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File: [Pegasus] / pegasus / mak / TaskMakefile (download)
Revision: 1.12, Tue Dec 2 09:00:00 2008 UTC (15 years, 7 months ago) by martin
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: RELEASE_2_9_0-FC
Changes since 1.11: +6 -6 lines
BUG#: 8123
TITLE: Update copyright/license text


Fixing trailing spaces in copyright/license text

#// Licensed to The Open Group (TOG) under one or more contributor license
#// agreements.  Refer to the OpenPegasusNOTICE.txt file distributed with
#// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
#// Each contributor licenses this file to you under the OpenPegasus Open
#// Source License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the
#// License.
#// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
#// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
#// to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
#// the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
#// and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
#// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
#// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
#// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

# ============================================================================
# File Specific coding convention
# ====================================
# There are to levels of usage statements supported within this Makefile.
# They are usage and usage_all. These are both implemented by doing a search 
# across the file for 3 or 2 consecutive # characters.
# This means all comments not to be displayed as part of these usage statements 
# must be made with a single # character.
# ============================================================================

### =========================================================================
### Makefile for managing a Pegasus source task branch 
### Refer to OpenPegasus PEP108 and PEP 248 for more information about
### OpenPegasus use of task branches and processes within OpenPegasus
### NOTE: 
###    This is a Preliminary version for testing. 
###    The Module is set to junk rather than pegasus
###    This has not been tested on Windows
## Author: Jim Wunderlich (Jim_Wunderlich@prodigy.net)
### ========================================================================
### General Guidelines:
###   Many of the rules will operate from any directory while others require
###   them to be executed at a specific directory. The commands that require a
###   a specific location will return an error if they are not executed at the 
###   appropriate directory. Here are specifics:
###     The following are directory position independent.
###        branch_create,        branch_delete,           branch_rename
###        branch_lists,         usage                    usage_all
###        defaults,             branch_diff_to_root,     branch_diff_to_trunk
###        branch_diff_unmerged_branch,
###        branch_diff_unmerged_trunk
###     The following should be executed from above the $(MODULE) directory.
###     Note that some of these commands instantiate the working copy of the 
###     branch source tree(They have a * before and after them ). 
###        * branch_checkout  *, branch_status 
###        * branch_merge_in  *, branch_merge_in_commit,  branch_merge_in_finish
###        * branch_merge_out *, branch_merge_out_commit, branch_merge_out_finish
###        * branch_migrate   *, branch_migrate_commit,   branch_migrate_finish
###     The following can be executed from anywhere within a working branch
###     source tree.
###        branch_commit,        branch_diff
###   These rules all depend on the user having already logged into CVS with 
###   appropriate user permissions.
###   These rules do not set or maintain CVS defaults. All CVS defaults should 
###   come from the user's .cvsrc file. These rules set specific options that
###   are required for the operation to be performed.
###  Branch Management Terminology:
###   branch merge out - The act of merging changes from the trunk, that have occurred
###                      since the branch was either created or last merged out
###                      into the branch.
###   branch merge in  - The act of merging changes from the branch, that have occurred
###                      since the branch was either created or last merged in, 
###                      into the trunk.
###   branch migration - The act of migrating all the changes on the branch, that have
###                      not been merged into the trunk, to another branch rooted at 
###                      the current head of the trunk.
##  Functions:
##       usage
##       usage_all
##       defaults
##       branch_list
##       branch_status
##       branch_create
##       branch_rename
##       branch_delete
##       branch_checkout
##       branch_commit
##       branch_diff_to_root
##       branch_diff_unmerged_branch
##       branch_diff_unmerged_trunk
##       branch_diff_to_trunk
##       branch_merge_in
##       branch_merge_out
##       branch_migrate
## ==========================================================================
## Tags created/maintained to manage the task branch by the rules within this Makefile
## The [BRANCH NAME] is expected to be the combination of a PEP number or 
## BUG number and functionality. For example PEPXXX_ConfigChanges or 
## BUGXXXX_ConfigChanges. The branch name should use Camel Notation and 
## should not contain dash (-) characters.
## Note that CVS further restricts this to not use any of the following
## characters enclosed within []: [$ , . : ; @].
## Branch and branch management tag naming convention
## Where:
##   TASK         - is constant to associate all tags to a TASK branch
##   BRANCH_NAME  - is the name of the branch as described above.
##   ACTION       - is the action or purpose of the tag. It is one of the following:
##                  root, branch, merged_in, merged_out, merging_in or merging_out.
##   DIRECTION    - is the direction of the ACTION relative to the LOCATION, either
##                  to or from.
##   LOCATION     - is the associated location of the tag. It is either on the trunk
##                    or branch.
##                  Note that the ACTION root does not have a DIRECTION or LOCATION 
##                    as it is always on the trunk. This also means that task branches
##                    do not support sub branches. 
##                  Note that the ACTION branch does not have a DIRECTION or LOCATION
##                    as it is the branch.
##   (1) TASK-[BRANCH NAME]-root    - tag on trunk representing the 
##                                   root of the branch.
##   (2) TASK-[BRANCH NAME]-branch  - head of the branch
##   (3) TASK-[BRANCH NAME]-merged_out_from_trunk   - The tag on the trunk which
##                        marks the place where the last merge out operation occurred.
##                        It could also be said that changes on the trunk up 
##                        to this label are contained on the branch.
##   (4) TASK-[BRANCH NAME]-merged_out_to_branch  - The tag on the branch which
##                        marks the place where the last merge out operation occurred.
##   (5) TASK-[BRANCH NAME]-merged_in_to_trunk    - The tag on the trunk which
##                        marks the place where the last merge in operation occurred.
##   (6) TASK-[BRANCH NAME]-merged_in_from_branch   - The tag on the branch which
##                        marks the place where the last merge in operation occurred.
##                        It could also be said that changes on the branch up to 
##                        this label have been merged into the trunk.
## For Example if the branch name is PEPXX_NewFunc then the following tags
## will be in use:
##     TASK-PEPXX_NewFunc-root
##     TASK-PEPXX_NewFunc-branch
##     TASK-PEPXX_NewFunc-merged_in_to_trunk
##     TASK-PEPXX_NewFunc-merged_out_from_trunk
##     TASK-PEPXX_NewFunc-merged_in_from_branch
##     TASK-PEPXX_NewFunc-merged_out_to_branch
## Consider the following diagram:
## NOTE: The numbers in these diagrams refer to the branch maintenance 
##       symbols above.
##   After task branch has been created, and changes have been made on both
##   the trunk and the branch.
##      ------------------------------------------------------HEAD
##     /
##    /
##   |
##   |
##   X--------------------------------------------------------BRANCH (2)
##   X = 1 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6
##   After task branch has been merged out once 
##   and more changes have been made on both the trunk and the branch.
##      ----Y--------------------------------------------------HEAD
##     /     \
##    /       \
##   |        _\/ 
##   |          \
##   X-----------Z---------------------------------------------BRANCH (2)
##   X = 1 = 5 = 6 
##   Y = 3
##   Z = 4
##   After task branch has been merged out several times, merged in once 
##   and more changes have been made on both the trunk and the branch.
##      ---------------------Y------------V---------------------HEAD
##     /     \       \        \         _/
##    /       \       \        \        /|
##   |        _\/     _\/      _\/     /
##   |          \       \        \    /  
##   X----------------------------Z--U--------------------------BRANCH (2)
##   X = 1
##   Y = 3
##   Z = 4
##   U = 6
##   V = 5
##   After branch has been merged out several times, merged in several times 
##   and more changes have been made on both the trunk and the branch.
##      -------------------------------------Y-----------V-------HEAD
##     /     \       \        \         _/    \        _/
##    /       \       \        \        /|     \       /|
##   |        _\/     _\/      _\/     /       _\/    /
##   |          \       \        \    /          \   /
##   X--------------------------------------------Z-U-----------BRANCH (2)
##   X = 1
##   Y = 3
##   Z = 4
##   U = 6
##   V = 5
## ==========================================================================

