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   1 denise.eckstein 1.1 <html>
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   3 kumpf           1.12   <link rel="stylesheet" href=
   4 denise.eckstein 1.1      "http://www.opengroup.org/stylesheets/info1.css">
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  10                      <p align="center">
  11                        <b><font size="4">Recommended OpenPegasus Build and Configuration Options for Selected Platforms</font></b>
  12                      </p>
  14                      <hr>
  16                      <p><b>Abstract: </b>
  17                        This document defines a set of recommended options for building,
  18 kumpf           1.12   testing and running OpenPegasus on a selected set of
  19 denise.eckstein 1.1    platforms. In this version of the document, platform-specific configuration
  20                        information have been documented for the platforms described in the
  21                        &quot;Documented Platforms&quot; section of this document.
  22                      </p>
  24                      <p><b>Note 1: </b>
  25                        The recommendations defined in this document are not intended to document
  26                        the feature set included in any vendor's OpenPegasus-based product.
  27                        Rather, the purpose of this document is to provide input to vendors when
  28                        making product decisions.<BR>
  29                      </p>
  31                      <hr>
  33                      <h2>Definition of the Problem</h2>
  35                      <p>OpenPegasus supports a large number of build and runtime options.
  36                      Determining which options to use can be challenging. The purpose of this
  37                      document is to simplify the build, testing and administration of OpenPegasus
  38                      by providing a recommended, tested set of options.</p>
  40 denise.eckstein 1.1  <h2>Documented Platforms</h2>
  42                      <p>Support for the OpenPegasus build and runtime options described in
  43 kumpf           1.12 this document varies by platform.&nbsp;&nbsp; In this version of the
  44                      document, platform-specific configuration information has been included
  45 denise.eckstein 1.1  for the platforms described in the following table.&nbsp; For all other
  46 kumpf           1.12 platforms, please consult the OpenPegasus Platform Advocate for
  47 denise.eckstein 1.1  additional information.</p>
  49                      <ul>
  50                        <table border="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolordark="#666666"
  51                          bordercolorlight="#CCCCCC" width=20%>
  52                          <tr>
  53                            <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" align=center>Platform</th>
  54                            <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" align=center>Status</th>
  55                          </tr>
  56                          <tr align="left">
  57                            <td>HPUX_IA64_ACC</td>
  58                            <td>&nbsp;</td>
  59                          </tr>
  60                          <tr align="left">
  61                            <td>HPUX_PARISC_ACC</td>
  62                            <td>&nbsp;</td>
  63                          </tr>
  64                          <tr align="left">
  65                            <td>LINUX_IA64_GNU</td>
  66                            <td>&nbsp;</td>
  67                          </tr>
  68 denise.eckstein 1.1      <tr align="left">
  69                            <td>LINUX_IX86_GNU</td>
  70                            <td>&nbsp;</td>
  71                          </tr>
  72                          <tr align="left">
  73                            <td>LINUX_PPC64_GNU</td>
  74                            <td>&nbsp;</td>
  75                          </tr>
  76                          <tr align="left">
  77                            <td>LINUX_PPC_GNU</td>
  78                            <td>&nbsp;</td>
  79                          </tr>
  80                          <tr align="left">
  81                            <td>LINUX_XSCALE_GNU</td>
  82                            <td>&nbsp;</td>
  83                          </tr>
  84                          <tr align="left">
  85                            <td>LINUX_ZSERIES64_GNU</td>
  86                            <td>&nbsp;</td>
  87                          </tr>
  88                          <tr align="left">
  89 denise.eckstein 1.1        <td>LINUX_ZSERIES_GNU</td>
  90                            <td>&nbsp;</td>
  91                          </tr>
  92                          <tr align="left">
  93                            <td>VMS_ALPHA_DECCXX</td>
  94                            <td>&nbsp;</td>
  95                          </tr>
  96                          <tr align="left">
  97                            <td>VMS_IA64_DECCXX</td>
  98                            <td>&nbsp;</td>
  99                          </tr>
 100                          </table>
 101                      </ul>
 103                      <h2>Proposed Solution</h2>
 105                      <h3>Security Considerations</h3>
 106                      <ol>
 107                        <li>
 108                          To avoid introducing security vulnerabilities, vendors must never
 109                          ship providers incompatible with the security assumptions used in
 110 kumpf           1.12     their deployment.
 111                          For example, providers designed for a single-user deployment that
 112                          don't perform authorization  must not be shipped with a CIM Server
 113                          that expects the providers to perform authorization. Note that
 114 denise.eckstein 1.1      this authorization burden is considerably lighter if the provider
 115                          is registered as 'run as requestor' and if the CIM Server enables
 116                          that feature. See <a href=
 117                          "http://www.openpegasus.org/pp/uploads/40/7197/SecurityGuidePEP.htm">
 118                          PEP#223 - Security Coding Guidelines</a> for additional
 119                          details.
 120                        </li>
 121                        <li>
 122                          Vendors should ensure they configure the CIM Server consistently
 123                          with the security requirements of their deployment.
 124                        </li>
 125                      </ol>
 127                      <h3>Terminology Notes</h3>
 128                      <ol>
 129                        <li>
 130                          In this document, the term &quot;Not Set&quot; is used to indicate
 131                          that the a value for the environment variable has not been defined.
 132 kumpf           1.12     &quot;Set&quot; is used to indicate that the value must be defined,
 133 denise.eckstein 1.1      but the actual value of the variable is not checked.
 134                        </li>
 135                      </ol>
 137                      <h3>General Notes</h3>
 139                      <ol>
 140                        <li>
 141 kumpf           1.12     Not all functionality described in this document has achieved
 142 denise.eckstein 1.1      &quot;Green&quot;status, please refer to the
 143                          <a href="http://www.openpegasus.org/page.tpl?CALLER=index.tpl&ggid=799">
 144                          OpenPegasus Project Feature Status </a>page for information on
 145                          the maturity level of OpenPegasus features.
 146                        </li>
 147                        <li>
 148                          To encourage testing of new functionality, recommendations for the
 149                          Development Build may include features that are not yet recommended
 150                          for Release Builds.
 151                        </li>
 152                      </ol>
 154                      <h3>Environment Variable Settings for <u>Building</u> OpenPegasus</h3>
 156                      <h4>Definitions</h4>
 158                      <h5>ICU_INSTALL</h5>
 159                      <ul>
 160                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>When set, points to the directory containing
 161                           the <a href="%20http:/oss.software.ibm.com/icu"> ICU(International
 162 kumpf           1.12      Components for Unicode)</a> installation. The 'include'
 163 denise.eckstein 1.1       subdirectory is used to locate ICU header files at build time. The
 164                           'lib' subdirectory is used to locate ICU libraries at link
 165                           time.<br>
 166                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 167                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 168                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 169                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No.&nbsp; However, if PEGASUS_HAS_ICU is
 170                           set and ICU_INSTALL is not defined, the ICU libraries and header
 171                           files are expected to be installed in directories (e.g.,/usr/lib,
 172                           /usr/include)&nbsp; that are searched by default.<br>
 173                        <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>This environment variable is only used
 174                           if PEGASUS_HAS_MESSAGES is set. Refer to PEGASUS_HAS_MESSAGES for
 175                           additional details.
 176                      </ul>
 178                      <h5>ICU_NO_UPPERCASE_ROOT</h5>
 179                      <ul>
 180                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If set, the messages in the root resource
 181                           bundle will NOT be capitalized. By default, the root resource
 182                           bundle is capitalized.<br>
 183                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 184 denise.eckstein 1.1    <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 185                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 186                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 187 kumpf           1.12   <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>This environment variable is only used
 188                           if PEGASUS_HAS_MESSAGES is set. Refer to PEGASUS_HAS_MESSAGES for
 189 denise.eckstein 1.1       additional details.
 190                      </ul>
 192                      <h5>ICU_ROOT_BUNDLE_LANG</h5>
 193                      <ul>
 194                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If set, specifies the language
 195                           to be used to generate the root resource bundle.  The
 196                           default value for ICU_ROOT_BUNDLE_LANG is _en.<br>
 197                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>_en<br>
 198                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>No
 199                           Recommendation<br>
 200                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No Recommendation<br>
 201                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 202                        <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>This environment variable is
 203                           only used if PEGASUS_HAS_MESSAGES is set. Refer to
 204                           PEGASUS_HAS_MESSAGES for additional details.<br>
 205                           If set, resource bundles for the designated language must
 206                           exist for the following files:
 207                           <ul>
 208                             <li>pegasus/src/Pegasus/msg/Server/pegasusServer_en.txt</li>
 209                             <li>pegasus/src/Pegasus/msg/Listener/pegasusListener_en.txt</li>
 210 denise.eckstein 1.1       </ul>
 211                      </ul>
 214                      <h5>OPENSSL_BIN</h5>
 215                      <ul>
 216                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the location of the
 217                           OpenSSL <i>binary</i> directory. <br>
 218                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 219                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
 220                           No Specific Recommendation<br>
 221                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
 222                           No Specific Recommendation<br>
 223                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No. By default, the openssl binary is
 224                           expected to be installed in a directory that is searched by default
 225                           (e.g., /usr/bin). For platforms where this isn't true, the
 226                           OPENSSL_BIN environment variable may be used to define an
 227 kumpf           1.12      alternative path. This environment variable is only used if
 228 denise.eckstein 1.1       PEGASUS_HAS_SSL is set.
 229                      </ul>
 231                      <h5>OPENSSL_HOME</h5>
 232                      <ul>
 233                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the location of the OpenSSL
 234                           SDK directory.  This directory must contain the OpenSSL
 235                           <i>include</i> directory, $(OPENSSL_HOME)/include, and the OpenSSL
 236                           <i>library</i> directory, $(OPENSSL_HOME)/lib.<br>
 237                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 238                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
 239                           No Specific Recommendation<br>
 240                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
 241                           No Specific Recommendation<br>
 242                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>Yes for Windows, if PEGASUS_HAS_SSL
 243                           is set. No for all other platforms. For AIX, the default
 244 kumpf           1.12      value for OPENSSL_HOME is /usr/linux.&nbsp; For all other
 245 denise.eckstein 1.1       platforms, the OpenSSL include files and libraries are expected
 246                           to be installed in directories that are searched by default (e.g.,
 247 kumpf           1.12      /usr/bin, /usr/lib(64), and /usr/include).
 248 denise.eckstein 1.1       For platforms where the default value is not correct, the
 249                           OPENSSL_HOME environment variable may be used to define an
 250                           alternative path (i.e., $(OPENSSL_HOME)/lib and
 251                           $(OPENSSL_HOME)/include). This environment variable
 252                           is only used if PEGASUS_HAS_SSL is set.
 253                      </ul>
 256                      <ul>
 257                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If set to true, a version of OpenPegasus
 258                           will be built that allows an absolute path to be specified as the
 259                           value of the Location property of PG_ProviderModule class.&nbsp;
 260                           Otherwise it does not allow the absolute path to be specified.<br>
 261                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 262 kumpf           1.12   <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 263 denise.eckstein 1.1    <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 264                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<p>
 265                        <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>To avoid introducing security
 266                           vulnerabilities, vendors should analyze their deployment
 267                           environments to understand the security implications of allowing
 268                           providers to be loaded from a dynamically changing set of
 269                           directories.<br>
 270                      </ul>
 272                      <h5>PEGASUS_CCOVER</h5>
 273                      <ul>
 274                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>This flag is currently only supported on
 275 kumpf           1.12      HP-UX. It is enabled on the Nightly Build &amp; Test system,
 276 denise.eckstein 1.1       HP-UX_11iv3_Integrity_C-Cover.&nbsp; This system is
 277 kumpf           1.12      used to generate the nightly BullseyeCoverage code coverage
 278 denise.eckstein 1.1       metrics.<br>
 279                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 280 kumpf           1.12   <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 281 denise.eckstein 1.1    <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 282                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 283 kumpf           1.12   <b>Considerations: </b>This flag is only supported on HP-UX to enable
 284 denise.eckstein 1.1       CCOVER for the NB&T system.<br>
 285                      </ul>
 287                      <h5>PEGASUS_CIM_SCHEMA</h5>
 288                      <ul>
 289                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>This variable is used internally by the
 290 kumpf           1.12      OpenPegasus development team when upgrading the OpenPegasus build
 291 denise.eckstein 1.1       environment to a new version of the CIM Schema.<br>
 292                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>CIM217<br>
 293                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
 294                           No Specific Recommendation<br>
 295                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
 296                           No Specific Recommendation<br>
 297                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No <br>
 298 kumpf           1.12   <b>Considerations:</b> Additional code changes may be required when
 299                           upgrading or downgrading the CIM Schema version.</p>
 300 denise.eckstein 1.1  </ul>
 302                      <h5>PEGASUS_CLASS_CACHE_SIZE</h5>
 303                      <ul>
 304                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>This environment variable gives the size of
 305                           the class cache used by CIM repository. This variable defines the
 306                           size of the class cache (i.e., the maximum number of classes that
 307 kumpf           1.12      may be included). If this variable is set to 0, class caching is
 308 denise.eckstein 1.1       disabled.<br>
 309                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>8<br>
 310                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>8<br>
 311                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>8<br>
 312 kumpf           1.12   <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No </p>
 313 denise.eckstein 1.1  </ul>
 315                      <h5>PEGASUS_DEBUG</h5>
 316                      <ul>
 317 kumpf           1.12   <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Builds a debug version of OpenPegasus.
 318                           Concurrently, this flag controls a) enabling compiler specific
 319                           debug flags and b) the inclusion of debug-specific
 320 denise.eckstein 1.1       functionality.<br>
 321                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 322                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Set<br>
 323                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 324                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No
 325                      </ul>
 327                      <h5>PEGASUS_DEFAULT_USERCTXT_REQUESTOR</h5>
 328                      <ul>
 329                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b> If set to true, the <i>Requestor</i> user
 330                           context is used for providers that do not specify a UserContext
 331                           value in their registration. Otherwise, the <i>Privileged</i> user
 332                           context value is used by default. <br>
 333                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>false<br>
 334                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
 335                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
 336                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No
 337                        <b>Considerations:</b> Use of the <i>Requestor</i> default has
 338                           improved provider security characteristics. However, some providers
 339                           may not operate correctly when run in the <i>Requestor</i> user
 340                           context and setting this value to true may cause those providers to
 341 denise.eckstein 1.1       fail.&nbsp; Providers that can run in the <i>Requestor</i>
 342                           user context are encouraged to explicitly set the UserContext value
 343                           in their registration rather than rely on the default setting
 344 kumpf           1.12      default by this variable. Please refer to
 345 denise.eckstein 1.1       SecurityGuidelinesForDevelopers.html. PEP 223 for a discussion
 346 kumpf           1.12      of the rationale/advantages of running providers in the
 347 denise.eckstein 1.1       <i>Requestor </i> user context. <b>Note:</b> This build
 348 kumpf           1.12      variable is not meaningful if the Provider User Context feature is
 349                           disabled with the PEGASUS_DISABLE_PROV_USERCTXT
 350 denise.eckstein 1.1       setting.&nbsp;
 351                      </ul>
 354                      <h5>PEGASUS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_OOP</h5>
 355                      <ul>
 356                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>When this variable is set to false, by
 357                           default, Providers are run in the cimserver process
 358 kumpf           1.12      (forceProviderProcesses=false). If this value is set true,
 359 denise.eckstein 1.1       Providers are run out-of-process by default.<br>
 360                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>true for HP-UX and Linux, false for
 361                           other platforms<br>
 362                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>true (HP-UX,
 363                           Linux)<br>
 364                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>true (HP-UX,
 365                           Linux)<br>
 366                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 367 kumpf           1.12   <b>Considerations: </b>This environment variable can be used to
 368 denise.eckstein 1.1       change the &quot;hard-coded&quot; default setting for the
 369                           forceProviderProcesses configuration value.&nbsp;
 370                           Refer to the definition of <b>forceProviderProcesses</b> for
 371                           additional information.
