(file) Return to mkmapper.bat CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [Pegasus] / pegasus / src / WMIMapper

  1 kumpf 1.1 @echo off
  2           REM ***********************************************************
  3           REM ***********************************************************
  4           REM Batch file for building the Pegasus-WMI Mapper on Windows
  5           REM
  6           REM NOTE: To run this script, GNU make (gnumake.exe) and 
  7           REM Pegasus mu.exe MUST BE in the PATH or in PEGASUS_ROOT
  8           REM
  9           REM Also, this batch file assumes Visual C++ 6.0 and the
 10           REM Microsoft Platform SDK are installed, vcvars32.bat is
 11           REM in the PATH and the MSSdk env var is defined. Other 
 12           REM environments (e.g., VisualStudio.NET) may require 
 13           REM modifications to this batch file.
 14           REM
 15           REM Environment Variables:
 16           REM   PLATFORM 
 17           REM   - Indicates the target platform for the build
 18           REM   - Valid settings are "Win32" and "Win64"
 19           REM   - Default(if not set) = "Win32"
 20           REM   FLAVOR 
 21           REM   - Indicates whether to build debug or product/release bits
 22 kumpf 1.1 REM   - Valid settings are "product" and "debug"
 23           REM   - Default(if not set) = "product"
 24           REM   PEGASUS_ROOT
 25           REM   - Root directory of the Pegasus "source" to build from
 26           REM     (e.g., "C:\Pegasus")
 27           REM   - No default -- MUST BE SET prior to running this script
 28           REM     or the script will fail.
 29           REM   PEGASUS_HOME
 30           REM   - Root directory where the built Pegasus binaries, etc., 
 31           REM     are to be "installed" (e.g., "C:\Pegasus")
 32           REM   - No default -- MUST BE SET prior to running this script
 33           REM     or the script will fail.
 34           REM   PEGASUS_HAS_SSL
 35           REM   - If set, indicates Pegasus to be built with SSL support
 36           REM   - If not set, Pegasus is still built with SSL by default
 37           REM     (may be overridden by the command line param, below)
 38           REM   OPENSSL_HOME
 39           REM   - Root directory of the OpenSSL libraries/sdk
 40           REM   - No default -- must be set prior to running this script
 41           REM     if SSL support is specified (see PEGASUS_HAS_SSL, above).
 42           REM
 43 kumpf 1.1 REM Command Line Parameters (used to override environment vars)
 44           REM   [-]Win32      overrides PLATFORM=Win32
 45           REM   [-]Win64      overrides PLATFORM=Win64
 46           REM   [-]d[ebug]    overrides FLAVOR=debug
 47           REM   [-]p[rodcut]  overrides FLAVOR=product
 48           REM   [-]r[elease]  overrides FLAVOR=product
 49           REM   [-]ssl        overrides PEGASUS_HAS_SSL defined
 50           REM   [-]nossl      overrides PEGASUS_HAS_SSL not defined
 51           REM
 52           REM ***********************************************************
 53           REM ***********************************************************
 54           echo Building Pegasus...
 56           REM ***********************************************************
 57           REM Keep any environment changes local
 58           REM ***********************************************************
 59           SETLOCAL
 61           REM ***********************************************************
 62           REM Default variables, if not already set
 63           REM ***********************************************************
 64 kumpf 1.1 if not defined PLATFORM set PLATFORM=Win32
 65           if not defined FLAVOR set FLAVOR=product
 66           if not defined PEGASUS_HAS_SSL set PEGASUS_HAS_SSL=Yes
 67           if not defined PEGASUS_WMIMAPPER set PEGASUS_WMIMAPPER=Yes
 68           if not defined PEGASUS_ROOT goto ERR_NO_PEGASUS_ROOT
 69           if not defined PEGASUS_HOME goto ERR_NO_PEGASUS_HOME
 71           REM ***********************************************************
 72 kumpf 1.2 REM Add %PEGASUS_HOME%\bin to the PATH (needed for tests, etc.)
