(file) Return to tog-pegasus-preun.spec CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [Pegasus] / pegasus / rpm / tog-specfiles

 1 denise.eckstein 1.1 # Start of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-preun.spec
 2                     #           install   remove   upgrade  reinstall
 3                     #  preun       -        0         1         -
 4                     if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
 5                        # Check if the cimserver is running
 6                        isRunning=`ps -el | grep cimserver |  grep -v "grep cimserver"`
 7                        if [ "$isRunning" ]; then
 8                           %PEGASUS_SBIN_DIR/cimserver -s
 9                        fi 
10                        /sbin/chkconfig --del tog-pegasus;
11                        rm -f %PEGASUS_VARDATA_DIR/cimserver_current.conf;
12                        rm -f %PEGASUS_INSTALL_LOG;
13                        [ -d %PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_DIR ]  && rm -rf %PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_DIR;
14                        [ -d %PEGASUS_VARDATA_CACHE_DIR ]  && rm -rf %PEGASUS_VARDATA_CACHE_DIR;
15                        rm -f %PEGASUS_LOCAL_DOMAIN_SOCKET_PATH;
16                        rm -f %PEGASUS_CIMSERVER_START_FILE;
17 denise.eckstein 1.2    rm -f %CIMSERVER_LOCK_FILE;
18 denise.eckstein 1.1 fi
19                     #
20                     # End of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-preun.spec

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