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 1 denise.eckstein 1.1    
 2                        # Create OpenSSL Configuration File (ssl.cnf)
 3                        #
 4                        if [ -f %PEGASUS_CONFIG_DIR/ssl.cnf ]
 5                        then
 6                           echo "WARNING: %PEGASUS_CONFIG_DIR/ssl.cnf already exists."
 7                        else
 8                           echo " Generating SSL Certificate..."
 9                           echo "[ req ]" >> %PEGASUS_CONFIG_DIR/ssl.cnf
10                           echo "distinguished_name     = req_distinguished_name" >> %PEGASUS_CONFIG_DIR/ssl.cnf
11                           echo "prompt                 = no" >> %PEGASUS_CONFIG_DIR/ssl.cnf
12                           echo "[ req_distinguished_name ]" >> %PEGASUS_CONFIG_DIR/ssl.cnf
13                           echo "C                      = UK" >> %PEGASUS_CONFIG_DIR/ssl.cnf
14                           echo "ST                     = Berkshire" >> %PEGASUS_CONFIG_DIR/ssl.cnf
15                           echo "L                      = Reading" >> %PEGASUS_CONFIG_DIR/ssl.cnf
16                           echo "O                      = The Open Group" >> %PEGASUS_CONFIG_DIR/ssl.cnf
17                           echo "OU                     = The OpenPegasus Project" >> %PEGASUS_CONFIG_DIR/ssl.cnf
18 w.otsuka        1.3       echo "CN                     = `host \`hostname\`|cut -d\" \" -f1`" >> %PEGASUS_CONFIG_DIR/ssl.cnf
19 denise.eckstein 1.1       chmod 400 %PEGASUS_CONFIG_DIR/ssl.cnf
20                           chown root %PEGASUS_CONFIG_DIR/ssl.cnf
21                        fi
23 w.otsuka        1.3    %OPENSSL_BIN/openssl req -x509 -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 \
24 denise.eckstein 1.1       -nodes -config %PEGASUS_CONFIG_DIR/ssl.cnf \
25                           -keyout %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/key.pem -out %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/cert.pem \
26 denise.eckstein 1.2            2>>%PEGASUS_INSTALL_LOG
27 denise.eckstein 1.1 
28                        cat %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/key.pem > %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/key-2048.pem
29                        chmod 400 %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/key-2048.pem
30                        cat %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/cert.pem > %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/cert-2048.pem
31                        chmod 400 %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/cert-2048.pem
32                        cat %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/cert.pem > %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/truststore-2048.pem
33                        chmod 400 %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/truststore-2048.pem
34                        rm -f %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/key.pem %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/cert.pem
36                        if [ -f %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/%PEGASUS_SSL_CERT_FILE ]
37                        then
38                        echo "WARNING: %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/%PEGASUS_SSL_CERT_FILE SSL Certificate file already exists."
39                        else
40                           cp %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/cert-2048.pem %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/%PEGASUS_SSL_CERT_FILE
41                           chmod 444 %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/%PEGASUS_SSL_CERT_FILE
42                           cp %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/key-2048.pem %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/%PEGASUS_SSL_KEY_FILE
43                           chmod 400 %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/%PEGASUS_SSL_KEY_FILE
44                        fi
46                        if [ -f %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/%PEGASUS_SSL_TRUSTSTORE ]
47                        then
48 denise.eckstein 1.1        echo "WARNING: %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/%PEGASUS_SSL_TRUSTSTORE SSL Certificate trust store already exists."
49                        else
50                            cp %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/truststore-2048.pem %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/%PEGASUS_SSL_TRUSTSTORE
51                            chmod 444 %PEGASUS_PEM_DIR/%PEGASUS_SSL_TRUSTSTORE
52                        fi
53 w.otsuka        1.5    if [[ -d %PEGASUS_PREV_REPOSITORY_DIR ]]
54                        then
55                          # Running Repository Upgrade utility
57                        fi
59 denise.eckstein 1.1 
60 denise.eckstein 1.4    /usr/lib/lsb/install_initd /etc/init.d/tog-pegasus
62 denise.eckstein 1.1    echo " To start Pegasus manually:"
63                        echo " /etc/init.d/tog-pegasus start"
64                        echo " Stop it:"
65                        echo " /etc/init.d/tog-pegasus stop"
66                        echo " To set up PATH and MANPATH in /etc/profile"
67                        echo " run /opt/tog-pegasus/sbin/settogpath."

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