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File: [Pegasus] / pegasus / src / Clients / Makefile (download)
Revision: 1.28, Fri Dec 3 01:49:47 2004 UTC (19 years, 6 months ago) by nag.boranna
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.27: +2 -1 lines
PEP#: 187
TITLE: PEP:187 - SSL Certificate Management Enhancements - Phase 1.

DESCRIPTION: This submission includes 'ssltrustmgr' CLI that can be used by system admiistrators to manage the CRL store and the Trust stores on a local system. This CLI will not function fully until the certificate management provider code is submitted. The provider code and the CLI tests are planned for Phase 2 submission. Code changes are tested on HP-UX and Windows.


include $(ROOT)/mak/config.mak

DIRS = \
    CLITestClients \
	CGIClient \
    TestClient \
    cliutils \
    cimconfig \
    cimuser \
    cimauth \
    cimprovider \
    cimprovider/tests \
    osinfo \
    wbemexec \
    wbemexec/tests \
    tomof \
    ipinfo \
    g11ntest \
    benchmarkTest \
    cimperf \
    MCCATestClient \

ifeq ($(OS),HPUX)
  DIRS += \
    ntpinfo \
    dnsinfo \

#The following tests are NOT included as part of the standard
#regession test.  The cimuser tests require PrivilegedUser
#access to execute successfully.  The cimconfig tests modify
#configuration files.

    cimconfig/tests \

include $(ROOT)/mak/recurse.mak

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