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  1 dave.sudlik .\" $Header: /cvs/MSB/pegasus/rpm/manLinux/man1m.Z/Attic/cimconfig.1m,v 1.3 2004/04/19 17:50:39 kumpf Exp $
  2 kumpf       1.2      .TA c \" lowercase initial leter of .TH name
  3 kumpf       1.3      .TH cimconfig 8
  4 kumpf       1.2      .SH NAME
  5                      cimconfig - get, set, unset, or list CIM Server configuration properties
  6                      .SH SYNOPSIS
  8                      \fBcimconfig\fP \fB-g\fP configuration_property [ \fB-c\fP ] [ \fB-p\fP ] [ \fB-d\fP ]
 10                      \fBcimconfig\fP
 11                      \fB-s\fP configuration_property=value 
 12                      [ \fB-c\fP ]
 13                      [ \fB-p\fP ]
 15                      \fBcimconfig\fP
 16                      \fB-u\fP configuration_property 
 17                      [ \fB-c\fP ]
 18                      [ \fB-p\fP ]
 20                      .B cimconfig
 21                      .B -l 
 22                      [ \fB-c\fP
 23                      | \fB-p\fP ]
 24                      .SH DESCRIPTION
 25 kumpf       1.2      .PP
 26                      The 
 27                      .B cimconfig 
 28                      command manages
 29                      CIM Server configuration properties. The operations are executed on the local
 30                      host by submitting requests to the CIM Server.
 31                      An operation on a current configuration property takes effect immediately,
 32                      and an operation on a planned configuration property takes effect the next time
 33                      the CIM Server is started with 
 34 kumpf       1.3      .B "cimserver (8)" .
 35 kumpf       1.2      Modifications to a configuration property via 
 36                      .B cimconfig 
 37                      remain in effect
 38                      until changed via another 
 39                      .B cimconfig 
 40                      command.  Configuration properties may also be modified temporarily via the
 41 kumpf       1.3      .B "cimserver (8)"
 42 kumpf       1.2      command, in which case, the modification of the configuration
 43                      property remains in effect for that execution of the 
 44 kumpf       1.3      .B "cimserver (8)"
 45 kumpf       1.2      command only. A default value is associated with each configuration property.
 46                      Each configuration property is initially
 47                      assigned its default value, until modified by a 
 48                      .B cimconfig 
 49                      command or 
 50 kumpf       1.3      .B "cimserver (8)"
 51 kumpf       1.2      command.  Dynamic configuration
 52                      properties are those whose current values may be set while the CIM server is
 53                      running.
 54                      .PP
 55                      The following configuration properties are available:
 56                      .PP
 57 kumpf       1.3      .B enableAssociationTraversal
 58                      .IP
 59                      .BR Description: " If True, the CIM Server will support the four association traversal operators:
 60                      Associators, AssociatorNames, References, and ReferenceNames.
 61                      .PD 0
 62                      .IP
 63                      .BR "Default Value: " True
 64                      .IP
 65                      .BR Dynamic: \0No
 66                      .PD
 67                      .PP
 68                      .B enableIndicationService
 69                      .IP
 70                      .BR Description: " If True, the CIM Server will support CIM Indications."
 71                      .PD 0
 72                      .IP
 73                      .BR "Default Value: " True
 74                      .IP
 75                      .BR Dynamic: \0No
 76                      .PD
 77                      .PP
 78 kumpf       1.3      .B enableHttpConnection
 79                      .IP
 80                      .BR Description: " If True, allows connections to the CIM Server
 81                      using the HTTP protocol
 82                      .PD 0
 83                      .IP
 84                      .BR "Default Value: " False
 85                      .IP
 86                      .BR Dynamic: \0No
 87                      .PD
 88                      .PP
 89                      .B enableHttpsConnection
 90                      .IP
 91                      .BR Description: " If True, allows connections to the CIM Server
 92                      using the HTTPS protocol (HTTP using Secure Socket Layer encryption)
 93                      .PD 0
 94                      .IP
 95                      .BR "Default Value: " True
 96                      .IP
 97                      .BR Dynamic: \0No
 98                      .PD
 99 kumpf       1.3      .PP
100 kumpf       1.2      .B enableNamespaceAuthorization
101                      .IP
102                      .BR Description: " If True, the CIM Server restricts access to
103                      namespaces based on configured user authorizations [user authorizations may
104                      be configured using
105 kumpf       1.3      .B "cimauth (8)"
106                      ]
107 kumpf       1.2      .PD 0
108                      .IP
109                      .BR "Default Value: " False
110                      .IP
111                      .BR Dynamic: \0No
112                      .PD
113                      .PP
114                      .B enableRemotePrivilegedUserAccess
115                      .IP
116                      .BR Description: " If True, the CIM Server allows access by a
117                      privileged user from a remote system
118                      .PD 0
119                      .IP
120 kumpf       1.3      .BR "Default Value: " True
121 kumpf       1.2      .IP
122                      .BR Dynamic: \0No
123                      .PD
124                      .PP
125 kumpf       1.3      .B enableSubscriptionsForNonprivilegedUsers
126 kumpf       1.2      .IP
127 kumpf       1.3      .BR Description: " If True, nonprivileged user of the system will be 
128                      allowed to create Indication Subscription, otherwise privileged access
129                      is required.