 73           REM ***********************************************************
 74           set PATH=%PEGASUS_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
 76           REM ***********************************************************
 77 kumpf 1.1 REM Process command line args
 78           REM
 79           REM Valid args are (NOT case-sensitive):
 80           REM [-]Win32      overrides PLATFORM=Win32
 81           REM [-]Win64      overrides PLATFORM=Win64
 82           REM [-]d[ebug]    overrides FLAVOR=debug
 83           REM [-]p[rodcut]  overrides FLAVOR=product
 84           REM [-]r[elease]  overrides FLAVOR=product
 85           REM [-]ssl        overrides PEGASUS_HAS_SSL defined
 86           REM [-]nossl      overrides PEGASUS_HAS_SSL not defined
 87           REM ***********************************************************
 89           if "%1" == "" goto DONE_WITH_COMMAND_LINE
 91           if /i "%1"=="-Win32"   goto ARG_PLATFORM_WIN32
 92           if /i "%1"=="Win32"    goto ARG_PLATFORM_WIN32
 94           if /i "%1"=="-Win64"   goto ARG_PLATFORM_WIN64
 95           if /i "%1"=="Win64"    goto ARG_PLATFORM_WIN64
 97           if /i "%1"=="-debug"   goto ARG_FLAVOR_DEBUG
 98 kumpf 1.1 if /i "%1"=="debug"    goto ARG_FLAVOR_DEBUG
 99           if /i "%1"=="-d"       goto ARG_FLAVOR_DEBUG
100           if /i "%1"=="d"        goto ARG_FLAVOR_DEBUG
102           if /i "%1"=="-product" goto ARG_FLAVOR_PRODUCT
103           if /i "%1"=="product"  goto ARG_FLAVOR_PRODUCT
104           if /i "%1"=="-p"       goto ARG_FLAVOR_PRODUCT
105           if /i "%1"=="p"        goto ARG_FLAVOR_PRODUCT
107           if /i "%1"=="-release" goto ARG_FLAVOR_PRODUCT
108           if /i "%1"=="release"  goto ARG_FLAVOR_PRODUCT
109           if /i "%1"=="-r"       goto ARG_FLAVOR_PRODUCT
110           if /i "%1"=="r"        goto ARG_FLAVOR_PRODUCT
112           if /i "%1"=="-ssl"     goto ARG_SSL
113           if /i "%1"=="ssl"      goto ARG_SSL
115           if /i "%1"=="-nossl"   goto ARG_NOSSL
116           if /i "%1"=="nossl"    goto ARG_NOSSL
118           REM: If here, have an INVALID ARGUMENT:
119 kumpf 1.1 echo Invalid argument on the command line: %1. Ignoring...
120           goto NEXT_ARG
122           :ARG_PLATFORM_WIN32
123           set PLATFORM=Win32
124           goto NEXT_ARG
126           :ARG_PLATFORM_WIN64
127           set PLATFORM=Win64
128           goto NEXT_ARG
130           :ARG_FLAVOR_DEBUG
131           set FLAVOR=debug
132           goto NEXT_ARG
134           :ARG_FLAVOR_PRODUCT
135           set FLAVOR=product
136           goto NEXT_ARG
138           :ARG_SSL
139           set PEGASUS_HAS_SSL=Yes
140 kumpf 1.1 if not defined OPENSSL_HOME goto ERR_NO_OPENSSL_HOME
141 kumpf 1.2 set PATH=%OPENSSL_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
142 kumpf 1.1 goto NEXT_ARG
144           :ARG_NOSSL
145           set PEGASUS_HAS_SSL=
146           goto NEXT_ARG
148           :NEXT_ARG
149           shift
150           goto CHECK_COMMAND_LINE_ARG
154           REM ***********************************************************
155           REM Translate the PLATFORM and FLAVOR vars into environment
156           REM variables used by Pegasus for specifying platform & flavor
157           REM ***********************************************************
158           if /i "%FLAVOR%" == "product" set PEGASUS_DEBUG=
159           if /i "%FLAVOR%" == "debug" set PEGASUS_DEBUG=1
161           REM If/when Pegasus has a Win64/IPF config, the following can be 
162           REM used for setting the appropriate config, based on the PLATFORM:
163 kumpf 1.1 REM if "%PLATFORM%" == "Win32" set PEGASUS_PLATFORM=WIN32_IX86_MSVC
164           REM if "%PLATFORM%" == "Win64" set PEGASUS_PLATFORM=WIN64_IA64_MSVC
165           REM For now, using WIN32_IX86_MSVC, (even for Win64/IPF builds):
166           set PEGASUS_PLATFORM=WIN32_IX86_MSVC
168           REM ***********************************************************
169           REM This sets up the Visual C++/Platform SDK environment
