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 12                     <h1> <font color="#000000">Pegasus Security Implementation Guidelines</font></h1>
 13                     <hr>
 14                     <h2><font color="#000000">Problem Statement</font></h2>
 15 kumpf           1.3 <p><font color="#000000">Open Pegasus has a challenging role. It provides a portal
 16                       for users and programs to access a wide variety of information on a system.
 17                       Pegasus is responsible for user authentication and provides a framework for
 18                       the provider authors to authorize specific read and write operations on the
 19                       server. Managing the resulting &quot;trust delta&quot; (the difference between
 20                       what the provider <em>could </em>do in its current execution context, vs. what
 21                       a given user is <em>authorized</em> to do) is hard. The bigger the trust delta,
 22                       the greater the incentive to &quot;break in&quot; past authorizations in providers
 23                       to &quot;get to&quot; a super-user/administrator execution context(or to the
 24                       context of a user that can do something the authenticated user isn't authorized
 25                       to do). Though the OpenPegasus 2.5 feature, <strong>&quot;run-as-requestor,&quot;</strong>
 26                       does provide a way to lower the risk to a given provider that takes advantage
 27                       of the run-as-requestor context, there are still risks for the providers that
 28                       decide to run at elevated privilege (defined as when the execution context has
 29                       more permissions/abilities than the authorized users... hard to avoid when the
 30 denise.eckstein 1.2   execution is not <em>as</em> the authorized user).</font></p>
 31 kumpf           1.3 <p><font color="#008000">Pre-2.5 implementations of OpenPegasus do not change
 32                       the user-context (effective-user) of the provider from that of the CIMOM. Thus,
 33                       when Pegasus is used on the majority of platforms (that don't provide intra-thread
 34                       protections and/or work in a multi-user environment) a provider can, through
 35                       mistake or intent, easily affect the security of the CIMOM and other providers.
 36 denise.eckstein 1.2   </font></p>
 37                     <h2><font color="#000000">Requirements, Constraints or Assumptions</font></h2>
 38 kumpf           1.3 <p>Most of the risk of failing to follow the guidelines below are only present
 39                       when code is not run as the authenticated user (whether that code be in the
 40                       provider or the client) or in deployments for which the concept of authentication
 41                       isn't used (i.e.: SNMP-public info). Even for more limited deployments, many
 42 denise.eckstein 1.2   of the problems below can still cause potential crashes/denial of service conditions.</p>
 43                     <h2><font color="#000000">Definitions:</font></h2>
 44 kumpf           1.3 <p>Elevated code: a difference between the actions that the logged in user is
 45                       authorized to perform, and the execution context of the running program.&nbsp;
 46                       This &quot;trust delta&quot; must then be managed by the code to ensure that
 47                       the user doesn't perform more actions than they are authorized either directly
 48                       or through side-effect.&nbsp; For example, a process run as the UID of the authenticated
 49                       user is thus said to be &quot;non-elevated.&quot;&nbsp; A process running as
 50                       administrator on behalf of a &quot;non-administrator&quot; user, would be called
 51 denise.eckstein 1.2   elevated.</p>
 52 kumpf           1.3 <p>Privilege: The collection of actions a process or user is not prevented from
 53                       doing.&nbsp; An &quot;administrator&quot;/root user is said to be full privilege
 54                       with respect to a system since that execution context does not prevent any action
 55 denise.eckstein 1.2   on the system.</p>
 56 kumpf           1.3 <p>Trust: The degree to which an actor that is interacting with&nbsp; the component
 57                       under consideration is believed to behave non-maliciously.&nbsp; For example,
 58                       an arbitrary user on the Internet has no 'trust,&quot; a junior operator or
 59                       administration is trusted to no attempt malicious activity, but may accidentally
 60                       attempt damaging actions.&nbsp; Root/Administrator code is trusted to behave
 61 denise.eckstein 1.2   correctly.</p>
 62 kumpf           1.3 <p>Security Testing: Non-functional testing that centers around behavior in the
 63                       presence of malicious use.&nbsp; Examples includes testing for crashes or security
 64                       side-effects in the presence of overly long inputs, special character inputs,
 65 denise.eckstein 1.2   high-system load, and network storm environments.</p>
 66 kumpf           1.3 <p>Security Side Effect: Applications often, in accomplishing their goals, perform
 67                       actions beyond those visible to the user.&nbsp; Examples include writing temporary
 68                       files, or clearing or requesting memory.&nbsp; Since this behavior is not specified
 69                       in the functional requirements, it is often not tested.&nbsp; This &quot;side
 70                       effect&quot; behavior is often the behavior that a malicious user attempts to
 71                       leverage when trying to gain privilege.&nbsp; Examples include exploiting race
 72                       conditions where a temporary file is momentarily world writeable, before it
 73                       is chmod-ed.&nbsp; This window is an opportunity for a malicious user to insert
