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   1 martin 1.85 //%LICENSE////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   2 martin 1.86 //
   3 martin 1.85 // Licensed to The Open Group (TOG) under one or more contributor license
   4             // agreements.  Refer to the OpenPegasusNOTICE.txt file distributed with
   5             // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
   6             // Each contributor licenses this file to you under the OpenPegasus Open
   7             // Source License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the
   8             // License.
   9 martin 1.86 //
  10 martin 1.85 // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
  11             // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
  12             // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
  13             // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
  14             // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
  15             // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
  16 martin 1.86 //
  17 martin 1.85 // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
  18             // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  19 martin 1.86 //
  27 martin 1.86 //
  28 martin 1.85 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  29 mike   1.13 //
  30             //%/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  32             #include "System.h"
  34 mike   1.64 #include "Network.h"
  35 mike   1.65 #include "Mutex.h"
  36 mike   1.21 #include <fcntl.h>
  37 mike   1.13 #include <sys/types.h>
  38             #include <time.h>
  39             #include <sys/timeb.h>
  40             #include <io.h>
  41 tony   1.33 #include <conio.h>
  42 mike   1.13 #include <direct.h>
  43             #include <sys/types.h>
  44 mday   1.19 #include <windows.h>
  45 kumpf  1.18 #include <process.h>
  46 kumpf  1.38 #include <lm.h>
  47 mreddy 1.76 #include <Pegasus/Common/Tracer.h>
  48 mike   1.13 
  49 h.sterling 1.52 #define SECURITY_WIN32
  50                 #include <security.h>
  51 h.sterling 1.50 
  52 kumpf      1.36 PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN
  54 se.gupta   1.41 #define PEGASUS_ACCESS_EXISTS 0
  55                 #define PEGASUS_ACCESS_WRITE 2
  56                 #define PEGASUS_ACCESS_READ 4
  57                 #define PEGASUS_ACCESS_READ_AND_WRITE 6
  58 mike       1.13 
  59 tony       1.33 #define PW_BUFF_LEN 65
  61 mike       1.13 void System::getCurrentTime(Uint32& seconds, Uint32& milliseconds)
  62                 {
  63                     FILETIME ft;
  64                     GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft);
  65                     ULARGE_INTEGER largeInt = { ft.dwLowDateTime, ft.dwHighDateTime };
  66                     largeInt.QuadPart -= 0x19db1ded53e8000;
  67                     seconds = long(largeInt.QuadPart / (10000 * 1000));
  68                     milliseconds = long((largeInt.QuadPart % (10000 * 1000)) / 10);
  69 karl       1.23     // This is a real hack. Added the following line after timevalue was
  70                     // corrected and this apparently wrong. ks 7 apri 2002
  71                     milliseconds = milliseconds / 1000;
  72 mike       1.13 }
  74 jim.wunderlich 1.60 void System::getCurrentTimeUsec(Uint32& seconds, Uint32& microseconds)
  75                     {
  76                         FILETIME ft;
  77                         GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft);
  78                         ULARGE_INTEGER largeInt = { ft.dwLowDateTime, ft.dwHighDateTime };
  79                         largeInt.QuadPart -= 0x19db1ded53e8000;
  80                         seconds = long(largeInt.QuadPart / (10000 * 1000));
  81                         microseconds = long((largeInt.QuadPart % (10000 * 1000)) / 10);
  82                     }
  84 venkat.puvvada 1.88 Uint64 System::getCurrentTimeUsec()
  85                     {
  86                         FILETIME ft;
  87                         GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft);
  88                         ULARGE_INTEGER largeInt = { ft.dwLowDateTime, ft.dwHighDateTime };
  89                         largeInt.QuadPart -= 0x19db1ded53e8000;
  91                         return Uint64(largeInt.QuadPart / 10);
  92                     }
  94 mike           1.13 String System::getCurrentASCIITime()
  95                     {
  96                         char tmpbuf[128];
  97 kumpf          1.28     _strdate( tmpbuf );
  98                         String date = tmpbuf;
  99 mike           1.13     _strtime( tmpbuf );
 100 kumpf          1.28     date.append("-");
 101                         date.append(tmpbuf);
 102                         return date;
 103 mike           1.13 }
 105                     void System::sleep(Uint32 seconds)
 106                     {
 107                         Sleep(seconds * 1000);
 108                     }
 110                     Boolean System::exists(const char* path)
 111                     {
 112 se.gupta       1.41     return _access(path, PEGASUS_ACCESS_EXISTS) == 0;
 113 mike           1.13 }
 115                     Boolean System::canRead(const char* path)
 116                     {
 117 se.gupta       1.41     return _access(path, PEGASUS_ACCESS_READ) == 0;
 118 mike           1.13 }
 120                     Boolean System::canWrite(const char* path)
 121                     {
 122 se.gupta       1.41     return _access(path, PEGASUS_ACCESS_WRITE) == 0;
 123 mike           1.13 }
 125                     Boolean System::getCurrentDirectory(char* path, Uint32 size)
 126                     {
 127                         return GetCurrentDirectory(size, path) != 0;
 128                     }
 130                     Boolean System::isDirectory(const char* path)
 131                     {
 132                         struct stat st;
 134                         if (stat(path, &st) != 0)
 135 david.dillard  1.49         return false;
 136 mike           1.13 
 137                         return (st.st_mode & _S_IFDIR) != 0;
 138                     }
 140                     Boolean System::changeDirectory(const char* path)
 141                     {
 142                         return chdir(path) == 0;
 143                     }
 145                     Boolean System::makeDirectory(const char* path)
 146                     {
 147                         return _mkdir(path) == 0;
 148                     }
 150                     Boolean System::getFileSize(const char* path, Uint32& size)
 151                     {
 152                         struct stat st;
 154                         if (stat(path, &st) != 0)
 155 david.dillard  1.49         return false;
 156 mike           1.13 
 157                         size = st.st_size;
 158                         return true;
 159                     }
 161                     Boolean System::removeDirectory(const char* path)
 162                     {
 163 david.dillard  1.49     return rmdir(path) == 0;
 164 mike           1.13 }
 166                     Boolean System::removeFile(const char* path)
 167                     {
 168 david.dillard  1.49     return unlink(path) == 0;
 169 mike           1.13 }
 171                     Boolean System::renameFile(const char* oldPath, const char* newPath)
 172                     {
 173 kumpf          1.84     if (exists(oldPath))
 174                         {
 175                             removeFile(newPath);
 176                         }
 177 mike           1.13     return rename(oldPath, newPath) == 0;
 178                     }
 180 kumpf          1.22 String System::getSystemCreationClassName ()
 181                     {
 182 karl           1.39     return "CIM_ComputerSystem";
 183 kumpf          1.22 }
 185 kumpf          1.16 Uint32 System::lookupPort(
 186                         const char * serviceName,
 187                         Uint32 defaultPort)
 188                     {
 189                         Uint32 localPort;
 191                         struct servent *serv;
 193                         //
 194 david.dillard  1.48     // Get the port number.
