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 1 denise.eckstein 1.5 # Start of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-intro.spec
 2                     #
 3 w.otsuka        1.2 %{?!PEGASUS_BUILD_TEST_RPM:   %define PEGASUS_BUILD_TEST_RPM        0}
 4 denise.eckstein 1.5 # do "rpmbuild --define 'PEGASUS_BUILD_TEST_RPM 1'" to build test RPM.
 5                     #
 6                     %{?!AUTOSTART:   %define AUTOSTART        0}
 7                     # Use "rpm -[iU]vh --define 'AUTOSTART 1'" in order to have cimserver enabled
 8                     # (chkconfig --level=345 tog-pegasus on) after installation.
 9                     #
11                     Summary:   OpenPegasus WBEM Services for Linux
12                     Name:      tog-pegasus
13                     Group:     Systems Management/Base
14                     License:   Open Group Pegasus Open Source
15                     BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
16                     URL:       http://www.openpegasus.org
18                     Source:    ftp://www.opengroup.org/pegasus/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.tar.gz
20                     BuildRequires:      bash, sed, grep, coreutils, procps, gcc, gcc-c++
21                     BuildRequires:      libstdc++, make, pam-devel
22                     BuildRequires:      openssl-devel >= 0.9.6, e2fsprogs
23                     Requires:           bash, sed, grep, coreutils, procps, openssl >= 0.9.6, pam
24                     #Requires:          krb5-libs, redhat-lsb, chkconfig, SysVinit, bind-libs
25 denise.eckstein 1.5 Requires:           e2fsprogs, bind-utils, net-tools
26                     Requires(post):     bash, sed, grep, coreutils, procps, openssl >= 0.9.6, pam
27                     #Requires(post):    krb5-libs, redhat-lsb, chkconfig, SysVinit, bind-libs
28                     Requires(post):     e2fsprogs, bind-utils, net-tools
29                     Requires(pre):      bash, sed, grep, coreutils, procps, openssl >= 0.9.6, pam
30                     #Requires(pre):     krb5-libs, redhat-lsb, chkconfig, SysVinit, bind-libs
31                     Requires(pre):      e2fsprogs, bind-utils, net-tools
32                     Requires(postun):   bash, sed, grep, coreutils, procps, openssl >= 0.9.6, pam
33                     #Requires(postun):  krb5-libs, redhat-lsb, chkconfig, SysVinit, bind-libs
34                     Requires(postun):   e2fsprogs, bind-utils, net-tools
36 w.otsuka        1.4 Conflicts: openwbem
37 denise.eckstein 1.1 Provides: tog-pegasus-cimserver
38 w.otsuka        1.3 BuildConflicts: tog-pegasus
39 denise.eckstein 1.1 
40                     %description
41                     OpenPegasus WBEM Services for Linux enables management solutions that deliver
42                     increased control of enterprise resources. WBEM is a platform and resource
43                     independent DMTF standard that defines a common information model and
44                     communication protocol for monitoring and controlling resources from diverse
45                     sources.
46 denise.eckstein 1.5 #
47                     # End of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-intro.spec

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