 372                      </ul>
 374                      <h5>PEGASUS_DEST_LIB_DIR</h5>
 375                      <ul>
 376                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the location of OpenPegasus
 377                           shared libraries.<br>
 378                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>$(PEGASUS_HOME)/lib<br>
 379                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
 380                           $(PEGASUS_HOME)/lib<br>
 381                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
 382                           No Specific Recommendation <br>
 383                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 384                        <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>This variable is NOT is used to define
 385 kumpf           1.12      the location of the Provider library directories.&nbsp;
 386 denise.eckstein 1.1       Please refer to the providerDir configuration option for details
 387                           on defining the directories for the Provider libraries.
 388                      </ul>
 391                      <h5>PEGASUS_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_INTERFACES</h5>
 392                      <ul>
 393 kumpf           1.12   <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Removes deprecated symbol definitions
 394 denise.eckstein 1.1       from OpenPegasus runtime libraries.<br>
 395                        <b>Default Value:</b>&nbsp;Not Set<br>
 396                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):</b>&nbsp;Not Set<br>
 397                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build): </b>Not Set<br>
 398                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 399                        <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>If this option is set, the resulting
 400 kumpf           1.12      OpenPegasus libraries will not be binary compatible with
 401                           clients and providers built using interface definitions from
 402 denise.eckstein 1.1       prior releases. This option may be used to slightly reduce binary
 403                           footprint in an environment where compatibility is not required.<br>
 404                      </ul>
 406                      <h5>PEGASUS_DISABLE_INSTANCE_QUALIFIERS</h5>
 407                      <ul>
 408                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>In the CIM Infrastructure Specification,
 409                           version 2.3, the DMTF clarified that instance-level qualifiers are
 410                           not allowed.&nbsp; In Version 1.2 of the Specification CIM
 411                           Operations over HTTP, use of the IncludeQualifiers parameter has
 412                           been DEPRECATED.<br>
 413                        <b>Default Value:</b>&nbsp;Not Set<br>
 414                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):</b>&nbsp;Not Set<br>
 415                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build): </b>Not Set<br>
 416                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 417                        <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>Existing CIM Clients may depend on
 418 kumpf           1.12      qualifiers being returned in the response. In this case, the
 419                           PEGASUS_DISABLE_INSTANCE_QUALIFIERS should not be set.&nbsp;
 420 denise.eckstein 1.1       If this flag is set, the value of the IncludeQualifiers parameter
 421                           passed on the GetInstance and EnumerateInstance operations is
 422 kumpf           1.12      ignored and qualifiers are not returned.&nbsp;
 423 denise.eckstein 1.1       Disabling the return of qualifiers as part of a CIM Instance will
 424                           improve performance.<br>
 425                      </ul>
 427                      <h5>PEGASUS_DISABLE_LOCAL_DOMAIN_SOCKET</h5>
 428                      <ul>
 429                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Disables support for local (same-system)
 430                           connections over a Unix domain socket. If this option is NOT set,
 431 kumpf           1.12      the CIM Server is built to allow connections to be established
 432 denise.eckstein 1.1       using a domain socket rather than a TCP port.<br>
 433                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set&nbsp; <br>
 434                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 435                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 436                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 437                        <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>(1) In high-threat environments, a
 438                           customer may want to disable all ports or reduce the number of
 439 kumpf           1.12      exposed network ports. Supporting a local connection mechanism
 440 denise.eckstein 1.1       using Unix domain socket allows the CIM Server to continue to
 441                           receive and process requests from local CIM Clients. (2)
 442                           Enabling this option may result in lose of functionality when
 443                           sslClientVerificationMode = required. (3)The
 444                           &quot;LOCAL_DOMAIN_SOCKET&quot; functionality has not been
 445                           implemented for&nbsp; Windows or OpenVMS.&nbsp; Therefore, by
 446 kumpf           1.12      default, this option is &quot;Set&quot; for Windows and OpenVMS
 447 denise.eckstein 1.1       platforms.
 448                      </ul>
 450                      <h5>PEGASUS_DISABLE_PERFINST</h5>
 451                      <ul>
 452                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Builds a version of OpenPegasus that
 453                           disables support for gathering performance data.<br>
 454                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 455                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>Not Set<br>
 456                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build): </b>Set<br>
 457                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 458                        <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>The CIM_ObjectManager.GatherStatisticalData
 459                           property is used to control statistic gathering.&nbsp; Once enabled,
 460                           statistical data can be viewed by retrieving instances of the
 461                           CIM_StatisticalData class. Support for gathering performance
 462                           data requires PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER to be enabled. If
 463                           PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER is explicitly disabled (i.e., set
 464                           to false),&nbsp; then PEGASUS_DISABLE_PERFINST must be set to
 465                           true.&nbsp; If PEGASUS_DISABLE_PERFINST is not defined or set to
 466                           false and PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER is not set,
 467                           PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER will be automatically enabled.
 468 denise.eckstein 1.1  </ul>
 469 kumpf           1.12 
 470 denise.eckstein 1.1  <h5>PEGASUS_DISABLE_PRIVILEGED_TESTS</h5>
 471                      <ul>
 472                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>This variable is used only in the development
 473 kumpf           1.12      environment to restrict the level of testing performed by default.
 474                           If set, tests that require the CIM Server to run in a privileged
 475                           mode will not be run.&nbsp; Setting this variable allows
 476 denise.eckstein 1.1       developers, without privileged access, to successfully run a
 477                           subset of the OpenPegasus test suit.&nbsp; This variable does
 478                           not affect CIM Server functionality.&nbsp; It merely controls
 479                           the level of testing.<br>
 480                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 481                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>Not Set<br>
 482                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Used<br>
 483                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 484                        <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>Enabling this variable will significantly
 485 kumpf           1.12      reduce the testing of security related features (e.g.,
 486 denise.eckstein 1.1       authentication and authorization) and can affect testing in other
 487                           areas.
 488                      </ul>
 490                      <h5>PEGASUS_DISABLE_PROV_USERCTXT</h5>
 491                      <ul>
 492                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Builds a version of OpenPegasus that
 493                           disables supports for the Provider User Context feature.&nbsp;
 494                           This feature allows a Provider to choose the user context in
 495                           which it is invoked, including the ability to run in the context of
 496                           the user requesting an operation.<br>
 497                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Set for Windows and OpenVMS, Not Set
 498                           for all other platforms<br>
 499                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>Set for Windows and
 500                           OpenVMS, Not Set for all other platforms<br>
 501                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Set for Windows and
 502                           OpenVMS, Not Set for all other platforms<br>
 503                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 504                        <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>The Provider User Context feature may be
 505                           disabled by compiling with the PEGASUS_DISABLE_PROV_USERCTXT flag
 506                           defined. In this case, the Provider Registration Manager rejects
 507 denise.eckstein 1.1       provider registration requests that specify a UserContext property
 508                           value. The user context in which providers run is then unchanged by
 509 kumpf           1.12      this enhancement. Some platforms, such as OS/400 and z/OS may
 510 denise.eckstein 1.1       define the PEGASUS_DISABLE_PROV_USERCTXT as part of the platform
 511                           configuration, since these platforms already set the provider user
 512                           context on a per-thread basis.&nbsp; When the Provider User Context
 513                           feature is enabled, support for each of the User Context types may
 514 kumpf           1.12      be disabled individually. Provider registration fails when an
 515 denise.eckstein 1.1       unsupported UserContext value is specified. Please refer to
 516 kumpf           1.12      SecurityGuidelinesForDevelopers.html / PEP 223 for a discussion of
 517                           the rationale/advantages of user context providers to many
 518 denise.eckstein 1.1       platforms.<br>
 519                      </ul>
 521 s.kodali        1.20 <h5>PEGASUS_EXTRA_PROVIDER_LIB_DIR</h5>
 522                      <ul>
 523                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the location of the extra provider
 524                           libraries which are part of the release builds.<br>
 525                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 526                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
 527                           No Specific Recommendation<br>
 528                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
 529                           No Specific Recommendation<br>
 530                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b> No.<br>
 531                        <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b> Since providerDir config property is fixed
 532                           and hidden in release builds, this build time option provides facilty
 533                           to include the extra provider directories without any security problems.
 534                           This build time option is useful only when PEGASUS_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_RELEASE_DIRS
 535                           is set.
 536                      </ul>
 538 denise.eckstein 1.1  <h5>PEGASUS_EMANATE_INCLUDE_DIR</h5>
 539                      <ul>
 540                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the location of the EMANATE
 541                           <i>include</i> directory. <br>
 542                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 543                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
 544                           No Specific Recommendation<br>
 545                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
 546                           No Specific Recommendation<br>
 547                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No. By default, the EMANATE include files
 548                           are expected to be installed in directories that are searched by
 549                           default (e.g., /usr/include). For platforms where this isn't true,
 550 kumpf           1.12      the PEGASUS_EMANATE_INCLUDE_DIR environment variable may be used to
 551                           define an alternative path. This environment variable is only used
 552 denise.eckstein 1.1       if PEGASUS_USE_EMANATE is set.<br>
 553 kumpf           1.12   <b>Considerations: </b>Refer to the description of PEGASUS_USE_EMANATE
 554 denise.eckstein 1.1       for additional details.<br>
 555                      </ul>
 557                      <h5>PEGASUS_EMANATE_LIB_DIR</h5>
 558                      <ul>
 559                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the location of the EMANATE
 560                           <i>lib</i> directory. <br>
 561                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 562                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
 563                           No Specific Recommendation<br>
 564                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
 565                           No Specific Recommendation<br>
 566 kumpf           1.12   <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No. By default, the EMANATE libraries are
 567                           expected to be installed in directories that are searched by
 568                           default (e.g., /usr/lib, /usr/lib64). For platforms where this
 569 denise.eckstein 1.1       isn't true, the PEGASUS_EMANATE_LIB_DIR environment variable may
 570                           be used to define an alternative path. This environment variable
 571                           is only used if PEGASUS_USE_EMANATE is set.<br>
 572                        <b>Considerations: </b>Refer to the description of PEGASUS_USE_EMANATE
 573                           for additional details.<br>
 574                      </ul>
 576                      <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_AUDIT_LOGGER</h5>
 577                      <ul>
 578                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>When this variable is set to false, support
 579                           for audit logging will NOT be built into OpenPegasus. If this
 580                           variable is set to true, or not set, support for audit logging
 581                           will be included in the build. All other values are invalid.<br>
 582                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>true<br>
 583                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
 584                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
 585                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 586                      </ul>
 589                      <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_CMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER</h5>
 590 denise.eckstein 1.1  <ul>
 591                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If set to true, a version of OpenPegasus
 592                           that supports CMPI providers and their dependent components is
 593                           built.&nbsp; If this variable is not set or set to false, support
 594                           for CMPI providers will not be included. <br>
 595                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>true for Linux and OpenVMS, false for
 596                           other platforms<br>
 597 kumpf           1.12   <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>true (Linux
 598 denise.eckstein 1.1       Platform Only)<br>
 599                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>true (Linux Platform
 600                           Only)<br>
 601                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No</p>
 602                      </ul>
 604                      <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_COMPRESSED_REPOSITORY</h5>
 605                      <ul>
 606                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If set the Repository Compression logic is
 607                           built and enabled and compressed and non compressed repositories
 608                           are supported. If not set then compressed repositories are not
 609                           supported.<br>
 610                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 611                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>Not Set<br>
 612                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 613                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<p>
 614 kumpf           1.12   <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>See
 615 denise.eckstein 1.1       pegasus/readme.compressed_repository</p>
 616                      </ul>
 619                      <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_CQL</h5>
 620                      <ul>
 621                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>When this variable is set to false, support
 622                           for Indication Subscription filters that have CQL as the language
 623                           is disabled. It does not remove CQL from the build.<br>
 624                        <b>Default Value:</b>&nbsp;Not Set<br>
 625                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):</b>&nbsp;Not Set<br>
 626                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):</b>&nbsp;false<br>
 627                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 628 kumpf           1.12   <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>The DMTF CIM Query Language
 629                           Specification is Preliminary and subject to backward incompatible
 630                           changes.
 631 denise.eckstein 1.1  </ul>
 634                      <ul>
 635                        <b>Description: </b>When this variable is set to true, support the
 636                           DMTF Indications Profile (DSP1054) is included in OpenPegasus.&nbsp;
 637                           If this variable is not set or set to false, support for the DMTF
 638                           Indications Profile will not be included.<br>
 639                        <b>Default Value:</b>&nbsp;Not Set<br>
 640                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):</b>&nbsp;Not Set<br>
 641                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):</b>&nbsp;Not Set<br>
 642                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 643                        <b>Considerations: </b>The implementation of this feature is
 644                           based on a preliminary version of the DMTF Indications Profile,
 645                           DSP1053, and subject to change.&nbsp; If this variable is enabled,
 646 kumpf           1.12      two DMTF experimental class definitions, CIM_IndicationService and
 647                           CIM_IndicationServiceCapabilities, will be added to the
 648 denise.eckstein 1.1       root/PG_InterOp namespace. Experimental class definitions are
 649                           subject to change.&nbsp;
 650 kumpf           1.12      PEGASUS_ENABLE_DMTF_INDICATION_PROFILE_SUPPORT requires
 651 denise.eckstein 1.1       PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER to be enabled.
 652                           If PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER is not set, setting
 653                           PEGASUS_ENABLE_DMTF_INDICATION_PROFILE_SUPPORT to true, will also
 654                           enable PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER.  If
 655                           PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER is explicitly disabled (i.e., set
 656                           to false), a build error will be generated.