 195 kumpf          1.16     //
 196 david.dillard  1.49     if ( (serv = getservbyname(serviceName, TCP)) != NULL )
 197 kumpf          1.16     {
 198 david.dillard  1.48         localPort = ntohs(serv->s_port);
 199 kumpf          1.16     }
 200                         else
 201                         {
 202                             localPort = defaultPort;
 203                         }
 205                         return localPort;
 206 mike           1.13 }
 208 mike           1.14 String System::getPassword(const char* prompt)
 209                     {
 210 david.dillard  1.49     char password[PW_BUFF_LEN] = {0};
 211                         int num_chars = 0;
 212                         int ch;
 213 tony           1.33 
 214 david.dillard  1.49     fputs(prompt, stderr);
 215 tony           1.33 
 216 david.dillard  1.49     while ((ch = _getch()) != '\r' &&
 217                                 num_chars < PW_BUFF_LEN)
 218 tony           1.33         {
 219 david.dillard  1.49         // EOF
 220                             if (ch == EOF)
 221 tony           1.33         {
 222 david.dillard  1.49             fputs("[EOF]\n", stderr);
 223                                 return String::EMPTY;
 224 tony           1.33         }
 225 david.dillard  1.49         // Backspace or Delete
 226                             else if ((ch == '\b' || ch == 127) &&
 227                                     num_chars > 0)
 228 tony           1.33         {
 229 david.dillard  1.49             password[--num_chars] = '\0';
 230                                 fputs("\b \b", stderr);
 231 tony           1.33         }
 232 david.dillard  1.49         // CTRL+C
 233                             else if (ch == 3)
 234 tony           1.33         {
 235 david.dillard  1.49             // _getch() does not catch CTRL+C
 236                                 fputs("^C\n", stderr);
 237                                 exit(-1);
 238 tony           1.33         }
 239 david.dillard  1.49         // CTRL+Z
 240                             else if (ch == 26)
 241 tony           1.33         {
 242 david.dillard  1.49             fputs("^Z\n", stderr);
 243                                 return String::EMPTY;
 244 tony           1.33         }
 245 david.dillard  1.49         // Esc
 246                             else if (ch == 27)
 247 tony           1.33         {
 248 david.dillard  1.49             fputc('\n', stderr);
 249                                 fputs(prompt, stderr);
 250                                 num_chars = 0;
 251                             }
 252                             // Function keys (0 or E0) are a guards for a Function key codes
 253                             else if (ch == 0 || ch == 0xE0)
 254                             {
 255                                 ch = (ch << 4) | _getch();
 256                                 // Handle DELETE, left arrow, keypad DEL, and keypad left arrow
 257                                 if ((ch == 0xE53 || ch == 0xE4B || ch == 0x053 || ch == 0x04b) &&
 258                                         num_chars > 0)
 259 tony           1.33             {
 260 david.dillard  1.49                 password[--num_chars] = '\0';
 261                                     fputs("\b \b", stderr);
 262 tony           1.33             }
 263 david.dillard  1.49             else
 264 tony           1.33             {
 265 david.dillard  1.49                 fputc('\a', stderr);
 266 tony           1.33             }
 267                             }
 268 david.dillard  1.49         else if ((num_chars < sizeof(password) - 1) &&
 269                                         !iscntrl(((unsigned char)(ch))))
 270 tony           1.33         {
 271 david.dillard  1.49             password[num_chars++] = ch;
 272                                 fputc('*', stderr);
 273 tony           1.33         }
 274 david.dillard  1.49         else
 275 tony           1.33         {
 276 david.dillard  1.49             fputc('\a', stderr);
 277 tony           1.33         }
 278                         }
 279 mike           1.14 
 280 david.dillard  1.49     fputc('\n', stderr);
 281                         password[num_chars] = '\0';
 282 tony           1.33 
 283 david.dillard  1.49     return String(password);
 284 mike           1.14 }
 286 kumpf          1.24 String System::getEffectiveUserName()
 287 mike           1.14 {
 288 h.sterling     1.52 #if (_MSC_VER >= 1300) || defined(PEGASUS_WINDOWS_SDK_HOME)
 290 kumpf          1.70     //Bug 3076 fix
 291                         wchar_t fullUserName[UNLEN+1];
 292                         DWORD userNameSize = sizeof(fullUserName)/sizeof(fullUserName[0]);
 293                         wchar_t computerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1];
 294                         DWORD computerNameSize = sizeof(computerName)/sizeof(computerName[0]);
 295                         wchar_t userName[UNLEN+1];
 296 h.sterling     1.57     wchar_t userDomain[UNLEN+1];
 297 kumpf          1.70     String userId;
 299                         if (!GetUserNameExW(NameSamCompatible, fullUserName, &userNameSize))
 300                         {
 301                             return String();
 302                         }
 303 h.sterling     1.50 
 304 kumpf          1.70     wchar_t* index = wcschr(fullUserName, '\\');
 305                         *index = 0;
 306                         wcscpy(userDomain, fullUserName);
 307                         wcscpy(userName, index + 1);
 309                         //The above function will return the system name as the domain if
 310                         //the user is not on a real domain.  Strip this out so that the rest of
 311                         //our windows user functions work.  What if the system name and the domain
 312                         //name are the same?
