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  1 karl  1.1 <html>
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  7           <title>Pegasus Project Working Paper</title>
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 12           <H1 align="center">Pegasus Project Working Paper</H1>
 14           <H1 align="center">Programming Guidelines For the Pegasus Project</H1>
 16           <b>AUTHORS:</b>&nbsp;M. Brasher, K. Schopmeyer
 17           <p><font size="1">Last Update <!--webbot bot="Timestamp"
 18 karl S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M %p" startspan -->Tuesday, July 24, 2001 08:48 PM<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" i-CheckSum="54098" endspan -->
 19 karl  1.1     </font></p>
 20               <p>Revision Status</p>
 21               <table border="1" width="80%">
 22                 <tr>
 23                   <td width="25%">Revision</td>
 24                   <td width="25%">Date</td>
 25                   <td width="25%">Author(s)</td>
 26                   <td width="25%">Reason</td>
 27                 </tr>
 28                 <tr>
 29                   <td width="25%">0.1</td>
 30                   <td width="25%">5 July 2001</td>
 31                   <td width="25%">M. brasher, K. Schopmeyer</td>
 32                   <td width="25%">first Draft</td>
 33                 </tr>
 34                 <tr>
 35 karl     <td width="25%">0.2</td>
 36                   <td width="25%">24 July 2001</td>
 37                   <td width="25%">M. Brasher, K. Schopmeyer</td>
 38 karl  1.1         <td width="25%">&nbsp;</td>
 39                 </tr>
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 51                 </tr>
 52               </table>
 54               <h2>Introduction</h2>
 56               <p>This document defines the basic set of guides and rules for programmers
 57               contributing to the Pegasus Project</p>
 59 karl  1.1     <p>NOTE: This is a draft copy for comment.</p>
 61 karl <p>RULES and Suggestions - A number of the guidelines below are absolute rules
 62               that we must follow in the Pegasus project.&nbsp; These are the things that will
 63               help insure portability and effective interoperability of the components.</p>
 65               <p>Other area are &quot;suggestions&quot; that we strongly suggest be followed
 66               so that 1) the code will be readable and usable, 2) we develop a single look to
 67               our source code, etc.&nbsp; In some cases, there may be reasons to bypass some
 68               of these suggestiions but we strongly encourage everybody to follow them.&nbsp;
 69               In fact, if there is a real reason we will change to what the group wants and
 70               suggestions.</p>
 72 karl  1.1     <h2>Coding Conventions</h2>
 73               <OL>
 74               <LI><b>Indenting Code</b> - Indent by increments of 4 characters (with tabsize of
 75 karl 8).&nbsp; Use the TAB character.&nbsp; This is the accepted norm for open source
 76                 code.
 77 karl  1.1     
 78               <LI><b>Naming Conventions</b> -&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font face="Courier New"> ThisIsAClassName</font> - no underscores.
 79                 <font face="Courier New">
 80               thisIsAMethodName()</font> - no underscores.
 82               Files Names should take advantage of case and avoid underscores.
 83                   Files should have the same name as the class (and same case).
 84               <br>Prepend '_' to private members (including methods). 
 85               <LI><b>Code Line Length</b> - Lines should not span more than 80 columns.
 86               When methods span more than 80 columns, do this:
 87               <pre>
 88 karl     void MyClass::myMethod(
 89               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;             const char* someReallyLongName,
 90               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;             const char* someOtherReallyLongName);
 91 karl  1.1     </pre>
 92 karl <LI> Use "char* x" rather than "char *x". Either is normally legal for the
 93                 majority of compilers.
 94               <LI><b>Use of <font face="Courier New">const</font></b>. Use <font face="Courier New"> const</font> whenever possible.
 95               Use <font face="Courier New"> const</font> methods whenever possible.
 96 karl  1.1     <LI><b>Braces</b> -&nbsp; Put opening brace on a line by itself. Braces must be aligned with control keyword:
 97               <pre>
 98               	for(...)
 99               	{
100                       ....
101               	}
102               </pre>
103                   Not this:
104               <pre>	for (...)
105               	  {
106                         ....
107 karl 	  }</pre>
108               or this:<pre>	for (...){
109                           ....
110                      }</pre>
111 karl  1.1     <LI><b>Using Space</b> - No spaces after names.
112               <br>Separate functions with blank lines.
113               <pre>    class X
114                   {
115                   public:
116               	    void f();
117               	    void g();
118                   };</pre>
119                 <p>&nbsp;
121               <LI>	Not "void f ()" but "void f()".