 657                      </ul>
 659                      <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_EXECQUERY</h5>
 660                      <ul>
 661                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>When this environment variable is set,
 662 kumpf           1.12      processing of ExecQuery operations is enabled. When not set,
 663 denise.eckstein 1.1       ExecQuery operation requests get a NotSupported response. (Note:
 664                           The PEGASUS_ENABLE_EXECQUERY environment variable controls
 665                           the definition of the PEGASUS_DISABLE_EXECQUERY compile macro.) <br>
 666                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 667                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>Not Set<br>
 668                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 669                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No
 670                      </ul>
 672                      <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_EMAIL_HANDLER</h5>
 673                      <ul>
 674                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b> When this environment variable is set, an
 675 kumpf           1.12      E-Mail Indication Handler is built as part of the OpenPegasus
 676                           build.&nbsp; The E-Mail Indication Handler can be used to
 677 denise.eckstein 1.1       delivered CIM Indications to a designated e-mail address.<br>
 678                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 679                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>Not Set<br>
 680                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 681                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 682                        <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>If PEGASUS_ENABLE_EMAIL_HANDLER is
 683                           not set when OpenPegasus is built, a request to create an Email
 684                           Indication Handler instance will be rejected will the error
 685                           CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED.
 686                      </ul>
 688                      <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_GCOV</h5>
 689                      <ul>
 690                        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>GCOV,
 691                           <a href="http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/index.html#toc_Gcov">
 692                           http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/index.html#toc_Gcov</a>, is a
 693                           code coverage utility.&nbsp; If PEGASUS_ENABLE_GCOV is set,&nbsp;
 694                           GCC will instrument the code to support analysis by GCOV.<br>
 695                        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 696                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
 697                           Not Set<br>
 698 denise.eckstein 1.1    <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 699                        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br><b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>
 700                           This flag is currently only supported with GCC on Linux.
 701                           <ul>
 702 kumpf           1.12        Note: LCOV, <a href=
 703 denise.eckstein 1.1         "http://ltp.sourceforge.net/coverage/lcov.php">
 704 kumpf           1.12        http://ltp.sourceforge.net/coverage/lcov.php</a>, is a
 705 denise.eckstein 1.1         graphical front-end extension for GCOV. It collects GCOV data
 706                             for multiple source files and creates HTML pages with coverage
 707 kumpf           1.12        information. You can use the following steps to use LCOV to
 708 denise.eckstein 1.1         analyze OpenPegasus GCOV data.
 709                             <ol>
 710                               <li>Set PEGASUS_ENABLE_GCOV = true.</li>
 711 kumpf           1.12          <li>Build and test OpenPegasus (e.g.,
 712                                   <i>make -f pegasus/TestMakefile&nbsp; build
 713 denise.eckstein 1.1               alltests</i>).</li>
 714                               <li>For each source directory,
 715                                 <ul>
 716                                   <li>copy the .gcda and .gcno files from the object
 717 kumpf           1.12                  directory to the source directory (e.g.,
 718                                       <i>cp build/obj/Pegasus/Common/*.gcda
 719 denise.eckstein 1.1                   src/Pegasus/Common/</i>);</li>
 720 kumpf           1.12              <li>execute the <b>lcov</b> command
 721                                      (e.g.,
 722 denise.eckstein 1.1                  <i>lcov --directory src/Pegasus/Common/ --capture
 723                                      --output-file result.info</i>) to build the result.info
 724                                      file; and finally,</li>
 725                                   <li>use the <b>genhtml</b> command to generate the .html
 726                                       output (e.g., <i>genhtml result.info</i>).&nbsp; The
 727                                       top .html file is named index.html.</li>
 728                      	   </ul>
 729                             </ol>
 730                          </ul>
 731                      </ul>
 732 kumpf           1.12 
 733 denise.eckstein 1.1  <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_INDICATION_COUNT</h5>
 734                      <ul>
 735 kumpf           1.12   <b>Description: </b>If true, the CIM
 736 denise.eckstein 1.1       Server will be built to count the number of CIM indications
 737                           generated by providers and matched with subscriptions. If false
 738                           or not set, indication statistic support will not be included.
 739                        <b>Default Value: </b>true<br>
 740                        <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>true <br>
 741                        <b>Recommended Value (Release Build): </b>true <br>
 742                        <b>Required: </b>No <br>
 743                        <b>Considerations: </b>The number of CIM indications generated by
 744                           providers and matched with subscriptions is stored in hash tables
 745                           which causes memory usage to increase by 4 bytes for each
 746                           active subscription and by about 400 bytes for each active
 747                           indication provider.<br>	
 748                      </ul>
 750 mike            1.10 <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_BINARY</h5>
 751                      <ul>
 752                        <b>Description: </b>If true, OpenPegasus uses a faster binary
 753 karl        protocol between local clients and the CIM server. If false, OpenPegasus 
 754                               uses the conventional XML-based protocol instead.
 755                               See PEP#340 for more details.
 756 mike            1.10          <br>
 757                            <b>Default Value: </b>false<br>
 758                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>false<br>
 759                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build): </b>false<br>
 760                            <b>Required: </b>No<br>
 761                            <b>Considerations: </b>This option improves performance by using a faster
 762                               binary protocol between local clients and the CIM server.
 763 mike            1.8           <br>
 764                          </ul>
 766 denise.eckstein 1.1      <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER</h5>
 767                          <ul>
 768                            <b>Description: </b>If true, the OpenPegasus Interop Provider
 769                               will be build.  If false or not set, the OpenPegasus Interop
 770                               Provider will not be built.<br>
 771                            <b>Default Value: </b>Not Set<br>
 772                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>Not Set<br>
 773                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build): </b>false<br>
 774                            <b>Required: </b>No <br>
 775                            <b>Considerations: </b>&nbsp;A number of features controlled by
 776                               OpenPegasus build options are dependent on the Interop
 777 kumpf           1.12          Provider.&nbsp; Please refer to PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP,
 778                               PEGASUS_DISABLE_PERFINST, and
 779 denise.eckstein 1.1           PEGASUS_ENABLE_DMTF_INDICATION_PROFILE_SUPPORT for additional
 780                               details.<br>
 781                          </ul>
 783                          <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_IPV6</h5>
 784                          <ul>
 785                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>This variable can be used to specify
 786                               whether IPv6 support should be included in OpenPegasus.<br>
 787                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>true<br>
 788                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>true<br>
 789                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
 790                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 791                            <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>When this variable is set to
 792                               'false', support for IPv6 socket APIs and structures is disabled,
 793 kumpf           1.12          and the CIM Server will not accept connections to or from IPv6
 794 denise.eckstein 1.1           network interfaces. When this variable is set to 'true', the
 795 kumpf           1.12          newer IPv6 socket APIs and structures will be included when
 796                               OpenPegasus is built, so they must be supported on the build
 797                               platform. However, if IPv6 is not supported on the platform on
 798 denise.eckstein 1.1           which an IPv6-enabled version of OpenPegasus is run, then the IPv6
 799                               feature will be disabled at run-time and only IPv4 connections
 800                               will be supported.
 801                          </ul>
 803                          <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_JMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER</h5>
 804                          <ul>
 805                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If true, a version of OpenPegasus that
 806                               supports JMPI providers and their dependent components is built.
 807                               If false or not set, support for JMPI Providers is not included
 808                               in OpenPegasus.&nbsp; All other values are invalid.<br>
 809                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>false<br>
 810                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
 811                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
 812                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No</p>
 813                          </ul>
 815                          <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_OBJECT_NORMALIZATION</h5>
 816                          <ul>
 817 kumpf           1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If set, builds in support so that objects
 818                               returned from provider instance operations can be validated.
 819 denise.eckstein 1.1           The enableNormalization must also be set to 'true' (default)<br>
 820                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 821                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 822                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 823                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>
 824                            <b>Considerations: </b>If PEGASUS_ENABLE_OBJECT_NORMALIZATION is
 825                               set, two new configuration options are defined: enableNormalization
 826                               and excludeModulesFromNormalization.
 827                          </ul>
 829                          <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_PRIVILEGE_SEPARATION</h5>
 830                          <ul>
 831                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If true, a version of OpenPegasus that
 832                               enables the Privilege Separation feature is built. This feature
 833                               allows the CIM Server to run in a non-privileged user context and
 834 kumpf           1.12          use a small executor process to perform privileged operations. If
 835                               false or not set, the Privilege Separate feature will not be
 836 denise.eckstein 1.1           included.<br>
 837                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>false<br>
 838 kumpf           1.12       <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>true (HP-UX,
 839 denise.eckstein 1.1           Linux)<br>
 840                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>true (HP-UX,
 841                               Linux)<br>
 842                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 843                            <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b> The Privilege Separation feature is
 844                               only supported on HP-UX and Linux platforms. The 'cimsrvr' user
 845                               must be defined on the system. If the umask setting in the
 846                               environment is not 0, PEGASUS_TMP must be set to a directory that
 847 kumpf           1.12          is writable by the 'cimsrvr' user for the tests to run
 848 denise.eckstein 1.1           successfully.
 849                          </ul>
 851                          <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_WSMAN</h5>
 852                          <ul>
 853                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If true, a version of OpenPegasus is
 854                               built that accepts and processes WS-Management requests. This
 855 kumpf           1.5           feature is initially limited to WS-Transfer and WS-Enumeration
 856                               operations. If false or not set, WS-Management support is not
 857                               built or included in any way.<br>
 858 denise.eckstein 1.1        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>false<br>
 859                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
 860                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
 861                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 862                            <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b> The WS-Management standards are not
 863                               mature, and interoperability problems may arise. The WS-Management
 864 kumpf           1.12          functionality may change in incompatible ways in subsequent
 865 denise.eckstein 1.1           releases. Also note the known limitations specified in PEP 311.<br>
 866                          </ul>
 868                          <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_REMOTE_CMPI</h5>
 869                          <ul>
 870                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If set, a version of OpenPegasus that
 871                               support Remote CMPI providers and their dependent components
 872                               is built.<br>
 873                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 874                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 875                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 876                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No</p>
 877                          </ul>
 879                          <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP</h5>
 880                          <ul>
 881                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>This variable controls of the inclusion
 882                               of SLP functionality in the OpenPegasus build.&nbsp;When this
 883                               environment variable is set to 'true', SLP functionality will be
 884 kumpf           1.12          included as part of the OpenPegasus build.&nbsp; If
 885 denise.eckstein 1.1           this variable is set to 'false' or not set, the SLP functionality
 886                               will not be included.&nbsp; All other values are considered
 887                               invalid and will result in a build error
 888                               (e.g., &quot;PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP)) invalid,
 889                               must be true or false&quot;).<br>
 890                            <b>Default Value: </b>'true' for Windows; 'false' for all other
 891                               Platforms<br>
 892                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>'true' for
 893                               Windows; 'false' for all other Platforms<br>
 894                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b><br>
 895                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 896                            <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP requires
 897                               PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER to be enabled. If
 898 kumpf           1.12          PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER is not set, setting
 899 denise.eckstein 1.1           PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP to true, will also enable
 900 kumpf           1.12          PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER. If
 901 denise.eckstein 1.1           PEGASUS_ENABLE_INTEROP_PROVIDER is explicitly disabled
 902                               (i.e., set to false), a build error will be generated.<br>
 903                          </ul>
 906                          <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_SORTED_DIFF</h5>
 907                          <ul>
 908 kumpf           1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>This controls if the DIFFSORT function
 909                               is used rather than a simple DIFF of the test results files
 910                               to the static results file. Set to 'true' enables the sorted
 911                               diffs of results to static results files. Otherwise results
 912                               in regular diffs of results to static results files.
 913                               See OpenPegasus bug 2283 for background information concerning
 914 denise.eckstein 1.1           this config variable. <br>
 915                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>true<br>
 916                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
 917                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
 918                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<p>&nbsp;</p>
 919                          </ul>
 921                          <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_SYSTEM_LOG_HANDER</h5>
 922                          <ul>
 923                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>When this environment variable is set, a
 924 kumpf           1.12          SysLog Indication Handler is built as part of the OpenPegasus
 925                               build.&nbsp; The SysLog Indication Handler can be used to
 926 denise.eckstein 1.1           delivered CIM Indications to the system log file.<br>
 927                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 928                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 929                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 930                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 931 kumpf           1.12       <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>If PEGASUS_ENABLE_SYSTEM_LOG_HANDLER
 932 denise.eckstein 1.1           is not set when OpenPegasus is built, a request to create a SysLog
 933 kumpf           1.12          Indication Handler instance will be rejected with the error
 934 denise.eckstein 1.1           CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED.<br>
 935                          </ul>
 937                          <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_SSLV2</h5>
 938                          <ul>
 939                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>By default, support for the SSLV2 protocol
 940 kumpf           1.12          is disabled in OpenPegasus. The option can be used to build a
 941 denise.eckstein 1.1           version of OpenPegasus that supports SSLV2. This variable affects
 942                               how SSL contexts are constructed for both the CIM Server and CIM
 943                               Clients.<br>
 944                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 945                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>Not Set<br>
 946                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 947                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 948                            <b>Considerations:</b> Unless SSLV2 is required for backward
 949                               compatibility, enabling this protocol is not recommended (SSLV3
 950                               or later is preferred).
