Attributes. See [RFC2609].

   Service Type
      A short string describing the service.  Each type of service has a
      unique Service Type string.  The default service type for a
      'generic' URI is its scheme name.  For example, the service type
      string for "http://www.srvloc.org" is "http".

   Service URL
      A Service URL serves two functions in SLP.  First, it is a handle
      to refer to a service advertisement, for purposes of registration,
      deregistration or requesting associated attributes.  Second, the
      Service URL may indicate the location of a service.  A service URL
      may be of the service: scheme [RFC2609] or any other scheme
      conforming to the URI standard [RFC2396].

   User Agent (UA)
      A network element working on the user's behalf to establish
      contact with some service.  The UA retrieves service information
      from the Service Agents (SAs) or DAs.

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

   In packet diagrams, an explicit length field may be followed by a
   variable length field. Variable length fields are terminated by a
   backslash ('\').  Fields are not aligned to 4 byte boundaries.

3. Protocol Overview

   In SLP, service discovery support for a client application is
   provided by  a UA.  Service advertising support for a service is
   provided by an SA.  A third network element, the DA, provides
   scalability to the protocol.

   To discover a service using SLP, the UA MUST issue a Service Request
   (SrvRqst) on behalf of a client application.  The SrvRqst specifies

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   the characteristics of a service required by the client.  The UA MUST
   receive one or more Service Reply (SrvRply) specifying the location
   of all services in the network that match the conditions supplied in
   the SrvRqst, if the request was successful.

   The SLP framework allows a UA to directly issue requests to SAs.
   Such requests SHOULD be multicast.  A SA MUST unicast a reply to the
   UA, containing a Service URL and other information, if the SA
   advertises a service matching the request.

      +------------+ ----Multicast SrvRqst----> +---------------+
      | User Agent |                            | Service Agent |
      +------------+ <----Unicast SrvRply------ +---------------+

   In larger networks, one or more DAs are used.  A DA functions as a
   cache.  If DAs are in use, SAs MUST send Service Registration
   (SrvReg) messages, containing all the services they advertise to DAs.
   SAs MUST receive Service Acknowledgements (SrvAck) messages in reply.
   Advertisements registered with DAs MUST be refreshed or they will
   expire, since each advertisement has a finite lifetime.  If DAs are
   in use, UAs MUST unicast requests to a DA instead of multicasting.
   Deploying DAs thereby  helps reduce the amount of multicast datagrams
   in a network.

 +-------+ -Unicast SrvRqst-> +-----------+ <-Unicast SrvReg- +--------+
 | User  |                    | Directory |                   |Service |
 | Agent |                    |   Agent   |                   | Agent  |
 +-------+ <-Unicast SrvRply- +-----------+ -Unicast SrvAck-> +--------+

   There are three possible ways for UAs and SAs to discover DAs.  In
   each case, the agent obtains a DA Advertisement (DAAdvert):

    1) Issue a multicast SrvRqst for the DA Service Type when they start
       up, and receive a unicast advertisement in reply,

    2) Listen for unsolicited advertisements that are  sent periodically
       by Directory Agents,

    3) Obtain Directory Agent addresses via DHCP or static
       configuration, issue a unicast SrvRqst for the Directory Agent
       Service Type, and receive a unicast DAAdvert in reply.

        +---------------+ --Multicast SrvRqst-> +-----------+
        |    User or    | <--Unicast DAAdvert-- | Directory |
        | Service Agent |                       |   Agent   |
        +---------------+ <-Multicast DAAdvert- +-----------+

   Service advertisements are grouped into named sets called 'scopes'.
   Scope names are expressed as strings. A scope can indicate a
   location, administrative grouping, proximity in a network topology or
   some other category. The mapping between service advertisements and

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   scopes is at the discretion of the network administrator.  SAs and
   DAs MUST be configured with scopes.

   A UA MAY be assigned scopes, in which case the UA is only able to
   discover that particular grouping of services.  This allows a network
   administrator to assign services to particular groups of users.
   Alternatively, the UA MAY be configured with no scope at all.  In
   that case, the UA MUST discover all available scopes and a client
   application may issue requests for any service available on the

   In the following figure, the UA is configured with scopes X and Y. If
   a service is sought in scope X, the request MUST be multicast because
   no DA supports scope X. If a service is sought in scope Y, the
   request MUST be unicast to the DA.  If the request is made in both
   scopes, the request MUST be both unicast and multicast.

   +---------+   Multicast  +-----------+   Unicast   +-----------+
   | Service | <--SrvRqst-- |   User    | --SrvRqst-> | Directory |
   |  Agent  |              |   Agent   |             |   Agent   |
   | Scope=X |   Unicast    | Scope=X,Y |   Unicast   |  Scope=Y  |
   +---------+ --SrvRply--> +-----------+ <-SrvRply-- +-----------+

3.1 SLP Message Types

   Table 1 contains a brief summary of all SLP, along with the
   requirement level for the SLP agents. SAs MUST accept multicast and
   unicast SrvRqsts.  SAs SHOULD accept Attribute Requests (AttrRqsts),
   see Appendix B.  SAs MAY accept Service Type Requests (SrvTypeRqsts).
   SAs MUST listen for unsolicited multicast DA Advertisements. DAs MUST
   support all required and optional SLP message types in the table.  In
   the absence of multicast routing support in a network, broadcast MAY
   be used.

| Message              |CODE| UA | SA  | DA  | Purpose                 |
| Service Register     |  3 |    | MUST| MUST| Register a service (url,|
| (SrvReg)             |    | NA | send| recv| attrs, etc.) with a DA. |
| Service Deregister   |  4 |    | MAY | MUST| Deregisters a service   |
| (SrvDereg)           |    | NA | send| recv| from a DA.              |
| Service Acknowledge  |  5 |    | MUST| MUST| Contains a DA's response|
| (SrvAck)             |    | NA | recv| send| to SrvReg and SrvDereg. |
| Service Request      |  1 |MUST| MUST| MUST| Requests services that  |
| (SrvRqst)            |    |send|s & r| recv| match query criteria.   |
| Service Reply        |  2 |MUST| MUST| MUST| Returns services that   |
| (SrvRply)            |    |recv| send| send| match query criteria.   |

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| DA Advertisement     |  8 |MUST| MUST| MUST| Contains location, DA   |
| (DAAdvert)           |    |recv| recv| send| attributes and more.    |
| SA Advertisement     | 11 |MAY | MUST|     | Contains location, SA   |
| (SAAdvert)           |    |recv| send| NA  | attributes and more.    |
| Service Type Request |  9 |MAY | MAY | MUST| Requests available      |
| (SrvTypeRqst)        |    |send| recv| recv| service types.          |
| Service Type Reply   | 10 |MAY | MAY | MUST| Contains all available  |
| (SrvTypeRply)        |    |recv| send| send| service types.          |
| Attribute Request    |  6 |MAY |SHOULD MUST| Requests attributes for |
| (AttrRqst)           |    |send| recv| recv| a particular service.   |
| Attribute Reply      |  7 |MAY |SHOULD MUST| Contains all attributes |
| (AttrRply)           |    |recv| send| send| of a particular service.|

     Table 1 - Summary of Required and Optional SLP Message Types and
                             Requirement Level

4. Protocol Elements

All integer fields in SLP messages MUST be in network byte order.

4.1 Error Codes

If the Error Code in a SLP reply message is nonzero, the rest of the
message MAY be truncated.  No data is necessarily transmitted or should
be expected after the header and the error code, except if some optional
extensions are sent to clarify the error.

Errors MUST be return for unicast requests.  Multicast requests that
result in an error MUST BE silently discarded. A reply MUST NOT be sent
if a multicast request results in an error.

The following is a list of SLP error codes. Error codes marked with a
'*' can be returned in response to any request message, all others are
returned only for specific messages. Error codes returned for specific
messages are described in the sections where the messages are specified.

OK *                    0  The request was successful.

LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED  1  The request could not be processed
                           due to the Language Lag.  Resending
                           the request SHOULD NOT fail if
                           the default Language Tag 'en' is

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PARSE_ERROR *           2  The message fails to obey SLP syntax.
                           The error may be due to misalignment
                           in the binary format of the message, a
                           missing header Language Tag, a syntax
                           error in the header Language Tag, or a
                           syntax error in a message-specific
                           string such as a service query or
                           scope string.

INVALID_REGISTRATION    3  A problem occurred with the parameters
                           of a SrvReg or SrvDereg message, other
                           than with the syntax of string parameters.

SCOPE_NOT_SUPPORTED *   4  The scope-list lacks a supported scope.

VER_NOT_SUPPORTED *     9  The SLP version number is not supported.

INTERNAL_ERROR *       10  The DA or SA failed for some reason.

DA_BUSY_NOW *          11  The DA is currently busy processing other
                           requests.  The UA or SA SHOULD retry,
                           using exponential back off.

OPTION_NOT_UNDERSTOOD *12  The DA or SA received an unknown SLP
                           option from the mandatory range.

