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  1 mike  1.2 ###############################################################################
  2           ##
  3           ## Makefile for Pegasus CIMOM
  4           ##
  5           ## NOTE: Makefile needs to be executed from the parent directory of 
  6           ## pegasus directory because the path settings are relative and this
  7           ## Makefile may remove and recheckout the pegasus source tree.
  8           ##
  9           ## Options:
 10           ##      cleanbuild - Removes the existing pegasus directory contents, performs
 11           ##                   checkout, build and runs tests. 
 12           ##      rebuild    - Rebuild and execute tests.
 13           ## 
 14           ###############################################################################
 16           ###############################################################################
 17           ##
 18           ## Platform specific settings for HP-UX
 19           ##
 20           ## NOTE: Please add platform specific environment variables as appropriate. 
 21           ##
 22 mike  1.2 ###############################################################################
 24 kumpf 1.14 include pegasus/mak/config.mak
 26 mike  1.2  ifeq ($(PEGASUS_PLATFORM),WIN32_IX86_MSVC)
 27 kumpf 1.6    CIMSERVER_START_SERVICE =
 28              CIMSERVER_STOP_SERVICE =
 29              SLEEP =
 30 mike  1.2    REMOVE_PEGASUS_DIRECTORY = mu rmdirhier pegasus
 31              MUEXE = mu.exe
 32 kumpf 1.6    COPYMU = copy pegasus\src\utils\mu\$(MUEXE) /y $(MUEXE)
 33              MKDIR = pegasus/src/utils/mu/mu mkdirhier
 34 mike  1.2    TESTS = prestarttests
 35            endif
 37            ifeq ($(PEGASUS_PLATFORM),HPUX_PARISC_ACC)
 38 kumpf 1.6    CIMSERVER_START_SERVICE = cimserver -d
 39              CIMSERVER_STOP_SERVICE = /usr/bin/ps -ef | /usr/bin/grep cimserver | /usr/bin/grep -v grep | /usr/bin/awk '{print "kill -9 "$$2 |"/usr/bin/sh"}'
 40              SLEEP = sleep 5
 41              REMOVE_PEGASUS_DIRECTORY = rm -Rf pegasus.old; mv pegasus pegasus.old
 42 mike  1.2    MUEXE = mu
 43 kumpf 1.14   COPYMU = cp -f pegasus/src/utils/mu/$(MUEXE) $(BIN_DIR)/$(MUEXE)
 44 kumpf 1.6    MKDIR = pegasus/src/utils/mu/mu mkdirhier
 45 mike  1.2    TESTS = prestarttests poststarttests
 46            endif
 48 karl  1.10 ifeq ($(PEGASUS_PLATFORM),LINUX_IX86_GNU)
 49              CIMSERVER_START_SERVICE = cimserver -d
 50 kumpf 1.11   CIMSERVER_STOP_SERVICE = /bin/ps -ef | /bin/grep cimserver | /bin/grep -v grep | /usr/bin/awk '{print "kill -9 "$$2 |"/bin/bash"}'
 51              SLEEP = sleep 5
 52              REMOVE_PEGASUS_DIRECTORY = rm -Rf pegasus.old; mv pegasus pegasus.old
 53              MUEXE = mu
 54 kumpf 1.14   COPYMU = cp -f pegasus/src/utils/mu/$(MUEXE) $(BIN_DIR)/$(MUEXE)
 55 kumpf 1.11   MKDIR = pegasus/src/utils/mu/mu mkdirhier
 56              TESTS = prestarttests poststarttests
 57            endif
 59            ifeq ($(PEGASUS_PLATFORM),LINUX_IA64_GNU)
 60              CIMSERVER_START_SERVICE = cimserver -d
 61              CIMSERVER_STOP_SERVICE = /bin/ps -ef | /bin/grep cimserver | /bin/grep -v grep | /usr/bin/awk '{print "kill -9 "$$2 |"/bin/bash"}'
 62 karl  1.10   SLEEP = sleep 5
 63              REMOVE_PEGASUS_DIRECTORY = rm -Rf pegasus.old; mv pegasus pegasus.old
 64              MUEXE = mu
 65 kumpf 1.14   COPYMU = cp -f pegasus/src/utils/mu/$(MUEXE) $(BIN_DIR)/$(MUEXE)
 66 karl  1.10   MKDIR = pegasus/src/utils/mu/mu mkdirhier
 67              TESTS = prestarttests poststarttests
 68            endif
 70 kumpf 1.12 ifeq ($(DYNAMIC_SOCKSIFY),TRUE)
 71              CVS = socksify cvs
 72            else
 73              CVS = cvs
 74            endif
 76 mike  1.2  error: 