# ===========================================================================
# Area to specify include files
# ===========================================================================

# ===========================================================================
# Area to define commands that are platform dependent.
# If these are already set, by a file previously included, then they will not be
# set here. In either case it will be verified that the command is on the search
# path.
# ===========================================================================
# pathsearch = $(firstword $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(1),$subst :, ,$(PATH))))

pathsearch = $(firstword $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(1),$(subst :, ,$(PATH)))))

MAKE ?= make
MAKE_FULL_PATH = $(call pathsearch, $(MAKE))

CVS ?= cvs
CVS_FULL_PATH = $(call pathsearch,$(CVS))

ECHO ?= echo
ECHO_FULL_PATH = $(call pathsearch,$(ECHO))

PATCH ?= patch
PATCH_FULL_PATH = $(call pathsearch,$(PATCH))

ifeq ($(OS_TYPE),windows)
## windows 

GREP ?= find

## not windows, assume Unix

GREP ?= grep

GREP_FULL_PATH = $(call pathsearch,$(GREP))

# ===============================================================================
# Shell internal commands
# ===============================================================================
CD ?= cd

# ===============================================================================
# Area to set defaults 
# ===============================================================================

ROOT ?= $(subst \,/,$(PEGASUS_ROOT))


FILE_NAME = TaskMakefile


# BNAME and NEW_BNAME invalid characters 
DASH = -

# ===============================================================================
# The remaining defaults will be set only if they are not already set.
# ===============================================================================