INVALID_UPDATE         13  A SrvReg was received without the
                           FRESH bit set.

MSG_NOT_SUPPORTED      14  The SA received an unsupported request.

REFRESH_REJECTED       15  The SA sent a SrvReg with too low a lifetime.
                           The SA SHOULD consult the DA's minimum
                           refresh interval attribute (Section 9.4)
                           for the minimum advertisement lifetime.

4.2 SLP Message Header

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |    Version    |     Code      |            Length             |
     | Length, contd.|O|F|R|       Reserved          |Next Ext Offset|
     |  Next Extension Offset, contd.|              XID              |
     |      Language Tag Length      |         Language Tag          \

   All SLP messages begin with this header.

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    - Version:
      This field MUST be set to 2.  Else, a VER_NOT_SUPPORTED error

    - Code:
      Identifies the messsage type, see Table 1.  Any value outside
      those defined in Table 1 or standards track protocols extending
      SLP MUST be treated as a PARSE_ERROR result.

    - Length:
      Three byte unsigned integer containing the number of bytes in the
      SLP message including the header.

    - Flags:
      O     Field is (0x80).  "OVERFLOW" MUST be set to 1 when a message
            length exceeds the path MTU and the message contents doesn't
            fit into a datagram.  See Section 5.1.3.  Otherwise, MUST be

      F     Field is (0x40).  "FRESH" MUST be set to 1 on every SrvReg.
            Otherwise, MUST be 0.

      R     Field is (0x20).  "REQUEST MCAST" MUST be set when
            multicasting or broadcasting requests.  Otherwise, MUST be

            This bits MUST be set to zero on transmission and ignored on
            reception. See Section 4.5.

    - Next Extension Offset:
      MUST be set to 0 unless the message has any extensions.  If the
      message has extensions, MUST contain the offset from the beginning
      of the message, in bytes, to the first extension header.
      Extensions SHOULD come after the message body.  See Section 7.1.

    - XID:
      The Transaction Identifier MUST be set to a unique value for each
      unique request.  See Section 9 for the special case of unsolicited

    - Lang Tag Length:
      Two byte unsigned integer giving the length in bytes of the
      Language Tag field.  MUST NOT be zero.

    - Language Tag:
      MUST contain a variable length field, RFC 3066 [RFC3066] language
      local string.  This specifies the language locale for all human
      readable strings in the message.  See Section 14.

   A PARSE_ERROR results if the header is syntactically incorrect.

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4.3 Strings

   Strings in SLP messages MUST be encoded using UTF-8 [RFC2279].
   Strings MUST not be null terminated and MUST always be preceded by a
   two byte unsigned length field indicating the number of bytes that
   follow.  Optional strings MAY be omitted.  In this case, the Length
   field is set to zero and the string MUST be absent.

   The specifications for the syntax of string-based protocol elements
   in this document conform to ABNF [RFC2234].

4.3.1 General String Comparisons

   String comparisons MUST NOT be case sensitive. For example "STRING1"
   is equal to "String1" and is also equal to "string1".  This
   corresponds to the LDAPv3 string matching rule caseIgnoreMatch.

   WARNING! SPECIAL CASE: caseIgnoreMatch specifies that leading and
   trailing spaces in strings are elided before string comparison is
   performed.  This feature is not supported in SLPv2.  White spaces in
   strings MUST NOT be elided for the purposes of string comparison.
   For example, "string1 " is not equal " string1" nor is it equal to

   In practice this means that (a) UTF-8 based strings are converted to
   Unicode, (b) comparisons are done on the basis of numerical magnitude
   ordering except that (c) case folding occurs according to specific
   code page rules.  'a' (0x0041) and 'A' (0x0061) are equivalent, as
   are "u umlaut" (0x00db) and "U umlaut" (0x00fb), both offset by 0x20.
   Note that on other code pages the offset is different - as Cyrillic
   "e accent aigue" (0x4400) and "E accent aigue" (0x4450) are offset by

4.3.2 Lists

   A List is a comma delimited set of strings, which can be of zero
   length.  Since the list is comma delimited, the comma is a reserved
   character in string list items.  A comma must be escaped to be
   considered as a data item.  For example "a\2Cb,c\2Cd" is a string
   list with two items "a\2Cb" and "c\2Cd".  These items include escaped
   commas; un-escaped they are "a,b" and "c,d" respectively.

4.3.3 Previous Responder List

   The Previous Responder List (PR List) is a List of dotted decimal
   notation IPv4 addresses.

   When SLP messages are unicast, PR lists MUST be ignored.  When SLP
   SrvRqst, SrvTypeRqst, and AttrRqst messages are multicast, they
   SHOULD contain a PR List (see Section 4.3.1) indicating all

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   responders from which the sender has received replies.  Each
   responder's IP address (in dotted decimal form) SHOULD be added to
   form the new List before the request is multicast again.

   Any DA or SA that sees its address in the PR List SHOULD NOT respond
   to the request. PR Lists MUST NOT be used with unicast requests.

   A multicast request message with a PR List SHOULD be retransmitted
   until either: a) no further responses are elicited, b) the PR List
   and the request will not fit into a single datagram, or: c)
   CONFIG_MC_MAX seconds have elapsed.

   A syntax error in a PR List results in a PARSE_ERROR, and the
   response is suppressed because PR Lists are only be used with
   multicast requests.

4.3.4 Service Type

   The Service Type is a string parameter in SrvRqst and SrvReg
   messages. The syntax of the Service Type is:

      service-type       = generic-uri-scheme / service-scheme
      generic-uri-scheme = ALPHA *( alpha / digit / '+' / '-' / '.' )
      service-scheme     = "service:" type ['.' na ] [':' type ]
      type               = 1*(alpha / digit / '+' / '-' )
      na                 = 1*(alpha / digit / '+' / '-' )
                          ; The naming authority field SHOULD have the
                          ; form described in [vendorext]

   Service Types MUST match with case insensitive string comparison.

   WARNING! SPECIAL CASE:  If the "service:" scheme [RFC2609] is used,
   special matching rules apply.

   A service type string which begins with "service:" is followed by
   either one or two "type" fields.

   The first type field after the "service:" scheme MAY have a naming
   authority string associated with it.  If so, the type is considered
   unique.  Example: "service:a" does not match "service:a.93439".  This
   naming authority field allows for vendor extension and is NOT
   RECOMMENDED. [vendorext] The default Naming Authority is IANA. A
   Service Type that is registered with IANA MUST NOT contain a Naming
   Authority string.

   A service type string beginning with "service:" followed by one type
   field will match service type strings of that form, whether they have
   one or two type fields which follow.  Example: "service:a" matches
   "service:a" and "service:a:b".  And: "service:a.1234" matches
   "service:a.1234:b" but it does not match "service:a:b".

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   A syntax error in a Service Type name MUST result in the return of a
   PARSE ERROR to the sending agent, if the request was unicast.

4.3.5 Scope List

   With two exceptions, all requests, service advertisement
   registrations, and service advertisement deregistrations MUST contain
   a Scope List.  SLP messages that fail to contain a Scope list or that
   contain a Scope List having no Scopes for which the receiving agent
   is configured MUST BE either dropped, if the request was multicast,
   or result in a SCOPE_NOT_SUPPORTED error in reply, if the request was

   The two exceptions are SrvRqsts for the DA Service Type and for the
   SA Service Type. These MAY be transmitted without a Scope List if the
   transmitting agent is interested in obtaining a list of all
   configured Scopes supported by the replying DA or SA.

   Scope Lists in SLPv2 are a comma delimited list of scope strings.
   Scope strings have reserved characters which must be expressed as
   escape values if they are to be included in the scope name.

      reserved   = '(' / ')' / ',' / '\' / '!'  / '<' / '=' / '>' /
                  '~' /CTL / ';' / '*' / '+'
      escape-val = '\' HEXDIG HEXDIG

   For example the scope name "ou=sales,o=examplecorp" would have to be
   represented "ou\3Dsales\2Co\3Dexamplecorp" to escape the "=" and ","
   characters in the name.

   If a syntax error in a Scope List or Scope name is encountered, the
   receiving agent MUST return a PARSE ERROR if the request was unicast.

   The default value for the Scope List is the Scope name "DEFAULT".
   Scope configuration rules are described in Section 8.0.

4.3.6 Attribute List

   A service advertisement is often accompanied by Attributes.  A UA
   formulates a service query containing Attributes in order to select
   particular service advertisements.

   A Service Type MAY specify allowable Attributes through a defined
   service template [RFC2609]. The allowable Attributes for such a
   service are defined in the service template. Services that are
   advertised according to a standard template SHOULD register all
   service Attributes required by the standard template. If no service
   template is available for a Service Type, then any Attributes are
   allowed. Support for service templates is optional.

