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File: [Pegasus] / pegasus / src / Pegasus / Common / SCMOInstance.h (download)
Revision: 1.10, Thu Nov 13 01:47:06 2014 UTC (9 years, 7 months ago) by karl
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: RELEASE_2_14_1, RELEASE_2_14_0-RC2, RELEASE_2_14_0-RC1, RELEASE_2_14_0, RELEASE_2_14-root, RELEASE_2_14-branch, HEAD
Changes since 1.9: +1 -7 lines
BUG#: 9958
TITLE: Extra diagnostic displays left in SCMO code

DESCRIPTION: Removes some displays left over from bug 9721

// Licensed to The Open Group (TOG) under one or more contributor license
// agreements.  Refer to the OpenPegasusNOTICE.txt file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// Each contributor licenses this file to you under the OpenPegasus Open
// Source License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the
// License.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
// to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
// the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
// and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// This code implements part of PEP#348 - The CMPI infrastructure using SCMO
// (Single Chunk Memory Objects).
// The design document can be found on the OpenPegasus website openpegasus.org
// at https://collaboration.opengroup.org/pegasus/pp/documents/21210/PEP_348.pdf
// This file defines the SCMOInstance interfaces. The implementation of
// these methods is in SCMO.cpp


#include <Pegasus/Common/Config.h>
#include <Pegasus/Common/Linkage.h>
#include <Pegasus/Common/SCMO.h>
#include <Pegasus/Common/SCMOClass.h>
#include <Pegasus/Common/Union.h>





     * A SCMOInstance can only be created by a SCMOClass

     * Creating a SCMOInstance using a SCMOClass.
     * @param baseClass A SCMOClass.
    SCMOInstance(SCMOClass& baseClass);

     * Creating a SCMOInstance using a CIMClass
     * using an optional name space name,
     * @param baseClass A SCMOClass.
     * @param nameSpaceName An optional name space name.
    SCMOInstance(CIMClass& theCIMClass, const char* nameSpaceName=0);

     * Copy constructor for the SCMO instance, used to implement refcounting.
     * @param theSCMOClass The instance for which to create a copy
     * @return
    SCMOInstance(const SCMOInstance& theSCMOInstance )
        inst.hdr = theSCMOInstance.inst.hdr;

     * Constructs a SCMOInstance from a memory object of type SCMBInstance_Main.
     * It incremets the referece counter of the memory object.
     * @param hdr A memory object of type SCMBInstance_Main.
    SCMOInstance(SCMBInstance_Main* hdr)
        inst.hdr = hdr;

     * Assignment operator for the SCMO instance,
     * @param theSCMOInstance The right hand value
    SCMOInstance& operator=(const SCMOInstance& theSCMOInstance)
        if (inst.hdr != theSCMOInstance.inst.hdr)
            inst.hdr = theSCMOInstance.inst.hdr;
        return *this;

     * Destructor is decrementing the refcount. If refcount is zero, the
     * singele chunk memory object is deallocated.

     * Builds a SCMOInstance based on this SCMOClass.
     * The method arguments determine whether qualifiers are included,
     * the class origin attributes are included,
     * and which properties are included in the new instance.
     * @param baseClass The SCMOClass of this instance.
     * @param includeQualifiers A Boolean indicating whether qualifiers in
     * the class definition (and its properties) are to be added to the
     * instance.  The TOINSTANCE flavor is ignored.
     * @param includeClassOrigin A Boolean indicating whether ClassOrigin
     * attributes are to be added to the instance.
     * Note that this function does NOT generate an error if a property name
     * is supplied that is NOT in the class;
     * it simply does not add that property to the instance.
        SCMOClass& baseClass,
        Boolean includeQualifiers,
        Boolean includeClassOrigin);

     * Builds a SCMOInstance from the given SCMOClass and copies all
     * CIMInstance data into the new SCMOInstance.
     * @param baseClass The SCMOClass of this instance.
     * @param cimInstance A CIMInstace of the same class.
     * @exception Exception if class name does not match.
     * @exception Exception if a property is not part of class definition.
     * @exception Exception if a property does not match the class definition.
    SCMOInstance(SCMOClass& baseClass, const CIMInstance& cimInstance);

     * Builds a SCMOInstance from the given SCMOClass and copies all
     * CIMObjectPath data into the new SCMOInstance.
     * @param baseClass The SCMOClass of this instance.
     * @param cimInstance A CIMObjectpath of the same class.
     * @exception Exception if class name does not match.
    SCMOInstance(SCMOClass& baseClass, const CIMObjectPath& cimObj);