 951                           </ul>
 953                          <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_USERGROUP_AUTHORIZATION</h5>
 954                          <ul>
 955 kumpf           1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Builds a  version of OpenPegasus that
 956 denise.eckstein 1.1           allows an administrator to restrict access to CIM operations
 957                               to members of a designated set of groups.&nbsp; Refer to the
 958                               <b>authorizedUserGroups</b>configuration option for additional
 959                               details.<br>
 960                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 961                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 962                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Set<br>
 963                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
 964                          </ul>
 966                          <h5>PEGASUS_EXTRA_C_FLAGS</h5>
 967                          <ul>
 968 kumpf           1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp; </b>This environment variable allows a
 969                               developer to specify an additional set of flags to be included
 970 denise.eckstein 1.1           on&nbsp; the C compile command line.<br>
 971                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 972                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>No Set<br>
 973                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 974                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No
 975                          </ul>
 977                          <h5>PEGASUS_EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS</h5>
 978                          <ul>
 979 kumpf           1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp; </b>This environment variable allows a
 980 denise.eckstein 1.1           developer to specify an additional set of flags to be included
 981                               on the C++ compile command line.<br>
 982                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 983                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>Not Set<br>
 984                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 985                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No
 986                          </ul>
 988                          <h5>PEGASUS_EXTRA_LIBRARY_LINK_FLAGS</h5>
 989                          <ul>
 990                            <b>Description:&nbsp; </b>This environment variable allows a
 991 kumpf           1.12          developer to specify an additional set of flags to include on
 992 denise.eckstein 1.1           the link command line used to build a library.<br>
 993                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 994                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>Not Set<br>
 995                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
 996                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No
 997                          </ul>
 999                          <h5>PEGASUS_EXTRA_LINK_FLAGS</h5>
1000                          <ul>
1001                            <b>Description:&nbsp; </b>This environment variable allows a
1002                               developer to specify an additional set of flags to be included
1003                               on the link command line.&nbsp; These flags will be included on
1004                               both library and program executable link command lines.<br>
1005                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1006                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>Not Set<br>
1007                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1008                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No
1009 kumpf           1.12       <b>Considerations: </b>Refer to PEGASUS_EXTRA_LIBRARY_LINK_FLAGS and
1010 denise.eckstein 1.1           PEGASUS_EXTRA_PROGRAM_FLAGS to add flags specific to either a
1011                               library or program link command line.<br>
1012                          </ul>
1014                          <h5>PEGASUS_EXTRA_PROGRAM_LINK_FLAGS</h5>
1015                          <ul>
1016                            <b>Description:&nbsp; </b>This environment variable allows a
1017                               developer to specify an additional set of flags to include on
1018                               the link command line used to build an executable program.<br>
1019                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>Not Set<br>
1020                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1021                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No
1022                          </ul>
1024                          <h5>PEGASUS_HAS_MESSAGES</h5>
1025                          <ul>
1026 kumpf           1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>When set (to anything) during the build,
1027                               OpenPegasus compiles with localization support.  The
1028                               ICU (International Components for Unicode) variables,
1029                               ICU_ROOT and ICU_INSTALL, indicate that the
1030                               localization support is based on ICU.  Only ICU is supported
1031 denise.eckstein 1.1           at this time.<br>
1032                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1033                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1034                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1035                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1036                            <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>If the PEGASUS_HAS_MESSAGES is not
1037                               set, OpenPegasus is built without localization support.  This
1038                               means that all messages sent by the CIM Server and the CLIs are in
1039                               English. ICU is an open source project at
1040                               <a href="http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu">
1041 kumpf           1.12          http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu</a>.
1042 denise.eckstein 1.1           Only English translations are included with the OpenPegasus
1043                               distribution. The OpenPegasus distribution does not provide
1044                               translated messages. But, enabling for ICU would allow vendor to
1045                               provide the translations. Refer to the OpenPegasus Release README
1046                               for additional information regarding the use of ICU. Although, in
1047 kumpf           1.12          OpenPegasus 2.3.2, experience with localization support
1048                               has been limited to a select set of platforms, wider platform
1049 denise.eckstein 1.1           adoption of this technology is planned for 2.5.<br>
1050                          </ul>
1052                          <h5>PEGASUS_HAS_SSL</h5>
1053                          <ul>
1054                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If set, a version of OpenPegasus that
1055                               supports SSL (i.e., https) is built.<br>
1056                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1057                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Set<br>
1058                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Set<br>
1059                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1060 kumpf           1.12       <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>Support for SSL in OpenPegasus is
1061                               dependent on the OpenSSL software developed by the
1062 denise.eckstein 1.1           <a href="http://www.openssl.org/">
1063 kumpf           1.12          OpenSSL Project (http://www.openssl.org/)</a>.
1064 denise.eckstein 1.1      
1065                               If the PEGASUS_HAS_SSL variable is set, the variable OPENSSL_HOME
1066                               must also be defined. The OPENSSL_HOME variable is used, by the
1067 kumpf           1.12          OpenPegasus build, to determine the location of the OpenSSL
1068 denise.eckstein 1.1           include files, libraries and binaries.
1069                          </ul>
1071                          <h5>PEGASUS_HOME</h5>
1072                          <ul>
1073                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the location of the
1074                               OpenPegasus working directory.  The OpenPegasus
1075 kumpf           1.12          build will use this directory as the default location
1076 denise.eckstein 1.1           for files generated during the build (e.g., binaries,
1077                               libraries, objects).<br>
1078                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>None<br>
1079                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
1080                               No Specific Recommendation<br>
1081                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
1082                               No Specific Recommendation<br>
1083                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
1084                            <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>The error &quot;PEGASUS_HOME
1085                               environment variable undefined&quot; is returned if the
1086 kumpf           1.12          PEGASUS_HOME environment variable is not set.
1087 denise.eckstein 1.1           This variable is also used during runtime. Refer to the section
1088                               titled &quot;Environment Variable Settings for Running OpenPegasus
1089                               2.3.2 on Linux&quot; for additional details.<br>
1090                          </ul>
1092                          <h5>PEGASUS_INDICATIONS_Q_THRESHOLD</h5>
1093                          <ul>
1094                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Controls if indications providers are stalled
1095                               if the indications service queue is too large. It can be set
1096 kumpf           1.12          to any positive value. If not set providers are never
1097                               stalled. This implies that the indications service
1098 denise.eckstein 1.1           queue may become as large as necessary to hold all the
1099 kumpf           1.12          indications generated. If set to any value then
1100 denise.eckstein 1.1           providers are stalled by forcing them to sleep when they
1101                               try to deliver an indication and the indications service
1102                               queue exceeds this value. They are resumed when the queue
1103                               count falls 10 percent below this value. Stall and resume log
1104                               entries are made to inform the administrator the condition has
1105                               occurred.<br>
1106                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1107                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1108                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1109                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1110                            <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>Use of this setting may have
1111                               unintended side-effects when using Out-of-Process Providers
1112                               including delayed processing of CIM Operation Requests.
1113                          </ul>
1115                          <h5>PEGASUS_MAX_THREADS_PER_SVC_QUEUE</h5>
1116                          <ul>
1117                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Controls the maximum number of threads
1118                               allowed per message service queue. It is allowed to range
1119                               between 1 and MAX_THREADS_PER_SVC_QUEUE_LIMIT (currently 5000)
1120 kumpf           1.12          as set in pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/MessageQueueService.cpp.
1121 denise.eckstein 1.1           If set to 0 (zero) the max threads per service queue is then
1122                               set to MAX_THREADS_PER_SVC_QUEUE_LIMIT. If set larger than the
1123 kumpf           1.12          MAX_THREADS_PER_SVC_QUEUE_LIMIT it is set equal to
1124 denise.eckstein 1.1           MAX_THREADS_PER_SVC_QUEUE_LIMIT. There are no other limits on the
1125                               total number of threads that can exist within the system at this
1126 kumpf           1.12          time. When the server starts there on the order of 10 to 20
1127                               message service queues created dependent upon
1128 denise.eckstein 1.1           build options.&nbsp; <br>
1129                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>5<br>
1130                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>5<br>
1131                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>5<br>
1132                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1133                            <b>Considerations: </b>This flag affects consumption of
1134                               system resources. Not setting, or inappropriately setting
1135                               this value, may cause the cimserver to hang or crash.<br>
1136                          </ul>
1138                          <h5>PEGASUS_ROOT</h5>
1139                          <ul>
1140                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the location of the directory
1141                               that corresponds to "pegasus" source directory defined in the
1142 kumpf           1.12          OpenPegasus CVS source tree.  This environment variable is
1143                               used by the OpenPegasus build to locate the required build
1144                               and source files (e.g., $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/mak and
1145                               $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src).<br>
1146 denise.eckstein 1.1        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>None<br>
1147                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
1148                               No Specific Recommendation<br>
1149                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
1150                               No Specific Recommendation<br>
1151                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
1152                            <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>The error "PEGASUS_ROOT environment
1153                               variable undefined" is returned if the PEGASUS_ROOT
1154                               environment variable is not set.
1155                          </ul>
1158                          <h5>PEGASUS_NET_SNMP_INCLUDE_DIR</h5>
1159                          <ul>
1160                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the location of the NET-SNMP
1161                               <i>include</i> directory. <br>
1162                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1163                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
1164                               No Specific Recommendation<br>
1165                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
1166                               No Specific Recommendation<br>
1167 denise.eckstein 1.1        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No. By default, the NET-SNMP include
1168                               files are expected to be installed in directories that
1169                               are searched by default (e.g., /usr/include). For platforms
1170 kumpf           1.12          where this isn't true, the PEGASUS_NET_SNMP_INCLUDE_DIR
1171 denise.eckstein 1.1           environment variable may be used to define an alternative path.
1172                               This environment variable is only used if PEGASUS_USE_NET_SNMP
1173                               is set.<br>
1174                          </ul>
1176                          <h5>PEGASUS_NET_SNMP_LIB_DIR</h5>
1177                          <ul>
1178                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the location of the NET-SNMP
1179                               <i>lib </i>directory. <br>
1180                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1181                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
1182                               No Specific Recommendation<br>
1183                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
1184                               No Specific Recommendation<br>
1185                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No. By default, the NET-SNMP library is
1186 kumpf           1.12          expected to be installed in a directory that is searched by
1187                               default (e.g., /usr/lib, /usr/lib64). For platforms where
1188 denise.eckstein 1.1           this isn't true, the PEGASUS_NET_SNMP_LIB_DIR environment
1189                               variable may be used to define an alternative path. This
1190                               environment variable is only used if PEGASUS_USE_NET_SNMP is set.
1191                          </ul>
1194                          <h5>PEGASUS_NOASSERTS</h5>
1195                          <ul>
1196                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Defines the NDEBUG compilation macro, which
1197                               causes the preprocessor to remove PEGASUS_ASSERT() statements.<br>
1198                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1199                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1200                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Set<br>
1201                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1202                          </ul>
1204                          <h5>PEGASUS_OPENSLP_HOME</h5>
1205                          <ul>
1206 kumpf           1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the location of the OpenSLP
1207 denise.eckstein 1.1           SDK directory.  This directory must contain the OpenSLP
1208                               <i>include</i> directory, $(PEGASUS_OPENSLP_HOME)/include,
1209                               and the OpenSLP <i>library</i> directory,
1210                               $(PEGASUS_OPENSLP_HOME)/lib.<br>
1211                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1212                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
1213                               No Specific Recommendation<br>
1214                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
1215                               No Specific Recommendation<br>
1216                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No. If not set, no additional include or
1217                               library search paths will be included.
1218                            <b>Considerations: </b>This value is not used if PEGASUS_USE_OPENSLP
1219                               is not defined. <br>
1220                          </ul>
1222                          <h5>PEGASUS_PAM_AUTHENTICATION</h5>
1223                          <ul>
1224 kumpf           1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Enables support for PAM-(Pluggable
1225 denise.eckstein 1.1           Authentication Modules) based authentication.<br>
1226                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1227                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Set<br>
1228                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Set<br>
1229                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1230                            <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>Support for PAM in OpenPegasus is
1231                               dependent on platform support for PAM.<br>
1232                          </ul>
1234                          <h5>PEGASUS_PLATFORM</h5>
1235                          <ul>
1236                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Describes the target platform for the
1237 kumpf           1.12          build.  The list of supported values for this variable
1238                               is defined in pegasus/mak/config.mak.&nbsp; Please refer to
1239 denise.eckstein 1.1           that file for a complete list of valid PEGASUS_PLATFORM
1240                               values.&nbsp; This document includes platform-specific configuration
1241 kumpf           1.12          data for only a subset of the supported platforms.&nbsp; The
1242 denise.eckstein 1.1           following table describes the platforms documented in
1243                               this version of the document. <br>
1244                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>None<p>&nbsp;</p>
1245                               <table border="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolordark="#666666"
1246                                 bordercolorlight="#CCCCCC" width=542
1247                                 style='font-size=10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>
1248                                 <tr>
1249                                  <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width="190">Platform</th>
1250                                  <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width=351>Recommended Value <br>
1251                                    Development Build</th>
1252                                  <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width=338>Recommended Value <br>
1253                                    Release Build</th>
1254                                 </tr>
1255                                 <tr align="center">
1256                                  <td width="190" align="left">Linux IA32</td>
1257                                  <td width="351">LINUX_IX86_GNU</td>
1258                                  <td width="338">LINUX_IX86_GNU</td>
1259                                </tr>
1260                                <tr align="center">
1261                                 <td width="190" align="left">Linux IA64</td>
1262                                 <td width="351">LINUX_IA64_GNU</td>
1263 denise.eckstein 1.1             <td width="338">LINUX_IA64_GNU</td>
1264                                </tr>
1265                                <tr align="center">
1266                                 <td width="190" align="left">Linux X86_64</td>
1267                                 <td width="351">LINUX_X86_64_GNU</td>
1268                                 <td width="338">LINUX_X86_64_GNU</td>
1269                                </tr>
1270                                <tr align="center">
1271                                 <td width="190" align="left">HP-UX PA-RISC</td>
1272                                 <td width="351">HPUX_PARISC_ACC</td>
1273                                 <td width="338">HPUX_PARISC_ACC</td>
1274                                </tr>
1275                                <tr align="center">
1276                                 <td width="190" align="left">HP-UX IPF</td>
1277                                 <td width="351">HPUX_IA64_ACC</td>
1278                                 <td width="338">HPUX_IA64_ACC</td>
1279                                </tr>
1280                                <tr align="center">
1281                                 <td width="190" align="left">OpenVMS Alpha</td>
1282                                 <td width="351">VMS_ALPHA_DECCXX</td>
1283                                 <td width="338">VMS_ALPHA_DECCXX</td>
1284 denise.eckstein 1.1            </tr>
1285                                <tr align="center">
1286                                 <td width="190" align="left">OpenVMS IA64</td>
1287                                 <td width="351">VMS_IA64_DECCXX</td>
1288                                 <td width="338"> VMS_IA64_DECCXX</td>
1289                                </tr>
1290                               </table>
1291                               <br><br>
1292                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
1293 kumpf           1.12       <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>The error "PEGASUS_PLATFORM
1294                               environment variable undefined." is returned if the
1295 denise.eckstein 1.1           PEGASUS_PLATFORM environment variable is not set.
1296                          </ul>
1298                          <h5>PEGASUS_REMOVE_METHODTRACE</h5>
1299                          <ul>
1300                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If true, the CIM Server is compiled without
1301                               method enter and exit trace statements.&nbsp; Trace Level 5 will
1302                               continue to be accepted as a valid trace level but, without the
1303                               method enter and exit trace statements, it will be equivalent to
1304 kumpf           1.12          Trace Level 4. If PEGASUS_REMOVE_METHODTRACE is false or not set,
1305 denise.eckstein 1.1           method enter and exit trace statements are included.&nbsp; All
1306                               other values are considered invalid and will result in a build
1307                               error.<br>
1308                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1309                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set (The
1310                               Considerations section gives guidance on when a different
1311                               decision would be made.)<br>
1312                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set (The
1313                               Considerations section gives guidance on when a different
1314                               decision would be made.)<br>
1315                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1316                            <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>This option completely removes the
1317 kumpf           1.12          method enter/exit trace statements from the generated object code.
