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 1 mike  1.4 ifeq ($(COMPILER),xlc)
 2 sage  1.17   LINK_COMMAND = makeC++SharedLib_r
 3 mike  1.4    LINK_ARGUMENTS = -p 0
 4              LINK_OUT = -o
 5            endif
 7 mike  1.5  ifeq ($(COMPILER),acc)
 8              LINK_COMMAND = aCC -b
 9 kumpf 1.24   ifdef PEGASUS_PURIFY
10                PUREOPTIONS = -follow-child-processes=yes -locking=no \
11                              -always-use-cache-dir -cache-dir=/tmp/cache \
12                              -view-file=/tmp/cimserver.pv -log-file=/tmp/cimserver.log
13                LINK_COMMAND = $(PURIFY_HOME)/purify $(PUREOPTIONS) aCC -b
14                FULL_LIBRARIES += $(PURIFY_HOME)/libpurify_stubs.a
15              endif
16 kumpf 1.22   ifeq ($(HPUX_IA64_VERSION), yes)
17                LINK_COMMAND += +DD64 -mt
18              endif
19 kumpf 1.11   ifeq ($(PEGASUS_SUPPORTS_DYNLIB),yes)
20 kumpf 1.23     LINK_COMMAND += -Wl,+s -Wl,+b/opt/wbem/lib
21 kumpf 1.11   endif
22              ifdef PEGASUS_DEBUG
23                LINK_COMMAND += -g
24              endif
25 mike  1.15   ifdef PEGASUS_CCOVER
26 kumpf 1.18     FULL_LIBRARIES += $(CCOVER_LIB)/libcov.a
27 mike  1.15   endif
28 mike  1.5    LINK_ARGUMENTS =
29              LINK_OUT = -o
30            endif
32 mike  1.4  ifeq ($(COMPILER),gnu)
33 kumpf 1.11   LINK_COMMAND = g++ -shared
34              LINK_ARGUMENTS =
35 mike  1.4    LINK_OUT = -o
36            endif
37 mike  1.5  
38 mike  1.12 ifeq ($(COMPILER),deccxx)
39              LINK_COMMAND = cxx -shared
40              LINK_ARGUMENTS =
41              LINK_OUT = -o
42            endif
44 mike  1.15 ifeq ($(COMPILER),ibm)
45 sage  1.21   LINK_COMMAND = c++ $(FLAGS)
46 mike  1.15   LINK_ARGUMENTS =
47              LINK_OUT = -o
48            endif
50 mike  1.5  FULL_LIB=$(LIB_DIR)/lib$(LIBRARY)$(LIB_SUFFIX)
51 mike  1.4  
52 kumpf 1.11 ## Rule for all UNIX library builds
53 mike  1.16 $(FULL_LIB): $(LIB_DIR)/target $(OBJ_DIR)/target $(OBJECTS) $(FULL_LIBRARIES) \
54 mike  1.13     $(ERROR)
55 kumpf 1.11   ifeq ($(PEGASUS_SUPPORTS_DYNLIB),yes)
56                ## To generate shared libraries which will cause dynamic
57                ## search of other shared libraries which they reference,
58                ## must specify the referenced shared libraries as "-l<name>"
59                ## DYNAMIC_LIBRARIES must be defined appropriately in the
60                ## libraries.mak file that includes this file
61                ##
63 mike    1.15 
64                  ifeq ($(PEGASUS_PLATFORM),ZOS_ZSERIES_IBM)
65                    ## z/OS needs side definition files to link executables to
66                    ## dynamic libraries, so we have to copy them into the lib_dir
67 sage    1.21 	touch $(ROOT)/src/$(DIR)/lib$(LIBRARY).x
68              	cp $(ROOT)/src/$(DIR)/lib$(LIBRARY).x $(LIB_DIR)
69 mike    1.15     endif
70 kumpf   1.11   else
72 kumpf   1.11   endif
73 mike    1.13 	$(TOUCH) $(FULL_LIB)
74 mike    1.7  	@ $(ECHO)
75 mike    1.1  
76 mike    1.3  clean-lib: $(ERROR)
77              	rm -f $(FULL_LIB)
79 mike    1.1  FILES_TO_CLEAN = $(OBJECTS) $(FULL_LIB)

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