   An Attribute List is a string encoding of the Attributes for a

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   service advertisement.  The following grammar defines the Attribute
   list syntax:

      attr-list  = attribute / attribute ',' attr-list
      attribute  = '(' attr-tag '=' val-list ')' / attr-tag
      val-list   = attr-val / attr-val ',' val-list
      attr-tag   = 1*safe-tag / nonstd-tag
      nonstd-tag = "x-" enum '-' 1*safe-tag
      enum       = 1*DIGIT
                     ; The <enum> field corresponds to an Enterprise
                     ; Number registered with IANA. [IANA] Using this
                     ; prefix avoids collisions in interpretation of
                     ; nonstandard attribute name.
      attr-val   = intval / strval / boolval / opaque
      intval     = [-]1*DIGIT
      strval     = 1*safe-val
      boolval    = "true" / "false"
      opaque     = "\FF" 1*escape-val
      safe-val   = ; Any character except reserved.
      safe-tag   = ; Any character except reserved, '*' and bad-tag.
      reserved   = '(' / ')' / ',' / '\' / '!'  / '<' / '=' / '>' / '~' / CTL
      escape-val = '\' HEXDIG HEXDIG
      bad-tag    = CR / LF / HTAB / '_'

   An Attribute List MUST be scanned prior to evaluation for all
   occurrences of the escape character '\'.  Reserved characters MUST be
   escaped while other characters MAY be escaped.  All escaped
   characters MUST be restored to their value before attempting string
   matching.  Escaped Opaque values are converted into bytes, not into

   The following list contains more detail on the various types of

      Boolean      A Boolean Attribute MUST have a value list that is
                   one of the Boolean constants "true" or "false". A
                   Boolean value list MUST only have a single value and
                   MUST only be compared with '='.  As with all
                   strings, the Boolean constants are case insensitive.

      Integer      An Integer Attribute MUST have a value list
                   consisting of Integer constants. Integer constants
                   MUST be strings that take the form [-] 1*DIGIT and
                   fall in the range "-2147483648" to "2147483647",
                   that is, the range of 32 bit signed integers.
                   Integer values MUST be compared using integer

      Opaque       An Opaque Attribute MUST have a value list
                   consisting of opaque values. Opaque values are
                   sequences of bytes.  These MUST be distinguished

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                   from strings since they begin with the sequence
                   "\FF".  Unescaping this sequence results in an
                   illegal UTF-8 encoding, indicating that what follows
                   is a sequence of escaped bytes and not a UTF-8
                   string.  For example, a '0' byte is encoded
                   "\FF\00" and "\ff\00\00\30\39" is a
                   bigendian representation of 12345.  Opaque values
                   MUST only be compared with '='.

      String       All other string values are String type. String
                   values MUST be matched using strict lexical
                   ordering.   Example of string values with
                   escaped characters: "Hello\0a" (Hello with
                   a newline) and "\48\65\6c\6c\6f\0a"
                   (the same string, entirely escaped).  To
                   include reserved characters as string data
                   they must be escaped.  Example "a,b" is "a\40b".
                   Illegal UTF-8 characters MUST NOT be included
                   in Strings, ie. "a\ff" is illegal.

      Keyword      A Keyword Attribute has only a tag. A Keyword
                   Attribute MUST be designated by attr-tag in the
                   Attribute List, and it MUST have no values.

   Syntax errors in the Attribute List MUST result in a PARSE ERROR,
   which is returned if the request was unicast.

   When values are advertised by a SA or are registered in a DA, they
   MUST take on implicit typing rules for matching incoming requests,
   according to the types described above. Stored value types in
   Attribute Lists MUST be consistent, i.e., x=4,true,sue,\ff\00\00 is
   in error. Inconsistent stored value types in a SrvReg MUST result in
   a PARSE ERROR returned to the SA.

   A DA MUST consolidate multiple instances of the same Attribute within
   an Attribute List before storing and an SA MUST consolidate multiple
   instances before sending the Attribute in an AttrRply. For example,
   if the Attribute List received by a DA is:


   one Attribute, "x", is stored having value list "5,6,7,8".

   Embedded blanks in Attribute tags and value lists MUST be processed
   as part of the tags or values in which they appear, embedded blanks
   MUST NOT be ignored. For example, in the Attribute List "(attra =
   -345)", the Attribute tag is "attra " and the value is the String "
   -345". The value is not an Integer due to the embedded blank.

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4.3.7 Search Filter

   A SrvRqst message MAY include a LDAPv3 Search Filter [RFC2254], with
   certain restrictions. RFC 2254 describes the syntax of LDAPv3 Search

   A DA MUST accept any LDAPv3 query, excluding those with extensible
   matching rules.  A SA MAY accept only simple queries; otherwise, it
   MUST accept service queries as a DA would.  A UA SHOULD send only
   simple queries.

   The syntax for a simple query is:

         simple-query  =  conjoin / term
         conjoin       =  "(&" term-list ')'
         term-list     =  term term-list / term
         term          =  '(' tag querytype item ')' / '(' tag "=*)"
                          ; The "=*" term tests if the Attribute is
                          ; present.
         tag           =  1*tag-safe
         querytype     =  '='  / "~=" / ">=" / "<="
                          ; These correspond to equal, approx,
                          ; greater than or equal, less than or
                          ; equal.
         item          =  value / substring
                          ; Only substring matching is supported.
         value         =  1*val-safe
         substring     =  [ value ] any [ value ]
         any           =  '*' *(value "*")
         tag-unsafe    =  val-unsafe / CR / LF / HTAB / '_'
         tag-safe      =  ; All UTF-8 characters are included except
                          ; those in tag-unsafe.  Tag-unsafe must be
                          ; escaped.
         val-unsafe    =  '(' / ')' / ',' / '´ / '!'  / '<' / '=' /
                          '>' / '~' / CTL
         val-safe      =  ; All UTF-8 characters are included
                          ; except those in val-unsafe. Val-unsafe
                          ; must be escaped.
         escaped       =  '´ HEXDIG HEXDIG

   Attribute tags and String values MUST be case-folded before
   performing string matching, as per Section 4.3.1.   Matching rules
   for other types are as described in 4.3.6.

   If a Service Template [RFC2609] is available, the Service Template
   SHOULD be used to guide matching of types. If no Service Template is
   available, for ordered string matching, values MUST be matched using
   an implicit type system.

   If the Attribute in the query has been registered with multiple
   values, the query MUST be compared to each value and the results MUST

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   be combined with logical 'OR', i.e., "(x=\ff\00)" matches an
   advertisement of (x=\ff\33,\ff\00); "(Y<=0)" matches (y=0,-1).
   Keywords (i.e., Attributes without values) MUST be matched with a
   "presence" query, as in "(keyword=*)".

   WARNING! SPECIAL CASE:  Ordering comparisons with strings and
   integers is subtle.  Integer comparison is only used if both values
   are integers.  Since implicit type matching is done, this can lead to
   unexpected results.

   Values of ['-']1*DIGIT MUST be treated as integers, so a service
   advertisement with Attribute List "(x=12),(y=-55)" would match the
   query "(&(x>=6)(y<=-44))".  Note that integers MUST NOT match
   strings, for example, the search query "(x=34*)" matches an Attribute
   List "(x=34foo)", but not "(x=3432)" since the first value is a
   String while the second value is an Integer. Embedded blanks MUST NOT
   be ignored. For example, the query "(&(x= -345)(y=7))" matches the
   service advertisement with Attribute List "(x= -345)" but not the
   service advertisement with Attribute List "(x=-345)".  See Section

   Examples: Given an attribute list "(a=12),(b=10,100),(c=100foo)", the
   query "(a<=16)" is a match.  The query "(a<=100 )" is not a match,
   since "100 " is a string, so the value "12" must be treated as a
   string and "100 " is less than "12" by string ordering.  The filter
   "(b<=20)" matches, because y can be 10, but "(b<= 1000)" does not
   match: " 1000" begins with a string and space (0x20) is less than
   "1", the first character of "10" and "100" values of b.  The filter
   "(c<=2)" matches because c is a string, starting with "1".

   A syntax error in a service query results in a PARSE_ERROR.

4.3.8 Attribute Tag List

   This is a List of Attribute tags, defined as attr-tag the grammar of
   Section 4.3.4 above. In addition, an member of the list may contain a
   wild-card according to the following grammar:

         wild-card = ['*'] attr-tag ['*']

4.4 URL Entry

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |   Reserved    |          Lifetime             |   URL Length  |
     |URL len, contd.|            URL (variable length)              \
     |     BC-0      |

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   SLP stores URLs in protocol elements called URL Entries, which
   associate a URL with a lifetime.

   An unsigned two byte integer giving the lifetime during which the URL
   is valid (that is, may be cached), in seconds.

URL Length, URL String
   The Length MUST NOT be zero, the URL MUST NOT be omitted.

4.5 Reserved and Backward Compatibility

Fields marked as Reserved in protocol messages MUST be set to zero on
transmission and ignored on reception. Fields marked Backward
Compatibility (or BC with a number) MUST be treated similarly, except
where compatibility with previous specifications of SLP is being
provided. [SLPv2AS] provides more details on backward compatibility.

