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  1 mday  1.1 --> mdday (~mdday@ has joined #pegasus
  2           --- irc05.icq.com sets mode +n #pegasus
  3           --- irc05.icq.com sets mode +t #pegasus
  4           --> mdday_nt (~mdday@ has joined #pegasus
  5           <mdday_nt> helo
  6           <-- mdday_nt has quit (Client Exiting)
  7           --- Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
  8           --> mdday (~mdday@ has joined #pegasus
  9           --- irc04.icq.com sets modes [#pegasus +nt]
 10           --> Karl (~karl@ has joined #pegasus
 11           <mdday> Hi Karl
 12           <Karl> Hi Mike.  Guess we are on line at this point.  
 13           <mdday> yup.
 14           <Karl> I am going to be throughly out of focus tonight/today since plane to paris 4 hours late
 15           <Karl> By the way, good choice. Youu are right, ICQ is PC oriented. Only advantage is seeing who is online
 16           <mdday> yeah, this is pretty good stuff
 17           <mdday> I'm on a call right now and may be a few  minutes late to the pegasus call 12 est
 18           <mdday> karl - has the call started ?
 19           <Karl> OUr call is in a couple of hous, not 12.  I HOPE
 20           <Karl> Just looked.  It is a 1:00 pm cst or 2:00 est.
 21           <Karl> I am in another call now.
 22 mday  1.1 <mdday> oops - your'e right. sorry
 23           <Karl> No problem.  Been a long time since I used IRC and have to relearn
 24           <mdday> try /help
 25           --> kumpf (~kumpfr@atlwebproxy1.core.hp.com) has joined #pegasus
 26           <mdday> what client are you using?
 27           <mdday> Hi Roger
 28           <kumpf> Hello!
 29           <kumpf> I actually got this thing to work!
 30           <mdday> right on 
 31           <kumpf> I thought I was at an impasse, because I don't have a socks license on my Windows machine, and it didn't compile on HP-UX...
 32           <kumpf> But fortunately I was able to route through the HTTP proxy server and avoid socks.
 33           <mdday> nice job Roger
 34           <kumpf> Anyway, what's new?
 35           <mdday> starting to dice and slice the dispatcher
 36           <mdday> you know that Chip is out this week, right? 
 37           <kumpf> Excellent!  Hey, did you have time to put anything on paper regarding how the other modules need to change?  We are anxious to start making the necessary code changes, but we're not sure we know enough.
 38           <kumpf> Nope, I had no idea Chip wouldn't be around.  Or at least I forgot.  That's a bummer.
 39           <mdday> I'm still working on the documentation. Should have it today. I apologize it is late. I anticipate the changes will be small to existing modules. 
 40           <mdday> Chip's dad is critically ill and Chip is visiting him in Va. His Dad is 82 yrs. old. 
 41           <kumpf> Oh, that's a shame.
 42           <mdday> Yup. He almost had to go visit the week before the Anahiem mtng. but His dad recovered temporarilly. 
 43 mday  1.1 <kumpf> Let's hope for another recovery.
 44           <kumpf> Hey, we dpm
 45           <kumpf> sorry...
 46           <kumpf> We don't need fancy documentation.  Do you have anything half done we could look at?
 47           <mdday> I make sure we have something for the call today, not fancy. Hopefully enough to proceed. 
 48           <kumpf> Cool.
 49           <kumpf> One other thing...Do we expect the modules in the "Communications" box (connection, encoder/decoder, authenticator) to need to change?
 50           <mdday> No, I don't anticipate they need to change. 
 51           <kumpf> Great.  Glad to hear it.
 52           <mdday> I figured that would be good.
 53           --- Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
 54           --> mdday (~mdday@ has joined #pegasus
 55           <kumpf> Yep.  I'm trying to figure out what needs to happen with the authorizor.  It needs to talk to the user/authorization manager, so it will have to use the new queueing stuff...