1318                               It defines the PEG_METHOD_ENTER and PEG_METHOD_EXIT macros
1319 denise.eckstein 1.1           to null statements. This helps to keep static code size small
1320                               but reduces the serviceability of the CIM server.<br>
1321                          </ul>
1324                          <h5>PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_MODE</h5>
1325                          <ul>
1326                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>This variable defines the default mode
1327                               used to create repositories that are constructed as part of the
1328                               automated build tests.&nbsp; It does not affect the runtime
1329                               environment. Valid values include: XML (causes
1330                               the repository to be built in XML mode); BIN (causes
1331 kumpf           1.12          the repository to be built in binary mode). Use cimconfig to
1332 denise.eckstein 1.1           modify the runtime environment.<br>
1333                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>XML<br>
1334                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>XML<br>
1335                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>XML<br>
1336                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<p>&nbsp;</p>
1337                          </ul>
1339 kumpf           1.2      <h5>PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_STORE_COMPLETE_CLASSES</h5>
1340                          <ul>
1341                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>This variable defines the default contents of a
1342                               class definition in the repository store when a new repository is created.
1343                               Specifically, when set to true, propagated elements are included in a
1344                               class definition in the persistent store.  The contents of a class
1345                               definition returned from the repository interface is not affected by this
1346                               option.<br>
1347                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>false<br>
1348                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
1349                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
1350                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<p>&nbsp;</p>
1351                            <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>A repository which stores complete class
1352                               definitions does not allow modifications to non-leaf classes or changes
1353                               to a superclass designation.  Complete classes use more storage space,
1354                               often twice as much as local (incomplete) classes.  Class retrieval may
1355                               be more expensive when local classes are stored.  No specific mechanism
1356                               is available to change this setting in an existing repository.<br>
1357                          </ul>
1359 denise.eckstein 1.1      <h5>PEGASUS_SLP_REG_TIMEOUT</h5>
1360                          <ul>
1361                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Most SLP implementations allow a lifetime
1362                               value to be specified in the registration sent to the SLP SA or
1363                               DA. The PEGASUS_SLP_REG_TIMEOUT build variable allows a lifetime
1364                               (ie. timeout) value to be specified on the SLP registration, with
1365                               a 're-registration' being sent to SLP at the same specified
1366                               timeout interval. The purpose of this lifetime or timeout value
1367 kumpf           1.12          is to avoid the accumulation of stale service information
1368 denise.eckstein 1.1           in the SA or DA.<br>
1369                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Undefined<br>
1370                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Undefined<br>
1371                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Undefined<br>
1372                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<p><b>Example: </b>
1373                               PEGASUS_SLP_REG_TIME=1440 (ie. 24 hours or 1 day)<br>
1374                            <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>(1) The OpenPegasus internal SLP
1375                               implementation does not support timeout registrations. This
1376                               build option is useful, for example, if PEGASUS_USE_OPENSLP is
1377 kumpf           1.12          defined. (2) Some SLP implementations may impose a
1378 denise.eckstein 1.1           maximum value for the lifetime parameter. For example, OpenSLP
1379 kumpf           1.12          limits this value to SLP_LIFETIME_MAXIMUM (or 0xFFFF), and
1380 denise.eckstein 1.1           if this maximum value is passed to OpenSLP, then the timeout
1381                               feature is disabled. Refer to the documentation of your SLP
1382                               implementation for more information. (3) OpenPegasus will not
1383 kumpf           1.12          do any validity checking on the specified value, either
1384 denise.eckstein 1.1           to determine if it is a valid positive integer or if it
1385                               exceeds some maximum value.<br>
1386                          </ul>
1388                          <h5>PEGASUS_SNIA_EXTENSIONS</h5>
1389                          <ul>
1390                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b> This variable is used to enable a
1391                               set of workarounds that support the use of OpenPegasus
1392                               in the SNIA Test Environment.<br>
1393                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1394                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1395                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1396                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1397                            <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>The functionality enabled with this
1398                               variable is experimental and subject to change.
1399                          </ul>
1401                          <h5>PEGASUS_SKIP_MOST_TEST_DIRS</h5>
1402                          <ul>
1403                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If set to true, this variable can be used
1404                               to reduce the time required to build OpenPegasus by significantly
1405 denise.eckstein 1.1           reducing the number of tests that are built.<br>
1406                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1407                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1408                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1409                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1410                            <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>Setting this variable to true
1411                               affects the behavior of all recursive make targets (e.g.,
1412                               clean, depend, all, unittests, alltests, and slptests).
1413                               Use of this variable with test-related targets (e.g., unittests,
1414 kumpf           1.12          alltests and slptests) can produce unexpected results.
1415 denise.eckstein 1.1           To avoid creating an inconsistent PEGASUS_HOME directory,
1416                               the PEGASUS_HOME directory (i.e., the OpenPegasus build
1417                               directory) should be removed prior to enabling or disabling
1418                               this variable. This variable should not be used to characterize
1419 kumpf           1.12          the set of files to be packaged in a release build. Please
1420 denise.eckstein 1.1           refer to the Runtime Packaging Definition PEP for the release
1421 kumpf           1.12          for a recommended list of files to be included in a release.
1422 denise.eckstein 1.1      </ul>
1424                          <h5>PEGASUS_TEST_ENABLE_DEBUG_TRACE</h5>
1425                          <ul>
1426                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>
1427                               This variable is only used for testing. If set to true,
1428 kumpf           1.12          Discarded data trace will be enabled by the install_run
1429                               target of the src/Server/Makefile before running the
1430 denise.eckstein 1.1           OpenPegasus TestMakefile test suite. <br>
1431                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1432                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Set<br>
1433                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1434                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1435                            <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>
1436 kumpf           1.12          This variable is useful in certain test environments to
1437                               explicitly enable tracing to aid in better troubleshooting and
1438 denise.eckstein 1.1           detection of test failures (E.g. Test systems are experiencing
1439 kumpf           1.12          test failures due to connection timeouts, lost indications
1440 denise.eckstein 1.1           etc).<br>	
1441                          </ul>
1444                          <ul>
1445 kumpf           1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>These variables are only used for testing.
1446 denise.eckstein 1.1           These variables allow the developer to define a valid group name,
1447                               PEGASUS_TEST_ISGROUP_GROUP, a valid user name that is in the
1448                               group, PEGASUS_TEST_ISGROUP_USER_SUCCESS, and an a valid user
1449                               name that is not in the group, PEGASUS_TEST_ISGROUP_USER_FAILURE.
1450 kumpf           1.12          These variables are only used for testing and NOT part of the
1451 denise.eckstein 1.1           release.<br>
1452 kumpf           1.12       <b>Default Value(Windows):</b>
1453 denise.eckstein 1.1           Administrator/Administrators/Guest<br>
1454                            <b>Default Value(Non-Windows):&nbsp;</b>root/root/guest<br>
1455                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
1456                               No Recommendation<br>
1457                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Used<br>
1458                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No
1459                          </ul>
1461                          <h5>PEGASUS_TEST_IPV6</h5>
1462                          <ul>
1463                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>This variable is only used for
1464                               testing.&nbsp; If set to true, the IPv6-specific tests will
1465 kumpf           1.12          be run as part of the &quot;alltests&quot; OpenPegasus
1466 denise.eckstein 1.1           TestMakefile test suite. If this variable is not set or set to
1467                               false,&nbsp; the IPv6-specific tests will not be run.&nbsp; All
1468                               other values are invalid.<br>
1469 kumpf           1.12       <b>Default Value:&nbsp; </b>If PEGASUS_TEST_IPV6 is not defined,
1470 denise.eckstein 1.1           PEGASUS_TEST_IPV6 is set to the value of PEGASUS_ENABLE_IPV6.<br>
1471                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>Set to the value
1472                               of PEGASUS_ENABLE_IPV6<br>
1473                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Used<br>
1474                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1475 kumpf           1.12       <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>This variable is useful in certain
1476 denise.eckstein 1.1           test environments to explicitly disable running the IPv6
1477 kumpf           1.12          tests (e.g., when running an IPv6-enabled version of
1478 denise.eckstein 1.1           OpenPegasus on an an IPv4 system).<br>
1479                          </ul>
1481                          <h5>PEGASUS_TEST_SDK</h5>
1482                          <ul>
1483 kumpf           1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>This variable is only used for
1484 denise.eckstein 1.1           testing.&nbsp; It is used to control testing of the SDK
1485                               sample providers and clients. If set, the setup, building and
1486 kumpf           1.12          testing of the SDK samples is enabled as part of the
1487 denise.eckstein 1.1           OpenPegasus automated build and test.<br>
1488                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1489                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Set<br>
1490                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Used<br>
1491                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No
1492                          </ul>
1494                          <h5>PEGASUS_TEST_USER_DEFINED</h5>
1495                          <ul>
1496                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>This variable is only used for testing.
1497                               If this variable is set, the tests will assume that the
1498                               PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID and PEGASUS_TEST_USER_PASS variables
1499 kumpf           1.12          defines a valid user/password pair and can be used for
1500 denise.eckstein 1.1           certificate-based authentication testing.&nbsp; These tests
1501 kumpf           1.12          also assumes that &quot;invalidUser&quot; is not a valid
1502 denise.eckstein 1.1           user.<br>
1503                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1504                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Set<br>
1505                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Used<br>
1506                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No
1507                          </ul>
1509                          <h5>PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID/PEGASUS_TEST_USER_PASS</h5>
1510                          <ul>
1511                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>These variables are only used for
1512                               testing. These variables allow the developer to define a
1513                               valid, non-privileged&nbsp; user name and password
1514                               on the test system that can be used as part of the OpenPegasus
1515                               automated test scripts to perform authentication and
1516                               authorization testing.&nbsp; These variables are only used for
1517                               testing and NOT part of the release.<br>
1518                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>guest/guest<br>
1519                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
1520                               No Recommendation<br>
1521                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Used<br>
1522                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1523 denise.eckstein 1.1      </ul>
1525                          <h5>PEGASUS_TEST_VALGRIND_LOG_DIR</h5>
1526                          <ul>
1527                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>
1528                               This variable is currently only supported on Linux. It may be
1529 kumpf           1.12          set to run regression tests under the
1530 denise.eckstein 1.1           <a href="http://www.valgrind.org/">Valgrind</a> memory
1531                               checking tool. It must specify a directory for writing
1532                               Valgrind log files. The file name format for a particular
1533                               log is PEGASUS_TEST_VALGRIND_LOG_DIR/PROGRAM_NAME.pid.<br>
1534                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1535                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1536                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1537                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1538                            <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>This flag is only supported on Linux to
1539                               enable running tests under Valgrind.<br>
1540                          </ul>
1542                          <h5>PEGASUS_TMP</h5>
1543                          <ul>
1544                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>This variable is only used in a test
1545                               environment. It can be used to define the directory that
1546                               OpenPegasus test programs should use to store temporary files.<br>
1547                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>"."<br>
1548                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
1549                               No Specific Recommendation<br>
1550                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Used<br>
1551 denise.eckstein 1.1        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1552                          </ul>
1554                          <h5>PEGASUS_USE_DEBUG_BUILD_OPTIONS</h5>
1555                          <ul>
1556                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>The PEGASUS_DEBUG flag is used to control
1557                               a variety of settings, including compile options, assertion
1558 kumpf           1.12          enablement, method definitions for testing, and diagnostic
1559 denise.eckstein 1.1           output.&nbsp; The PEGASUS_USE_DEBUG_BUILD_OPTIONS variable
1560 kumpf           1.12          can be used to enable just the compiler specific debug options
1561 denise.eckstein 1.1           (e.g., -g in g++) .<br>
1562                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1563                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Set<br>
1564                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1565                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1566                            <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>This variable is automatically set
1567                               if PEGASUS_DEBUG is set.<br>
1568                          </ul>
1570                          <h5>PEGASUS_USE_EMANATE</h5>
1571                          <ul>
1572                            <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>EMANATE,
1573                               <a href="http://www.snmp.com/products/emanate.html">
1574 kumpf           1.12          http://www.snmp.com/products/emanate.html</a>, is an SNMP Research
1575                               International product that supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and
1576 denise.eckstein 1.1           SNMPv3.&nbsp; If the PEGASUS_USE_EMANATE variable is defined,
1577                               the OpenPegasus SNMP Handler will use the EMANATE libraries
1578 kumpf           1.12          to send traps to the SNMP Management application.&nbsp;
1579 denise.eckstein 1.1           The EMANATE libraries are NOT included as part of OpenPegasus.<br>
1580                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1581                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1582                            <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1583                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<p>
1584                            <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>Either the PEGASUS_USE_NET_SNMP or
1585 kumpf           1.12          PEGASUS_USE_EMANATE variable must be set for the SNMP
1586 denise.eckstein 1.1           Handler to be supported.<br>
1587                          </ul>
1590                          <h5>PEGASUS_USE_NET_SNMP</h5>
1591                          <ul>
1592 kumpf           1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>NET-SNMP,
1593 denise.eckstein 1.1           <a href="http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net">
1594                               http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net</a>,&nbsp; is an OSS
1595                               implementation of a suite of applications used to implement
1596                               <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1157.txt">SNMP v1</a>,
1597                               <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1901.txt">SNMP v2c</a> and
1598                               <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2571.txt">SNMP v3</a> using
1599 kumpf           1.12          both IPv4 and IPv6.&nbsp;&nbsp; If the PEGASUS_USE_NET_SNMP
1600 denise.eckstein 1.1           variable is defined, the OpenPegasus SNMP Handler will use
1601                               the NET-SNMP libraries to send traps to the SNMP Management
1602                               application.&nbsp; The NET-SNMP libraries are NOT included
1603                               as part of OpenPegasus.<br>
1604                            <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1605                            <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1606 kumpf           1.12       <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>true for Linux,
1607 denise.eckstein 1.1           false for all other platforms<br>
1608                            <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<p>
1609 kumpf           1.12       <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>Either the PEGASUS_USE_NET_SNMP or
1610                               PEGASUS_USE_EMANATE variable must be set for the SNMP
1611 denise.eckstein 1.1           Handler to be supported.<br>
1612                          </ul>
1614 sahana.prabhakar 1.23     <h5>PEGASUS_ENABLE_NET_SNMPV3</h5>
1615                           <ul>
1616                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If this variable is defined,
1617                                then OpenPegasus SNMP Handler will build the SNMPV3 
1618                                features. This should be set to false if NET-SNMP 5.2 and lower 
1619                                libraries are used.<br>
1620                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>true<br>
1621                             <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
1622                             <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
1623                             <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<p>
1624                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>PEGASUS_USE_NET_SNMP variable must 
1625                                be set.<br>
1626                           </ul>
1629 denise.eckstein  1.1      <h5>PEGASUS_USE_OPENSLP</h5>
1630                           <ul>
1631                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>OpenSLP, <a href="http://www.openslp.org">
1632 kumpf            1.12          http://openslp.org</a>, is an open-source implementation of
1633 denise.eckstein  1.1           Service Location Protocol. If the PEGASUS_USE_OPENSLP variable
1634                                is defined, OpenPegasus will be built to use the OpenSLP
1635                                implementation of SLP instead of the internal OpenPegasus
1636                                implementation of SLP. The OpenSLP libaries are NOT included
1637                                as part of OpenPegasus.