5. Required Features

This section lists requirements for any conforming implementation of
SLP.  All requirements are identified by a letter (U, S or D, for UA, SA
or DA requirement) and a number, throughout this specification.

A minimal implementation may consist of either a UA or SA or both.  A DA
is not required for SLP to function, but if it is present, the UA and SA
MUST interact with it as defined below.

A UA MUST be able to [U1] issue SrvRqst messages and [U2] interpret
SrvRply messages.  These messages are transported via either [U3]
unicast requests to DAs if one is available (in the desired Scope) using
UDP or [U4] multicast requests if no DA is available (in the desired
Scope).  A UA MUST [U5] perform DA discovery initially, then either
periodically or passively if no DA is known, interpreting DAAdvert
messages.  A UA MUST also [U6] be configurable with a Scope list and DA

A SA MUST be able to [S1] advertise a set of services, [S2] receive and
process unicast and multicast SrvRqsts.  A SA MUST process Search
Filters unless it only ever advertises services without Attributes.  A
[S3] SrvRply message is sent in reply to all SrvRqst messages, except a
[S4] SAAdvert is returned for requests for the SA Service Type.  A SA
MUST perform [S5] active DA discovery initially, then either
periodically or passively, interpreting DAAdvert messages.  A SA MUST
[S6] register all currently advertised services with DAs as they are
discovered, then periodically if appropriate, before they expire.  A SA
MUST be [S7] be configurable with a Scope List and DA locations.

A DA MUST receive and process unicast requests [D1] SrvRqst, [D2]
SrvTypeRqst and [D3] AttrRqst, for which they MUST send replies [D4]
SrvRply, [D5] SrvTypeRply and [D6] AttrRply, respectively.  The only

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exception is a SrvRqst for the DA Service Type, to which the DA responds
with a [D7] DAAdvert.  These same DAAdverts are [D8] multicast initially
and periodically.  A DA MUST [D9] process SrvReg messages and cache
service advertisements registered, [D10] expire cached services when
lifetimes expire and [D11] process SrvDereg messages to remove specified
cached services.  A DA MUST be [D12] configurable with a Scope List.

5.1 Transport of SLP Messages

SLP messages MUST be sent using one of four different transport

(1) Multicast requests soliciting unicast replies
(2) Unicast UDP requests soliciting unicast UDP replies
(3) TCP requests soliciting TCP replies
(4) Multicast unsolicited announcements

The reserved listening port for SLP is 427, for both UDP and TCP.  This
is the destination port for all SLP messages.  SLP messages MAY be
transmitted on an ephemeral port by UAs.  DAs and SAs MUST send replies
and acknowledgement messages from port 427 to the port from which the
request was issued.

The PR List SHOULD be used to provide a very limited form of reliable
multicast.  By default, the PR List is empty.

Retransmitted requests use the same XID. This allows a DA or SA to
briefly cache the reply to the original request and then send the cached
reply again, should a duplicate request arrive.  XIDs SHOULD be randomly
chosen to avoid duplicate XIDs in requests if UAs restart frequently.

5.1.1 UDP Message Transmission

Requests sent using UDP MUST NOT exceed the maximum transmission unit.
The default maximum transmission unit for UDP messages is 1400 bytes
excluding UDP and other headers. If a SLP reply message does not fit
into a UDP datagram it MUST be truncated to fit, and the OVERFLOW flag
is set in the reply message.

A UA receiving a truncated message MAY open a TCP connection (see
section 5.1.3) with the DA or SA and retransmit the request, using the
same XID.  The UA MAY also attempt to make use of the truncated reply or
it MAY reformulate a more restrictive request which will result in a
smaller reply.

UDP requests to a DA or SA SHOULD be retransmitted until either a
response (which might be an error) has been obtained, or for
CONFIG_RETRY_MAX seconds.  The initial retransmission MUST occur after a
CONFIG_RETRY wait period.  Retransmissions MUST occur after
exponentially increasing wait intervals; that is, by doubling the wait
each time, or the range of a uniformly distributed random wait interval.

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Internet Draft               SLPv2 Revision                  August 2002 Multicast UDP Transmission

SLP messages are multicast to the administratively scoped SLP multicast
[RFC 2365] address, which is  The default TTL to use
for multicast is 255.  In isolated networks, broadcasts MAY be used on
the all hosts broadcast address,, in place of multicast.
To that end, SAs SHOULD and DAs MUST listen for broadcast SLP messages
at port 427. Multicast Requests

Multicast requests MUST set the RQST Flag in the SLP header.

Multicast requests are used in three cases:

 - Active DA Discovery (UAs and SAs MUST support this).
 - Active SA Discovery (UAs MAY support this).
 - Multicast Requests (UAs MUST be able to multicast SrvRqst messages to
   SAs, who MUST be prepared to receive and process them.)

One or more replies MAY be returned via unicast UDP.  Errors MUST NOT be
returned in response to multicast messages, only non-error, non-zero
results.  The one exception to this is a multicast AttrRqst for a
service registered without any Attributes.  A multicast AttrRqst for
such a service MUST result in a unicast AttrRply with a zero length
Attribute List.

SAs MUST accept both multicast requests and unicast requests, although
UAs SHOULD use multicast when contacting SAs directly.  The SA can
distinguish between multicast and unicast requests by whether the
REQUEST MCAST flag is set in the SLP message header.  DAs MUST accept
multicast requests as part of DA discovery (see Section 9); otherwise,
DAs MUST ignore multicast requests.

Multicast requests SHOULD be reissued over CONFIG_MC_MAX seconds until a
result has been obtained.  Retransmission is not required if the
requesting agent is prepared to use the first reply instead of as many
replies as possible within a bounded time interval.  An initial
retransmission MUST occur after a CONFIG_RETRY wait period.
Retransmissions MUST be made with exponentially increasing wait
intervals; that is,(doubling the wait each time, or the range of the
uniformly distributed random wait interval.

The message SHOULD be retransmitted until no further responses are
elicited (see Section 4.3.1) or until CONFIG_MC_MAX seconds elapse. Unicast UDP Requests

Unicast requests to a DA or SA SHOULD be retransmitted until either a
response (which might be an error) has been obtained, or for
CONFIG_RETRY_MAX seconds.  An initial retransmission MUST occur after a

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CONFIG_RETRY wait period.  Retransmissions MUST be made with
exponentially increasing wait intervals, doubling the wait each time.

5.1.2 TCP Requests

If a SrvReg or SrvDeReg is too large to fit into a datagram, a TCP
connection MUST be established by the SA to transmit the message.  In
addition, a UA MAY initiate a TCP connection with a DA or SA to send an
initial request which is too large for a datagram or to resend a request
if the return to a UDP or multicast transmitted request has the OVERFLOW
flag set in the SLP header.

DAs MUST be able to respond to UDP and TCP requests, as well as
multicast DA Discovery SrvRqsts.  SAs MUST be able to respond to TCP
unless the SA will NEVER receive a request or send a reply which will
exceed a datagram in size (e.g., some embedded systems).

A TCP connection MAY be used for a single SLP transaction, or for
multiple transactions.  Since there are length fields in the message
headers, SLP Agents can send multiple requests along a connection and
read the return stream for acknowledgments and replies.

The initiating agent SHOULD close the TCP connection.  The DA SHOULD
wait at least CONFIG_CLOSE_CONN seconds before closing an idle
connection.  DAs and SAs SHOULD close an idle TCP connection after
CONFIG_CLOSE_CONN seconds to ensure robust operation, even when the
initiating agent neglects to close it.  See Section 13 for timing rules.

To avoid the need to implement TCP in UAs and SAs, their implementations
and deployment MUST be constrained such that:

 - UAs never issue requests larger than the Path MTU, so SAs never have
   to receive TCP requests longer than the path MTU.

 - UAs can accept replies with the 'OVERFLOW' flag set, and make use of
   the first result included, or reformulate the request for a smaller

 - The SA can send all SrvRply, SrvReg, and SrvDeReg messages in a
   single datagram.  This means limiting the size of URLs, and the
   length of Attribute Lists and Scope Lists transmitted.

5.1.3 Multicast Announcement

Unsolicited DAAdvert messages are sent initially and periodically sent
by DAs via multicast to announce DA availability.  The XID is set to 0.
See Section 9.1.4.

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6. Required Messages

6.1 Service Request

This is the primary request message in SLP.

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |       Service Location header (function = SrvRqst = 1)        |
     |      length of <PRList>       |  <PRList> (Section 4.3.1)     \
     |   length of <service-type>    | <service-type> (Section 4.3.2)\
     |    length of <scope-list>     |  <scope-list> (Section 4.3.3) \
     |   length of <filter> string   |   <filter> (Section 4.3.7)    \
     |            BC-1               |

   Length of PRList, PRList String
      The PRList SHOULD be included. See Section 4.3 if the PRList is

   Length of Service Type, Service Type String
      A Service Type String MUST be included.