 56           <kumpf> But it also needs to send errors back up to the encoder, so it will have to do some things in the "old" style as well...
 57           <kumpf> I'm guessing that the "Communications" queues will not use the new message dispatcher, right?
 58           <mdday> I see. That will work. 
 59           <mdday> Old style queues can talk to asynchronous queue. We should talk about how that could work today. 
 60           <kumpf> What I don't know is if the Authorizor should use the new message dispatcher to talk to some other components, and then pass the message on to the operations processor, or whether the authorizer should actually become part of the operations processor.  (The code in the authorization queue is quite small, because it is mostly contained in the extensible authorization utility code.)
 61           <kumpf> Yes, I would like to talk about that.
 62           <mdday> It would be cleaner for the authorizer to become part of the operations processor. But then would it be pluggable?
 63           <kumpf> Yes, because most of it is like utility code anyway...
 64 mday  1.1 <kumpf> There is an interface that one may use to plug in their own authorization model.  The stuff that's in the queue now just calls that.
 65           <kumpf> Which brings me to another point...
 66           <mdday> Great. That works out nicely. What's your other point?
 67           <kumpf> We have several things that need to be utility-like in that they need to be around really early in the start-up process, and several/many modules need to access them...
 68           <kumpf> An example is the (our) configuration manager.  The CIM server uses it to determine which port to listen on, for example, and the configuration "service" (integrated with the control services function soon) needs to manage it dynamically.
 69           <mdday> I see. We need a start up order. Or we need a service (configuration ?) that ensures other services are started and available. 
 70           <kumpf> Is there a concern with having these utiliy-like things floating around?
 71           <mdday> No, not at all. We just need to ensure dependencies don't become circular. 
 72           <kumpf> Other examples are the user manager and the provider registration.  Talking to these through messages all the time might be a kit if overhead.
 73           <kumpf> As for the start-up order, I think we're okay with how things work now.  The CIM server code instantiates the "utility" portion and then gives the pointer to the "service" portion.  So the timing is built in.
 74           <kumpf> Sorry...just read my previous post...I meant a "lot of" overhead.
 75           <mdday> I see. Utility modules I presume means that they implement helper functions and are called by other modules ; they don't initiate any activity. 
 76           <kumpf> Yes, what I call a utility module does not directly instrument any schema.
 77           <kumpf> It may, however, be the "lower level resource" that the schema describes, which is actually instrumented by a control service or somesuch.
 78           <mdday> Then if it is thread safe it can export a directly called api no problem. However if a utility uses the message queue system there could be a deadlock.
 79           <kumpf> Right.  I really should define my terms before I go around using them.  What I call a utility also does NOT have a queue interface.  It would always be a direct API call.
 80           <mdday> does a utility enqueue any messages on any message queue?
 81           <mdday> Or does it call the repository today? 
 82           <kumpf> Nope.
 83           <kumpf> Hmmm...I think they do use the repository, come to think of it.
 84           <mdday> That's what I thought. If a queue-based module calls a utility, which then calls the repository through a queue, and the utility is _not_ queue based, there could be deadlock. 
 85 mday  1.1 --- Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
 86           --> mdday (~mdday@ has joined #pegasus
 87           <mdday> I understand what you need. It is no problem if the utility uses the meta dispatcher to talk to other asynchronous modules. There is very little overhead to do so. 
 88           * mdday is away: working on docs
 89           <-- kumpf has quit (Client Exiting)
 90           * Karl is away: I'm busy
 91           * Karl is away: Another Call
 92           * Karl is back (gone 00:10:33)
 93           --- Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
 94           --- Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
 95           --> mdday (~mdday@ has joined #pegasus
 96           --- Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
 97           --> mdday (~mdday@ has joined #pegasus
 98           <mdday> proxy server dropping me 
 99           * mdday is away: back to docs...
100           --> kumpf (~kumpfr@atlwebproxy2.core.hp.com) has joined #pegasus
101           <Karl> hi
102           <kumpf> Hey, what's up?