123               <LI>Avoid this:<br>
124                 <font face="Courier New">
125                 callingMyFunction(blah,<br>
126                 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;blah2,<br>
127                 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; blah3);</font><br>
128                   Do this:<br>
129                 <font face="Courier New">callingMyFunction(<br>
130                 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; blah,<br>
131                 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; blah2,<br>
132 karl  1.1       &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; blah3);</font>&gt;/pre&gt;<br>
133               <LI>
134                 <pre>Avoid this:
135 karl 
136 karl  1.1     	int        x;
137               	float      y;
138               </pre>
139               <LI>Use 0 and not NULL.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
140               <li>Don't separate return type onto its own line:
142                   Avoid this:
143                  <pre>
144               	int
145               	f()
146               	{
147                       ....
148               	}
149                  </pre>
151               <li><b>Comments</b> - Use /** */ rather than /// for DOC++.
153               <li><b>Conditional Compilation </b>- Avoid use of conditional compilation for obscuring platrform
154                   differences. Use (or put) routines in appropriate platform files
155                   or in the System*.cpp files in Common.
156               </ol>
157 karl  1.1     <h2>Testing</h2>
159               <p>Effective testing is essential to allowing a group to work together in a
160               common code environment. We have created a structure where unit and even system
161               level tests can be created and committed to the source tree as part of all
162               development.&nbsp; Each major directory section includes a tests subdirectory
163               with individual directories for tests. Please create and commit tests as part of
164               the normal environment wherever it is possible. All core code should include
165               tests created in this manner as well</p>
167               <p>If you change code to extend it or make corrections, please review the
168               corresponding tests code to 1) add tests to cover the problem corrected 2)
169               extend tests to cover the new code added.</p>
171               <p>Be mindful that the tests must run on all supported platforms and
172                   that a commit may break another platform.</p>
174               <p>Tests must clean up the effect they have on the repository.</p>
176               Changes must work on all platforms. Commits must not break any
177                   platform.
178 karl  1.1     
179               Always write a regression test for everything.
180               <p>No warnings should be committed.
182               Test big changes on at least Windows and Unix (or Linux)
184               <h2>Committing Code to CVS</h2>
186               <p>Don't commit anything that breaks the build (try a clean slate
187                   checkout and build).&nbsp; Remember that if the build is broken for you, it
188               is also broken for everybody that gets the new code.</p>
190               <p>Always build and run all regression tests before committing.&nbsp;</p>
192               <p>No binaries may be committed to repository.&nbsp;</p>
194               <p> There are a few exceptions to this rule but binary files cause problems</p>
196               <h2>Using Outside Code and Libraries</h2>
198               <p>This is an opensource project.&nbsp; All code that is contributed to this
199 karl  1.1     project must be open source and must be made available under the standard
200               license used by the Pegasus project. Do not use any outside libraries that do
201               not meet this criteria.&nbsp; Further, every reference to outside code make it
202               more complex for others to build and work with the project and introduces
203               potential portability problems.&nbsp; At the same time, there may be real
204               reasons to use outside code and libraries at times. Thus, for example, the
205               initial project used the ACE_wrappers libraries extensively but with the
206               objective of eventually providing a replacement.&nbsp; That replacement has been
207               produced, partly because ACE was not available on all of the platforms</p>
209               <h2>Using Make</h2>
211               <p>The Pegasus project has developed a consistent and portable make system that
212               allows bot localized and global builds on a wide variety of systems from Windows
213               to Unix to the tandem platforms today.&nbsp; This is based on 1) using the GNU
214               Make tool as the core of the make system, 2) minimining the use of other tools.
215               </p>
217               <p>&lt;&lt;EXPLAIN THE MAKE SYSTEM OR REFERENCE DOC&gt;&gt;&gt;
218               </p>
220 karl  1.1     <p>All code must be reachable (built) from master makefile. Otherwise it will not be reached when doing mass substitutions, testings of
221               builds, and license changes.
222               </p>
224               <h2>DOCUMENTING
225               </h2>
227               <p>&lt;&lt;&lt;THIS SECTION NEED TO BE COMPLETED&gt;&gt;&gt;
228               </p>
229 karl 
230               <h2>Portability Issues</h2>
232               <p>TBD</p>
233 karl  1.1     
234               <h2>The Source Tree Structure</h2>
236               <p>We work from a single source tree in CVS.&nbsp; We have a fixed structure for
237               this structure.</p>
239               <p>&lt;&lt;&lt;THIS SECTION IS TBD&gt;&gt;&gt;</p>
241               <p>&nbsp;</p>
243               <p>&nbsp;</p>
245               <p>---END OF DOCUMENT--</p>
247               </body>
249               </html>

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