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  1 martin 1.46 //%LICENSE////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2 martin 1.47 //
  3 martin 1.46 // Licensed to The Open Group (TOG) under one or more contributor license
  4             // agreements.  Refer to the OpenPegasusNOTICE.txt file distributed with
  5             // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  6             // Each contributor licenses this file to you under the OpenPegasus Open
  7             // Source License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the
  8             // License.
  9 martin 1.47 //
 10 martin 1.46 // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
 11             // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
 12             // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
 13             // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
 14             // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
 15             // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 16 martin 1.47 //
 17 martin 1.46 // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
 18             // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
 19 martin 1.47 //
 27 martin 1.47 //
 28 martin 1.46 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 29 mike   1.2  //
 30             //%/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 32             #ifndef Pegasus_Tracer_h
 33             #define Pegasus_Tracer_h
 35 marek  1.31 #include <cstdarg>
 36 mike   1.2  #include <Pegasus/Common/String.h>
 37             #include <Pegasus/Common/System.h>
 38             #include <Pegasus/Common/Logger.h>
 39 kumpf  1.12 #include <Pegasus/Common/InternalException.h>
 40 r.kieninger 1.35 #include <Pegasus/Common/TraceHandler.h>
 41 kumpf       1.11 #include <Pegasus/Common/Linkage.h>
 42 sushma.fernandes 1.30 #include <Pegasus/Common/SharedPtr.h>
 43 mike             1.2  
 44                       PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN
 46 kumpf            1.41 /**
 47                           Trace component identifiers.  This list must be kept in sync with the
 48                           TRACE_COMPONENT_LIST in Tracer.cpp.
 49 kumpf            1.48     The tracer uses the _traceComponentMask 64bit field to mask
 50 thilo.boehm      1.43     the user configured components.
 52                           Please ensure that no more than 64 Trace Component ID's are specified.
 53 kumpf            1.41 */
 54                       enum TraceComponentId
 55                       {
 56 thilo.boehm      1.45     TRC_XML,
 57 kumpf            1.41     TRC_XML_IO,
 58                           TRC_HTTP,
 59                           TRC_REPOSITORY,
 60                           TRC_DISPATCHER,
 61                           TRC_OS_ABSTRACTION,
 62                           TRC_CONFIG,
 63                           TRC_IND_HANDLER,
 64                           TRC_AUTHENTICATION,
 65                           TRC_AUTHORIZATION,
 66                           TRC_USER_MANAGER,
 67                           TRC_SHUTDOWN,
 68                           TRC_SERVER,
 69                           TRC_INDICATION_SERVICE,
 70                           TRC_MESSAGEQUEUESERVICE,
 71                           TRC_PROVIDERMANAGER,
 72                           TRC_OBJECTRESOLUTION,
 73                           TRC_WQL,
 74                           TRC_CQL,
 75                           TRC_THREAD,
 76                           TRC_EXP_REQUEST_DISP,
 77                           TRC_SSL,
 78 kumpf            1.41     TRC_CONTROLPROVIDER,
 79                           TRC_CIMOM_HANDLE,
 80                           TRC_L10N,
 81                           TRC_EXPORT_CLIENT,
 82                           TRC_LISTENER,
 83                           TRC_DISCARDED_DATA,
 84                           TRC_PROVIDERAGENT,
 85                           TRC_IND_FORMATTER,
 86                           TRC_STATISTICAL_DATA,
 87                           TRC_CMPIPROVIDER,
 88                           TRC_INDICATION_GENERATION,
 89                           TRC_INDICATION_RECEIPT,
 90                           TRC_CMPIPROVIDERINTERFACE,
 91                           TRC_WSMSERVER,
 92                           TRC_LOGMSG
 93                       };
 95 karl             1.25 /** Token used for tracing functions.
 96                       */
 97                       struct TracerToken
 98                       {
 99 kumpf            1.41     TraceComponentId component;
100 karl             1.25     const char* method;
101                       };
103 mike             1.2  /** Tracer implements tracing of messages to a defined file
104                        */
105                       class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE Tracer
106                       {
107                       public:
109 r.kieninger      1.35     /** Trace facilities
110                               File - tracing occurs to the trace file
111                               Log  - tracing occurs through the Pegasus Logger class
112                               Keep the TRACE_FACILITY_LIST in sync with the TRACE_FACILITY_INDEX,
113                               so that the index matches the according string in the list.