MODULE_NAME ?= pegasus
## MODULE_NAME ?= junk      ## good for testing

ifeq ($(MODULE_NAME),pegasus)
BFILE ?= Makefile
# must be junk module
BFILE ?= a.cpp

# diff and rdiff support different options. 
# diff supports more options than rdiff does. 



VALID_TAGS = $(shell $(CVS) rlog $(MODULE_NAME)/$(BFILE) | $(GREP) TASK)

# ==================================================================================
# Rule definitions starts here
# ==================================================================================


# =====================
# This rule must be the first in the file so if no make command is specified then 
# the usage information will be displayed.
default: usage

# =====================
# assure that a minimum of commands exist. 
# Without ECHO and CVS essentially nothing can be done.
exists_minimum: exists_MAKE exists_CVS exists_ECHO exists_GREP

# ======================
# assure that MAKE exists
exists_MAKE: FORCE
ifeq ($(MAKE_FULL_PATH),)
	$(error ERROR: MAKE command ($(MAKE)) not found in PATH $(PATH))

# ======================
# assure that CVS exists
exists_CVS: FORCE
ifeq ($(CVS_FULL_PATH),)
	$(error ERROR: CVS command ($(CVS)) not found in PATH $(PATH))

# ======================
# assure that PATCH exists
ifeq ($(PATCH_FULL_PATH),)
	$(error ERROR: PATCH command ($(PATCH)) not found in PATH $(PATH))

# ======================
# assure that GREP exists
exists_GREP: FORCE
ifeq ($(GREP_FULL_PATH),)
	$(error ERROR: GREP command ($(GREP)) not found in PATH $(PATH))

# ======================
# assure that ECHO exists
exists_ECHO: FORCE 
ifeq ($(ECHO_FULL_PATH),)
	$(error ERROR: ECHO command ($(ECHO)) not found in PATH $(PATH))

# ======================
# assure that BNAME exists (is not null)
ifeq ($(BNAME),)
	$(error ERROR: BNAME not set, set it on the command line )

# ======================
# assure that BNAME does not contain invalid characters
valid_BNAME: exists_BNAME
ifneq ($(BNAME) ,$(subst $(DASH), X ,$(BNAME)))
	@ $(error ERROR: BNAME contains invalid ($(DASH)) characters)

# ======================
# assure that BNAME exist in cvs
exists_cvs_BNAME: exists_BNAME
ifneq (TASK-$(BNAME)-branch, $(findstring TASK-$(BNAME)-branch, $(VALID_TAGS)))
	@ $(error ERROR:  BNAME, $(BNAME), does not exists in cvs module $(MODULE_NAME))

# ======================
# assure that BNAME does not exist in cvs.
not_exists_cvs_BNAME: exists_BNAME
ifeq (TASK-$(BNAME)-branch, $(findstring TASK-$(BNAME)-branch, $(VALID_TAGS)))
	@ $(error ERROR: BNAME, $(BNAME), exists in cvs module $(MODULE_NAME))

# ======================
# assure that NEW_BNAME exists (is not null)
ifeq ($(NEW_BNAME),)
	@ $(error ERROR: NEW_BNAME not set, set is on the command line.)

# ======================
# assure that NEW_BNAME does not contain invalid characters
valid_NEW_BNAME: exists_NEW_BNAME
ifneq ($(NEW_BNAME) ,$(subst $(DASH), X ,$(NEW_BNAME)))
	@ $(error ERROR: NEW_BNAME contains invalid ($(DASH)) characters)

# ======================
# assure that NEW_BNAME exist in cvs
exists_cvs_NEW_BNAME: exists_NEW_BNAME
ifneq (TASK-$(NEW_BNAME)-branch, $(findstring TASK-$(NEW_BNAME)-branch, $(VALID_TAGS)))
	@ $(error ERROR: NEW_BNAME, $(NEW_BNAME), does not exists in cvs module $(MODULE_NAME) )

# ======================
# assure that NEW_BNAME does not exist in cvs.
not_exists_cvs_NEW_BNAME: exists_NEW_BNAME
ifeq (TASK-$(NEW_BNAME)-branch, $(findstring TASK-$(NEW_BNAME)-branch, $(VALID_TAGS)))
	@ $(error ERROR: NEW_BNAME, $(NEW_BNAME), exists in cvs module $(MODULE_NAME) )

## =====================
### Function: usage - displays usage information
##  Usage:    usage
usage: exists_GREP
	@ $(GREP) "$(USAGE_SRCH)" $(FILE)

## =====================
### Function: usage_all - displays usage information
##  Usage:    usage_all
usage_all: exists_GREP

