(file) Return to config.mak CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [Pegasus] / pegasus / mak

   1 martin 1.181 #//%LICENSE////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   2 martin 1.182 #//
   3 martin 1.181 #// Licensed to The Open Group (TOG) under one or more contributor license
   4              #// agreements.  Refer to the OpenPegasusNOTICE.txt file distributed with
   5              #// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
   6              #// Each contributor licenses this file to you under the OpenPegasus Open
   7              #// Source License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the
   8              #// License.
   9 martin 1.182 #//
  10 martin 1.181 #// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
  11              #// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
  12              #// to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
  13              #// the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
  14              #// and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
  15              #// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
  16 martin 1.182 #//
  17 martin 1.181 #// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
  18              #// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  19 martin 1.182 #//
  27 martin 1.182 #//
  28 martin 1.181 #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  29 mike   1.1   ################################################################################
  30              ##
  31              ## Get external environment variables. Note that all external environment
  32              ## variables begin with "PEGASUS_".
  33              ##
  34              ################################################################################
  36 konrad.r 1.55  ifndef ROOT
  37                    ROOT =  $(subst \,/,$(PEGASUS_ROOT))
  38                endif
  40 denise.eckstein 1.61  ifdef PEGASUS_ENVVAR_FILE
  41 david.dillard   1.65      include $(PEGASUS_ENVVAR_FILE)
  42 denise.eckstein 1.61  else
  43 david.dillard   1.65      include $(ROOT)/env_var.status
  44 denise.eckstein 1.61  endif
  45 konrad.r        1.55  
  46 mike            1.2   ifdef PEGASUS_HOME
  47 david.dillard   1.65      HOME_DIR = $(subst \,/,$(PEGASUS_HOME))
  48 mike            1.1   else
  49 david.dillard   1.65      $(error PEGASUS_HOME environment variable undefined)
  50 mike            1.1   endif
  52 karl            1.18  ifdef PEGASUS_ROOT
  53                           ROOT =  $(subst \,/,$(PEGASUS_ROOT))
  54                       else
  55 david.dillard   1.65      $(error PEGASUS_ROOT environment variable undefined)
  56 karl            1.18  endif
  58 kumpf           1.21  ifdef PEGASUS_TMP
  59 david.dillard   1.65      TMP_DIR = $(subst \,/,$(PEGASUS_TMP))
  60 kumpf           1.21  else
  61 david.dillard   1.65      TMP_DIR = .
  62 kumpf           1.21  endif
  64 kumpf           1.26  ifdef PEGASUS_DISPLAYCONSUMER_DIR
  65 david.dillard   1.65      DISPLAYCONSUMER_DIR = $(subst \,/,$(PEGASUS_DISPLAYCONSUMER_DIR))
  66 kumpf           1.26  else
  67 david.dillard   1.65      DISPLAYCONSUMER_DIR = $(subst \,/,$(PEGASUS_HOME))
  68 kumpf           1.26  endif
  70 aruran.ms       1.102 ifdef PEGASUS_DEBUG
  71                            PEGASUS_USE_DEBUG_BUILD_OPTIONS = 1
  72                       endif
  74 david.dillard   1.66  PLATFORM_FILES=$(wildcard $(ROOT)/mak/platform*.mak)
  75 karl            1.78  PLATFORM_TEMP=$(subst $(ROOT)/mak/platform_,, $(PLATFORM_FILES))
  76 jim.wunderlich  1.104 VALID_PLATFORMS=$(subst .mak,  , $(PLATFORM_TEMP))
  77 mike            1.8   
  78                       ifndef PEGASUS_PLATFORM
  79 david.dillard   1.66      $(error PEGASUS_PLATFORM environment variable undefined. Please set to\
  80                               one of the following:$(VALID_PLATFORMS))
  81 mike            1.8   endif
  83 mike            1.1   ################################################################################
  84 denise.eckstein 1.116 ifeq ($(findstring _GNU, $(PEGASUS_PLATFORM)), _GNU)
  85 mike            1.118     ifdef CXX
  86                             GCC_VERSION = $(shell $(CXX) -dumpversion)
  87                           else
  88                             GCC_VERSION = $(shell g++ -dumpversion)
  89                           endif
  90 denise.eckstein 1.116 else
  91                           GCC_VERSION =
  92                       endif
  93 mike            1.1   
  94 denise.eckstein 1.143 #############################################################################
  95                       ## As a general rule, the directory structure for the object files mirrors
  96                       ## the directory structure of the source files.  E.g.,
  97                       ## $PEGASUS_HOME/obj/Pegasus/Common contains the object files for the
  98                       ## source files in $PEGASUS_ROOT/src/Pegasus/Common.  Each source-level
  99                       ## Makefile includes a DIR value that defines this common path (e.g.,
 100                       ## Pegasus/Common). In a small number of cases, source files are built
 101 kumpf           1.183 ## multiple times with difference compile options.
 102 denise.eckstein 1.143 ## To handle this situation, the ALT_OBJ_DIR variable can be used to
 103                       ## specify an alternative object directory for use in building the
 104                       ## objects defined in the Makefile.
 105                       ##
 107                       ifndef ALT_OBJ_DIR
 108 s.kodali        1.193   ifeq ($(PEGASUS_INTERNAL_ENABLE_32BIT_PROVIDER_SUPPORT),true)
 109                           OBJ_DIR = $(HOME_DIR)/obj32/$(DIR)
 110                         else
 111 denise.eckstein 1.143     OBJ_DIR = $(HOME_DIR)/obj/$(DIR)
 112 s.kodali        1.193   endif
 113 denise.eckstein 1.143 else
 114 s.kodali        1.193   ifeq ($(PEGASUS_INTERNAL_ENABLE_32BIT_PROVIDER_SUPPORT),true)
 115                           OBJ_DIR = $(HOME_DIR)/obj/$(ALT_OBJ_DIR)32
 116                         else
 117 denise.eckstein 1.143     OBJ_DIR = $(HOME_DIR)/obj/$(ALT_OBJ_DIR)
 118 s.kodali        1.193   endif
 119 denise.eckstein 1.143 endif
 121                       #############################################################################
 123 kumpf           1.157 ifdef PEGASUS_TEST_VALGRIND_LOG_DIR
 124 dmitry.mikulin  1.155     BIN_DIR = $(HOME_DIR)/bin_exe
 125                           VALGRIND_SCRIPT_BIN_DIR = $(HOME_DIR)/bin
 126                       else
 127                           BIN_DIR = $(HOME_DIR)/bin
 128                       endif
 129 s.kodali        1.193 
 130                       ifeq ($(PEGASUS_INTERNAL_ENABLE_32BIT_PROVIDER_SUPPORT),true)
 131                         LIB_DIR = $(HOME_DIR)/lib32
 132                       else
 133                         LIB_DIR = $(HOME_DIR)/lib
 134                       endif
 135 chuck           1.35  
 136                       # l10n
 137                       # define the location for the compiled messages
 138                       MSG_ROOT = $(HOME_DIR)/msg
 139 kumpf           1.22  
 140 jim.wunderlich  1.90  #############################################################################
 141 kumpf           1.140 ##  The following REPOSITORY_XXX variables are only used within the
 142                       ## makefiles for building the repository (cimmofl) and running the tests.
 143 jim.wunderlich  1.90  ## They have no effect on CIMconfig initial startup configuration.
 145                       #
 146 kumpf           1.22  # define the location for the repository
 147 jim.wunderlich  1.90  #
 148                       # NOTE: There is another variable efined in many of the test makefiles
 149                       # called REPOSITORYDIR. It is a local variable in each of those Makefiles
 150 kumpf           1.140 # to localally control where the temporay small repository they
 151 jim.wunderlich  1.90  # build, use and then delete is located. Most of the time it is set to TMP_DIR.
 152                       #
 153 jim.wunderlich  1.91  
 154 kumpf           1.22  REPOSITORY_DIR = $(HOME_DIR)
 155 jim.wunderlich  1.90  
 156                       #
 157 kumpf           1.140 # WARNING: The REPOSITORY_NAME varible is not used by all the test,
 158 jim.wunderlich  1.90  # many of them are still hardcoded to "repository".  What this means
 159 kumpf           1.140 # is that you can change the repository name and build it. But you
 160 jim.wunderlich  1.90  # cannot run the test without many of them failing
 161                       #
 162 jim.wunderlich  1.91  
 163 jim.wunderlich  1.81  REPOSITORY_NAME = repository
 164 jim.wunderlich  1.91  
 165 jim.wunderlich  1.90  
 168 kumpf           1.140 # define the repository mode
 169 h.sterling      1.89  #       XML = XML format
 170                       #       BIN = Binary format
 171 jim.wunderlich  1.81  #
 172 jim.wunderlich  1.91  ifndef PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_MODE
 173                          ## set to default value
 174                          REPOSITORY_MODE = XML
 175 kumpf           1.140 else
 176 jim.wunderlich  1.91     ## validate assigned value
 177                          ifeq ($(PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_MODE),XML)
 178                              REPOSITORY_MODE = XML
 179                          else
 180                            ifeq ($(PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_MODE),BIN)
 181                             REPOSITORY_MODE = BIN
 182                            else
 183                             $(error PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_MODE ($(PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_MODE)) \
 184                       		 is invalid. It must be set to either XML or BIN)
 185                            endif
 186                          endif
 187 jim.wunderlich  1.90  endif
 189 jim.wunderlich  1.91  
 190 jim.wunderlich  1.90  ###########################################################################
 191 mike            1.1   
 192 kumpf           1.23  # The two variables, CIM_SCHEMA_DIR and CIM_SCHEMA_VER,
 193 chip            1.76  # are used to control the version of the CIM Schema
 194 kumpf           1.23  # loaded into the Pegasus Internal, InterOp,
 195                       # root/cimv2 and various test namespaces.