114                            */
115                           static char const* TRACE_FACILITY_LIST[];
117                           enum TRACE_FACILITY_INDEX
118                           {
119                               TRACE_FACILITY_FILE = 0,
120 thilo.boehm      1.39         TRACE_FACILITY_LOG  = 1,
121                               TRACE_FACILITY_MEMORY = 2
122 r.kieninger      1.35     };
125 mike             1.2      /** Levels of trace
126                               Trace messages are written to the trace file only if they are at or
127                               above a given trace level
128 marek            1.34         LEVEL1 - Severe and log messages
129 mike             1.2          LEVEL2 - Basic flow trace messages, low data detail
130                               LEVEL3 - Inter-function logic flow, medium data detail
131                               LEVEL4 - High data detail
132                            */
133                           static const Uint32 LEVEL1;
134                           static const Uint32 LEVEL2;
135                           static const Uint32 LEVEL3;
136                           static const Uint32 LEVEL4;
137 r.kieninger      1.20 
138 marek            1.28     /** Traces the given character string.
139                               Overloaded to include the filename
140                               and line number of trace origin.
141 kumpf            1.27         @param fileName        filename of the trace originator
142                               @param lineNum         line number of the trace originator
143                               @param traceComponent  component being traced
144 marek            1.28         @param cstring         the character string to be traced
145 karl             1.25      */
146 marek            1.28     static void traceCString(
147                               const char* fileName,
148                               const Uint32 lineNum,
149 kumpf            1.41         const TraceComponentId traceComponent,
150 marek            1.28         const char* cstring);
151 karl             1.25 
152                           /** Traces the message in the given CIMException object.  The message
153 kumpf            1.27         written to the trace file will include the source filename and
154                               line number of the CIMException originator.
155                               @param traceComponent  component being traced
156                               @param level           trace level of the trace message
157 kumpf            1.33         @param cimException    the CIMException to be traced.
158 karl             1.25      */
159                           static void traceCIMException(
160 kumpf            1.41         const TraceComponentId traceComponent,
161 kumpf            1.27         const Uint32 level,
162                               const CIMException& cimException);
163 karl             1.25 
164 sushma.fernandes 1.30     /** Gets an HTTP request message.
165 kumpf            1.40 
166 sushma.fernandes 1.30         Given an HTTP request message, this method checks if the
167 kumpf            1.40         message contains a "Basic" authorization header.
169 sushma.fernandes 1.30         If true, the username/passwd is suppressed and returned.
170                               Otherwise the request message is returned without any changes.
172                               @param requestMessage  requestMessage to be checked
173 kumpf            1.40 
174 sushma.fernandes 1.30         @return request message
175 kumpf            1.40 
176 sushma.fernandes 1.30     */
177                           static SharedArrayPtr<char> getHTTPRequestMessage(
178                               const Buffer& requestMessage);
180 karl             1.25     /** Set the trace file to the given file
181 kumpf            1.27         @param  traceFile  full path of the trace file
182                               @return 0          if the filepath is valid
183                                       1          if the traceFile is an empty string or
184                                                  if an error occurs while opening the file
185                                                  in append mode
186 karl             1.25     */
187                           static Uint32 setTraceFile(const char* traceFile);
189                           /** Set the trace level to the given level
190 kumpf            1.27         @param  level  trace level to be set
191                               @return 0      if trace level is valid
192                                       1      if trace level is invalid
193 karl             1.25     */
194                           static Uint32 setTraceLevel(const Uint32 level);
196                           /** Set components to be traced
197 kumpf            1.27         @param traceComponents list of components to be traced,
198                                      components should be separated by ','
199 karl             1.25     */
200                           static void setTraceComponents(
201                              const String& traceComponents);
202 r.kieninger      1.20 
203 r.kieninger      1.35     /** Set trace facility to be used
204                               @param traceFacility facility to be used for tracing,
205 kumpf            1.40                for example Log or File.
206 r.kieninger      1.35         @return 0      if trace facility is valid
207                                       1      if trace facility is invalid
208                           */
209                           static Uint32 setTraceFacility(const String& traceFacility);
211 marek            1.37     /** Get trace facility currently in use
212                               @return TRACE_FACILITY_FILE - if trace facility is file
213                                       TRACE_FACILITY_LOG - if trace facility is the log
214 thilo.boehm      1.42                 TRACE_FACILITY_MEMORY - if trace facility is memory tracing
215 marek            1.37     */
216                           static Uint32 getTraceFacility();
218 thilo.boehm      1.39     /** Set buffer size to be used for the memory tracing facility
219                               @param bufferSize buffer size in Kbyte to be used for memory tracing
220                               @return true   if function was successfully.