 313 h.sterling     1.57     GetComputerNameW(computerName, &computerNameSize);
 314 kumpf          1.70 
 315                         if (wcscmp(computerName, userDomain) != 0)
 316                         {
 317 h.sterling     1.57         //userId.append(userDomain);
 318 a.dunfey       1.72         Uint32 n = (Uint32)wcslen(userDomain);
 319 kumpf          1.70         for (unsigned long i = 0; i < n; i++)
 320 h.sterling     1.57         {
 321                                 userId.append(Char16(userDomain[i]));
 322                             }
 323 kumpf          1.70         userId.append("\\");
 324                             //userId.append(userName);
 325 a.dunfey       1.72         n = (Uint32)wcslen(userName);
 326 kumpf          1.70         for (unsigned long i = 0; i < n; i++)
 327 h.sterling     1.57         {
 328                                 userId.append(Char16(userName[i]));
 329                             }
 331 kumpf          1.70     }
 332                         else
 333                         {
 334                             //userId.append(userName);
 335 a.dunfey       1.72         Uint32 n = (Uint32)wcslen(userName);
 336 kumpf          1.70         for (unsigned long i = 0; i < n; i++)
 337 h.sterling     1.57         {
 338                                 userId.append(Char16(userName[i]));
 339                             }
 341 kumpf          1.70     }
 342 h.sterling     1.50 
 343 kumpf          1.70     return userId;
 344 h.sterling     1.52 
 345                     #else //original getEffectiveUserName function
 346 kumpf          1.70 
 347 david.dillard  1.49     int retcode = 0;
 348 tony           1.33 
 349 david.dillard  1.49     // UNLEN (256) is the limit, not including null
 350 h.sterling     1.57     wchar_t pUserName[256+1] = {0};
 351 h.sterling     1.59     DWORD nSize = sizeof(pUserName)/sizeof(pUserName[0]);
 352 mike           1.14 
 353 h.sterling     1.57     retcode = GetUserNameW(pUserName, &nSize);
 354 david.dillard  1.49     if (retcode == 0)
 355 tony           1.33     {
 356 david.dillard  1.49         // zero is failure
 357                             return String();
 358 tony           1.33     }
 359 h.sterling     1.58     String userId;
 360 h.sterling     1.57     Uint32 n = wcslen(pUserName);
 361 kumpf          1.70     for (unsigned long i = 0; i < n; i++)
 362 h.sterling     1.57     {
 363                             userId.append(Char16(pUserName[i]));
 364                         }
 366                         return userId;
 367 h.sterling     1.52 #endif
 368 mike           1.14 }
 370                     String System::encryptPassword(const char* password, const char* salt)
 371                     {
 372 david.dillard  1.49     BYTE pbBuffer[PW_BUFF_LEN] = {0};
 373                         DWORD dwByteCount;
 374                         char pcSalt[3] = {0};
 376                         strncpy(pcSalt, salt, 2);
 377 a.dunfey       1.72     dwByteCount = (DWORD)strlen(password);
 378 david.dillard  1.49     memcpy(pbBuffer, password, dwByteCount);
 379                         for (DWORD i=0; (i<dwByteCount) || (i>=PW_BUFF_LEN); i++)
 380                                 (i%2 == 0) ? pbBuffer[i] ^= pcSalt[1] : pbBuffer[i] ^= pcSalt[0];
 382                         return String(pcSalt) + String((char *)pbBuffer);
 383 mike           1.14 }
 385 a.dunfey       1.62 String processUserName;
 386                     Mutex processUserNameMut;
 388 kumpf          1.26 Boolean System::isSystemUser(const char* userName)
 389 mike           1.14 {
 390 kumpf          1.70     if (processUserName.size() == 0)
 391 a.dunfey       1.62     {
 392                             // Lock and recheck the processUserName length in case two threads
 393                             // enter this block simultaneously
 394                             AutoMutex mut(processUserNameMut);
 395 kumpf          1.70         if (processUserName.size() == 0)
 396 a.dunfey       1.62         {
 397                                 processUserName = getEffectiveUserName();
 398                             }
 399                         }
 400 kumpf          1.70     if (processUserName == userName)
 401 a.dunfey       1.62     {
 402                           return true;
 403                         }
 405 h.sterling     1.46     Boolean isSystemUser = false;
 407                         char mUserName[UNLEN+1];
 408                         char mDomainName[UNLEN+1];
 409 david.dillard  1.51     char tUserName[UNLEN+1];
 410 h.sterling     1.46     wchar_t wUserName[UNLEN+1];
 411                         wchar_t wDomainName[UNLEN+1];
 412                         char* pbs;
 413                         bool usingDomain = false;
 414 david.dillard  1.49 
 415 h.sterling     1.46     LPBYTE pComputerName=NULL;
 416                         DWORD dwLevel = 1;
 417                         LPUSER_INFO_1 pUserInfo = NULL;
 418                         NET_API_STATUS nStatus = NULL;
 420 kumpf          1.70     // Make a copy of the specified username, it cannot be used directly
 421                         // because it's declared as const and strchr() may modify the string.
 422 david.dillard  1.51     strncpy(tUserName, userName, sizeof(tUserName) - 1);
 423 david.dillard  1.54     tUserName[sizeof(tUserName)- 1] = '\0';
 424 david.dillard  1.51 
 425 david.dillard  1.49     //separate the domain and user name if both are present.
 426 david.dillard  1.51     if (NULL != (pbs = strchr(tUserName, '\\')))
 427 h.sterling     1.46     {
 428                             *pbs = '\0';
 429 david.dillard  1.51         strcpy(mDomainName, tUserName);
 430 h.sterling     1.46         strcpy(mUserName, pbs+1);
 431                             usingDomain = true;
 433 kumpf          1.70     }
 434                         else if ((NULL != (pbs = (strchr(tUserName, '@')))) ||
 435                                  (NULL != (pbs = (strchr(tUserName, '.')))))