## =====================
### Function: defaults - displays default settings
##  Usage:    defaults
defaults: exists_minimum
	@ $(ECHO) =======================================================================
	@ $(ECHO) 
	@ $(ECHO) "CVS defaults should be set within the .cvsrc file."
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) --------------------------
	@ $(ECHO) "Default External Commands used within this Makefile"
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) "CVS                = $(CVS)"
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) "PATCH              = $(PATCH)"
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) "GREP               = $(GREP)"
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) "ECHO               = $(ECHO)"
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) --------------------------
	@ $(ECHO) "Defaults used within this Makefile."
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) "FILE_PATH          = $(FILE_PATH)"
	@ $(ECHO) "FILE_NAME          = $(FILE_NAME)"
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) --------------------------
	@ $(ECHO) "Defaults used within this Makefile that can be overridden from the"
	@ $(ECHO) " command line."
	@ $(ECHO) 
	@ $(ECHO) "MODULE_NAME        = $(MODULE_NAME)"
	@ $(ECHO) "BFILE              = $(BFILE)"
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) "For example"
	@ $(ECHO) " $(MAKE) -f $(FILE_NAME) branch_checkout BNAME=PEPX_Func MODULE=module"
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) =======================================================================

## =====================
### Function: branch_list - List branches and other symbolic links
##  Usage:    branch_list [BFILE=(FILE NAME)]
##  Note:     A log is performed on a chosen file, such as the env_var.status
##            file since it has been in the trunk for a while, having most 
##            symbolic variables assigned to it, and very few revisions. 
branch_list: exists_minimum
	-$(CVS) rlog $(MODULE_NAME)/$(BFILE) | $(GREP) TASK

# =====================
### Function: branch_status - Show "branch" status
##  Usage:    branch_status [BFILE=(FILE NAME)]
##  Note:     Must be executed from the directory above $(MODULE_NAME), 
##            the top of the trunk.   
##  Note:     A log is performed on a chosen file, such as the env_var.status
##            file since it has been in the trunk for a while, having most 
##            symbolic variables assigned to it, and very few revisions. 
branch_status: exists_minimum
	$(CVS) status $(MODULE_NAME)/$(BFILE)

## =====================
### Function: branch_create - Creates branch and the tags to manage it.
##  Usage:    branch_create BNAME=(BRANCH NAME)
##  Process:
##       Create "root" tag on main branch
##       Create "branch" using the "root" tag 
##       Create a "merged_in_to_trunk" tag for later use in the merge in. 
##       Create a "merged_out_from_trunk" tag for later use in the merge out. 
##       Create a "merged_in_from_branch" tag for later use in the merge in.
##       Create a "merged_out_to_branch" tag for later use in the merge out.
branch_create: exists_minimum valid_BNAME not_exists_cvs_BNAME
	$(CVS) rtag -f TASK-$(BNAME)-root $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -b -r TASK-$(BNAME)-root TASK-$(BNAME)-branch $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -r TASK-$(BNAME)-root TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_in_to_trunk $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -r TASK-$(BNAME)-root TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_out_from_trunk $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -r TASK-$(BNAME)-branch TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_in_from_branch $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -r TASK-$(BNAME)-branch TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_out_to_branch $(MODULE_NAME)

## =====================
### Function: branch_rename - Renames existing branch and all the tags to manage it.
##  Usage:    branch_rename BNAME=(OLD NAME) NEW_BNAME=(NEW NAME)
##  Process:
##       Rename TASK-[BNAME]-root to TASK-[NEW_BNAME]-root
##       Rename TASK-[BNAME]-branch to TASK-[NEW_BNAME]-branch
##       Rename TASK-[BNAME]-merged_in_to_trunk
##           to TASK-[NEW_BNAME]-merged_in_to_trunk
##       Rename TASK-[BNAME]-merged_out_from_trunk
##           to TASK-[NEW_BNAME]-merged_out_from_trunk
##       Rename TASK-[BNAME]-merged_in_from_branch
##           to TASK-[NEW_BNAME]-merged_in_from_branch
##       Rename TASK-[BNAME]-merged_out_to_branch
##           to TASK-[NEW_BNAME]-merged_out_to_branch
##	 Delete Branch TASK-[BNAME]
branch_rename: exists_minimum exists_cvs_BNAME not_exists_cvs_NEW_BNAME valid_NEW_BNAME
ifeq ($(BNAME),$(NEW_BNAME))
	$(error ERROR: BNAME=NEW_BNAME=($(BNAME)), They must be different.)
	$(CVS) rtag -r TASK-$(BNAME)-root TASK-$(NEW_BNAME)-root $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -b -r TASK-$(BNAME)-branch TASK-$(NEW_BNAME)-branch $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -r TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_in_to_trunk TASK-$(NEW_BNAME)-merged_in_to_trunk $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -r TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_out_from_trunk TASK-$(NEW_BNAME)-merged_out_from_trunk $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -r TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_in_from_branch TASK-$(NEW_BNAME)-merged_in_from_branch $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -r TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_out_to_branch TASK-$(NEW_BNAME)-merged_out_to_branch $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(MAKE) -f $(FILE) branch_delete BNAME=$(BNAME)