 196                       #
 197 chip            1.76  # Update the following two environment variables to
 198 kumpf           1.23  # change the version.
 200 kumpf           1.37  # The environment variable PEGASUS_CIM_SCHEMA can be used
 201 chip            1.76  # to change the values of CIM_SCHEMA_DIR, CIM_SCHEMA_VER
 202 kumpf           1.37  # and ALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL.
 203                       #
 204                       # To use the PEGASUS_CIM_SCHEMA variable the Schema mof
 205                       # files must be placed in the directory
 206 denise.eckstein 1.115 # $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/Schemas/$(PEGASUS_CIM_SCHEMA)
 207 chip            1.76  #
 208 kumpf           1.37  # The value of PEGASUS_CIM_SCHEMA must conform to the
 209                       # following syntax:
 210                       #
 211                       #        CIM[Prelim]<CIM_SCHEMA_VER>
 212                       #
 213 chip            1.76  # The string "Prelim" should be included if the
 214 kumpf           1.37  # Schema contains "Experimental" class definitions.
 215                       #
 216                       # The value of <CIM_SCHEMA_VER> must be the value
 217 chip            1.76  # of the version string included by the DMTF as
 218                       # part of the mof file names (e.g, CIM_Core27.mof).
 219 kumpf           1.37  # Therefore, for example, the value of <CIM_SCHEMA_VER>
 220                       # for CIM27 Schema directories MUST be 27.
 221                       #
 222 chip            1.76  # Examples of valid values of PEGASUS_CIM_SCHEMA
 223 kumpf           1.37  # include CIMPrelim27, CIM27, CIMPrelim28, and CIM28.
 224                       #
 225                       # Note the CIMPrelim271 would NOT be a valid value
 226                       # for PEGASUS_CIM_SCHEMA because the version string
 227                       # portion of the mof files (e.g., CIM_Core27.mof) in
 228                       # the CIMPrelimin271 directory is 27 not 271.
 229 kumpf           1.23  
 230 gerarda         1.29  # ***** CIM_SCHEMA_DIR INFO ****
 231                       # If CIM_SCHEMA_DIR changes to use a preliminary schema which
 232                       # has experimentals make sure and change the path below to appopriate
 233                       # directory path.  Example:  CIMPrelim271 is preliminary and has
 234                       # experimental classes.  Since experimental classes exist the -aE
 235                       # option of the mof compiler needs to be set.
 236                       # *****
 237 kumpf           1.37  
 238 denise.eckstein 1.154 ifndef PEGASUS_CIM_SCHEMA
 239 karl       PEGASUS_CIM_SCHEMA=CIM228
 240 denise.eckstein 1.154     endif
 242                           CIM_SCHEMA_DIR=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/Schemas/$(PEGASUS_CIM_SCHEMA)
 243                           ifeq ($(findstring $(patsubst CIM%,%,$(patsubst CIMPrelim%,%,$(PEGASUS_CIM_SCHEMA))),1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 271 28),)
 244                               CIM_SCHEMA_VER=
 245 kumpf           1.37      else
 246 denise.eckstein 1.154         CIM_SCHEMA_VER=$(patsubst CIM%,%,$(patsubst CIMPrelim%,%,$(PEGASUS_CIM_SCHEMA)))
 247 kumpf           1.37      endif
 249                           ifneq (, $(findstring Prelim, $(CIM_SCHEMA_DIR)))
 250 david.dillard   1.65          ALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL = -aE
 251 gerarda         1.29      else
 252 david.dillard   1.65          ALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL =
 253 gerarda         1.29      endif
 255 bob             1.5       LEX = flex
 257 jim.wunderlich  1.94      ## ======================================================================
 258                           ##
 259 kumpf           1.140     ## PEGASUS_ENABLE_SORTED_DIFF
 260 jim.wunderlich  1.94      ## This controls if the DIFFSORT function is used rather than a simple DIFF of
 261                           ##  of the test results files to the static results file.
 262                           ##
 263                           ##   Set to "true" enables the sorted diffs of results to static results files.
 264                           ##   otherwise results in regular diffs of results to static results files.
 265 kumpf           1.140     ##   see bug 2283 for background information concerning this config variable.
 266 jim.wunderlich  1.94      ##
 267                           ##  Defaults to true.
 268                           ##
 269                           ##
 270                           ifndef PEGASUS_ENABLE_SORTED_DIFF
 271                           PEGASUS_ENABLE_SORTED_DIFF=true
 272                           endif
 274 jim.wunderlich  1.86      ## ========================================================================
 275 kumpf           1.140     ## DIFFSORT function definition
 276 jim.wunderlich  1.86      ## Here is an example using the DIFFSORT function:
 277 kumpf           1.140     ##
 278 jim.wunderlich  1.86      ## difftest: FORCE
 279 h.sterling      1.89      ##      @ test > result
 280 jim.wunderlich  1.86      ##      @ $(call DIFFSORT,result,standard_result)
 281 h.sterling      1.89      ##      @ $(ECHO) +++++ all test passed
 282 jim.wunderlich  1.86      ##
 284                           define NL
 287                           endef
 289 kumpf           1.140     ifndef FORCE_NOCASE
 291 jim.wunderlich  1.86      DIFFSORT = $(SORT) $(1) > $(1).tmp $(NL) \
 292                           $(SORT) $(2) > $(2).tmp $(NL) \
 293                           $(DIFF) $(1).tmp $(2).tmp $(NL) \
 294                           $(RM) -f $(1).tmp $(NL) \
 295                           $(RM) -f $(2).tmp $(NL)
 297 marek           1.107     else
 299                           DIFFSORT = $(SORT) -f $(1) > $(1).tmp $(NL) \
 300                           $(SORT) -f $(2) > $(2).tmp $(NL) \
 301                           $(DIFF) -i $(1).tmp $(2).tmp $(NL) \
 302                           $(RM) -f $(1).tmp $(NL) \
 303                           $(RM) -f $(2).tmp $(NL)
 305                           endif
 307                           DIFFSORTNOCASE = $(SORT) $(1) > $(1).tmp $(NL) \
 308                           $(SORT) $(2) > $(2).tmp $(NL) \
 309                           $(DIFF) -i $(1).tmp $(2).tmp $(NL) \
 310                           $(RM) -f $(1).tmp $(NL) \
 311                           $(RM) -f $(2).tmp $(NL)
 313 jim.wunderlich  1.104     #
 314                           # The following is used to define the usage message for MakeFile
 315                           #
 316                           # See the pegasus/Makfile for an exampleof its usage.
 317                           #
 318                           USAGE = @$(ECHO) " $(1)"
 320 mike            1.8       ################################################################################
 321                           ##
 322                           ## Attempt to include a platform configuration file:
 323                           ##
 324                           ################################################################################
 326 david.dillard   1.66      PLATFORM_FILE = $(ROOT)/mak/platform_$(PEGASUS_PLATFORM).mak
 327                           ifneq ($(wildcard $(PLATFORM_FILE)), )
 328                               include $(PLATFORM_FILE)
 329                           else
 330 david.dillard   1.65        $(error  PEGASUS_PLATFORM environment variable must be set to one of\
 331 david.dillard   1.66              the following:$(VALID_PLATFORMS))
 332 mike            1.8       endif
 333 karl            1.17      
 334 karl            1.36      ################################################################################
 335                           ##
 336                           ##  Set up any platform independent compile conditionals by adding them to
 337                           ##  precreated FLAGS parameter.
 338 chip            1.76      ##  Assumes that the basic flags have been setup in FLAGS.
 339 karl            1.36      ##  Assumes that compile time flags are controlled with -D CLI option.
 340                           ##
 341                           ################################################################################
 342 karl            1.17      
 343 kumpf           1.166     ############################################################################
 344 kumpf           1.183     # OpenPegasus relies on the existence of an external set of libraries to
 345 kumpf           1.166     # support localized messages.  Today, the only supported package is
 346                           # the International Components for Unicode (ICU) OSS project,
 347                           # http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu.  If PEGASUS_HAS_ICU is true,
 348                           # OpenPegasus will use the ICU library.
 349                           #
 350                           # ICU_INSTALL points to the directory containing the ICU installation.
 351                           # If set, the OpenPegasus will use this variable to locate the ICU
 352                           # include files and libraries.  If not set, the ICU libraries are expected
 353                           # to be installed in a directory that is searched by default.
 354                           #
 355                           # If PEGASUS_HAS_ICU is not set and ICU_INSTALL is set, the value of
 356                           # PEGASUS_HAS_ICU will be set to true.
