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File: [Pegasus] / pegasus_unsupported / slp_client / doc / draft-day-svrloc-signature-01.nr.txt (download)
Revision: 1.1, Tue Jan 31 22:28:10 2006 UTC (18 years, 4 months ago) by karl
Branch: MAIN
BUG#: 4730
TITLE: move slp_client out of Pegasus to Pegasus_Unspported

DESCRIPTION: Commit the entire tree to pegasus_unsupported

.\" Registers to store heading levels as variables
.nr head1 0 1
.nr head2 0 1
.nr head3 0 1 
.nr head4 0 1
.nr head5 0 1
.nr head6 0 1

.\" Return to header level 1, 2, etc. 
.\" resets the level registers and indent
.nr head2 0 1
.nr head3 0 1 
.nr head4 0 1
.nr head5 0 1
.nr head6 0 1
.in 0 
\.HDR_1 \\$1 

.nr head3 0 1 
.nr head4 0 1
.nr head5 0 1
.nr head6 0 1
.in 0 
\.HDR_2 \\$1
.nr head4 0 1
.nr head5 0 1
.nr head6 0 1
.in 0 
\.HDR_3 \\$1

.nr head5 0 1
.nr head6 0 1
.in 0 
\.HDR_4 \\$1

.nr head6 0 1
.in 0 
\.HDR_5 \\$1

.\" Create a level 1, 2, etc,.  heading 
.\" resets indent, creates a TOC entry
.\" Parameter is the title of the heading
.de HDR_1
.sp 1
.in 0 
\\n+[head1]\\  \\$1
\\n[head1]\\  \\$1
.in 3

.de HDR_2
.sp 1
.in 0 
\\n[head1]\\.\\n+[head2]\\ \\$1
\\n[head1]\\.\\n[head2]\\ \\$1
.in 3

.de HDR_3
.sp 1
.in 0 
\\n[head1]\\.\\n[head2]\\.\\n+[head3]\\ \\$1
\\n[head1]\\.\\n[head2]\\.\\n[head3]\\ \\$1
.in 3

.de HDR_4
.sp 1
.in 0 
\\n[head1]\\.\\n[head2]\\.\\n[head3]\\.\\n+[head4]\\ \\$1
\\n[head1]\\.\\n[head2]\\.\\n[head3]\\.\\n[head4]\\ \\$1
.in 3

.de HDR_5
.sp 1
.in 0 
\\n[head1]\\.\\n[head2]\\.\\n[head3]\\.\\n[head4]\\.\\n+[head5]\\ \\$1
\\n[head1]\\.\\n[head2]\\.\\n[head3]\\.\\n[head4]\\.\\n[head5]\\ \\$1
.in 3

.de HDR_6
.sp 1
.in 0 
\\n[head1]\\.\\n[head2]\\.\\n[head3]\\.\\n[head4]\\.\\n[head5]\\.\\n+[head6]\\ \\$1
\\n[head1]\\.\\n[head2]\\.\\n[head3]\\.\\n[head4]\\.\\n[head5]\\.\\n[head6]\\ \\$1
.in 3


.pl 58
.po 0
.ll 72
.lt 72
.ds LF Day 
.ds RF FORMFEED[Page %]^
.ds CF 
.ds CH SLP Signature Extension
.ds RH Exp. July 2003  
.hy 0
.ad l
.in 0

Internet Engineering Task Force                            Michael Day
INTERNET DRAFT                                                     IBM
23 February 2003			         Expires in six months

.ce 1000
Signature Extension for Service Location Protocol v2
.ce 0
.sp 5

.in 0
Status of This Memo
.in 3
This document is an Internet-Draft and is subject to
all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
other groups may also distribute working documents as

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
documents at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-
Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as
"work in progress."

The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

This document is an individual contribution to the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF). Comments should be submitted to the
srvloc@srvloc.org mailing list.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
.bp .HDR_1 Introduction 

The Service Location Protocol, Version 2 [rfc2608bis] provides a
flexible and scalable framework for provisioning network nodes with
information on the existence, location, and configuration of networked

[rfc2608bis] recommends using [IPSEC] to provide authentication and
privacy to SLP messages, transported either upon UDP or TCP. [IPSEC]
SHOULD be used with SLP. 

This document outlines optional protocol extensions that MAY be used
for authenticating SLP messages when [IPSEC] is not available in the

As with all SLP protocol extensions, support for the signature
extension is OPTIONAL and cannot be assumed present in the
computing environment. 

.HDR_2 Need\ for\ Authentication\ of\ SLP\ Messages

[rfc2608] outlines the need for authentication of SLP messages in
section 15. 

.HDR_1 References 

.IP [rfc2608bis] 3 
Guttman, E., Kempf, J., "Service Location Protocol,
Version 2", draft-guttman-svrloc-rfc2608bis-03.txt

.IP [IPSEC] 3 
Kent, S., and Atkinson, R., "Security Architecture for the
Internet Protocol," RFC 2401, November, 1998.


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