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File: [Pegasus] / pegasus / src / Pegasus / msg / Server / pegasusServer_en.txt (download)
Revision: 1.60, Fri Jan 21 23:18:32 2005 UTC (19 years, 5 months ago) by kumpf
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.59: +24 -0 lines
PEP#: 197
TITLE: Provider User Context

DESCRIPTION: Update the provider registration schema (PG_ProviderModule class) to include UserContext and DesignatedUserContext properties.

// ==============================================================================
// Developer's notes:
// 1)  The message key naming convention is:
//        <directory-name>.<sourcecode-file-name>.<MESSAGE_IDENTIFIER_UPPER_CASE>
//     For example:
//        ProviderManager.ProviderAdapter.ADAPTER_NOT_PA
//     This will allow us to tell which source code file is using a message.
//     Please try to follow this naming convention.
// 2)  All the messages for a source code file are grouped together.  When adding
//     new messages for a source code file, please add those messages to the same
//     group as the other messages for that file.
//     Be sure to include the message identifier as the first element of the
//     message and include the documented message prefix at the beginning of
//     the message identifier (in upper case):
//     For example:
//        "PGS03600:  Adapter {0} is not a ProviderAdapter."
//          (1) where PGS03600 is the documented message prefix for
//              ProviderAdapter messages,
//          (2) ADAPTER_NOT_PA is the message identifier
//          (3) and 'Adapter {0} is not a ProviderAdapter.' is the message
//     Also - please use a @note inside a comment block to document any
//     substitution data and indicate any words that should not be translated.
//     For example:
//      * @note PGS03600
//      *    Substitution {0} is the name of the provider adapter (a string)
//      *    Do not translate the word 'ProviderAdapter' since it is a class name.
// 3)  Place any messages from platform-specific source files in the section
//     at the end of this file.
// 4)  To compile this message bundle, run make messages (but refer to
//     pegasus/doc/Globalization_HOWTO.htm for details of how to set up ICU).
// ==============================================================================

        * @note  Do not translate the message identifiers which are located at the beginning of
        *          each message prior to the colon ':'.
        *        Do not translate the following strings in this file:
        *         'CGI', 'CIM', 'CIMOM', 'CIMMOF','DTD', 'HTTP', 'HTTPS', 'MOF', 'PEGASUS_HOME',
        *         'root/cimv2', 'SNMP', 'SSL', 'URL', 'URI', 'UTF-8', 'XML',
        *         'NT', 'Windows NT', 'OS/400',

en:table {

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMStatusCode
        //  These messages do not use a message prefix.
        // ==========================================================

        Common.CIMStatusCode.CIM_ERR_SUCCESS:string {"CIM_ERR_SUCCESS:  Successful."}

        Common.CIMStatusCode.CIM_ERR_FAILED:string {"CIM_ERR_FAILED: A general error occurred that is not covered by a more specific error code."}

        Common.CIMStatusCode.CIM_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED:string {"CIM_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED: Access to a CIM resource is not available to the client."}

        Common.CIMStatusCode.CIM_ERR_INVALID_NAMESPACE:string {"CIM_ERR_INVALID_NAMESPACE: The target namespace does not exist."}

        Common.CIMStatusCode.CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER:string {"CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER: One or more parameter values passed to the method are not valid."}

        Common.CIMStatusCode.CIM_ERR_INVALID_CLASS:string {"CIM_ERR_INVALID_CLASS: The specified class does not exist."}

        Common.CIMStatusCode.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND:string {"CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND: The requested object cannot be found."}

        Common.CIMStatusCode.CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED:string {"CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: The requested operation is not supported."}

        Common.CIMStatusCode.CIM_ERR_CLASS_HAS_CHILDREN:string {"CIM_ERR_CLASS_HAS_CHILDREN: The operation cannot be performed on this class because it has subclasses."}

        Common.CIMStatusCode.CIM_ERR_CLASS_HAS_INSTANCES:string {"CIM_ERR_CLASS_HAS_INSTANCES: The operation cannot be performed on this class because one or more instances of this class exist."}

        Common.CIMStatusCode.CIM_ERR_INVALID_SUPERCLASS:string {"CIM_ERR_INVALID_SUPERCLASS: The operation cannot be performed because the specified superclass does not exist."}

        Common.CIMStatusCode.CIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS:string {"CIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS: The operation cannot be performed because an object already exists."}

        Common.CIMStatusCode.CIM_ERR_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY:string {"CIM_ERR_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY: The specified property does not exist."}

        Common.CIMStatusCode.CIM_ERR_TYPE_MISMATCH:string {"CIM_ERR_TYPE_MISMATCH: The value supplied is not compatible with the type."}

        Common.CIMStatusCode.CIM_ERR_QUERY_LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED:string {"CIM_ERR_QUERY_LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED: The query language is not recognized or supported."}

        Common.CIMStatusCode.CIM_ERR_INVALID_QUERY:string {"CIM_ERR_INVALID_QUERY: The query is not valid for the specified query language."}

        Common.CIMStatusCode.CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLE:string {"CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLE: The extrinsic method cannot be performed."}

        Common.CIMStatusCode.CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_FOUND:string {"CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_FOUND: The specified extrinsic method does not exist."}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note :
        *        Substitution {0} is a status code (an integer).
	Common.CIMStatusCode.UNRECOGNIZED_STATUS_CODE:string {"Unrecognized CIM status code \"{0}\"."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for InternalException
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS00200"
        // ==========================================================

        Common.InternalException.NULL_POINTER:string {"PGS00200: Null pointer."}

        * @note PGS00201:
        *        Substitution {0} is a qualifier name (a string)
        Common.InternalException.UNDECLARED_QUALIFIER:string { "PGS00201:  The {0} qualifier is not declared."}

        * @note PGS00202:
        *        Substitution {0} is a qualifier name (a string)
        *        Substitution {1} is a scope (a string)
        Common.InternalException.BAD_QUALIFIER_SCOPE:string { "PGS00202: The {0} qualifier is not valid in scope {1}."}

        * @note PGS00203:
        *         Substitution {0} is a qualifier name (a string)
        Common.InternalException.BAD_QUALIFIER_OVERRIDE:string { "PGS00203: The {0} qualifier cannot be overridden."}

        * @note PGS00204:
        *        Substitution {0} is a qualifier name (a string)
        Common.InternalException.BAD_QUALIFIER_TYPE:string {"PGS00204: CIM type is different than its declaration for qualifier {0}."}

        * @note PGS00205:
        *        Substitution {0} is a class name (a string)
        Common.InternalException.CLASS_ALREADY_RESOLVED:string {"PGS00205: Attempted to resolve a class that is already resolved: {0}."}

        * @note PGS00206:
        *        Substitution {0} is a class name (a string)
        Common.InternalException.CLASS_NOT_RESOLVED:string {"PGS00206: Class {0} is not yet resolved."}

        Common.InternalException.InstanceAlreadyResolved:string {"PGS00207: Attempted to resolve an instance that is already resolved."}

        * @note PGS00208:
        *        Substitution {0} is a class name (a string)
        Common.InternalException.INSTANTIATED_ABSTRACT_CLASS:string {"PGS00208:  Attempted to create an instance of the abstract class {0}."}

        * @note PGS00209:
        *        Substitution {0} is a property name (a string)
        Common.InternalException.NO_SUCH_PROPERTY:string { "PGS00209:  The {0} property does not exist."}

        * @note PGS00210:
        *        Substitution {0} is a file name (a string)
        Common.InternalException.NO_SUCH_FILE:string { "PGS00210:  File {0} does not exist."}

        * @note PGS00211:
        *         Substitution {0} is a file name (a string)
        Common.InternalException.FILE_NOT_READABLE:string { "PGS00211:  File {0} cannot be read."}

        * @note PGS00212:
        *        Substitution {0} is a directory path (a string)
        Common.InternalException.CANNOT_REMOVE_DIRECTORY:string { "PGS00212: Cannot remove directory {0}."}

        * @note PGS00213:
        *        Substitution {0} is a file path and name (a string)
        Common.InternalException.CANNOT_REMOVE_FILE:string { "PGS00213: Cannot remove file {0}."}

        * @note PGS00214:
        *         Substitution {0} is a file path and name (a string)
        Common.InternalException.CANNOT_RENAME_FILE:string {"PGS00214: Cannot rename file {0}."}

        * @note PGS00215:
        *         Substitution {0} is a directory path (a string)
        Common.InternalException.NO_SUCH_DIRECTORY:string {"PGS00215:  Directory {0} does not exist."}

        * @note PGS00216:
        *         Substitution {0} is a directory path (a string)
        Common.InternalException.CANNOT_CREATE_DIRECTORY:string {"PGS00216:  Cannot create directory {0}."}

        Common.InternalException.CANNOT_OPEN_FILE:string { "PGS00217:  Cannot open file {0}."}

        Common.InternalException.NOT_IMPLEMENTED:string {"PGS00218:  Method {0} is not implemented."}

        Common.InternalException.STACK_UNDERFLOW:string {"PGS00219: Stack is empty."}

        Common.InternalException.STACK_OVERFLOW:string { "PGS00220: Stack overflow."}

        Common.InternalException.QUEUE_UNDERFLOW:string { "PGS00221: Queue is empty."}

        * @note PGS00222:
        *    Do not translate the word 'Formatter::format()' since it is a class name::method name
        Common.InternalException.BAD_FORMAT:string { "PGS00222: Incorrect format is passed to Formatter::format()."}

        Common.InternalException.BADLY_FORMED_CGI_QUERY_STRING:string { "PGS00223:  The CGI query string is not valid."}

        * @note PGS00224:
        *    Substitution {0} is a library name (a string)
        Common.InternalException.DYNAMIC_LOAD_FAILED:string { "PGS00224:  Failed to load dynamic library {0}."}

        * @note PGS00225:
        *     Substitution {0} is a symbol (a string)
        Common.InternalException.DYNAMIC_LOOKUP_FAILED:string {"PGS00225: Lookup of symbol {0} in dynamic library failed."}

        * @note PGS00226:
        *     Substitution {0} is a directory path (a string)
        Common.InternalException.CANNOT_OPEN_DIRECTORY:string { "PGS00226: Cannot open directory {0}."}

        * @note PGS00227:
        *        Substitution {0} is a message string
        Common.InternalException.ParseError:string { "PGS00227:  Parse error: {0}"}

        Common.InternalException.MISSING_NULL_TERMINATOR:string { "PGS00228:  The character string end delimiter is missing."}

        * @note PGS00229:
        *          Substitution {0} is a message string
        Common.InternalException.MALFORMED_LANGUAGE_HEADER:string { "PGS00229:  The language header is not valid: {0}"}

        * @note PGS00230:
        *         Substitution {0} is a message string
        *         Do not translate the word 'Accept-Language' since it is a standard HTTP request header field
        Common.InternalException.INVALID_ACCEPTLANGUAGE_HEADER:string { "PGS00230: The Accept-Language header is not valid: {0}"}

        * @note PGS00231:
        *         Substitution {0} is a message string
        *         Do not translate the word 'Content-Language' since it is a standard HTTP header
        Common.InternalException.INVALID_CONTENTLANGUAGE_HEADER:string { "PGS00231: The Content-Language header is not valid: {0}"}

        * @note PGS00232:
        *          Do not translate the word 'Authorization' since it is a standard HTTP header
        Common.InternalException.INVALID_AUTH_HEADER:string {"PGS00232: The Authorization header is not valid."}

        Common.InternalException.UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS:string {"PGS00233: Unauthorized access."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for Exception
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS00400"
        // ==========================================================

        Common.Exception.INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS00400: Index out of bounds."}

        * @note PGS00401:
        *            Substitution {0} is a message string
        Common.Exception.ALREADY_EXISTS_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS00401: Already exists: {0}"}

        * @note PGS00402:
        *        Substitution {0} is a CIM name (a string)
        Common.Exception.NAME_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS00402: The CIM name is not valid: {0}"}

        * @note PGS00403:
        *        Substitution {0} is a CIM namespace (a string)
        Common.Exception.INVALID_NAMESPACE_NAME_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS00403: The CIM namespace name is not valid: {0}"}

        Common.Exception.UNINITIALIZED_OBJECT_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS00404:  The object is not initialized."}

        Common.Exception.TYPE_MISMATCH_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS00405: The CIM type does not match the expected CIM type."}

        Common.Exception.DYNAMIC_CAST_FAILED_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS00406: Dynamic cast failure."}

        * @note PGS00407:
        *      Do not translate the word 'datetime' since it is a standard CIM type
        Common.Exception.INVALID_DATETIME_FORMAT_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS00407:  The format of the CIM datetime type is not valid."}

        * @note PGS00408:
        *         Substitution {0} is an object name (a string)
        Common.Exception.MALFORMED_OBJECT_NAME_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS00408: The object name is not valid: {0}"}

        * @note PGS00409:
        *        Substitution {0} is a message string
        Common.Exception.BIND_FAILED_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS00409: Bind failed: {0}"}

        * @note PGS00410:
        *        Substitution {0} is a string with the hostname:portnumber
        Common.Exception.INVALID_LOCATOR_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS00410: Locator is not valid: {0}"}

        Common.Exception.CANNOT_CREATE_SOCKET_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS00411: Cannot create the socket."}

        Common.Exception.ALREADY_CONNECTED_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS00412: Already connected."}

        Common.Exception.NOT_CONNECTED_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS00413: Not connected."}

        Common.Exception.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS00414: Connection timed out."}

        * @note PGS00415:
        *         Substitution {0} is a message string
        Common.Exception.SSL_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS00415: SSL exception: {0}"}

        * @note PGS00416:
        *          Substitution {0} is a time (in string format)
        *          Do not translate the word 'datetime' since it is a standard CIM type
        Common.Exception.DATETIME_OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS00416: The value of the CIM datetime type is out of range: {0}"}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for XmlParser
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS00600 "
        // ==========================================================

        * @note PGS00600:
        *         Substitution {0} is a line number (Uint32)
        *         Substitution {1} is a message
        Common.XmlParser.BAD_START_TAG:string {"PGS00600: Opening element on line {0} is not valid. {1}"}

        * @note PGS00601:
        *        Substitution {0} is a line number (Uint32)
        *        Substitution {1} is a message
        Common.XmlParser.BAD_END_TAG:string {"PGS00601: Closing element on line {0} is not valid. {1}"}

        * @note PGS00602:
        *         Substitution {0} is a line number (Uint32)
        *         Substitution {1} is a message
        Common.XmlParser.BAD_ATTRIBUTE_NAME:string {"PGS00602: Attribute name on line {0} is not valid. {1}"}

        * @note  PGS00603:
        *          Substitution {0} is a line number (Uint32)
        *          Substitution {1} is a message
        Common.XmlParser.EXPECTED_EQUAL_SIGN:string {"PGS00603: Expected an equal sign on line {0}. {1}"}

        * @note PGS00604:
        *         Substitution {0} is a line number (Uint32)
        *         Substitution {1} is a message
        Common.XmlParser.BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE:string {"PGS00604: Attribute value on line {0} is not valid. {1}"}

        * @note  PGS00605:
        *    Substitution {0} is a line number (Uint32)
        *    Substitution {1} is a message
        Common.XmlParser.MINUS_MINUS_IN_COMMENT:string {"PGS00605: A \"--\" sequence is found within a comment on line {0}. {1}"}

        * @note  PGS00606:
        *    Substitution {0} is a line number (Uint32)
        *    Substitution {1} is a message
        Common.XmlParser.UNTERMINATED_COMMENT:string {"PGS00606:  Expected an end comment on line {0}. {1}"}

        * @note  PGS00607:
        *    Substitution {0} is a line number (Uint32)
        *    Substitution {1} is a message
        *    Do not translate the word 'CDATA' since it is a standard XML section name
        Common.XmlParser.UNTERMINATED_CDATA:string {"PGS00607: Expected an end for the CDATA block on line {0}. {1}"}

        * @note  PGS00608:
        *    Substitution {0} is a line number (Uint32)
        *    Substitution {1} is a message
        *    Do not translate the word 'DOCTYPE' since it is a standard XML type declaration
        Common.XmlParser.UNTERMINATED_DOCTYPE:string {"PGS00608: Expected an end for the DOCTYPE on line {0}. {1}"}

        * @note  PGS00609:
        *    Substitution {0} is a line number (Uint32)
        *    Substitution {1} is a message
        Common.XmlParser.TOO_MANY_ATTRIBUTES:string {"PGS00609: Too many attributes on line {0}.  The XML parser handles a maximum of 10. {1}"}

        * @note  PGS00610:
        *    Substitution {0} is a line number (Uint32)
        *    Substitution {1} is a message
        Common.XmlParser.MALFORMED_REFERENCE:string {"PGS00610: Character or entity reference is not valid on line {0}. {1}"}

        * @note  PGS00611:
        *    Substitution {0} is a line number (Uint32)
        *    Substitution {1} is a message
        *    Do not translate the word 'CDATA' since it is a standard XML section name
        Common.XmlParser.EXPECTED_COMMENT_OR_CDATA:string {"PGS00611: Expected a comment or CDATA following the \"<!\" sequence on line {0}. {1}"}

        * @note  PGS00612:
        *    Substitution {0} is a line number (Uint32)
        *    Substitution {1} is a message
        Common.XmlParser.START_END_MISMATCH:string {"PGS00612: The closing element does not match the opening element on line {0}. {1}"}

        * @note  PGS00613:
        *    Substitution {0} is a line number (Uint32)
        *    Substitution {1} is a message but it is not used!
        Common.XmlParser.UNCLOSED_TAGS:string {"PGS00613: One or more tags are still open on line {0}. {1}"}

        * @note  PGS00614:
        *    Substitution {0} is a line number (Uint32)
        *    Substitution {1} is a message
        Common.XmlParser.MULTIPLE_ROOTS:string {"PGS00614: More than one root element is found on line {0}. {1}"}

        * @note  PGS00615:
        *    Substitution {0} is a line number (Uint32)
        *    Substitution {1} is a message
        Common.XmlParser.VALIDATION_ERROR:string {"PGS00615: Validation error on line {0}. {1}"}

        * @note  PGS00616:
        *    Substitution {0} is a line number (Uint32)
        *    Substitution {1} is a message
        Common.XmlParser.SEMANTIC_ERROR:string {"PGS00616: Semantic error on line {0}. {1}"}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for Repository InheritanceTree
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS00800" for InheritanceTree
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS00800:
        *    Substitution {0} is a class name (a string)
        Repository.InheritanceTree.INVALID_INHERITANCE_TREE:string {"PGS00800: The inheritance tree is not valid.  Unknown class: {0}"}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for Repository NameSpaceManager
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS01000" for NameSpaceManager
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS01000:
        *    Substitution {0} is a namespace (a string)
        Repository.NameSpaceManager.ATTEMPT_DELETE_NONEMPTY_NAMESPACE:string {"PGS01000: Namespace {0} is not empty.  Delete failed."}

        Repository.NameSpaceManager.ATTEMPT_TO_CHANGE_SUPERCLASS:string {"PGS01001: An attempt to change the superclass is detected."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMRepository
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS01200"
        // ==========================================================

        Repository.CIMRepository.COMPACT_FAILED:string {"PGS01200: Failed to compact the file."}

        Repository.CIMRepository.ROLLBACK_FAILED:string {"PGS01201:  The rollback operation failed."}

        Repository.CIMRepository.BEGIN_FAILED:string {"PGS01202: The attempt to begin the transaction failed."}

        * @note  PGS01203:
        *    Substitution {0} is an instance name (a string)
        Repository.CIMRepository.FAILED_TO_DELETE_INSTANCE:string {"PGS01203: Failed to delete instance {0}." }

        Repository.CIMRepository.COMMIT_FAILED:string {"PGS01204: The commit operation failed."}

        * @note  PGS01205:
        *    Substitution {0} is a CIM class name (a string)
        Repository.CIMRepository.CLASS_HAS_NO_KEYS:string {"PGS01205: Class {0} has no keys. An instance of that class cannot be created." }

        * @note  PGS01206:
        *    Substitution {0} is an instance name (a string)
        Repository.CIMRepository.FAILED_TO_CREATE_INSTANCE:string {"PGS01206: Failed to create instance {0}."}

        * @note  PGS01207:
        *    Substitution {0} is a class name::method name (a string)
        Repository.CIMRepository.FAILED_TO_REMOVE_FILE:string {"PGS01207: Failed to remove the file in {0}."}

        Repository.CIMRepository.ATTEMPT_TO_MODIFY_KEY_PROPERTY:string {"PGS01208: An attempt to modify a key property is detected."}

        * @note  PGS01209:
        *    Substitution {0} is an instance name (a string)
        Repository.CIMRepository.FAILED_TO_MODIFY_INSTANCE:string {"PGS01209: Failed to modify instance {0}."}

        * @note  PGS01210:
        *    Substitution {0} is a class name (a string)
        Repository.CIMRepository.FAILED_TO_LOAD_INSTANCES:string {"PGS01210: Failed to load instances in class {0}."}