 357                           ############################################################################
 359                           ifdef PEGASUS_HAS_ICU
 360                               ifneq ($(PEGASUS_HAS_ICU),true)
 361                                   ifneq ($(PEGASUS_HAS_ICU),false)
 362                                       $(error PEGASUS_HAS_ICU ($(PEGASUS_HAS_ICU)) \
 363                                           invalid, must be true or false)
 364                                   endif
 365                               endif
 366 kumpf           1.166     else
 367                               ifdef ICU_INSTALL
 368                                   PEGASUS_HAS_ICU = true
 369                               endif
 370                           endif
 372                           ifdef PEGASUS_HAS_MESSAGES
 373                               DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_HAS_MESSAGES
 375                               ifneq ($(PEGASUS_HAS_ICU),true)
 376                                   $(error Support for localized messages in OpenPegasus \
 377                                       requires PEGASUS_HAS_ICU to be true)
 378                               endif
 379                           endif
 381 s.kodali        1.188     
 382 kumpf           1.166     ifeq ($(PEGASUS_HAS_ICU),true)
 383                               DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_HAS_ICU
 385                               ##################################
 386                               ##
 387                               ## ICU_NO_UPPERCASE_ROOT if set, specifies NOT to uppercase the root
 388                               ## resource bundle, default is to uppercase the root resource bundle
 389                               ##
 390                               ##################################
 392                               ifdef ICU_NO_UPPERCASE_ROOT
 393                                   CNV_ROOT_FLAGS =
 394                               else
 395                                   CNV_ROOT_FLAGS = -u
 396                               endif
 398                               ####################################
 399                               ##
 400                               ## ICU_ROOT_BUNDLE_LANG if set, specifies the language that the root
 401                               ## resource bundle will be generated from.  Defaults to _en if not set.
 402                               ## If set, for any directory containing resource bundles, there must
 403 kumpf           1.166         ## exist a file name:  package($ICU_ROOT_BUNDLE_LANG).txt or the make
 404                               ## messages target will fail.
 405                               ##
 406                               ####################################
 408                               ifdef ICU_ROOT_BUNDLE_LANG
 409                                   MSG_ROOT_SOURCE = $(ICU_ROOT_BUNDLE_LANG)
 410                               else
 411                                   MSG_ROOT_SOURCE = _en
 412                               endif
 413 kumpf           1.168     
 414                               ifdef ICU_INSTALL
 415                                   MSG_COMPILE = $(ICU_INSTALL)/bin/genrb
 416                               else
 417                                   MSG_COMPILE = genrb
 418                               endif
 420                               MSG_FLAGS =
 421                               MSG_SOURCE_EXT = .txt
 422                               MSG_COMPILE_EXT = .res
 424                               ifeq ($(OS),linux)
 425                                   CNV_ROOT_CMD = $(BIN_DIR)/cnv2rootbundle
 426                               else
 427                                   CNV_ROOT_CMD = cnv2rootbundle
 428                               endif
 430 kumpf           1.169         # The library path option is needed on all link commands with some ICU
 431                               # builds, because internal ICU library dependencies are resolved
 432                               # dynamically.
 433 kumpf           1.168         ifdef ICU_INSTALL
 434                                   ifeq ($(OS),zos)
 435                                       # On z/OS, the -L option must appear before the -o option and
 436                                       # the object (.o) and sidedeck (.x) files in the link command.
 437                                       FLAGS += -L$(ICU_INSTALL)/lib
 438                                       PR_FLAGS += -L$(ICU_INSTALL)/lib
 439 kumpf           1.169             else
 440                                       EXTRA_LIBRARIES += -L$(ICU_INSTALL)/lib
 441                                   endif
 442                               endif
 444                               # The ICU include path and library dependencies are restricted to
 445                               # where they are specifically needed.
 446                               ifeq ($(HAS_ICU_DEPENDENCY),true)
 447                                   ifdef ICU_INSTALL
 448                                       SYS_INCLUDES += -I$(ICU_INSTALL)/include
 449                                   endif
 451                                   ifeq ($(OS),windows)
 452 kumpf           1.168                 EXTRA_LIBRARIES += \
 453 kumpf           1.169                     $(ICU_INSTALL)/lib/icuuc.lib \
 454                                           $(ICU_INSTALL)/lib/icuin.lib \
 455                                           $(ICU_INSTALL)/lib/icudt.lib
 456 kumpf           1.168             else
 457 kumpf           1.169                 ifeq ($(OS),zos)
 458                                           EXTRA_LIBRARIES += \
 459 r.kieninger     1.176                         $(ICU_INSTALL)/lib/libicui18n$(DYNLIB_SUFFIX) \
 460                                               $(ICU_INSTALL)/lib/libicuuc$(DYNLIB_SUFFIX)
 461 kumpf           1.169                 else
 462                                           EXTRA_LIBRARIES += -licuuc -licui18n
 463                                           ifeq ($(OS),linux)
 464                                               EXTRA_LIBRARIES += -licudata
 465                                           endif
 466 kumpf           1.168                 endif
 467                                   endif
 468                               endif
 469 kumpf           1.166     endif
 470 jim.wunderlich  1.97      
 471                           ################################################################################
 472                           ##
 473                           ## PEGASUS_MAX_THREADS_PER_SVC_QUEUE
 474                           ##
 475                           ## Controls the maximum number of threads allowed per message service queue.
 476                           ##     It is allowed to range between 1 and MAX_THREADS_PER_SVC_QUEUE_LIMIT
 477 kumpf           1.103     ##     as set in pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/MessageQueueService.cpp.  If the
 478                           ##     specified value is out of range, MAX_THREADS_PER_SVC_QUEUE_LIMIT is
 479                           ##     used.  The default value is MAX_THREADS_PER_SVC_QUEUE_DEFAULT, as
 480                           ##     defined in pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/MessageQueueService.cpp.
 481 jim.wunderlich  1.98      ##
 482                           ##	Label					Current value
 483                           ##	--------------------------------------  -------------
 484                           ##      MAX_THREADS_PER_SVC_QUEUE_LIMIT	        5000
 485                           ##      MAX_THREADS_PER_SVC_QUEUE_DEFAULT       5
 486 jim.wunderlich  1.97      ##
 487                           ##
 489                           ifdef PEGASUS_MAX_THREADS_PER_SVC_QUEUE
 491                           endif
 493 jim.wunderlich  1.99      ##############################################################################
 494 kumpf           1.140     ##
 495 jim.wunderlich  1.99      ## PEGASUS_INDICATIONS_Q_THRESHOLD
 496                           ##
 497                           ## Controls if indications providers are stalled if the indications
 498                           ## service queue is too large.
 499                           ##
 500 jim.wunderlich  1.100     ##      defaults to not set.
 501 jim.wunderlich  1.99      ##
 502                           ## 	It can be set to any positive value.
 503                           ##
 504 jim.wunderlich  1.100     ## If not set providers are never stalled. This implies that the
 505 jim.wunderlich  1.99      ## indications service queue may become as large as neccesary to hold all
 506                           ## the indicaitons generated.
 507                           ##
 508 jim.wunderlich  1.100     ## If set to any value then providers are stalled by forcing them to sleep
 509 jim.wunderlich  1.99      ## when they try to deliver an indication and the indications service queue
 510                           ## exceeds this value. They are resumed when the queue count falls 10 percent
 511 kumpf           1.140     ## below this value.
 512 jim.wunderlich  1.99      ##
 513                           ## Stall and resume log entries are made to inform the administrator
 514                           ## the condition has occured.
 515                           ##
 516                           ## WARNING: This also affects the Out of Process Providers (OOP Providers)
 517                           ##    The OOP Providers use two one way pipes for communication.
 518                           ##    By stalling the Provider this prevents the pipe from being read
 519                           ##    which will cause the pipe to fill up and the remote side will block.
 520                           ##    OOP Prividers mix indications and operations on these two pipes.
 521                           ##    This means the operations will also be blocked as a side effect of
 522                           ##    the indications being stalled.
 523 kumpf           1.140     ##
 524 jim.wunderlich  1.99      ##
 526                           ifdef PEGASUS_INDICATIONS_Q_THRESHOLD
 528                           endif
 530 jim.wunderlich  1.97      
 531 kumpf           1.87      # Allow PEGASUS_ASSERT statements to be disabled.
 532                           ifdef PEGASUS_NOASSERTS
 533                               DEFINES += -DNDEBUG
 534                           endif
 536 mday            1.40      # do not compile trace code. sometimes it causes problems debugging
 537                           ifdef PEGASUS_REMOVE_TRACE
 538 david.dillard   1.65          DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_REMOVE_TRACE
 539 mday            1.40      endif
 541 s.kodali        1.193     
 542                           ifdef PEGASUS_PLATFORM_FOR_32BIT_PROVIDER_SUPPORT
 543                              PLATFORM_FILE_32 = $(ROOT)/mak/platform_$(PEGASUS_PLATFORM_FOR_32BIT_PROVIDER_SUPPORT).mak
 544                              ifeq ($(wildcard $(PLATFORM_FILE_32)), )
 545                                 $(error  PEGASUS_PLATFORM_FOR_32BIT_PROVIDER_SUPPORT  environment variable must be set to one of\
 546                                   the following:$(VALID_PLATFORMS))
 547                              endif
 548                                DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_PLATFORM_FOR_32BIT_PROVIDER_SUPPORT
 549                              ifdef PEGASUS_PROVIDER_MANAGER_32BIT_LIB_DIR
 551                              endif
 552                           endif
 554 marek           1.167     # PEP 315
 555                           # Control whether compile with or without method entertexit trace code.