221                           */
222                           static Boolean setTraceMemoryBufferSize(Uint32 bufferSize);
224                           /** Flushes the trace buffer to traceFilePath. This method will only
225                               have an effect when traceFacility=Memory.
226                           */
227                           static void flushTrace();
229 karl             1.25     /** Traces method entry.
230 kumpf            1.27         @param token           TracerToken
231                               @param fileName        filename of the trace originator
232                               @param lineNum         line number of the trace originator
233                               @param traceComponent  component being traced
234                               @param methodName      method being traced
235 mike             1.2       */
236 karl             1.25     static void traceEnter(
237 kumpf            1.27         TracerToken& token,
238                               const char* file,
239                               size_t line,
240 kumpf            1.41         TraceComponentId traceComponent,
241 kumpf            1.27         const char* method);
242 r.kieninger      1.20 
243                           /** Traces method exit.
244 kumpf            1.27         @param token    TracerToken containing component and method
245                               @param fileName filename of the trace originator
246                               @param lineNum  line number of the trace originator
247 mike             1.2       */
248 karl             1.25     static void traceExit(
249 kumpf            1.27         TracerToken& token,
250                               const char* file,
251                               size_t line);
252 mike             1.2  
253                           /** Validates the File Path for the trace File
254 kumpf            1.27         @param  filePath full path of the file
255                               @return 1        if the file path is valid
256                                       0        if the file path is invalid
257 mike             1.2       */
258 kumpf            1.7      static Boolean isValidFileName(const char* filePath);
260                           /** Validates the trace components
261 kumpf            1.27         @param  traceComponents   comma separated list of trace components
262                               @return 1        if the components are valid
263                                       0        if one or more components are invalid
264 kumpf            1.7       */
265 kumpf            1.15     static Boolean isValidComponents(const String& traceComponents);
266 mike             1.2  
267                           /** Validates the trace components
268 kumpf            1.27         @param  traceComponents   comma separated list of trace components
269                               @param  invalidComponents comma separated list of invalid components
270                               @return 1        if the components are valid
271                                       0        if one or more components are invalid
272 mike             1.2       */
273 kumpf            1.7      static Boolean isValidComponents(
274 kumpf            1.15         const String& traceComponents,
275 kumpf            1.7          String& invalidComponents);
276 mike             1.2  
277 r.kieninger      1.35     /** Validates the trace facility string value
278                               @param  traceFacility   The trace facility as string
279                               @return 1        if the trace facility is valid
280                                       0        if the trace facility is invalid
281                            */
282                           static Boolean isValidTraceFacility( const String& traceFacility );
283 kumpf            1.40 
284 kumpf            1.48     /** Signals the trace to be running OOP and provides the file name
285 thilo.boehm      1.42         extension of  the trace file.  If non-empty, this
286 kumpf            1.15         value is used as an extension to the name of the trace file.
287 thilo.boehm      1.42         @param  oopTraceFileExtension Trace file extension.
288 kumpf            1.15      */
289 thilo.boehm      1.42     static void setOOPTraceFileExtension(const String& oopTraceFileExtension);
290 kumpf            1.15 
291 karl             1.25     /**
292                           */
293 david.dillard    1.23     static Boolean isTraceOn() { return _traceOn; }
294 mike             1.21 
295 marek            1.31     // Checks if trace is enabled for the given component and trace level
296                           // @param    traceComponent  component being traced
297                           // @param    level      level of the trace message
298                           // @return   0               if the component and level are not enabled
299                           //           1               if the component and level are enabled
300                           static Boolean isTraceEnabled(
301 kumpf            1.41         const TraceComponentId traceComponent,
302 thilo.boehm      1.43         const Uint32 traceLevel)
303 kumpf            1.48     {
304                               return ((traceLevel & _traceLevelMask) &&
305                                       (_traceComponentMask & ((Uint64)1 << traceComponent)));
306                           }
307 marek            1.31 
308 mike             1.2  private:
310 r.kieninger      1.20     /** A static single indicator if tracing is turned on allowing to
311                               determine the state of trace quickly without many instructions.
312                               Used to wrap the public static trace interface methods to avoid
313                               obsolete calls when tracing is turned off.