        * @note  PGS01211:
        *    Substitution {0} is a class name (a string)
        Repository.CIMRepository.FAILED_TO_LOAD_INSTANCE_NAMES:string {"PGS01211: Failed to load instance names in class {0}."}

        * @note  PGS01212:
        *    Substitution {0} is a method name (a string)
        Repository.CIMRepository.INTERNAL_ERROR:string {"PGS01212: Internal error in method {0}."}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS01213:
        *         Do not translate the word 'Content-Language' since it is a standard HTTP header
        Repository.CIMRepository.UNSUPPORTED_CONTENTLANG:string {"PGS01213: The Content-Language parameter is not supported for this request."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for Security  UserExceptions
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS01400"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS01400:
        *    Substitution {0} is a user name (a string)
        Security.UserManager.UserExceptions.USER_ALREADY_EXISTS:string {"PGS01400: User {0} already exists."}

        * @note  PGS01401:
        *    Substitution {0} is a user name (a string)
        Security.UserManager.UserExceptions.INVALID_CIM_USER:string {"PGS01401: User {0} is not a valid CIM user."}

        * @note  PGS01402:
        *    Substitution {0} is a user name (a string)
        Security.UserManager.UserExceptions.INVALID_USER_ON_LOCAL_SYSTEM:string {"PGS01402: User {0} is not a valid user on the local system."}

        * @note  PGS01403:
        *    Substitution {0} is a user name (a string)
        Security.UserManager.UserExceptions.PASSWORD_MISMATCH:string {"PGS01403: The specified password does not match user's current password for user {0}."}

        Security.UserManager.UserExceptions.INTERNAL_ERROR_PWD_CACHE:string {"PGS01404: Internal error while processing the password cache table."}

        * @note  PGS01405:
        *    Substitution {0} is a user name (a string)
        *    Substitution {1} is a namespace (a string)
        Security.UserManager.UserExceptions.USER_NAMESPACE_NOT_AUTHORIZED:string {"PGS01405: The specified user {0} is not authorized to namespace {1}."}

        Security.UserManager.UserExceptions.INTERNAL_ERROR_AUTH_CACHE:string {"PGS01406: Internal error while processing the authorization cache table."}

        * @note  PGS01407:
        *    Substitution {0} is a user name (a string)
        *    Substitution {1} is a namespace (a string)
        Security.UserManager.UserExceptions.AUTH_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:string {"PGS01407: Authorization entry is not found for user {0} with the namespace {1}."}

        * @note  PGS01408:
        *    Substitution {0} is a namespace (a string)
        Security.UserManager.UserExceptions.NAMESPACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST:string {"PGS01408: The specified namespace {0} does not exist."}

        * @note  PGS01409:
        *   Do not translate the word 'UserManager' since it is a class name.
        Security.UserManager.UserExceptions.CANT_CREATE_USERMANAGER_INSTANCE:string {"PGS01409: Cannot create a UserManager instance. The repository handle may not be valid."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for Security  PasswordFile
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS01600"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS01600:
        *    Substitution {0} is a file name (a string)
        Security.UserManager.PasswordFile.PWD_FILE_NOT_FOUND:string {"PGS01600: The password file {0} is not found."}

        Security.UserManager.PasswordFile.CREATING_BLANK_PWD_FILE:string {"PGS01601: Creating blank password file."}

        * @note  PGS01602:
        *    Substitution {0} is a file name (a string)
        Security.UserManager.PasswordFile.TRYING_TO_BACKUP_FILE:string {"PGS01602: Attempting to use the backup file {0}."}

        * @note  PGS01603:
        *    Substitution {0} is a file name (a string)
        Security.UserManager.PasswordFile.CANNOT_USE_BACKUP_FILE:string {"PGS01603: Unable to use the backup file {0}."}

        * @note  PGS01604:
        *    Substitution {0} is a file name (a string)
        Security.UserManager.PasswordFile.RECOVERED_USING_BACKUP_FILE:string {"PGS01604: Recovered using the backup file {0}."}

        * @note  PGS01605:
        *    Substitution {0} is a file name (a string)
        Security.UserManager.PasswordFile.ERROR_OPENING_PWD_FILE:string {"PGS01605: Error opening the password file {0}."}

        * @note  PGS01606:
        *    Substitution {0} is a user name (a string)
        Security.UserManager.PasswordFile.ERROR_READING_PWD_ENTRY:string {"PGS01606: Error reading the password entry for user {0}."}

        * @note  PGS01607:
        *    Substitution {0} is a user name (a string)
        Security.UserManager.PasswordFile.DUPLICATE_USER:string {"PGS01607: Duplicate user: {0}."}

        * @note  PGS01608:
        *    Substitution {0} is a file name (a string)
        Security.UserManager.PasswordFile.CANNOT_REMOVE_PWD_FILE:string {"PGS01608: Cannot remove the password file {0}."}

        * @note  PGS01609:
        *    Substitution {0} is a file name (a string)
        Security.UserManager.PasswordFile.CANNOT_RENAME_PWD_FILE:string {"PGS01609: Cannot rename the password file {0}."}

        * @note  PGS01610:
        *    Substitution {0} is a file name (a string)
        Security.UserManager.PasswordFile.CANNOT_REMOVE_BACKUP_PWD_FILE:string {"PGS01610: Cannot remove the backup password file {0}."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for Security  UserFileHandler
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS01800"
        // ==========================================================

        Security.UserManager.UserFileHandler.TIMEOUT:string {"PGS01800: Timed out while attempting to perform the requested operation. Try the operation again."}

        Security.UserManager.UserFileHandler.DEADLOCK:string {"PGS01801: Deadlock encountered while attempting to perform the requested operation.  Try the operation again."}

        * @note  PGS01802:
        *    Substitution {0} is a user name (a string)
        Security.UserManager.UserFileHandler.ERROR_UPDATING_USER_INFO:string {"PGS01802: Error updating the user information for user {0}."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for Security AuthenticationManager
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS02000"
        // ==========================================================

        Security.Authentication.AuthenticationManager.AUTHENTICATION_HANDLER_KERBEROS_FAILED_TO_INITIALIZE:string {"PGS02000: The CIM server authentication handler for Kerberos failed to initialize properly. The CIM server is not started."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for ConfigExceptions
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS02200"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS02200:
        *    Substitution {0} is the option (a string)
        Config.ConfigExceptions.MISSING_CMDLINE_OPTION:string {"PGS02200: Missing the command line option {0}."}

        Config.ConfigExceptions.UNRECOGNIZED_CMDLINE_OPTION:string {"PGS02201: Command line option is not recognized. "}

        * @note  PGS02202:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the property (a string)
        *    Substitution {1} is the property value
        Config.ConfigExceptions.INVALID_PROPERTY_VALUE:string {"PGS02202: Property value is not valid: {0}={1}"}

        * @note  PGS02203:
        *    Substitution {0} is the option (a string)
        Config.ConfigExceptions.DUPLICATE_OPTION:string {"PGS02203:  Duplicate option {0}."}

        * @note  PGS02204:
        *    Substitution {0} is the option (a string)
        Config.ConfigExceptions.UNRECOGNIZED_CONFIG_FILE_OPTION:string {"PGS02204: Configuration file option {0} is not recognized."}

        * @note  PGS02205:
        *    Substitution {0} is the option (a string)
        Config.ConfigExceptions.MISSING_REQUIRED_OPTION:string {"PGS02205: Missing the required option value {0}."}

        * @note  PGS02206:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of a property (a string)
        Config.ConfigExceptions.UNRECOGNIZED_CONFIG_PROPERTY:string {"PGS02206:  The configuration property {0} is not recognized."}

        * @note  PGS02207:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of a property (a string)
        Config.ConfigExceptions.NONDYNAMIC_CONFIG_PROPERTY:string {"PGS02207: The configuration property {0} is not dynamic."}

        Config.ConfigExceptions.CONFIG_FILE_SYNTAX_ERR:string {"PGS02208: Syntax error is found in the configuration file: "}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for TracePropertyOwner
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS02400"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS02400:
        *    Substitution {0} is a file name (a string)
        Config.TracePropertyOwner.UNABLE_TO_WRITE_TRACE_FILE:string {"PGS02400: Unable to write to trace file {0}."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for ConfigSettingProvider
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS02600"
        // ==========================================================

        ControlProviders.ConfigSettingProvider.ConfigSettingProvider.INVALID_INSTANCE_NAME:string {"PGS02600: The instance name is not valid."}

        * @note  PGS02601:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of a CIM property (a string)
        ControlProviders.ConfigSettingProvider.ConfigSettingProvider.CONFIG_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND:string {"PGS02601: The {0} configuration property is not found."}

        ControlProviders.ConfigSettingProvider.ConfigSettingProvider.MODIFICATION_OF_ENTIRE_INSTANCE:string {"PGS02602: Modification of the entire instance is not supported."}

        * @note  PGS02603:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of a CIM property (a string)
        ControlProviders.ConfigSettingProvider.ConfigSettingProvider.MODIFICATION_NOT_SUPPORTED:string {"PGS02603: Modification of the {0} property is not supported."}

        ControlProviders.ConfigSettingProvider.ConfigSettingProvider.UPDATE_CURRENT_VALUE_FAILED:string {"PGS02604: Failed to update the current value."}

        ControlProviders.ConfigSettingProvider.ConfigSettingProvider.UPDATE_PLANNED_VALUE_FAILED:string {"PGS02605: Failed to update the planned value."}

        ControlProviders.ConfigSettingProvider.ConfigSettingProvider.USER_NOT_PRIVILEGED:string {"PGS02606: Superuser authority is required to run this CIM operation."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for NamespaceProvider
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS02800"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS02800:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the CIM property (a string)
        ControlProviders.NamespaceProvider.NamespaceProvider.INVALID_TYPE_FOR_PROPERTY:string {"PGS02800: Property type is not valid for property {0}"}

        ControlProviders.NamespaceProvider.NamespaceProvider.INVALID_KEY_PROPERTY:string {"PGS02801: Key property is not valid:  "}

        * @note  PGS02802:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the parent CIM namespace (a string)
        ControlProviders.NamespaceProvider.NamespaceProvider.PARENT_NAMESPACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST:string {"PGS02802: Parent namespace does not exist: {0}"}

        * @note  PGS02803:
        *    Substitution {0} is a CIM name (a string)
        ControlProviders.NamespaceProvider.NamespaceProvider.NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_NAMESPACEPROVIDER:string {"PGS02803: The requested operation on CIM class {0} is not supported by the namespace provider."}

        ControlProviders.NamespaceProvider.NamespaceProvider.ROOT_NAMESPACE_CANNOT_BE_DELETED:string {"PGS02804: The root namespace cannot be deleted."}

        * @note  PGS02805:
        *    Substitution {0} is a namespace (a string)
        ControlProviders.NamespaceProvider.NamespaceProvider.NAMESPACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST:string {"PGS02805: The {0} namespace does not exist."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for ProviderRegistrationProvider
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS03000"
        // ==========================================================

        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.SUPERUSER_PRIVILEGE_REQUIRED_MODIFY_REGISTRATION:string {"PGS03000: Superuser authority is required to modify the CIM provider registration."}

        * @note  PGS03001:
        *   Do not translate the word 'Namespaces' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *   Do not translate the word 'SupportedProperties' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *   Do not translate the word 'SupportedMethods' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.CAN_ONLY_MODIFY_ERR:string {"PGS03001: Only the Namespaces property, SupportedProperties property and SupportedMethods property can be changed."}

        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.SUPERUSER_PRIVILEGE_REQUIRED_REGISTER_PROVIDERS:string {"PGS03002: Superuser authority is required to register CIM providers."}

        * @note PGS03003:
        *     Do not translate the word 'Name' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *     Do not translate the word 'PG_ProviderModule' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_NAME_IN_PG_PROVIDERMODULE:string {"PGS03003: Missing the required Name property in PG_ProviderModule class."} //485

        * @note PGS03004:
        *     Do not translate the word 'Vendor' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *     Do not translate the word 'PG_ProviderModule' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_VENDOR_IN_PG_PROVIDERMODULE:string {"PGS03004: Missing the required Vendor property in PG_ProviderModule class."} // 485

        * @note PGS03005:
        *     Do not translate the word 'Version' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *     Do not translate the word 'PG_ProviderModule' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_VERSION_IN_PG_PROVIDERMODULE:string {"PGS03005: Missing the required Version property in PG_ProviderModule class."} // 485

        * @note PGS03006:
        *     Do not translate the word 'InterfaceType' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *     Do not translate the word 'PG_ProviderModule' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_INTERFACETYPE_IN_PG_PROVIDERMODULE:string {"PGS03006: Missing the required InterfaceType property in PG_ProviderModule class."}  // 485

        * @note PGS03007:
        *     Do not translate the word 'InterfaceVersion' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *     Do not translate the word 'PG_ProviderModule' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_INTERFACEVERSION_IN_PG_PROVIDERMODULE:string {"PGS03007: Missing the required InterfaceVersion in PG_ProviderModule class."} // 485

        * @note PGS03008:
        *     Do not translate the word 'Location' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *     Do not translate the word 'PG_ProviderModule' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_LOCATION_IN_PG_PROVIDERMODULE:string {"PGS03008: Missing the required Location property in PG_ProviderModule class."} // 485

        * @note PGS03009:
        *     Do not translate the word 'ProviderModuleName' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *     Do not translate the word 'PG_ProviderCapabilities' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_PROVIDERMODULENAME_IN_PG_PROVIDERCAPABILITIES:string {"PGS03009: Missing the required ProviderModuleName property in PG_ProviderCapabilities class."}  // 485

        * @note PGS03010:
        *     Do not translate the word 'ProviderName' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *     Do not translate the word 'PG_ProviderCapabilities' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_PROVIDERNAME_IN_PG_PROVIDERCAPABILITIES:string {"PGS03010: Missing the required ProviderName property in PG_ProviderCapabilities class."} // 485

        * @note PGS03011:
        *     Do not translate the word 'CapabilityID' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *     Do not translate the word 'PG_ProviderCapabilities' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_CAPABILITYID_IN_PG_PROVIDERCAPABILITIES:string {"PGS03011: Missing the required CapabilityID property in PG_ProviderCapabilities class."} // 485

        * @note PGS03012:
        *     Do not translate the word 'ClassName' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *     Do not translate the word 'PG_ProviderCapabilities' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_CLASSNAME_IN_PG_PROVIDERCAPABILITIES:string {"PGS03012: Missing the required ClassName property in PG_ProviderCapabilities class."} // 485

        * @note PGS03013:
        *     Do not translate the word 'NameSpaces' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *     Do not translate the word 'PG_ProviderCapabilities' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        */      ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_NAMESPACES_IN_PG_PROVIDERCAPABILITIES:string {"PGS03013: Missing the required NameSpaces property in PG_ProviderCapabilities class."} // 485

        * @note PGS03013:
        *     Do not translate the word 'ProviderType' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *     Do not translate the word 'PG_ProviderCapabilities' since it is the name of a CIM class.
          */    ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_PROVIDERTYPE_IN_PG_PROVIDERCAPABILITIES:string {"PGS03013: Missing the required ProviderType property in PG_ProviderCapabilities class."} // 485

        * @note PGS03013:
        *     Do not translate the word 'Name' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *     Do not translate the word 'PG_Provider' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_NAME_IN_PG_PROVIDER:string {"PGS03013: Missing the required Name property in PG_Provider class."} // 485

        * @note PGS03014:
        *     Do not translate the word 'ProviderModuleName' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *     Do not translate the word 'PG_Provider' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        */      ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_PROVIDERMODULENAME_IN_PG_PROVIDER:string {"PGS03014: Missing the required ProviderModuleName property in PG_Provider class."} // 485

        * @note PGS03014:
        *     Do not translate the word 'InterfaceType' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *     Substitution {0} is an InterfaceType value (a string)
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.UNSUPPORTED_INTERFACETYPE_VALUE:string {"PGS03014: InterfaceType property value {0} is not supported."} // 485

        * @note PGS03015:
        *     Do not translate the word 'InterfaceVersion' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *     Substitution {0} is an InterfaceVersion value (a string)
        */      ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.UNSUPPORTED_INTERFACEVERSION_VALUE:string {"PGS03015: InterfaceVersion property value {0} is not supported."} // 485

        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.DISABLE_PROVIDER_FAILED_PROVIDER_BUSY:string {"PGS03015: Failed to disable the provider.  The provider is busy."} // 485

        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.DISABLE_PROVIDER_MODULE_FAILED_PROVIDER_BUSY:string {"PGS03016: Failed to disable the provider module.  The provider is busy."}  //485

        * @note PGS03017:
        *     Do not translate the word 'ProviderModuleName' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.PROVIDERMODULENAME_KEY_NOT_FOUND:string {"PGS03017: The key property ProviderModuleName is not found."} // 485

        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.SUPERUSER_PRIVILEGE_REQUIRED_UNREGISTER_PROVIDERS:string {"PGS03018: Superuser authority is required to unregister CIM providers."}

        * @note PGS03019:
        *     Do not translate the word 'Name' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.NAME_KEY_NOT_FOUND:string {"PGS03019: The key property Name is not found."} // 485

        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.DISABLE_PROVIDER_FAILED:string {"PGS03020: Failed to disable the CIM provider."}

        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.DISABLE_PROVIDER_MODULE_FAILED:string {"PGS03021: Failed to disable the CIM provider module."}

        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.SUPERUSER_PRIVILEGE_REQUIRED_DISABLE_ENABLE_PROVIDERS:string {"PGS03022:  Superuser authority is required to disable or enable CIM providers."}

        * @note  PGS03023:
        *   Do not translate the word 'ProviderModuleName' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *   Do not translate the word 'PG_ConsumerCapabilities' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_PROVIDER_MODULE_NAME_WHICH_IS_REQUIRED:string {"PGS03023: Missing the required ProviderModuleName property in PG_ConsumerCapabilities class."}

        * @note  PGS03024:
        *   Do not translate the word 'ProviderName' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *   Do not translate the word 'PG_ConsumerCapabilities' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_PROVIDER_NAME_WHICH_IS_REQUIRED:string {"PGS03024: Missing the required ProviderName property in PG_ConsumerCapabilities class."}

        * @note  PGS03025:
        *   Do not translate the word 'CapabilityID' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *   Do not translate the word 'PG_ConsumerCapabilities' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_CAPABILITY_ID_WHICH_IS_REQUIRED:string {"PGS03025: Missing the required CapabilityID property in PG_ConsumerCapabilities class."}

        * @note  PGS03026:
        *   Do not translate the word 'ProviderType' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *   Do not translate the word 'PG_ConsumerCapabilities' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_PROVIDER_TYPE_WHICH_IS_REQUIRED:string {"PGS03026: Missing the required ProviderType property in PG_ConsumerCapabilities class."}

        * @note  PGS03027:
        *   Do not translate the word 'Destinations' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *   Do not translate the word 'PG_ConsumerCapabilities' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_DESTINATIONS_TYPE_WHICH_IS_REQUIRED:string {"PGS03027: Missing the required Destinations property in PG_ConsumerCapabilities class."}

        * @note  PGS03028:
        * @version 2.5
        *   Do not translate the word 'UserContext' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *   Do not translate the word 'PG_ProviderModule' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.USERCONTEXT_UNSUPPORTED:string {"PGS03028: The UserContext property in the PG_ProviderModule class is not supported."}

        * @note  PGS03029:
        * @version 2.5
        *   Do not translate the word 'UserContext' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *   Substitution {0} is a UserContext value (an unsigned integer property value)
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.UNSUPPORTED_USERCONTEXT_VALUE:string {"PGS03029: Unsupported UserContext value: \"{0}\"."}

        * @note  PGS03030:
        * @version 2.5
        *   Do not translate the word 'DesignatedUserContext' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        *   Do not translate the word 'PG_ProviderModule' since it is the name of a CIM class.
        ControlProviders.ProviderRegistrationProvider.ProviderRegistrationProvider.MISSING_DESIGNATEDUSER_IN_PG_PROVIDERMODULE:string {"PGS03030: Missing DesignatedUserContext property in PG_ProviderModule instance."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for UserAuthProvider
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS03200"
        // ==========================================================

        ControlProviders.UserAuthProvider.MUST_BE_PRIVILEGED_USER:string {"PGS03200: Superuser authority is required to run this CIM operation."}

        * @note  PGS03201
        *   Do not translate the word 'Username' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        ControlProviders.UserAuthProvider.UNABLE_TO_FIND_KEY_PROPERTY_USERNAME:string {"PGS03201: Unable to find the key property Username."}

        ControlProviders.UserAuthProvider.UNEXPECTED_KEY_PROPERTY:string {"PGS03202: Unexpected key property."}

        * @note  PGS03203
        *   Do not translate the word 'Username' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        ControlProviders.UserAuthProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY:string {"PGS03203: The Username property cannot be empty."}