 436 h.sterling     1.46     {
 437                             *pbs = '\0';
 438                             strcpy(mDomainName, pbs+1);
 439 david.dillard  1.51         strcpy(mUserName, tUserName);
 440 h.sterling     1.46         usingDomain = true;
 441 david.dillard  1.49 
 442 kumpf          1.70     }
 443                         else
 444 h.sterling     1.46     {
 445                             strcpy(mDomainName, ".");
 446 david.dillard  1.51         strcpy(mUserName, tUserName);
 447 h.sterling     1.46     }
 449                         //convert domain name to unicode
 450 kumpf          1.70     if (!MultiByteToWideChar(
 451 a.dunfey       1.72             CP_ACP, 0, mDomainName, -1, wDomainName,
 452                                 (int)(strlen(mDomainName) + 1)))
 453 h.sterling     1.46     {
 454                             return false;
 455                         }
 457                         //convert username to unicode
 458 kumpf          1.70     if (!MultiByteToWideChar(
 459 a.dunfey       1.72             CP_ACP, 0, mUserName, -1, wUserName, (int)(strlen(mUserName) + 1)))
 460 h.sterling     1.46     {
 461                             return false;
 462                         }
 463 david.dillard  1.49 
 464 h.sterling     1.46     if (usingDomain)
 465                         {
 466                             //get domain controller
 467                             DWORD rc = NetGetDCName(NULL, wDomainName, &pComputerName);
 468 david.dillard  1.49         if (rc == NERR_Success)
 469 h.sterling     1.46         {
 470 kumpf          1.70             // this is automatically prefixed with "\\"
 471                                 wcscpy(wDomainName, (LPWSTR) pComputerName);
 472 david.dillard  1.49         }
 473 h.sterling     1.46         /*
 474                             else
 475                             {
 476                                 // failover
 477 kumpf          1.70             // ATTN: This is commented out until there is resolution on
 478                                 // Bugzilla 2236. -hns 2/2005
 479 h.sterling     1.46             // This needs to be more thoroughly tested when we uncomment it out.
 480 david.dillard  1.49 
 481 h.sterling     1.46             PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO DomainControllerInfo = NULL;
 483                                 //this function does not take wide strings
 484                                 rc = DsGetDcName(NULL,
 485                                                  mDomainName,
 486                                                  NULL,
 487                                                  NULL,
 488 kumpf          1.70                              //not sure what flags we want here
 489                                                  DS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE_REQUIRED,
 490 h.sterling     1.46                              &DomainControllerInfo);
 492                                 if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && DomainControllerInfo)
 493                                 {
 494                                     strcpy(mDomainName, DomainControllerInfo->DomainName);
 495                                     NetApiBufferFree(DomainControllerInfo);
 497 kumpf          1.70                 if (!MultiByteToWideChar(
 498                                             CP_ACP, 0, mDomainName, -1, wDomainName,
 499                                             strlen(mDomainName) + 1))
 500 h.sterling     1.46                 {
 501                                         return false;
 502                                     }
 503                                 }
 504                             }
 505                             */
 506                         }
 508                         //get user info
 509                         nStatus = NetUserGetInfo(wDomainName,
 510                                                  wUserName,
 511                                                  dwLevel,
 512                                                  (LPBYTE *)&pUserInfo);
 514                         if (nStatus == NERR_Success)
 515                         {
 516                             isSystemUser = true;
 517                         }
 518 david.dillard  1.49 
 519                         if (pComputerName != NULL)
 520 h.sterling     1.46     {
 521                             NetApiBufferFree(pComputerName);
 522                         }
 524                         if (pUserInfo != NULL)
 525                         {
 526                             NetApiBufferFree(pUserInfo);
 527                         }
 529                         return isSystemUser;
 530 mike           1.14 }
 532 h.sterling     1.46 
 533 david.dillard  1.43 Boolean System::isPrivilegedUser(const String& userName)
 534 mike           1.14 {
 535 h.sterling     1.46     Boolean isPrivileged = false;
 537                         char mUserName[UNLEN+1];
 538                         char mDomainName[UNLEN+1];
 539                         wchar_t wUserName[UNLEN+1];
 540                         wchar_t wDomainName[UNLEN+1];
 541                         char* pbs;
 542                         char userStr[UNLEN+1];
 543                         bool usingDomain = false;
 545                         LPBYTE pComputerName=NULL;
 546                         DWORD dwLevel = 1;
 547                         LPUSER_INFO_1 pUserInfo = NULL;
 548                         NET_API_STATUS nStatus = NULL;
 550                         //get the username in the correct format
 551                         strcpy(userStr, (const char*)userName.getCString());
 553 david.dillard  1.49     //separate the domain and user name if both are present.
 554 h.sterling     1.46     if (NULL != (pbs = strchr(userStr, '\\')))
 555                         {
 556                             *pbs = '\0';
 557                             strcpy(mDomainName, userStr);
 558                             strcpy(mUserName, pbs+1);
 559                             usingDomain = true;
 561 kumpf          1.70     }
 562                         else if ((NULL != (pbs = (strchr(userStr, '@')))) ||
 563                                  (NULL != (pbs = (strchr(userStr, '.')))))
