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  1 alagaraja 1.3 .\" .TA w \" lowercase initial letter of .TH name
  2               .TH "wbemexec" "1" "" "" ""
  3               .SH "NAME"
  4 kumpf     1.2 wbemexec \- submit a CIM operation request to a CIM Server 
  5 alagaraja 1.3 .SH "SYNOPSIS"
  6               \fBwbemexec\fP [ \fB\-h\fP hostname ] [ \fB\-p\fP portnumber ] [ \fB\-v\fP httpversion ]
  7                        [ \fB\-m\fP httpmethod ] [ \fB\-t\fP timeout ] [ \fB\-u\fP username ]
  8                        [ \fB\-w\fP password ] [ \fB\-s\fP ] [ \fB\-\-help\fP ] [ \fB\-\-version\fP ]
  9 joyce.j   1.4          [ inputfilepath ]
 10 alagaraja 1.3 .SH "DESCRIPTION"
 11 kumpf     1.2 The 
 12               .B wbemexec 
 13               command provides a command line interface to a CIM Server.
 14               The input to the command consists of a CIM request encoded in XML.
 15               The request is submitted to the CIM Server for execution.  
 16               If the HTTP response from the CIM Server contains a status code of 200 (OK), 
 17               the result returned to stdout is the CIM response encoded in XML.
 18               Otherwise, the result returned to stdout is the HTTP response.
 19               Some types of invalid XML requests (e.g. missing PROTOCOLVERSION attribute or
 20               missing NAME attribute) are detected by 
 21               .B wbemexec,
 22               and result in an error message from 
 23               .B wbemexec.
 24               Other invalid XML requests (e.g. invalid CIMVERSION attribute value
 25               or missing XML version), are detected by the CIM Server, 
 26 alagaraja 1.3 and result in an HTTP response, containing a non\-Success status code,
 27 kumpf     1.2 such as 501 (Not Implemented) or 400 (Bad Request).
 28 alagaraja 1.3 .PP 
 29 kumpf     1.2 By default, the request is sent as an HTTP/1.1 request,
 30 alagaraja 1.3 using the HTTP M\-POST method, and 
 31 kumpf     1.2 .B wbemexec 
 32               waits 20000 milliseconds (20 seconds),
 33               then times out if a response hasn't been received.  
 34               Input is read from stdin, if no input file is specified.
 35 alagaraja 1.3 .PP 
 36 kumpf     1.2 By default,
 37               the operation is executed on the local host.
 38               .B wbemexec
 39               first attempts to connect to the CIM Server on the default port for the
 40 alagaraja 1.3 wbem\-http service, 
 41 kumpf     1.2 and if that fails, another attempt is made on the default port for the
 42 alagaraja 1.3 wbem\-https service.
 43 kumpf     1.2 .SS Options
 44               .B wbemexec
 45               recognizes the following options:
 46               .RS
 47               .TP 15
 48 alagaraja 1.3 \fB\-h\fP hostname
 49 kumpf     1.2 Connect to the CIM Server on the specified host.
 50               If this option is not specified, 
 51               .B wbemexec 
 52               connects to the local host.
 53 alagaraja 1.3 .TP 
 54               .B \-\-help
 55               Display command usage information.
 56               .TP 
 57               \fB\-m\fP httpmethod
 58               Use the specified HTTP method 
 59               for the request.  The method must be "POST" or "M\-POST".  
 60               .TP 
 61               \fB\-p\fP portnumber
 62 kumpf     1.2 Connect to the CIM Server on the specified port number.  
 63               If this option is not specified, 
 64               .B wbemexec
 65 alagaraja 1.3 connects to the default port for the wbem\-http service, or if the 
 66               .B \-s
 67               option is specified, to the default port for the wbem\-https service.
 68               .TP 
 69               .B \-s
 70               Enable the use of the SSL protocol between 
 71               .C wbemexec 
 72               and the CIM server.
 73               The 
 74               .B \-s
 75               option should be specified if the CIM Server 
 76               on the specified hostname/portnumber expects clients to connect using HTTPS.
 77               .TP 
 78               \fB\-t\fP timeout
 79 kumpf     1.2 Wait the specified number of milliseconds on sending a request, before timing out if no response has been received.  The 
 80               .I timeout 
 81               value must be an integer value greater than 0.
 82 alagaraja 1.3 .TP 
 83               \fB\-u\fP username
 84 kumpf     1.2 Connect as the specified 
 85 alagaraja 1.3 .I R username . 
 86 kumpf     1.2 If 
 87               .I username 
 88               is not specified, the current logged in user is used for authentication.
 89               This option is ignored if neither
 90               .I hostname 
 91               nor 
 92               .I portnumber 
 93               is specified.
 94 alagaraja 1.3 .TP 
 95               \fB\-v\fP httpversion
 96               Use the specified HTTP version 
 97               for the request.  The version must be "1.0" or "1.1".  The 1.0 version may not be specified if the M\-POST method is specified.
 98               .TP 
 99               \fB\-\-version\fP 
100               Display CIM Server version.
101               .TP 
102               \fB\-w\fP password
103 kumpf     1.2 Authenticate the connection using the specified 
104 kumpf     1.5 .I password .
105 kumpf     1.2 This option is ignored if neither
106               .I hostname 
107               nor 
108               .I portnumber 
109               is specified.
110 kumpf     1.5 WARNING: A password should not be specified on the command line on a
111               multi-user system, since command-line options are typically world-readable
112               for a short window of time.  If the remote host requests authentication and
113               this option is not specified,
114               .B wbemexec
115               will prompt for the password.
116 kumpf     1.2 (See
117 alagaraja 1.3 .B "cimconfig (1)"
118 kumpf     1.2 for information on configuring the CIM Server.)
119               .PD
120               .RE
122 alagaraja 1.3 .SH "EXIT STATUS"
123               .PP 
124 kumpf     1.2 When an error occurs, an explanatory error message is written to stderr and an
125               appropriate value is returned.  The following exit values are returned:
126               .RS
127 alagaraja 1.3 .TP 
128 kumpf     1.2 .B 0
129               Success
130               .PD 0
131 alagaraja 1.3 .TP 
132 kumpf     1.2 .B 1
133               Error
134               .PD
135               .RE
136 alagaraja 1.3 .SH "USAGE NOTE"
137               .PP 
138               The 
139               .B wbemexec 
140               command requires that the CIM Server is running.
141               .SH "EXAMPLES"
142               .PP 
143 kumpf     1.2 Submit an XML request contained in the file cimrequest.xml to the CIM Server 
144               running on the local host on the default port:
145 alagaraja 1.3 .IP 
146 kumpf     1.2 .B wbemexec cimrequest.xml
147 alagaraja 1.3 .PP 
148 kumpf     1.2 Submit an XML request contained in the file cimrequest.xml to the CIM Server 
149               running on the host hpserver on port 49152, using the 
150               .I username 
151               guest and 
152               .I password 
153               guest for authentication:
154 alagaraja 1.3 .IP 
155               .B wbemexec \-h hpserver \-p 49152 \-u guest \-w guest cimrequest.xml
156               .PP 
157               .SH "SEE ALSO"
158               .PP 
159               cimserver(1), cimconfig(1).
160               .SH "STANDARDS CONFORMANCE"
161               .PP 
162 kumpf     1.2 \fBwbemexec\fP: CIM Operations over HTTP 1.0, Representation of CIM in XML 2.0 

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