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  1 karl  1.1 #!/bin/bash
  2           ###########################################################################
  3           ##
  4           ## createschema script to create CIM Schema "interface" files:
  5           ##
  6           ## This script was used starting when CIM Schema Version 2.11 was
  7           ## installed because the new DMTF distribution is different that
  8 kumpf 1.2 ## the file structure used by the Pegasus repository build functions.
  9           ## It is not intended for general use. It is available here as
 10           ## further documentation of the CIM Schema install process and for
 11 karl  1.1 ## future reference when new CIM Schema versions are installed.
 12           ##
 13 kumpf 1.2 ## This bash shell script file creates "interface" files for the new
 14           ## DMTF CIM Schema Version 2.11 and later to make them compatible with the
 15 karl  1.1 ## OpenPegasus build enviroment that has been used for previous versions.
 16           ##
 17 marek 1.3 ## Pegasus depends on a particular file structure for the schema to
 18           ## build the CIM schemas that are compiled in the build and test
 19           ## scripts.
 20           ## The characteristics are:
 21           ##   Directory for each schema normally named CIM<schema ver> where the
 22           ##      schema ver is the version of the schema without the period separators
 23           ##      thus CIM 222 represents CIM 2.22.0 and CIM2221 represents CIM 2.22.1
 24           ##   mof files in this directory for the major components of CIM as shown
 25           ##      below including Event, Core, etc.  These are built by this script for
 26           ##      each new version of CIM Schema installed
 27           ##   Subdirectory named DMTF where the released DMTF mof is unzipped and
 28           ##      maintained.
 29           ## The following files are needed by Pegasus and will each include the 
 30           ## appropriate DMTF files.
 31 karl  1.1 ## In Schemas/CIMxxx where xxx is the schema directory
 32           ##      CIM_Schema.mof
 33           ##      CIM_Event.mof
 34           ##      CIM_Core.mof
 35           ##      Core_Qualifiers.mof
 36           ##      CIM_Interop.mof
 37           ##
 38           ##      CIM_Physical.mof
 39           ##      CIM_Schema.mof
 40           ##
 41           ## The original DMTF CIM schema files are installed in Schemas/CIMxxx/DMTF
 42           ##
 43           ## To use this script:
 44           ##    1. Download the CIM schema MOF zip file from the DMTF web site
 45           ##    2. Insure that $PEGASUS_ROOT is set
 46           ##    3. run the script with the following options
 47           ##        a.  parameter 1 the schema version (ex. 214)
 48 marek 1.3 ##        b.  parameter 2 is the location/name of the downloaded zip file.
 49           ##        c.  parameter 3 is the name of the top level schema file without
 50           ##            the extension (.mof)
 51           ##            The 2nd and 3rd parameters implemented because somewhere between
 52           ##            2.17 and 2.22 the zip file name AND the schema mof name
 53           ##            changed to a more complex naming. The schema zipfile name
 54           ##            became something like cim_schem_2.22.0Final-MOFS.zip and
 55           ##            the schema top level mof file became something like
 56           ##            cim_schema_2.22.0.zip 
 57 karl  1.1 ##
 58           ##   NOTE: If the Schema directory already exists the user is offered
 59           ##         the option to replace the enitre directory.
 60           ##
 62           ##   1. Intended for use with FINAL mof files.  It does not make any
 63           ##      provisions for the experimental mof.
 64           ##   2. This is a bash script and intended to be used only on systems
 65           ##      with the bash shell.
 66           ##   3. Does not test to determne if the input schema version is valid
 67 marek 1.3 ##   4. Two manual updates need to be made in the generated OpenPegasus mofs,
 68           ##      since version 2.22 of the DMTF CIM Schema after running this script.
 69           ##
 70           ##          In CIM_Core.mof add the line:
 71           ##          #pragma include ("DMTF/Interop/CIM_Error.mof")
 72           ##          at the top of all other includes.
 73           ##          In CIM_System.mof add the line:
 74           ##          #pragma include ("DMTF/User/CIM_Credential.mof")
 75           ##          before the include of "DMTF/System/CIM_BIOSService.mof"
 76           ##         
 77 karl  1.1 ##########################################################################
 79           ##########################################################################
 80           ##
 82           ##
 83           ##########################################################################
 85           function usage {
 86 marek 1.3     echo $0
 87               printf "\nUsage: <cim version> <DMTF CIM mof file> <schema file name>\n" >&2
 88               printf " where:\n" >&2
 89               printf "    cim version - version of cim to be used as directory name\n" >&2
 90               printf "                  without separators ( ex. 222 or 221 )\n" >&2
 91               printf "    DMTF mof file-The file name and location of the zip file\n" >&2
 92               printf "                  containing the mof files as downloaded from\n"  >&2
 93               printf "                  DMTF.\n" >&2
 94               printf "    schema file name - The base name of the top level file from\n"  >&2
 95               printf "                  the DMTF zip file that contains the includes\n"  >&2 
 96               printf "                  for all theother mof files\n"  >&2
 97               printf "    Example: %s 222 ~/Desktop/cim_schema_2.22.0Final-MOFs.zip cim_schema_2.22.0\n" >&2
 98 karl  1.1 }
100           ## INSERT_LICENSE ()
101           ## Insert the current Pegasus License into a new file
102           ## used for the new files we create to link the schema
103           ## This function creates the file.