 74 denise.eckstein 1.2   data that can change the behavior of the application.</p>
 75                     <h2><font color="#000000">References:</font></h2>
 76                     <p>Architecture: <a href="http://www.opengroup.org/security/secarch.htm"> http://www.opengroup.org/security/secarch.htm</a></p>
 77                     <p>Books and References (not endorsed by Opengroup or partners): </p>
 78                     <ul>
 79                       <li><a href="http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/securecdng/"> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/securecdng/</a></li>
 80                       <li><a href="http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/puis3/"> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/puis3/</a></li>
 81 kumpf           1.3   <li><a href="http://www.securityfocus.com/infocus/1596"> http://www.securityfocus.com/infocus/1596</a>
 82 denise.eckstein 1.2   </li>
 83                     </ul>
 84                     <h2><font color="#000000">Proposed Solution </font></h2>
 85                     <h3><font color="#000000">General Implementation Guidelines: </font></h3>
 86 kumpf           1.3 <h4><font color="#000000">Code that doesn't adhere to the following guidelines
 87                       in elevated code should be considered a bug, including providers not running
 88                       as-requestor. it is a best-practice to follow the following guidelines for all
 89 denise.eckstein 1.2   code. </font></h4>
 90                     <ol>
 91 kumpf           1.3   <li> <u>Avoid buffer overflow vulnerabilities</u> in your code (hackers use
 92 denise.eckstein 1.2     to insert arbitrary code) <br>
 93 kumpf           1.3     Buffer overflows in network-accessible software cause the most, and some believe,
 94                         the majority, of software vulnerabilities. Since Pegasus is written in C/C++,
 95                         it is especially susceptible to buffer overflows. Strongly consider using
 96                         a static tool like Flawfinder or RATS to look for common problems. Dynamic
 97                         tools can also be used but only identify problems when the overflow actually
 98                         happens vs. finding potential overflows. The susceptibility stems from a lack
 99                         of bounds checks in C++ and C. Problematic functions include strcpy, sprintf,
100 denise.eckstein 1.2     strcat, gets, and strlcat.</li>
101                       <ul>
102                         <li> References:<br>
103                           <ul>
104 kumpf           1.3         <li> Smashing the stack for fun and profit, <a href="http://www.phrack.com/show.php?p=49">http://www.phrack.com/show.php?p=49</a>
105 denise.eckstein 1.2         <br>
106 kumpf           1.3         <li> Heap Overflows: <a href="http://www.phrack.org/phrack/57/p57-0x08%20">http://www.phrack.org/phrack/57/p57-0x08</a>
107 denise.eckstein 1.2         <br>
108                           </ul>
109                         </li>
110                       </ul>
111 kumpf           1.3   <li> <u>Avoid format string vulnerabilities</u> in your code (hackers use to
112 denise.eckstein 1.2     read or insert arbitrary code)<br>
113 kumpf           1.3     Format strings define the format and types of program variables that are substituted
114                         into an input or output string. Exploitation of format strings occurs when
115                         functions that require a format string are coded with a variable, and that
116                         variable is not validated. For example the following is vulnerable code: printf(string_from_untrusted_user)
117                         as the user can supply the format string, and read or overwrite (using %n)
118 denise.eckstein 1.2     arbitrary data. Each developer must: </li>
119                       <ul>
120                         <li> Use functions with a strict format string argument.</li>
121 kumpf           1.3     <li> Check the input parameter data for format strings before assigning them
122 denise.eckstein 1.2       to variables.</li>
123 kumpf           1.3     <li>Always validate that the input parameter data does not contain any program-specific
124 denise.eckstein 1.2       format characters before assigning the input data to variables.</li>
125                         <li> Always check the return codes of library functions for failure.<br>
126                         </li>
127                       </ul>
128 kumpf           1.3   <li><u>Adhere to the general, good programming practices</u>:
129 denise.eckstein 1.2     <ol>
130                           <li> Always have people other than the coder review the code.</li>
131 kumpf           1.3       <li> Always have people other than the coder develop tests and test the
132 denise.eckstein 1.2         end product.</li>
133 kumpf           1.3       <li> Check return codes from system or library calls, and handle errors
134 denise.eckstein 1.2         or exceptions gracefully.</li>
135 kumpf           1.3       <li>Keep your code simple: simple code decreases the risk of defects; complex
136 denise.eckstein 1.2         code increases the risk of defects.</li>
137                           <li> Don't use uninitialized variables.</li>
138 kumpf           1.3       <li> Use symbolic constants (such as #define) to minimize typos and improve
139 denise.eckstein 1.2         code maintainability.</li>
140 kumpf           1.3       <li> Use temporary files with care. Do not create temporary directories
141                             or files from your program that are world writeable. Limit the permissions
142                             to what is needed by the program. Clean up temporary files or directories
143 denise.eckstein 1.2         when you are finished using them.</li>
144 kumpf           1.3       <li>Do not put sensitive information in log files. For example, do not print
145                             social security numbers, passwords, credit card numbers, or any other
146                             sensitive or personal information for debugging purposes in the log files.