 564 h.sterling     1.46     {
 565                             *pbs = '\0';
 566                             strcpy(mDomainName, pbs+1);
 567                             strcpy(mUserName, userStr);
 568                             usingDomain = true;
 569 david.dillard  1.49 
 570 kumpf          1.70     }
 571                         else
 572 h.sterling     1.46     {
 573                             strcpy(mDomainName, ".");
 574                             strcpy(mUserName, userStr);
 575                         }
 577                         //convert domain name to unicode
 578 kumpf          1.70     if (!MultiByteToWideChar(
 579 a.dunfey       1.72             CP_ACP, 0, mDomainName, -1, wDomainName,
 580                                 (int)(strlen(mDomainName) + 1)))
 581 h.sterling     1.46     {
 582                             return false;
 583                         }
 585                         //convert username to unicode
 586 kumpf          1.70     if (!MultiByteToWideChar(
 587 a.dunfey       1.72             CP_ACP, 0, mUserName, -1, wUserName, (int)(strlen(mUserName) + 1)))
 588 h.sterling     1.46     {
 589                             return false;
 590                         }
 592                         if (usingDomain)
 593                         {
 594                             //get domain controller
 595                             DWORD rc = NetGetDCName(NULL, wDomainName, &pComputerName);
 596 david.dillard  1.49         if (rc == NERR_Success)
 597 h.sterling     1.46         {
 598 kumpf          1.70             // this is automatically prefixed with "\\"
 599                                 wcscpy(wDomainName, (LPWSTR) pComputerName);
 600 david.dillard  1.49         }
 601 h.sterling     1.46         /*
 602                             else
 603                             {
 604                                 // failover
 605 kumpf          1.70             // ATTN: This is commented out until there is resolution on
 606                                 // Bugzilla 2236. -hns 2/2005
 607 h.sterling     1.46             // This needs to be more thoroughly tested when we uncomment it out.
 608 david.dillard  1.49 
 609 h.sterling     1.46             PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO DomainControllerInfo = NULL;
 611                                 //this function does not take wide strings
 612                                 rc = DsGetDcName(NULL,
 613                                                  mDomainName,
 614                                                  NULL,
 615                                                  NULL,
 616 kumpf          1.70                              // not sure what flags we want here
 617                                                  DS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE_REQUIRED,
 618 h.sterling     1.46                              &DomainControllerInfo);
 620                                 if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && DomainControllerInfo)
 621                                 {
 622                                     strcpy(mDomainName, DomainControllerInfo->DomainName);
 623                                     NetApiBufferFree(DomainControllerInfo);
 625 kumpf          1.70                 if (!MultiByteToWideChar(
 626                                             CP_ACP, 0, mDomainName, -1, wDomainName,
 627                                             strlen(mDomainName) + 1))
 628 h.sterling     1.46                 {
 629                                         return false;
 630                                     }
 631                                 }
 632                             }
 633                             */
 634                         }
 636                         //get privileges
 637                         nStatus = NetUserGetInfo(wDomainName,
 638                                                  wUserName,
 639                                                  dwLevel,
 640                                                  (LPBYTE *)&pUserInfo);
 642 david.dillard  1.49     if ((nStatus == NERR_Success) &&
 643 h.sterling     1.46         (pUserInfo != NULL) &&
 644                             (pUserInfo->usri1_priv == USER_PRIV_ADMIN))
 645                         {
 646                             isPrivileged = true;
 647                         }
 649 david.dillard  1.49     if (pComputerName != NULL)
 650 h.sterling     1.46     {
 651                             NetApiBufferFree(pComputerName);
 652                         }
 654                         if (pUserInfo != NULL)
 655                         {
 656                             NetApiBufferFree(pUserInfo);
 657                         }
 659                         return isPrivileged;
 660 mike           1.14 }
 661 kumpf          1.20 
 662                     String System::getPrivilegedUserName()
 663                     {
 664                         // ATTN-NB-03-20000304: Implement better way to get the privileged
 665                         // user on the system.
 667 kumpf          1.70     return String("Administrator");
 668 kumpf          1.20 }
 669 kumpf          1.37 
 670                     Boolean System::isGroupMember(const char* userName, const char* groupName)
 671                     {
 672 david.dillard  1.49     Boolean retVal = false;
 673 kumpf          1.38 
 674 david.dillard  1.49     LPLOCALGROUP_USERS_INFO_0 pBuf = NULL;
 675                         DWORD dwLevel = 0;
 676                         DWORD dwFlags = LG_INCLUDE_INDIRECT ;
 677                         DWORD dwPrefMaxLen = MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH;
 678                         DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0;
 679                         DWORD dwTotalEntries = 0;
 680                         NET_API_STATUS nStatus;
 681 ms.aruran      1.71     wchar_t wcUserName[UNLEN+1];
 682                         wchar_t wcGroupName[UNLEN+1];
 683 david.dillard  1.49 
 684 ms.aruran      1.71     //Convert user name to unicode
 685 venkat.puvvada 1.80     if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,userName, -1, wcUserName,
 686 ms.aruran      1.71         strlen(userName)+1))
 687                         {
 688                             return false;
 689                         }
 690 venkat.puvvada 1.80 
 691 ms.aruran      1.71     //Convert group name to unicode
 692 venkat.puvvada 1.80     if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, groupName, -1, wcGroupName,
 693 ms.aruran      1.71         strlen(groupName)+1))
 694                         {
 695                             return false;
 696                         }
 697 david.dillard  1.49 
 698                         //
 699                         // Call the NetUserGetLocalGroups function
 700                         // specifying information level 0.
 701                         //
 702                         // The LG_INCLUDE_INDIRECT flag specifies that the
 703                         // function should also return the names of the local
 704                         // groups in which the user is indirectly a member.
 705                         //
 706 ms.aruran      1.71     nStatus = NetUserGetLocalGroups(
 707 venkat.puvvada 1.80         NULL,
 708 ms.aruran      1.71         (LPCWSTR)wcUserName,
 709                             dwLevel,
 710                             dwFlags,
 711                             (LPBYTE *) &pBuf,
 712                             dwPrefMaxLen,
 713                             &dwEntriesRead,
 714                             &dwTotalEntries);
 715 kumpf          1.38 
 716 david.dillard  1.49     //
 717                         // If the call succeeds,
 718                         //
 719                         if (nStatus == NERR_Success)
 720                         {
 721                             LPLOCALGROUP_USERS_INFO_0 pTmpBuf;
 722                             DWORD i;
 723                             DWORD dwTotalCount = 0;
 725                             if ((pTmpBuf = pBuf) != NULL)
 726                             {
 727 kumpf          1.38             //
 728 david.dillard  1.49             // Loop through the local groups that the user belongs
 729                                 // and find the matching group name.