     * Builds a SCMOInstance from the given CIMInstance copying all data.
     * The SCMOClass is retrieved from SCMOClassCache using
     * the class and name space of the CIMInstance.
     * If the SCMOClass was not found, an empty SCMOInstance will be returned
     * and the resulting SCMOInstance is compromized.
     * If the CIMInstance does not contain a name space, the optional fall back
     * name space is used.
     * @param cimInstance A CIMInstace with class name and name space.
     * @param altNameSpace An alternative name space name.
     * @exception Exception if a property is not part of class definition.
     * @exception Exception if a property does not match the class definition.
        const CIMInstance& cimInstance,
        const char* altNameSpace=0,
        Uint32 altNSLen=0);

     * Builds a SCMOInstance from the given CIMObjectPath copying all data.
     * The SCMOClass is retrieved from SCMOClassCache using
     * the class and name space of the CIMObjectPath.
     * If the SCMOClass was not found, an empty SCMOInstance will be returned
     * and the resulting SCMOInstance is compromized.
     * If the CIMObjectPath does not contain a name space,
     * the optional fall back name space is used.
     * @param cimObj A CIMObjectpath with name space and name
     * @param altNameSpace An alternative name space name.
     * @
        const CIMObjectPath& cimObj,
        const char* altNameSpace=0,
        Uint32 altNSLen=0);

     * Builds a SCMOInstance from the given CIMObject copying all data.
     * The SCMOClass is retrieved from SCMOClassCache using
     * the class and name space of the CIMObject.
     * If the SCMOClass was not found, an empty SCMOInstance will be returned
     * and the resulting SCMOInstance is compromized.
     * If the CIMInstance does not contain a name space, the optional fall back
     * name space is used.
     * @param cimInstance A CIMInstace with class name and name space.
     * @param altNameSpace An alternative name space name.
     * @exception Exception if a property is not part of class definition.
     * @exception Exception if a property does not match the class definition.
        const CIMObject& cimObject,
        const char* altNameSpace=0,
        Uint32 altNSLen=0);

     * Converts the SCMOInstance into a CIMInstance.
     * It is a deep copy of the SCMOInstance into the CIMInstance.
     * @param cimInstance An empty CIMInstance.
    SCMO_RC getCIMInstance(CIMInstance& cimInstance) const;

     * Makes a deep copy of the instance.
     * This creates a new copy of the instance.
     * @param objectPathOnly If set to true, only the object path relevant parts
     *     host name and key bindings are part of the cloned instance.
     * @return A new copy of the SCMOInstance object.
    SCMOInstance clone(Boolean objectPathOnly = false) const;

     * Retrieves the objectpath part of the SCMOInstance as an instance
     * of class CIMObjectPath.                .
     * @param cimObj Reference to an instantiated CIMObjectPath to be
     *     populated with the data from the SCMOInstance.
     * @return void
    void getCIMObjectPath(CIMObjectPath& cimObj) const;

     * Returns the number of properties of the instance.
     * @param Number of properties
    Uint32 getPropertyCount() const;

     * Gets the property name, type, and value addressed by a positional index.
     * The property name and value has to be copied by the caller !
     * @param pos The positional index of the property
     * @param pname Returns the property name as '\0' terminated string.
     *              Has to be copied by caller.
     *              It is set to NULL if rc != SCMO_OK.
     * @param pvalue Returns a pointer to the value of property.
     *               The value is stored in a SCMBUnion
     *                and has to be copied by the caller !
     *               It returns NULL if rc != SCMO_OK.
     *               If the value is an array, the
     *               value array is stored in continuous memory.
     *               e.g. (SCMBUnion*)value[0 to size-1]
     *               If the value is type of CIMTYPE_STRING,
     *               the string is referenced by the structure
     *               SCMBUnion.extString:
     *                       pchar contains the absolut pointer to the string
     *                       length contains the size of the string
     *                              without trailing '\0'.
     *               Only for strings the caller has to free pvalue !
     * @param type Returns the CIMType of the property
     *             It is invalid if rc == SCMO_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUND.
     * @param isArray Returns if the value is an array.
     *             It is invalid if rc == SCMO_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUND.
     * @param size Returns the size of the array.
     *             If it is not an array, 0 is returned.
     *             It is invalid if rc == SCMO_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUND.
     * @return     SCMO_OK
     *             SCMO_NULL_VALUE : The value is a null value.
     *             SCMO_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUND : Given index not found
    SCMO_RC getPropertyAt(
        Uint32 pos,
        const char** pname,
        CIMType& type,
        const SCMBUnion** pvalue,
        Boolean& isArray,
        Uint32& size ) const;