 77            	@ echo "Specify desired makefile option (i.e., cleanbuild, rebuild)"
 79            buildmu:
 80 kumpf 1.6  	$(MAKE) --directory=pegasus/src/utils/mu -f Makefile
 81 kumpf 1.15 	$(MKDIR) $(BIN_DIR)
 82 mike  1.2  	$(COPYMU)
 84            cleanbuild: removeall recheckout buildmu all $(TESTS) 
 86            recheckout: removeall checkout
 88            removeall:
 91            checkout:
 92 kumpf 1.12 	$(CVS) checkout pegasus
 93 mike  1.2  	
 94            rebuild: clean buildmu all tests
 96 kumpf 1.13 build: all tests
 98 mike  1.2  all: buildmu
 99 kumpf 1.6  	$(MAKE) --directory=pegasus -f Makefile depend
100            	$(MAKE) --directory=pegasus -f Makefile all
101 mike  1.2  
102 kumpf 1.8  doc:
103            	$(MAKE) --directory=pegasus/doc/ProviderSpec -f Makefile
104            	$(MAKE) --directory=pegasus/doc/DevManual -f Makefile
106 mike  1.2  clean:
107 kumpf 1.6  	$(MAKE) --directory=pegasus -f Makefile clean
108 mike  1.2  
110            prestarttests: 
111 kumpf 1.7  	$(CIMSERVER_STOP_SERVICE)
112            	$(SLEEP)
113 kumpf 1.6  	$(MAKE) --directory=pegasus -f Makefile repository
114 kumpf 1.13 	$(MAKE) --directory=pegasus -f Makefile testrepository
115 kumpf 1.6  	$(MAKE) --directory=pegasus -f Makefile tests
116            	$(MAKE) --directory=pegasus/src/Server -f Makefile install
117 mike  1.2  
118            poststarttests:
119 kumpf 1.13 	$(MAKE) --directory=pegasus/test/wetest -f Makefile clean
120 kumpf 1.6  	$(CIMSERVER_START_SERVICE)
121            	$(SLEEP)
122 kumpf 1.13 	$(MAKE) --directory=pegasus -f Makefile poststarttests
123 kumpf 1.6  	@ $(CIMSERVER_STOP_SERVICE)
124 kumpf 1.13 	$(SLEEP)
125 mike  1.2  
126            tests: $(TESTS)
127            	@ echo Finished Tests
129            ###############################################################################
130            ##
131            ## Trace Configuration
132            ##
133            ## Options:
134            ##      XMLTraceOn: Enables XML request and response tracing.
135            ##      ProviderLoadTraceOn: Enables Provider load tracing.
136            ##      XML+ProviderLoadTraceOn: Enables both XML request/response and Provider
137            ##                                 load tracing.
138            ##      AllTraceOn: Enables all tracing.
139            ##      AllTraceOff: Disables all tracing.
140            ##      list: Lists trace settings.
141            ##
142            ###############################################################################
144            XMLTraceOn:
145            	cimconfig -s traceComponents=XmlIO -c
146 mike  1.2  	cimconfig -s traceLevel=3 -c
147            	cimconfig -g traceComponents
148            	cimconfig -g traceLevel
150            ProviderLoadTraceOn:
151            	cimconfig -s traceComponents=ProvManager,OsAbstraction
152            	cimconfig -s traceLevel=3 -c
153            	cimconfig -g traceComponents
154            	cimconfig -g traceLevel
156            XML+ProviderLoadTraceOn:
157            	cimconfig -s traceComponents=XmlIO,ProvManager,OsAbstraction
158            	cimconfig -s traceLevel=3 -c
159            	cimconfig -g traceComponents
160            	cimconfig -g traceLevel
162            AllTraceOn:
163            	cimconfig -s traceComponents=ALL
164            	cimconfig -s traceLevel=3 -c
165            	cimconfig -g traceComponents
166            	cimconfig -g traceLevel
167 mike  1.2  
168            AllTraceOff:
169            	cimconfig -s traceComponents=
170            	cimconfig -g traceComponents
171            	cimconfig -g traceLevel
173            list:
174            	cimconfig -g traceComponents
175            	cimconfig -g traceLevel
176            	cimconfig -g traceFilePath
178            # DO NOT DELETE

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