 556                           # A value other than 'true' or 'false' will cause a make error.
 557                           ifdef PEGASUS_REMOVE_METHODTRACE
 558                             ifeq ($(PEGASUS_REMOVE_METHODTRACE),true)
 559                               DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_REMOVE_METHODTRACE
 560                             else
 561                               ifneq ($(PEGASUS_REMOVE_METHODTRACE),false)
 562                                 $(error PEGASUS_REMOVE_METHODTRACE ($(PEGASUS_REMOVE_METHODTRACE)) invalid, must be true or false)
 563                               endif
 564                             endif
 565                           endif
 567 kumpf           1.173     # Control whether the class definitions in the repository contain elements
 568                           # propagated from superclass definitions.
 570                           ifndef PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_STORE_COMPLETE_CLASSES
 571                               PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_STORE_COMPLETE_CLASSES = false
 572                           endif
 574                           ifeq ($(PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_STORE_COMPLETE_CLASSES),true)
 576                           else
 577                               ifneq ($(PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_STORE_COMPLETE_CLASSES),false)
 578                                   $(error PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_STORE_COMPLETE_CLASSES ($(PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_STORE_COMPLETE_CLASSES)) invalid, must be true or false)
 579                               endif
 580                           endif
 582 kumpf           1.177     # SQLite repository support
 584                           ifndef PEGASUS_USE_SQLITE_REPOSITORY
 585                               PEGASUS_USE_SQLITE_REPOSITORY = false
 586                           endif
 588                           ifeq ($(PEGASUS_USE_SQLITE_REPOSITORY),true)
 589                               ifeq ($(PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_STORE_COMPLETE_CLASSES),true)
 590                                   $(error PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_STORE_COMPLETE_CLASSES may not be set to true when PEGASUS_USE_SQLITE_REPOSITORY is true)
 591                               endif
 592                               DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_USE_SQLITE_REPOSITORY
 593                           else
 594                               ifneq ($(PEGASUS_USE_SQLITE_REPOSITORY),false)
 595                                   $(error PEGASUS_USE_SQLITE_REPOSITORY ($(PEGASUS_USE_SQLITE_REPOSITORY)) invalid, must be true or false)
 596                               endif
 597                           endif
 599 chuck           1.47      # PEP 161
 600 kumpf           1.177     # Control whether utf-8 filenames are supported by the repository.
 601                           # Note: These options only apply to the file-based repository, not SQLite.
 602 chuck           1.47      ifdef PEGASUS_SUPPORT_UTF8_FILENAME
 603 david.dillard   1.65          DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_SUPPORT_UTF8_FILENAME
 604 chuck           1.47      
 605 david.dillard   1.65          # Control whether utf-8 filenames in the repository are escaped
 606                               ifdef PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_ESCAPE_UTF8
 607                                   DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_REPOSITORY_ESCAPE_UTF8
 608                               endif
 609 chuck           1.47      endif
 611 kumpf           1.49      #
 612                           # PEP 142
 613                           # The following flag need to be set to enable
 614                           # user group authorization functionality.
 615                           #
 616                           ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_USERGROUP_AUTHORIZATION
 617 david.dillard   1.65          DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_ENABLE_USERGROUP_AUTHORIZATION
 618 kumpf           1.49      endif
 620 karl            1.159     ############################################################################
 621                           #
 622                           # PEGASUS_ENABLE_CQL and PEGASUS_DISABLE_CQL
 623                           # Set to enable CQL processor in indication subscriptions and query execution
 624                           # PEGASUS_DISABLE_CQL (PEP 193) has been depracated. New use model is:
 625                           #
 626                           # Use PEGASUS_ENABLE_CQL=true  to enable  compilation of CQL functions.
 627 chuck           1.67      #
 628 karl            1.159     # Use PEGASUS_ENABLE_CQL=false to disable compilation of CQL functions.
 629 chuck           1.67      #
 630 karl            1.159     # Default is PEGASUS_ENABLE_CQL=true if not defined external to config.mak
 631                           #
 633 chuck           1.67      ifdef PEGASUS_DISABLE_CQL
 634 carson.hovey    1.160         $(error PEGASUS_DISABLE_CQL has been deprecated. Please use PEGASUS_ENABLE_CQL=[true/false])
 635 karl            1.159     endif
 637                           ifndef PEGASUS_ENABLE_CQL
 638 kumpf           1.183         # Default is true. CQL is enabled normally on all platforms unless specifically defined
 639 karl            1.159         PEGASUS_ENABLE_CQL=true
 640                           endif
 642                           ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_CQL),true)
 643                               DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_ENABLE_CQL
 644                           else
 645                               ifneq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_CQL),false)
 646                                   $(error PEGASUS_ENABLE_CQL ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_CQL)) invalid, must be true or false)
 647                               endif
 648 chuck           1.67      endif
 650 karl            1.159     ############################################################################
 651 kumpf           1.68      #
 652 kumpf           1.183     # PEGASUS_OVERRIDE_PRODUCT_ID
 653 kumpf           1.68      # PEP 186
 654                           # Allow override of product name/version/status.  A file
 655                           # pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/ProductVersion.h must exist when this
 656                           # flag is defined.
 657                           #
 658                           ifdef PEGASUS_OVERRIDE_PRODUCT_ID
 659                               DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_OVERRIDE_PRODUCT_ID
 660                           endif
 662 kumpf           1.71      #
 663 kumpf           1.106     # PEP 72
 664                           # Allow Out-of-Process Providers to be disabled by default
 665                           #
 666 jim.wunderlich  1.113     ifdef PEGASUS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_OOP
 667                             ifeq ($(PEGASUS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_OOP),true)
 668                               DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_OOP
 669 jim.wunderlich  1.111       else
 670 jim.wunderlich  1.113         ifneq ($(PEGASUS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_OOP),false)
 671                                 $(error PEGASUS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_OOP ($(PEGASUS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_OOP)) invalid, must be true or false)
 672 kumpf           1.140         endif
 673 jim.wunderlich  1.111       endif
 674 kumpf           1.106     endif
 676                           #
 677 mateus.baur     1.130     # Allow to define the default value for the Provider User Context
 678                           # property as REQUESTOR.
 679                           # If is set and true use REQUESTOR
 680                           # If is not set or false use PRIVILEGED
 681                           #
 682                           ifdef PEGASUS_DEFAULT_USERCTXT_REQUESTOR
 683                             ifeq ($(PEGASUS_DEFAULT_USERCTXT_REQUESTOR),true)
 684                               DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_DEFAULT_USERCTXT_REQUESTOR
 685                             else
 686                               ifneq ($(PEGASUS_DEFAULT_USERCTXT_REQUESTOR),false)
 687                                 $(error PEGASUS_DEFAULT_USERCTXT_REQUESTOR ($(PEGASUS_DEFAULT_USERCTXT_REQUESTOR)) invalid, must be true or false)
 688 kumpf           1.140         endif
 689 mateus.baur     1.130       endif
 690                           endif
 692                           #
 693 kumpf           1.71      # PEP 197
 694                           # Allow the Provider User Context feature to be disabled.
 695                           #
 696 kumpf           1.74      ifdef PEGASUS_DISABLE_PROV_USERCTXT
 697 kumpf           1.71          DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_DISABLE_PROV_USERCTXT
 698 kumpf           1.74      endif
 699 kumpf           1.71      
 700 h.sterling      1.89      # Bug 2147
 701                           # Allow local domain socket usage to be disabled.
 702                           ifdef PEGASUS_DISABLE_LOCAL_DOMAIN_SOCKET
 703                               DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_DISABLE_LOCAL_DOMAIN_SOCKET
 704                           endif
 706 chip            1.76      # PEP 211
 707                           # Controls object normalization support.
 708                           ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_OBJECT_NORMALIZATION
 709                               DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_ENABLE_OBJECT_NORMALIZATION
 710                           endif
 712 kumpf           1.80      # Allow ExecQuery functionality to be enabled
 713                           ifndef PEGASUS_ENABLE_EXECQUERY
 714                               DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_DISABLE_EXECQUERY
 715                           endif
 717 yi.zhou         1.85      # Allow System Log Handler to be enabled
 718                           ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_SYSTEM_LOG_HANDLER
 719                             DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_ENABLE_SYSTEM_LOG_HANDLER
 720                           endif
 722                           # Allow Email Handler to be enabled
 723                           ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_EMAIL_HANDLER
 724                             DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_ENABLE_EMAIL_HANDLER
 725                           endif
 726 kumpf           1.49      
 727 h.sterling      1.109     # Allow qualifiers to be disabled for instance operations
 728                           ifdef PEGASUS_DISABLE_INSTANCE_QUALIFIERS
 729                             DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_DISABLE_INSTANCE_QUALIFIERS
 730                           endif
 732 yi.zhou         1.108     # Controls snmp indication handler to use NET-SNMP to deliver trap
 733                           ifdef PEGASUS_USE_NET_SNMP
 734 sahana.prabhakar 1.194         DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_USE_NET_SNMP
 735                            endif
 737                            # Controls snmp indication handler to use NET-SNMP V3 features. 