1638                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1639                             <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1640                             <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1641                             <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1642                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP must be defined
1643                                if this variable is set.
1644                           </ul>
1646                           <h5>PEGASUS_USE_PAM_STANDALONE_PROC</h5>
1647                           <ul>
1648                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Moves the processing of PAM requests from
1649                                the CIM Server process to a separate process managed by the
1650                                CIM Server.<br>
1651                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1652                             <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Set<br>
1653                             <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Set<br>
1654 denise.eckstein  1.1        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1655                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>If PAM Authentication is enabled,
1656                                the PAM API is used, during the processing of each request, to
1657                                authenticate the client.  This level of use makes the CIM Server
1658                                extremely sensitive to memory leaks in the PAM library.  In
1659                                addition, certain PAM modules are not thread-safe.  If your
1660 kumpf            1.12          platform is experiencing problems with PAM Authentication,
1661 denise.eckstein  1.1           use of option may provide a work-around.
1662                                PEGASUS_USE_PAM_STANDALONE_PROC requires
1663                                PEGASUS_PAM_AUTHENTICATION to be set.<br>
1664                           </ul>
1666                           <h5>PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_CONFIG_OPTIONS</h5>
1667                           <ul>
1668                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If set, OpenPegasus is built using
1669                                the "Release Build" configuration options. By default,
1670 kumpf            1.12          OpenPegasus is built using the &quot;Development Build"
1671 denise.eckstein  1.1           configuration options.<br>
1672 s.kodali         1.19       <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>false<br>
1673                             <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
1674                             <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
1675 denise.eckstein  1.1        <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1676 kumpf            1.12       <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>(1)The
1677                                PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_CONFIG_OPTIONS variable allows a platform
1678 denise.eckstein  1.1           vendor to easily toggle between two sets of configurations
1679                                options, a set of options tuned for the development/debug
1680                                (&quot;Development Build") environment and a set of options
1681                                tuned for the production environment ("Release Build").
1682 kumpf            1.12          Refer the section titled "Configuration Properties" for
1683                                additional detail.&nbsp; (2) For each configuration
1684 denise.eckstein  1.1           variable,&nbsp; the &quot;Recommended Value (Release Build)&quot;
1685 kumpf            1.12          value defines the recommended settings to use for a
1686                                &quot;Release Build&quot;.&nbsp; Please refer to the
1687 denise.eckstein  1.1           description of each variable for additional information.
1688                           </ul>
1690                           <h5>PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_DIRS</h5>
1691                           <ul>
1692 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If set, OpenPegasus is built using
1693                                the "Release Build" directory definitions. By default,
1694                                OpenPegasus is built using the &quot;Development Build"
1695 denise.eckstein  1.1           directory definitions.<br>
1696                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1697                             <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1698                             <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Set<br>
1699                             <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1700 kumpf            1.12       <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>
1701 denise.eckstein  1.1           The PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_DIRS variable allows a platform
1702 kumpf            1.12          vendor to easily toggle between two sets of directory
1703                                definitions, a set tuned for the development/debug
1704                                (&quot;Development Build") environment and a set tuned for the
1705                                production environment ("Release Build").  Refer the section
1706 denise.eckstein  1.1           titled "Configuration Properties" for additional detail.<br>
1707                           </ul>
1709 s.kodali         1.18     <h5>PEGASUS_FLAVOR</h5>
1710                           <ul>
1711                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b> This variable is used for configuring Multi CIMOM 
1712                                on same OS by eliminating single point for storage of PID's and configuration
1713                                files. Flavor is used in structuring the release dirs,configuration file names,
1714                                log identity and PAM config file.
1715                                If set, OpenPegasus is built using the flavor value. By default OpenPegasus is
1716                                built using "tog" as the flavor. RPMs are named using the flavor value.
1717                             <br>
1718                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>tog<br>
1719                             <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>tog<br>
1720                             <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>tog<br>
1721                             <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1722                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>
1723                                To build RPM using flavor, RPM spec file needs to be regenerated after setting the flavor value.
1724                                This can be done using the create_OpenPegasusRPMSpecFile target in the Makefile.Release.
1725                                Platforms have to define their own release dir structure using the flavor for release builds.
1726                                An error will be reported if both PEGASUS_FLAVOR and PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_DIRS are set and
1727                                PEGASUS_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_RELEASE_DIRS is not set.
1728                                RPM build on linux defines PEGASUS_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_RELEASE_DIRS by default.
1729                             <br>
1730 s.kodali         1.18     </ul>
1732 s.kodali         1.22     <h5>PEGASUS_PLATFORM_FOR_32BIT_PROVIDER_SUPPORT</h5>
1733                           <ul>
1734                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b> Builds the Pegasus with 32-bit provider support for the specified platform.
1735                               If this option is set, the value MUST be one of the 32-bit supported platforms by Pegasus.
1736                             <br>
1737                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not set<br>
1738                             <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Not set<br>
1739                             <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not set<br>
1740                             <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1741                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>
1742                                This option is used to run the 32-bit providers under 64-bit CIMserver.
1743                                To register the 32-bit providers, register the provider module by setting the
1744                                Bitness property value to "2". 32-bit Providers are always loaded out of process
1745                                irrespective of forceProviderProcesses config option.
1746                             <br>
1747                           </ul>
1749 kumpf            1.6      <h5>PEGASUS_USE_SQLITE_REPOSITORY</h5>
1750                           <ul>
1751                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If true, new repository stores are created
1752                                using a SQLite database.  Existing file-based stores will continue
1753                                to be recognized and operate seamlessly.<br>
1754                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>false<br>
1755                             <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
1756                             <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
1757                             <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1758                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>If PEGASUS_USE_SQLITE_REPOSITORY is set to true
1759                                and SQLite files are not installed in default search locations,
1760                                SQLITE_HOME must also be configured.
1761                                PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_STORE_COMPLETE_CLASSES may not be set to true when
1762                                PEGASUS_USE_SQLITE_REPOSITORY is set to true.
1763                           </ul>
1765 denise.eckstein  1.1      <h5>PEGASUS_USE_SYSLOGS</h5>
1766                           <ul>
1767                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If set, OpenPegasus will be built
1768                                to send log messages to the system logger (syslog).
1769                                Otherwise, log messages will be sent to OpenPegasus
1770                                specific log files.<br>
1771                             <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Set<br>
1772                             <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Set<br>
1773                             <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1774                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>This variable is currently
1775                                not implemented as an environment variable. To use
1776                                the option -DPEGASUS_USE_SYSLOGS must
1777                                be explicitly included in the appropriate platform
1778                                makefile (pegasus/mak/platform_*.mak).</ul>
1780                           <h5>PEGASUS_WINDOWS_SDK_HOME</h5>
1781                           <ul>
1782 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>This variable should be set to point
1783                                to the Microsoft Platform SDK on Windows if using a compiler
1784 denise.eckstein  1.1           version &lt; 1300 (i.e. VC6). If using VC7 or VC8, this flag
1785                                does not need to be set, as the necessary libraries are already
1786                                included.<br>
1787                             <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
1788                                No Specific Recommendation<br>
1789                             <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
1790                                No Specific Recommendation<br>
1791                             <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>Yes, if building on Windows with a
1792                                compiler version &lt; 1300.<br>
1793                           </ul>
1795 kumpf            1.6      <h5>SQLITE_HOME</h5>
1796                           <ul>
1797                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the location of the SQLite SDK directory.
1798                                This directory must contain sqlite3.h in the $(SQLITE_HOME)/include
1799                                directory, and libsqlite3 in the $(SQLITE_HOME)/lib directory.<br>
1800                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1801                             <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
1802                                No Specific Recommendation<br>
1803                             <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
1804                                No Specific Recommendation<br>
1805                             <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>Yes, if PEGASUS_USE_SQLITE_REPOSITORY is set to true
1806                                and the SQLite files are not installed in locations that are searched by
1807                                default.<br>
1808                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>This environment variable is only used if
1809                                PEGASUS_USE_SQLITE_REPOSITORY is set to true.
1810                           </ul>
1812 marek            1.24     <h5>PEGASUS_INITIAL_THREADSTACK_SIZE</h5>
1813                           <ul>
1814                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>This environment variable sets the initial size 
1815                                of the stack on new threads. Value is specified in number of bytes.<br>
1816                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>262144<br>
1817                             <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>262144<br>
1818                             <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>262144<br>
1819                             <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No </p>
1820                           </ul>
1822 denise.eckstein  1.1      <h4>Examples Building a Linux IA32 (#IA64) Development/Debug Version</h4>
1823                           <ul>
1824                             export PEGASUS_ROOT=/home/pegasusbld/pegasus<br>
1825 kumpf            1.12       export PEGASUS_HOME=/home/pegasusbld/pegasus/build<br>
1826 denise.eckstein  1.1        export PEGASUS_PLATFORM=LINUX_IX86_GNU<br>
1827 kumpf            1.12       #export PEGASUS_PLATFORM=LINUX_IA64_GNU<br>
1828                             export PEGASUS_PAM_AUTHENTICATION=true<br>
1829 denise.eckstein  1.1        export PEGASUS_USE_PAM_STANDALONE_PROC=true<br>
1830 kumpf            1.12       export PEGASUS_HAS_SSL=yes<br>
1831 denise.eckstein  1.1        export PEGASUS_DEBUG=TRUE<br>
1832                             export ENABLE_CMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER=true<br>
1833 kumpf            1.12       export PEGASUS_USE_SYSLOGS=true<br>
1834 denise.eckstein  1.1        export PATH=/home/pegasusbld:/home/pegasusbld/pegasus/build/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH<br>
1835                           </ul>
1837                           <h4>Building a Linux IA32 (#IA64) Production Release Version</h4>
1838                           <ul>
1839                             export PEGASUS_ROOT=/home/pegasusbld/pegasus<br>
1840                             export PEGASUS_HOME=/home/pegasusbld/pegasus/build<br>
1841                             export PEGASUS_PLATFORM=LINUX_IX86_GNU<br>
1842                             #export PEGASUS_PLATFORM=LINUX_IA64_GNU<br>
1843 kumpf            1.16       export PEGASUS_ENABLE_CQL=false<br>
1844                             export PEGASUS_PAM_AUTHENTICATION=true<br>
1845 denise.eckstein  1.1        export PEGASUS_USE_PAM_STANDALONE_PROC=true<br>
1846                             export PEGASUS_HAS_SSL=yes<br>
1847                             export PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_CONFIG_OPTIONS=true<br>
1848 kumpf            1.12       export PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_DIRS=true<br>
1849 denise.eckstein  1.1        export PEGASUS_NOASSERTS=true<br>
1850                             export ENABLE_CMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER=true<br>
1851                             export PEGASUS_ENABLE_USERGROUP_AUTHORIZATION=true<br>
1852                             export PEGASUS_USE_SYSLOGS=true<br>
1853                             export PATH=/home/pegasusbld:/home/pegasusbld/pegasus/build/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH<br>
1854                           </ul>
1856                           <h3>Environment Variable Settings for <u>Running</u> OpenPegasus</h3>
1858                           <h4>Definitions</h4>
1860                           <h5>PEGASUS_HOME</h5>
1861                           <ul>
1862 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>There are multiple options for
1863 denise.eckstein  1.1           configuring the location of OpenPegasus runtime
1864 kumpf            1.12          files (e.g., configuration files, libraries,
1865 denise.eckstein  1.1           repository, executables).  If no other option is
1866                                specified, OpenPegasus will attempt to use the value
1867                                PEGASUS_HOME.<br>
1868                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>"."<br>
1869                             <b>Recommended Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
1870                                The same value defined at build time.<br>
1871                             <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set<br>
1872                             <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1873                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>Although this variable can be
1874                                useful in a development environment use of this environment
1875                                variable is not recommended in a production environment.
1876                                Instead, the use of configuration properties to explicitly
1877                                set the location of runtime files and directories is recommended.
1878                           </ul>
1880                           <h5>PEGASUS_MSG_HOME</h5>
1881                           <ul>
1882                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>This value is not used by the CIM
1883                                Server.&nbsp; The CIM Server uses the messageDir configuration
1884                                parameter to locate the directory where the ICU resource bundles.
1885                                However, CIM Client applications must rely on an alternative
1886 denise.eckstein  1.1           mechanism to locate this directory.<br>
1887 kumpf            1.12       <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>if $PEGASUS_HOME is set then
1888 denise.eckstein  1.1           &quot;$PEGASUS_HOME/msg&quot; else &quot;.&quot;<br>
1889                             <b>Recommended Value (Development Build): </b>$PEGASUS_HOME/msg<br>
1890                             <b>Recommended Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Not Set <br>
1891                             <b>Required:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
1892                           </ul>
1894                           <h3>Configuration Properties</h3>
1896                           <h4>Notation</h4>
1898 kumpf            1.12     <p>This section describes the notation used to define the
1899 denise.eckstein  1.1      configuration properties.</p>
1901                           <ul>
1903                           <h5>Default Value</h5>
1904                               The value of <i>Default Value</i> is the OpenPegasus
1905                               default setting for this configuration option.  This
1906                               value is used if a platform-specific setting is not
1907 kumpf            1.12         defined.
1908 denise.eckstein  1.1      
1909                           <h5>Recommended Default Value</h5>
1910 kumpf            1.12         The PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_CONFIG_OPTIONS variable allows a
1911                               platform vendor to easily toggle between two sets of
1912 denise.eckstein  1.1          configurations options, a set of options tuned for the
1913 kumpf            1.12         development/debug (&quot;Development Build") environment
1914 denise.eckstein  1.1          and a set of options tuned for the production environment
1915 kumpf            1.12         ("Release Build"). The value of
1916                               <i>Recommended Value (Development Build)</i>
1917 denise.eckstein  1.1          is the recommended default value for use in a development/
1918 kumpf            1.12         debug environment.  The value of
1919 denise.eckstein  1.1          <i>Recommended Value (Release Build)</i> is the recommended
1920 kumpf            1.12         default value for use in a production environment.
1922 denise.eckstein  1.1      <h5>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden</h5>
1923                               Configuration options can be defined as fixed or hidden.
1924                               A "fix" configuration option is set at build time
1925 kumpf            1.12         and cannot be changed without rebuilding. "Fixed"
1926 denise.eckstein  1.1          configuration options are not displayed using the cimconfig
1927 kumpf            1.12         command.  This feature can be used by vendors to limit
1928 denise.eckstein  1.1          OpenPegasus functionality and configurability.