147                             Sometimes such information shows up in the web browser in case of exceptions
148 denise.eckstein 1.2         or application failure.</li>
149 kumpf           1.3       <li> Enforce strong password policies and a delay on failed logins. This
150                             helps to prevent unauthorized access to private data. See libpam for a
151 denise.eckstein 1.2         good way to implement this.</li>
152 kumpf           1.3       <li>
153                             <p>Validate input to the program or system before processing the input.
154                               Test to see if the input is the proper type of data and in the range
155                               of acceptable or expected values and test both upper and lower bounds.
156                               For example, if you are reading in a year value (int), and you have
157 denise.eckstein 1.2           already checked for buffer overflow and format strings:</p>
158 kumpf           1.3         <blockquote>
159 denise.eckstein 1.2           <p>Correct: if 0 &lt;= year &lt;= 3000 then (accept input and process)</p>
160                               <p>Unsafe: if year &lt;= 3000 then (accept input and process)</p>
161 kumpf           1.3           <p>The vulnerability of the unsafe example is that if someone were to
162                                 return a value of -32769, then they could intentionally stop or corrupt
163                                 a procedure. If the language which you are using does not enforce
164                                 strong types, then a type check should also be performed before accepting
165 denise.eckstein 1.2             the input.</p>
166                             </blockquote>
167                           </li>
168                         </ol>
169                       </li>
170                       <li> <u>Use the principles of least and necessary privilege</u>.<br>
171 kumpf           1.3     Only grant the minimum set of privileges required to perform an operation,
172                         and grant these privileges for the minimum required amount of time. For example,
173                         if a provider needs to modify both mail queues and print spools, don't run
174                         the application as root; instead, use /etc/logingroup or other facilities
175                         to give the application the privileges which it needs, but not more privileges
176 denise.eckstein 1.2     than it needs. <br>
177                       </li>
178 kumpf           1.3   <li> <u>Use SSL securely</u>:
179                         <p> Please refer to the OpenSSL documentation for usage. Pegasus libraries
180                           help with some but not all functions necessary for certificate management
181 denise.eckstein 1.2       and usage.</li>
182                       <li> <u>Handle race conditions securely</u><br>
183 kumpf           1.3     Race conditions occur when two or more processes access a shared resource
184                         in an order that was not expected by the program. Unordered access to resources
185                         is common in multitasking environments, and is mostly associated with either
186                         Signal Handlers or File Handling. For example, if a program &quot;A&quot;
187                         checks to see if a file exists before writing, but a program &quot;B&quot;
188                         creates a link after the check, but before the write, &quot;A&quot; may inadvertently
189                         overwrite the link destination with the permissions associated with &quot;A&quot;.
190                         This can be a security problem if &quot;A&quot; has different permissions
191 denise.eckstein 1.2     than &quot;B.&quot;</li>
192 kumpf           1.3   <li> <u>Use secure defaults when possible, or clearly document when they aren't
193 denise.eckstein 1.2     used</u> </li>
194                       <li> <u>Design Securely</u><br>
195 kumpf           1.3     Design your code so that as little as possible runs as a privileged user.
196                         All privileged user code (especially if it listens on a network or executes
197                         on behalf of other users) should be inspected very thoroughly, so it should
198                         be short and simple. Each module of code should have a clean interface for
199                         other modules to use and a well-defined perimeter around each module.&nbsp;
200                         Additional details can be found at: <a href="http://www.joeyoder.com/papers/patterns/Security/appsec.pdf">
201 denise.eckstein 1.2     Architectural Patterns for Enabling Application Security</a> <font size="-4">(http://www.joeyoder.com/papers/patterns/Security/appsec.pdf)</font></li>
202                       <li> <u>Test for security </u>(use both positive and negative tests)<br>
203 kumpf           1.3     &quot;Positive tests&quot;verify that the functionality of the product works as specified.