 738                            ifndef PEGASUS_ENABLE_NET_SNMPV3
 739                                ifdef PEGASUS_USE_NET_SNMP
 740                                    PEGASUS_ENABLE_NET_SNMPV3=true
 741                                else
 742                                    PEGASUS_ENABLE_NET_SNMPV3=false
 743                                endif
 744                            endif
 746                            ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_NET_SNMPV3),true)
 747                                ifndef PEGASUS_USE_NET_SNMP
 748                                    $(error PEGASUS_USE_NET_SNMP should be set when PEGASUS_ENABLE_NET_SNMPV3 is true)
 749                                endif
 750                                DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_ENABLE_NET_SNMPV3
 751                            else
 752                                ifneq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_NET_SNMPV3),false)
 753                                    $(error PEGASUS_ENABLE_NET_SNMPV3 ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_NET_SNMPV3)) invalid, must be true or false)
 754                                endif
 755 yi.zhou          1.108     endif
 757 denise.eckstein  1.120     ifdef PEGASUS_HAS_SSL
 758 kumpf            1.183         DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_HAS_SSL
 759 sushma.fernandes 1.152     
 760                                # Enable SSL Random file by default.
 761                                ifndef PEGASUS_USE_SSL_RANDOMFILE
 762                                    PEGASUS_USE_SSL_RANDOMFILE = true
 763                                endif
 765                                # Allow SSL Random file functionality to be optionally disabled.
 766                                ifdef PEGASUS_USE_SSL_RANDOMFILE
 767                                    ifeq ($(PEGASUS_USE_SSL_RANDOMFILE), true)
 768                                        DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_SSL_RANDOMFILE
 769                                    else
 770                                        ifneq ($(PEGASUS_USE_SSL_RANDOMFILE), false)
 771                                            $(error PEGASUS_USE_SSL_RANDOMFILE\
 772                                                 ($(PEGASUS_USE_SSL_RANDOMFILE)) invalid, \
 773                                                  must be true or false)
 774                                        endif
 775                                    endif
 776                                endif
 777 kumpf            1.145     
 778                                ifndef OPENSSL_COMMAND
 779 denise.eckstein  1.147             ifdef OPENSSL_BIN
 780                                        OPENSSL_COMMAND = $(OPENSSL_BIN)/openssl
 781                                    else
 782                                        OPENSSL_COMMAND = openssl
 783                                    endif
 784 kumpf            1.145         endif
 785                                ifndef OPENSSL_SET_SERIAL_SUPPORTED
 786                                    ifneq (, $(findstring 0.9.6, $(shell $(OPENSSL_COMMAND) version)))
 787                                        OPENSSL_SET_SERIAL_SUPPORTED = false
 788                                    else
 789                                        OPENSSL_SET_SERIAL_SUPPORTED = true
 790                                    endif
 791 denise.eckstein  1.120         endif
 792 sushma.fernandes 1.123     
 793 kumpf            1.145         # Enable CRL verification
 794                                ifndef PEGASUS_ENABLE_SSL_CRL_VERIFICATION
 795                                    PEGASUS_ENABLE_SSL_CRL_VERIFICATION = true
 796                                endif
 797 sushma.fernandes 1.123     
 798 kumpf            1.145         # Check for Enable SSL CRL verification
 799                                ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_SSL_CRL_VERIFICATION
 800                                    ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_SSL_CRL_VERIFICATION), true)
 801                                        DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_ENABLE_SSL_CRL_VERIFICATION
 802                                    else
 803                                        ifneq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_SSL_CRL_VERIFICATION), false)
 804                                            $(error PEGASUS_ENABLE_SSL_CRL_VERIFICATION\
 805                                                 ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_SSL_CRL_VERIFICATION)) invalid, \
 806                                                  must be true or false)
 807                                        endif
 808 sushma.fernandes 1.123             endif
 809                                endif
 810                            endif
 811 denise.eckstein  1.120     
 812 jim.wunderlich   1.101     #
 813 yi.zhou          1.134     # PEP 258
 814 kumpf            1.153     # Allow Audit Logger to be disabled.  It is enabled by default.
 815 yi.zhou          1.134     #
 816 kumpf            1.153     
 817                            ifndef PEGASUS_ENABLE_AUDIT_LOGGER
 818                                PEGASUS_ENABLE_AUDIT_LOGGER = true
 819                            endif
 821                            ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_AUDIT_LOGGER
 822                                ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_AUDIT_LOGGER),true)
 823                                    DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_ENABLE_AUDIT_LOGGER
 824                                else
 825                                    ifneq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_AUDIT_LOGGER),false)
 826                                        $(error PEGASUS_ENABLE_AUDIT_LOGGER \
 827                                          ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_AUDIT_LOGGER)) invalid, must be true or false)
 828                                    endif
 829                                endif
 830                            endif
 832                            # Check for use of deprecated variable
 833 yi.zhou          1.134     ifdef PEGASUS_DISABLE_AUDIT_LOGGER
 834 kumpf            1.153         $(error The PEGASUS_DISABLE_AUDIT_LOGGER variable is deprecated. \
 835                                    Use PEGASUS_ENABLE_AUDIT_LOGGER=false instead)
 836 yi.zhou          1.134     endif
 838 dave.sudlik      1.142     
 839                            #
 840                            # PEP 291
 841                            # Enable IPv6 support
 842                            #
 843 venkat.puvvada   1.149     
 844 dave.sudlik      1.142     ifndef PEGASUS_ENABLE_IPV6
 845                                PEGASUS_ENABLE_IPV6 = true
 846                            endif
 848                            # Check for Enable IPv6 support
 849                            ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_IPV6
 850                              ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_IPV6),true)
 851                                DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_ENABLE_IPV6
 852                              else
 853                                ifneq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_IPV6),false)
 854                                  $(error PEGASUS_ENABLE_IPV6 ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_IPV6)) \
 855                                   invalid, must be true or false)
 856                                endif
 857                              endif
 858                            endif
 860 venkat.puvvada   1.149     # Verify Test IPv6 support
 861                            # If PEGASUS_ENABLE_IPV6 is defined and PEGASUS_TEST_IPV6 is not defined, we set
 862                            # PEGASUS_TEST_IPV6 to the same value as PEGASUS_ENABLE_IPV6.
 863                            # You can explicitly set PEGASUS_TEST_IPV6 to false if you don't want to run the
 864                            # IPv6 tests (for example, on an IPv4 system that is running an IPv6-enabled
 865                            # version of Pegasus).
 866                            #
 867                            ifdef PEGASUS_TEST_IPV6
 868                              ifneq ($(PEGASUS_TEST_IPV6),true)
 869                                ifneq ($(PEGASUS_TEST_IPV6),false)
 870                                  $(error PEGASUS_TEST_IPV6 ($(PEGASUS_TEST_IPV6)) \
 871                                   invalid, must be true or false)
 872                                endif
 873                              endif
 874 kumpf            1.183     else
 875 venkat.puvvada   1.150       PEGASUS_TEST_IPV6 = $(PEGASUS_ENABLE_IPV6)
 876 venkat.puvvada   1.149     endif
 878 yi.zhou          1.163     #
 879                            # PEP 322
 880                            # Allow tracking generated indications data to be disabled.  It is enabled
 881                            # by default.
 882                            #
 884                            ifndef PEGASUS_ENABLE_INDICATION_COUNT
 885                                PEGASUS_ENABLE_INDICATION_COUNT = true
 886                            endif
 888                            ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_INDICATION_COUNT
 889                                ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_INDICATION_COUNT),true)
 890                                    DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_ENABLE_INDICATION_COUNT
 891                                else
 892                                    ifneq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_INDICATION_COUNT),false)
 893                                        $(error PEGASUS_ENABLE_INDICATION_COUNT \
 894                                          ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_INDICATION_COUNT)) invalid, must be true or false)
 895                                    endif
 896                                endif
 897                            endif
 899 karl             1.151     ############################################################################
 900 yi.zhou          1.134     #
 901 jim.wunderlich   1.101     # PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP and PEGASUS_DISABLE_SLP
 902                            #
 903 karl             1.172     # PEGASUS_DISABLE_SLP has been deprecated. New use model is:
 904 jim.wunderlich   1.101     #
 905 jim.wunderlich   1.112     # Use PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP=true  to enable  compilation of SLP functions.
 906                            #
 907 kumpf            1.140     # Use PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP=false to disable compilation of SLP functions.
 908 jim.wunderlich   1.101     #
 909                            # NOTE. Effective with Bug # 2633 some platforms enable SLP.
 910 karl             1.75      # To see which platforms look for platform make files that set
 911 kumpf            1.140     # the variable PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP.