   Length of Scope List, Scope List String
      A Scope List MUST be included, unless the Service Type String is
      either the DA or SA Service Type.  In this case the Scope List MAY
      be omitted (see Section 4.3).

   Length of Filter, Filter String
      A Filter string is OPTIONAL (see Section 4.3 on omitted strings).

   Response messages differ depending on the Service Type field.  If the
   Service Type field is set to DA Service Type, DAs MUST respond to the
   SrvRqst with a DAAdvert  (see Section 9.2.1).  If the Service Type
   field is set to the SA Service Type, SAs MUST respond with a SAAdvert
   (see Section 10).  All other SrvRqst messages elicit a SrvRply (see
   Section 6.2).

   Requests that elicit a SrvRply are processed as follows.  The Service
   Type field, Scope List field, and Language Tag field of the header
   MUST establish the base set of service advertisements over which the
   Filter is applied. If the Filter field is absent, the request MUST
   match all service advertisements having the indicated Service Type,
   Scopes, and language locale. If the Filter field is present, the
   Filter MUST be compared to each registered service, such that the

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   Language Tag of the request matches the the language locale of the
   advertised service.  See Sections 4.2.6 and 4.2.7 for how to apply
   the Filter and Section 14 for how to apply Language Tags.  Matching
   services are returned in the SrvRply message.

   Requests that elicit a DAAdvert response are processed as described
   in Section 9.2.1.  Requests that elicit a SAAdvert response are
   processed as described in Section 10.

   Possible error results returned in SrvRply or DAAdvert, in addition
   to those listed in Section 4.1 with a '*' are:

      Returned when the Service Type field and at least one Scope from
      the Scope List field match, the Filter field is not absent, but no
      services are advertised in the language specified in the Language
      Tag field of the header, though there are service advertisements
      registered under the default language locale, namely 'en'. MUST
      NOT be returned if there are no service advertisements for the
      Service Type advertised under the default language locale.
      Returned when an SA that only accepts simple service queries
      receives a unicast SrvRqst including a complex search query.

6.2 Service Reply

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |        Service Location header (function = SrvRply = 2)       |
     |        Error Code             |        URL Entry count        |
     |       <URL Entry 1>          ...       <URL Entry N>          \

   Error Code
      Status Code of the message (see Section 4.1 and 6.1).

   URL Entry Count
      The number of URL entry blocks following.  MAY be zero.

   URL Entry 1 ... URL Entry N
      The URL Entry blocks.  MUST be absent if URL Entry Count is 0.

   The SrvRply contains zero or more URL Entries (see Section 4.4).  A
   SrvRply with zero URL entries MUST be returned in response to a
   unicast Service Reply if no matching service advertisements are

   If a SrvRply is sent by UDP, a URL Entry MUST NOT be included unless

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   it fits entirely without truncation.  If the reply overflows a
   datagram and the 'O' flag in the header is set, the UA MAY simply use
   the URL entries in the list.

   A URL obtained by SLP MUST NOT be cached longer than the number of
   seconds in the Lifetime field of the URL Entry.

6.3 Service Registration

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |         Service Location header (function = SrvReg = 3)       |
     |                  <URL-Entry> (Section 4.3.4)                  \
     | length of service type string | <service-type> (Section 4.3.1)\
     |     length of <scope-list>    | <scope-list> (Section 4.3.2)  \
     |  length of attr-list string   | <attr-list> (Section 4.3.4)   \
     |      BC-2     |

      A URL Entry corresponding to the service advertisement MUST be

   Length of Service Type, Service Type String
      The Service Type of the service advertisement MUST be present.

   Length of Scope List, Scope List
      The Scope List of the service advertisement MUST be present.

   Length of Attribute List, Attribute List
      The Attribute List of the service advertisement MAY be omitted.
      See Section 4.3 concerning omitted strings.

      The Lifetime field of the URL Entry defines how long a DA can
      cache the registration.  SAs SHOULD reregister before this
      lifetime expires but SHOULD NOT reregister more often than once
      per second or more often than the maximum reregistration interval
      advertised by the DA (see Section 9.3).  The lifetime MAY be set
      to any value between 0 and 0xffff (maximum, around 18 hours).
      Long-lived registrations remain stale longer if the service fails
      and the SA does not deregister the service.

      The Service Type defines the service type of the URL to be
      registered, regardless of the scheme of the URL. The Scope List
      MUST contain the names of all Scopes configured for the SA.  If

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      the same URL is registered under different Service Types and/or
      with different Language Tags, the Scope List MUST be identical for
      all registrations so that deregistration functions properly, see
      Section 7.6; otherwise, if the Scope List differs from a prior
      registration for the same URL, a SCOPE_NOT_SUPPORTED error is

      The Attribute List, if present, specifies the Attributes and
      values to be associated with the URL in the service advertisement.

      The header FRESH flag MUST be set on all registrations.  A new
      registration received for an existing service advertisement in
      which the header Language Tag, URL, and Service Type, all match
      MUST replace the previous advertisement.

6.4 Service Acknowledgment

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |          Service Location header (function = SrvAck = 5)      |
     |          Error Code           |

   Error Code
      Status code of the message.

   A DA MUST return a SrvAck to an SA after a SrvReg or SrvDereg.  The
   SrvAck carries only a two byte Error Code.

   In addition to the errors listed in Section 4.1 with a '*', the
   following error codes apply to SrvReg and SrvDereg messages:

      If the header FRESH flag is not set, or if the SrvReg lifetime is
      less than the DA's advertised minimum refresh interval (see
      Section 9.3), the DA MAY reject the advertisement. If a SrvDereg
      includes an Attribute tag list, the DA SHOULD reject it.
      Returned if the SrvReg has problems with a non-string parameter,
      like a zero URL Entry Lifetime field,, or if a SrvDereg was sent
      for a nonexisting service advertisement, or an attempt was made to
      delete a service advertisement and the SrvDereg Scope List
      contains only a partial list of the Scopes in which the
      advertisement is registered.

6.5 DA Advertisement

   The DAAdvert is used for DA Discovery (see Section 9).

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      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |        Service Location header (function = DAAdvert = 8)      |
     |          Error Code           |  DA Stateless Boot Timestamp  |
     |DA Stateless Boot Time, contd. |         Length of URL         |
     |                              URL                              \
     |     Length of <scope-list>    |  <scope-list> (Section 4.3.2) \
     |     Length of <attr-list>     |  <attr-list> (Section 4.3.4)  \
     |           BC-3                |      BC-4       |

   Error Code
      Status code of the message.  See Section 4.1 and 6.1 for values.
      The Error Code is set to 0 when the DAAdvert is multicast.

   DA Stateless Boot Timestamp
      Indicates DA boot time and state.  See Section 9.2 for details.

   Length of URL, URL
      The DA URL MUST NOT be omitted.

   Length of Scope List, Scope List
      The Scope List string.  MUST NOT be absent.  This list contains
      the Scope List of the DA, though it MAY include only the Scope
      List present in the SrvRqst which solicited the DAAdvert.  If
      multicast, the Scope List MUST be the DA's entire configured Scope

   Length of Attribute List, Attribute List
      The DA Attribute List string MAY be omitted.  See Section 9.2 for
      possible DA Attributes.

   The returned URL is "service:directory-agent://"<addr> of the DA,
   where <addr> is the dotted decimal numeric IP address of the DA.

6.6. SA Advertisement

   The SAAdvert is used by UAs to accumulate information about SAs, see
   Section 10. Since the SAAdvert is only returned in response to a
   multicast request, it contains no error code field because errors on
   multicast requests are silently dropped.

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1

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     |        Service Location header (function = SAAdvert = 11)     |
     |         Length of URL         |              URL              \
     |     Length of <scope-list>    |         <scope-list>          \
     |     Length of <attr-list>     |          <attr-list>          \
     |     BC-5      |

   Length of URL, URL
      The SA's URL MUST NOT be omitted.

   Length of Scope List, Scope List
      The SA's Scope List MUST NOT be omitted.

   Length of Attribute List, Attribute List
      The Attribute List MAY be omitted only if the SA advertises no
      services (see Section 10).  On omitted strings, see Section 4.3.

   The SA responds only to multicast SA discovery requests which:
    - have an empty <scope-list> or the <scope-list> includes one of the
      SA's Scopes,
    - have <service-type> set to "service:service-agent".
    - if a <filter> is included in the request, the SA MUST match the
      Filter against the SA's Attributes.

   The SAAdvert MUST include a list of Attributes the SA supports.  This
   Attribute List SHOULD be kept short so that the SAAdvert will not
   exceed the path MTU in size.  The Attribute 'service-type' MUST be
   included in the Attribute List.  The value of this Attribute is a
   list of string values, each value of which is a Service Type the SA
   is advertising (not including "service:service-agent").

   The URL is "service:service-agent://"<addr> of the SA, where <addr>
   is the dotted decimal numeric address of the SA.

7. Optional Features

   A UA or SA can be fully compliant without implementing any features
   from this section.  A SA SHOULD, however, support responding to
   AttrRqst unless the SA will never be used to advertise services with
   Attributes (see Appendix B).