204                         &quot;Negative tests&quot;attempt to subvert the security of the system, and are often
205                         overlooked when testing software. Spend some time thinking like a hacker and
206                         trying to break your system. Always test boundary conditions or corner cases
207                         for values of data, size of data, and type of data. Many common bugs are related
208                         to this. Sometimes this type of bug may result in wrong information being
209                         retrieved from the database instead of failing gracefully. Attempt to exploit
210 denise.eckstein 1.2     the system with buffer overflow and format string attacks.</li>
211                       <li> <u>Don't bundle private copies of security code</u><br>
212 kumpf           1.3     Security code (especially highly scrutinized open-source code) is likely to
213                         have security bulletins issued against it. When such security bulletins are
214                         inevitably issued against code you depend on, you don't want to have to issue
215                         a bulletin against your product also. If you put a dependency in your code
216                         to a standard distribution of a component which you need (for example OpenSSL),
217                         rather than embedding a private copy, then whenever a security bulletin is
218                         issued against it, you won't have to reissue the bulletin after repacking
219 denise.eckstein 1.2     the fix for your private copy. <br>
220                       </li>
221                     </ol>
222                     <h4><font color="#000000">General Coding Best-Practices:</font></h4>
223                     <ol>
224 kumpf           1.3   <li> <u>Avoid implementing security functionality</u>: Making security claims
225                         in your documentation (beyond the implied security claims of authentication
226                         and authorization done by the operating system) can increase your risk of
227                         having a security defect. This is because any of those claims that are not
228                         fully implemented or enforced is by definition a security defect and requires
229                         an expedited fix and a security bulletin to announce that fix. Reuse of tried-and-tested
230                         code, that has been used in a security context is always a better choice.
231                         Never implement a random number generator or cryptographic algorithm unless
232 denise.eckstein 1.2     you're a cryptographer by profession. You will almost certainly get it wrong.<br>
233 kumpf           1.3     &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; You should always, however, document your security behavior.
234 denise.eckstein 1.2   </li>
235 kumpf           1.3   <li><u>Duplicating authorization code</u>: Related to risk #1, every provider
236                         has the risk of authorization related defects because the authorization done
237                         in each provider is a duplication of the kernel authorization code. However,
238                         you can still decrease your risk by using common API's. For example, many
239                         providers will need a way to tell if the authenticated user should have access
240                         to a given file. The code which does this needs to check the user id, group
241                         ids of the file in question and all of its parent directories. Any defect
242                         in this code could easily be a security defect and would need to be fixed
243                         in every copy of that code. For this reason it is imperative that this logic
244                         exists in only one place and that your provider uses that copy. Do not try
245                         to replicate this complex logic in your own provider, unless you are the single
246 denise.eckstein 1.2     owner of that code. </li>
247 kumpf           1.3   <li>WBEM provider/client combinations: Writing a WBEM provider that is also
248                         a WBEM client (makes requests of other providers) has security risks/challenges.
249                         There are two subcategories of this risk/challenge:
250 denise.eckstein 1.2     <ol>
251 kumpf           1.3       <li>using the connectLocal() API uses the UID of the running process to
252                             do authentication. Thus, the provider initiating the request must ensure
253                             authorization of the other provider's data before making the request.
254                             (This is another example of Risk 2, multiple copies of authorization code)
255                             One feasible way to do this is to check that the user is a privileged
256                             user before calling the other provider (in which case the UID matches
257 denise.eckstein 1.2         the running process)</li>
258 kumpf           1.3       <li> Using the connect() API has additional complexities. Credentials must
259                             be somehow passed into the provider and then handled appropriately. Also,
260                             there are additional client responsibilities as far as certificate validation
261                             and testing, and the consequences are more severe because the client is
262 denise.eckstein 1.2         running with elevated privileges</li>
263                         </ol>
264                       </li>
265                     </ol>
266                     <h3> <font color="#000000">Provider Implementation Guidelines&nbsp; </font></h3>
267 kumpf           1.3 <h4> <font color="#000000">Code that doesn't following the following guidelines
268 denise.eckstein 1.2   in providers running at elevated-privilege should be considered a bug.<br>
269 kumpf           1.3   Code in providers running as-requestor can consider the following as general
270 denise.eckstein 1.2   best practice.</font></h4>
271                     <ol>
272 kumpf           1.3   <li> <u>Check the username/uid and execute every method as if it was running
273                         as that user</u> (i.e. had the OS kernel or authorization service done the
274 denise.eckstein 1.2     authorization).<br>
275 kumpf           1.3     By checking each operation they perform, and ensuring those operations, when
276                         performed on behalf of a non-privileged user, do not have security side-effects.
277                         Any discrepancy between OS authorizations done by the kernel and that done
278                         by the provider that is not part of documented behavior is a security defect.