104           ##
105           function INSERT_LICENSE {
106               FILE=$1 ;
107               cat "${PEGASUS_ROOT}/doc/license.txt" > ${FILE} ;
108           }
110           ## INSERT_BLANK_LINE ()
111           ## $1 filename w/o extensions
112           function INSERT_BLANK_LINE {
113               FILE=$1 ;
114               echo " " >> ${FILE}.mof ;
115           }
117           ## INSERT_LINE ()
118           ## Parameter 1 File to target w/o extension
119 karl  1.1 ## Parameter 2 Text for line to insert
120           ##
121           function INSERT_LINE {
122               FILE=$1 ;
123               echo "$2" >> ${FILE}.mof ;
124           }
127           ##
128 kumpf 1.2 ## copy all include lines for this file from $CIMSCHEMAVERSION.mof
129           ## changing them to add the DMTF directory.
130 karl  1.1 ##
131 kumpf 1.2 ## IE: The following line for the CIM_Core.mof file
132 karl  1.1 ##
133           ##    #pragma include ("Core\CIM_ManagedElement.mof")
134           ##
135           ##     gets changed to the following:
136           ##
137           ##    #pragma include ("DMTF/Core\CIM_ManagedElement.mof")
138           ## Parameters
139 kumpf 1.2 ##  $1   CIM version number for DMTF schema File to grep
140 karl  1.1 ##  $2   Output to build w/o extension
141           ##
142           function INSERT_EXTRACTED_INCLUDES
143           {
144               FILE=$1 ;
145               NAME=$2 ;
147 marek 1.3     grep "(\"${NAME}" DMTF/${SCHEMA_FILE_NAME}.mof | \
148 karl  1.1         sed 's/include ("/include ("DMTF\//' >> ${FILE}.mof ;
149               return 0 ;
150           }
152 kumpf 1.2 ## CREATE_MOF_FILE
153 karl  1.1 ## Creates the new mof file with name and filename
154           ## and inserts license and descriptive material
155           ## $1 = Name for mof file to create (without extension)
156           function CREATE_MOF_FILE {
157               NAME=$1 ;
158               FILE=${NAME}.mof
159               local TODAY=$(date '+%m/%d/%Y')
160               INSERT_LICENSE ${FILE}
161               echo "// ====================================================" >> ${FILE}
162               echo "// Title      : ${NAME} MOF" >> ${FILE}
163               echo "// Filename   : ${NAME}.mof" >> ${FILE}
164 marek 1.3     echo "// Version    : CIM ${CIM_SCHEMA_VER}" >> ${FILE}
165 karl  1.1     echo "// Date       : ${TODAY}" >> ${FILE}
166               echo "// Description: This file was created by The OpenPegasus Group to" \
167                    >> ${FILE}
168               echo "//              create DMTF CIM Schema Version ${CIM_SCHEMA_VER} " \
169                    >> ${FILE}
170               echo "//              interface filesfiles compatible with OpenPegasus " \
171                    >> ${FILE}
172               echo "//              build enviroment." >> ${FILE}
173               echo "//" >> ${FILE}
174               echo "//=====================================================" >> ${FILE}
176 kumpf 1.2 INSERT_BLANK_LINE ${NAME} ;
177 karl  1.1 }
179           ## Let user make choice.
180           ## called like: chice <prompt>
181           ## Returns: global variable choice with y / n or answer
182           function choice {
183               CHOICE=''
184               local prompt="$*"
185               local answer
186 kumpf 1.2 
187 karl  1.1     read -p "$prompt" answer
188               case "$answer" in
189                   [yY1] ) CHOICE='y';;
190                   [nN0] ) CHOICE='n';;
191                   *     ) CHOICE="$answer";;
192               esac
193           }  # end of choice function
195           #######################################################################
196           ##
197           ## Execute the script
198           ##
199           #######################################################################
202           #######################################################################
203           ## Test and setup variables for this create
204           ## $1 - CIM Schema version to create in the #PEGASUS_ROOT/Schemas
205           ##      directory (ex. 214)
206           ## $2 - Name of the DMTF CIM release zip file to install.
207 marek 1.3 ## $3 - Name of the DMTF top level Schema file being installed. This file
208           ##      will appear in the DMTF directory when the release mof file
209           ##      is installed.  This is the name only without file name extension.