7.1 SLP Extensions

   SLP extensions provide growth capability to the basic set of SLP

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Internet Draft               SLPv2 Revision                  August 2002

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |         Extension ID          |       Next Extension Offset   |
     | Offset, contd.|                Extension Data                 \

   Extension ID
      The extension identifier.

   Next Extension Offset
      Number of bytes to the next extension as an offset from the
      beginning of the SLP message. If the Next Extension Offset field
      is zero, there are no extensions following the current extension,
      and the length of the current extension MUST be calculated by
      subtracting the offset of the current extension from the total
      length of the SLP message as given in the header.

   Extension Data
      The contents of the extension.

   If an extension offset is specified, and an extension is not included
   in the request, the receiver MUST respond with a PARSE_ERROR, if the
   request was unicast.

   Extension IDs are assigned in the following way:

   0x0000-0x3FFF   Standardized:    Optional to implement.
      Ignore if unrecognized.
   0x4000-0x7FFF   Standardized:    Mandatory to implement.
      A UA or SA which receives this option in a reply and does not
      understand it MUST silently discard the reply.  A DA or SA which
      receives this option in a request and does not understand it MUST
      return an OPTION_NOT_UNDERSTOOD error.
   0x8000-0x8FFF  For private use:  Optional to implement.
      Ignore if unrecognized.
   0x9000-0xFFFF  Reserved:         Do not use.

   Section 13 defines procedures for specifying new SLP extensions.

7.2 Service Type Request

   The Service Type Request (SrvTypeRqst) allows a UA to discover all
   types of services on a network.

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |      Service Location header (function = SrvTypeRqst = 9)     |

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     |        length of PRList       |    <PRList> (Section 4.3.1)   \
     |   length of Naming Authority  |      <na> (Section 4.3.2)     \
     |     length of <scope-list>    |  <scope-list> (Section 4.3.3) \

   Length of PRList, PRList
      The PRList MAY be omitted.  See Section 4.3.3 and 4.3.

   Length of Naming Authority, Naming Authority
      The naming authority string MAY be zero length, in which case
      service types in the default naming authority (IANA) are returned.

      WARNING! SPECIAL CASE: If the length field is set to 0xFFFF: (1)
      the naming authority string is zero length, (2) all service types
      in all naming authorities are returned.  THIS FIELD IS AN

      Otherwise, if a naming authority string is included, only service
      types in that naming authority are returned.

   Length of Scope List, Scope List
      Only Service Types advertised in a Scope included in the Scope
      List are returned.

   The Naming Authority string determines which Service Types will be
   returned in the reply, as described above.

   Possible error returns, aside from those in Section 4.1 with a '*':

      An SA that does not support SrvTypeRqst returns this error if a it
      receives a unicast SrvTypeRqst.

7.3 Service Type Reply

   The return message for SrvTypeRqst is the SrvTypeRply.

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |      Service Location header (function = SrvTypeRply = 10)    |
     |           Error Code          |    length of <srvtype> List   |
     |                 <srvtype> List (Section 4.3.2)                \

   Error Code
      Status code of the messages.  See section 4.1 and 7.3.

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   Length of Service Type List, Service Type List
      The list of Service Types.  The Service Type names MUST include
      the naming authority string, if any.  This string MUST be absent
      if the Service Type List result is zero (see Section 4.3).

7.4 Attribute Request

   The Attribute Request (AttrRqst) allows a UA to discover Attributes
   of a given service by supplying its URL.  This information is also
   available by using the Attrlist Extension to the SrvRqst [RFC 3059].

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |       Service Location header (function = AttrRqst = 6)       |
     |       length of PRList        |        <PRList> String        \
     |         length of URL         |              URL              \
     |    length of <scope-list>     |  <scope-list> (Section 4.3.3) \
     |  length of <tag-list> string  |    <tag-list> (Section 4.5)   \
     |             BC-6              |

   Length of PRList, PRList
      The PRList MAY be omitted.  See Section 4.3.3 and 4.3.

   Length of URL, URL
      The URL of the service whose Attributes are being requested.  MUST
      NOT be absent.

   Length of Scope List, Scope List
      The Scope List of the service whose Attributes are being
      requested.  MUST NOT be absent.

   Length of Attribute Tag List, Attribute Tag List
      This string MAY be omitted, see Section 4.3.  If present, only
      those Attributes whose tags are present in the list are returned
      in the AttrRply.

   The <tag-list> indicates the Attributes to return in the AttrRply.
   Wild card values in <tag-list> match Attributes any part of whose tag
   matches the <attr-val> part of the wild card.

   Possible error returns when the request is unicast, aside from those
   in Section 4.1 with a '*', are:


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      Returned when the URL field and at least one Scope from the Scope
      List field match, but no services are advertised in the language
      specified in the Language Tag field of the header, though there is
      a service advertisements for the URL registered under the default
      language locale, namely 'en'. MUST NOT be returned if there is no
      service advertisement for the URL advertised under the default
      language locale.

      Returned when a SA that does not support AttrRqst receives a
      unicast AttrRqst.

      The URL in the AttrRqst does not correspond to a service that the
      SA or DA is advertising.

7.5 Attribute Reply

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |       Service Location header (function = AttrRply = 7)       |
     |         Error Code            |      length of <attr-list>    |
     |                  <attr-list> (Section 4.3.4)                  \
     |     BC-7      |

   Error Code
      Status code of the message.  See section 4.1 and 7.5.

   Length of Attribute List, Attribute List
      The requested Attribute List.  These field is omitted if the
      status code of the result is not 0 or the service advertisement
      has no Attributes associated with it.

   WARNING! SPECIAL CASE: A SA that supports AttrRqst MUST return an
      AttrRply in response to a multicast AttrRqst that matches a
      service advertisement with no Attributes.  THIS IS UNLIKE

      Attribute replies SHOULD be returned with the original case of
      registered string tags and values intact, in case they must be
      displayed to users.

      Only one copy of each Attribute tag or String value SHOULD be
      returned, arbitrarily choosing one version with respect to upper
      and lower case and white space internal to the strings.  Duplicate

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      Attributes and values SHOULD be removed.  An arbitrary version of
      the string value and tag name is chosen for the merge.  For
      example: "(A=a a,b)" merged with "(a=A A,B)" may yield "(a=a

7.6 Service Deregistration

      A DA deletes a service registration when its lifetime expires.
      Services SHOULD be deregistered when they are no longer available,
      rather than leaving the registrations to time out.

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |         Service Location header (function = SrvDeReg = 4)     |
     |    Length of <scope-list>     |  <scope-list> (Section 4.3.2) \
     |                   URL Entry (Section 4.4)                     \
     |   Length of <tag-list> = 0    |

   Length of Scope List, Scope List
      MUST NOT be omitted.

   URL Entry
      The URL of the service to deregister.  The URL in the entry MUST
      NOT be omitted.  The lifetime in the URL Entry is ignored.

   Length of Attribute Tag List
      This field MUST be 0.  See Section 4.3 on omitted strings.

   The URL indicates which service advertisement to deregister.   The
   deregistration MUST remove all service advertisements associated with
   the URL, for all Scopes, language locales, and Service Types under
   which service advertisements for the URL were registered.

   The SA MUST issue the SrvDeReg with the same Scope List used to
   register the service. If this is not done, the DA MUST return a

   The DA acknowledges a SrvDereg with a SrvAck.  Once the SA receives
   an acknowledgment indicating success, the service is no longer
   advertised by the DA.

   Possible error codes beyond those in Section 4.1 marked with a '*':

      A DA sends this error if the SrvDeReg seeks to deregister a
      service that has not been registered with the DA.

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      A DA sends this error in response to a non-zero Attribute Tag List

8. Scope List Configuration

   The default Scope List configuration for any agent is the string
   "DEFAULT".  The chart below contains a prioritized list of options
   for Scope List configuration. Higher priority options override lower
   priority options.  For example, if a static Scope List exists, DHCP
   option 79 is ignored. All SLP Agents MUST support static
   configuration of a Scope List.  Other mechanisms are optional.

   Preference   Mechanism                           Requirement level
   (1)          Static configuration of Scope List  MUST
   (2)          Static configuration of DAs *       MUST
   (3)          DHCP SLP Scope configuration        SHOULD
   (4)          DHCP SLP DA configuration *         SHOULD
   (5)          Dynamic discovery (DAAdverts) **    MAY
   (6)          Dynamic discovery (SAAdverts) **    MAY
   (7)          Use of the Scope "DEFAULT"          MUST

   (2) A SA or UA with a static configured list of DAs will unicast DA
   Discovery messages (see Section 9) to the DAs on the list and create
   a list of all Scopes those DAs support.  This forms the agent's Scope

   (3) DHCP option 79 can explicitly configure a UA or SA's Scope list.
   [RFC 2610]

   (4) DHCP option 78 can supply a list of DA locations.  The UA or SA
   acquires their Scope List, as per (2), above.  [RFC 2610]

   (5) A UA or SA can use active and passive DA Discovery (see Section
   9) to acquire a list of DAs.  The combined list of their Scopes forms
   the agent's Scope List.