## =====================
### Function: branch_delete - Delete the named branch and its management tags.
##  Usage:    branch_delete BNAME=(BRANCH NAME)
##    Process:
##       Delete "root" tag
##       Delete the "merged_in_to_trunk" tag. 
##       Delete the "merged_out_from_trunk" tag. 
##       Delete the "merged_in_from_branch" tag.
##       Delete the "merged_out_to_branch" tag.
##       Delete the "merging_in_to_trunk" tag. 
##       Delete the "merging_out_from_trunk" tag. 
##       Delete the "merging_in_from_branch" tag.
##       Delete the "merging_out_to_branch" tag.
##       Delete the branch
branch_delete: exists_minimum exists_cvs_BNAME
	$(CVS) rtag -d TASK-$(BNAME)-root $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -d TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_in_to_trunk $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -d TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_out_from_trunk $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -d TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_in_from_branch $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -d TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_out_to_branch $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -d TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_in_to_trunk $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -d TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_out_from_trunk $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -d TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_in_from_branch $(MODULE_NAME) 
	$(CVS) rtag -d TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_out_to_branch $(MODULE_NAME) 
	$(CVS) rtag -B -d TASK-$(BNAME)-branch $(MODULE_NAME)

## =====================
### Function: branch_checkout - checks out the head of the branch trunk
##  Aliases:  branch_co
##  Usage:    branch_checkout BNAME=(BRANCH NAME)
##  Note:     Must be executed from the directory where the top pegasus 
##            directory shall be placed. 
branch_co branch_checkout: exists_minimum exists_cvs_BNAME
	$(CVS) checkout -r TASK-$(BNAME)-branch $(MODULE_NAME)

## =====================
### Function: branch_commit - checks into the head of the branch trunk
##  Aliases:  branch_ci
##  Usage:    branch_ci BNAME=(BRANCH NAME) 
##  Note:     Must be executed from within a directory of a working trunk 
branch_ci branch_commit: exists_minimum
	$(CVS) commit $(MODULE_NAME)

## =====================
### Function: branch_diff - diffs current working tree to the head of the
###                         branch tree
##  Usage:    branch_diff [DIFF_OPTIONS=(OPTIONS)]
##  Note:     Must be executed from within a directory of a working tree  
branch_diff: exists_minimum

## =====================
### Function: branch_diff_to_root - diffs branch to its root
##  Usage:    branch_diff_to_root BNAME=(BRANCH NAME) [RDIFF_OPTIONS=(OPTIONS)]
branch_diff_to_root: exists_minimum exists_cvs_BNAME
	$(CVS) rdiff $(RDIFF_OPTIONS) -r TASK-$(BNAME)-root -r TASK-$(BNAME)-branch $(MODULE_NAME)

## =====================
### Function: branch_diff_to_trunk - diffs branch head to the head of the trunk
##  Usage:    branch_diff_to_trunk BNAME=(BRANCH NAME) [RDIFF_OPTIONS=(OPTIONS)]
branch_diff_to_trunk: exists_minimum exists_cvs_BNAME
	$(CVS) rdiff $(RDIFF_OPTIONS) -r TASK-$(BNAME)-branch $(MODULE_NAME)

## =====================
### Function: branch_diff_unmerged_branch - shows all changes on the 
###                                  branch since the last merge in.
##  Usage:    branch_diff_unmerged_branch BNAME=(BRANCH NAME) [RDIFF_OPTIONS=(OPTIONS)]
branch_diff_unmerged_branch: exists_minimum exists_cvs_BNAME
	$(CVS) rdiff  $(RDIFF_OPTIONS) -r TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_in_from_branch -r TASK-$(BNAME)-branch $(MODULE_NAME)

## =====================
### Function: branch_diff_unmerged_trunk - shows all changes on the 
###                                  trunk since the last merge out
##  Usage:    branch_diff_unmerged_trunk BNAME=(BRANCH NAME) [RDIFF_OPTIONS=(OPTIONS)]
branch_diff_unmerged_trunk: exists_minimum exists_cvs_BNAME
	$(CVS) rdiff  $(RDIFF_OPTIONS) -r TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_out_from_trunk $(MODULE_NAME)