        * @note  PGS03204
        *   Do not translate the word 'Namespace' since it is the name of a CIM property.
        ControlProviders.UserAuthProvider.NAMESPACE_PROPERTY_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY:string {"PGS03204: The Namespace property cannot be empty."}

        * @note  PGS03205
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the method (a string)
        ControlProviders.UserAuthProvider.UNSUPPORTED_METHOD_NAME:string {"PGS03205: Unsupported method name, {0}."}

        ControlProviders.UserAuthProvider.INPUT_PARAMETERS_NOT_VALID:string {"PGS03206: Input parameters are not valid."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CertificateProvider
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS03300"
        // ==========================================================

	ControlProviders.CertificateProvider.MUST_BE_PRIVILEGED_USER:string {"PGS03301: Superuser authority is required to run this CIM operation."}

	* @note PGS03302
	*    Substitution {0} is the name of the directory
	ControlProviders.CertificateProvider.COULD_NOT_READ_DIRECTORY:string {"PGS03302: Cannot read directory {0}."}

	* @note PGS03303
	*    Substitution {0} is the name of the directory
	ControlProviders.CertificateProvider.INVALID_DIRECTORY:string {"PGS03303: Invalid directory {0}."}

	* @note PGS03304
	*    Substitution {0} is the name of the file
	ControlProviders.CertificateProvider.DELETE_FAILED:string {"PGS03304: Could not delete file {0}."}

	* @note PGS03305
	*    Substitution {0} is the name of the file
	ControlProviders.CertificateProvider.FILE_DNE:string {"PGS03305: File does not exist {0}."}

	ControlProviders.CertificateProvider.BAD_X509_FORMAT:string {"PGS03306: Could not read x509 PEM format."}

	ControlProviders.CertificateProvider.CERT_NOT_VALID_YET:string {"PGS03307: The certificate is not valid yet.  Check the timestamps on your machine."}

	ControlProviders.CertificateProvider.CERT_EXPIRED:string {"PGS03308: The certificate has expired."}

	ControlProviders.CertificateProvider.BAD_DATE_FORMAT:string {"PGS03309: The validity dates are out of range."}

	ControlProviders.CertificateProvider.CRL_NOT_VALID_YET:string {"PGS03310: The CRL is not valid yet.  Check the timestamps on your machine.."}

	ControlProviders.CertificateProvider.CRL_EXPIRED:string {"PGS03311: The CRL is not up-to-date.  Check with the issuing CA for the latest one."}

	ControlProviders.CertificateProvider.EMPTY_CRL:string {"PGS03312: The CRL is empty."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMOMHandle
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS03400"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS03400
        *   Do not translate the word 'CIMOMHandle' since it is a class name.
        Provider.CIMOMHandle.RECURSIVE_USE_CIMOMHANDLE:string {"PGS03400: Recursive use of CIMOMHandle instance is attempted."}

        Provider.CIMOMHandle.EMPTY_CIM_RESPONSE:string {"PGS03401: Empty CIM response."}

        * @note  PGS03402
        *   Do not translate the word 'CIMOMHandle' since it is a class name.
        *   A word of explanation:  in computing terminology, exceptions are 'thrown' and 'caught'.
        *   The word 'caught' in this message is using the computing terminology for exceptions.
        Provider.CIMOMHandle.CAUGHT_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS03402:  Exception caught in CIMOMHandle."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for ProviderAdapter
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS03600"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS03600
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the provider adapter (a string)
        *    Substitution {1} is the error
        *    Do not translate the word 'ProviderAdapter' since it is a class name.
        ProviderManager.ProviderAdapter.CANNOT_LOAD_PROVIDER_ADAPTER:string {"PGS03600: ProviderAdapter {0} cannot be loaded.  Error: {1}"}

        * @note  PGS03601
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the provider adapter (a string)
        *    Do not translate the word 'ProviderAdapter' since it is a class name.
        ProviderManager.ProviderAdapter.ENTRY_POINT_RETURNED_NULL:string {"PGS03601:  Adapter load failure. The entry point for ProviderAdapter {0} returned a null value."}

        * @note  PGS03602
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the provider adapter (a string)
        *    Do not translate the word 'ProviderAdapter' since it is a class name.
        ProviderManager.ProviderAdapter.ADAPTER_NOT_PA:string {"PGS03602:  Adapter load failure. Adapter {0} is not a ProviderAdapter."}

        * @note  PGS03603
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the provider adapter (a string)
        *    Do not translate the word 'CIMProvider' since it is a class name.
        ProviderManager.ProviderAdapter.ADAPTER_NOT_CP:string {"PGS03603:  Adapter load failure. Adapter {0} is not a CIMProvider."}

        * @note  PGS03604
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the provider adapter (a string)
        *    Do not translate the word 'PegasusCreateProviderAdapter' since it is a DLL name.
        ProviderManager.ProviderAdapter.MISSING:string {"PGS03604: Adapter {0} cannot be loaded. PegasusCreateProviderAdapter is not found."}

	* @note  PGS03605
	ProviderManager.ProviderManager.INITIALIZE_FAILED:string {"PGS03605: Provider failed to initialize."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for ProviderFacade
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS03800"
        // ==========================================================

        ProviderManager.ProviderFacade.INVALID_PROVIDER_INTERFACE:string {"PGS03800: Provider interface is not valid."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for ProviderManagerService
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS04000"
        // ==========================================================

        ProviderManager.ProviderManagerService.PROVIDER_LOOKUP_FAILED:string {"PGS04000: Provider lookup failed."}

        ProviderManager.ProviderManagerService.PROVIDER_BLOCKED:string {"PGS04001: Provider is blocked."}

        ProviderManager.ProviderManagerService.NOT_IMPLEMENTED:string {"PGS04002: Not implemented."}

        ProviderManager.ProviderManagerService.INTERNAL_ERROR:string {"PGS04003: Internal error."}

        ProviderManager.ProviderManagerService.UNKNOWN_ERROR:string {"PGS04004: Unknown error."}

        ProviderManager.ProviderManagerService.SET_MODULE_STATUS_FAILED:string {"PGS04005: Failed to update the provider module status."}

        ProviderManager.ProviderManagerService.DISABLE_PROVIDER_FAILED:string {"PGS04006: Failed to disable the provider."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for ProviderModule
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS04200"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS04200
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of a provider (a string)
        ProviderManager.ProviderModule.IS_NOT_A:string {"PGS04200: Provider load failure.  {0}Provider is not a base provider."}

        * @note  PGS04201
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the file (a string)
        *    Substitution {1} is the name of a provider (a string)
        *    Substitution {2} is the system load error
        ProviderManager.ProviderModule.CANNOT_LOAD_LIBRARY:string {"PGS04201:  Provider {1} in file {0} cannot load library.  Error: {2}."}

        * @note  PGS04202
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the file (a string)
        *    Substitution {1} is the name of a provider (a string)
        ProviderManager.ProviderModule.ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND:string {"PGS04202:  Entry point is not found for provider {1} in file {0}."}

        * @note  PGS04203
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the file (a string)
        *    Substitution {1} is the name of a provider (a string)
        *    Do not translate the word 'CIMProvider' since it is a class name.
        ProviderManager.ProviderModule.PROVIDER_IS_NOT_A:string {"PGS04203:  Provider {1} in file {0} is not a CIMProvider."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CommandException
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS04400"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS04400
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the option (a string)
        Clients.cliutils.CommandException.DUPLICATE_OPTION:string {"PGS04400: -{0} is a duplicate option."}

        * @note  PGS04401
        *    Substitution {0} is the argument (a string)
        *    Substitution {1} is the name of the option (a string)
        Clients.cliutils.CommandException.INVALID_ARG:string {"PGS04401: Argument {0} is not valid for option -{1}."}

        * @note  PGS04402
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the option (a string)
        Clients.cliutils.CommandException.INVALID_OPTION:string {"PGS04402:  Option -{0} is not valid for this command."}

        * @note  PGS04403
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the option (a string)
        Clients.cliutils.CommandException.MISSING_OPTION_ARG:string {"PGS04403: Missing argument value for -{0} option."}

        * @note  PGS04404
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the option (a string)
        Clients.cliutils.CommandException.MISSING_OPTION:string {"PGS04404:  The -{0} option is required."}

        * @note  PGS04405
        *    Substitution {0} is the argument (a string)
        Clients.cliutils.CommandException.UNEXPECTED_ARG:string {"PGS04405:  Argument {0} is unexpected."}

        * @note  PGS04406
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the option (a string)
        Clients.cliutils.CommandException.UNEXPECTED_OPTION:string {"PGS04406:  Option -{0} is unexpected."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for Getoopt
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS04600"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS04600
        *    Substitution {0} is the invalid flag name (a string)
        getoopt.getoopt.CANT_NAME_FLAG:string {"PGS04600:  The flag name '{0}' is not valid."}

        * @note  PGS04601
        *    Substitution {0} is the flag tag (a string - perhaps empty)
        *    Substitution {1} is the name of the unknown flag (a string)
        getoopt.getoopt.UNKNOWN_FLAG:string {"PGS04601:  The flag {0}{1} is unknown."}

        * @note  PGS04602
        *    Substitution {0} is the flag name(a string)
        getoopt.getoopt.MISSING_VALUE_FOR_FLAG:string {"PGS04602:  Missing required value for flag {0}."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMMOF
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS04800"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.cmdline.MENU.PEGASUS_OS_HPUX
        *   Substitution {0} is the version of the MOF compiler (a string)
        *   Do not translate the cimmof command or options.  Just translate the text that explains the options.
        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.cmdline.MENU.PEGASUS_OS_HPUX:string {

          "\nMOF Compiler version {0}\n\n"
          "Usage: cimmof [-h] [-w] [-uc] [-aE | -aV | -aEV] [-I path] [-n namespace] [file, ...]\n"
          "    -h           - Used to show this help.\n"
          "    -w           - Used to suppress warnings.\n"
          "    -I <path>    - Used to specify a path to the included MOF files.\n"
          "    -n <namespace> - Used to override the default CIM repository namespace.\n"
          "  -uc   -- Used to allow the update of an existing class definition.\n"
          "  -aE   -- Used to allow the addition or modification of classes with the experimental qualifier.\n"
          "  -aV   -- Used to update a class that results in a version change.\n"
          "           The version must be specified in a valid format.\n"
          "           The format is m.n.u where m is major version, n is minor release and u is update.\n"
          "           For example, 2.7.0 is a valid format for CIM schema 2.7.0.\n"
          "           If the input class has the same version as the class in the repository,\n"
          "           the class is not updated.\n"
          "  -aEV  -- Used to allow changes to the schema version or changes to any class with an experimental qualifier.\n"

        * @note  Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.cmdline.MENU.PEGASUS_OS_OS400
        *   Substitution {0} is the version of the MOF compiler (a string)
        *   Do not translate the cimmof command or options.  Just translate the text that explains the options.
        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.cmdline.MENU.PEGASUS_OS_OS400:string {

          "\nMOF Compiler version {0}\n\n"
          "Usage: cimmof [-h] [-E] [-w] [-uc] [-aE | -aV | -aEV] [-R repository] [-I path] [-n namespace] [--xml] [--trace] [-q] -ffile\n"
          "       cimmof [-h] [-E] [-w] [-uc] [-aE | -aV | -aEV] [-R repository] [-I path] [-n namespace] [--xml] [--trace] [-q] mof_files...\n"
          "  -h      -- Used to show this help.\n"
          " --help   -- Used to show this help.\n"
          "  -E      -- Used to perform a syntax check on the input.  This option does not update the repository.\n"
          "  -w      -- Used to suppress warnings.\n"
          "  -uc     -- Used to allow the update of an existing class definition.\n"
          "  -aE     -- Used to allow the addition or modification of classes with the experimental qualifier.\n"
          "  -aV     -- Used to update a class that results in a version change.\n"
          "             The version must be specified in a valid format.\n"
          "             The format is m.n.u where m is major version, n is minor release and u is update.\n"
          "             For example, 2.7.0 is a valid format for CIM schema 2.7.0.\n"
          "             If the input class has the same version as the class in the repository,\n"
          "             the class is not updated.\n"
          "  -aEV    -- Used to allow changes to the schema version or changes to any class with an experimental qualifier.\n"
          "  -q      -- Used to suppress all messages except command line usage errors.\n"
          "  -R <repository> -- Used to specify the path to the repository.  If specified,\n"
          "             this overrides the PEGASUS_HOME environment variable.  Specify an absolute or relative path.\n"
          " --CIMRepository=<repository> -- Used to specify the path to the repository.  If specified,\n"
          "             this overrides the PEGASUS_HOME environment variable.  Specify an absolute or relative path.\n"
          "  -I <path>     -- Used to specify a path to the included MOF files.\n"
          "  -f <file>     -- Used to specify a file that contains a list of MOF files to compile.\n"
          " --file=<file>  -- Used to specify a file that contains a list of MOF files to compile.\n"
          " -n <namespace> -- Used to override the default CIM repository namespace.  The default is root/cimv2.\n"
          " --namespace=<namespace> -- Used to override default CIM repository namespace.  The default is root/cimv2.\n"
          " --xml          -- Used to output XML to standard output.  This option does not update the repository.\n"
          " --trace        -- Used to output trace information to a file.  The output destination is standard output.\n"
          " --trace=<tracefile> -- Used to output trace information to the specified file.\n"

        * @note  Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.cmdline.MENU.STANDARD
        *   Substitution {0} is the version of the MOF compiler (a string)
        *   Do not translate the cimmof command or options.  Just translate the text that explains the options.
        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.cmdline.MENU.STANDARD:string {

          "\nMOF Compiler version {0}\n\n"
          "Usage: cimmof [-h] [-E] [-w] [-uc] [-aE | -aV | -aEV] [-R repository] [-I path] [-n namespace] [--xml] [--trace] -ffile\n"
          "       cimmof [-h] [-E] [-w] [-uc] [-aE | -aV | -aEV] [-R repository] [-I path] [-n namespace] [--xml] [--trace] [mof_files...]\n"
          "  -h      -- Used to show this help.\n"
          " --help   -- Used to show this help.\n"
          "  -E      -- Used to perform a syntax check on the input.  This option does not update the repository.\n"
          "  -w      -- Used to suppress warnings.\n"
          "  -uc     -- Used to allow the update of an existing class definition.\n"
          "  -aE     -- Used to allow the addition or modification of classes with the experimental qualifier.\n"
          "  -aV     -- Used to update a class that results in a version change.\n"
          "             The version must be specified in a valid format.\n"
          "             The format is m.n.u where m is major version, n is minor release and u is update.\n"
          "             For example, 2.7.0 is a valid format for CIM schema 2.7.0.\n"
          "             If the input class has the same version as the class in the repository,\n"
          "             the class is not updated.\n"
          "  -aEV    -- Used to allow changes to the schema version or changes to any class with an experimental qualifier.\n"
          "  -R <repository> -- For the cimmofl command this option is used to specify the path to the repository.\n"
          "             If specified, this overrides the PEGASUS_HOME environment variable.\n"
          "             Specify an absolute or relative path.\n"
          "             For the cimmof command this option is used to specify the hostname:portnumber.\n"
          "  --CIMRepository=<repository> -- For the cimmofl command this option is used to specify the path to the repository.\n"
          "             If specified, this overrides the PEGASUS_HOME environment variable.\n"
          "             Specify an absolute or relative path.\n"
          "             For the cimmof command this option is used to specify the hostname:portnumber.\n"
          "  -I <path>     -- Used to specify a path to the included MOF files.\n"
          "  -f <file>     -- Used to specify a file that contains a list of MOF files to compile.\n"
          " --file=<file>  -- Used to specify a file that contains a list of MOF files to compile.\n"
          " -n <namespace> -- Used to override the default CIM repository namespace.  The default is root/cimv2.\n"
          " --namespace=<namespace> -- Used to override default CIM repository namespace.  The default is root/cimv2.\n"
          " --xml -- Used to output XML to standard output.  This option does not update the repository.\n"
          " --trace        -- Used to output trace information to a file.  The output destination is standard output.\n"
          " --trace=<tracefile> -- Used to output trace information to the specified file.\n"

        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.cmdline.CMDLINE_ERRORS:string {"PGS04800: command line errors: \n"}

        *  @note   PGS04801: Do not translate '-u'
        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.cmdline.UNKNOWN_VALUE_OPTION_U:string {"PGS04801: Unknown value specified for option -u."}

        *  @note   PGS04802: Do not translate '-a'
        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.cmdline.UNKNOWN_VALUE_OPTION_A:string {"PGS04802: Unknown value specified for option -a."}

        *  @note   PGS04803: Do not translate '-u'
        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.cmdline.TOO_MANY_VALUES_OPTION_U:string {"PGS04803: Too many values specified for option -u."}

        * @note  PGS04804:  Do not translate '-a'
        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.cmdline.TOO_MANY_VALUES_OPTION_A:string {"PGS04804: Too many values specified for option -a."}

        * @note  PGS04805: Do not translate '-R' or 'PEGASUS_HOME'
        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.cmdline.MUST_SPECIFY_R_OR_HOME:string {"PGS04805:  Specify -R or set the PEGASUS_HOME environment variable."}

        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.cmdline.MUST_SPECIFY_MOF_FILES:string {"PGS04806:  Specify the MOF files to process."}

        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.main.UNEXPECTED_CONDITION:string {"PGS04807: Unexpected condition: "}

        * @note  PGS04808: Substitution {0} is the return code (an integer)
        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.main.UNEXPECTED_RESULT:string {"PGS04808: Unexpected result from processing command line: {0}"}

        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.main.COMPILE_TERMINATING:string {"PGS04809:  Compilation is ending."}

        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.main.FAILED_TO_SET:string {"PGS04810:  Failed to set the default namespace path."}

        * @note  PGS04811: Do not translate the word 'Lexer'.
        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.main.LEXER_ERROR:string {"PGS04811: Lexer error: "}

        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.main.PARSING_ERROR:string {"PGS04812: Parsing error: "}

        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.main.GENERAL_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS04813: Compiler general exception: "}

        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.main.COMPILE_SUCCESSFUL:string {"PGS04814: Compile completed successfully."}