   (6) A UA can use active SA discovery (see Section 10) to obtain
   SAAdverts from SAs on the network.  The combined list becomes the
   UA's Scope List.

   UAs can issue requests with any subset of Scopes with which they are
   configured.  It is left up to the implementor whether to allow UAs to
   synthesize Scope Lists by using DA and SA discovery or only to
   support static and DHCP discovery.

9. DA Discovery

   UAs and SAs MUST attempt to discover DAs unless specifically
   configured not to do so.  UAs and SAs MUST perform active DA
   discovery initially, upon initialization.  SAs MUST and UAs SHOULD

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   perform passive DA discovery (UAs MAY instead periodically perform
   active DA discovery, for example, before requests are made, after
   [CONFIG_DA_FIND] seconds).

9.1 Active DA discovery

   DAs are discovered by sending a SrvRqst with the Service Type set to
   the DA Service Type.  If a Filter is included in the SrvRqst, the DA
   SHOULD respond only if the Filter matches the DA's Attributes.

   If the requesting UA or SA is configured with a Scope List, the
   request MUST contain all configured scopes in the list.  If the UA or
   SA is not configured with a Scope List, however, the <scope-list>
   field of the SrvRqst used in active DA discovery MAY be empty.  This
   allows the UA or SA to derive a Scope List from DAAdverts it

9.2 Passive DA discovery

   A DA MUST multicast (or broadcast) an unsolicited DAAdvert every
   CONFIG_DA_BEAT seconds.  CONFIG_DA_BEAT SHOULD be specified to
   prevent DAAdverts from using more than 1% of the available network
   bandwidth.  An unsolicited DAAdvert has an XID of 0.

   All UAs and SAs that receive the unsolicited DAAdvert SHOULD examine
   the DAAdvert DA Stateless Boot Timestamp.  If the Stateless Boot
   Timestamp is zero, the DA is going down and no further messages
   should be sent to it.

   If a SA detects a DAAdvert with a nonzero DA Stateless Boot Timestamp
   but the SA has never encountered the DA before, the SA MUST send
   SrvRegs for all its advertised services if examination of the
   DAAdvert indicates that the SA must register.  The SA MUST examine
   the DAAdvert's timestamp to determine if the DA has had a stateless
   reboot since the SA last registered with it.  If so, and if the DA
   supports some set of Scopes with which the SA is configured, the SA
   registers with the DA. SAs MUST wait a random interval between 0 and
   CONFIG_REG_PASSIVE before beginning DA registration.

   If a UA with a configured scope list receives a DAAdvert that
   supports any Scope on its configured Scope List, it adds this DA to
   its list of DAs.

9.3 DA Attributes

   DAs MAY advertise Attributes.  One Attribute is defined by SLPv2, the
   'min-refresh-interval' attribute.

   A potential scaling problem occurs in SLPv2 if SAs choose too low a
   lifetime.  In this case, an onerous amount of reregistration occurs
   as more services are deployed.  SLPv2 allows DAs to control the

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   frequency of registration by advertising the "min-refresh-interval"
   attribute.  A DA MAY reissue a DAAdvert with a new set of Attributes
   at any time, to change the reregistration behavior of SAs.  These
   apply only to subsequent registrations; existing service
   registrations with the DA retain their registered lifetimes.

   If the DAAdvert includes the Attribute 'min-refresh-interval' it MUST
   be set to a single Integer value indicating a number of seconds.  If
   this Attribute is present SAs MUST NOT issue registrations with
   lifetimes less than this value or refresh any particular service
   advertisement more frequently than this value.  If SrvReg or SrvDereg
   for a particular service is received more frequently than or with the
   lifetime less than the DA's advertised 'min-refresh-interval'
   attribute the DA SHOULD reject the message and return a
   REFRESH_REJECTED error in the SrvAck.

10. SA Discovery

   A UA MAY, in the absence of knowledge of DAs, and other Scope list
   configuration, obtain SAAdverts from SAs on the network.  This allows
   the UA to synthesize a Scope List it can use to issue requests.

   A SA MAY be configured with Attributes, and MUST support the
   Attribute 'service-type' whose value is all the Service Types of
   services represented by the SA.  Further, SAs which support only
   simple Search Filters MUST include the Attribute definition "simple-
   query-only=true" in their Attribute List. A query for this Attribute
   can be included in the Filter to exclude SAs that do not accept
   simple queries.

   SAs MUST NOT respond if the SrvRqst Filter is not satisfied.  For
   example, only SAs advertising 'nfs' services MUST respond with a
   SAAdvert to a SrvRqst for Service Type "service:service-agent" that
   includes a Filter "(service-type=nfs)".

11. Protocol Timing Defaults

Interval name        Section  Default Value   Meaning
-------------------  -------  -------------   ------------------------
CONFIG_MC_MAX        6.3      15 seconds      Max time to wait for a
                                              complete multicast query
                                              response (all values.)
CONFIG_START_WAIT    12.2.1   3 seconds       Wait to perform DA
                                              discovery on reboot.
CONFIG_RETRY         12.3     2 seconds       Wait interval before
                                              initial retransmission
                                              of multicast or unicast
CONFIG_RETRY_MAX     12.3     15 seconds      Give up on unicast
                                              request retransmission.
CONFIG_DA_BEAT       12.2.2   3 hours         DA Heartbeat, so that SAs

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                                              passively detect new DAs.
CONFIG_DA_FIND       12.3     900 seconds     Minimum interval to wait
                                              before repeating Active
                                              DA discovery.
CONFIG_REG_PASSIVE   12.2     1-3 seconds     Wait to register services
                                              on passive DA discovery.
CONFIG_REG_ACTIVE    8.3      1-3 seconds     Wait to register services
                                              on active DA discovery.
CONFIG_CLOSE_CONN    6.2      5 minutes       DAs and SAs close idle

12. Optional Configuration

   Broadcast Only
      Any SLP agent SHOULD be configurable to use broadcast only.
   Predefined DA
      A UA or SA SHOULD be configurable to use a predefined DA.
   No DA Discovery
      The UA or SA SHOULD be configurable to ONLY use predefined and
      DHCP-configured DAs and perform no active or passive DA discovery.
   Multicast TTL
      The default multicast TTL is 255.  Agents SHOULD be configurable
      to use other values.  A lower value may result in UAs obtaining
      different results for the identical requests depending on where
      they are connected to the network.
   Timing Values
      Time values in Section 11 MAY be configurable.
      The Scope List string MUST be configurable.
   DHCP Configuration
      DHCP options 78 and 79 MAY be used to configure SLP. [RFC 2610]
   Service Templates
      Service Template UAs and SAs MAY be configured by using Service
      Templates.  These allow language translation, setting default
      values and API error checking.

13. IANA Considerations

   SLP includes four sets of identifiers which may be registered with
   IANA. The policies for these registrations (See [RFC 2434]) are noted
   in each case.

   New SLP Extensions with types in the range 2-65535 may be registered
   following review by a Designated Expert.

   New error numbers in the range 15-65535 are assigned on the basis of
   a Standards Action.

   Protocol elements used with Service Location Protocol may also
   require IANA registration actions.  SLP is used in conjunction with
   "service:" URLs and Service Templates [RFC 2609].  These are

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   standardized by review of a Designated Expert and a mailing list (See
   [RFC 2609].)

14. Internationalization Considerations

   SLP supports service advertisements in multiple languages by
   providing a Language Tag field in the SLP message header (see Section

   Services MAY be registered under multiple Language Tags.  This
   provides Attributes so that users with different language skills can
   select services interactively.  Services SHOULD be registered under
   the Language Tag 'en', the default Language Tag (English), to provide
   for a fallback in case the services are not registered under any
   another Language Tag.  When processing requests, the Language Tag in
   the request MUST be compared using case insensitive equality to the
   Language Tag of the service advertisement. If the service
   advertisement's Language Tag doesn't match that in the request, the
   two MUST NOT match; otherwise, the two MUST match.

   A URL that is registered with multiple Language Tags may be queried
   under all Language Tags for which it is registered.  The Language Tag
   of the SrvRqst or AttrRqst is used to perform the match.  If the
   requested language is not supported, a LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED error
   MUST be returned for a SrvRqst if there are any service
   advertisements registered under the default Language Tag, or for an
   AttrRqst if there is an advertisement for the URL under the default
   Language Tag.  If there is no advertisement registered under the
   default language tag, the LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED error MUST NOT be
   returned, and the request MUST be considered to have yielded no
   matches. SrvRply and AttrRply messages MUST contain the same Language
   Tag as that of the request.

   RFC 2609 [RFC 2609] provides more information about how language tags
   can be used in Service Templates.

15. Security Considerations

   The threats posed to clients using SLP to locate services and to
   services that use SLP to advertise themselves are threefold.