170           REM ***********************************************************
172           REM The MS Platform SDK has the following platform options:
173           REM     /2000 - target Windows 2000 and IE 5.0
174           REM     /XP32 (default) - target Windows XP 32
175           REM     /XP64 - target Windows XP 64
176           REM     /SRV32 - target Windows Server 2003 32 bit
177           REM     /SRV64 - target Windows Server 2003 64 bit
178           REM     /x86_64 - target Windows for the x86_64 bit platform
179           REM
180           if /i "%PLATFORM%" == "Win32" set PSDKPLATFORM=/2000
181           if /i "%PLATFORM%" == "Win64" set PSDKPLATFORM=/SRV64
183           REM The MS Platform SDK has the following flavor options:
184 kumpf 1.1 REM     /DEBUG - set the environment to DEBUG
185           REM     /RETAIL - set the environment to RETAIL
186           REM
187           if /i "%FLAVOR%" == "product" set PSDKFLAVOR=/RETAIL
188           if /i "%FLAVOR%" == "debug" set PSDKFLAVOR=/DEBUG
190           REM Configure the development environment
191           call vcvars32.bat
192           call "%MSSdk%\setenv.bat" %PSDKPLATFORM% %PSDKFLAVOR%
194           REM ***********************************************************
195           REM Finally, run the builds
196           REM ***********************************************************
198           REM ***********************************************************
199           REM Makefiles must be run from the directory where they reside
200           REM ***********************************************************
201           pushd %PEGASUS_ROOT%
203           echo.
204           echo "======================================="
205 kumpf 1.1 echo "Building the Pegasus core lib's & app's"
206           echo "======================================="
207 kumpf 1.2 REM NOTE: Remove "rebuild" from the make command, below,
208           REM for a simpler build of Pegasus (build new/updated 
209           REM files/dependencies only, no repository & no tests)
210 kumpf 1.1 make rebuild
211 kumpf 1.2 
212           REM NOTE: Comment-out the following line to ignore Pegasus
213           REM build/test errors, and go on to build the Mapper:
214 kumpf 1.1 if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto ERR_BUILD_FAILED
216           REM ***********************************************************
217           REM return to the original directory
218           REM ***********************************************************
219           popd
221           REM ***********************************************************
222           REM Now build the WMI Mapper
223           REM ***********************************************************
224           pushd %PEGASUS_ROOT%\src\WMIMapper
226           echo.
227           echo "======================================="
228           echo "Building the Pegasus WMI Mapper        "
229           echo "======================================="
230           make mapper
231           if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto ERR_BUILD_FAILED
233           REM ***********************************************************
234           REM return to the original directory
235 kumpf 1.1 REM ***********************************************************
236           popd
238           REM ***********************************************************
239           REM Copy header files to PEGASUS_HOME, to complete the SDK
240           REM ***********************************************************
241           REM First, delete any existing include directory:
242           rmdir /S /Q %PEGASUS_HOME%\include
244           REM Now, create the include directory structure:
245           set COMMON_INCL=%PEGASUS_HOME%\include\Pegasus\Common
246           set CLIENT_INCL=%PEGASUS_HOME%\include\Pegasus\Client
247           set PROVDR_INCL=%PEGASUS_HOME%\include\Pegasus\Provider
249           REM This is how to do it if NT extensions are not enabled:
250           REM mkdir %PEGASUS_HOME%\include