    // KS_FUTURE removed this as not used. Compiles without it
////  void getSCMBValuePropertyAt(
////      Uint32 pos,
////      SCMBValue** value,
////      const char ** valueBase,
////      SCMBClassProperty ** propDef,
////      const char ** classBase) const;

     * Gets the type and value of the named property.
     * The value has to be copied by the caller !
     * @param name The property name
     * @param pvalue Returns a pointer to the value of property.
     *               The value is stored in a SCMBUnion
     *                and has to be copied by the caller !
     *               It returns NULL if rc != SCMO_OK.
     *               If the value is an array, the
     *               value array is stored in continuous memory.
     *               e.g. (SCMBUnion*)value[0 to size-1]
     *               If the value is type of CIMTYPE_STRING,
     *               the string is referenced by the structure
     *               SCMBUnion.extString:
     *                       pchar contains the absolut pointer to the string
     *                       length contains the size of the string
     *                              without trailing '\0'.
     *               Only for strings the caller has to free pvalue !
     * @param type Returns the CIMType of the property
     *             It is invalid if rc == SCMO_NOT_FOUND.
     * @param isArray Returns if the value is an array.
     *             It is invalid if rc == SCMO_NOT_FOUND.
     * @param size Returns the size of the array.
     *             If it is not an array, 0 is returned.
     *             It is invalid if rc == SCMO_NOT_FOUND.
     * @return     SCMO_OK
     *             SCMO_NULL_VALUE : The value is a null value.
     *             SCMO_NOT_FOUND : Given property name not found.
    SCMO_RC getProperty(
        const char* name,
        CIMType& type,
        const SCMBUnion** pvalue,
        Boolean& isArray,
        Uint32& size ) const;

     * Set/replace a property in the instance.
     * If the class origin is specified, it is honored when the
     * property is identified within the instance.
     * Note: Only properties which are already part of the instance/class can
     * be set/replaced except in for special case where the flag
     * lags.noClassForInstance is set when the instance is created.
     * If the class is not found in the repository, the instance is
     * are marked as noClassForInstance and properties are set in
     * the UserDefined properties area.
     * @param name The name of the property to be set.
     * @param theType The CIMType of the property
     * @param value A pointer to the value to be set at the named property.
     *              The value must be in a SCMBUnion.
     *              The value is copied into the instance
     *              If the value == NULL, a null value is assumed.
     *              If the value is an array, the value array has to be
     *              stored in continuous memory.
     *              e.g. (SCMBUnion*)value[0 to size-1]
     *              To store an array of size 0, The value pointer has to
     *              not NULL ( value != NULL ) but the size has to be 0
     *              (size == 0).
     *              If the value is type of CIMTYPE_STRING,
     *              the string is referenced by the structure
     *              SCMBUnion.extString:
     *                       pchar contains the absolute pointer to
     *                       the string length contains the size of
     *                       the string
     *                              without trailing '\0'.
     * @param isArray Indicate that the value is an array. Default false.
     * @param size Returns the size of the array. If not an array this
     *         this parameter is ignored. Default 0.
     * @param origin The class originality of the property.
     *               If NULL, then it is ignored. Default NULL.
     * @return     SCMO_OK
     *             SCMO_NOT_SAME_ORIGIN : The property name was found, but
     *                                    the origin was not the same.
     *             SCMO_NOT_FOUND : Given property name not found.
     *             SCMO_WRONG_TYPE : Named property has the wrong type.
     *             SCMO_NOT_AN_ARRAY : Named property is not an array.
     *             SCMO_IS_AN_ARRAY  : Named property is an array.
    SCMO_RC setPropertyWithOrigin(
        const char* name,
        CIMType theType,
        const SCMBUnion* value,
        Boolean isArray=false,
        Uint32 size = 0,
        const char* origin = NULL);

     * Rebuild of the key bindings from the property values
     * if no or incomplete key properties are set on the instance.
     * @exception NoSuchProperty
    void buildKeyBindingsFromProperties();

     * Gets the hash index for the named property. Filtering is ignored.
     * @param theName The property name
     * @param pos Returns the hash index.
     * @return     SCMO_OK
     *             SCMO_INVALID_PARAMETER: name was a NULL pointer.
     *             SCMO_NOT_FOUND : Given property name not found.
    SCMO_RC getPropertyNodeIndex(const char* name, Uint32& pos) const;

