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File: [Pegasus] / pegasus / mak / BuildMakefile (download)
Revision: 1.39, Tue Feb 15 22:42:34 2005 UTC (19 years, 4 months ago) by kumpf
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: PEP214ROOT, PEP214BRANCH, PEP214-root, PEP214-branch, PEP-214B-root
Changes since 1.38: +10 -39 lines
BUG#: 2713
TITLE: Duplication in Makefiles

DESCRIPTION: Completed consolidation of BuildMakefile and TestMakefile.

## Makefile for managing a Pegasus source tree
## NOTE: This Makefile should be executed from the parent directory of the
## pegasus directory because it may remove and recheckout the pegasus source
## tree.
## Options:
##      cleanbuild - Remove the existing pegasus directory, perform a CVS
##                   checkout of the pegasus source, build, and run tests. 
##      removeall  - Remove the existing pegasus directory.
##      checkout   - Perform a CVS checkout of the pegasus source.
##      recheckout - Remove the existing pegasus directory and perform a CVS
##                   checkout of the pegasus source.
## All pegasus/TestMakefile options are also supported by this Makefile.

include $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile

  CVS = socksify cvs
  CVS = cvs

cleanbuild: recheckout all tests

recheckout: removeall checkout


	$(CVS) checkout -P pegasus

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