## =====================
### Function: branch_merge_in - starts the two part process to merge 
###                             the changes in the branch into the trunk. 
##  Usage:    branch_merge_in BNAME=(BRANCH NAME)
##  Note:     Must be executed from the directory where the top pegasus 
##            directory shall be placed when the checkout is performed 
##            to instantiate the working copy of the trunk within which 
##            the merge will be performed.
##  Note:     You can start this process over prior to the commit by 
##            removing the working copy of the tree and starting over with
##            the branch_merge_in command.
##  Process:
##   branch_merge_in BNAME=(BRANCH NAME) 
##     - Tag main trunk with the merging_in_to_trunk tag.
##     - Tag branch with the merging_in_from_branch tag.
##     - Checkout the trunk head into a working copy of the trunk.
##          NOTE: The merging_in tag is not used because that 
##                would result in a sticky tag that will preclude the 
##                subsequent commit of the merged files. The 
##                merging_in tag is created because if any other commits
##                occur while the merge is in process they will be detected 
##                and merged on the subsequent merge_in. It is safer to 
##                do this than to risk the chance of missing a commit.
##     - Use update to merge in the branch changes since last the merge_in.
##     - Manually resolve any conflicts in the working copy of the trunk.
##   branch_merge_in_commit BNAME=(BRANCH NAME)
##     - Check in merged changes from the working copy of the trunk in.
##     - executes branch_merge_in_finish  
##   If you chose to do a manual checkin then execute branch_merge_in_finish
##   branch_merge_in_finish BNAME=(BRANCH NAME)
##     - Move the merged_in_to_trunk tag to the merging_in_to_trunk tag
##     - Move the merged_in_from_branch tag to 
##           the merging_in_from_branch tag
##     - Delete the  TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_in_to_trunk tag
##     - Delete the  TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_in_from_branch tag
branch_merge_in: exists_minimum exists_cvs_BNAME
	$(CVS) rtag -F TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_in_to_trunk $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -F -r TASK-$(BNAME)-branch TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_in_from_branch $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) checkout -P $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) update -P -d -j TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_in_from_branch -j TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_in_from_branch $(MODULE_NAME)
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) Differences from branch now merged into 
	@ $(ECHO) the local working copy of the trunk.
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) Now manually:
	@ $(ECHO)   1. Resolve any merge conflicts.
	@ $(ECHO)   2. Review differences to assure commit integrity. 
	@ $(ECHO)      That is do not check in unintended white space changes,
	@ $(ECHO)      test or debug code.
	@ $(ECHO)   3. Check for added files and directories and do a cvs add 
	@ $(ECHO)      command for them.
	@ $(ECHO)   4  Check for removed files and directories and do a 
	@ $(ECHO)      cvs remove command for them.
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) Then check in the files. Either manually or by using 
	@ $(ECHO) "  $(MAKE) -f $(FILE_NAME) branch_merge_in_ci BNAME=$(BNAME)"
	@ $(ECHO) within the $(MODULE_NAME) directory.
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) If you chose to do a manual commit then after the commit 
	@ $(ECHO) is complete then do a:
	@ $(ECHO) "  $(MAKE) -f $(FILE_NAME) branch_merge_in_finish BNAME=$(BNAME)"
	@ $(ECHO) within the $(MODULE_NAME) directory to reset the appropriate
	@ $(ECHO) branch management tags.
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) You can start this process over prior to the commit by removing
	@ $(ECHO) the working copy of the tree and then start over with
	@ $(ECHO) "  $(MAKE) -f $(FILE_NAME) branch_merge_in BNAME=$(BNAME)" 
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO)

branch_merge_in_ci branch_merge_in_commit: exists_minimum exists_cvs_BNAME
	$(CVS) commit
	@ $(ECHO) 
	@ $(ECHO) Check in of merged files from branch into trunk complete.
	@ $(ECHO)
	$(MAKE) -f $(FILE) branch_merge_in_finish BNAME=$(BNAME)

branch_merge_in_finish: exists_minimum exists_cvs_BNAME
	$(CVS) rtag -F -r TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_in_to_trunk TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_in_to_trunk $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -F -r TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_in_from_branch TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_in_from_branch $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -d TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_in_to_trunk $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -d TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_in_from_branch $(MODULE_NAME)
	@ $(ECHO) 
	@ $(ECHO) Branch Management tags have now been updated to reflect the new branch status.
	@ $(ECHO)