 912 jim.wunderlich   1.101     #
 913                            #
 914 jim.wunderlich   1.112     
 915 karl             1.39      ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP
 916 jim.wunderlich   1.101       ifdef PEGASUS_DISABLE_SLP
 917                                $(error Conflicting defines PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP and PEGASUS_DISABLE_SLP both set)
 918                              endif
 919 jim.wunderlich   1.112     endif
 921                            ifdef PEGASUS_DISABLE_SLP
 922                                $(error PEGASUS_DISABLE_SLP has been deprecated. Please use PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP=[true/false] )
 924                            PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP=false
 926                            endif
 928                            ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP
 929                              ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP),true)
 930 david.dillard    1.65          DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP
 931 jim.wunderlich   1.112       else
 932                                ifneq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP),false)
 933                                  $(error PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP)) invalid, must be true or false)
 934 kumpf            1.140         endif
 935 jim.wunderlich   1.112       endif
 936 karl             1.39      endif
 937 karl             1.36      
 938 jim.wunderlich   1.121     
 939                            ############################################################################
 940                            #
 941                            # PEGASUS_USE_OPENSLP
 942 karl             1.172     
 943                            ## NOTE: This variable has been deprecated and superceeded by the use of
 944 kumpf            1.183     ## PEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP. The use of this variable may be
 945 karl             1.172     ## removed from Pegasus in future releases. It is converted to the
 946                            ## PEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP variable in the following function.
 947                            ## Do not allow PEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP if PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP not set and
 948                            ## insure that PEGASUS_USE_OPENSLP and PEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP are not used
 949                            ## simultaneously
 950 jim.wunderlich   1.121     #
 951                            # Environment variable to set openslp as SLP environment to use
 952                            # for SLP Directory and User Agents.
 953                            #
 954                            # Allows enabling use of openslp interfaces for slp instead of the
 955                            # internal pegasus slp agent.  Note that this does not disable the
 956                            # compilation of the internal agent code, etc.  However, it assumes
 957                            # openslp is installed on the platform and changes the interfaces
 958 kumpf            1.183     # to match this.
 959 jim.wunderlich   1.121     #
 960                            # Use this variable in conjunction with PEGASUS_OPENSLP_HOME
 961 kumpf            1.140     # to enable OpenSlp as the slp implementation.
 962 jim.wunderlich   1.121     #
 963                            # NOTE that it has no affect if the PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP etc. flags are not set.
 964                            #
 966                            ifdef PEGASUS_USE_OPENSLP
 967 karl             1.172       ifdef PEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP
 968                                  $(error Both PEGASUS_USE_OPENSLP and PEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP defined. \
 969                                      Please use PEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP)
 970                              endif
 971                              ## if PEGASUS_USE_OPENSLP used, convert to EXTERNAL_SLP variables
 972                              ## as defined for openslp
 973 s.kodali         1.171       ifeq ($(PEGASUS_USE_OPENSLP),true)
 974                                ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP),true)
 975 s.kodali         1.190           export PEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP=openslp
 976 karl             1.172           PEGASUS_USE_OPENSLP=
 977 jim.wunderlich   1.121         else
 978 karl             1.172           $(error PEGASUS_USE_OPENSLP defined but PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP is not true. \
 979                                    Please correct this inconsistency)
 980 jim.wunderlich   1.121         endif
 981 s.kodali         1.171       else
 982                                ifneq ($(PEGASUS_USE_OPENSLP), false)
 983                                  $(error PEGASUS_USE_OPENSLP \
 984                                        ($(PEGASUS_USE_OPENSLP)) \
 985                                        invalid, must be true or false)
 986                                endif
 987                              endif
 988 jim.wunderlich   1.121     endif
 990 karl             1.172     #########################################################################
 991 dave.sudlik      1.135     # PEP 267
 992                            # SLP reregistration support.
 993                            # PEGASUS_SLP_REG_TIMEOUT is defined as the SLP registration timeout
 994                            # interval, in minutes.
 995                            ifdef PEGASUS_SLP_REG_TIMEOUT
 996                                ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP),true)
 997 karl             1.172             DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_SLP_REG_TIMEOUT=$(PEGASUS_SLP_REG_TIMEOUT)
 998 dave.sudlik      1.135          else
 999 karl             1.172             $(error PEGASUS_SLP_REG_TIMEOUT defined but PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP is not true. \
1000                                        Please correct this inconsistency)
1001 dave.sudlik      1.135          endif
1002                             endif
1003 jim.wunderlich   1.121     
1004                            ############################################################################
1005                            #
1006 karl             1.172     # PEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP
1008                            # Environment variable to set an external slp implementation as the SLP
1009                            # environment to use for SLP Directory Agents.
1011                            # This allows setting any one of several possible external SLP SAs as the
1012                            # interface for the SLP provider to communicate with in managing SLP templates
1013                            # in place of the internal SLP agent provided with Pegasus.
1014                            # Note: This does not disable the compilation of the internal agent code since
1015                            # this is used for the SLP UA defined with the pegasus client.
1016                            # Pegasus assumes that the external SLP defined is installed on the platform
1017                            # and running when pegasus is started. It changes the interfaces from the SLP
1018                            # provider to match the defined SLP implementation.
1020                            # This environment variable superceedes the use of PEGASUS_USE_OPENSLP since
1021                            # openslp is considered one of the valid external SLP environments usable by
1022                            # pegasus.
1024                            # The variable uses the value component to define a name for the external SLP
1025                            # environment that must match one of the names defined below.
1027 karl             1.172     # This variable is not allowed if the PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP flag is not set.
1029                            # Allow only predefined string values for the variable corresponding
1030                            # to external slp types that pegasus knows.
1031                            # Valid types are openslp (1) and solarisslp (2)
1032                            EXTERNAL_SLP_TYPES = openslp solarisslp
1034                            ifdef PEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP
1035                              ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP),true)
1036                                ifeq ($(PEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP),openslp)
1037                                  DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP_TYPE=1
1038                                else
1039                                  ifeq ($(PEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP),solarisslp)
1040                                     DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP_TYPE=2
1041                                  else
1042                                    $(error PEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP value ($(PEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP)) \
1043                                      invalid. It must be one of valid SLP external types \
1044                                      ($(EXTERNAL_SLP_TYPES)) )
1045                                  endif
1046                                endif
1047                              endif
1048 karl             1.172     endif
1050                            ############################################################################
1051                            #
1052 jim.wunderlich   1.121     # PEGASUS_OPENSLP_HOME
1053                            #
1054 karl             1.172     # PEGASUS_OPENSLP_HOME superceeded by PEGASUS_OPEN_EXTERNAL_SLP_HOME. If
1055                            # PEGASUS_OPENSLP_HOME is encountered it will create PEGASUS_OPEN_EXTERNAL_SLP_HOME
1056                            #
1057 jim.wunderlich   1.121     # Environment variable to set home location for OpenSLP include and library
1058 kumpf            1.140     # files if they are located somewhere other than /usr/include and /usr/lib.
1059 jim.wunderlich   1.121     #
1060                            # PEGASUS_USE_OPENSLP must also be defined for this environment variable
1061                            # to have any effect.
1062                            #
1063 kumpf            1.140     # This is the directory level within which both the include and lib
1064                            # directories holding the OpenSLP files will be found.
1065 jim.wunderlich   1.121     #
1066 kumpf            1.140     # EG: If the are located in /opt/OpenSLP/include and /opt/OpenSLP/lib
1067 jim.wunderlich   1.121     #     then this environment variable should be set to /opt/OpenSLP.
1068                            #
1070 karl             1.172     ifdef PEGASUS_OPENSLP_HOME
1071                              ifdef PEGASUS_OPEN_EXTERNAL_SLP_HOME
1072                                $(error Both PEGASUS_OPENSLP_HOME and PEGASUS_OPEN_EXTERNAL_SLP_HOME defined. \
1073                                  Please use PEGASUS_OPEN_EXTERNAL_SLP_HOME)
1074                              else
1075 s.kodali         1.190           export PEGASUS_EXTERNAL_SLP_HOME=$(PEGASUS_OPENSLP_HOME)
1076 karl             1.172        endif
1077                            endif
1078                            ############################################################################
1079                            #
1080                            # PEGASUS_EXTERNAL_SLP_HOME
1081                            #
1082                            # Environment variable to set home location for External SLP include and library
1083                            # files if they are located somewhere other than /usr/include and /usr/lib.
1084                            #
1085                            # This variable superceeds PEGASUS_OPENSLP_HOME to match the use of
1086                            # PEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP variable.
1087                            #
1088                            # PEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP must also be defined for this environment variable
1089                            # to have any effect.
1090                            #
1091                            # This is the directory level within which both the include and lib
1092                            # directories holding the OpenSLP files will be found.
1093                            #
1094                            # EG: If the are located in /opt/OpenSLP/include and /opt/OpenSLP/lib
1095                            #     then this environment variable should be set to /opt/OpenSLP.
1096                            #
1097 jim.wunderlich   1.121     
1098 karl             1.172     ############################################################################
1099 sushma.fernandes 1.114     #
1100 kumpf            1.140     # Enable this flag to allow the handshake to continue regardless of verification result
1101 sushma.fernandes 1.114     #
1102                            ifdef PEGASUS_OVERRIDE_SSL_CERT_VERIFICATION_RESULT
1104                            endif
1106 karl             1.151     ############################################################################
1107                            #
1108                            # PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER
1109                            # Enables the interop provider AND the server profile.
1110                            # initially this was activated by setting either the perfinst or slp enable
1111                            # flags.  This allows activating this function without any either perfinst or
1112                            # slp enabled.  Note that if either of these are enabled, this funtion is also
1113                            # enabled
1115                            ## if either slp or perfinst are enabled and this is false, flag error
1116                            ## This gets messy because should account for both postive and negative on
1117                            ## interop so we don't get multiples.