 730 kumpf          1.38             //
 731 david.dillard  1.49             for (i = 0; i < dwEntriesRead; i++)
 732 kumpf          1.38             {
 733 david.dillard  1.49                 //
 734                                     // Compare the user's group name to groupName.
 735                                     //
 736 ms.aruran      1.71 
 737                                     if (wcscmp(pTmpBuf->lgrui0_name, wcGroupName) == 0)
 738 david.dillard  1.49                 {
 739                                         // User is a member of the group.
 740                                         retVal = true;
 741                                         break;
 742                                     }
 744                                     pTmpBuf++;
 745                                     dwTotalCount++;
 746 kumpf          1.38             }
 747 david.dillard  1.49         }
 748                         }
 749 kumpf          1.38 
 750 david.dillard  1.49     //
 751                         // Free the allocated memory.
 752                         //
 753                         if (pBuf != NULL)
 754                             NetApiBufferFree(pBuf);
 756                         //
 757                         // If the given user and group are not found in the local group
 758                         // then try on the global groups.
 759                         //
 760                         if (!retVal)
 761                         {
 762                             LPGROUP_USERS_INFO_0 pBuf = NULL;
 763                             dwLevel = 0;
 764                             dwPrefMaxLen = MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH;
 765                             dwEntriesRead = 0;
 766                             dwTotalEntries = 0;
 768                             //
 769                             // Call the NetUserGetGroups function, specifying level 0.
 770                             //
 771 ms.aruran      1.71         nStatus = NetUserGetGroups(
 772                                 NULL,
 773                                 (LPCWSTR)wcUserName,
 774                                 dwLevel,
 775                                 (LPBYTE*)&pBuf,
 776                                 dwPrefMaxLen,
 777                                 &dwEntriesRead,
 778 venkat.puvvada 1.80             &dwTotalEntries);
 779 ms.aruran      1.71 
 780 david.dillard  1.49         //
 781                             // If the call succeeds,
 782                             //
 783                             if (nStatus == NERR_Success)
 784                             {
 785                                 LPGROUP_USERS_INFO_0 pTmpBuf;
 786                                 DWORD i;
 787                                 DWORD dwTotalCount = 0;
 789                                 if ((pTmpBuf = pBuf) != NULL)
 790                                 {
 791 kumpf          1.38                 //
 792 david.dillard  1.49                 // Loop through the global groups to which the user belongs
 793                                     // and find the matching group name.
 794 kumpf          1.38                 //
 795 david.dillard  1.49                 for (i = 0; i < dwEntriesRead; i++)
 796 kumpf          1.38                 {
 797 david.dillard  1.49                     //
 798                                         // Compare the user's group name to groupName.
 799                                         //
 800 ms.aruran      1.71                     if (wcscmp(pTmpBuf->grui0_name, wcGroupName) == 0)
 801 david.dillard  1.49                     {
 802                                             // User is a member of the group.
 803                                             retVal = true;
 804                                             break;
 805                                         }
 807                                         pTmpBuf++;
 808                                         dwTotalCount++;
 809 kumpf          1.38                 }
 810 david.dillard  1.49             }
 811                             }
 812 kumpf          1.38 
 813 david.dillard  1.49         //
 814                             // Free the allocated buffer.
 815                             //
 816                             if (pBuf != NULL)
 817                                 NetApiBufferFree(pBuf);
 818                         }
 819 kumpf          1.38 
 820 david.dillard  1.49     return retVal;
 821 kumpf          1.37 }
 822 kumpf          1.44 
 823 kumpf          1.63 Boolean System::lookupUserId(
 824                         const char* userName,
 825                         PEGASUS_UID_T& uid,
 826                         PEGASUS_GID_T& gid)
 827                     {
 828                         // ATTN: Implement this method to look up the specified user
 829                         return false;
 830                     }
 832 kumpf          1.75 Boolean System::changeUserContext_SingleThreaded(
 833                         const char* userName,
 834 kumpf          1.63     const PEGASUS_UID_T& uid,
 835                         const PEGASUS_GID_T& gid)
 836 kumpf          1.44 {
 837                         // ATTN: Implement this method to change the process user context to the
 838                         //       specified user
 839                         return false;
 840                     }
 842 kumpf          1.15 Uint32 System::getPID()
 843                     {
 844 kumpf          1.18     return _getpid();
 845 mike           1.21 }
 847                     Boolean System::truncateFile(
 848 david.dillard  1.49     const char* path,
 849 mike           1.21     size_t newSize)
 850                     {
 851 david.dillard  1.49 
 852                         Boolean rv = false;
 853 mike           1.21     int fd = open(path, O_RDWR);
 854 david.dillard  1.49     if (fd != -1)
 855                         {
 856 a.dunfey       1.72         if (chsize(fd, (long)newSize) == 0)
 857 david.dillard  1.49         {
 858                                 rv = true;
 859                             }
 860 mike           1.21 
 861 david.dillard  1.49         close(fd);
 862                         }
 863 mike           1.21 
 864 david.dillard  1.49     return rv;
 865 kumpf          1.15 }
 867 tony           1.27 // Is absolute path?
 868                     Boolean System::is_absolute_path(const char *path)
 869                     {
 870 david.dillard  1.49     char full[_MAX_PATH];
 871                         char path_slash[_MAX_PATH];
 872                         char *p;
 874                         strncpy(path_slash, path, _MAX_PATH);
 875                         path_slash[_MAX_PATH-1] = '\0';
 877 kumpf          1.70     for (p = path_slash; p < path_slash + strlen(path_slash); p++)
 878 david.dillard  1.49       if (*p == '/')
 879                               *p = '\\';
 881 kumpf          1.70     return (strcasecmp(
 882                             _fullpath(full, path_slash, _MAX_PATH), path_slash) == 0);
 883 kumpf          1.34 }
 885                     // Changes file permissions on the given file.