        * @version 2.4
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.CIM_ERR_SUCCESS:string {"PGS04815: Successful"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04816: This message records an error while doing a syntax check
        *                  on the contents of a file.
        *        Substitution {0} is the file name (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the line number in the file (a string).
        *        Substitution {2} is the detailed error message from the syntax check (a string).
        *        Substitution {3} is the text from the file that failed the syntax check (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR:string {"PGS04816: Syntax error in file {0}:{1}. Error {2} was found before token {3}."}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04817:
        *       "Parameter" and "method" are used in the programming sense.
        *        "Method" is similiar to "function".
        *        Substitution {0} is the parameter name (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the method name (a string).
        *        Substitution {2} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.APPLY_PARAMETER_ERROR:string {"PGS04817: Error applying parameter {0} to method {1}: {2}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04818:
        *       "Parameter" is used in the programming sense of a parameter to a function.
        *        Do not translate CIMParameter.
        *        Substitution {0} is the parameter name (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.NEW_PARAMETER_ERROR:string {"PGS04818: Error creating new CIMParameter object {0}: {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04819:
        *       "Parameter" and "class" are used in the programming sense.
        *        Substitution {0} is the parameter name (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the class name (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.UNINITIALIZED_PARAMETER_ERROR:string {"PGS04819: Internal Error: Uninitialized parameter handle {0} in class {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04820:
        *        Do not translate CIMMethod and CIMClass
        *        Substitution {0} is the method name (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the class name (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.METHOD_ALREADY_EXISTS_WARNING:string {"PGS04820: Warning: CIMMethod {0} already exists for CIMClass {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04821:
        *        "Method" is used in the programming sense.
        *        "Method" is similiar to "function".
        *        Do not translate CIMClass.
        *        Substitution {0} is the method name (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the class name (a string).
        *        Substitution {2} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.APPLY_METHOD_ERROR:string {"PGS04821: Error applying method {0} to CIMClass {1}: {2}:"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04822:
        *        Do not translate CIMMethod.
        *        Substitution {0} is the method name (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.NEW_METHOD_ERROR:string {"PGS04822: Error creating new CIMMethod {0}: {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04823:  This is a debug trace message.
        *        Do not translate.
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.ADD_QUALIFIER:string {"PGS04823: ADD QUALIFIER: "}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04824:  This is a debug trace message.
        *        Do not translate.
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.TRACE:string {"PGS04824: [Trace]"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04825:
        *        Substitution {0} is the qualifier declaration name (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.ADD_QUALIFIER_DECL_ERROR:string {"PGS04825: Error adding qualifier declaration {0}: {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04826:  This is a debug trace message.
        *        Do not translate.
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.TAB_OK:string {"PGS04826: \tOK"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04827:
	*        Do not translate CIMQualifier
        *        Substitution {0} is the qualifier name (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.NEW_QUALIFIER_ERROR:string {"PGS04827: Error creating new CIMQualifier {0}: {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04828:
	*        Do not translate CIMQualifier
        *        Substitution {0} is the qualifier name (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.ADD_QUALIFIER_ERROR:string {"PGS04828: Error adding new CIMQualifier {0}: {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04829:
        *        Substitution {0} is the qualifier declaration name (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.NEW_QUALIFIER_DECLARATION_ERROR:string {"PGS04829: Error creating new qualifier declaration {0}: {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04830:
        *        Substitution {0} is the qualifier declaration name (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.GET_QUALIFIER_DECL_ERROR:string {"PGS04830: Could not find declaration for qualifier named {0}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04831:  This is a debug trace message.
        *        Do not translate.
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.ADD_INSTANCE:string {"PGS04831: ADD INSTANCE: "}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04832:
        *       "Parameter" and "class" are used in the programming sense.
        *        Substitution {1} is the parameter name (a string).
        *        Substitution {0} is the class name (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.UNINITIALIZED_PROPERTY_ERROR:string {"PGS04832: Internal Error: Uninitialized parameter {1} in class {0}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04833:
        *        Substitution {1} is the property name (a string).
        *        Substitution {0} is the class name (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.PROPERTY_ALREADY_EXISTS_WARNING:string {"PGS04833: Warning:  Property {1} already exists in class {0}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04834:
        *        Substitution {1} is the property name (a string).
        *        Substitution {0} is the class name (a string).
        *        Substitution {2} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.APPLYING_PROPERTY_ERROR:string {"PGS04834: Error applying property {1} to class {0}: {2}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04835:
        *        Substitution {0} is the property name (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.NEW_PROPERTY_ERROR:string {"PGS04835: Error creating new property {0}: {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04836:
	*        "Class" is used in the programming sense.
        *        Substitution {0} is the name of the class being declared (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.NEW_CLASS_ERROR:string {"PGS04836: Error creating new class declaration {0}: {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04837:  This is a debug trace message.
        *        Do not translate.
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.ADD_CLASS:string {"PGS04837: ADD CLASS: "}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04838:
	*        "Class" is used in the programming sense.
        *        "Repository" is similiar to "database"
        *        Substitution {0} is the name of the class (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.CLASS_EXISTS_WARNING:string {"PGS04838: Warning:  Class {0} already exists in the repository"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04839:
	*        "Class" is used in the programming sense.
        *        "Repository" is similiar to "database"
        *        Substitution {0} is the name of the class (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.ADD_CLASS_ERROR:string {"PGS04839: Error adding class {0} to the repository: {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04840:
        *        "Compiler" is used in the programming sense.
        *        "Repository" is similiar to "database"
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.SETREPOSITORY_NO_COMPILER_OPTIONS:string {"PGS04840: Internal Error: Compiler options not set before setting repository"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04841:
        *        "Repository" is similiar to "database"
        *        Do not translate "setRepository"
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.SETREPOSITORY_BLANK_NAME:string {"PGS04841: Internal Error: No repository name was specified to setRepository"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04842:
        *        "Repository" is similiar to "database"
        *        A "name space" is an area of "repository" that contains names of objects
        *        Each "name space" itself has a name.
        *        Substitution {0} is the name of the name space (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.NAMESPACE_CREATE_ERROR:string {"PGS04842: Error trying to create repository name space {0}: {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04843:
        *        "Repository" is similiar to "database"
        *        Substitution {0} is the file name of the repository (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.REPOSITORY_CREATE_ERROR:string {"PGS04843: Error trying to create repository in path {0}: {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04844:
        *        Substitution {0} is the name of the object (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.NEW_REFERENCE_ERROR:string {"PGS04844: Error trying to create a reference to object {0}: {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04845:
        *        Substitution {0} is the name of the property (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.FIND_CLASS_OF_INSTANCE_ERROR:string {"PGS04845: Error looking for the class of the current instance while looking up property {0}: {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04846:
	*        "Name space" is an area that contains names of classes.
        *        "Name space" itself has a name.
        *        Substitution {2} is the name of the property (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the name of the class (a string).
        *        Substitution {0} is the name of the name space (a string).
        *        Substitution {3} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.FIND_PROPERTY_VALUE_ERROR:string {"PGS04846: Error looking up value of property {2} in class {1} in namespace {0}: {3}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04847:
        *        Substitution {0} is the name of the property (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.CLONING_PROPERTY_ERROR:string {"PGS04847: Error copying property {0}: {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04848:
        *        Substitution {0} is the name of the property (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the name of the class (a string).
        *        Substitution {2} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.APPLY_INSTANCE_PROPERTY_ERROR:string {"PGS04848: Error applying property {0} to an instance of class {1}: {2}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04849:
        *        Substitution {0} is the name of the property (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.GET_INSTANCE_PROPERTY_ERROR:string {"PGS04849: Error getting property {0} from an instance: {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04850:
	*        "Name space" is an area that contains names of classes.
        *        "Name space" itself has a name.
        *        Substitution {0} is the name of the class (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the name of the name space (a string).
        *        Substitution {2} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.GET_CLASS_ERROR:string {"PGS04850: Error getting class {0} from name space {1}: {2}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04851:
        *        Substitution {0} is the name of the property (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.GET_PROPERTY_VALUE_ERROR:string {"PGS04851: Error getting value of property {0}: {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04852:
        *        Substitution {0} is the name of the class (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.NEW_INSTANCE_ERROR:string {"PGS04852: Error creating new instance of class {0}: {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04853:
        *        Substitution {1} is the name of the property (a string).
        *        Substitution {0} is the name of the class (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.INSTANCE_PROPERTY_EXISTS_WARNING:string {"PGS04853: Warning: property {1} already exists for this instance of class {0}"}

        * @version 2.4
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.INSTANCE_EXISTS_WARNING:string {"PGS04854: Warning: the instance already exists.\n"
                                                                "In this implementation, that means it cannot be changed."}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04855:
        *        Substitution {0} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.ADD_INSTANCE_ERROR:string {"PGS04855: Error adding an instance: {0}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04856:
        *        Substitution {0} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.GENERAL_ERROR:string {"PGS04856: Error: {0}"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04857:
        *        Substitution {0} is the name of the class (a string).
        *        Substitution {1} is the detailed error message (a string).
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.CLASS_NOT_UPDATED:string {"PGS04857: Warning:  Class {0} was not added or updated: {1}"}

        * @version 2.4
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.SAME_VERSION:string {"PGS04858: The class has the same version."}

        * @version 2.4
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.NO_EXPERIMENTAL_UPDATE:string {"PGS04859: Experimental update not allowed (set appropriate compiler option)"}

        * @version 2.4
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.NO_VERSION_UPDATE:string {"PGS04860: Version update not allowed (set appropriate compiler option)"}

        * @version 2.4
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.NO_CLASS_UPDATE:string {"PGS04861: Class update not allowed (set appropriate compiler option)"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04857:
        *        Do not translate "mof" or "m.n.u".
        Compiler.cimmofMessages.INVALID_VERSION_FORMAT:string {"PGS04862: Invalid version format in mof class or repository class (valid format is m.n.u)"}

        * @version 2.4
        * @note  PGS04863:
        *        Do not translate "cimmofl", "cimmof" or "MOF"
        Compiler.cmdline.cimmof.cmdline.CIMMOFL_USAGE_WARNING:string {
            "PGS04863: Warning: Use of cimmofl can corrupt the CIM Server Repository.\n"
            "         cimmofl should only be used under very controlled situations.\n"
            "         cimmof is the recommended OpenPegasus MOF compiler.\n\n"}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMOperationResponseEncoder
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS05000"
        // ==========================================================

        Server.CIMOperationResponseEncoder.OUT_OF_MEMORY:string {"PGS05000: A system error occurred. Retry the CIM operation at a later time."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMOperationRequestAuthorizer
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS05200"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS05200
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the CIM operation (a string)
        *    Substitution {1} is the namespace (a string)
        Server.CIMOperationRequestAuthorizer.NOT_AUTHORIZED:string {"PGS05200: The user is not authorized to run {0} in the namespace {1}."}

        Server.CIMOperationRequestAuthorizer.REMOTE_NOT_ENABLED:string {"PGS05201: Access is not enabled for remote users with superuser authority."}

        * @note  PGS05202
        *    Substitution {0} is the user name requesting a CIM operation (a string)
        Server.CIMOperationRequestAuthorizer.NOT_IN_AUTHORIZED_GRP:string {"PGS05202: User '{0}' is not authorized to access CIM data."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMOperationRequestDecoder
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS05400"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS05400: Do not translate the word '<MESSAGE>' since it is an XML tag
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.EXPECTED_MESSAGE_ELEMENT:string {"PGS05400: A <MESSAGE> element expected in the CIM request."}

        * @note  PGS05401:
        *    Do not translate the word '<LOCALNAMESPACEPATH>' since it is an XML tag
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.EXPECTED_LOCALNAMESPACEPATH_ELEMENT:string {"PGS05401: A <LOCALNAMESPACEPATH> element expected in the CIM request."}

        * @note  PGS05402:
        *    Do not translate the word '<IMETHODCALL>' or '<METHODCALL>' since they are XML tags
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.EXPECTED_IMETHODCALL_ELEMENT:string {"PGS05402: A <IMETHODCALL> or a <METHODCALL> element expected in the CIM request."}

        * @note  PGS05403:  Substitution {0} is a method name (a string)
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.UNRECOGNIZED_INTRINSIC_METHOD:string {"PGS05403: The intrinsic method {0} not recognized."}

        * @note  PGS05404:
        *    Do not translate the word 'Content-Type' since it is an HTTP tag
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.CIMCONTENTTYPE_SYNTAX_ERROR:string{"PGS05404: HTTP Content-Type value syntax error detected in the CIM request."}

        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.INVALID_UTF8_CHARACTER:string{"PGS05405: UTF-8 character in the CIM request is not valid."}

        * @note   PGS05406:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the CIMOperation (a string that contains a method to call)
        *    Do not translate the word 'CIMOperation' since it is an HTTP extension header for CIM
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.PGS05406:string{"CIMOP_CIMOPERATION_VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED: CIMOperation value \"{0}\" not supported."}

        * @note  PGS05407:
        *    Do not translate the word 'CIMMethod' since it is an HTTP extension header for CIM
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.EMPTY_CIMMETHOD_VALUE:string{"PGS05407: Empty CIMMethod value in the CIM request."}

        * @note  PGS05408:
        *   Do not translate the word 'CIMMethod' since it is an HTTP extension header for CIM
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.CIMMETHOD_VALUE_SYNTAX_ERROR:string{"PGS05408: CIMMethod value syntax error in the CIM request."}

        * @note  PGS05409:
        *   Do not translate the word 'CIMObject' since it is an HTTP extension header for CIM
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.EMPTY_CIMOBJECT_VALUE:string{"PGS05409: Empty CIMObject value in the CIM request."}

        * @note  PGS05410:
        *   Do not translate the word 'CIMObject' since it is an HTTP extension header for CIM
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.CIMOBJECT_VALUE_SYNTAX_ERROR:string{"PGS05410: CIMObject value syntax error in the CIM request."}

        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.CIMSERVER_SHUTTING_DOWN:string{"PGS05411: The CIM server is ending."}

        * @note  PGS05412:
        *    Substitution {0} is a version of CIM (a string such as '2.0')
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.CIM_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED:string{"PGS05412: CIM version \"{0}\" not supported."}

        * @note  PGS05413:
        *    Substitution {0} is a version of DTD (a string such as '2.0')
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.DTD_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED:string{"PGS05413: DTD version \"{0}\" not supported."}

        * @note  PGS05414
        *    Substitution {0} is the version of CIM protocol in the header (a string)
        *    Substitution {1} is the version of CIM protocol in the CIm request message (a string such as 1.0)
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.CIMPROTOCOL_VERSION_MISMATCH:string{"PGS05414: The CIM protocol version value in the header \"{0}\" does not match CIM request protocol version \"{1}\"."}

        * @note  PGS05415
        *    Substitution {0} is the version of CIM protocol (a string)
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.CIMPROTOCOL_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED:string{"PGS05415: The CIM protocol version \"{0}\" is not supported."}

        * @note  PGS05416:
        *    Do not translate the words 'MULTIREQ' or "CIMBatch" since they are HTTP extensions for CIM
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.MULTI_REQUEST_MISSING_CIMBATCH_HTTP_HEADER:string{"PGS05416:  Multiple request tag (MULTIREQ) is missing the CIMBatch HTTP header."}

        * @note   PGS05417:
        *    Do not translate the words 'SIMPLEREQ' or 'CIMMethod' since they are HTTP extensions for CIM
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.MISSING_CIMMETHOD_HTTP_HEADER:string{"PGS05417: Simple request tag (SIMPLEREQ) is missing the CIMMethod HTTP header."}

        * @note  PGS05418
        *    Substitution {0} is the value of the CIMMethod header (a string)
        *    Substitution {1} is the CIM request method (a string)
        *    Do not translate the word 'CIMMethod' since it is an HTTP extension header for CIM
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.CIMMETHOD_VALUE_DOES_NOT_MATCH_REQUEST_METHOD:string{"PGS05418: CIMMethod value \"{0}\" does not match the CIM request method \"{1}\"."}

        * @note  PGS05419:
        *    Do not translate the words 'SIMPLEREQ' or 'CIMObject' since they are HTTP extensions for CIM
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.MISSING_CIMOBJECT_HTTP_HEADER:string{"PGS05419: Simple request tag (SIMPLEREQ) is missing the CIMObject HTTP header."}

        * @note  PGS05420:
        *    Substitution {0} is the value of the CIMObject in the header (a string)
        *    Substitution {1} is the namespace path element (a string)
        *    Do not translate the word 'CIMObject' since it is an HTTP extension header for CIM
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.CIMOBJECT_VALUE_DOES_NOT_MATCH_REQUEST_OBJECT:string {"PGS05420: CIMObject value \"{0}\" does not match the CIM request object \"{1}\"."}

        * @note  PGS05421:
        *    Substitution {0} is the value of the CIMObject in the header(a string)
        *    Do not translate the word 'CIMObject' since it is an HTTP extension header for CIM
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.Server.CIMOperationRequestDecoder.COULD_NOT_PARSE_CIMOBJECT_VALUE:string {"PGS05421: Cannot parse CIMObject value \"{0}\"."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMOperationRequestDispatcher
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS05600"
        // ==========================================================

        Server.CIMOperationRequestDispatcher.ENUM_REQ_TOO_BROAD:string {"PGS05600: The enumerate request is too broad."}

        Server.CIMOperationRequestDispatcher.PROVIDER_NOT_AVAILABLE:string {"PGS05601: The provider is not available."}

        * @note  PGS05602:
        *    Substitution {0} is the CIM type (a string)
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDispatcher.CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER:string {"PGS05602: The format of value {0} is not valid."}

        * @note  PGS05603:
        *    Substitution {0} is the class::method
        *    Substitution {1} is the CIM request type (a string)
        Server.CIMOperationRequestDispatcher.HANDLE_ENQUEUE:string {"PGS05603: The function {0} cannot handle the CIM request type {1}."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for ProviderMessageFacade
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS05800"
        // ==========================================================

        Server.ProviderMessageFacade.UNKNOWN_ERROR:string{"PGS05800: An unknown error occurred."}

        Server.ProviderMessageFacade.NOT_IMPLEMENTED:string{"PGS05801: The request is not implemented."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for Shutdown
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS06000"
        // ==========================================================

        Server.ShutdownExceptions.INVALID_TIMEOUT:string {"PGS06000: The operation time-out value for ending the CIM server is not valid."}

        Server.ShutdownExceptions.UNABLE_TO_RESUME:string {"PGS06001: The CIM server is unable to resume."}

        Server.ShutdownExceptions.TIMEOUT_EXPIRED:string {"PGS06002: The time-out expired.  The CIM server resumed operation."}

        Server.ShutdownProvider.INPUT_NOT_VALID:string {"PGS06003: The input parameters for ending the CIM server are not valid."}

        * @note  PGS06200:
        *    Substitution {0} is the class::method (a string)
        Server.ShutdownService.CIM_PROVIDER_SHUTDOWN:string {"PGS06200: A CIM provider shutdown exception occurred in {0}."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for ProviderRegistrationManager
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS06400"
        // ==========================================================

        Server.ProviderRegistrationManager.ProviderRegistrationManager.MODULE_NOT_FOUND:string {"PGS06400: The provider module is not found."}

        Server.ProviderRegistrationManager.ProviderRegistrationManager.PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND:string {"PGS06401: The provider is not found."}

        Server.ProviderRegistrationManager.ProviderRegistrationManager.CAPABILITY_NOT_REGISTERED:string {"PGS06402: The provider capability is not registered."}

        Server.ProviderRegistrationManager.ProviderRegistrationManager.CONSUMER_CAPABILITY_NOT_YET_REGISTERED:string {"PGS06403: The consumer capability is not registered."}

        * @note  PGS06404:
        *    Do not translate the word 'root/PG_InterOp' since it is a path/CIM class name
        Server.ProviderRegistrationManager.ProviderRegistrationManager.REPOSITORY_CORRUPTED:string {"PGS06404: The provider registration schema in namespace \"root/PG_InterOp\" is corrupted."}

        * @note  PGS06405:
        *    Do not translate the word 'ProviderName' since it is a CIM property name
        *    Do not translate the word 'PG_ProviderCapabilities' since it is a CIM class name
        Server.ProviderRegistrationManager.ProviderRegistrationManager.MISSING_PROVIDERNAME:string {"PGS06405: The key property ProviderName is missing from the PG_ProviderCapabilities class."}

        * @note  PGS06406:
        *    Do not translate the word 'ProviderModuleName' since it is a CIM property name
        *    Do not translate the word 'PG_ProviderCapabilities' since it is a CIM class name
        Server.ProviderRegistrationManager.ProviderRegistrationManager.MISSING_MODULENAME:string {"PGS06406: The key property ProviderModuleName is missing from the PG_ProviderCapabilities class."}

        Server.ProviderRegistrationManager.ProviderRegistrationManager.PG_PROVIDER_MODULE:string {"PGS06407: The provider module must be registered before registering the provider."}

        Server.ProviderRegistrationManager.ProviderRegistrationManager.PG_PROVIDER_CLASS:string {"PGS06408: The provider must be registered before registering the provider capabilities."}

        Server.ProviderRegistrationManager.ProviderRegistrationManager.CAN_NOT_INSERT_ELEMENT:string {"PGS06409: CIM provider registration:  An element cannot be inserted into the registration table."}

        Server.ProviderRegistrationManager.ProviderRegistrationManager.PGPROVIDER_NEEDS_TO_BE_REGISTERED_BEFORE_CONSUMER_CAPABILITIES:string {"PGS06410: The provider must be registered before registering the consumer capabilities."}

        * @note  PGS06411:
        *    Do not translate the word 'ProviderModuleName' since it is a CIM property name
        *    Do not translate the word 'PG_ConsumerCapabilities' since it is a CIM class name
        Server.ProviderRegistrationManager.ProviderRegistrationManager.MISSING_PROVIDERMODULENAME_KEY_IN_CONSUMER_CAPABILITIES:string {"PGS06411: The key property ProviderModuleName is missing from the PG_ConsumerCapabilities instance."}

        * @note  PGS06412:
        *    Do not translate the word 'ProviderName' since it is a CIM property name
        *    Do not translate the word 'PG_ConsumerCapabilities' since it is a CIM class name
        Server.ProviderRegistrationManager.ProviderRegistrationManager.MISSING_PROVIDERNAME_KEY_IN_CONSUMER_CAPABILITIES:string {"PGS06412: The key property ProviderName is missing from the PG_ConsumerCapabilities instance."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for OptionManager
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS06600"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS06600:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the option (a string)
        Common.OptionManager.MISSING_CMD_LINE_OPTION:string {"PGS06600: Command line option {0} is missing."}

        * @note  PGS06601:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the option (a string)
        *    Substitution {1} is the value (a string)
        Common.OptionManager.INVALID_OPTION_VALUE:string {"PGS06601: Option value is not valid: {0}={1}."}

        * @note  PGS06602:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the option (a string)
        Common.OptionManager.DUPLICATE_OPTION:string {"PGS06602: Duplicate option {0}."}

        * @note  PGS06603:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the option (a string)
        Common.OptionManager.UNRECOGNIZED_CONFIG_FILE_OPTION:string {"PGS06603: Unrecognized CIM configuration file option {0}."}

        * @note  PGS06604:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the option (a string)
        Common.OptionManager.MISSING_REQUIRED_OPTION:string {"PGS06604: Required option {0} is missing."}

        * @note  PGS06605:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the bad command line option (a string)
        Common.OptionManager.PARAMETER_NOT_VALID:string {"PGS06605: Parameter {0} is not valid."}

        Common.OptionManager.SYNTAX_ERR_CONFIG_FILE:string {"PGS06606: Syntax error in the CIM configuration file: "}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMClassRep
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS06800"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS06800:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the property (a string)
        Common.CIMClassRep.PROPERTY:string {"PGS06800: Property {0}"}