314                            */
315 david.dillard    1.23     static Boolean _traceOn;
316 r.kieninger      1.20 
317 marek            1.34     /** Internal only Levels of trace
318                               These cannot be used in any of the trace calls directly, but are set
319                               by methods of the Tracer class for specific purposes, such as trace
320                               Enter and traceExit.
321                               LEVEL0 - Trace is switched off
322                               LEVEL5 - used for method enter & exit
323                            */
324                           static const Uint32 LEVEL0;
325                           static const Uint32 LEVEL5;
327 mike             1.2      static const char   _COMPONENT_SEPARATOR;
328                           static const Uint32 _NUM_COMPONENTS;
329                           static const Uint32 _STRLEN_MAX_UNSIGNED_INT;
330 kumpf            1.4      static const Uint32 _STRLEN_MAX_PID_TID;
331 thilo.boehm      1.43     static Uint64                _traceComponentMask;
332                           static Uint32                _traceLevelMask;
333                           static Tracer*               _tracerInstance;
334 thilo.boehm      1.39     Uint32                _traceMemoryBufferSize;
335 r.kieninger      1.35     Uint32                _traceFacility;
336 kumpf            1.48     Boolean               _runningOOP;
337 thilo.boehm      1.39     TraceHandler*         _traceHandler;
338 thilo.boehm      1.42     String                _traceFile;
339                           String                _oopTraceFileExtension;
340 kumpf            1.48 
341 mike             1.2  
342 kumpf            1.10     // Message Strings for function Entry and Exit
343 r.kieninger      1.20     static const char _METHOD_ENTER_MSG[];
344                           static const char _METHOD_EXIT_MSG[];
345 mike             1.2  
346 r.kieninger      1.35     // Factory function to create an instance of the matching trace handler
347                           // for the given type of traceFacility.
348                           // @param    traceFacility  type of trace handler to create
349 thilo.boehm      1.39     void _setTraceHandler( Uint32 traceFacility );
350 r.kieninger      1.35 
351 thilo.boehm      1.42     // Validates if the given file path if it is eligible for writing traces.
352                           // @param    fileName      a file intended to be used to write traces
353                           static Boolean _isValidTraceFile(String fileName);
355 mike             1.2      // Traces the given message. Overloaded to include the file name and the
356                           // line number as one of the parameters.
357                           // @param    traceComponent  component being traced
358                           // @param    message         message header (file name:line number)
359                           // @param    *fmt            printf style format string
360                           // @param    argList         variable argument list
361                           static void _trace(
362 kumpf            1.27         const char* fileName,
363                               const Uint32 lineNum,
364 kumpf            1.41         const TraceComponentId traceComponent,
365 kumpf            1.27         const char* fmt,
366                               va_list argList);
367 mike             1.2  
368 kumpf            1.6      //  Traces the message in the given CIMException object.  The message
369 r.kieninger      1.20     //  to be written to the trace file will include the source filename and
370 kumpf            1.6      //  line number of the CIMException originator.
371                           //  @param    traceComponent  component being traced
372                           //  @param    CIMException    the CIMException to be traced.
373                           //
374                           static void _traceCIMException(
375 kumpf            1.41         const TraceComponentId traceComponent,
376 kumpf            1.27         const CIMException& cimException);
377 r.kieninger      1.20 
378 marek            1.28     // Called by all the trace interfaces to log message
379                           // consisting of a single character string to the trace file
380 kumpf            1.40     // @param    traceComponent  component being traced
381 marek            1.28     // @param    cstring         the string to be traced
382                           static void _traceCString(
383 kumpf            1.41         const TraceComponentId traceComponent,
384 marek            1.28         const char* message,
385                               const char* cstring);
386 kumpf            1.40 
387 marek            1.28     // Called by all the trace interfaces to log message
388                           // with variable number of arguments to the trace file
389 mike             1.2      // @param    traceComponent  component being traced
390                           // @param    *fmt            printf style format string
391                           // @param    argList         variable argument list
392                           static void _trace(
393 kumpf            1.41         const TraceComponentId traceComponent,
394 kumpf            1.27         const char* message,
395                               const char* fmt,
396                               va_list argList);
397 mike             1.2  
398 marek            1.28     // Traces method enter/exit
399 mike             1.2      // @param    fileName        filename of the trace originator
400                           // @param    lineNum         line number of the trace originator
401                           // @param    traceComponent  component being traced
402 marek            1.28     // @param    method          name of the method
403                           static void _traceMethod(
404 kumpf            1.27         const char* fileName,
405                               const Uint32 lineNum,
406 kumpf            1.41         const TraceComponentId traceComponent,
407 marek            1.28         const char* methodEntryExit,
408                               const char* method);
409 mike             1.2  
410                           // Tracer constructor
411                           // Constructor is private to prevent construction of Tracer objects
412                           // Single Instance of Tracer is maintained for each process.