1929 kumpf            1.12     
1930                               A "hidden" configuration option is an option that is
1931 denise.eckstein  1.1          configurable (i.e., "not fixed"), but not externally
1932                               advertised using the cimconfig command.  The "hidden"
1933                               feature can be used to define "internal use only"
1934                               configuration options.
1935 kumpf            1.12     
1936 denise.eckstein  1.1      <h5>Dynamic?</h5>
1937                               If yes, the value of the configuration option can be
1938                               changed without stopping and restarting the CIM Server.
1940                           <h5>Directory Specifications</h5>
1941                               <p>Note that the variables included in the following table
1942 kumpf            1.12         (e.g., $LOGDIR) are for documentation purposes only and
1943                               have been defined to simplify the description of the
1944                               configuration options.&nbsp; In particular,
1945 denise.eckstein  1.1          these variables DO NOT correspond to environment variables
1946 kumpf            1.12         implemented in the OpenPegasus code.&nbsp; Default values
1947                               for the following variables are platform
1948 denise.eckstein  1.1          and vendor dependent and not documented in this document.</p>
1950                               <table border="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolordark="#666666"
1951                                   bordercolorlight="#CCCCCC" width=148
1952                                   style='font-size=10.0pt;font-family:Arial' height="228">
1953                                 <tr>
1954                                   <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width=1 height="16">&nbsp;</th>
1955                                 </tr>
1956                                   <tr align="center">
1957                                   <td align="left" width="1" height="12">$LOGDIR</td>
1958                                 </tr>
1959                                 <tr align="center">
1960                                   <td align="left" width="1" height="14">$PROVIDERDIRS</td>
1961                                 </tr>
1962                                 <tr align="center">
1963                                   <td align="left" width="1" height="14">
1964                                     $PROVIDERMANAGERDIRS</td>
1965                                 </tr>
1966                                 <tr align="center">
1967                                   <td align="left" width="1" height="14">$REPOSITORYDIR </td>
1968                                 </tr>
1969 denise.eckstein  1.1            <tr align="center">
1970                                   <td align="left" width="1" height="14">$CERTIFICATEDIR&nbsp;
1971                                   </td>
1972                                 </tr>
1973                                 <tr align="center">
1974                                   <td align="left" width="1" height="14">$LOCALAUTHDIR</td>
1975                                 </tr>
1976                                 <tr align="center">
1977                                   <td align="left" width="1" height="14">$TRACEDIR</td>
1978                                 </tr>
1979                                 <tr align="center">
1980                                   <td align="left" width="1" height="14">$CONFIGDIR</td>
1981                                 </tr>
1982                                 <tr align="center">
1983                                   <td align="left" width="1" height="14">$PIDFILE</td>
1984                                 </tr>
1985                                 <tr align="center">
1986                                   <td align="left" width="1" height="14">$RANDOMDIR</td>
1987                                 </tr>
1988                                 <tr align="center">
1989                                   <td align="left" width="1" height="14">$SOCKETDIR</td>
1990 denise.eckstein  1.1            </tr>
1991                                 <tr align="center">
1992                                   <td align="left" width="1" height="14">$MESSAGEDIR</td>
1993                                 </tr>
1994                                 </table>
1995 kumpf            1.12     </ul>
1996 denise.eckstein  1.1      
1997                           <h4>Definitions</h4>
1999                           <h5>authorizedUserGroups</h5>
2000                           <ul>
2001 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:</b>&nbsp;If the <b>authorizedUserGroups</b>
2002 denise.eckstein  1.1           property is set, the value is interpreted as a list of
2003                                comma-separated user groups whose members may issue CIM
2004                                requests. A user who is not a member of any of these groups is
2005                                restricted from issuing CIM requests, with the exception of
2006                                privileged users (root user). If the <b>authorizedUserGroups</b>
2007                                property is not set, any user may issue CIM requests.<br>
2008                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>blank<br>
2009                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>blank<br>
2010                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>blank<br>
2011                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
2012                                No/No<br>
2013                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
2014                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
2015                             <b>Example: </b>
2016                                #cimconfig -s authorizedUserGroups=users,systemusers -p<br>
2017                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>This feature is available only when
2018                                the OpenPegasus source is compiled with the flag
2019                                PEGASUS_ENABLE_USERGROUP_AUTHORIZATION set.
2020                           </ul>
2022                           <h5>daemon</h5>
2023 denise.eckstein  1.1      <ul>
2024                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>This option enables/disables forking of
2025                                the code to create a background daemon process.<br>
2026                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2027                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2028                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2029                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
2030                                No/No<br>
2031                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
2032                                No/Yes<br>
2033                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<p>&nbsp;<br>
2034                                <br>
2035                                <table border="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolordark="#666666"
2036                                  bordercolorlight="#CCCCCC" width=531
2037                                  style='font-size=10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>
2038                                <tr>
2039                                  <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width="168">Platform</th>
2040                                  <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width=350>Source Configuration File</th>
2041                                </tr>
2042                                <tr align="center">
2043                                  <td width="168">Linux</td>
2044 denise.eckstein  1.1             <td align="left" width="350">
2045                                    Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableLinux.h</td>
2046                                </tr>
2047                                <tr align="center">
2048                                  <td width="168">HP-UX</td>
2049                                  <td align="left" width="350">
2050                                    Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableHpux.h</td>
2051                                </tr>
2052                                <tr align="center">
2053                                  <td width="168">OpenVMS</td>
2054                                  <td align="left" width="350">
2055                                    Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableVms.h</td>
2056                                </tr>
2057                                </table>
2058                           </ul>
2060                           <h5>enableAssociationTraversal</h5>
2061                           <ul>
2062                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If true, the CIM Server will support
2063 kumpf            1.12          the four association traversal operators: Associators,
2064 denise.eckstein  1.1           AssociatorNames,References, and ReferenceNames.<br>
2065                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2066                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2067                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2068                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
2069                                No/No<br>
2070                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
2071                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
2072 kumpf            1.12       <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>There is still an outstanding
2073 denise.eckstein  1.1           Provider Registration issue that restricts the degree to
2074                                which separate Providers can register for Associations.<br>
2075                                <br>
2076                                <table border="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolordark="#666666"
2077                                  bordercolorlight="#CCCCCC" width=531
2078                                  style='font-size=10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>
2079                                <tr>
2080                                  <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width="168">Platform</th>
2081                                  <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width=350>Source Configuration File</th>
2082                                </tr>
2083                                <tr align="center">
2084                                  <td width="168">Linux</td>
2085                                  <td align="left" width="350">
2086                                    Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableLinux.h</td>
2087                                </tr>
2088                                <tr align="center">
2089                                  <td width="168">HP-UX</td>
2090                                  <td align="left" width="350">
2091                                    Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableHpux.h</td>
2092                                </tr>
2093                                <tr align="center">
2094 denise.eckstein  1.1             <td width="168">OpenVMS</td>
2095                                  <td align="left" width="350">
2096                                    Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableVms.h</td>
2097                                </tr>
2098                                </table>
2099                           </ul>
2101                           <h5>enableAuditLog</h5>
2102                           <ul>
2103 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Used to enable or disable audit
2104 denise.eckstein  1.1           logging at run time. If true, audit logging will be enabled.<br>
2105                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
2106                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
2107                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
2108                                No/No<br>
2109                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
2110                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2111                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
2112                                Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTable.h<br>
2113                           </ul>
2115                           <h5>enableAuthentication</h5>
2116                           <ul>
2117                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If true, a Client must be authenticated
2118                                to access the CIM Server.<br>
2119                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
2120                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2121                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2122                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2123                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
2124                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
2125 denise.eckstein  1.1           Pegasus/Config/SecurityPropertyOwner.cpp<br>
2126                           </ul>
2128                           <h5>enableBinaryRepository</h5>
2129                           <ul>
2130                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Setting this to true will activate the
2131                                binary repository support on the next restart of cimserver.<br>
2132                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
2133                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
2134                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2135                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2136                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
2137                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>Repositories containing a mixture
2138                                of binary and XML objects are supported.<br>
2139                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
2140                                Pegasus/Config/RepositoryPropertyOwner.cpp</p>
2141                           </ul>
2144                           <h5>enableHttpConnection</h5>
2145                           <ul>
2146 denise.eckstein  1.1        <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If true, allows connections to
2147                                the CIM Server using the HTTP protocol<br>
2148                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2149                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2150                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
2151                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2152                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
2153                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
2154                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>
2155 kumpf            1.12          Enabling HTTP will allow clients to connect with security
2156                                properties different than those associated with encrypted SSL
2157 denise.eckstein  1.1           traffic, and its configured SSL authentication or other security
2158                                behavior. This option should only be enabled in environments
2159                                where sending the HTTP Request and HTTP Response as
2160                                clear text messages does not introduce a security risk.&nbsp;
2161 kumpf            1.12          Note that if authentication is enabled (enableAuthentication),
2162                                user names and passwords will be included in the text of the
2163 denise.eckstein  1.1           HTTP message.<br>
2164                                <br>
2165                                <table border="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolordark="#666666"
2166                                    bordercolorlight="#CCCCCC" width=531
2167                                    style='font-size=10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>
2168                                  <tr>
2169                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width="168">Platform</th>
2170                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width=350>Source Configuration File</th>
2171                                  </tr>
2172                                  <tr align="center">
2173                                    <td width="168">Linux</td>
2174                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2175                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableLinux.h</td>
2176                                  </tr>
2177                                  <tr align="center">
2178                                    <td width="168">HP-UX</td>
2179                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2180                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableHpux.h</td>
2181                                  </tr>
2182                                  <tr align="center">
2183                                    <td width="168">OpenVMS</td>
2184 denise.eckstein  1.1               <td align="left" width="350">
2185                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableVms.h</td>
2186                                  </tr>
2187                                  </table>
2188                           </ul>
2190                           <h5>enableHttpsConnection</h5>
2191                           <ul>
2192 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If true, allows connections to
2193                                the CIM Server using the HTTPS protocol (HTTP using
2194 denise.eckstein  1.1           Secure Socket Layer encryption)<br>
2195                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>false<br>
2196                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2197                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2198                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2199                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
2200                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
2201                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>For this option to work,
2202                                the environment variable PEGASUS_HAS_SSL must have
2203                                been set when CIM Server was built.<br>
2204                                <br>
2205                                <table border="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolordark="#666666"
2206                                    bordercolorlight="#CCCCCC" width=531
2207                                    style='font-size=10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>
2208                                  <tr>
2209                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width="168">Platform</th>
2210                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width=350>Source Configuration File</th>
2211                                  </tr>
2212                                  <tr align="center">
2213                                    <td width="168">Linux</td>
2214                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2215 denise.eckstein  1.1                Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableLinux.h</td>
2216                                  </tr>
2217                                  <tr align="center">
2218                                    <td width="168">HP-UX</td>
2219                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2220                                     Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableHpux.h</td>
2221                                  </tr>
2222                                  <tr align="center">
2223                                    <td width="168">OpenVMS</td>
2224                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2225                                     Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableVms.h</td>
2226                                  </tr>
2227                                  </table>
2228                           </ul>
2230                           <h5>enableIndicationService</h5>
2231                           <ul>
2232                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If true, the CIM Server will support
2233                                CIM Indications.<br>
2234                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2235                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2236 denise.eckstein  1.1        <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2237                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2238                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
2239 venkat.puvvada   1.15       <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>Yes/No<br>
2240                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>When enableIndicationService is set to
2241                                false dynamically, delete subscription requests are sent to all
2242                                indication providers and indication related operations are
2243                                not supported until indication service is re-enabled. Dynamic
2244                                configuration facility is available only when Pegasus is compiled
2245                                with PEGASUS_ENABLE_DMTF_INDICATION_PROFILE_SUPPORT=true. Clients
2246                                who wants to utilize the IndicationService services MUST check for
2247                                CIM_IndicationService EnabledState and HealthState properties to know
2248                                the current indication service state. For example, User can enumerate
2249                                instances of CIM_IndicationService and there is exactly one instance
2250                                of CIM_IndicationService returned. (Ex. using cimcli command
2251                                'cimcli ei -n root/PG_InterOp CIM_IndicationService'). When requested state
2252                                change(Enabled/Disabled) cannot be made because of timeout or some
2253                                other exception IndicationService HealthState is set to "Degraded/Warning".
2254                                For example, if user requested for indication service disable (by setting
2255                                enableIndicationService=false), disable failed because of timeout or some
2256                                other exception. Now service health state is set to "Degraded/Warning"
2257                                and service EnabledState will remain enabled. User can now identify the
2258                                faulty provider causing the timeout or any other problem and can take
2259                                appropriate action. User can again request for service disable to recover
2260 venkat.puvvada   1.15          from degraded state. Similar sequence applies while enabling the indication
2261                                service. Only difference is that service EnabledState is set to Enabled
2262                                if exception or timeout happens. There is no automatic recovery from 
2263                                degraded state is available at present.<br>
2264 denise.eckstein  1.1        <br>
2265                                <table border="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolordark="#666666"
2266                                    bordercolorlight="#CCCCCC" width=531
2267                                    style='font-size=10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>
2268                                  <tr>
2269                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width="168">Platform</th>
2270                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width=350>Source Configuration File</th>
2271                                  </tr>
2272                                  <tr align="center">
2273                                    <td width="168">Linux</td>
2274                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2275                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableLinux.h</td>
2276                                  </tr>
2277                                  <tr align="center">
2278                                    <td width="168">HP-UX</td>
2279                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2280                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableHpux.h</td>
2281                                  </tr>
2282                                  <tr align="center">
2283                                    <td width="168">OpenVMS</td>
2284                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2285 denise.eckstein  1.1                 Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableVms.h</td>
2286                                  </tr>
2287                                  </table>
2288                           </ul>
2290                           <h5>enableNamespaceAuthorization</h5>
2291                           <ul>
2292                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If true, the CIM Server restricts
2293 kumpf            1.12          access to namespaces based on configured user authorizations
2294                                [user authorizations may be configured using the cimauth
2295 denise.eckstein  1.1           command]<br>
2296                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>false<br>
2297                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build): </b>false<br>
2298                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
2299                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2300                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
2301                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
2302                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>
2303                                This option offers limited functionality and, in most
2304                                environments, expensive to administer.  It's use is not
2305                                recommended.<br>
2306                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
2307                                Pegasus/Config/SecurityPropertyOwner.cpp</ul>
2309                           <h5>enableNormalization</h5>
2310                           <ul>
2311 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If true, objects returned from instance
2312 denise.eckstein  1.1           providers are validated and normalized. <br>
2313                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2314                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2315                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
2316                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2317                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
2318 kavita.gupta     1.7        <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2319 denise.eckstein  1.1        <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>
2320                               <ul>
2321                                 <li>Any errors encountered during normalization result in a
2322 kumpf            1.12               CIMException with the status code set to CIM_ERR_FAILED
2323                                     and a meaningful, context specific error description
2324 denise.eckstein  1.1                (messages will be localized). Providers that catch the
2325 kumpf            1.12               exception have an opportunity to handle the error.