        * @note  PGS06801:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the method (a string)
        Common.CIMClassRep.METHOD:string {"PGS06801: Method {0}"}

        * @note  PGS06802:
        *    Do not translate the word 'Association' since it is a CIM qualifier on a CIM class
        *    Do not translate the word 'PROPERTY.REFERENCE' since it is an element for CIM in XML
        Common.CIMClassRep.NON_ASSOCIATION_CLASS_CONTAINS_REFERENCE_PROPERTY:string {"PGS06802: A CIM class, which is not an Association class, contains a PROPERTY.REFERENCE element."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMMethodRep
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS07000"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS07000:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the parameter (a string)
        Common.CIMMethodRep.PARAMETER:string {"PGS07000: Parameter {0}"}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMObjectRep
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS07200"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS07200:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the property (a string)
        Common.CIMObjectRep.PROPERTY:string {"PGS07200: Property {0}"}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMQualifierList/DeclContext
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS07400"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS07400:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the qualifier (a string)
        Common.CIMQualifierList.QUALIFIER:string {"PGS07400: Qualifier {0}"}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for DeclContext
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS07600"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS07600:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the qualifier (a string)
        Common.DeclContext.DECLARATION_OF_QUALIFIER:string {"PGS07600: Declaration of qualifier {0}"}

        * @note  PGS07601:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the CIM class (a string)
        Common.DeclContext.CLASS:string {"PGS07601: Class {0}"}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for HTTPAcceptor
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS07800"
        // ==========================================================

        Common.HTTPAcceptor.ALREADY_BOUND:string {"PGS07800: CIM HTTP or HTTPS connection is already bound to the socket."}

        Common.HTTPAcceptor.FAILED_CREATE_SOCKET:string {"PGS07801: CIM HTTP or HTTPS connection failed to create the socket."}

        Common.HTTPAcceptor.FAILED_SET_SOCKET_OPTION:string {"PGS07802: CIM HTTP or HTTPS connection failed to set the socket option."}

        Common.HTTPAcceptor.FAILED_BIND_SOCKET:string {"PGS07803: CIM HTTP or HTTPS connection failed to bind the socket."}

        Common.HTTPAcceptor.FAILED_SOLICIT_SOCKET_MESSAGES:string {"PGS07804: CIM HTTP or HTTPS connection failed to solicit socket messages."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for HTTPConnector
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS08000"
        // ==========================================================

        Common.HTTPConnector.CONNECTION_FAILED_LOCAL_CIM_SERVER:string {"PGS08000: CIM HTTP or HTTPS connector cannot connect to local CIM server. Connection failed."}

        *    Substitution {0} is the host (a string)
        *    Substitution {1} is the port number represented as a string
        Common.HTTPConnector.CONNECTION_FAILED_TO:string {"PGS08001:  CIM HTTP or HTTPS connector cannot connect to {0}:{1}. Connection failed."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for LanguageParser
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS08200"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS08200:
        *   Do not translate the word 'Accept-Language' since it is a standard HTTP request header field
        Common.LanguageParser.TOO_MANY_OR_NON_ALPHA_CHARACTERS_AL:string {"PGS08200: Accept-Language contains nonalphabetic characters or too many characters."}

        * @note  PGS08201:
        *   Do not translate the word 'Content-Language' since it is a standard HTTP header
        Common.LanguageParser.TOO_MANY_OR_NON_ALPHA_CHARACTERS_CL:string {"PGS08201: Content-Language contains nonalphabetic characters or too many characters."}

        * @note  PGS08202:
        *   Do not translate the word 'Accept-Language' since it is a standard HTTP request header field
        Common.LanguageParser.INVALID_QUALITY_VALUE:string {"PGS08202: Accept-Language contains a quality value that is not valid."}

        * @note  PGS08203:
        *   Do not translate the word 'Content-Language' since it is a standard HTTP header
        Common.LanguageParser.DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_TERMINATING:string {"PGS08203: Content-Language does not contain ending \")\" character."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for Logger
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS08400"
        // ==========================================================

        Common.Logger.LOGGING_DISABLED:string {"PGS08400: Logging is disabled."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for MessageQueueService
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS08600"
        // ==========================================================

        Common.MessageQueueService.FORCING_SHUTDOWN:string {"PGS08600: Forcing a shutdown of the CIM message router."}

        * @note  PGS08601:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of a message queue (a string)
        Common.MessageQueueService.STOPPING_SERVICE:string {"PGS08601: Stopping the {0} service."}

        Common.MessageQueueService.UNABLE_TO_REGISTER:string {"PGS08602: CIM base message queue service is unable to register with the CIMOM dispatcher."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for ModuleController
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS08800"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS08800:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the module (a string)
        Common.ModuleController.MODULE:string {"PGS08800: Module {0}"}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for OperationContext
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS09000"
        // ==========================================================

        Common.OperationContext.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND:string {"PGS09000: Object not found."}

        Common.OperationContext.OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS:string {"PGS09001: Object already exists."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for SSLContext
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS09200"
        // ==========================================================

        Common.SSLContext.COULD_NOT_GET:string {"PGS09200: Cannot get SSL context."}

        Common.SSLContext.COULD_NOT_SET_CIPHER_LIST:string {"PGS09201: Cannot set the cipher list."}

        Common.SSLContext.RANDOM_SEED_FILE_REQUIRED:string {"PGS09202: Random seed file required to initialize the SSL random number generator."}

        * @note  PGS09203:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the seed file (a string)
        Common.SSLContext.NOT_ENOUGH_SEED_DATA_IN_FILE:string {"PGS09203: Not enough seed data in random seed file: {0}."}

        Common.SSLContext.NOT_ENOUGH_SEED_DATA:string {"PGS09204:  Not enough seed data."}

        * @note  PGS09205:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the seed file (a string)
        Common.SSLContext.SEED_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST:string {"PGS09205: Seed file {0} does not exist."}

        Common.SSLContext.COULD_NOT_LOAD_CERTIFICATES:string {"PGS09206: Cannot load certificates into certificate store."}

        Common.SSLContext.COULD_NOT_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:string {"PGS09207: Cannot get server certificate."}

        Common.SSLContext.COULD_NOT_GET_PRIVATE_KEY:string {"PGS09208: Cannot get private key."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for TraceFileHandler
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS09400"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS09400:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the file (a string)
        Common.TraceFileHandler.FAILED_TO_OPEN_FILE:string {"PGS09400: Failed to open file {0}."}

        * @note  PGS09401:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the file (a string)
        Common.TraceFileHandlerUnix.FAILED_TO_OPEN_FILE:string {"PGS09401:  Failed to open file {0}."}

        * @note  PGS09402:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the file (a string)
        Common.TraceFileHandlerUnix.FAILED_TO_RELEASE_WRITE_LOCK:string {"PGS09402: Failed to release the write lock on file {0}."}

        * @note  PGS09403:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the file (a string)
        Common.TraceFileHandlerUnix.FAILED_TO_OBTAIN_WRITE_LOCK:string {"PGS09403: Failed to obtain a write lock on file {0}."}

        * @note  PGS09404:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the file (a string)
        Common.TraceFileHandlerWindows.UNABLE_TO_WRITE_TRACE_TO_FILE:string {"PGS09404: Unable to write trace message to file {0}."}

        * @note  PGS09405:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the file (a string)
        Common.TraceFileHandlerWindows.INVALID_FILE_HANDLE:string {"PGS09405: File handle is not valid for file {0}."}

        * @note  PGS09406:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the file (a string)
        Common.TraceFileHandler.FAILED_TO_SET_FILE_PERMISSIONS:string {"PGS09406: Failed to set permissions on file {0}."}

        * @note  PGS09407:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the file (a string)
        Common.TraceFileHandlerUnix.FAILED_TO_SET_FILE_PERMISSIONS:string {"PGS09407:  Failed to set permissions on file {0}."}

        * @note  PGS09408:
        * @version 2.5
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the file (a string)
        *    Substitution {1} is the name of a system user (a string)
        Common.TraceFileHandler.UNEXPECTED_FILE_OWNER:string {"PGS09408: File {0} is not owned by user {1}."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for XmlReader
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS09600"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS09600:
        *   Do not translate the word '<?xml ... ?>' since it is a standard XML declaration
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_XML_STYLE:string {"PGS09600:  A <?xml ... ?> style declaration is expected."}

        Common.XmlReader.MISSING_XML_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09601: The XML version attribute is missing from the XML declaration."}

        * @note  PGS09602:
        *   Do not translate the word 'CIMVERSION' since it is a standard attribute for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.MISSING_CIMVERSION_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09602: The CIMVERSION attribute is missing from the CIM in XML element attribute list."}

        * @note  PGS09603:
        *   Do not translate the word 'DTDVERSION' since it is a standard attribute for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.MISSING_DTDVERSION_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09603: The DTDVERSION attribute is missing from the CIM in XML element attribute list."}

        * @note  PGS09604:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the attribute and its tag name (a string)
        Common.XmlReader.MISSING_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09604: The required attribute {0} is missing."}

        * @note  PGS09605:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the expected element (a string)
        *    This error is for a missing XML Start-Tag
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_OPEN:string {"PGS09605: Expecting a start tag for {0} element."}

        * @note  PGS09606:
        *    Substitution {0} is the expected element tag name (a string)
        *    Substitution {1} is the XML text that was found (a string)
        *    This error is for a missing XML End-Tag
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_CLOSE:string {"PGS09606: Expecting an end tag for {0} element, found {1} instead."}

        * @note  PGS09607:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the expected element (a string)
        *    This error is for a missing XML Start-Tag or empty tag
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_OPENCLOSE:string {"PGS09607: Expecting a start tag or an empty tag for the {0} element."}

        * @note  PGS09608:
        *   Do not translate the word 'CDATA' since it is a standard XML section name
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_CDATA:string {"PGS09608: Expecting XML element content or CDATA."}

        * @note  PGS09609:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the element tag.attribute (a string)
        Common.XmlReader.MISSING_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09609:  The {0} attribute is missing."}

        * @note  PGS09610:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the element tag.attribute (a string)
        Common.XmlReader.ILLEGAL_VALUE_FOR_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09610:  The {0} attribute value is not valid."}

        * @note  PGS09611:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the attribute and its tag name (a string)
        Common.XmlReader.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09611:  The {0} attribute has a value that is not valid."}

        Common.XmlReader.INVALID_URI_ENCODING:string {"PGS09612:  The URI encoding is not valid."}

        * @note  PGS09613:
        *   Do not translate the word 'boolean' since it is a standard CIM type
        Common.XmlReader.INVALID_BOOLEAN_VALUE:string {"PGS09613:  The boolean value is not valid."}

        * @note  PGS09614:
        *   Do not translate the word 'char16' since it is a standard CIM type
        Common.XmlReader.INVALID_CHAR16_VALUE:string {"PGS09614: The char16 value is not valid."}

        Common.XmlReader.INVALID_UI_VALUE:string {"PGS09615: The unsigned integer value is not valid."}

        Common.XmlReader.INVALID_SI_VALUE:string {"PGS09616: The signed integer value is not valid."}

        * @note  PGS09617:
        *   Do not translate the word 'datetime' since it is a standard CIM type
        Common.XmlReader.INVALID_DATETIME_VALUE:string {"PGS09617: The datetime value is not valid."}

        Common.XmlReader.INVALID_RN_VALUE:string {"PGS09618: The real number value is not valid."}

        * @note  PGS09619:
        *   Do not translate the word 'Uint8' since it is a standard CIM type
        Common.XmlReader.U8_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE:string {"PGS09619: The Uint8 value is out of range."}

        * @note  PGS09620:
        *   Do not translate the word 'Uint16' since it is a standard CIM type
        Common.XmlReader.U16_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE:string {"PGS09620: The Uint16 value is out of range."}

        * @note  PGS09621:
        *   Do not translate the word 'Uint32' since it is a standard CIM type
        Common.XmlReader.U32_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE:string {"PGS09621: The Uint32 value is out of range."}

        * @note  PGS09622:
        *   Do not translate the word 'Sint8' since it is a standard CIM type
        Common.XmlReader.S8_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE:string {"PGS09622: The Sint8 value is out of range."}

        * @note  PGS09623:
        *   Do not translate the word 'Sint16' since it is a standard CIM type
        Common.XmlReader.S16_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE:string {"PGS09623: The Sint16 value is out of range."}

        * @note  PGS09624:
        *   Do not translate the word 'Sint32' since it is a standard CIM type
        Common.XmlReader.S32_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE:string {"PGS09624: The Sint32 value is out of range."}

        Common.XmlReader.MALFORMED_XML:string {"PGS09625: The XML is not valid."}

        * @note  PGS09626:
        *   Do not translate the word 'HOST' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_HOST_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09626:  A HOST element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS09627:
        *   Do not translate the word 'LOCALNAMESPACEPATH' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_LOCALNAMESPACEPATH_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09627:  A LOCALNAMESPACEPATH element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS09628:
        *   Do not translate the word 'CLASSNAME' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_CLASSNAME_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09628:  A CLASSNAME element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS09629:
        *   Do not translate the word 'NAMESPACEPATH' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_NAMESPACEPATH_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09629:  A NAMESPACEPATH element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS09630:
        *   Do not translate the word 'INSTANCENAME' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_INSTANCENAME_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09630:  An INSTANCENAME element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS09631:
        *   Do not translate the word 'INSTANCE' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_INSTANCE_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09631:  An INSTANCE element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS09632:
        *   Do not translate the word 'CLASS' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_CLASS_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09632:  A CLASS element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS09633:
        *   Do not translate the word 'QUALIFIER.DECLARATION' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_QUALIFIER_DECLARATION_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09633:  A QUALIFIER.DECLARATION element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS09634:
        *   Do not translate the word 'ERROR' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_ERROR_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09634:  An ERROR element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS09635:
        *   Do not translate the words 'INSTANCE' and 'CLASS' since they are standard element names for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_INSTANCE_OR_CLASS_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09635:  An INSTANCE or CLASS element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS09636:
        *   Do not translate the words 'INSTANCEPATH' and 'CLASSPATH' since they are standard element names for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_INSTANCEPATH_OR_CLASSPATH_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09636:  An INSTANCEPATH or CLASSPATH element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS09637:
        *   Do not translate the words 'LOCALINSTANCEPATH' and 'LOCALCLASSPATH' since they are standard element names for CIM in XML

        * @note  PGS09638:
        *   Do not translate the words 'CLASSNAME' and 'INSTANCENAME' since they are standard element names for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_CLASSNAME_OR_INSTANCENAME_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09638:  A CLASSNAME or INSTANCENAME element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS09639:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the element tag (a string)
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09639:  A {0} element is expected."}

        Common.XmlReader.DUPLICATE_PROPERTY:string {"PGS09640: A duplicate property is found."}

        Common.XmlReader.DUPLICATE_PARAMETER:string {"PGS09641: A duplicate parameter is found."}

        * @note  PGS09642:
        *   Do not translate the word 'VALUE' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_VALUE_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09642:  A VALUE element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS09643:
        *   Do not translate the word 'VALUE.REFERENCE' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_VALUE_REFERENCE_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09643:  A VALUE.REFERENCE element is expected."}

        Common.XmlReader.DUPLICATE_QUALIFIER:string {"PGS09644: A duplicate qualifier is found."}

        * @note  PGS09645:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the element tag.attribute (a string)
        Common.XmlReader.ILLEGAL_VALUE:string {"PGS09645: The {0} value is not valid."}

        * @note  PGS09646:
        *   Do not translate the word 'ARRAYSIZE' since it is a standard entity name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.ARRAY_SIZE_DIFFERENT:string {"PGS09646:  The ARRAYSIZE attribute and the size of the array of values are different."}

        * @note  PGS09647:
        *   Do not translate the words 'ARRAYSIZE' and 'VALUE.ARRAY' since they are standard entity names for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.ARRAY_SIZE_NOT_SAME:string {"PGS09647: The VALUE.ARRAY size is not the same as the ARRAYSIZE attribute."}

        * @note  PGS09648:
        *   Do not translate the word 'HOST' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_CONTENT_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09648:  The content of the HOST element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS09649:
        *   Do not translate the words 'NAMESPACE' and 'LOCALNAMESPACEPATH' since they are standard element names for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_NAMESPACE_ELEMENTS:string {"PGS09649:  One or more NAMESPACE elements is expected within the LOCALNAMESPACEPATH element."}

        * @note  PGS09650:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of the element tag.attribute (a string)
        Common.XmlReader.ILLEGAL_VALUE_FOR_CIMVALUE_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09650: The {0} attribute value is not valid. The value must be one of \"string\", \"boolean\" or \"numeric\"."}

        * @note  PGS09651:
        *   Do not translate the word 'KEYVALUE' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        *   Do not translate the word 'VALUE.REFERENCE' since it is a standard element.attribute name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_KEYVALUE_OR_REFERENCE_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09651:  A KEYVALUE or VALUE.REFERENCE element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS09652:
        *    Substitutions {0} and {1} are the names of elements for CIM in XML (strings)
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_OR_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09652: The element {0} or {1} is expected."}

        * @note  PGS09653:
        *   Do not translate the word 'CLASSPATH' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        *   Do not translate the word 'LOCALCLASSPATH' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        *   Do not translate the word 'CLASSNAME' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        *   Do not translate the word 'INSTANCEPATH' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        *   Do not translate the word 'LOCALINSTANCEPATH' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        *   Do not translate the word 'INSTANCENAME' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.EXPECTED_START_TAGS:string {"PGS09653:  One of the following start tags is expected: CLASSPATH, LOCALCLASSPATH, CLASSNAME, INSTANCEPATH, LOCALINSTANCEPATH, INSTANCENAME."}

        * @note  PGS09654:
        *   Do not translate the word 'VALUE.ARRAY' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        *   Do not translate the word 'ISARRAY' since it is a standard attribute name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.ARRAY_WITHOUT_ISARRAY:string {"PGS09654:  A VALUE.ARRAY element is encountered without an ISARRAY attribute."}

        * @note  PGS09655:
        *   Do not translate the word 'VALUE' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        *   Do not translate the word 'ISARRAY' since it is a standard attribute name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE_DIFFERENT:string {"PGS09655:  An ISARRAY attribute is used but a VALUE element is encountered."}

        * @note  PGS09656:
        *   Do not translate the word 'MESSAGE.ID' since it is a standard element.attribute name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.INVALID_MISSING_MESSAGE_ID_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09656:  The MESSAGE.ID attribute is missing or not valid."}

        * @note  PGS09657:
        *   Do not translate the word 'MESSAGE.PROTOCOLVERSION' since it is a standard element.attribute name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.INVALID_MISSING_PROTOCOLVERSION_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09657:  The MESSAGE.PROTOCOLVERSION attribute is missing or not valid."}

        * @note  PGS09658:
        *   Do not translate the word 'IMETHODCALL' since it is a standard attribute name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.MISSING_IMETHODCALL_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09658:  The IMETHODCALL attribute is missing."}

        * @note  PGS09659:
        *   Do not translate the word 'IMETHODRESPONSE' since it is a standard attribute name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.MISSING_IMETHODRESPONSE_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09659: The IMETHODRESPONSE attribute is missing."}

        * @note  PGS09660:
        *   Do not translate the word 'IPARAMVALUE.NAME' since it is a standard attribute name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.MISSING_IPARAMVALUE_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09660: The IPARAMVALUE.NAME attribute is missing."}

        * @note  PGS09661:
        *   Do not translate the word 'ERROR.CODE' since it is a standard attribute name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.MISSING_ERROR_CODE_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09661:  The ERROR.CODE attribute is missing."}

        * @note  PGS09662:
        *   Do not translate the word 'EXPMETHODCALL.NAME' since it is a standard attribute name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.MISSING_EXPMETHODCALL_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09662:  The EXPMETHODCALL.NAME attribute is missing."}

        * @note  PGS09663:
        *   Do not translate the word 'EXPMETHODRESPONSE.NAME' since it is a standard attribute name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.MISSING_EXPMETHODRESPONSE_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09663:  The EXPMETHODRESPONSE.NAME attribute is missing."}

        * @note  PGS09664:
        *   Do not translate the word 'EXPPARAMVALUE.NAME' since it is a standard attribute name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.MISSING_EXPPARAMVALUE_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09664:  The EXPPARAMVALUE.NAME attribute is missing."}

        * @note  PGS09665:
        *   Do not translate the word 'METHODCALL.NAME' since it is a standard attribute name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.MISSING_METHODCALL_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09665:  The METHODCALL.NAME attribute is missing."}

        * @note  PGS09666:
        *   Do not translate the word 'METHODRESPONSE.NAME' since it is a standard attribute name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.MISSING_METHODRESPONSE_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09666:  The METHODRESPONSE.NAME attribute is missing."}

        * @note  PGS09667:
        *   Do not translate the word 'PARAMVALUE.NAME' since it is a standard attribute name for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.MISSING_PARAMVALUE_ATTRIBUTE:string {"PGS09667: The PARAMVALUE.NAME attribute is missing."}