251           REM mkdir %PEGASUS_HOME%\include\Pegasus
252           REM mkdir %PEGASUS_HOME%\include\Pegasus\Common
253           REM mkdir %PEGASUS_HOME%\include\Pegasus\Client
254           REM mkdir %PEGASUS_HOME%\include\Pegasus\Provider
256 kumpf 1.1 REM With NT extensions enabled, can just do this:
257           mkdir %COMMON_INCL%
258           mkdir %CLIENT_INCL%
259           mkdir %PROVDR_INCL%
261           REM Finally, copy the headers:
263           pushd %PEGASUS_ROOT%\src\Pegasus\Common
264           copy AcceptLanguages.h %COMMON_INCL%
265           copy Array.h %COMMON_INCL%
266           copy ArrayInter.h %COMMON_INCL%
267           copy Char16.h %COMMON_INCL%
268           copy CIMClass.h %COMMON_INCL%
269           copy CIMDateTime.h %COMMON_INCL%
270           copy CIMFlavor.h %COMMON_INCL%
271           copy CIMIndication.h %COMMON_INCL%
272           copy CIMInstance.h %COMMON_INCL%
273           copy CIMMethod.h %COMMON_INCL%
274           copy CIMName.h %COMMON_INCL%
275           copy CIMObject.h %COMMON_INCL%
276           copy CIMObjectPath.h %COMMON_INCL%
277 kumpf 1.1 copy CIMParameter.h %COMMON_INCL%
278           copy CIMParamValue.h %COMMON_INCL%
279           copy CIMProperty.h %COMMON_INCL%
280           copy CIMPropertyList.h %COMMON_INCL%
281           copy CIMQualifier.h %COMMON_INCL%
282           copy CIMQualifierDecl.h %COMMON_INCL%
283           copy CIMScope.h %COMMON_INCL%
284           copy CIMStatusCode.h %COMMON_INCL%
285           copy CIMType.h %COMMON_INCL%
286           copy CIMValue.h %COMMON_INCL%
287           copy Config.h %COMMON_INCL%
288           copy ContentLanguages.h %COMMON_INCL%
289           copy Exception.h %COMMON_INCL%
290           copy Formatter.h %COMMON_INCL%
291           copy LanguageParser.h %COMMON_INCL%
292 kumpf 1.5 copy LanguageTag.h %COMMON_INCL%
293 kumpf 1.1 copy Linkage.h %COMMON_INCL%
294           copy Logger.h %COMMON_INCL%
295           copy MessageLoader.h %COMMON_INCL%
296           copy OperationContext.h %COMMON_INCL%
297           copy Platform_WIN32_IX86_MSVC.h %COMMON_INCL%
298           copy ResponseHandler.h %COMMON_INCL%
299           copy SSLContext.h %COMMON_INCL%
300           copy String.h %COMMON_INCL%
301           copy System.h %COMMON_INCL%
302           popd
304           pushd %PEGASUS_ROOT%\src\Pegasus\Client
305           copy CIMClient.h %CLIENT_INCL%
306           copy CIMClientException.h %CLIENT_INCL%
307           copy Linkage.h %CLIENT_INCL%
308           popd
310           pushd %PEGASUS_ROOT%\src\Pegasus\Provider
311           copy CIMAssociationProvider.h %PROVDR_INCL%
312 kumpf 1.4 copy CIMIndicationConsumerProvider.h %PROVDR_INCL%
313 kumpf 1.1 copy CIMIndicationProvider.h %PROVDR_INCL%
314           copy CIMInstanceProvider.h %PROVDR_INCL%
315           copy CIMMethodProvider.h %PROVDR_INCL%
316           copy CIMOMHandle.h %PROVDR_INCL%
317           copy CIMProvider.h %PROVDR_INCL%
318           copy CIMQueryProvider.h %PROVDR_INCL%
319           copy Linkage.h %PROVDR_INCL%
320           copy ProviderException.h %PROVDR_INCL%
321           copy ResponseHandler.h %PROVDR_INCL%
322           popd
325           goto DONE
326           REM ***********************************************************
327           REM Error Message Sub-Routines
328           REM ***********************************************************
329           :ERR_NO_PEGASUS_ROOT
330           echo "Error: The environment variable PEGASUS_ROOT is not set!"
331           goto DONE
332           :ERR_NO_PEGASUS_HOME
333           echo "Error: The environment variable PEGASUS_HOME is not set!"
334 kumpf 1.1 goto DONE
335           :ERR_NO_OPENSSL_HOME
336           echo "Error: The environment variable OPENSSL_HOME is not set!"
337           goto DONE
338           :ERR_BUILD_FAILED
339           echo Error: An error occured during the build.
340           goto DONE
342           :DONE
343           ENDLOCAL
345           :EOF

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