279                         If the user does not have the privileges to perform the requested operation
280 denise.eckstein 1.2     the Provider must throw CIMAccessDeniedException.</li>
281                       <li> <u>Keep your design/provider simple.</u> <br>
282 kumpf           1.3     While this is difficult to quantify, it is important to minimize the amount
283                         of code running as a privileged user. As a general guideline, if you have
284                         significant lines of code running with elevated privilege, the likelihood
285                         of a security defect is high. Remember that defects in elevated privilege
286                         code is a potential security defect, so all of this code must be straightforward
287                         and easy to review based on the principles mentioned in the General Coding
288                         principles above. The likelihood of a defect not being found is proportional
289 denise.eckstein 1.2     to the amount and complexity of the code. </li>
290 kumpf           1.3   <li><u>Provider must not use any calls such as setuid or setting environment
291                         variables (i.e. PATH) that would alter the state of the process running the
292 denise.eckstein 1.2     CIM Server.</u> <br>
293                         This could cause unexpected results for other providers or threads.</li>
294                       <li><u>Provider must document property authorizations</u>. <br>
295 kumpf           1.3     Specifically, the provider should describe which data elements they make available
296                         for reading, which system changes they are capable of making, and which users
297 denise.eckstein 1.2     will be able to read those elements and make those changes.</li>
298                       <li><u>Provider must check all untrusted input for validity.</u> <br>
299 kumpf           1.3     While the CIM Server ensures that the input is a valid CIM request, the provider
300                         is responsible for validating that the CIM request does not cause any side
301                         effects by ensuring that the input strings contain only expected characters
302                         and that values are within an expected range. Examples of input data that
303                         must be checked include directory or file names, data within files that are
304 denise.eckstein 1.2     read by the provider, and data returned from system calls.</li>
305                       <li><u>Provider must execute stress tests</u>.<br>
306 kumpf           1.3     These include operation in the presence of multiple interacting provider requests.
307                         Based on a white box analysis of your provider, identify ways in which testing
308                         could stress your provider. For example, sending large input strings, a large
309                         number of simultaneous requests, requests including out-of-bounds data, or
310                         ensuring that every branch is covered are just a few ways that you could stress
311                         your product to find potential defects. By exploring the way your provider
312                         fails, you can look for side effects that might lead to &quot;infinite&quot;
313                         resource requests, overwritten data, or other anomalies that could cause a
314 denise.eckstein 1.2     denial-of-service or reveal a side-effect that can be leveraged as an exploit.</li>
315                       <li><u>Design your provider to expect belligerent input</u>. <br>
316 kumpf           1.3     For example, have a common method that validates all CIM requests and ensure
317                         that that method gets called for every request. The method should assume that
318                         input is invalid unless it matches a specific format and specific bounds are
319                         checked. Also, if your provider allocates any memory buffers or writes to
320                         any file based on user input, all error conditions (out-of-memory, disk full,
321                         file is a symbolic link/device file/directory instead of the expected format,
322                         buffer/array too small for data, etc.) should be checked and all of this should
323 denise.eckstein 1.2     be enforced in a common place.</li>
324 kumpf           1.3   <li><u>Do not allow group or world-write access </u>to your shared library,
325                         any other executable code, configuration files, or any parent directory of
326 denise.eckstein 1.2     any of the above. <br>
327 kumpf           1.3     Although only a privileged user ought to be able to create the symbolic links
328                         or shortcuts to the provider shared library in the designated WBEM provider
329                         library directory, the actual provider shared library can be placed in any
330                         directory. A provider must ensure that their shared libraries are protected
331                         in such a way that only a privileged user can modify or delete the shared
332 denise.eckstein 1.2     library or the directory where the shared library is located.</li>
333 kumpf           1.3   <li><u><font color="#008000">Don't bypass authentication</font></u><font color="#008000">:
334                         To avoid damaging CIMOM and other-providers' security, providers should not
335                         bypass CIMOM authentication steps in communicating to other providers or the
336                         CIMOM (manipulating CIMOM-handle userid) and instead use CIMClient in accordance
337                         with &quot;General-Client Best Practices&quot; section. In cases where the
338                         Pegasus use-model does rely on platform-native inter-thread protections, a
339                         future protection algorithm may have to be implemented in OpenPegasus that
340                         ensures an unchanged state of the operation context. Note however that, In
341                         Pegasus 2.5, if a provider uses run-as-requestor, that will ensure the provider
342                         runs in the right user-context, and cleans up the interface to that provider
343 denise.eckstein 1.2     to ensure it doesn't skip inter-provider authentication. </font><br>
344                       </li>
345                     </ol>
346                     <h4><br>
347                       <font color="#000000">Provider Best-Practices:</font></h4>
348                     <ol>
349 kumpf           1.3   <li><u>Use &quot;UserContext registration&quot; setting, present in Open Pegasus
350 denise.eckstein 1.2     2.5 and later</u>: <br>
351 kumpf           1.3     In Pegasus 2.5 and after, you should strongly consider registering your provider
352                         to run as requestor context, or if not available, use Windows &quot;impersonation&quot;
353                         or fork a correct-user-running process. For providers in versions prior to
354                         2.5, you may want to consider implementing your own out of process provider,
355                         to avoid the risks of running at elevated privilege. For those that must run
356 denise.eckstein 1.2     privileged: </li>
357                       <ul>
358 kumpf           1.3     <li><u>Check that the authenticated username provided by CIM matches the effective
359                           user id</u> of the running process. For Pegasus 2.4 and prior, this means
360                           that only the privileged user would be able to use your provider. The general
361                           property is that if you are not elevating privilege (running on behalf of
362                           a different user), then the likelihood of a security defect is greatly decreased.