130 kumpf       1.2      .PD 0
131                      .IP
132                      .BR "Default Value: " True
133                      .IP
134                      .BR Dynamic: \0No
135                      .PD
136                      .PP
137 kumpf       1.3      .B logLevel
138 kumpf       1.2      .IP
139 kumpf       1.3      .BR Description: " Defines the desired level of logging. Valid values include: 
141 kumpf       1.2      .PD 0
142                      .IP
143 kumpf       1.3      .BR "Default Value: " INFORMATION
144 kumpf       1.2      .IP
145 kumpf       1.3      .BR Dynamic: \0Yes
146 kumpf       1.2      .PD
147                      .PP
148 dave.sudlik .B idleConnectionTimeout
149                      .IP 
150                      .BR Description: " If set to a positive integer, this value specifies a
151                      minimum timeout value for idle client connections.  If set to zero, idle
152                      client connections do not time out.
153                      .BR A client connection is considered idle when it is not in the process of
154                      sending a request and the CIM Server is not processing a request from that
155                      connection.  An idle connection timeout allows reclamation of the system
156                      resources allocated for idle CIM Server connections.  Note that the
157                      CIM Server may allow an idle connection to persist longer than the configured
158                      timeout value based on server activity.
159                      .BR Some client applications may not behave correctly if a connection timeout
160                      is introduced.  Client compatibility should be considered when configuring an
161                      idle connection timeout value.
162                      .BR The idle connection time is computed using the system clock.  Thus,
163                      resetting the system clock may cause unexpected timeout behavior.
164                      .PD 0
165                      .IP 
166                      .BR "Default Value: " 0
167                      .IP 
168                      .BR Dynamic: \0No
169 dave.sudlik .PD
170                      .PP 
171 kumpf       1.2      .B shutdownTimeout
172                      .IP
173                      .BR Description: " When a
174                      .B cimserver -s
175 kumpf       1.3      shutdown command is
176 kumpf       1.2      issued, specifies the maximum time in seconds for the CIM Server to complete
177                      outstanding CIM operation requests before shutting down; if the specified
178                      timeout period expires, the CIM Server will shut down, even if there are
179                      still CIM operations in progress.
180                      Minimum value is 2 seconds.
181                      .PD 0
182                      .IP
183                      .BR "Default Value: " 10
184                      .IP
185 kumpf       1.3      .BR Dynamic: \0No
186 kumpf       1.2      .PD
187                      .PP
188                      If both the 
189                      .B enableHttpsConnection
190                      and 
191                      .B enableHttpConnection 
192                      properties are set to 
193                      .B True , 
194                      only HTTPS connections
195                      will be allowed.  If both the
196                      .B enableHttpsConnection
197                      and
198                      .B enableHttpConnection
199                      properties are set to
200                      .B False ,
201                      neither HTTP nor HTTPS connections will be allowed, and the CIM Server will be
202                      shut down and disabled from automatically being re-started.
203                      .PP
204                      The current and planned
205                      values of the configuration properties are stored in the files
206 kumpf       1.3      .B /etc/pegasus/cimserver_current.conf
207 kumpf       1.2      and
208 kumpf       1.3      .B /etc/pegasus/cimserver_planned.conf ,
209 kumpf       1.2      respectively.  The configuration
210                      properties may only be modified via the
211                      .B cimconfig
212                      and
213 kumpf       1.3      .B "cimserver (8)"
214 kumpf       1.2      commands;
215                      the files must not be edited directly.