413                           Tracer();
415                           //   Tracer destructor
416                           ~Tracer();
418                           // Returns the Singleton instance of the Tracer
419 r.kieninger      1.20     // @return   Tracer*  Instance of Tracer
420 mike             1.2      static Tracer* _getInstance();
421 marek            1.31 
422                           friend class TraceCallFrame;
423 marek            1.34     friend class TracePropertyOwner;
424 thilo.boehm      1.42     friend class TraceMemoryHandler;
425                           friend class TraceFileHandler;
426 mike             1.2  };
428 karl             1.25 //==============================================================================
429                       //
430                       // PEGASUS_REMOVE_TRACE defines the compile time inclusion of the Trace
431                       // interfaces. If defined the interfaces map to empty functions.
432                       //
433                       //==============================================================================
435 mike             1.2  #ifdef PEGASUS_REMOVE_TRACE
436 karl             1.25 
437 marek            1.28 inline void Tracer::traceCString(
438                           const char* fileName,
439                           const Uint32 lineNum,
440 kumpf            1.41     const TraceComponentId traceComponent,
441 marek            1.28     const char* cstring)
442 karl             1.25 {
443                           // empty function
444                       }
446                       inline void Tracer::traceCIMException(
447 kumpf            1.41     const TraceComponentId traceComponent,
448 kumpf            1.27     const Uint32 level,
449                           const CIMException& cimException)
450 karl             1.25 {
451                           // empty function
452                       }
454 sushma.fernandes 1.30 static SharedArrayPtr<char> getHTTPRequestMessage(
455                               const Buffer& requestMessage)
456                       {
457                           //empty function
458                           return SharedArrayPtr<char>();
459                       }
461 karl             1.25 inline Uint32 Tracer::setTraceFile(const char* traceFile)
462                       {
463                           // empty function
464                           return 0;
465                       }
467 kumpf            1.26 inline Uint32 Tracer::setTraceLevel(const Uint32 level)
468                       {
469                           // empty function
470                           return 0;
471                       }
473                       inline void Tracer::setTraceComponents(const String& traceComponents)
474                       {
475                           // empty function
476                       }
478 thilo.boehm      1.42 inline Uint32 Tracer::setTraceFacility(const String& traceFacility)
479 r.kieninger      1.35 {
480                           // empty function
481 marek            1.37     return 0;
482                       }
484                       inline Uint32 Tracer::getTraceFacility()
485                       {
486                           // empty function
487                           return 0;
488 r.kieninger      1.35 }
490 kumpf            1.40 inline Boolean Tracer::setTraceMemoryBufferSize(Uint32 bufferSize)
491 thilo.boehm      1.39 {
492                           // empty function
493                           return true;
494                       }
496                       inline void Tracer::flushTrace()
497                       {
498                           // empty function
499                           return;
500                       }
502 karl             1.25 #endif /* PEGASUS_REMOVE_TRACE */
504                       //==============================================================================
505                       //
506                       // Tracing macros
507                       //
508                       //==============================================================================
510                       // Defines a variable that bypasses inclusion of line and filename in output.