363                           Making your code more general may mean less work in the future when non-privilege-elevated
364                           providers are able to run with the correct user-id.&nbsp; Even in the model
365                           where Pegasus is run under a non-privileged user, there is a delta in &quot;trust&quot;
366                           between the different users.&nbsp; This still represents some, though not
367                           as much, risk as deploying a run-as-administrator Pegasus.&nbsp; There is
368                           an opportunity to improve Pegasus to better support fully protecting this
369                           use model, though this is less urgent than protecting the higher risk associated
370 denise.eckstein 1.2       with an administrator running CIM server.</li>
371 kumpf           1.3     <li><u>Recommend configuring the WBEM users group (ref: PEP 142)</u>: For
372                           Pegasus versions prior to 2.5, and subsequent, customers can configure a
373                           specific group of users who has access to WBEM providers. This allows customers
374                           to choose a tradeoff between security risk and ease-of-setup. Since every
375                           provider runs with elevated privilege, the risk of security defects is high.
376                           Thus, it is advised that customers configure this group of WBEM users to
377                           only allow access to users who are trusted not to be malicious. If you also
378                           do not run by default, this information can be in your initial setup documentation
379                           so that it gets to all of your customers. This can greatly decrease your
380                           risk of having a security defect, because all malicious activities can be
381 denise.eckstein 1.2       potentially ruled out.</li>
382                       </ul>
383 kumpf           1.3   <li><u>Providers should consider the tradeoff between default installation/registration
384                         and optional</u>:&nbsp; An optional installation of a component (as part of
385                         an OS or software package) gives customers a choice as to whether or not to
386                         limit their interface/exposure, and maintenance/patch burden.&nbsp; Your provider
387                         likely meets a real need for many customers, but there are also customers
388                         who do not need the functionality you provide. There are many customers who
389                         would prefer less patching/update cost and decreased security risk (risk is
390                         added whenever there is a new interface) versus the functionality that your
391                         product provides. Although technically this doesn't decrease the risk of having
392                         a security defect, it can give you more options for interim workarounds until
393                         you can get a critical fix out, and fewer customers would be affected by any
394                         given defect.&nbsp; Provider writers and bundlers should consider these benefits
395 denise.eckstein 1.2     and weigh those against the bundling benefits of mandatory inclusion.</li>
396 kumpf           1.3   <li><u>Log important events, such as unauthorized requests</u>: This can help
397                         a customer track down a potential intrusion as well as debug problems. Do
398                         not include confidential information, such as passwords, in the log. Ensure
399                         that the confidentiality of information stored in the log is commensurate
400                         with access to the log. It is recommended that you use a common logging facility,
401                         such as syslog. Syslogd takes care of things like log rotation, etc. and the
402 denise.eckstein 1.2     administrator already knows where to look for your logs.</li>
403 kumpf           1.3   <li><u>When making system changes, use platform security checks where possible
404                         vs. rewriting your own authorization code</u>: Duplicating authorization code
405 denise.eckstein 1.2     at least doubles the work and is more error-prone.</li>
406                     </ol>
407                     <h3> <font color="#000000">Client Implementation Guidelines:</font></h3>
408 kumpf           1.3 <p> Note: In general, these are the responsibility of the applications invoking
409                       CIM client libraries to the extent that the client libraries don't yet provide
410 denise.eckstein 1.2   the direct support.</p>
411 kumpf           1.3 <h4> <font color="#000000">Client code that doesn't follow these guidelines should
412 denise.eckstein 1.2   be considered a bug:</font></h4>
413                     <ol>
414 kumpf           1.3   <li><u>Use SSL as<a> follows in your remote production client. Though WBEM does
415 denise.eckstein 1.2     provide libraries to help, client behavior is the client's responsibility:</a></u></li>
416 kumpf           1.3   <li><u>Protect the Keystore and Truststore for remote production clients</u>:
417 denise.eckstein 1.2     <ul>
418 kumpf           1.3       <li>Use proper file and directory permissions to protect keystore and truststore
419 denise.eckstein 1.2         files. </li>
420 kumpf           1.3       <li>If your applications are importing the servers' certificate to a truststore,
421                             you must ensure that the user validates the certificates received before
422 denise.eckstein 1.2         adding them to a truststore or keystore.</li>
423                           <li>Do not use less than 1024 bit keysize to create keystores.</li>