## =====================
### Function: branch_merge_out - starts the two part process to merge 
###                             the changes in the trunk into the branch. 
##  Usage:    branch_merge_out BNAME=(BRANCH NAME)
##  Note:     Must be executed from the directory where the top pegasus 
##            directory shall be placed when the checkout is performed 
##            to instantiate the working copy of the trunk within which 
##            the merge will be performed 
##  Note:     You can start this process over prior to the commit by 
##            removing the working copy of the tree and starting over with
##            the branch_merge_out command.
##  Process:
##   branch_merge_out BNAME=(BRANCH NAME)
##     - Tag main trunk with the merging_out_from_trunk tag.
##     - Tag branch with the merging_out_to_branch tag.
##     - Checkout the trunk head into a working copy of the trunk.
##          NOTE: The merging_out tag is not used because that 
##                would result in a Sticky tag that will preclude the 
##                subsequent commit of the merged files. The 
##                merging_out tag is created because if any other commits
##                occur while the merge is in process they will be detected 
##                and merged on the subsequent merge_out. It is safer to 
##                do this than to risk the chance of missing a commit.
##     - Use update to merge in the trunk changes since last the merge_out.
##     - Manually resolve any conflicts in the working copy of the branch.
##   branch_merge_out_commit BNAME=(BRANCH NAME)    
##     - Check in merged changes from the working copy of the branch in.
##     - executes branch_merge_out_finish  
##   If you chose to do a manual checkin then execute branch_merge_out_finish
##   branch_merge_out_finish BNAME=(BRANCH NAME)
##     - Move the merged_out_from_trunk tag to the merging_out_from_trunk tag
##     - Move the merged_out_to_branch tag to
##           the merging_out_to_branch tag
##     - Delete the  TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_out_from_trunk tag
##     - Delete the  TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_out_to_branch tag
branch_merge_out: exists_minimum exists_cvs_BNAME
	$(CVS) rtag -F TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_out_from_trunk $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -F -r TASK-$(BNAME)-branch TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_out_to_branch $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) checkout -P -r TASK-$(BNAME)-branch $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) update -P -d -j TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_out_from_trunk -j TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_out_from_trunk
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) Differences from trunk now merged into 
	@ $(ECHO) the local working copy of the branch.
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) Now manually:
	@ $(ECHO)   1. Resolve any merge conflicts.
	@ $(ECHO)   2. Check for added files and directories and do a cvs add 
	@ $(ECHO)      command for them. 
	@ $(ECHO)   3  Check for removed files and directories and do a 
	@ $(ECHO)      cvs remove command for them.
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) Then check in the files. Either manually or by using
	@ $(ECHO) "  $(MAKE) -f $(FILE_NAME) branch_merge_out_ci BNAME=$(BNAME)"
	@ $(ECHO) within the $(MODULE_NAME) directory.
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) If you chose to do a manual commit then after the commit 
	@ $(ECHO) is complete do a:
	@ $(ECHO) "  $(MAKE) -f $(FILE_NAME) branch_merge_out_finish BNAME=$(BNAME)"
	@ $(ECHO) within the $(MODULE_NAME) directory to reset the appropriate
	@ $(ECHO) branch management tags.
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) You can start this process over prior to the commit by removing
	@ $(ECHO) the working copy of the tree and then start over with
	@ $(ECHO) "  $(MAKE) -f $(FILE_NAME) branch_merge_out BNAME=$(BNAME)" 
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO)

branch_merge_out_ci branch_merge_out_commit: exists_minimum exists_cvs_BNAME
	$(CVS) commit
	@ $(ECHO) 
	@ $(ECHO) Check in of merged files from trunk into branch is complete.
	@ $(ECHO)
	$(MAKE) -f $(FILE) branch_merge_out_finish BNAME=$(BNAME)

branch_merge_out_finish: exists_minimum exists_cvs_BNAME
	$(CVS) rtag -F -r TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_out_from_trunk TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_out_from_trunk $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -F -r TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_out_to_branch TASK-$(BNAME)-merged_out_to_branch $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -d TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_out_from_trunk $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(CVS) rtag -d TASK-$(BNAME)-merging_out_to_branch $(MODULE_NAME)
	@ $(ECHO) 
	@ $(ECHO) Branch Management tags have now been updated to reflect the new branch status.
	@ $(ECHO)