    // KS_FUTURE confirm that the following is used in OpenPegasus
    // Apprently never referenced within any of OpenPegasus code
     * Set/replace a property in the instance at node index.
     * @param index The node index.
     * @param type The CIMType of the property
     * @param pInVal A pointer to the value to be set at the named property.
     *               The value has to be in a SCMBUnion.
     *               The value is copied into the instance
     *               If the value == NULL, a null value is assumed.
     *               If the value is an array, the value array has to be
     *               stored in continuous memory.
     *               e.g. (SCMBUnion*)value[0 to size-1]
     *              To store an array of size 0, The value pointer has to
     *               not NULL ( value != NULL ) but the size has to be 0
     *                (size == 0).
     *               If the value is type of CIMTYPE_STRING,
     *               the string is referenced by the structure
     *               SCMBUnion.extString:
     *                        pchar contains the absolut pointer to the string
     *                       length contains the size of the string
     *                                without trailing '\0'.
     * @param isArray Indicate that the value is an array. Default false.
     * @param size The size of the array. If not an array this
     *         this parameter is ignorer. Default 0.
     * @return     SCMO_OK
     *             SCMO_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUND : Given index not found
     *             SCMO_WRONG_TYPE : The property at given node index
     *                               has the wrong type.
     *             SCMO_NOT_AN_ARRAY : The property at given node index
     *                                 is not an array.
     *             SCMO_IS_AN_ARRAY  : The property at given node index
     *                                 is an array.
    SCMO_RC setPropertyWithNodeIndex(
        Uint32 node,
        CIMType type,
        const SCMBUnion* pInVal,
        Boolean isArray=false,
        Uint32 size = 0);

     * Set/replace the named key binding using binary data
     * @param name The key binding name.
     * @param type The type as CIMType.
     * @param keyvalue A pointer to the binary key value.
     *         The value is copied into the instance
     *         If the value == NULL, a null value is assumed.
     * @param keyvalue A pointer to the value to be set at the key binding,
     *               The keyvalue has to be in a SCMBUnion.
     *               The keyvalue is copied into the instance.
     *               If the keyvalue == NULL, a null value is assumed.
     *               If the keyvalue is type of CIMTYPE_STRING,
     *               the string is referenced by the structure
     *               SCMBUnion.extString:
     *                        pchar contains the absolut pointer to the string
     *                       length contains the size of the string
     *                                without trailing '\0'.
     * @return     SCMO_OK
     *             SCMO_INVALID_PARAMETER : Given name or pvalue
     *                                      is a NULL pointer.
     *             SCMO_TYPE_MISSMATCH : Given type does not
     *                                   match to key binding type
     *             SCMO_NOT_FOUND : Given property name not found.
    SCMO_RC setKeyBinding(
        const char* name,
        CIMType type,
        const SCMBUnion* keyvalue);

     * Set/replace the key binding at node
     * @param node The node index of the key.
     * @param type The type as CIMType.
     * @param keyvalue A pointer to the value to be set at the key binding,
     *               The keyvalue has to be in a SCMBUnion.
     *               The keyvalue is copied into the instance.
     *               If the keyvalue == NULL, a null value is assumed.
     *               If the keyvalue is type of CIMTYPE_STRING,
     *               the string is referenced by the structure
     *               SCMBUnion.extString:
     *                        pchar contains the absolut pointer to the string
     *                       length contains the size of the string
     *                                without trailing '\0'.
     * @return     SCMO_OK
     *             SCMO_INVALID_PARAMETER : Given pvalue is a NULL pointer.
     *             SCMO_TYPE_MISSMATCH : Given type does not
     *                                   match to key binding type
     *             SCMO_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUND : Given index is our of range.
    SCMO_RC setKeyBindingAt(
        Uint32 node,
        CIMType type,
        const SCMBUnion* keyvalue);

     * Clears all key bindings in an instance.
     * Warning: External references are freed but only the internal
     * control structures are resetted. No memory is freed and at setting
     * new key bindings the instance will grow in memory usage.
    void clearKeyBindings();

     * Gets the key binding count.
     * @return the number of key bindings set.
    Uint32 getKeyBindingCount() const;

