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File: [Pegasus] / pegasus / src / Clients / cimcli / buildMsgStrings.awk (download)
Revision: 1.1, Mon Sep 22 16:21:49 2014 UTC (9 years, 9 months ago) by karl
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: RELEASE_2_14_1, RELEASE_2_14_0-RC2, RELEASE_2_14_0-RC1, RELEASE_2_14_0, RELEASE_2_14-root, RELEASE_2_14-branch, HEAD
BUG#: 9885
TITLE: Ship cimcli on release build. Internationalize remainder of msgs

DESCRIPTION: This patch internationalizes most of the remaining messages
in cimcli.  It does not internationalize the messages from the verbose mode
and there are some cases where specific words (ex. namespaces) that feed
groups of assembled messages are not internationalized but the majority
of cimcli is not internationalized.  Note that this patch adds an awk
based tool that gets the interationalization from the source code itself
rather that trying to maintain the bundle and code completely separately
For each NEWly internationalized message, the message internationalization
is documented just below the message and the the awk program extracts this
info, confirms that it is correct, and creates installs the result into
the CLI message bundle replacing the previous version of the same messages.
Also, this technique was NOT used on previously internationalized messages
(the help messages). The process of extracting the internationalization
and modifying the bundle is in two new targets in the Makefile for cimcli.

##  This is a developer awk script to scrape the internationalization strings
##  from the source code and produce a file that can be substitutue
##  into the Pegasus client message bundle. 

## It is a convience for building message bundles for a particular directory
## in that it allows putting the message bundle text for the message in
## the source file and mechanically generating the message bundle.

## NOTE: The created message bundle MUST BE manually transfered to the correct
## place in the OpenPegasus message bundle.

##  The form it expects in the source file for each internationalized message
##  is:
##  line prefix //# for each line that defines a component of a message.
##  The line types are
##  N - Note There may be multiple note lines
##  T - Name of this message
##  S - String defining the message.  There may be multiple string lines
##  Example:
## //#N substitution {0} is a string with the property
## //#N name in error
## //#S Invalid keyword for boolean value = {0}. Must be \"true\" or \"false\"
## //#S upper or lower case\n

## Maps each entry to the form 
##	/**
##	* @note PGC01619: substitution {0} is a string with the keyword
##	* in error
## 	*/
##	Clients.cimcli.CIMCLIClient.BOOLEAN_VALUE_ERR:string {
##  "Invalid keyword for boolean value = {0}. Must be \"true\" or \"false\""
##	" upper or lower case\n"}

##  Notes are included only if the //#N tag exists

##  The //#T tag MUST exist and must be unique. It contains a single
##  Non-blank string that is the name component of this message.
##  This is mapped to the name component of the Full message name

##  FileText.name where name is the only parameter on the line
##  at least one //#S tag must exist. Do not put quotes around the text
##  Multiple lines may be supplied.  They will be output as a single line
##  within the context of the message string {"<text>"}

    ## These are the cimcli message bundle numbers.  We are not using them
    ## at this point because all output is to the local console in response
    ## to console input.
    MsgNumStr = "PGC016"
    MsgNum = 1

    ## Common part of the name of the source file group
    FileText = "Clients.cimcli.CIMCLIClient."
    ## name of the output file that will contain the messages
    outputFile = "cimcliCLI_en.txt"
    ## local variables
    arrayIndex = 0
    txtString = ""
    errorCount = 0
    messageNumber = ""

    print "Output msg file " outputFile " will be generated."
    # recreate the output message file
    print "        /*CIMCLIAUTOMEDMESSAGEBUNDLE_BEGIN" > outputFile
    print "        * MessageBundleInput automatically generated "  \
        strftime("%Y-%m-%d") >> outputFile
    print "        * by cimcli buildMsgStrings.awk." >> outputFile
    print "        */\n" >> outputFile
    exitCode = 0

# line parsing from all input files

## Parse the first line of the text info, the NOTE info. This line is
## optional
$1 == "//#N" {
    ##print "N record " $0 " $1=" $1
    messageNumber = ""
    if (state == 0)
        $1 = ""
        noteArray[arrayIndex++] = $0
        state = 1
    else if (state == 1)
        $1 = ""
        noteArray[arrayIndex++] = $0
    PrintError("N record found out of sequence")