 886                     Boolean System::changeFilePermissions(const char* path, mode_t mode)
 887                     {
 888                         // ATTN: File permissions are not currently defined in Windows
 889                         return true;
 890 tony           1.27 }
 891 david          1.29 
 892 kumpf          1.44 Boolean System::verifyFileOwnership(const char* path)
 893                     {
 894                         // ATTN: Implement this to check that the owner of the specified file is
 895                         //       the same as the effective user for this process.
 896                         return true;
 897                     }
 899 kumpf          1.53 void System::syslog(const String& ident, Uint32 severity, const char* message)
 900 david          1.29 {
 901 kumpf          1.53     // Not implemented
 902 david          1.29 }
 904 marek          1.69 void System::openlog(const char *ident, int logopt, int facility)
 905                     {
 906                         // Not implemented
 907                     }
 909                     void System::closelog()
 910                     {
 911                         // Not implemented
 912                     }
 916 david          1.29 // System ID constants for Logger::put and Logger::trace
 917                     const String System::CIMSERVER = "cimserver";  // Server system ID
 918 tony           1.27 
 919 marek          1.68 // check if a given IP address is defined on the local network interfaces
 920                     Boolean System::isIpOnNetworkInterface(Uint32 inIP)
 921                     {
 922 dev.meetei     1.89     Socket::initializeInterface();
 923 marek          1.68     SOCKET sock;
 924                         int interfaces = 0;
 925                         int errcode;
 927                         if ( SOCKET_ERROR != ( sock  = WSASocket(AF_INET,
 928                                              SOCK_RAW, 0, NULL, 0, 0) ) )
 929                         {
 930                             unsigned long *bytes_returned=0;
 931                             char *output_buf = (char *)calloc(1, 256);
 932                             int buf_size = 256;
 933 kumpf          1.70 
 934 marek          1.68         if ( 0 == (errcode = WSAIoctl(sock,
 935                                                           SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_QUERY,
 936                                                           NULL,
 937                                                           0,
 938                                                           output_buf,
 939                                                           256,
 940                                                           bytes_returned,
 941                                                           NULL,
 942                                                           NULL)) )
 943                             {
 944                                 SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST *addr_list;
 945                                 SOCKET_ADDRESS *addr;
 946                                 Uint32 ip;
 947                                 struct sockaddr_in *sin;
 948 kumpf          1.70 
 949                                 addr_list = (SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST *)output_buf;
 950 marek          1.68             addr = addr_list->Address;
 951 kumpf          1.70 
 952 marek          1.68             sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)addr->lpSockaddr;
 953 kumpf          1.70 
 954                                 for ( ; interfaces < addr_list->iAddressCount; interfaces++)
 955 marek          1.68             {
 956                                     ip = sin->sin_addr.s_addr;
 957                                     addr++;
 958                                     sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)addr->lpSockaddr;
 959                                     if (ip == inIP)
 960                                     {
 961                                         free(output_buf);
 962                                         closesocket(sock);
 963 dev.meetei     1.89                     Socket::uninitializeInterface();
 964 kumpf          1.70                     return true;
 965 marek          1.68                 }
 966                                 }
 967 kumpf          1.70         }
 968                             else
 969                             {
 970 marek          1.68             free(output_buf);
 971 dev.meetei     1.89             Socket::uninitializeInterface();
 972 marek          1.68             return false;
 973                             }
 974                             free(output_buf);
 975                             closesocket(sock);
 976 dev.meetei     1.89         Socket::uninitializeInterface();
 977 marek          1.68     }
 978                         return false;
 979                     }
 981 venkat.puvvada 1.80 void _getInterfaceAddrs(Array<String> &ips, int af)
 982                     {
 983                         SOCKET sock;
 985                         if (INVALID_SOCKET != (sock = WSASocket(af, SOCK_RAW,
 986                             0, NULL, 0, 0)))
 987                         {
 988                             DWORD  bytesReturned;
 989                             char buf[2048];
 990                             int interfaces = 0;
 991                             char str[PEGASUS_INET6_ADDRSTR_LEN];
 992 dev.meetei     1.90         void *p = 0;
 993 venkat.puvvada 1.80         if (0 == WSAIoctl(sock, SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_QUERY, NULL, 0,
 994                                 buf, 2048, &bytesReturned, NULL,
 995                                 NULL))
 996                             {
 998                                 SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST *addr_list;
 999                                 SOCKET_ADDRESS *addr;
1000                                 struct sockaddr *sin;
1001                                 addr_list = (SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST *)buf;
1002                                 addr = addr_list->Address;
1003 dev.meetei     1.90             int rc = 0;
1004 venkat.puvvada 1.80             for (sin = (struct sockaddr *) addr->lpSockaddr ;
1005                                     interfaces < addr_list->iAddressCount;
1006                                     interfaces++)
1007                                 {
1008                                     if (af == AF_INET)
1009                                     {
1010                                         p = &((struct sockaddr_in*)sin)->sin_addr;
1011                                     }
1012 ashok.pathak   1.92 #ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_IPV6
1013 venkat.puvvada 1.80                 else
1014                                     {
1015                                         p = &((struct sockaddr_in6*)sin)->sin6_addr;
1016                                     }
1017 ashok.pathak   1.92 #endif
1018 venkat.puvvada 1.80                 // Don't gather loopback addrs
1019                                     if (!System::isLoopBack(af, p))
1020                                     {
1021 dev.meetei     1.90                     if (af == AF_INET)
1022                                         {
1023                                             if ((rc = ::getnameinfo( 
1024                                                 sin, 
1025                                                 sizeof(struct sockaddr_in),
1026                                                 str,
1027                                                 sizeof(str),
1028                                                 NULL,
1029                                                 0,
1030                                                 NI_NUMERICHOST)) == 0)
1031                                             {
1032                                                 ips.append(str);
1033                                             }
1034                                             //Error detected in getting name info, 
1035                                             //display the error string
1036                                             else