     * Get the indexed key binding.
     * @parm idx The key bining index
     * @parm pname Returns the name.
     *             Has to be copied by caller.
     *             It is invalid if rc == SCMO_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUND.
     * @param type Returns the type as CIMType.
     *             It is invalid if rc == SCMO_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUND.
     * @param keyvalue A pointer to the binary key value.
     *             Has to be copied by caller.
     *             It is only valid if rc == SCMO_OK.
     * @return     SCMO_OK
     *             SCMO_NULL_VALUE : The key binding is not set.
     *             SCMO_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUND : Given index not found
    SCMO_RC getKeyBindingAt(
        Uint32 idx,
        const char** pname,
        CIMType& type,
        const SCMBUnion** keyvalue) const;

    SCMO_RC getKeyBindingAtUnresolved(
        Uint32 node,
        const char** pname,
        Uint32 & pnameLen,
        CIMType& type,
        const SCMBUnion** pdata,
        const char** valueBase) const;

     * Get the named key binding.
     * @parm name The name of the key binding.
     * @param type Returns the type as CIMType.
     *             It is invalid if rc == SCMO_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUND.
     * @param keyvalue Returns a pointer to the value of keybinding.
     *               The value is stored in a SCMBUnion
     *                and has to be copied by the caller !
     *               It returns NULL if rc != SCMO_OK.
     *               If the value is type of CIMTYPE_STRING,
     *               the string is referenced by the structure
     *               SCMBUnion.extString:
     *                       pchar contains the absolut pointer to the string
     *                       length contains the size of the string
     *                              without trailing '\0'.
     *               Only for strings the caller has to free pvalue !
     * @param keyvalue A pointer to the binary key value.
     *             Has to be copied by caller.
     *             It is only valid if rc == SCMO_OK.
     * @return     SCMO_OK
     *             SCMO_NULL_VALUE : The key binding is not set.
     *             SCMO_NOT_FOUND : Given property name not found.
    SCMO_RC getKeyBinding(
        const char* name,
        CIMType& ptype,
        const SCMBUnion** keyvalue) const;

     * Determines whether the c++ object has been initialized.
     * @return True if the c++ object has not been initialized, false otherwise.
    Boolean isUninitialized( ) const {return (0 == inst.base); };

     * Determines if the SCMOInstance does not contain any property information.
     * Maybe only the class name and/or name space are available.
     * @return True if the SCMOInstance is empty, false otherwise.
    Boolean isEmpty( ) const;

     * Determines whether the instance is used as a class container.
     * @return True if the instance is used as a class container only.
    Boolean getIsClassOnly( ) const
        return inst.hdr->flags.isClassOnly;

     * To mark if this instance is a class only container.
    void setIsClassOnly( Boolean b )
        inst.hdr->flags.isClassOnly = b;

     * Determies if two objects are referencing to the same instance
     * @return True if the objects are referencing to the some instance.
    Boolean isSame(SCMOInstance& theInstance) const;

     * Sets the provided host name at the instance.
     * @param hostName The host name as UTF8.
    void setHostName(const char* hostName);

     * Get the host name of the instance. The caller has to make a copy !
     * @return The host name as UTF8.
    const char* getHostName() const;

     * Get the host name of the instance.
     * @param Return strlen of result string.
     * @return The class name as UTF8.
    const char* getHostName_l(Uint32 & length) const;

     * Sets the provided class name at the instance. By caling this function
     * the instance is in an inconsitacne state and is maked as isCompromised.
     * @param className The class name as UTF8.
    void setClassName(const char* className);

     * Sets the provided class name at the instance. By caling this function
     * the instance is in an inconsitacne state and is maked as isCompromised.
     * @param className The class name as UTF8.
     * @param len The strlen of the name space.
    void setClassName_l(const char* className, Uint32 len);

     * Get the class name of the instance. The caller has to make a copy !
     * @return The class name as UTF8.
    const char* getClassName() const;

     * Get the class name of the instance. The caller has to make a copy !
     * @param lenght Return strlen of result string.
     * @return The class name as UTF8.
    const char* getClassName_l(Uint32 & length) const;

     * Sets the provided name space name at the instance.
     * By caling this function the instance is in an inconsitacne state and
     * is maked as isCompromised.
     * @param nameSpaceName The name space name as UTF8.
    void setNameSpace(const char* nameSpace);

     * Sets the provided name space name unchecked at the instance.
     * By caling this function the instance is in an inconsitacne state and
     * is maked as isCompromised.
     * @param nameSpaceName The name space name as UTF8.
     * @param len The strlen of the name space.
    void setNameSpace_l(const char* nameSpace, Uint32 len);