1119                            ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP
1120                                ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP),true)
1121                                    ifndef PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER
1122                                        PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER = true
1123                                    else
1124                                        ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER),false)
1125                                            $(error PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER)) invalid, must be true if SLP enabled)
1126                                        endif
1127 karl             1.151             endif
1128                                endif
1129                            endif
1131                            ## if PERFINST enabled, set to force interop.
1132                            ifndef PEGASUS_DISABLE_PERFINST
1133                                ifndef PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER
1134                                    PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER = true
1135                                else
1136                                    ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER),false)
1137                                        $(error PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER)) invalid, must be true if PERFINST enabled)
1138                                    endif
1139                                endif
1140                            endif
1142 venkat.puvvada   1.165     #
1143                            ## PEP 323, DMTF Indications Profile support, stage 1
1144                            #
1145                            ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_DMTF_INDICATION_PROFILE_SUPPORT
1146                                ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_DMTF_INDICATION_PROFILE_SUPPORT), true)
1147                                    ifndef PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER
1148                                        PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER = true
1149                                    else
1150                                        ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER),false)
1151                                            $(error PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER)) invalid, must be true if DMTF Indications profile support is enabled)
1152                                        endif
1153                                    endif
1155 venkat.puvvada   1.165         else
1156                                    ifneq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_DMTF_INDICATION_PROFILE_SUPPORT),false)
1157                                        $(error PEGASUS_ENABLE_DMTF_INDICATION_PROFILE_SUPPORT ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_DMTF_INDICATION_PROFILE_SUPPORT)) invalid, must be true or false)
1158                                    endif
1159                                endif
1160                            endif
1161 karl             1.151     
1162 venkat.puvvada   1.175     ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER
1163                                ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER),true)
1164                                    DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER
1165                                else
1166                                    ifneq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER),false)
1167                                        $(error PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER)) invalid, must be true or false)
1168                                    endif
1169                                endif
1170                            endif
1173 karl             1.151     ############################################################################
1174 karl             1.60      # set PEGASUS_DEBUG into the DEFINES if it exists.
1175                            # Note that this flag is the general separator between
1176                            # debug compiles and non-debug compiles and controls both
1177                            # the use of any debug options on compilers and linkers
1178                            # and general debug support that we want to be turned on in
1179 chip             1.76      # debug mode.
1180 karl             1.60      ifdef PEGASUS_DEBUG
1181 david.dillard    1.65          DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_DEBUG
1182 kumpf            1.88      
1183                                # Indications debugging options
1184                                ifdef PEGASUS_INDICATION_PERFINST
1185                                    DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_INDICATION_PERFINST
1186                                endif
1188                                ifdef PEGASUS_INDICATION_HASHTRACE
1189                                    DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_INDICATION_HASHTRACE
1190                                endif
1191 kumpf            1.131     
1192                                # Setup the conditional compile for client displays.
1193                                ifdef PEGASUS_CLIENT_TRACE_ENABLE
1194                                    DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_CLIENT_TRACE_ENABLE
1195                                endif
1196 karl             1.60      endif
1198 chuck            1.42      # compile in the experimental APIs
1199 david.dillard    1.65      DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_USE_EXPERIMENTAL_INTERFACES
1200 chuck            1.42      
1201 kumpf            1.93      # Ensure that the deprecated interfaces are defined in the Pegasus libraries.
1202                            # One may wish to disable these interfaces if binary compatibility with
1203                            # previous Pegasus releases is not required.
1204                            ifndef PEGASUS_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_INTERFACES
1205                                DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_USE_DEPRECATED_INTERFACES
1206                            endif
1208 w.white          1.57      # Set compile flag to control compilation of CIMOM statistics
1209 karl             1.73      ifdef PEGASUS_DISABLE_PERFINST
1210 marek            1.136         DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_DISABLE_PERFINST
1211 w.white          1.57      endif
1212 kumpf            1.56      
1213 karl             1.96      # Set compile flag to control compilation of SNIA Extensions
1214                            ifdef PEGASUS_SNIA_EXTENSIONS
1215 marek            1.136         DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_SNIA_EXTENSIONS
1216 karl             1.96      endif
1218 denise.eckstein  1.119     ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_CMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER
1219                                ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_CMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER), true)
1220 marek            1.136             DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_ENABLE_CMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER
1221 denise.eckstein  1.119         else
1222                                    ifneq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_CMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER), false)
1223                                        $(error PEGASUS_ENABLE_CMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER \
1224                                             ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_CMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER)) invalid, \
1225                                              must be true or false)
1226                                    endif
1227                                endif
1228                            endif
1230 mark.hamzy       1.124     ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_JMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER
1231                                ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_JMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER), true)
1232 marek            1.136             DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_ENABLE_JMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER
1233 s.kodali         1.186             ifndef PEGASUS_JAVA_CLASSPATH_DELIMITER
1234                                        PEGASUS_JAVA_CLASSPATH_DELIMITER = :
1235                                    endif
1237                                    ifndef PEGASUS_JVM
1238                                        PEGASUS_JVM = sun
1239                                    endif
1240                                    ifeq ($(PEGASUS_JVM),gcj)
1241                                        PEGASUS_JAVA_COMPILER           = gcj -C
1242                                        PEGASUS_JAVA_JAR                = fastjar
1243                                        PEGASUS_JAVA_INTERPRETER        = gij
1244                                    else
1245                                        PEGASUS_JAVA_COMPILER           = javac -target 1.4 -source 1.4
1246                                        PEGASUS_JAVA_JAR                = jar
1247                                        PEGASUS_JAVA_INTERPRETER        = java
1248                                    endif
1250 mark.hamzy       1.124         else
1251                                    ifneq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_JMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER), false)
1252                                        $(error PEGASUS_ENABLE_JMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER \
1253                                             ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_JMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER)) invalid, \
1254                                              must be true or false)
1255                                    endif
1256                                endif
1257                            endif
1259 kumpf            1.95      # Allow remote CMPI functionality to be enabled
1260                            ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_REMOTE_CMPI
1261 marek            1.136         DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_ENABLE_REMOTE_CMPI
1262 kumpf            1.95      endif
1264 kumpf            1.56      ############################################################
1265                            #
1266                            # Set any vendor-specific compile flags
1267                            #
1268                            ############################################################
1270                            ifdef PEGASUS_VENDOR_HP
1271 david.dillard    1.65          DEFINES+= -DPEGASUS_VENDOR_HP
1272 kumpf            1.56      endif
1274 chip             1.76      
1275 karl             1.17      ############################################################
1276                            #
1277                            # Set up other Make Variables that depend on platform config files
1278                            #
1279                            ############################################################
1281                            # This is temporary until we end up with a better place to
1282                            # put this variable
1283                            # Makefiles can do directory remove with
1284                            # $(RMREPOSITORY) repositoryname
1285                            #
1286                            RMREPOSITORY = $(RMDIRHIER)
1288 s.kodali         1.191     ifndef PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_CONFIG_OPTIONS
1289                               PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_CONFIG_OPTIONS=false
1290                            endif
1292                            ifeq ($(PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_CONFIG_OPTIONS),true)
1293                               DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_CONFIG_OPTIONS
1294                            else
1295                               ifneq ($(PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_CONFIG_OPTIONS),false)
1296                                  $(error PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_CONFIG_OPTIONS \
1297                                      ($(PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_CONFIG_OPTIONS)) invalid, must be true or false)
1298                               endif
1299 w.otsuka         1.62      endif
1301                            ifdef PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_DIRS
1302 marek            1.136         DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_DIRS
1303 w.otsuka         1.62      endif
1304 mday             1.27      
1305 denise.eckstein  1.110     ifdef PEGASUS_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_RELEASE_DIRS
1306 marek            1.136         DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_RELEASE_DIRS
1307 denise.eckstein  1.110     endif
1309 kumpf            1.64      # Unless otherwise specified, Pegasus libraries go in $(PEGASUS_HOME)/lib
1310                            ifndef PEGASUS_DEST_LIB_DIR
1311 david.dillard    1.65          PEGASUS_DEST_LIB_DIR = lib
1312 kumpf            1.64      endif
1313 mday             1.28      
1314 gs.keenan        1.77      ifeq ($(OS),VMS)
1315                             DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_DEST_LIB_DIR="""$(PEGASUS_DEST_LIB_DIR)"""
1316                            else
1317                             DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_DEST_LIB_DIR=\"$(PEGASUS_DEST_LIB_DIR)\"
1318                            endif
1320 w.otsuka         1.79      ################################################################################
1321                            ##
1322 mike             1.105     ## PEGASUS_CLASS_CACHE_SIZE
1323                            ##
1324                            ##     This environment variable gives the size of the class cache used by
1325                            ##     the CIM repository. When it is undefined, the size defaults to something
1326                            ##     relatively small (see src/Pegasus/Repository/CIMRepository.cpp). If
1327                            ##     defined, it gives the size of the class cache. If it is 0 , the class
1328                            ##     cache is not defined compiled in at all.