        * @note  PGS09668:
        *   Do not translate the word 'VALUE' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        *   Do not translate the words 'TRUE' and 'FALSE' since they are standard values for CIM in XML
        Common.XmlReader.INVALID_VALUE_FOR_VALUE_ELEMENT:string {"PGS09668:  The VALUE element must be \"TRUE\" or \"FALSE\"."}

        * @note  PGS09669:
        *   Substitution {0} is a string containing a parameter name
        *   Do not translate the word 'IPARAMVALUE' since it is a standard element name for CIM in XML
        * @version 2.4
        Common.XmlReader.INVALID_NULL_IPARAMVALUE:string {"PGS09669: A null value is not valid for IPARAMVALUE \"{0}\"."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for src.Server.cimserver
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS10000"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS10001:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the class name:method name and command name
        *    Substitution {1} is the name of the CIM server program (a string)
        src.Server.cimserver_os400.FAILED_TO_START_SERVER:string {"PGS10001:
{0} failed to start the {1} CIM server."}

        * @note  PGS10002:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the class name:method name
        *    A word of explanation:  in computing terminology, exceptions are 'thrown' and 'caught'.
        *    The word 'caught' in this message is using the computing terminology for exceptions.
        src.Server.cimserver_os400.CAUGHT_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS10002:  {0} caught unknown exception.\n"}

        * @note  PGS10003:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the class name:method name
        *    Substitution {1} is the name of the CIM server job (a string)
        src.Server.cimserver_os400.FAILED_TO_END_JOB:string {"PGS10003:  {0} failed to end the {1} job."}

        src.Server.cimserver_windows.HTTP_NOT_ENABLED_SERVER_NOT_STARTING:string {"PGS10004: Neither HTTP nor HTTPS connection is enabled.  The CIM server is not started."}

        * @note  PGS10005:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the Pegasus CIM server name
        *    Substitution {1} is a string containing the version of the Pegasus CIMOM
        src.Server.cimserver_windows.STARTED_VERSION:string {"PGS10005:  Started {0} version {1}."}

        * @note PGS10006:
        *     Substitution {0} is an integer that is the port number.
        src.Server.cimserver_windows.LISTENING_ON_HTTP_PORT:string {"PGS10006: The CIM server is listening on HTTP port {0}."} // 485

        * @note  PGS10007:
        *    Substitution {0} is an integer that is the port number
        src.Server.cimserver_windows.LISTENING_ON_HTTPS_PORT:string {"PGS10007:
CIM server listening on HTTPS port {0}."}

        src.Server.cimserver.UNABLE_CONNECT_SERVER_MAY_NOT_BE_RUNNING:string {"PGS10008:  Unable to connect to the CIM server.  CIM server may not be running."}

        src.Server.cimserver.SHUTDOWN_FAILED_REPOSITORY_EMPTY:string {"PGS10009: Error in the CIM server shutdown operation: The repository may be empty."} //485

        src.Server.cimserver.SERVER_FORCED_SHUTDOWN:string {"PGS10010: A forced shutdown of the CIM server is initiated."} //485

        * @note PGS10011:
        *     Substitution {0} is a string containing the exception message
        src.Server.cimserver.SHUTDOWN_FAILED:string {"PGS10011: Error ending the CIM server: {0}"} //485

        src.Server.cimserver.REPOSITORY_EMPTY:string {"PGS10012:  The CIM repository may be empty."}

        src.Server.cimserver.TIMEOUT_EXPIRED_SERVER_KILLED:string {"PGS10013:  Shutdown time-out expired.  A forced shutdown of the CIM server is initiated."} //485

        * @note  PGS10014:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the option
        src.Server.cimserver.MISSING_ARGUMENT:string {"PGS10014: Missing argument for option -{0}."}

        * @note  PGS10015:
        *   Do not translate 'BIND_VERBOSE' since it is the name of an option
        src.Server.cimserver.UNSUPPORTED_DEBUG_OPTION:string {"PGS10015:  Unsupported debug option BIND_VERBOSE is enabled."}

        src.Server.cimserver.SUPERVISOR_PRIVILEGE_TO_RUN_SERVER:string {"PGS10016: Superuser authority is required to run the CIM server."}

        src.Server.cimserver.DUPLICATE_SHUTDOWN_OPTION:string {"PGS10017:  Duplicate shutdown option is specified."}

        src.Server.cimserver.INSTALLED_NT_SERVICE:string {"\nCIMSVR_INSTALLED_NT_SERVICE:  The CIM server is installed as NT service."}

        src.Server.cimserver.REMOVED_NT_SERVICE:string {"\nCIMSVR_REMOVED_NT_SERVICE:  The CIM server is removed as NT service."}

        src.Server.cimserver.STARTED_NT_SERVICE:string {"\nCIMSVR_STARTED_NT_SERVICE:  The CIM server is started as NT service."}

        src.Server.cimserver.STOPPED_NT_SERVICE:string {"\nCIMSVR_STOPPED_NT_SERVICE:  The CIM server is stopped as NT service."}

        src.Server.cimserver.HTTP_NOT_ENABLED_SERVER_NOT_STARTING:string {"PGS10018: Neither HTTP nor HTTPS connection is enabled.  CIM server is not started."}

        src.Server.cimserver.SERVER_STOPPED:string {"PGS10019: CIM server is stopped."}

        src.Server.cimserver.LOGS_DIRECTORY:string {"PGS10020: Logs directory = "}

        * @note  PGS10021:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the error message
        src.Server.cimserver.ERROR:string {"PGS10021: CIM server error: {0}"}

        * @note  PGS10022:
        *    Substitution {0} is a date
        *    Substitution {1} is a time
        src.Server.cimserver.STARTUP_MESSAGE:string {"PGS10022: CIM server built {0} {1}\nCIM server starting..."}

        src.Server.cimserver.SERVER_FAILED_TO_INITIALIZE:string {"PGS10023: The CIM server failed to initialize."}

        src.Server.cimserver.UNABLE_TO_START_SERVER_ALREADY_RUNNING:string {"PGS10024: Unable to start the CIM server.\nCIM server is already running."}

        * @note  PGS10025:  Substitution {0} is the port number (an integer)
        src.Server.cimserver.LISTENING_ON_HTTP_PORT:string {"PGS10025:  The CIM server is listening on HTTP port {0}."}

        * @note  PGS10026:  Substitution {0} is the port number (an integer)
        src.Server.cimserver.LISTENING_ON_HTTPS_PORT:string {"PGS10026:  The CIM server is listening on HTTPS port {0}."}

        * @note  PGS10027:  Substitution {0} is the port number (an integer)
        * @version 2.4
        src.Server.cimserver.LISTENING_ON_EXPORT_HTTPS_PORT:string {"PGS10027:  The CIM server is listening on Export HTTPS port {0}."}

        * @note  PGS10028:  Substitution {0} is the port number (an integer)
        src.Server.cimserver.LISTENING_ON_LOCAL:string {"PGS10028: The CIM server is listening on the local connection socket."}

        * @note  PGS10029:
        * @version 2.4
        src.Server.cimserver.EXPORT_HTTPS_PORT_NOT_DEFINED:string {"PGS10029: Port not defined for the service wbem-exp-https. cimserver not started."}

        * @note  PGS10030:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the Pegasus CIM server name
        *    Substitution {1} is a string containing the version of the Pegasus CIMOM
        src.Server.cimserver.STARTED_VERSION:string {"PGS10030:  Started {0} version {1}."}

        * @note  PGS10031: Substitution {0} is a string containing the Pegasus CIM server name
        src.Server.cimserver.STOPPED:string {"PGS10031: CIM server {0} stopped."}

        * @note src.Server.cimserver.MENU.STANDARD:
        *    Do not translate the cimserver command or options.  Just translate the text that explains the options.
        src.Server.cimserver.MENU.STANDARD:string {
        " Usage: cimserver [ [ options ] | [ configProperty=value, ... ] ]\n"
        "  options\n"
        "    -v              - Displays the version of the CIM server.\n"
        "    -h              - Prints this help message.\n"
        "    -s              - Ends the CIM server.\n"
        "    -D [home]       - Sets the PEGASUS_HOME directory.\n"
        "  configProperty=value\n"
        "                    - Sets the CIM server configuration property.\n"

        * @note src.Server.cimserver.MENU.HPUXLINUXIA64GNU:
        *    Do not translate the cimserver command or options.  Just translate the text that explains the options.
        src.Server.cimserver.MENU.HPUXLINUXIA64GNU:string {
        " Usage: cimserver [ [ options ] | [ configProperty=value, ... ] ]\n"
        "  options\n"
        "    -v              - Displays the version of the CIM server.\n"
        "    -h              - Prints this help message.\n"
        "    -s              - Ends the CIM server.\n"
        "  configProperty=value\n"
        "                    - Sets the CIM server configuration property.\n"

        * @note src.Server.cimserver.MENU.WINDOWS:
        *    Do not translate the cimserver command or options.  Just translate the text that explains the options.
        src.Server.cimserver.MENU.WINDOWS:string {
        " Usage: cimserver [ [ options ] | [ configProperty=value, ... ] ]\n"
        "  options\n"
        "    -v              - Displays the version of the CIM server.\n"
        "    -h              - Prints this help message.\n"
        "    -s              - Ends the CIM server.\n"
        "    -D [home]       - Sets the PEGASUS_HOME directory.\n"
        "    -install [name] - Installs the CIM server as a Windows NT service.\n"
        "                      The name is optional and overrides the\n"
        "                      default CIM server service name.\n"
        "    -remove [name]  - Removes the CIM server as a Windows NT service.\n"
        "                      The name is optional and overrides the\n"
        "                      default CIM server service name.\n"
        "    -start [name]   - Starts the CIM server as a Windows NT service.\n"
        "                      The name is optional and overrides the\n"
        "                      default CIM server service name.\n"
        "    -stop [name]    - Stops the CIM server as a Windows NT service.\n"
        "                      The name is optional and overrides the\n"
        "                      default CIM server service name.\n\n"
        "  configProperty=value\n"
        "                    - Sets the CIM server configuration property.\n"


        * @note PGS10032:
        *     Do not translate the word 'Accept-Language' since it is a standard HTTP request header field
        src.Server.cimserver.FAILED_TO_SET_PROCESS_LOCALE:string {"PGS10032: Cannot convert the system process locale into a valid Accept-Language format."} //485

        * @note PGS10033:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the Exception message
        src.Server.cimserver.SERVER_NOT_STARTED:string {"PGS10033: cimserver not started : {0}"}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for IndicationService
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS10200"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS10200:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the property name
        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_PROPERTY:string {"PGS10200: The required property {0} is missing."}

        * @note  PGS10201:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the property name
        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_KEY_PROPERTY:string {"PGS10201: The key property {0} is missing."}

        * @note  PGS10202:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the property value
        *    Substitution {1} is a string containing the property name
        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_INVALID_VALUE_FOR_PROPERTY:string {"PGS10202: The value {0} is not valid for property {1}."}

        * @note  PGS10203:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing a property name
        *    Substitution {1} is a string containing a property name
        *    Substitution {2} is a string containing a property value
        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_PROPERTY_PRESENT_BUT_VALUE_NOT:string{"PGS10203: The {0} property is present, but the {1} value is not {2}."}

        * @note  PGS10204:
        *    do not translate "Indication" since it is a type of CIM class
        *    do not translate 'FROM' since it is a type of clause
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing a class name
        *    Substitution {1} is a string containing a Indication filter
        *    Substitution {2} is a string containing a query property
        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_INVALID_CLASSNAME_IN_FROM_PROPERTY:string{"PGS10204: The Indication class name {0} is not valid in the FROM clause of {1} {2} property."}

        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_NO_PROVIDERS:string {"PGS10205:  No providers are capable of servicing the subscription."}

        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_NOT_ACCEPTED:string {"PGS10206: No providers accepted the subscription."}

        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_EXPIRED:string {"PGS10207: An expired subscription cannot be modified:  the subscription is deleted."}

        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_REFERENCED:string {"PGS10208: A filter or handler referenced by a subscription cannot be deleted."}

        * @note  PGS10209:
        *    do not translate "Indication" since it is a type of CIM class
        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_CLASS_NOT_SERVED:string {"PGS10209: The specified class is not serviced by the CIM Indication service."}

        IndicationService.IndicationService.INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_INSTANCES_IGNORED:string {"PGS10210: One or more subscription instances are not valid and are ignored."}

        * @note  PGS10211:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the property value type
        *    Substitution {1} is a string containing the property name
        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_PROPERTY:string {"PGS10211: The value of type {0} is not valid for property {1}."}

        * @note  PGS10212:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the property array type value
        *    Substitution {1} is a string containing the property name
        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_INVALID_TYPE_ARRAY_OF_FOR_PROPERTY:string {"PGS10212: The value of an array of type {0} is not valid for property {1}."}

        * @note  PGS10213:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the provider object path in string form
        *    Substitution {1} is a string containing the subscription object path in string form
        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_PROVIDER_NO_LONGER_SERVING:string {"PGS10213: Provider ({0}) is no longer serving subscription ({1})."}

        * @note  PGS10214:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the provider object path in string form
        *    Substitution {1} is a string containing the subscription object path in string form
        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_PROVIDER_NOW_SERVING:string {"PGS10214: Provider ({0}) is now serving subscription ({1})."}

        * @note  PGS10215:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the subscription object path in string form
        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_NO_PROVIDER:string {"PGS10215: Subscription ({0}) has no provider."}

        * @note  PGS10216:
        *    Message added after Pegasus 2.3 freeze
        *    Substitution {0} is a user name (a string)
        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_NON_PRIVILEGED_ACCESS_DISABLED:string {"PGS10216: User ({0}) is not authorized to perform this operation."}

        * @note  PGS10217:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the property value
        *    Substitution {1} is a string containing the property name
        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_UNSUPPORTED_VALUE_FOR_PROPERTY:string {"PGS10217: The value {0} is not supported for property {1}."}

        * @note  PGS10218:
        *    do not translate 'WHERE' since it is a WQL keyword
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the property name
        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_ARRAY_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_WHERE:string {"PGS10218: The array property {0} is not supported in the WQL WHERE clause."}

        * @note  PGS10219:
        *    do not translate 'WHERE' since it is a WQL keyword
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the property name
        *    Substitution {1} is a string containing the class name
        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_WHERE_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND:string {"PGS10219: The property {0} referenced in the WQL WHERE clause was not found in the indication class {1}."}

        * @note  PGS10220:
        *    do not translate 'SELECT' since it is a WQL keyword
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the property name
        *    Substitution {1} is a string containing the class name
        IndicationService.IndicationService._MSG_SELECT_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND:string {"PGS10220: The property {0} referenced in the WQL SELECT clause was not found in the indication class {1}."}

	* @note  PGS10221:
        IndicationService.IndicationService.UNKNOWN_ERROR:string {"PGS10221: Unknown error."}

      * @version 2.4
        IndicationService.IndicationService.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION:string {"PGS10222: The requested operation is not supported by the indication service."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for IndicationHandlerService
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS10400"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS10400:
        *    do not translate "IndicationHandler" since it is the name of a CIM class
        *    do not translate "Destination" since it is the name of a CIM property
        HandlerService.IndicationHandlerService.HANDLER_WITHOUT_DESTINATION:string {"PGS10400: The IndicationHhandler does not have a Destination property."}

        * @note  PGS10401:
        *    do not translate "Destination" since it is the name of a CIM property
        HandlerService.IndicationHandlerService.INVALID_DESTINATION:string {"PGS10401: The value of the Destination property is not valid."}

        * @note  PGS10402:
        *    do not translate "IndicationHandler" since it is the name of a CIM class
        HandlerService.IndicationHandlerService.FAILED_TO_LOAD:string {"PGS10402: The IndicationHandler failed to load."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for snmpIndicationHandler
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS10600"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS10600:
        *   Do not translate 'MappingStrings' since it is a standard Indication qualifier CIM name
        Handler.snmpIndicationHandler.snmpIndicationHandler.INVALID_MS_VALUE:string {"PGS10600:  The MappingStrings qualifier value is not valid."}

        * @note  PGS10601:
        *   Do not translate 'PG_IndicationHandlerSNMPMapper' since it is a CIM class name
        Handler.snmpIndicationHandler.snmpIndicationHandler.INVALID_SNMP_INSTANCE:string {"PGS10601: The PG_IndicationHandlerSNMPMapper instance is not valid."}

        * @note  PGS10602:
        *   Do not translate 'MappingStrings' since it is a standard Indication qualifier CIM name
        Handler.snmpIndicationHandler.snmpIndicationHandler.QUALIFIER_MAPPINGS_NOT_FOUND:string {"PGS10602:  CIM qualifier MappingStrings cannot be found"}

	Handler.snmpIndicationHandler.snmpIndicationHandler.FAILED_TO_DELIVER_TRAP:string {"PGS10603: Failed to deliver trap."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMxmlIndicationHandler
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS10800"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note PGS10800:
        *     Do not translate the word 'CIMxmlIndicationHandler' since it is the name of a class
        Handler.CIMxmlIndicationHandler.CIMxmlIndicationHandler.ERROR:string {"PGS10800: CIMxmlIndicationHandler error: "} // 485

        Handler.CIMxmlIndicationHandler.CIMxmlIndicationHandler.CANNOT_DO_HTTPS_CONNECTION:string {"PGS10801: SSL is not available. Cannot support an HTTPS connection."} // 485

        Handler.CIMxmlIndicationHandler.CIMxmlIndicationHandler.MALFORMED_HANDLER_INSTANCE:string {"PGS10802: Malformed handler instance, 'Destination' property not found or not well formed."} // 485

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for snmpDeliverTrap_emanate
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS11000"
        // ==========================================================

        Handler.snmpIndicationHandler.snmpDeliverTrap_emanate._MSG_INITSUBAGENT_FAILED:string {"PGS11000:  The SNMP subagent failed to initialize."}

        Handler.snmpIndicationHandler.snmpDeliverTrap_emanate._MSG_INVALID:string {"PGS11001: The SNMP trap object identifier is not valid."}

        Handler.snmpIndicationHandler.snmpDeliverTrap_emanate._MSG_DESTINATION_NOT_FOUND:string {"PGS11002: The SNMP trap destination cannot be found."}

        * @note  PGS11003:
        *   Do not translate the word 'TargetHostFormat' since it is a CIM property name
        *   Do not translate 'PG_IndicationHandlerSNMPMapper' since it is a CIM class name
        Handler.snmpIndicationHandler.snmpDeliverTrap_emanate._MSG_TARGETHOSTFORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED:string {"PGS11003:  Host name and IPv4 address are the only supported values for the TargetHostFormat property of the PG_IndicationHandlerSNMPMapper class."}

        Handler.snmpIndicationHandler.snmpDeliverTrap_emanate._MSG_INVALID_SECURITY_NAME:string{"PGS11004: The SNMP community name or user name is not valid."}

        Handler.snmpIndicationHandler.snmpDeliverTrap_emanate._MSG_INVALID_OCTET_VALUE:string{"PGS11005: The octet value in the SNMP trap destination is not valid."}

        Handler.snmpIndicationHandler.snmpDeliverTrap_emanate._MSG_CREATE_OCTET_FAILED:string{"PGS11006: The creation of an empty octet string of length four failed."}

        Handler.snmpIndicationHandler.snmpDeliverTrap_emanate._MSG_INVALID_ENTERPRISEOID:string{"PGS11007: The SNMP enterprise parameter cannot be set to a valid SNMP trap object identifier."}

        Handler.snmpIndicationHandler.snmpDeliverTrap_emanate._MSG_INVALID_PROPERTYOID:string{"PGS11008: The SNMP object identifier value of the CIM property is not valid."}

        Handler.snmpIndicationHandler.snmpDeliverTrap_emanate._MSG_INVALID_PROPERTY:string{"PGS11009: The value of the CIM property is not valid."}

        * @note  PGS11010:
        *   Do not translate the word 'MakeVarBindWithValue' since it is an SNMP function name
        *   Do not translate 'OCTET_PRIM_TYPE' since it is an SNMP type
        Handler.snmpIndicationHandler.snmpDeliverTrap_emanate._MSG_MAKE_VARBIND_FAILED_FOR_OCTET_PRIM_TYPE:string{"PGS11010:  Failed to perform an SNMP MakeVarBindWithValue for type OCTET_PRIM_TYPE."}

        * @note  PGS11011:
        *   Do not translate the word 'MakeVarBindWithValue' since it is an SNMP function name
        *   Do not translate 'OBJECT_ID_TYPE' since it is an SNMP type
        Handler.snmpIndicationHandler.snmpDeliverTrap_emanate._MSG_MAKE_VARBIND_FAILED_FOR_OBJECT_ID_TYPE:string{"PGS11011:  Failed to perform an SNMP MakeVarBindWithValue for type OBJECT_ID_TYPE."}