     * Get the name space of the instance. The caller has to make a copy !
     * @return The name space as UTF8.
    const char* getNameSpace() const;

     * Get the class name of the instance. The caller has to make a copy !
     * @param Return strlen of result string.
     * @return The class name as UTF8.
    const char* getNameSpace_l(Uint32 & length) const;

     * If hostname or namespace of the SCMOInstance are NULL or empty string,
     * replace them with the given input.
     * @param hn The host name to apply to the SCMOInstance.
     * @param hnLen The length of the hostname in byte without closing zero.
     * @param ns The namespace name to apply to the SCMOInstance.
     * @param nsLen The length of the hostname in byte without closing zero.
    void completeHostNameAndNamespace(
        const char* hn,
        Uint32 hnLen,
        const char* ns,
        Uint32 nsLen);

     * Is the name space or class name of the instance the origianl values
     * set by the used SCMOClass.
     * The class name and/or name space may differ with the associated class.
     * @return true if name space or class name was set manually by
     *          setNameSpace() or setClassName()
    Boolean isCompromised() const
        return inst.hdr->flags.isCompromised;

        returns true if there is no class defined for this instance.
        The flag is set when the SCMO instance is created and the
        repository returns no class.
    Boolean noClassForInstance() const
        return inst.hdr->flags.noClassForInstance;

     * Mark the instance as a non validated instance.
    void markAsCompromised()
        inst.hdr->flags.isCompromised = true;

        Sets the flag indicating that there is no class for this
        instance. This property is used for Instances that are
        created where there is no class in the repository.
    void markNoClassForInstance(Boolean x)
        inst.hdr->flags.noClassForInstance = x;

     *  To indicate the export processing ( eg. XMLWriter )
     *  to include qualifiers for this instance.
    void includeQualifiers()
        inst.hdr->flags.includeQualifiers = true;

     *  To indicate the export processing ( eg. XMLWriter )
     *  to NOT to include (exclude) qualifiers for this instance.
    void excludeQualifiers()
        inst.hdr->flags.includeQualifiers = false;

     *  To indicate the export processing ( eg. XMLWriter )
     *  to include class origins for this instance.
    void includeClassOrigins()
        inst.hdr->flags.includeClassOrigin = true;

     *  To indicate the export processing ( eg. XMLWriter )
     *  to NOT to include (exclude) class origins for this instance.
    void excludeClassOrigins()
        inst.hdr->flags.includeClassOrigin = false;

     * Returns the number of external references hosted by the instance.
    Uint32 numberExtRef() const
        return inst.mem->numberExtRef;

     * Gets the pointer of an external reference of the instance.
     * Warning: The pointer is purely returned. No management is done.
     * @parm idx The index of the external reference.
    SCMOInstance* getExtRef(Uint32 idx) const;

     * Sets a pointer of an external reference of the instance.
     * Warning: The pointer is purely returned. No management is done.
     * @parm idx The index of the external reference.
     * @parm ptr The pointer to an SCMOInstance
    void putExtRef(Uint32 idx,SCMOInstance* ptr);


    void Ref()

    void Unref()
        if (inst.hdr->refCount.decAndTestIfZero())
            // All external references have to be destroyed.
            // The class has also be dereferenced.
            delete inst.hdr->theClass.ptr;


    void _copyOnWrite()
        if ( 1 < inst.hdr->refCount.get() )
            SCMBInstance_Main * oldRef = inst.hdr;
            SCMBMgmt_Header* oldMgmt = inst.mem;

            if (oldRef->refCount.decAndTestIfZero())
                // All external references have to be destroyed.
                // The class has also be dereferenced.
                delete oldRef->theClass.ptr;

    void _clone();

    void _destroyExternalReferences();

    void _destroyExternalKeyBindings();

    void _copyExternalReferences();

    void _setExtRefIndex(Uint64 idx);

    void _initSCMOInstance(SCMOClass* pClass);

    void _setCIMInstance(const CIMInstance& cimInstance);

    // Internal but used by friend class SCMOXmlWriter.cpp
    // This function accounts for user-defined and class-defined properties
    void _getPropertyAt(
        Uint32 pos,
        SCMBValue** value,
        const char ** valueBase,
        SCMBClassProperty ** propDef) const;

