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 1 mike  1.2 ###############################################################################
 2           ##
 3           ## Makefile for Pegasus CIMOM
 4           ##
 5 kumpf 1.37 ## NOTE: This Makefile should be executed from the parent directory of the
 6            ## pegasus directory because it may remove and recheckout the pegasus source
 7            ## tree.
 8 mike  1.2  ##
 9            ## Options:
10            ##      cleanbuild - Removes the existing pegasus directory contents, performs
11            ##                   checkout, build and runs tests. 
12            ##      rebuild    - Rebuild and execute tests.
13            ## 
14            ###############################################################################
16 kumpf 1.37 error: 
17            	@ echo "Specify desired makefile option (i.e., cleanbuild, rebuild)"
19 kumpf 1.31 include $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/mak/config.mak
20 kumpf 1.34 include $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/mak/commands.mak
21 kumpf 1.14 
22 kumpf 1.12 ifeq ($(DYNAMIC_SOCKSIFY),TRUE)
23              CVS = socksify cvs
24            else
25              CVS = cvs
26            endif
28 kumpf 1.37 cleanbuild: recheckout all tests
29 mike  1.2  
30            recheckout: removeall checkout
32            removeall:
35            checkout:
36 kumpf 1.36 	$(CVS) checkout -P pegasus
37 david.eger 1.24 
38 kumpf      1.38 rebuild:
39                 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile rebuild
40 mike       1.2  
41 kumpf      1.38 build:
42                 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile build
43 kumpf      1.13 
44 kumpf      1.36 clean:
45                 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile clean
47                 buildmu:
48                 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile buildmu
50                 all:
51                 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile all
52 mike       1.2  
53 kumpf      1.8  doc:
54 kumpf      1.36 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile doc
55 mike       1.2  
56 kumpf      1.17 repositoryServer: 
57 kumpf      1.36 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile repositoryServer
58 david.eger 1.24 
59 mike       1.2  prestarttests: 
60 kumpf      1.36 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile prestarttests
61 mike       1.2  
62                 poststarttests:
63 kumpf      1.36 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile poststarttests
64 mike       1.2  
65 kumpf      1.36 tests:
66                 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile tests

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