216                      .SS Options
217                      .PP
218                      The 
219                      .B cimconfig
220                      command recognizes the following options:
221                      .RS
222                      .TP 15
223                      \fB-g\fP configuration_property
224                      Gets the specified value (current, planned and/or default) of the specified
225                      configuration property.  By default, gets the current value.
226                      .TP
227                      \fB-s\fP configuration_property = value
228                      Sets the specified value (current and/or planned) of the specified configuration
229                      property to 
230                      .IR value .  
231                      By default, sets the current value.
232                      .TP
233                      \fB-u\fP configuration_property
234                      Unsets the specified
235 kumpf       1.2      value (current and/or planned) of the specified configuration property, and
236                      resets it to its default value.  By
237                      default, unsets the current value and resets it to its default value.
238                      .TP
239                      .B -l
240                      Lists all the specified (current or planned) configuration property name and 
241                      value pairs in the CIM Server.  By default,
242                      lists only the names of all the current configuration properties.
243                      .TP
244                      .B -c
245                      Specifies that the operation (get, set, unset, or list) be performed on the 
246                      current configuration properties.  For set or
247                      unset operations, returns an error when the CIM Server is not running or the
248                      specified property is not a dynamic property.
249                      .TP
250                      .B -p
251                      Specifies that the operation (get, set, unset, or list) be performed on the 
252                      planned configuration properties.  For set and
253                      unset operations, operates on the value of the specified property in the
254                      planned configuration file if the CIM Server is not running.
255                      .TP
256 kumpf       1.2      .B -d
257                      Specifies that the get operation be performed on the default configuration
258                      properties.  Returns an error when the CIM Server is not running.
259                      .RE
260                      .PP
261                      If no options are specified, 
262                      .B cimconfig 
263                      displays a usage message.
264                      .SH EXIT STATUS
265                      .PP
266                      When an error occurs, an
267                      error message is written to stderr and an error value of 1 is returned. The
268                      following return values are returned:
269                      .RS
270                      .TP
271                      .B 0
272                      Successful completion
273                      .PD 0
274                      .TP
275                      .B 1
276                      Error
277 kumpf       1.2      .PD
278                      .RE
279                      .SH EXAMPLES
280                      .PP
281                      Get the current value for the configuration property 
282                      .B shutdownTimeout .
283                      .IP
284                      .B cimconfig -g shutdownTimeout -c
285                      .PP
286                      Get the planned value for the configuration property
287                      .B  shutdownTimeout .
288                      .IP
289                      .B cimconfig -g shutdownTimeout -p
290                      .PP
291                      Get the default value for the configuration property 
292                      .B shutdownTimeout .
293                      .IP
294                      .B cimconfig -g shutdownTimeout -d
295                      .PP
296                      Set the current value of the property 
297                      .B shutdownTimeout
298 kumpf       1.2      to the new value 15.
299                      .IP
300                      .B cimconfig -s shutdownTimeout=15 -c
301                      .PP
302                      Set the planned value of the property 
303                      .B shutdownTimeout , 
304                      to the new value 5.
305                      .IP
306                      .B cimconfig -s shutdownTimeout=5 -p
307                      .PP
308                      Reset the current value of the property 
309                      .B shutdownTimeout
310                      to its default value.
311                      .IP
312                      .B cimconfig -u shutdownTimeout -c
313                      .PP
314                      Reset the planned value of the property 
315                      .B shutdownTimeout 
316                      to its default value.
317                      .IP
318                      .B cimconfig -u shutdownTimeout -p
319 kumpf       1.2      .PP
320                      List all the current configuration property names.
321                      .IP
322                      .B cimconfig -l
323                      .PP
324                      List all the current configuration property names and their values.
325                      .IP
326                      .B cimconfig -l -c
327                      .PP
328                      List all the planned configuration property names and their values.
329                      .IP
330                      .B cimconfig -l -p
331                      .SH FILES
332                      .TP 30
333                      .PD 0
334 kumpf       1.3      .B /etc/pegasus/cimserver_current.conf
335 kumpf       1.2      Current configuration
336                      .TP
337 kumpf       1.3      .B /etc/pegasus/cimserver_planned.conf
338 kumpf       1.2      Planned configuration
339                      .PD
340                      .SH SEE ALSO
341                      .PP
342 kumpf       1.3      cimserver (8), cimauth (8).

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