    SCMO_RC _getPropertyAtNodeIndex(
        Uint32 pos,
        const char** pname,
        CIMType& type,
        const SCMBUnion** pvalue,
        Boolean& isArray,
        Uint32& size ) const;

    void _setPropertyAtNodeIndex(
        Uint32 pos,
        CIMType type,
        const SCMBUnion* pInVal,
        Boolean isArray,
        Uint32 size);

    void _setCIMValueAtNodeIndex(
        Uint32 node,
        CIMValueRep* valRep,
        CIMType realType);

    static void _getCIMValueFromSCMBUnion(
        CIMValue& cimV,
        const CIMType type,
        const Boolean isNull,
        const Boolean isArray,
        const Uint32 arraySize,
        const SCMBUnion& scmbUn,
        const char * base);

    static void _getCIMValueFromSCMBValue(
        CIMValue& cimV,
        const SCMBValue& scmbV,
        const char * base);

    static SCMOClass _getSCMOClass(
        const CIMObjectPath& theCIMObj,
        const char* altNS,
        Uint32 altNSlength);

    CIMProperty _getCIMPropertyAtNodeIndex(Uint32 nodeIdx) const;

    void _setCIMObjectPath(const CIMObjectPath& cimObj);

    SCMBUnion* _resolveSCMBUnion(
        CIMType type,
        Boolean isArray,
        Uint32 size,
        Uint64 start,
        char* base) const;

    void _setSCMBUnion(
        const SCMBUnion* pInVal,
        CIMType type,
        Boolean isArray,
        Uint32 size,
        SCMBUnion & u);

    static void _setUnionValue(
        Uint64 start,
        SCMBMgmt_Header** pmem,
        CIMType type,
        Uint64 startNS,
        Uint32 lenNS,
        Union& u);

    static void _setUnionArrayValue(
        Uint64 start,
        SCMBMgmt_Header** pmem,
        CIMType type,
        Uint32& n,
        Uint64 startNS,
        Uint32 lenNS,
        Union& u);

    static void _setExtRefIndex(SCMBUnion* pInst, SCMBMgmt_Header** pmem);

    SCMO_RC _getKeyBindingDataAtNodeIndex(
        Uint32 node,
        const char** pname,
        Uint32 & pnameLen,
        CIMType& type,
        const SCMBUnion** pdata) const;

    void _copyKeyBindings(SCMOInstance& targetInst) const;

    void _setKeyBindingFromSCMBUnion(
        CIMType type,
        const SCMBUnion& u,
        const char * uBase,
        SCMBKeyBindingValue& keyData);

    SCMO_RC _setKeyBindingFromString(
        const char* name,
        CIMType type,
        String cimKeyBinding);

    SCMBUserKeyBindingElement* _getUserDefinedKeyBinding(
        const char* name,
        Uint32 nameLen,
        CIMType type);

    void _setUserDefinedKeyBinding(
        SCMBUserKeyBindingElement& theInsertElement,
        char* elementBase);
     * Set a SCMO user defined key binding using the class CIM type tolerating
     * CIM key binding types converted to CIM types by function
     *  _CIMTypeFromKeyBindingType().
     * @parm classType The type of the key binding in the class definition
     * @parm setType The type of the key binding to be set.
     * @param keyValue A pointer to the key binding to be set.
     * @param kbValue Out parameter, the SCMO keybinding to be set.
    SCMO_RC _setKeyBindingTypeTolerate(
        CIMType classType,
        CIMType setType,
        const SCMBUnion* keyValue,
        SCMBKeyBindingValue& kbValue);

    CIMType _CIMTypeFromKeyBindingType(
        const char* key,
        CIMKeyBinding::Type t);

    SCMO_RC _getUserKeyBindingNodeIndex(Uint32& node, const char* name) const;

    SCMBUserKeyBindingElement* _getUserDefinedKeyBindingAt(Uint32 index) const;

    Boolean _setCimKeyBindingStringToSCMOKeyBindingValue(
        const String& kbs,
        CIMType type,
        SCMBKeyBindingValue& scmoKBV

    // Functions to support the use of user defined properties
        Get the node for a user defined property.
        @return node of the property and SCMO_OK or an error
        SCMO_NOT_FOUND indicating that the property cannot be
        found as a user-defined property.
    SCMO_RC _getUserPropertyNodeIndex(Uint32& node, const char* name) const;

        get the Instance SCMBUserPropertyElement for the defined node index.
         _getUserDefinedPropertyElementAt(Uint32 index) const;

    void _setPropertyInUserDefinedElement(
        SCMBUserPropertyElement* ptrNewElement,
        CIMType theType,
        const SCMBUnion* pinVal,
        Boolean isArray,
        Uint32 size);
        Creates a new user-defined property element, chains it to
        the existing user-defined property chain, and populate it
        with name, type, isArray. isSet = false.
        @return pointer to new SCMBUserPropertyElement
    SCMBUserPropertyElement* _createNewUserDefinedProperty(
        const char * name,
        Uint32 nameLen,
        CIMType theType);