1037                                             {
1038                                                 PEG_TRACE((TRC_OS_ABSTRACTION, Tracer::LEVEL1,
1039                                                     "getnameinfo failed: %s", gai_strerror(rc)));
1040                                             }
1041                                         }
1042 dev.meetei     1.90 #ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_IPV6
1043                                         else if (af == AF_INET6)
1044                                         {
1045 dev.meetei     1.93                         if((rc = System::getNameInfo( 
1046 dev.meetei     1.90                             sin,
1047                                                 sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6),
1048                                                 str,
1049                                                 sizeof(str),
1050                                                 NULL,
1051                                                 0,
1052                                                 NI_NUMERICHOST)) == 0)
1053                                             {
1054                                                 ips.append(str);
1055                                             }
1056                                         }
1057                     #endif
1058 venkat.puvvada 1.80                 }
1059 dev.meetei     1.93                 ++addr;
1060 venkat.puvvada 1.80                 sin = (struct sockaddr*)addr->lpSockaddr;
1061                                 }
1062                             }
1063                         }
1064                     }
1066                     Array<String> System::getInterfaceAddrs()
1067                     {
1068 dev.meetei     1.89     Socket::initializeInterface();
1069 venkat.puvvada 1.80     Array<String> ips;
1070 dev.meetei     1.90     _getInterfaceAddrs(ips, AF_INET);
1071 venkat.puvvada 1.80 #ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_IPV6
1072                         _getInterfaceAddrs(ips, AF_INET6);
1073                     #endif
1074 dev.meetei     1.89     Socket::uninitializeInterface();
1075 venkat.puvvada 1.80     return ips;
1076                     }
1077 marek          1.68 
1078 thilo.boehm    1.81 String System::getErrorMSG_NLS(int errorCode,int errorCode2)
1079                     {
1080                         LPVOID winErrorMsg = NULL;
1082                         if (FormatMessage(
1083                                 FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER |
1084                                 FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM |
1085                                 FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS,
1086 kumpf          1.87             NULL,
1087 thilo.boehm    1.81             errorCode,
1088                                 MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT),
1089 kumpf          1.87             (LPTSTR)&winErrorMsg,
1090                                 0,
1091 thilo.boehm    1.81             NULL))
1092                         {
1093                             MessageLoaderParms parms(
1094                                 "Common.System.ERROR_MESSAGE.STANDARD",
1095                                 "$0 (error code $1)",(char*)winErrorMsg,errorCode);
1096                             LocalFree(winErrorMsg);
1097                             return MessageLoader::getMessage(parms);
1098 kumpf          1.87     }
1099 thilo.boehm    1.81 
1100                         MessageLoaderParms parms(
1101                             "Common.System.ERROR_MESSAGE.STANDARD",
1102                             "$0 (error code $1)","",errorCode);
1103                         return MessageLoader::getMessage(parms);
1105                     }
1107                     String System::getErrorMSG(int errorCode,int errorCode2)
1108                     {
1110                         String buffer;
1111                         LPVOID winErrorMsg = NULL;
1113                         char strErrorCode[32];
1114                         sprintf(strErrorCode, "%d", errorCode);
1116                         if (FormatMessage(
1117                                 FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER |
1118                                 FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM |
1119                                 FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS,
1120 kumpf          1.87             NULL,
1121 thilo.boehm    1.81             errorCode,
1122                                 MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT),
1123 kumpf          1.87             (LPTSTR)&winErrorMsg,
1124                                 0,
1125 thilo.boehm    1.81             NULL))
1126                         {
1127                             buffer.append((char*)winErrorMsg);
1128                             LocalFree(winErrorMsg);
1129                         }
1131                         buffer.append(" (error code ");
1132                         buffer.append(strErrorCode);
1133                         buffer.append(")");
1135                         return buffer;
1136                     }
1138 kumpf          1.67 
1139                     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1140                     // AutoFileLock class
1141                     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1143                     AutoFileLock::AutoFileLock(const char* fileName)
1144                     {
1145 mreddy         1.76    // Repeat createFile, if there is a sharing violation.
1146                        do
1147                        {
1148                            _hFile = CreateFile (fileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL,
1149                                OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
1150                        }while ((GetLastError() == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION));
1152                        // If this conditon succeeds, There is an error opening the file. Hence
1153                        // returning from here  as Lock can not be acquired.
1154                        if((_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
1155                            && (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
1156                            && (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS))
1157                        {
1158 marek          1.83        PEG_TRACE((TRC_DISCARDED_DATA, Tracer::LEVEL1,
1159 mreddy         1.76           "AutoFileLock: Failed to open lock file '%s', error code %d.",
1160                               fileName, GetLastError()));
1161                            return;
1162                        }
1164                        OVERLAPPED l={0,0,0,0,0};
1165                        if(LockFileEx(_hFile,LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK, 0, 0, 0, &l) == 0)
1166                        {
1167 marek          1.83        PEG_TRACE((TRC_DISCARDED_DATA, Tracer::LEVEL1,
1168 mreddy         1.76            "AutoFileLock: Failed to Acquire lock on file %s, error code %d.",
1169                                fileName, GetLastError()));
1170                            CloseHandle(_hFile);
1171                            _hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
1172                        }
1173 kumpf          1.67 }
1175                     AutoFileLock::~AutoFileLock()
1176                     {
1177 mreddy         1.76     if(_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
1178                         {
1179                             OVERLAPPED l={0,0,0,0,0};
1180                             if(UnlockFileEx (_hFile, 0, 0, 0, &l) == 0)
1181                             {
1182                                PEG_TRACE((TRC_DISCARDED_DATA, Tracer::LEVEL2,
1183                                    "AutoFileLock: Failed to unlock file, error code %d.",
1184                                     GetLastError()));
1185                             }
1186                             CloseHandle(_hFile);
1187                         }
1188 kumpf          1.67 }
1190 thilo.boehm    1.81 
1191 mike           1.13 PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_END

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