        * @note  PGS11012:
        *   Do not translate the word 'MakeVarBindWithValue' since it is an SNMP function name
        *   Do not translate 'INTEGER_TYPE' since it is an SNMP type
        Handler.snmpIndicationHandler.snmpDeliverTrap_emanate._MSG_MAKE_VARBIND_FAILED_FOR_INTEGER_TYPE:string{"PGS11012:  Failed to perform an SNMP MakeVarBindWithValue for type INTEGER_TYPE."}

        * @note  PGS11013:
        *   Do not translate the word 'SNMPVersion' since it is a CIM property name
        *   Do not translate 'PG_IndicationHandlerSNMPMapper' since it is a CIM class name
        Handler.snmpIndicationHandler.snmpDeliverTrap_emanate._MSG_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED:string{"PGS11013:  SNMPv1 trap and SNMPv2C trap are the only supported values for the SNMPVersion property of the PG_IndicationHandlerSNMPMapper class."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMExportRequestDecoder
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS11200"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS11200:
        *   Do not translate 'MESSAGE' since it is a standard element for CIM in XML
        ExportServer.CIMExportRequestDecoder.EXPECTED_MESSAGE_ELEMENT:string {"PGS11200:  A MESSAGE element is expected for CIM in XML."}

        * @note  PGS11201:
        *   Do not translate 'EXPMETHODCALL' since it is a standard element for CIM in XML
        ExportServer.CIMExportRequestDecoder.EXPECTED_EXPMETHODCALL_ELEMENT:string {"PGS11201:  A EXPMETHODCALL element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS11202:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the export method name
        ExportServer.CIMExportRequestDispatcher.UNRECOGNIZED_EXPORT_METHOD:string {"PGS11202:  Unrecognized export method: {0}"}

        * @note PGS11203:
        * @version 2.4
        ExportServer.CIMExportRequestDecoder.REQUEST_NOT_VALID:string{"PGS11203:  The request is not valid."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMExportResponseDecoder
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS11400"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS11400:
        *   Do not translate 'MESSAGE' since it is a standard element for CIM in XML
        ExportClient.CIMExportResponseDecoder.EXPECTED_MESSAGE_ELEMENT:string {"PGS11400:  A MESSAGE element is expected for CIM in XML."}

        * @note  PGS11401:
        *   Do not translate 'METHODRESPONSE' since it is a standard element for CIM in XML
        *   Do not translate 'IMETHODRESPONSE' since it is a standard element for CIM in XML
        ExportClient.CIMExportResponseDecoder.EXPECTED_METHODRESPONSE_OR_IMETHODRESPONSE_ELEMENT:string {"PGS11401:  A METHODRESPONSE or an IMETHODRESPONSE element is expected for CIM in XML."}

        ExportClient.CIMExportResponseDecoder.EMPTY_RESPONSE:string {"PGS11402: The HTTP response message is empty."}

        ExportClient.CIMExportResponseDecoder.MALFORMED_RESPONSE:string {"PGS11403:  The HTTP response message is not valid."}

        ExportClient.CIMExportResponseDecoder.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED:string {"PGS11404: Authentication failed."}

        * @note  PGS11405:
        *   Do not translate 'CIMOperation' since it is a standard CIM HTTP header
        ExportClient.CIMExportResponseDecoder.MISSING_CIMOP_HEADER:string {"PGS11405: The CIMOperation HTTP header is missing."}

        * @note  PGS11406:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing a CIM operation element
        *    Do not translate 'CIMOperation' since it is a standard CIM HTTP header
        *    Do not translate 'METHODRESPONSE' since it is a standard element for CIM in XML
        ExportClient.CIMExportResponseDecoder.EXPECTED_METHODRESPONSE:string {"PGS11406:  Client received a CIMOperation HTTP header value of \"{0}\" when \"METHODRESPONSE\" element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS11407:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing a protocol version
        *    Substitution {1} is a string containing the expected version (such as "1.0")
        ExportClient.CIMExportResponseDecoder.UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL:string {"PGS11407:  Unsupported protocol version {0} is received, {1} is expected."}

        * @note  PGS11408:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing a CIM operation name
        *    Do not translate 'IMETHODRESPONSE' since it is a standard element for CIM in XML
        ExportClient.CIMExportResponseDecoder.UNRECOGNIZED_IMETH:string {"PGS11408:  IMETHODRESPONSE name {0} is not recognized."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMExportClient
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS11600"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS11600:
        *    Substitution {0} and {1} are strings containing message identifiers
        ExportClient.CIMExportClient.MISMATCHED_RESPONSE_ID:string {"PGS11600:  The response message identifier {0} does not match the expected response message identifier {1}."}

        ExportClient.CIMExportClient.MISMATCHED_RESPONSE:string {"PGS11601: The response message type does not match the expected response message type."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMClient
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS11800"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS11800:
        *    Substitution {0} and {1} are strings containing message identifiers
        Client.CIMClient.MISMATCHED_RESPONSE:string {"PGS11800:  The response message identifier {0} does not match the expected response message identifier {1}."}

        Client.CIMClient.MISMATCHED_RESPONSE_TYPE:string {"PGS11801: The response message type does not match the expected response message type."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMClientRep
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS11900"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS11900:
        *    Substitution {0} and {1} are numbers containing the ports of object path and connection
        *    Do not translate 'CIMClient' since it is the name of the client API interface
        *    Do not translate 'CIM' since it is the name of the technology

        Client.CIMClientRep.TYPEMISMATCH_PORTMISMATCH:string {"PGS11900:  Failed validation of CIM object path: port of CIMClient connection({0}) and port of object path({1}) not equal."}

        * @note  PGS11901:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the host of object path
        *    Do not translate 'CIM' since it is the name of the technology

        Client.CIMClientRep.TYPEMISMATCH_OBJECTPATH_IP_UNRESOLVEABLE:string {"PGS11901:  Failed validation of CIM object path: failed to resolve IP address({0}) from object path"}

        * @note  PGS11902:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the host of the CIMClient connection
        *    Do not translate 'CIMClient' since it is the name of the client API interface
        *    Do not translate 'CIM' since it is the name of the technology

        Client.CIMClientRep.TYPEMISMATCH_CIMCLIENTCONNECTION_IP_UNRESOLVEABLE:string {"PGS11902:  Failed validation of CIM object path: failed to resolve IP address({0}) of CIMClient connection"}

        * @note  PGS11903:
        *    Substitution {0} and {1} are strings containing the host of the CIMClient connection and the host of CIM object path
        *    Do not translate 'CIMClient' since it is the name of the client API interface
        *    Do not translate 'CIM' since it is the name of the technology

        Client.CIMClientRepTYPEMISMATCH_OBJECTPATHS_NOTEQUAL:string {"PGS11903:  Failed validation of CIM object path: host of CIMClient connection({0}) and object path({1}) not equal"}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMOperationResponseDecoder
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS12000"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS12000:
        *   Do not translate 'MESSAGE' since it is a standard element for CIM in XML
        Client.CIMOperationResponseDecoder.EXPECTED_MESSAGE_ELEMENT:string {"PGS12000:  A MESSAGE element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS12001:
        *   Do not translate 'CLASS' since it is a standard element for CIM in XML
        Client.CIMOperationResponseDecoder.EXPECTED_CLASS_ELEMENT:string {"PGS12001:  A CLASS element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS12002:
        *   Do not translate 'INSTANCE' since it is a standard element for CIM in XML
        Client.CIMOperationResponseDecoder.EXPECTED_INSTANCE_ELEMENT:string {"PGS12002:  An INSTANCE element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS12003:
        *   Do not translate 'RETURNVALUE' since it is a standard element for CIM in XML
        Client.CIMOperationResponseDecoder.EXPECTED_RETURNVALUE_ELEMENT:string {"PGS12003: A RETURNVALUE element is not expected."}

        * @note  PGS12004:
        *   Do not translate 'IRETURNVALUE' since it is a standard element for CIM in XML
        *   Do not translate 'ERROR' since it is a standard element for CIM in XML
        Client.CIMOperationResponseDecoder.EXPECTED_ERROR_OR_IRETURNVALUE_ELEMENT:string {"PGS12004:  An ERROR or an IRETURNVALUE element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS12005:
        *   Do not translate 'METHODRESPONSE' since it is a standard element for CIM in XML
        *   Do not translate 'IMETHODRESPONSE' since it is a standard element for CIM in XML
        Client.CIMOperationResponseDecoder.EXPECTED_METHODRESPONSE_OR_IMETHODRESPONSE_ELEMENT:string {"PGS12005:  A METHODRESPONSE or an IMETHODRESPONSE element is expected."}

        * @note  PGS12006:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing a standard CIM name
        *    Do not translate 'IMETHODRESPONSE' since it is a standard element for CIM in XML
        Client.CIMOperationResponseDecoder.UNRECOGNIZED_NAME:string {"PGS12006:  The name {0} of the IMETHODRESPONSE element is not recognized."}

        Client.CIMOperationResponseDecoder.EMPTY_RESPONSE:string {"PGS12007: The HTTP response message is empty."}

        Client.CIMOperationResponseDecoder.MALFORMED_RESPONSE:string {"PGS12008: The HTTP response message is not valid."}

        Client.CIMOperationResponseDecoder.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED:string {"PGS12009: Authentication failed."}

        * @note  PGS12010:
        *   Do not translate the word 'Content-Language' since it is a standard HTTP header
        Client.CIMOperationResponseDecoder.MALFORMED_CONTENT:string {"PGS12010:  The Content-Language header is not valid."}

        * @note  PGS12011:
        *   Do not translate 'CIMOperation' since it is a standard CIM HTTP header
        Client.CIMOperationResponseDecoder.MISSING_CIMOP_HEADER:string {"PGS12011:  The CIMOperation HTTP header is missing."}

        * @note  PGS12012:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing a CIM operation element
        *    Do not translate 'CIMOperation' since it is a standard CIM HTTP header
        *    Do not translate 'METHODRESPONSE' since it is a standard element for CIM in XML
        Client.CIMOperationResponseDecoder.EXPECTED_METHODRESPONSE:string {"PGS12012:  Client received a CIMOperation HTTP header value of \"{0}\" when \"METHODRESPONSE\" is expected."}

        * @note  PGS12013:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing a protocol version
        *    Substitution {1} is a string containing the expected version (such as "1.0")
        Client.CIMOperationResponseDecoder.UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL:string {"PGS12013:  The unsupported protocol version {0} is received, {1} is expected."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for Kerberos Authentication
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS12200"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS12200 - Substitution {0} is the kerberos principal (a string)
        Authentication.Kerberos.CLIENT_DENIED:string {"PGS12200: Client denied: Unable to match Kerberos principal {0} to a user identity on this system."}

        * @note  PGS12201 -
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of API (a string)
        *    Substitution {1} is the return code (a decimal)
        Authentication.Kerberos.CONTEXT_NOT_ESTABLISHED: string {"PGS12201: Cannot establish security context,  {0} returned error {1}. Negotiation continuing."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Start of messages from platform-specific source files
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS12400"
        // ==========================================================

        // Start OS/400 messages

        Common.CIMOMHandleOS400UserState.UNKNOWN_ERROR:string {"PGS12400:  An internal error occurred during the processing of the CIMOM handle."}

        * @note  PGS12401:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the name of a user profile
        ProviderManager.sharedOS400.SWAP_ERROR:string {"PGS12401:  An error occurred while changing the CIM server user profile to user {0}."}

        * @note  PGS12402:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the name of a service program
        ProviderManager.sharedOS400.ILLEGAL_OP:string {"PGS12402:  An illegal operation is attempted by a CIM provider in service program {0}."}

        * @note  PGS12403:
        *   Do not translate 'ResponseHandler' since it is a class name
        ProviderManager.CIMProviderOS400Helper.ILLEGAL_RH_INTFC:string {"PGS12403:  An internal error occurred during ResponseHandler processing.  An unsupported ResponseHandler interface is found."}

        * @note  PGS12404:
        *   Do not translate 'QYCMCIMOM' since it is the name of an OS/400 server job
        ProviderManager.CIMProviderOS400SystemState.INIT_ERROR:string {"PGS12404:  An error occurred while initializing a CIM provider.  Refer to the QYCMCIMOM job log for details."}

        * @note  PGS12405:
        *    Substitution {0} is a string containing the name of a user profile
        *    Substitution {1} is a string containing the name of an OS/400 service program
        ProviderManager.CIMProviderOS400SystemState.SRVPGM_AUTH_ERROR:string {"PGS12405:  The user {0} is not authorized to CIM provider service program {1}."}

        * @note  PGS12406:
        *   Do not translate 'ResponseHandler' since it is a class name
        ProviderManager.ResponseHandlerOS400UserState.RH_BAD_HANDLE:string {"PGS12406:  An internal error occurred during ResponseHandler processing.  Found a handle that is not valid."}

        * @note  PGS12407:
        *   Do not translate 'ResponseHandler' since it is a class name
        ProviderManager.ResponseHandlerOS400UserState.RH_DELIVER_ERROR:string {"PGS12407:  An internal error occurred during ResponseHandler processing.  An error occurred during the delivery of objects."}

        * @note  PGS12408:
        *    Substitution {0} is an OS/400 error code
        *    Do not translate 'YCMPROV400QTEMP' since it is the name of an OS/400 user space
        *    Do not translate '*USRSPC' since it is a type an OS/400 object
        os400.shared.USERSPACE_ACCESS_ERROR:string {"PGS12408:  An error occurred while accessing the user space YCMPROV400QTEMP *USRSPC.  The error code is {0}."}

        * @note  PGS12409:
        *    Substitution {0} is an OS/400 error code
        *    Do not translate 'YCMPROV400QTEMP' since it is the name of an OS/400 user space
        *    Do not translate '*USRSPC' since it is a type an OS/400 object
        Common.OS400SystemState.USERSPACE_CREATE_ERROR:string {"PGS12409:  An error occurred while creating the user space YCMPROV400QTEMP *USRSPC.  The error code is {0}."}

        os400.shared.SERVER_PROFILE_ERROR:string {"PGS12410:  An unknown error occurred while retrieving the user profile of the CIM server."}

        * @note  PGS12411:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of an OS/400 service program
        Common.OS400SystemState.SRVPGM_NOT_FOUND:string {"PGS12411:  The CIM provider service program {0} is not found."}

        * @note  PGS12412:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of an OS/400 service program
        os400.shared.SRVPGM_RESOLVE_ERROR:string {"PGS12412:  An unknown error occurred while loading the CIM provider service program {0}."}

        * @note  PGS12413:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of an OS/400 service program
        *    Substitution {1} is an OS/400 error code
        Common.OS400SystemState.SRVPGM_ACTIVATE_ERROR:string {"PGS12413:  An error occurred while loading the CIM provider service program {0}.  The error code is {1}."}

        * @note  PGS12414:
        *    Substitution {0} is an OS/400 error code
        Common.OS400SystemState.SRVPGM_EXPORT_ERROR:string {"PGS12414:  An error occurred while starting a CIM provider service program.  The error code is {0}."}

        * @note  PGS12415:
        *    Substitution {0} is the name of an OS/400 service program
        *    Do not translate '*SYSTEM' since it is a type an OS/400 domain
        Common.OS400SystemState.SRVPGM_SYSTEM_DOMAIN:string {"PGS12415:  An error occurred while loading the CIM provider service program {0}.  The provider service program has a domain of *SYSTEM."}

        // End OS/400 messages

        // ==========================================================
        // End of messages from platform-specific source files
        // ==========================================================

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for XmlConstants
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS12600"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note MISSING_ELEMENT_REQ:
        * Do not translate 'SIMPLEREQ'
        * Do not translate 'MULTIREQ'
        Common.XmlConstants.MISSING_ELEMENT_REQ:string {"PGS12600:  Expected SIMPLEREQ or MULTIREQ element."}

        * Do not translate 'LOCALCLASSPATH'
        * Do not translate 'LOCALINSTANCEPATH'
        Common.XmlConstants.MISSING_ELEMENT_LOCALPATH:string{"PGS12601:  Expected LOCALCLASSPATH or LOCALINSTANCEPATH element."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for Thread
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS12800"
        // ==========================================================

        *    Substitution {0} is a number of seconds (an integer)
        Common.Thread.CANCEL_LONG_RUNNING_THREAD:string{"PGS12800:  A thread has run longer than {0} seconds and will be cancelled."}

	// ==========================================================
        // Messages for HTTPAuthenticatorDelegator
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS13000"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note HTTPAuthenticatorDelegator:
	* @version 2.4
	Pegasus.Server.HTTPAuthenticatorDelegator.REQUEST_NOT_VALID:string{"PGS13000:  The request is not valid."}

        * @note HTTPAuthenticatorDelegator:
        * @version 2.4
	Pegasus.Server.HTTPAuthenticatorDelegator.AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_ERROR:string{"PGS13001:  Authorization header error."}

        * @note HTTPAuthenticatorDelegator:
        * @version 2.4
	Pegasus.Server.HTTPAuthenticatorDelegator.CIMOPERATIONS_NOT_SUPPORTED:string{"PGS13002:  CIMOperation request not supported on this port."}

        * @note HTTPAuthenticatorDelegator:
        * @version 2.5
	Pegasus.Server.HTTPAuthenticatorDelegator.BAD_CERTIFICATE:string{"PGS13003:  The certificate used for authentication is not valid."}

        * @note HTTPAuthenticatorDelegator:
        * @version 2.5
	Pegasus.Server.HTTPAuthenticatorDelegator.BAD_CERTIFICATE_USERNAME:string{"PGS13004:  No username is registered to this certificate."}

	// ==========================================================
        // Messages for Server.CIMServer
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS13200"
        // ==========================================================

        Server.CIMServer.BIND_FAILED:string {"PGS13200: No CIM server connections are enabled."}

        * @note  PGS13201:
        * @version 2.4
        Server.CIMServer.EXPORT_TRUST_EMPTY:string {"PGS13201: The \"exportSSLTrustStore\" configuration property must be set when \"enableSSLExportClientVerification\" is true. cimserver not started."}
	Server.CIMServer.SSL_CLIENT_VERIFICATION_EMPTY_TRUSTSTORE:string {"PGS13201: The \"sslTrustStore\" configuration property must be set if \"sslClientVerificationMode\" is 'required'. cimserver not started."}
	Server.CIMServer.SSL_CLIENT_VERIFICATION_HTTP_NOT_ENABLED_WITH_REQUIRED:string {"PGS13201: The HTTP port must be enabled if \"sslClientVerificationMode\" is 'required' in order for the cimserver to properly shutdown. cimserver not started."}
	Server.CIMServer.SSL_CLIENT_VERIFICATION_EMPTY_USERNAME:string {"PGS13201: The \"sslTrustStoreUserName\" property must specify a truststore username to associate with the trusted certificates if \"sslClientVerificationMode\" is 'required' or 'optional', and a truststore is specified. cimserver not started."}
	Server.CIMServer.SSL_CLIENT_VERIFICATION_INVALID_AUTO_UPDATE_MODE:string {"PGS13201: The \"enableSSLTrustStoreAutoUpdate\" property can only be 'true' if \"sslClientVerificationMode\" is 'optional'. cimserver not started."}
	Server.CIMServer.SSL_CLIENT_VERIFICATION_INVALID_AUTO_UPDATE_DIRECTORY:string {"PGS13201: The \"sslTrustStore\" value must be a valid directory if \"enableSSLTrustStoreAutoUpdate\" is 'true'. cimserver not started."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for AnonymousPipe
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS13400"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS13400:
        * @version 2.4
        Common.AnonymousPipe.CREATE_PIPE_FAILED:string {"PGS13400: Failed to create pipe."}

	// ==========================================================
        // Messages for ProviderManager.OOPProviderManagerRouter
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS13600"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS13600
        *    Substitution {0} is a string ID for the cimprovagt process instance
        *    Do not translate the word 'cimprovagt' since it is a command name.
        ProviderManager.OOPProviderManagerRouter.CIMPROVAGT_START_FAILED:string {"PGS13600:  Failed to start cimprovagt \"{0}\"."}

        * @note  PGS13601
        *    Substitution {0} is a string ID for the cimprovagt process instance
        *    Do not translate the word 'cimprovagt' since it is a command name.
        ProviderManager.OOPProviderManagerRouter.CIMPROVAGT_COMMUNICATION_FAILED:string {"PGS13601:  Failed to communicate with cimprovagt \"{0}\"."}

        * @note  PGS13602
        *    Substitution {0} is a string ID for the cimprovagt process instance
        *    Do not translate the word 'cimprovagt' since it is a command name.
        ProviderManager.OOPProviderManagerRouter.CIMPROVAGT_CONNECTION_LOST:string {"PGS13602:  Lost connection with cimprovagt \"{0}\"."}