103           * mdday is away: call starting?
104           <mdday> Karl GET ON THE CALL :-)
105           <Karl> Trying really hard.  Everything busy
106 mday  1.1 * mdday is away: let's see if this changes a number
107           * mdday is away: I guess not
108           <Karl> Am on the call now finally
109           <mdday> Hi karl
111            Commands Available:
113              ADDBUTTON ALLCHAN   ALLSERV   AWAY      BAN
114              UNBAN     CLEAR     CLOSE     CTCP      COUNTRY
115              CYCLE     DCC       DELBUTTON DEHOP     DEOP
116              DEVOICE   DISCON    DNS       ECHO      EXEC
118              GATE      HELP      HOP       IGNORE    INVITE
119              JOIN      KICK      KICKBAN   LAGCHECK  LASTLOG
120              LIST      LISTDLL   LOAD      LOADDLL   MDEHOP
121              MDEOP     MKICK     MKICKB    ME        MSG
122              NAMES     NCTCP     NEWSERVER NICK      NOTICE
123              NOTIFY    OP        PART      PING      QUERY
124              QUIT      QUOTE     RECONNECT RMDLL     SAY
125              SCPINFO   SET       SETTAB    SERVCHAN  SERVER
127 mday  1.1    WALLCHOP  WALLCHAN  VOICE     
129            Type /HELP <command> for more information, or /HELP -l
131            User defined commands:
133              ACTION    ALIAS     BANLIST   CHAT      DIALOG
134              DMSG      EXIT      J         KILL      LEAVE
135              M         ONOTICE   RAW       SERVHELP  SV
136              UMODE     UPTIME    VER       VERSION   WALLOPS
137              WII       
138            Usage:
139            /AWAY [<reason>], sets you away
140           * mdday is back (gone 00:16:17)
141           --> mk (~mk@host217-35-3-72.in-addr.btopenworld.com) has joined #pegasus
142           <mdday> HI martin
143           <mk> Just thought I'd exerience the full reality!!
144           <mdday> welcome to groundhog day
145           * mdday is away: I need to be away for 15 minutes
146           <kumpf> Mike, do you have the script from our earlier discussion?  Could you mail it to me?  I seem to have lost it.
147           <mdday> I have it and will save it 
148 mday  1.1 <-- mk (~mk@host217-35-3-72.in-addr.btopenworld.com) has left #pegasus
149           * kumpf is away: I'll be back in a couple hours
150           <mdday> Karl you still there ?
151           * mdday is back (gone 00:34:42)
152           * mdday is away: I'm busy
153           * mdday is back (gone 00:00:05)
154           <mdday> Roger -the numbers and buttons above the user list are as follows:
155           <Karl> mike.  We finished but would like to talk to you about dispatcher, etc.
156           <Karl> Cane do another call now??
157           <mdday> OK
158           <mdday> a green dot means the user is the channel operator
159           <mdday> a yellow dot means the user can participate in a moderated channel
160           <mdday> the number on the right is (as you guessed) the total number of users. 
161           <Karl> Lets use the TOG number 
162           <mdday> Karl - Call ok now, I'll call the TOG number. 
163           <Karl> I will play moderator so give me a minute.
164           <mdday> let me know when you're on
165           <mdday> Karl - is this the number ending in 8686 ?
166           <Karl> I am on now with the Evoke number and the id 5807486
167           <mdday> OK be right on
168           <mdday> whoah you are breaking up !!
169 mday  1.1 <Karl> wonderful telephone
170           <Karl> would you call me directly
171           <Karl> I can hear you perfect but 
172           <Karl> WOuld you call me directly at 331 5382 4038
173           --- Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
174           --> mdday (~mdday@ has joined #pegasus
175           <Karl> Will talk to you in the morning
176           <mdday> Later !
177           <Karl> I think I understand what we want in CIM Operation processor (old dispatcher)
178           <-- Karl has quit (Client Exiting)

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