511                       // #define PEGASUS_NO_FILE_LINE_TRACE=1 to exclude file names and line numbers
512                       #ifdef PEGASUS_NO_FILE_LINE_TRACE
513                       # define PEGASUS_COMMA_FILE_LINE /* empty */
514                       # define PEGASUS_FILE_LINE_COMMA /* empty */
515 mike             1.2  #else
516 karl             1.25 # define PEGASUS_COMMA_FILE_LINE ,__FILE__,__LINE__
517                       # define PEGASUS_FILE_LINE_COMMA __FILE__,__LINE__,
518                       #endif
520                       #ifdef PEGASUS_REMOVE_TRACE
522                       # define PEG_METHOD_ENTER(comp,meth)
523                       # define PEG_METHOD_EXIT()
524                       # define PEG_TRACE(VAR_ARGS)
525 marek            1.28 # define PEG_TRACE_CSTRING(comp,level,chars)
526 karl             1.25 
527                       #else /* PEGASUS_REMOVE_TRACE */
529 marek            1.36 // remover trace code for method enter/exit
530                       # ifdef  PEGASUS_REMOVE_METHODTRACE
531                       #  define PEG_METHOD_ENTER(comp,meth)
532                       #  define PEG_METHOD_EXIT()
533 kumpf            1.40 # else
534 marek            1.36 #  define PEG_METHOD_ENTER(comp, meth) \
535 karl             1.25     TracerToken __tracerToken; \
536 dave.sudlik      1.32     __tracerToken.method = 0; \
537 marek            1.28     do \
538                           { \
539                               if (Tracer::isTraceOn()) \
540 kumpf            1.29             Tracer::traceEnter( \
541                                       __tracerToken PEGASUS_COMMA_FILE_LINE, comp, meth); \
542 marek            1.28     } \
543                           while (0)
544 karl             1.25 
545                       #  define PEG_METHOD_EXIT() \
546 marek            1.28     do \
547                           { \
548                               if (Tracer::isTraceOn()) \
549                                   Tracer::traceExit(__tracerToken PEGASUS_COMMA_FILE_LINE); \
550                           } \
551                           while (0)
552 kumpf            1.40 # endif
553 karl             1.25 
554 marek            1.28 // Macro to trace character lists.  the do construct allows this to appear
555                       // as a single statement.
556                       # define PEG_TRACE_CSTRING(comp, level, chars) \
557                           do \
558                           { \
559                               if (Tracer::isTraceOn()) \
560 marek            1.31         { \
561                                   if (Tracer::isTraceEnabled(comp, level)) \
562                                   { \
563                                       Tracer::traceCString(PEGASUS_FILE_LINE_COMMA comp, chars); \
564                                   } \
565                               } \
566 karl             1.25     } \
567                           while (0)
569 marek            1.31 //
570                       // This class is constructed with the same arguments passed to PEG_TRACE().
571                       // The constructor saves all the fixed arguments and calls va_start() on
572                       // the varying arguments (wherein the va_list argument is the ap member of
573                       // this class). The PEG_TRACE() macro eventually calls invoke() with the
574                       // file and line macros in order to write the trace entry. For more details,
575                       // see the comments below on the PEG_TRACE() macro.
576                       //
577                       class TraceCallFrame
578                       {
579                       public:
581                           const char* file;
582                           Uint32 line;
583 kumpf            1.40 
584 marek            1.31     TraceCallFrame(const char* file_, Uint32 line_) : file(file_), line(line_)
585                           {
586                           }
587 kumpf            1.40 
588 marek            1.31     PEGASUS_FORMAT(4, 5)
589                           inline void invoke(
590 kumpf            1.41         const TraceComponentId component,
591 marek            1.31         const Uint32 level,
592                               const char* format,
593 kumpf            1.40         ...)
594 marek            1.31     {
595                               if (Tracer::isTraceEnabled(component, level))
596                               {
597                                   va_list ap;
598                                   va_start(ap, format);
599                                   Tracer::_trace(file, line, component, format, ap);
600                                   va_end(ap);
601                               }
602                           }
604                           ~TraceCallFrame()
605                           {
606                           }
607                       };
608                       //
609 kumpf            1.40 // This macro is a wrapper for calling the printf-style form of the
610                       // Tracer::trace() function. Since macros cannot have a varying number of
611 marek            1.31 // arguments, PEG_TRACE() must be invoked with double parentheses. For
612                       // example:
613                       //
614                       //     PEG_TRACE((TRC_HTTP, Tracer::LEVEL1, "Oops: %d", 999));
615                       //
616                       // This macro offers two advantages over the calling trace() directly.
617                       //
618                       //     1. It eliminates the call to trace() if isTraceOn() returns false.
619                       //        This has proven to reduce the expense of servicing a request
620                       //        (when tracing is off) by as much as 3%.
621                       //
622                       //     2. It implicitly injects the __FILE__ and __LINE__ macros, relieving
623                       //        the caller of this burden.
624                       //
625 karl             1.25 # define PEG_TRACE(VAR_ARGS) \
626                           do \
627                           { \
628 kumpf            1.27         if (Tracer::isTraceOn()) \
629 marek            1.31         { \
630                                       TraceCallFrame frame(__FILE__, __LINE__); \
631                                       frame.invoke VAR_ARGS; \
632                               } \
633 karl             1.25     } \
634                           while (0)
635 mike             1.22 
636 karl             1.25 #endif /* !PEGASUS_REMOVE_TRACE */
637 mike             1.2  
638                       PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_END
640                       #endif /* Pegasus_Tracer_h */

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