	// ==========================================================
        // Messages for ProviderManager.ProviderAgent.cimprovagt
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS13800"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS13800
        *    Substitution {0} is a string ID for the cimprovagt process instance
        *    Substitution {1} is another message string
        *    Do not translate the word 'cimprovagt' since it is a command name.
        ProviderManager.ProviderAgent.cimprovagt.CIMPROVAGT_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS13800:  cimprovagt \"{0}\" error: {1}"}

        * @note  PGS13801
        *    Substitution {0} is a string ID for the cimprovagt process instance
        *    Do not translate the word 'cimprovagt' since it is a command name.
        ProviderManager.ProviderAgent.cimprovagt.CIMPROVAGT_ERROR:string {"PGS13801:  cimprovagt \"{0}\" error.  Exiting."}

	// ==========================================================
        // Messages for ProviderManager.ProviderAgent.ProviderAgent
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS14000"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS14000
        *    Substitution {0} is a string ID for the cimprovagt process instance
        *    Do not translate the word 'cimprovagt' since it is a command name.
        ProviderManager.ProviderAgent.ProviderAgent.CIMSERVER_COMMUNICATION_FAILED:string {"PGS14000:  cimprovagt \"{0}\" communication with CIM Server failed.  Exiting."}

	// ==========================================================
        // Messages for Common.Monitor
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS14200"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS14200
        *    Substitution {0} is an error status code.  This is a number.
        Common.Monitor.TICKLE_CREATE:string {"PGS14200: Received error number {0} while creating the internal socket"}

        * @note  PGS14201
        *    Substitution {0} is an error status code.  This is a number.
        Common.Monitor.TICKLE_BIND:string {"PGS14201: Received error number {0} while binding the internal socket."}

        * @note  PGS14202
        *    Substitution {0} is an error status code.  This is a number.
        Common.Monitor.TICKLE_LISTEN:string {"PGS14202: Received error number {0} while listening to the internal socket."}

        * @note  PGS14203
        *    Substitution {0} is an error status code.  This is a number.
        Common.Monitor.TICKLE_SOCKNAME:string {"PGS14203: Received error number {0} while getting the internal socket name."}

        * @note  PGS14204
        *    Substitution {0} is an error status code.  This is a number.
        Common.Monitor.TICKLE_CLIENT_CREATE:string {"PGS14204: Received error number {0} while creating the internal client socket."}

        * @note  PGS14205
	*    Substitution {0} is an error status code.  This is a number.
        Common.Monitor.TICKLE_CLIENT_BIND:string {"PGS14205: Received error number {0} while binding the internal client socket."}

        * @note  PGS14206
        *    Substitution {0} is an error status code.  This is a number.
        Common.Monitor.TICKLE_CLIENT_CONNECT:string {"PGS14206: Received error number {0} while connecting the internal client socket."}

        * @note  PGS14207
        *    Substitution {0} is an error status code.  This is a number.
        Common.Monitor.TICKLE_ACCEPT:string {"PGS14207: Received error number {0} while accepting the internal socket connection."}

        * @note  PGS14208
        *    Substitution {0} is an error message.  This is a string.
        Common.Monitor.TICKLE_BIND_LONG:string {"PGS14208: Received error:{0} while binding the internal socket."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CIMDateTime
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS14400"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS14400
        *   version 2.5
        *   do not translate CIMDateTime because it is a class name.
        Common.CIMDateTime.OVERFLOW:string {"PGS14400: Overflow error has occurrred in forming a CIMDateTime object."}

        * @note  PGS14401
        *   version 2.5
        *   do not translate CIMDateTime because it is a class name.
        Common.CIMDateTime.UNDERFlOW:string {"PGS14401: Underflow error has occurred in forming a CIMDateTime object."}

        * @note  PGS14402
        *   version 2.5
        Common.CIMDateTime.INVAID_OPERATION_DIV_INT:string {"PGS14402: Can not divide a TimeStamp by an integer."}

        * @note  PGS14403
        *   version 2.5
        *   do not translate CIMDateTime because it is a class name.
        Common.CIMDateTime.UTC_OVERFLOW:string {"PGS14403: Overflow error has occurrred in a CIMDateTime object during conversion to UTC."}

        * @note  PGS14404
        *   version 2.5
        *   do not translate CIMDateTime because it is a class name.
        Common.CIMDateTime.UTC_UNDERFlOW:string {"PGS14404: Underflow error has occurred in a CIMDateTime object during conversion to UTC."}

        * @note  PGS14405
        *   version 2.5
        *   do not translate CIMDateTime because it is a class name.
        Common.CIMDateTime.INVAID_OPERATION_DIV_ZERO:string {"PGS14405: Can not divide CIMDateTime object by zero."}

        * @note  PGS14406
        *   version 2.5
        *   do not translate CIMDateTime because it is a class name.
        Common.CIMDateTime.INVAID_OPERATION_DIV_TS:string {"PGS14406:Can not divide two CIMDateTime objects if one of them is a TimeStamp."}

        * @note  PGS14407
        *   version 2.5
        *   do not translate CIMDateTime because it is a class name.
        Common.CIMDateTime.INVAID_OPERATION_DIV_ZERO_CDT:string {"PGS14407: Trying to divide a CIMDateTime objects by a zero value CIMDateTime object."}

        * @note  PGS14408
        *   version 2.5
        *   do not translate CIMDateTime because it is a class name.
        Common.CIMDateTime.INVAID_OPERATION_COMP_DIF:string {"PGS14408:Trying to compare CIMDateTime objects of differing types."}

        // ==========================================================
        // ****************** Messages for CQL **********************
        //       Please use message prefix "PGS14600 - PGS15399"
        // ==========================================================

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CQLFunction
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS14600 - PGS14699"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS14600
        *     Substitution {0] is a 
        CQL.CQLFunctionRep.INVALID_FUNCTION:string {"PGS14600: Function {0} is not a supported function."}
        * @note  PGS14601
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLFunctionRep.INVALID_FUNCTION_ID:string {"PGS14601: Function ID {0} is not a supported function ID."}

        * @note  PGS14602
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        *     Substitution {2] is a
        *     Substitution {3] is a
        CQL.CQLFunctionRep.IVALID_PARM_COUNT:string {"PGS14602: Function {0} has {1} parameters.  It must have between {2} and {3}."}

        * @note  PGS14603
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        *     Substitution {2] is a
        *     Substitution {3] is a
        CQL.CQLFunctionRep.IVALID_PARM_TYPE:string {"PGS14603: Parameter {0} for function {1} has type {2}.  It must be type {3}."}

        * @note  PGS14604
        CQL.CQLFunctionRep.IVALID_OBJECT_TYPE:string {"PGS14604: CIM Object function parameter must be an instance."}

        * @note  PGS14605
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQLFunctionRep.NEGATIVE_INT_ERROR:string {"PGS14605: Function parameter {0} has a value of {1}.  It must be non-negative."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CQLIdentifier
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS14700 - PGS14799"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS14700
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLIdentifier.HASH_ARRAY_SYMBOL_MISMATCH:string {"PGS14700: The identifier contains a mismatched symbolic constant symbol and an array symbol: {0}"}
        * @note  PGS14701
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLIdentifier.TOO_MANY_ARRAY_INDICES:string {"PGS14701: The identifier contains one or more commas which is not allowed in CQL Basic query: {0}"}

        * @note  PGS14702
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLIdentifier.ARRAY_SYMBOL_MISMATCH:string {"PGS14702: The identifier contains a mismatched array symbol: {0}"}

        * @note  PGS14703
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLIdentifier.INVALID_CIMNAME:string {"PGS14703: The identifier contains an invalid CIMName: {0}."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CQLSelectStatement
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS14800 - PGS14899"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS14800
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.QUERY_CONTEXT_IS_NULL:string {"PGS14800: Trying to process a query with a NULL Query Context."}

        * @note  PGS14801
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.PROP_NOT_EMB:string {"PGS14801: The property {0} must contain an embedded object."}

        * @note  PGS14802
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.NULL_EMB_OBJ:string {"PGS14802: The embedded object property {0} cannot contain a null value."}

        * @note  PGS14803
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.PROJ_WHOLE_ARRAY:string {"PGS14803: CQL requires that array indexing is used on embedded object property {0}."}

        * @note  PGS14804
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.PROJ_UNINIT:string {"PGS14804: The embedded object property {0} is uninitialized."}

        * @note  PGS14805
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.PROJ_CLASS:string {"PGS14805: CQL does not allow properties to be projected on class {0}."}

        * @note  PGS14806
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.PROJ_MISSING_PROP:string {"PGS14806: The property {0} is missing on the instance of class {1}."}

        * @note  PGS14807
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.VAL_CLASS_NOT_EXIST:string {"PGS14807: The class {0} does not exist."}

        * @note  PGS14808
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.VAL_PROP_NOT_ON_CLASS:string {"PGS14808: The property {0} does not exist on class {1}."}

        * @note  PGS14809
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.VAL_SCOPE_VIOLATION:string {"PGS14809: The class {0} is not a superclass, subclass, or the same class as {1}."}

        * @note  PGS14810
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.GPL_CLASS_NOT_EXIST:string {"PGS14810: A class required to determine the property list was not found."}

        * @note  PGS14811
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.CLASS_NOT_FROM_LIST_CLASS:string {"PGS14811: Class {0} does not match the FROM class or any of its subclasses."}

        * @note  PGS14812
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.EMPTY_CHAIN:string {"PGS14812: An empty chained identifier was found."}

        * @note  PGS14813
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.SINGLE_CHID_IN_SELECT:string {"PGS14813: A property on the FROM class must be selected."}

        * @note  PGS14814
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.FIRST_ID_ILLEGAL:string {"PGS14814: The chained identifier {0} is illegal."}

        * @note  PGS14815
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.ARRAY_IN_SELECT:string {"PGS14815: The identifier {0} of {1} in the SELECT list cannot use an array index."}

        * @note  PGS14816
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.SYMCONST_IN_SELECT:string {"PGS14816: The identifier {0} of {1} in the SELECT list cannot use a symbolic constant."}

        * @note  PGS14817
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.SYMCONST_NOT_LAST:string {"PGS14817: The symbolic constant identifier {0} of {1} must be the last element."}

        * @note  PGS14818
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.WILD_IN_WHERE:string {"PGS14818: The identifier {0} of {1} in the WHERE list cannot use a wildcard."}

        * @note  PGS14819
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.WILD_NOT_END:string {"PGS14819: The wildcard identifier {0} of {1} must be the last element."}

        * @note  PGS14820
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQLSelectStatementRep.EMB_PROP_NOT_SCOPED:string {"PGS14820: The identifier {0} of {1} must use the scope operator."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CQLSimplePredicate
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS14900 - PGS1999"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS14900
        CQL.CQLSimplePredicateRep.NULL_CONTAGION:string {"PGS14900: The expression evaluates to NULL."}

        * @note  PGS14901
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLSimplePredicateRep.RHS_ISA_NOT_SIMPLE:string {"PGS14901: The expression {0} on the right side of the ISA operator must be a simple value."}

        * @note  PGS14902
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLSimplePredicateRep.RHS_LIKE_NOT_SIMPLE:string {"PGS14902: The expression {0} on the right side of the LIKE operator must be a simple value."}

        * @note  PGS14903
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLSimplePredicateRep.RHS_LIKE_NOT_LITERAL:string {"PGS14903: The expression {0} on the right side of the LIKE operator must be a literal."}

        * @note  PGS14903
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLSimplePredicateRep.RIGHT_STANDALONE_SYMCONST_ERROR:string {"PGS14904: The right side of predicate {0} must be a simple property name because a symbolic constant exists on the left side."}

        * @note  PGS14904
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLSimplePredicateRep.LEFT_STANDALONE_SYMCONST_ERROR:string {"PGS14905: The left side of predicate {0} must be a simple property name because a symbolic constant exists on the right side."}

        * @note  PGS14905
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLSimplePredicateRep.APPLY_CTX_RHS_ISA_NOT_SIMPLE:string {"PGS14906: The right side expression {0} of the ISA operator must be a simple value."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CQLTerm
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS15000 - PGS15099"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS15000
        CQL.CQLTermRep.OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED:string {"PGS15000: Operation is not supported."} 

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CQLUtilities
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS15100 - PGS15199"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS15100
        CQL.CQLUtilities.EMPTY_STRING:string {"PGS15100: String cannot be empty."}

        * @note  PGS15101
        CQL.CQLUtilities.NULL_INPUT:string {"PGS15101: String cannot be NULL."}

        * @note  PGS15102
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLUtilities.INVALID_NEG:string {"PGS15102: String {0} cannot begin with \'-\'."}

        * @note  PGS15103
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLUtilities.INVALID_NUM_FORMAT:string {"PGS15103: String \'{0}\' is badly formed.  It must be of the form; [+][0-9]*"}

        * @note  PGS15104
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLUtilities.OVERFLOW:string {"PGS15104: String {0} caused an overflow."}

        * @note  PGS15105
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQLUtilities.INVALID_BIN_CHAR:string {"PGS15105: Character \'{0}\' in string \'{1}\' is not a binary digit."}

        * @note  PGS15106
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLUtilities.INVALID_HEX_FORMAT:string {"PGS15106: String \'{0}\' needs a hexadecimal digit character following \'0x\'"}

        * @note  PGS15107
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQLUtilities.INVALID_HEX_CHAR:string {"PGS15107: Character \'{0}\' in string \'{1}\' is not a hexidecimal digit."}

        * @note  PGS15108
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQLUtilities.INVALID_DECIMAL_CHAR:string {"PGS15108: Character \'{0}\' in string \'{1}\' is not a decimal digit."}

        * @note  PGS15109
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLUtilities.INVALID_CHAR_POST_DOT:string {"PGS15109: String \'{0}\' must have a digit character following the decimal point."}

        * @note  PGS15110
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQLUtilities.INVALID_REAL_CHAR:string {"PGS15110: Character \'{0}\' in string \'{1}\` is invalid for a real number."}

        * @note  PGS1511
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQLUtilities.INVALID_REAL_EXP:string {"PGS15111: String \'{0}\' has an badly formed exponent.  It must be of the form [eE][+-][0-9]*..  Character \'{1}\' is invalid."}

        * @note  PGS15112
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        CQL.CQLUtilities.CONVERSION_REAL_ERROR:string {"PGS15112: String {0} was unable to be converted to a Real64.  It could be out of range."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CQLValue
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS15200 - PGS15299"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS15200
        CQL.CQLValueRep.CONSTRUCTOR_FAILURE:string {"PGS15200: Undefined case in constructor."}

        * @note  PGS15201
        CQL.CQLValueRep.ISA_TYPE_MISMATCH:string {"PGS15201: The type is not an object."}

        * @note  PGS15202
        CQL.CQLValueRep.LIKE_TYPE_MISMATCH:string {"PGS15202: The type is not a string."}

        * @note  PGS15203
        CQL.CQLValueRep.TYPE_MISMATCH:string {"PGS15203: The type is not correct for get operation."}

        * @note  PGS15204
        CQL.CQLValueRep.OP_TYPE_MISMATCH:string {"PGS15204: Invalid types for operation."}

        * @note  PGS15205
        CQL.CQLValueRep.SET_VALUE:string {"PGS15205: Unable to set internal object."}

        * @note  PGS15206
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQLValueRep.PROP_NOT_FOUND:string {"PGS15206: Property {0} not found on class {1}."}

        * @note  PGS15207
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        *     Substitution {2] is a
        CQL.CQLValueRep.QUALIFIER_NOT_FOUND:string {"PGS15207: Qualifier {0} not found on Property {1} in class {2}."}

        * @note  PGS15208
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        *     Substitution {2] is a
        CQL.CQLValueRep.INVALID_SYMBOLIC_CONSTANT:string {"PGS15208: Provided symbolic constant {0} is not valid for property {1} in class {2}."}

        * @note  PGS15209
        CQL.CQLValueRep.INVALID_ARRAY_COMPARISON:string {"PGS15209: Invalid array comparison type."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for CQL.y
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS15300 - PGS15399"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS15300
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQL_y.BAD_UTF8:string {"PGS15300: Bad UTF8 encountered parsing rule {0} in position {1}."}

        * @note  PGS15301
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQL_y.NOT_CHAINID_OR_IDENTIFIER:string {"PGS15301: Chain state not a CQLIdentifier or a CQLChainedIdentifier while parsing rule {0} in position {1}."}

        * @note  PGS15302
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQL_y.NOT_CHAINID_OR_IDENTIFIER_OR_VALUE:string {"PGS15302: Chain state not a CQLIdentifier or a CQLChainedIdentifier or a CQLValue while parsing rule {0} in position {1}."}

        * @note  PGS15303
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQL_y.NOT_SIMPLE:string {"PGS15303: The CQLSimplePredicate is not simple while parsing rule {0} in position {1}."}

        * @note  PGS15304
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        CQL.CQL_y.NOT_SIMPLE_VALUE:string {"PGS15304: The CQLPredicate is not a simple value while parsing rule {0} in position {1}."}

        // ==========================================================
        // **************** Messages for Query **********************
        // **** Please use message prefix "PGS15400 - PGS15999" *****
        // ==========================================================

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for QueryChainedIdentifier
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS15400 - PGS15499"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS15400
        QueryCommon.QueryChainedIdentifierRep.STAND_ALONE_SYMBOLIC_CONSTANT:string {"PGS15400: The stand alone chained identifier should have had the context applied already."}

        * @note  PGS15401
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        QueryCommon.QueryChainedIdentifierRep.FROM_CLASS_DOES_NOT_EXIST:string {"PGS15401: The FROM class {0} does not exist."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for QueryContext
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS15500 - PGS15599"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS15500
        QueryCommon.QueryContext.EMPTY_CLASSNAME:string {"PGS15500: Empty classname is not allowed"}

        * @note  PGS15501
        QueryCommon.QueryContext.CLASS_ALREADY_ALIAS:string {"PGS15501: A class name in the FROM list is already used as an alias."}

        * @note  PGS15502
        QueryCommon.QueryContext.ALIAS_ALREADY_CLASS:string {"PGS15502: An alias name in the FROM list is already used as a class name."}

        * @note  PGS15503
        QueryCommon.QueryContext.ALIAS_CONFLICT:string {"PGS15503: An alias is being used for different class names."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for QueryException
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS15600 - PGS15699"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS15600
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        QueryCommon.QueryException.QUERY_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS15600: Query error: {0}"}

        * @note  PGS15601
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        QueryCommon.QueryException.QUERY_LANGUAGE_INVALID_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS15601: Invalid language error: {0}"}

        * @note  PGS15602
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        QueryCommon.QueryException.QUERY_PARSE_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS15602: Query parse error: {0}"}

        * @note  PGS15603
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        QueryCommon.QueryException.QUERY_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS15603: Query validation error: {0}"}

        * @note  PGS15604
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        QueryCommon.QueryException.QUERY_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS15604: Query runtime error: {0}"}

        * @note  PGS15605
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        QueryCommon.QueryException.QUERY_RUNTIME_PROPERTY_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS15605: Query property error: {0}"}

        * @note  PGS15606
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        QueryCommon.QueryException.QUERY_MISSINGPROPERTY_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS15606: Query missing property error: {0}"}

        * @note  PGS15607
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        QueryCommon.QueryException.CQL_CHAINED_ID_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS15607: CQL chained identifier parse error: {0}"}

        * @note  PGS15608
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        QueryCommon.QueryException.CQL_IDENTIFIER_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS15608: CQL identifier parse error: {0}"}

        * @note  PGS15609
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        QueryCommon.QueryException.CQL_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS15609: CQL runtime error: {0}"}

        * @note  PGS15610
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        *     Substitution {1] is a
        *     Substitution {2] is a
        QueryCommon.QueryException.CQL_SYNTAX_ERROR_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS15610: CQL syntax error: {0} around token {1} in position {2} while processing rule {3}"}

        * @note  PGS15611
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        QueryCommon.QueryException.CQL_NULL_CONTAGION_EXCEPTION:string {"PGS15611: CQL null evaluation error: {0}"}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for SelectStatement
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS15700 - PGS15799"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS15700
        QueryCommon.SelectStatementRep.QUERY_CTX_ALREADY_SET:string {"PGS15700: The QueryContext can only be set once on a SelectStatement."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for SubRange
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS15800 - PGS15899"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS15800
        QueryCommon.SubRange.INDEX_NOT_NUMBER:string {"PGS15800: The array index string cannot be converted to a numeric form."}

        * @note  PGS15801
        QueryCommon.SubRange.INDEX_NOT_SINGLE:string {"PGS15801: The array index is not a single unsigned integer."}

        // ==========================================================
        // Messages for QueryExpression
        //  Please use message prefix "PGS15900 - PGS15999"
        // ==========================================================

        * @note  PGS15900
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        Query.QueryExpression.INVALID_QUERY_LANGUAGE:string {"PGS15900: The query language specified is invalid: {0}."}

        * @note  PGS15901
        *     Substitution {0] is a
        Query.QueryExpression.SS_IS_NULL:string {"PGS15901: Cannot process a query with a NULL SelectStatement."} 

// ==============================================================================
// ==============================================================================

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