424 kumpf           1.3       <li>Keystores/truststores should not be readable or writeable by anyone
425 denise.eckstein 1.2         other than the user who owns them.</li>
426                         </ul>
427                       </li>
428 kumpf           1.3   <li><u>General programming standards</u>
429 denise.eckstein 1.2     <ul>
430 kumpf           1.3       <li>Do not use world-writeable files or directories (including /tmp and
431                             /var/tmp).&nbsp; Make sure all credentials (passwords/certificates) are
432 denise.eckstein 1.2         readable only by their owner.</li>
433 kumpf           1.3       <li>Do not cache passwords unless directed to do so by the user.&nbsp; The
434                             user should be aware that their password is being stored permanently on
435 denise.eckstein 1.2         the client machine.</li>
436 kumpf           1.3       <li>Do not pass passwords as an option on the command-line in non-windows
437                             clients.&nbsp; Command-lines are visible to all users on the system in
438 denise.eckstein 1.2         some operating systems.</li>
439                         </ul>
440                       </li>
441                     </ol>
442                     <h4><font color="#000000">General client best-practices:</font></h4>
443                     <ol>
444 kumpf           1.3   <li><u>Limit access to client data</u>: Each user of a WBEM client should have
445                         his/her own WBEM client instance.&nbsp; The WBEM client process should run
446 denise.eckstein 1.2     as the correct user on the client machine.</li>
447 kumpf           1.3   <li><u>Local vs. Remote Requests and Username/Password Authentication</u>: Use
448                         the connectLocal() API call to connect to the CIM server whenever possible.&nbsp;
449                         To use this API call properly, the process must run with the correct userid
450 denise.eckstein 1.2     <br>
451                         <br>
452 kumpf           1.3     <font face="Courier">Warning: &nbsp;For Pegasus earlier than 2.5, doing client
453                         operations from a CIM provider significantly increases your security risk
454                         if the initial client requester was not running as root.&nbsp; This is due
455                         to the implementation which runs the provider in the CIM Server process space
456                         with a single, often privileged, user so the provider it connects to will
457                         be unable to use built-in authentication.&nbsp; Providers issuing WBEM client
458                         operations must adequately address the security risk.&nbsp; A few alternatives
459                         to address the security concern are: 1) ensure (either at design time or at
460                         runtime in the provider) that the user is authorized to access the data being
461                         requested from the second provider, and 2) the provider could launch another
462                         process and issue the request to the second provider as the intended user.</font>
463 denise.eckstein 1.2     <p>Background on connectLocal():&nbsp; <br>
464 kumpf           1.3       A local connection mechanism exists for clients to communicate with the
465                           CIM Server on the same system. The connectLocal() function is used for this
466                           purpose, and does not take any arguments. In the case where PEGASUS_LOCAL_DOMAIN_SOCKET
467                           is defined, (default on all but Windows, as currently the Windows connectLocal
468                           authentication is not functional as of 2.5) the user ID passed to the provider
469                           is that of the process in which the client program is running. The CIM Server
470                           verifies that the user ID of the request is indeed that of the requesting
471                           process. Namespace authorization, if enabled, is still performed.&nbsp;
472                           When the client must be able to connect to a CIM Server on a remote system,
473                           or when it must be able to specify a different user than that of the process,
474                           it must use the connect() function. This function allows a hostname and
475                           port number to be specified, as well as a username and password.&nbsp; If
476                           you need to use the connect() API, the WBEM client has several responsibilities
477                           to ensure correct authentication and to protect confidential information.&nbsp;&nbsp;
478                           Because connectLocal() does not use SSL, these guidelines only apply to
479                           the connect() interface. Using connectLocal() bypasses these requirements
480                           except where PEGASUS_LOCAL_DOMAIN_SOCKET is not defined.&nbsp; In that case,
481                           it behaves like connect(), using HTTPS and/or HTTP as defined in Pegasus
482 denise.eckstein 1.2       settings.<br>
483                           &nbsp;</li>
484 kumpf           1.3   <li><u>General programming standards</u>
485 denise.eckstein 1.2     <ul>
486 kumpf           1.3       <li>Design for belligerent input.&nbsp; A separate module should be responsible
487                             for validating all input before taking any action.&nbsp; Invalid input
488                             should be discarded.&nbsp; If you client has high availability requirements,
489 denise.eckstein 1.2         deal with invalid input quickly to avoid Denial of Service attacks.</li>
490 kumpf           1.3       <li>Use a strongly-typed language if possible (i.e. Java).&nbsp; If your