        Returns true if the Property is in the set of
        properties defined in an including class
    Boolean _isClassDefinedProperty(Uint32 node) const;

    SCMBValue& _getSCMBValueForNode(Uint32 node) const;

    /* Definition of inst. Pointer to:
            or generic base pointer.
        // To access the instance main structure
        SCMBInstance_Main *hdr;
        // To access the memory management header
        SCMBMgmt_Header     *mem;
        // Generic access pointer
        char *base;

    friend class SCMOClass;
    friend class SCMODump;
    friend class SCMOXmlWriter;
    friend class SCMOStreamer;

inline SCMBValue& SCMOInstance::_getSCMBValueForNode(Uint32 node) const
    if (_isClassDefinedProperty(node))
        SCMBValue *theInstPropNodeArray =

        return theInstPropNodeArray[node];

    SCMBUserPropertyElement* pElement =

    return pElement->value;

// KS_TODO clarify this test since our rule is more explicit
// We cannot have both user-defined and class-defined properties so this
// could be a more concrete tests.
inline Boolean SCMOInstance::_isClassDefinedProperty(Uint32 node) const
    return (node < inst.hdr->numberProperties);

// This internal function used by SCMOXmlWriter.cpp
// It is inline because it is called only once in the CIMServer.
inline void SCMOInstance::_getPropertyAt(
    Uint32 pos,
    SCMBValue** value,
    const char ** valueBase,
    SCMBClassProperty ** propertyDef) const
    if (_isClassDefinedProperty(pos))
        SCMBValue *theInstPropNodeArray =

        // create a pointer to property node array of the class.
        Uint64 idx =
        SCMBClassPropertyNode* theClassPropNodeArray =

        // return the absolute pointer to the property definition
        *propertyDef = &(theClassPropNodeArray[pos].theProperty);

        // need check if property set or not, if not set use the default value
        if (theInstPropNodeArray[pos].flags.isSet)
            // return the absolute pointer to the property value in the instance
            *value = &(theInstPropNodeArray[pos]);
            *valueBase = inst.base;
            // return the absolute pointer to
            *value = &(theClassPropNodeArray[pos].theProperty.defaultValue);
            *valueBase = inst.hdr->theClass.ptr->cls.base;
    else           // User-defined property
        // KS_TODO mostly same code as _getPropertyAtNodeIndex
        SCMBUserPropertyElement* pElement =

        PEGASUS_ASSERT(pElement != 0);

        *value = &(pElement->value);
        // KS_TODO do we have to deal with isSet == false here. Probably
        // no but confirm with Assert.
        *valueBase = inst.base;

inline Uint32 SCMOInstance::getPropertyCount() const
    return(inst.hdr->numberProperties + inst.hdr->numberUserProperties);

// KS_FUTURE Remove this completely from code since apparently not used.
////// Apparently never used.
////inline void SCMOInstance::getSCMBValuePropertyAt(
////    Uint32 pos,
////    SCMBValue** value,
////    const char ** valueBase,
////    SCMBClassProperty ** propDef,
////    const char ** propDefBase) const
////    _getPropertyAt(pos,value,valueBase,propDef);
////    *propDefBase = inst.hdr->theClass.ptr->cls.base;

inline SCMO_RC SCMOInstance::getKeyBindingAtUnresolved(
        Uint32 node,
        const char** pname,
        Uint32 & pnameLen,
        CIMType& type,
        const SCMBUnion** pdata,
        const char** valueBase) const
    SCMO_RC rc = _getKeyBindingDataAtNodeIndex(node,pname,pnameLen,type,pdata);
    // Adjust size to string length
    if (pnameLen)
    *valueBase = inst.base;
    return rc;

inline Boolean SCMOInstance::isEmpty( ) const
    if (noClassForInstance())
        // KS_TODO need another test for empty. Number properties
        // != 0 might work but that would disallow an empty embedded
        // instance.
        return false;
        return (inst.hdr->theClass.ptr->isEmpty());

#define PEGASUS_ARRAY_T SCMOInstance
# include <Pegasus/Common/ArrayInter.h>



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