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Revision: 1.3, Fri Jul 25 15:07:19 2008 UTC (15 years, 10 months ago) by karl
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.2: +33 -14 lines
PEP#: 328
TITLE: Sun Port

DESCRIPTION: Add tests to test script

pegnightlytest is a bash script that automates the process of:

    cvs checkout
    reporting results to the pegasus build status web page

It is intended to automate the process of running the pegasus
nightly tests.

NOTE: that this script uses the configure script in the
pegasus_unsupportet/configure directory.

To use this script:

1. get the script from the CVS modulepegasus_unsupported
   (cvs co pegasus_unsupported).
2. Be sure pegasus_unsupported directory tree is available for access to the
   configure script.  Note that this script assumes that the configure
   script is in ~/pegasus_unsupported/config.
3. Insure that the password for the anon pegasus CVS user is defined
   in the .cvspass file for this user.
4. Execute the pegnightlytest script with any options desired.
5. The script will attempt to
   * checkout pegasus from CVS
   * configure pegasus with the configure script and options from this script
   * build pegasus
   * run all tests
   * create a text file with information from the steps above and
     send it to the mail address for the pegasus nightly test results.

This script uses 3 directories:
   1. The pegasus_unsupported directory ~/pegasus_unsupported which can
      be checked out from the pegasus CVS as the source for the configure
   2. A test directory which will contain test results and is either:
      a. The directory in which the pegnightlytest script is started
      b. The directory specified by the -t option 
   3. The pegasus checkout and build directory which is either:
      a. The directory pegasus immediatly below the test directory from (2).
      b. The directory specified by the -d option to pegnightlytest.

When the script ends, all pertinent information for the test is in the file
pegtst-mailfile in the test directory and the script has attempted to
send this file to the defined TO and CC addresses.

NOTE: The options include a from address because the Open Group will 
accept mail only from known addresses.

This script allows you to select a number of options for the test

1. The directory for the test.  This is the directory in which the
   make result files will be installed. The default is the current
2. The directory in which the pegasus is to be checked out, built,
   and tested.  The default is to place this directly under the test
   directory defined in (1)
3. The configure options to be defined for the test. These options are passed
   on to the configure script
4. The CVS tag to be checked out. If no tag is specified, the pegasus
   CVS HEAD is checked out
5. Whether a CVS checkout is required to run this test. This simply allows
   running multiple tests setups without having to recheckout.
6. The TO address for the results email. The default is to send to the
   pegasus nightly build address (pegasus-build-status@opengroup.org)
7. CC addresses for the results mail. Any other address to which you want
   to send the results of the test.
8. Additional environment variables for the build and test configuration.
   This allows setting variables that are NOT defined in configure

NOTE: The -h option on the script lists the usage of the script.

   pegnightlytest TASK-PEP328-branch
   Checkout the cvs branch TASK-PEP328-branch configure it with the 
   default parameters, build it and run the default unit tests and 
   server tests.

   pegnightlytest -t /opt/tests -c --with-solaris-defaults

   Checkout the head of tree into /opt/tests/pegasus,
   configure it with the configure option --with-solaris-defaults

   pegnightlytest -c with-ssl -c with-slp -c with-pam

   checkoutout, configure, build, and test with the options defined.
   The script accumulated multiple options to supply to configure.

    ./pegnightlytest -v -c --with-solaris-defaults -c --with-test-user=guest \
       -y PEGASUS_TEST_USER_PASS=guest4now \
       -d /pegasusdev/n3 \
       -p UBUNTU-804 \
       -r x.y@abc.com \
       -m f.futz@testcompany.com TASK_PEP328_SOLARIS-branch
    checkout the branch TASK_PEP328_SOLARIS-branch using the current
    directory to store test results but putting the CVS checkout and
    PEGASUS_HOME under /pegasusdev/n3 and set the pegasus test user to
    guest with the password guest4now.  The report will be sent to
    f.futz@testcompany.com instead of the opengroup build mail url. The
    email will have the from address x.y@abc.com. The test is being run
    on the ubuntu linux OS version 804.  This will become part of the
    platform definition.

The resulting email message for this test looks something like the following:

No CVS admin address has been configured
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