   First, a UA may be prevented from discovering a service that is
   present and should, in fact, be discoverable.  This is a denial of
   service attack. SLP is vulnerable to denial of service attacks by (a)
   an attacker posing as a DA that withholds normally available service
   information, (b) an attacker actively deregistering services with DAs
   that should otherwise be available at the DAs.

   Second, a UA may discover a service that is not 'trustworthy'
   according to some policy of trust in an administered network.  This
   is a masquerading attack.  A user could be fooled into revealing

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   confidential information in interactions with a service registered by
   an attacker.

   Third, by observing and issuing SLP queries, an attacker could use
   SLP to catalogue either clients or services on a network.  The threat
   here is breach of confidentiality.  An attacker can learn what
   services the user prefers and what services are present on the
   network.  This information could be useful to an attacker, for
   example, to inform how to launch future attacks.

   Previous versions of SLP provided for authentication of service URLs
   and Attribute Lists [SLPv2AS].  This scheme was not adopted, as it
   required SLP-specific key management, and it has been deprecated in
   this version of SLP.  Instead, SLP agents use IPsec security
   associations [IPSEC] for unicast messages to protect against the
   above threats. Multicast requests are considered to be insecure and
   SHOULD NOT be used if the above attacks are considered likely.

   The following policies protect unicast SLP traffic:

1.  Messages unicast from port 427 by SAs and DAs  SHOULD initiate an
    IKE establishment of a security association [IKE] when:
    - An SA or DA responds to a UA request
    - An SA registers or deregisters with a DA

2.  Those hosts which receive unicast SLP messages from port 427 SHOULD
    have a policy requiring the initiation of a IPsec security
    association when:
    - A UA receives a reply from a DA or SA
    - A SA receives a SrvAck from a DA
    - A DA receives a SrvReg or SrvDereg from a SA

3.  IKE security association establishment MUST be
    predicated on possession of a certificate indicating that a host
    is a legitimate source of SLP messages.  This requires
    distribution of certificates to all SLP agents, signed by a
    certificate authority operated by a trusted administration.
    During IKE security association establishment, certificates are
    verified versus the certificate authority's public key.  If
    verified, the security association can be established and
    messages transmitted are
    be protected against the attacks listed above.

4.  SLP messages that cannot be validated against an IPsec
    Authentication Header [AH] SHOULD be silently discarded.

5.  For environments where confidentiality is desired, SLP messages
    MAY be protected by an IPsec Encapsulating Security Payload [ESP].

   The security provided by the above policy is no replacement for
   application level security.  That is, even if SLP is protected

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   against the above list of threats, it is not a substitute for client-
   server protocol security appropriate to satisfy the application's own
   security requirements.

   SLP is useful as a bootstrap protocol.  It may be used in
   environments in which no preconfiguration is possible.  In such
   situations, a certain amount of "blind faith" is required:  Without
   any prior configuration it is impossible to secure SLP.

Appendix A:  Changes to SLPv2 compared to RFC 2608

   [SLPv2AS] presents the details and backward compatibility issues
   concerning this specification compared to previous versions of SLP.

Appendix B:  SA support for Attributes

   Some special purpose SAs which will only ever advertise services
   without Attributes need not implement SrvRqst Search Filters or
   respond to AttrRqst with an AttrRply.  All other SAs need to.  This
   is the meaning of the statement SAs SHOULD reply to AttrRqst

Normative References

   [AH] Kent, S., and Atkinson, R., "IP Authentication Header," RFC
      2402, November, 1998.

   [ESP] Kent, S., and Atkinson, R., "IP Encapsulating Security Payload
      (ESP)," RFC 2406, November, 1998.

   [IANA] http://www.iana.org/numbers.html

   [IPSEC] Kent, S., and Atkinson, R., "Security Architecture for the
      Internet Protocol," RFC 2401, November, 1998.

   [RFC 2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
      Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC 2131] Droms, R., "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol", RFC
      2131, March 1997.

   [RFC 2234] Crocker, D. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
      Specifications: ABNF", RFC 2234, November 1997.

   [RFC 2252] Wahl, M., et. al., "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
      (v3): Attribute Syntax Definitions", RFC 2252, December 1997.

   [RFC 2254] Howes, T., "The String Representation of LDAP Search
      Filters", RFC 2254, December 1997.

   [RFC 2279] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of unicode

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      and ISO 10646", RFC 2279, October 1998.

   [RFC 2365]  Meyer, D., "Administratively Scoped IP Multicast", RFC
      2365, July 1998.

   [RFC 2396]  Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R. and L. Masinter, "Uniform
      Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax", RFC 2396, August

   [RFC 2434] Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an
      IANA Considerations Section in RFCs, BCP 26, RFC 2434, October

   [RFC 2608] E. Guttman, C. Perkins, J. Veizades, and M. Day, "Service
      Location Protocol version 2", RFC 2608, July 1999.

   [RFC 2609]  Guttman, E., Perkins, C. and J. Kempf, "Service Templates
      and service: Schemes", RFC 2609, June 1999.

   [RFC 2610] Guttman, E., "DHCP Options for Service Location", draft-
      guttman-svrloc-rfc2610bis-01.txt, September 2001.  A work in

   [RFC 3066] Alvestrand, H., "Tags for the Identification of
      Languages", RFC 1766, March 1995.

   [SLPv2AS] Guttman, E., "Applicability Statement for Service Location
      Protocol, Version 2," draft-guttman-svrloc-as-00.txt, a work in

   [vendorext] Guttman, E., "Vendor Extensions for Service Location
      Protocol, Version 2", draft-guttman-svrloc-vendor-ext-04.txt, a
      work in progress.

Editors' Contact Information

   Erik Guttman                   James Kempf
   Sun Microsystems, Inc.         Docomo Labs, USA
   Phone: +49 172 865 5497        Phone: +1 408 451 4711
   Email: Erik.Guttman@Sun.Com    Email: kempf@docomolabs-usa.com

Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001).  All Rights Reserved.
   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or
   assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and
   distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind,
   provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included
   on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this document itself
   may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice

Guttman & Kempf         Expires: 3 February 2003               [Page 38]
Internet Draft               SLPv2 Revision                  August 2002

   or references to the Internet Society or other Internet organizations,
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Table of Contents

     Abstract . . . . . . . . . . .  1    6.2 Service Reply  . . . . . . 21
     Acknowledgements . . . . . . .  1    6.3 Service Registration . . . 22
     1. Introduction  . . . . . . .  1    6.4 Service Acknowledgment . . 23
     2. Terminology and Conventions  2    6.5 DA Advertisement . . . . . 23
     3. Protocol Overview . . . . .  3    6.6 SA Advertisement  . . . .  24
     3.1 SLP Message Types  . . . .  5    7. Optional Features . . . . . 25
     4. Protocol Elements . . . . .  6    7.1 SLP Extensions . . . . . . 25
     4.1 SLP Message Header . . . .  6    7.2 Service Type Request . . . 26
     4.2 Error Codes  . . . . . . .  7    7.3 Service Type Reply . . . . 27
     4.3 Strings  . . . . . . . . .  9    7.4 Attribute Request  . . . . 28
     4.3.1 General String Comparison 9    7.5 Attribute Reply  . . . . . 29
     4.3.2 Lists  . . . . . . . . .  9    7.6 Service Deregistration . . 30
     4.3.3 Previous Responder List   9    8. Scope List Configuration  . 31
     4.3.4 Service Type String  . . 10    9. DA Discovery  . . . . . . . 31
     4.3.5 Scope List . . . . . . . 11    9.1 Active Discovery . . . . . 32
     4.3.6 Attribute List . . . . . 11    9.2 Passive Discovery  . . . . 32
     4.3.7 Search Filter  . . . . . 14    9.3 DA Attributes  . . . . . . 32
     4.3.8 Attribute Tag List . . . 15    10. SA Discovery . . . . . .   33
     4.3.9 SLP SPI  . . . . . . . . 15    11. Protocol Timing Defaults . 33
     4.4 URL Entry  . . . . . . . . 15    12. Optional Configuration . . 34
     4.5 Required and Backward            13. IANA Considerations  . . . 34
         Compatibility  . . . . . . 16    14. Internationalization
     5. Required Features . . . . . 16        Considerations . . . . . . 35
     5.1 Transport of SLP Messages  17    15. Security Considerations  . 35
     5.1.1 UDP Message Transmission 17    Appendix A:  Changes to SLPv2 Multicast Transmission 18        compared to RFC 2608 . . . 37 Multicast Requests . . 18    Appendix B:  SA support for Unicast Requests . . . 18        Attributes . . . . . . . . 37
     5.1.2 TCP Requests . . . . . . 19    Normative References . . . . . 37
     5.1.3 Multicast Announcement . 19    Editors' Contact Information . 38
     6. Required Messages . . . . . 20    Full Copyright Statement . . . 38
     6.1 Service Request  . . . . . 20

Guttman & Kempf         Expires: 3 February 2003               [Page 39]

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