491                             client is in C++, then use a security scanner such as RATS (<a href="http://www.securesoftware.com/resources/download_rats.html">http://www.securesoftware.com/resources/download_rats.html</a>)
492                             to identify problem areas and follow the recommendations.&nbsp; (Note:
493                             code scanners such as these tend to make a lot of recommendations, so
494                             plan on adequate time for manual analysis and focus on your input validation
495 denise.eckstein 1.2         module.)</li>
496 kumpf           1.3       <li>Do not use world-writeable files or directories (including /tmp and
497                             /var/tmp).&nbsp; Make sure all credentials (passwords/certificates) are
498 denise.eckstein 1.2         readable only by their owner.</li>
499 kumpf           1.3       <li>Do not cache passwords unless directed to do so by the user.&nbsp; The
500                             user should be aware that their password is being stored permanently on
501 denise.eckstein 1.2         the client machine.</li>
502 kumpf           1.3       <li>Do not pass passwords as an option on the command-line on non-windows
503                             systems.&nbsp; Command-lines on non-windows systems are visible to all
504 denise.eckstein 1.2         users on the system.</li>
505 kumpf           1.3       <li>If possible, do not make any server-initiated changes on the client
506                             system.&nbsp; Doing so increases the risk of security vulnerabilities
507 denise.eckstein 1.2         in your client, and a security reviewer should be consulted.</li>
508 kumpf           1.3       <li>If possible, log events of interest, including certificate warning messages
509                             and invalid responses sent from the server. Doing so increases the ability
510                             of a user or system administrator to track down unauthorized actions.&nbsp;
511                             Use either a user-specific logfile or syslog.&nbsp; Be sure to check for
512 denise.eckstein 1.2         corner cases like disk-space limitations.</li>
513 kumpf           1.3       <li>HTTP Indications should only be used to send confidential information
514                             in environments where the risk of exposure to man-in-the-middle type attacks
515                             is low (e.g. where a rogue CIM Listener could intercept indications).&nbsp;
516                             If your listener expects to receive confidential information, be sure
517                             to document that this information will be visible to anyone on the network
518 denise.eckstein 1.2         clearly to the customer initiating the subscription.</li>
519                         </ul>
520                       </li>
521 kumpf           1.3   <li><u>Security Testing Guidelines</u>
522 denise.eckstein 1.2     <ul>
523 kumpf           1.3       <li>Run the following tests, and ensure that your client gives a useful
524                             error message and does not crash.&nbsp; Crashes on strange and unexpected
525                             input are, at a minimum, a denial-of-service, and often represent buffer
526                             or format-string vulnerabilities.:
527 denise.eckstein 1.2         <ul>
528 kumpf           1.3           <li>CIM server you are connecting to is not available (disabled or network
529 denise.eckstein 1.2             problems)</li>
530                               <li>CIM server responds with an extremely large response</li>
531 kumpf           1.3           <li>CIM server or provider responds with invalid characters or garbage
532 denise.eckstein 1.2             in the response</li>
533                               <li>CIM server returns 'access denied'</li>
534                             </ul>
535                           </li>
536                         </ul>
537                       </li>
538                     </ol>
539                     <h2><font color="#000000">Platform Considerations</font></h2>
540                     <p><font color="#000000
541 kumpf           1.3 ">The coding guidelines may not help, but will not hurt implementations where
542                       Pegasus and its providers are not run at elevated privilege. Examples of this
543                       include environments with only one user or where Pegasus itself is executed
544 denise.eckstein 1.2   as the requesting user.</font></p>
545                     <hr>
546 kumpf           1.3 <p><i><font size="2">Copyright (c) 2005 EMC Corporation; Hewlett-Packard Development
547 denise.eckstein 1.2   Company, L.P.; IBM Corp.; The Open Group; VERITAS Software Corporation</font><br>
548                       <br>
549 kumpf           1.3   <font size="1">Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
550                       a copy&nbsp; of this software and associated documentation files (the &quot;Software&quot;),
551                       to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
552                       rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
553                       sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished
554 denise.eckstein 1.2   to do so, subject to the following conditions:</font><br>
555                       <font size="2"><br>
556 kumpf           1.3   </font> <font size="1">THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE
558                       SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED&nbsp; &quot;AS IS&quot;, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
564                     <hr>
565                     </body>
566 kumpf           1.3 </html>

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