## =====================
### Function: branch_migrate - starts the process to migrate the 
###                                    branch to the HEAD of the trunk. 
##  Usage:    branch_migrate BNAME=(BRANCH NAME)
##  Note:     Must be executed from the directory where the top pegasus 
##            directory shall be placed when the checkout is performed 
##            to instantiate the working copy of the trunk within which 
##            the merge will be performed.
##  Note:     You can start this process over prior to the commit by 
##            removing the working copy of the tree and doing a 
##            "branch_delete (BNAME)_new" and then starting over with
##            the branch_migrate command.
##  Process:
##   branch_migrate BNAME=(BRANCH NAME)
##     - get diffs of unmerged_changes_branch into a local patch_diff file.
##     - create the new branch to migrate to.
##     - Checkout the new branch
##     - Apply the patch_diff file to the working trunk
##     - Manually resolve any merge conflicts in the working trunk.
##   branch_migrate_commit BNAME=(BRANCH NAME)
##     - Commit the changes into the new branch
##   branch_migrate_finish BNAME=(BRANCH NAME)
##     - Remove the old branch.
##     - Rename all branch tags
##  OR
##   branch_rename BNAME=(BRANCH_NAME)_new  NEW_BNAME=(BRANCH NAME)_X
branch_migrate: exists_minimum exists_cvs_BNAME
	$(MAKE) -f $(FILE) branch_diff_unmerged_branch BNAME=$(BNAME) 1>branch_migrate_diffs
	$(MAKE) -f $(FILE) branch_create BNAME=$(BNAME)_new
	$(CVS) checkout -P -r TASK-$(BNAME)_new-branch $(MODULE_NAME)
	$(PATCH) -b -p0 --global-reject-file=global-reject-patch-file < branch_migrate_diffs
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) Differences from previous branch are now merged into 
	@ $(ECHO) the local working copy of the new branch.
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) Now manually:
	@ $(ECHO)   1. Resolve any merge conflicts. 
	@ $(ECHO)      Check the global-patch-reject file in this directory.
	@ $(ECHO)      If it does not exist then there were no patch errors.
	@ $(ECHO)   2. Check for added files and directories and do a cvs add 
	@ $(ECHO)      command for them prior to the commit.. 
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) Then check in the files. Either manually or by using 
	@ $(ECHO) "  $(MAKE) -f $(FILE_NAME) branch_migrate_ci BNAME=$(BNAME)"
	@ $(ECHO) within the $(MODULE_NAME) directory.
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) After the commit is complete do either one of the following
	@ $(ECHO) dependent on whether you want the previous branch deleted or saved.
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) This will delete the previous branch and move the branch management.
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) "  $(MAKE) -f $(FILE_NAME) branch_migrate_finish BNAME=$(BNAME)"
	@ $(ECHO) within the $(MODULE_NAME) directory to reset the appropriate
	@ $(ECHO) branch management tags.
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) This will rename the branch just migrated to keeping the old branch.
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) "  $(MAKE) -f $(FILE_NAME) branch_rename BNAME=$(BNAME)_new NEW_BNAME=$(BNAME)_(VER)" 
	@ $(ECHO) 
	@ $(ECHO) You can start this process over prior to the commit by removing
	@ $(ECHO) the working copy of the tree and then deleting the new branch this
	@ $(ECHO) process created with
	@ $(ECHO) "  $(MAKE) -f $(FILE_NAME) branch_delete BNAME=$(BNAME)_new"
	@ $(ECHO) and then start over with
	@ $(ECHO) "  $(MAKE) -f $(FILE_NAME) branch_migrate BNAME=$(BNAME)" 
	@ $(ECHO) 
	@ $(ECHO)

branch_migrate_ci branch_migrate_commit: exists_minimum exists_cvs_BNAME
	$(CVS) commit
	@ $(ECHO) 
	@ $(ECHO) Check in of merged files from previous branch into 
	@ $(ECHO) new branch is complete.
	@ $(ECHO)
	$(CD) ..
	$(MAKE) -f $(FILE) branch_diff_to_root BNAME=$(BNAME) > diff_to_root_$(BNAME)
	$(MAKE) -f $(FILE) branch_diff_to_root BNAME=$(BNAME)_new > diff_to_root_$(BNAME)_new
	@ $(ECHO) Do a 
	@ $(ECHO) "  diff diff_to_root_$(BNAME) diff_to_root_$(BNAME)_new"
	@ $(ECHO) to verify TASK-$(BNAME)_new has all the changes.
	@ $(ECHO)
	@ $(ECHO) Then do a
	@ $(ECHO) "  $(MAKE) -f $(FILE_NAME) branch_migrate_finish BNAME=$(BNAME)"
	@ $(ECHO) which will remove TASK-$(BNAME), the old branch, and then rename TASK-$(BNAME)_new to TASK-$(BNAME)
	@ $(ECHO) Alternatively you can keep the old branch around for a while and just 
	@ $(ECHO) rename the new branch by doing a 
	@ $(ECHO) "  $(MAKE) -f $(FILE_NAME) branch_rename BNAME=$(BNAME)_new NEW_BNAME=($BNAME)_X"
	@ $(ECHO) where X is something you chose to identify the new branch.

branch_migrate_finish: exists_minimum exists_cvs_BNAME
	$(MAKE) -f $(FILE) branch_delete BNAME=$(BNAME)
	$(MAKE) -f $(FILE) branch_rename BNAME=$(BNAME)_new NEW_BNAME=$(BNAME)
	@ $(ECHO) 
	@ $(ECHO) Branch Management tags have now been updated to reflect the new branch status.
	@ $(ECHO)

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