1329                            ##
1330                            ################################################################################
1332                            ifdef PEGASUS_CLASS_CACHE_SIZE
1334                            endif
1336                            ################################################################################
1337                            ##
1338 w.otsuka         1.79      ## Additional build flags passed in through environment variables.
1339                            ## These flags are added to the compile/link commands.
1340                            ##
1341                            ################################################################################
1343                            ifdef PEGASUS_EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS
1344                                EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS = $(PEGASUS_EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS)
1345                            endif
1347                            ifdef PEGASUS_EXTRA_C_FLAGS
1348                                EXTRA_C_FLAGS = $(PEGASUS_EXTRA_C_FLAGS)
1349                            endif
1351                            ifdef PEGASUS_EXTRA_LINK_FLAGS
1352                                EXTRA_LINK_FLAGS = $(PEGASUS_EXTRA_LINK_FLAGS)
1353                            endif
1355 mike             1.126     ##==============================================================================
1356                            ##
1357                            ## By definining PEGASUS_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES in the environment and STATIC
1358                            ## in the Makefile, a static library is produced rather than a shared one.
1359                            ## PEGASUS_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES should be "true" or "false".
1360                            ##
1361                            ##==============================================================================
1363                            ifdef PEGASUS_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES
1364 kumpf            1.185         ifeq ($(OS_TYPE),windows)
1365                                    $(error PEGASUS_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES is not support on windows.)
1366                                else
1367                                    ifneq ($(PEGASUS_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES),true)
1368                                        $(error PEGASUS_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES \
1369                                            ($(PEGASUS_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES)) invalid, must be true.)
1370                                    endif
1371 kumpf            1.140         endif
1372                            endif
1374                            ##==============================================================================
1375                            ##
1376                            ## PEGASUS_ENABLE_PRIVILEGE_SEPARATION
1377                            ##
1378                            ##     Enables privilege separation support (uses the executor process to
1379                            ##     perform privileged operations).
1380                            ##
1381                            ##==============================================================================
1383                            ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_PRIVILEGE_SEPARATION
1384                              ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_PRIVILEGE_SEPARATION),true)
1385                                DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_ENABLE_PRIVILEGE_SEPARATION
1386                              else
1387                                ifneq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_PRIVILEGE_SEPARATION),false)
1388                                  $(error PEGASUS_ENABLE_PRIVILEGE_SEPARATION \
1389                                    ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_PRIVILEGE_SEPARATION)) invalid, must be true or false)
1390                                endif
1391                              endif
1392 kumpf            1.140     
1393 kumpf            1.148       ## Defines the user context of the cimservermain process when privilege
1394 kumpf            1.140       ## separation is enabled.
1395 kumpf            1.148       PEGASUS_CIMSERVERMAIN_USER = cimsrvr
1397 mike             1.126     endif
1398 mark.hamzy       1.127     
1399 kumpf            1.162     
1400                            ##==============================================================================
1401                            ##
1402                            ## PEGASUS_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_WSMAN
1403                            ##
1404                            ##     Enables the WS-Management protocol in the CIM Server.
1405                            ##
1406                            ##==============================================================================
1408                            ifndef PEGASUS_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_WSMAN
1409                                PEGASUS_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_WSMAN = false
1410                            endif
1412                            ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_WSMAN),true)
1413                                DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_WSMAN
1414                            else
1415                                ifneq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_WSMAN),false)
1416                                    $(error PEGASUS_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_WSMAN ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_WSMAN)) invalid, must be true or false)
1417                                endif
1418                            endif
1420 kumpf            1.170     ##==============================================================================
1421                            ##
1422                            ## PEGASUS_PAM_AUTHENTICATION
1423                            ##
1424                            ##==============================================================================
1426                            ifdef PEGASUS_PAM_AUTHENTICATION
1427                                # Compile in the code required for PAM authentication
1428                                # and compile out the code that uses the password file.
1431                                # Link with libpam only where it is needed.
1432                                ifeq ($(HAS_PAM_DEPENDENCY),true)
1433                                    SYS_LIBS += -lpam
1434                                endif
1435                            endif
1436 kumpf            1.162     
1437 kumpf            1.140     ##==============================================================================
1438                            ##
1439                            ## PEGASUS_USE_PAM_STANDALONE_PROC
1440                            ##
1441                            ##==============================================================================
1443                            ifdef PEGASUS_USE_PAM_STANDALONE_PROC
1444                              DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_USE_PAM_STANDALONE_PROC
1445                            endif
1447                            ##==============================================================================
1448 mark.hamzy       1.127     
1449 dmitry.mikulin   1.155     # Disable client timeouts when we're doing a valgrind build
1450 kumpf            1.157     ifdef PEGASUS_TEST_VALGRIND_LOG_DIR
1452 dmitry.mikulin   1.155     endif
1454 s.kodali         1.161     ## ======================================================================
1455                            ##
1457 kumpf            1.183     ## This controls allowing the path specified in the Location property of
1458 s.kodali         1.161     ## PG_ProviderModule class.
1459                            ##
1460                            ##   Set to "true", It allows the absolute path specified in the Location property
1461                            ##   of PG_ProviderModule class. Otherwise it does not allow the absolute path.
1462                            ##   see bug 7289 for background information concerning this config variable.
1463                            ##
1465                            ifndef PEGASUS_ALLOW_ABSOLUTEPATH_IN_PROVIDERMODULE
1466                                PEGASUS_ALLOW_ABSOLUTEPATH_IN_PROVIDERMODULE=false
1467                            endif
1469                            ifdef PEGASUS_ALLOW_ABSOLUTEPATH_IN_PROVIDERMODULE
1470                              ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ALLOW_ABSOLUTEPATH_IN_PROVIDERMODULE),true)
1472                              else
1473                                ifneq ($(PEGASUS_ALLOW_ABSOLUTEPATH_IN_PROVIDERMODULE),false)
1474                                  $(error PEGASUS_ALLOW_ABSOLUTEPATH_IN_PROVIDERMODULE \
1475                                        ($(PEGASUS_ALLOW_ABSOLUTEPATH_IN_PROVIDERMODULE)) \
1476                                        invalid, must be true or false)
1477                                endif
1478                              endif
1479 s.kodali         1.161     endif
1481 mike             1.178     ##==============================================================================
1482                            ##
1483 mike             1.180     ## PEGASUS_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_BINARY
1484 mike             1.178     ##
1485 mike             1.180     ##     Enables the binary protocol between clients and cimserver. With provider
1486                            ##     agent, both requests and responses are binary. For "ordinary" clients,
1487                            ##     requests are XML and responses are binary. By default, this only affects
1488                            ##     the protocol used over local domain sockets.
1489 mike             1.178     ##
1490                            ##==============================================================================
1492 mike             1.180     ifndef PEGASUS_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_BINARY
1493                              PEGASUS_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_BINARY=false
1494 mike             1.178     endif
1496 mike             1.180     ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_BINARY),true)
1497                              DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_BINARY
1498 mike             1.178     else
1499 mike             1.180       ifneq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_BINARY),false)
1500                                $(error "PEGASUS_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_BINARY must be true or false")
1501 mike             1.178       endif
1502                            endif
1503 denise.eckstein  1.179     
1504                            ## ======================================================================
1505                            ##
1506                            ## PLATFORM_CORE_PATTERN
1507                            ## This variable describes the pattern used to search for core files.
1508                            ## If not defined, this variable will be set to core*.
1509                            ## Only wildcard characters supported by the make wildcard function
1510                            ## may be used.
1512                            ifndef PLATFORM_CORE_PATTERN
1513                                PLATFORM_CORE_PATTERN = core*
1514                            endif
1515 s.kodali         1.188     
1516                            ifdef PEGASUS_FLAVOR
1517                              ifdef PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_DIRS
1518                                ifndef PEGASUS_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_RELEASE_DIRS
1519                                  $(error "PEGASUS_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_RELEASE_DIRS must be defined when both PEGASUS_FLAVOR and PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_DIRS options are used")
1520                                endif
1521                              endif
1522                              ifneq ($(PEGASUS_FLAVOR), tog)
1523                                  DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_FLAVOR=\"$(PEGASUS_FLAVOR)\"
1524                              endif
1525                            endif
1526 s.kodali         1.192     
1527                            ifdef PEGASUS_EXTRA_PROVIDER_LIB_DIR
1528                               ifndef PEGASUS_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_RELEASE_DIRS
1529                                  $(error "PEGASUS_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_RELEASE_DIRS must be defined when PEGASUS_EXTRA_PROVIDER_LIB_DIR defined.")
1530                               endif
1532                            else
1533                               DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_EXTRA_PROVIDER_LIB_DIR=\"\"
1534                            endif
1536 marek            1.195     ################################################################################
1537                            ##
1538                            ## PEGASUS_INITIAL_THREADSTACK_SIZE
1539                            ##
1540                            ##     This environment variable sets the initial size of the stack on new threads.
1541                            ##     When it is undefined, the size defaults to something relatively small
1542                            ##     (see src/Pegasus/Common/Config.h or if overridden by platform see
1543                            ##      src/Pegasus/Common/Platform_$(PEGASUS_PLATFORM).h).
1544                            ##     Value is specified in number of bytes.
1545                            ##
1546                            ################################################################################
1548                            ifdef PEGASUS_INITIAL_THREADSTACK_SIZE
1550                            endif

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