## Used to set message numbers on specific messages. Set the message number
## text into the messageNumber variable to be output on the @note: line
## For now we DO NOT output this with the messages themselves.
$1 == "//#P" {
   if (state != 1)
       PrintError("Invalid use of P record.")
       PrecordNumber = $2
       if ($2 in numbersArray)
            ermsg = "The msg number " $2 " is already defined at " nameArray[$2]
           numbersArray[$2] = FILENAME":"FNR
       messageNumber = "PGC016"$2
## This processes the message name line.  It contains a single string
## the name of this message in the msg file.  Must be all caps. This
## may be the first line in a description. This record must exist so it
## increments the state variable.
$1 == "//#T" {
    ##print "T record " $0 " $2" $2
    if ($2 == "")
        PrintError("Invalid name for this msg txt.  Must be single capped wrd")
    if (state == 1 || state == 0)
        if ($2 in nameArray)
            ermsg = "The msg name " $2 " is already defined at " nameArray[$2]
            nameArray[$2] = FILENAME":"FNR
        state = 2
        MSGName = FileText  $2 ":string {\""
        PrintError("Unexpected T record. Must be first or follow N record")

## Process the String text line.  There may be multiple lines of text to
## allow the source file to maintain the 80 col length.  They are
## assembled into a single string
$1 == "//#S" {
    ##print "S record" $0 " state=" state " txtString=" txtString  ##remove
    ## remove the //#S from the line
    $1 = ""
    ## remove leading blanks and the ..#S sequence
    ##print "before " $0
    gsub(/^[ ]+/,"",$0)
    ##print "afterx " $0

    if (state == 2)
        state = 3

        where = match($0, /\$[0-9]/)
        if (where != 0)
            PrintError("Internal form of variable (ex. $0 found")

        txtString = $0

        where = match($0, /\$[0-9]/)
        ##print "match result " where
        if (where != 0)
            PrintError("Internal form of variable (ex. $0 found")

    else if (state == 3)
        if (match($0, /\$[0-9]/))
            PrintError("Internal form of variable (ex. $1 found)" $0)
        ##    print " Match on following record failed. " $0
        txtString = txtString " " $0
        ##print "txtString appended" txtString  ##remove
        PrintError("Unexpected N or T record. Expected S record.")

## process lines that do not have the //# prefix.  If state != 0
## this is first record after a msg definition and we output the
## result.

## if state == 1, there was no string definition
((state == 1) || (state == 2)) {
    PrintError("T record must preceed S record.")
    state = 0
## state = 3. Valid message definition complete. Output the result
(state == 3) {
    ##print "State 3 found"  ##remove
    state = 0;
    if (arrayIndex != 0)
    	print "        /**"  >> outputFile
        if (messageNumber != "")
            print "        * @note "messageNumber":" >> outputFile

            print "        * @note:" >> outputFile
    	for (i = 0; i < arrayIndex; i++)
    	    print "        *     " noteArray[i]  >> outputFile

        print "        */" >> outputFile
        print "" >> outputFile

        arrayIndex = 0
    # any note output, proceed to output the name and text line
    ## Note that we have to append the leading and trailing quotes
    ##printf("\"%s\"\n", txtString)
    if (txtString in strTextArray)
        errmsg = "Duplicated text of messages " txtString " at " strTextArray[txtString]
        strTextArray[txtString] = FILENAME":"FNR
    printf("        %s%s\"}\n", MSGName, txtString) >> outputFile
    print ""  >> outputFile   ## blank line after each message

    print Message File Generation Complete
    if (errorCount != 0)
        print "ERRORS Found. " errorCount " errors found."
    print "Generated file" outputFile " with " count " entries."
    if (errorCount != 0)
        print "        /*" > outputFile
        print "        * cimcli MessageBundle End with " errorCount " errors."  >> outputFile
        print "        */" >> outputFile
        print "        /*" > outputFile
        print "        * cimcli MessageBundle End"  >> outputFile
        print "        * Please insert into msg/CLI/pegasusCLI_en.txt."
        print "        CIMCLIAUTOMEDMESSAGEBUNDLE_END*/" >> outputFile
    if (exitCode != 0)
        exit exitCode
        print "Exiting with error code " exitCode

## fix the input string to replace $x with {x} for all x between 0 and 9
function fixInput(textLine)
    ##print "Fixing " textLine
    temp = textLine
    if (match($0, /\$[0-9]/))
        for (x = 0; x <= 9; x++)
            replacement = "{"x"}"
            regex = "\\$"x
            ##print "fixInput. regex " regex " replacement " replacement
            where = match(textLine, regex)
            ##print "where " where
            if (where != 0)
                sub(regex, replacement, textLine)
                ##print "fixed for replacement " replacement " textLine" textLine
                ##print "Could not fix " textLine " with replacement " replacement " using regex " regex
    ##print "new  "  temp
    ##print "orig "  textLine

function PrintError(errmsgText)

   print "ERROR: "FILENAME":"FNR " " errmsgText
   exitCode = 1

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