210           if (( $# < 3 )); then
211 karl  1.1     usage
212               exit 1
213           fi
215           CIM_SCHEMA_VER=${1:?"Error. CIM Version parameter required ex. 214"}
216 marek 1.3 ZIP_FILE=${2:?"Error. Name of CIM MOF zip file required"}
217           SCHEMA_FILE_NAME=${3:?"Error. Name on Top Level Schema file required"}
218 karl  1.1 
220 marek 1.3 if [ ! -d "$PEGASUS_ROOT" ]; then
221               echo "PEGASUS_ROOT required to execute this script"
222               echo 1
223           fi
224 karl  1.1 
225           ## confirm that the zip file exists. Error if not
226           if [ !  -e "$ZIP_FILE" ]; then
227               echo "The input MOF ZIP file $ZIP_FILE does not exist."
228               exit 1
229           fi
231           ## Check with user to be sure input was correct
232           choice "Create ${SCHEMA_DIR} from input file ${ZIP_FILE} [y/n]?"
233           if [ "$CHOICE" != "y" ]; then
234               echo "Terminating because user elected not to continue."
235               exit 1
236           fi
238           ## if the schema directory exists, ask if we want to redo it.
239           ## Deletes the DMTF subdirectory and mof in the SCHEMA_DIR
240           if [ -a $SCHEMA_DIR ]; then
241               echo Schema directory $SCHEMA_DIR already exists.
242               choice "Replace existing Directory ${SCHEMA_DIR} [y/n]?"
243               if [ "$CHOICE" = "y" ]; then
244                   rm -rf "$SCHEMA_DIR"
245 karl  1.1     else
246                   echo Terminating without changing Directory $SCHEMA_DIR MOF.
247                   exit 1
248 kumpf 1.2     fi
249 karl  1.1 fi
251 kumpf 1.2 mkdir "$SCHEMA_DIR" || { echo Unable to create $SCHEMA_DIR ; exit 4; }
252 karl  1.1 cd $SCHEMA_DIR
254           ## Create DMTF directory and unzip the CIM release into this directory
255           mkdir DMTF
257 marek 1.3 ## Put the original fileName into a file as a reference in the directory
258           echo "Source File: ${ZIP_FILE##*/}" >DMTFSchemaInfo.txt
259 karl  1.1 
260           ## unzip because DMTF files zipped with pkzip or equivalent
261           unzip $ZIP_FILE -d DMTF
262 kumpf 1.2 
263 marek 1.3 ## confirm that the zip file exists. Error if not
264           if [ !  -e "DMTF/$SCHEMA_FILE_NAME.mof" ]; then
265               echo "The schema mof file $SCHEMA_FILE_NAME.mof does not exist."
266               exit 1
267           fi
269 karl  1.1 ##########################################################################
270           ##
271           ## Create the mof files
272           ##
273           ##########################################################################
275           #### create  Core_Qualifiers.mof
276           CREATE_MOF_FILE Core_Qualifiers
277           INSERT_LINE Core_Qualifiers "#pragma include (\"DMTF/qualifiers.mof\")"
278           INSERT_LINE Core_Qualifiers "#pragma include (\"DMTF/qualifiers_optional.mof\")"
279           INSERT_BLANK_LINE Core_Qualifiers ;
281           #### create CIM_Schema.mof
282           CREATE_MOF_FILE CIM_Schema
283 marek 1.3 INSERT_LINE CIM_Schema "#pragma include (\"DMTF/$SCHEMA_FILE_NAME.mof\")"
284 karl  1.1 INSERT_BLANK_LINE CIM_Schema ;
286           #### create CIM_Core.mof
287           CREATE_MOF_FILE CIM_Core
288           INSERT_LINE CIM_Core  "#pragma include (\"DMTF/qualifiers.mof\")" ;
289           INSERT_LINE CIM_Core "#pragma include (\"DMTF/qualifiers_optional.mof\")"
290           INSERT_BLANK_LINE CIM_Core ;
292           INSERT_BLANK_LINE CIM_Core ;
295           #### create CIM_Event.mof
296           CREATE_MOF_FILE CIM_Event
297           INSERT_EXTRACTED_INCLUDES CIM_Event Event ;
298           INSERT_BLANK_LINE CIM_Event ;
301           #### create CIM_Interop.mof
302           CREATE_MOF_FILE CIM_Interop
303           INSERT_EXTRACTED_INCLUDES CIM_Interop Interop ;
304           INSERT_BLANK_LINE CIM_Interop ;
305 karl  1.1 
306           ############################################################
307           #### The following are required for the make testrepository
309           #### create CIM_Physical.mof
310           CREATE_MOF_FILE CIM_Physical
311           INSERT_EXTRACTED_INCLUDES CIM_Physical Physical ;
312           INSERT_BLANK_LINE CIM_Physical ;
315           #### create CIM_System.mof
316           CREATE_MOF_FILE CIM_System
317           INSERT_EXTRACTED_INCLUDES CIM_System System ;
318           INSERT_BLANK_LINE CIM_System ;

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