2326 denise.eckstein  1.1                Otherwise, the exception is passed to the Provider Manager
2327 kumpf            1.12               and becomes the response for that Provider.
2328 denise.eckstein  1.1            <li>Provider Modules that are listed on the
2329 kumpf            1.12               excludeModulesFromNormalization
2330                                     configuration option are excluded from normalization.
2331 denise.eckstein  1.1            <li>Since the concept of normalization is relatively new to
2332                                     OpenPegasus and it establishes and enforces rules for
2333 kumpf            1.12               objects returned by providers, it should only
2334                                     apply to providers written against the SDK in which it was
2335 denise.eckstein  1.1                introduced (or later). Therefore only Provider Modules that
2336 kumpf            1.12               have the following InterfaceType and InterfaceVersion
2337                                     combination will be subject to normalization:
2338 denise.eckstein  1.1              <ul>
2339 kumpf            1.12                 <li>'C++Default' / 2.5.0 or greater
2340                                       <li>'CMPI' / 2.0.0 or greater
2341 denise.eckstein  1.1                  <li>'JMPI' / 1.0.0 or greater
2342                                   </ul>
2343                                </ul>
2344                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
2345                                Pegasus/Config/NormalizationPropertyOwner.cpp<br>
2346                           </ul>
2349                           <h5>enableRemotePrivilegedUserAccess</h5>
2350                           <ul>
2351 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If true, the CIM Server allows
2352 denise.eckstein  1.1           access by a privileged user from a remote system<br>
2353                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2354                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2355                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2356                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2357                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
2358                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
2359                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>Many management operations require
2360                                privileged user access.  Disabling remote access by
2361 kumpf            1.12          privileged user could significantly affect
2362 denise.eckstein  1.1           functionality.<br>
2363                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
2364                                Pegasus/Config/SecurityPropertyOwner.cpp<p>&nbsp;</p>
2365                           </ul>
2367                           <h5>enableSubscriptionsForNonprivilegedUsers</h5>
2368                           <ul>
2369                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If true, operations (create instance,
2370 kumpf            1.12          modify instance, delete instance, get instance, enumerate
2371                                instances, enumerate instance names) on indication
2372                                filter, listener destination, and subscription instances
2373 denise.eckstein  1.1           may be performed by non-privileged users. Otherwise, these
2374                                operations may only be performed on these instances by
2375                                privileged users.<br>
2376                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2377                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>true<br>
2378                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
2379                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2380                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
2381                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
2382 kumpf            1.12       <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>This option has meaning only if
2383 denise.eckstein  1.1           enableIndicationService=true.<br>
2384                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
2385                                Pegasus/Config/SecurityPropertyOwner.cpp<p>&nbsp;</p>
2386                           </ul>
2388                           <h5>excludeModulesFromNormalization</h5>
2389                           <ul>
2390 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If the excludeModulesfromNormalization
2391                                property is set, the value is interpreted as a list of
2392                                comma-separated Provider Module names (as specified in
2393                                PG_ProviderModule.Name) to exclude from validation and
2394 denise.eckstein  1.1           normalization.<br>
2395                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>&quot;&quot;<br>
2396                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):</b>
2397                                &quot;&quot;<br>
2398                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
2399                                &quot;&quot;<br>
2400                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2401                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
2402                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
2403                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>All objects managed by all
2404                                providers will be excluded from validation and normalization
2405                                if its module name appears in this list.<br>
2406                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
2407                                Pegasus/Config/NormalizationPropertyOwner.cpp
2408                           </ul>
2410                           <h5>forceProviderProcesses</h5>
2411                           <ul>
2412                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If true, the CIM Server runs Providers
2413                                in separate processes rather than loading and calling Provider
2414                                libraries directly within the CIM Server process.<br>
2415 kumpf            1.12       <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>Dependent on the value of
2416 denise.eckstein  1.1           PEGASUS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_OOP<br>
2417                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):</b>true (HP-UX,
2418                                Linux)<br>
2419                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>true (HP-UX,
2420                                Linux)<br>
2421                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2422                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
2423                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
2424                             <b>Considerations: </b>In a dynamic, potentially multi-vendor,
2425 kumpf            1.12          environment, the ability to run Providers in separate processes
2426                                can significantly increase the stability, maintainability and
2427 denise.eckstein  1.1           supportability of the overall solution.&nbsp; Running Providers
2428                                in separate process spaces: (1) helps isolate components (i.e.,
2429 kumpf            1.12          cimserver and Providers) from a catastrophic failure
2430 denise.eckstein  1.1           (segmentation faults, memory leaks) of a single Provider and (2)
2431                                reduces the risk of accidental or malicious sharing of sensitive
2432 kumpf            1.12          data among Providers.&nbsp; This benefit comes at a cost.&nbsp;
2433                                Moving Providers out of the cimserver process increases
2434 denise.eckstein  1.1           communication costs and can significantly increase response
2435                                time.&nbsp; Actual results will vary, but it is common for
2436                                response times to increase by a factor of 2.<br>
2437 kumpf            1.12         <b>Note 1: </b>When forceProviderProcesses is true, the CIM
2438 denise.eckstein  1.1             Server will load each Provider Module (i.e., library) into a
2439                                  separate process. Providers in different Provider Modules
2440                                  cannot depend on a communication mechanism that
2441                                  requires them to run in the same process space.<br>
2442 kumpf            1.12         <b>Note 2: </b>Although the catastrophic failure of an
2443 denise.eckstein  1.1             Out-Of-Process (OOP) Provider Module  will not result in a
2444                                  failure of the CIM Server process, if the failed OOP Provider
2445 kumpf            1.12            Module included Indication Providers, Indications may be
2446 denise.eckstein  1.1             lost.&nbsp; If logging is enabled, the CIM Server will log a
2447                                  message informing administrators of what happened and what
2448                                  corrective actions can be taken.<br>
2449                                  <br>
2450                                  <table border="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolordark="#666666"
2451                                      bordercolorlight="#CCCCCC" width=531
2452                                      style='font-size=10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>
2453                                    <tr>
2454                                      <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width="168">Platform</th>
2455                                      <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width=350>
2456                                        Source Configuration File</th>
2457                                    </tr>
2458                                    <tr align="center">
2459                                      <td width="168">Linux</td>
2460                                      <td align="left" width="350">
2461                                        Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableLinux.h</td>
2462                                    </tr>
2463                                    <tr align="center">
2464                                      <td width="168">HP-UX</td>
2465                                      <td align="left" width="350">
2466                                        Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableHpux.h</td>
2467 denise.eckstein  1.1               </tr>
2468                                    <tr align="center">
2469                                      <td width="168">OpenVMS</td>
2470                                      <td align="left" width="350">
2471                                        Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableVms.h</td>
2472                                    </tr>
2473                                    </table>
2474                           </ul>
2476                           <h5>home</h5>
2477                           <ul>
2478                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If set, this configuration option defines
2479                                the runtime default value for PEGASUS_HOME.<br>
2480                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>"./"<br>
2481                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build)</b>"./"<br>
2482                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build)""</b><br>
2483                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2484                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2485                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<p>&nbsp;<br>
2486                                <br>
2487                                <table border="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolordark="#666666"
2488 denise.eckstein  1.1               bordercolorlight="#CCCCCC" width=531
2489                                    style='font-size=10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>
2490                                  <tr>
2491                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width="168">Platform</th>
2492                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width=350>Source Configuration File</th>
2493                                  </tr>
2494                                  <tr align="center">
2495                                    <td width="168">Linux</td>
2496                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2497                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableLinux.h</td>
2498                                  </tr>
2499                                  <tr align="center">
2500                                    <td width="168">HP-UX</td>
2501                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2502                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableHpux.h</td>
2503                                  </tr>
2504                                  <tr align="center">
2505                                    <td width="168">OpenVMS</td>
2506                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2507                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableVms.h</td>
2508                                  </tr>
2509 denise.eckstein  1.1             </table>
2510                           </ul>
2512                           <h5>httpPort</h5>
2513                           <ul>
2514 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>OpenPegasus first attempts to look up the
2515 denise.eckstein  1.1           port number for HTTP using getservbyname for the 'wbem-http'
2516 kumpf            1.12          service. The httpPort configuration setting is used only when the
2517 denise.eckstein  1.1           getservbyname lookup fails.<br>
2518                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>blank<br>
2519                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build): </b>blank<br>
2520                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>5988<br>
2521                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2522                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2523                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
2524 kumpf            1.12       <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>(1)The use of 5988 for WBEM HTTP is
2525 denise.eckstein  1.1           recommended by the DMTF.  This port has been registered with
2526                                <a href="http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers">
2527                                IANA</a>. In a production environment, the recommendation is
2528                                to use /etc/services to configure the value of this port. (2)
2529 kumpf            1.12          With the release of OpenPegasus 2.5, the default values for
2530                                httpPort was changed from 5988 to &quot;&quot;. This
2531 denise.eckstein  1.1           change was made to allow the OpenPegasus to differentiate
2532 kumpf            1.12          between a default setting of 5988 and a customer-defined
2533 denise.eckstein  1.1           setting of 5988.&nbsp; With this change,&nbsp; if the port
2534 kumpf            1.12          number is explicitly set, the configured port will be used
2535 denise.eckstein  1.1           regardless of the settings in /etc/services. If no port number
2536                                is specified, the server will continue to use the value in
2537                                /etc/services.<br>
2538                                <br>
2539                                <table border="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolordark="#666666"
2540                                    bordercolorlight="#CCCCCC" width=531
2541                                    style='font-size=10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>
2542                                  <tr>
2543                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width="168">Platform</th>
2544                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width=350>Source Configuration File</th>
2545                                  </tr>
2546                                  <tr align="center">
2547                                    <td width="168">Linux</td>
2548                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2549                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableLinux.h</td>
2550                                  </tr>
2551                                  <tr align="center">
2552                                    <td width="168">HP-UX</td>
2553                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2554                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableHpux.h</td>
2555                                  </tr>
2556 denise.eckstein  1.1             <tr align="center">
2557                                    <td width="168">OpenVMS</td>
2558                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2559                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableVms.h</td>
2560                                  </tr>
2561                                  </table>
2562                           </ul>
2564                           <h5>httpsPort</h5>
2565                           <ul>
2566                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>	
2567                                OpenPegasus first attempts to look up the port number for HTTPS
2568                                using getservbyname for the 'wbem-https' service. The httpsPort
2569 kumpf            1.12          configuration setting is used only when the getservbyname lookup
2570 denise.eckstein  1.1           fails.<br>
2571                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>blank<br>
2572                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build): </b>blank<br>
2573                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>5989<br>
2574                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2575                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2576                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
2577                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>(1)The use of 5989 for WBEM HTTPS
2578                                is recommended by the DMTF. This port has been registered with
2579                                <a href="http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers">IANA</a>.
2580 kumpf            1.12          In a production environment, the recommendation is to use
2581 denise.eckstein  1.1           /etc/services to configure the value of this port.(2)
2582 kumpf            1.12          With the release of OpenPegasus 2.5, the default values for
2583                                httpPort was changed from 5989 to &quot;&quot;. This
2584                                change was made to allow the OpenPegasus to differentiate
2585                                between a default setting of 5989 and a customer-defined
2586 denise.eckstein  1.1           setting of 5989.&nbsp; With this change,&nbsp; if the port number
2587 kumpf            1.12          is explicitly set, the configured port will be used regardless
2588 denise.eckstein  1.1           of the settings in /etc/services. If no port number is specified,
2589                                the server will continue to use the value in /etc/services.<br>
2590                                <br>
2592                                <table border="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolordark="#666666"
2593                                    bordercolorlight="#CCCCCC" width=531
2594                                    style='font-size=10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>
2595                                  <tr>
2596                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width="168">Platform</th>
2597                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width=350>Source Configuration File</th>
2598                                  </tr>
2599                                  <tr align="center">
2600                                    <td width="168">Linux</td>
2601                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2602                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableLinux.h</td>
2603                                  </tr>
2604                                  <tr align="center">
2605                                    <td width="168">HP-UX</td>
2606                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2607                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableHpux.h</td>
2608                                  </tr>
2609 denise.eckstein  1.1             <tr align="center">
2610                                    <td width="168">OpenVMS</td>
2611                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2612                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableVms.h</td>
2613                                  </tr>
2614                                  </table>
2615                           </ul>
2617                           <h5>idleConnectionTimeout</h5>
2618                           <ul>
2619                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If set to a positive integer, this value
2620                                specifies a minimum timeout value for idle client connections.
2621                                If set to zero, idle client connections do not time out.<br>
2622                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>0<br>
2623                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>0<br>
2624                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2625                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
2626 kavita.gupta     1.11       <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2627 denise.eckstein  1.1        <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>A client connection is considered
2628                                idle when it is not in the process of sending a request and
2629                                the CIM Server is not processing a request from that connection.
2630 kumpf            1.12          An idle connection timeout allows reclamation of the system
2631 denise.eckstein  1.1           resources allocated for idle CIM Server connections. Note that
2632                                the CIM Server may allow an idle connection to persist longer
2633 kumpf            1.12          than the configured timeout value based on server activity.
2634                                Some client applications may not behave correctly if a
2635 denise.eckstein  1.1           connection timeout is introduced. Client compatibility should be
2636                                considered when configuring an idle connection timeout value.
2637 kumpf            1.12          The idle connection time is computed using the system clock.
2638 denise.eckstein  1.1           Thus, resetting the system clock may cause unexpected timeout
2639 kumpf            1.12          behavior.This config property can be changed dynamically. The
2640 kavita.gupta     1.11          changes will apply to all new and existing connections. <br>
2641 denise.eckstein  1.1      </ul>
2643 venkat.puvvada   1.21     <h5>maxFailedProviderModuleRestarts</h5>
2644                           <ul>
2645                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If set to a positive integer, this value
2646                                specifies the number of times the failed provider module with
2647                                indications enabled are restarted automatically before being
2648                                moved to Degraded state. If set to zero, failed provider module
2649                                is not restarted with indications enabled automatically and
2650                                will be moved to Degraded state immediately.<br>
2651                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>3<br>
2652                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>3<br>
2653                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2654                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
2655                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2656                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>This option controls the automatic 
2657                                re-enabling of the failed provider module with indications
2658                                enabled. If the provider module with indications enabled fails
2659                                very frequently, it affects the CIMServer normal operations because
2660                                CIMServer would be busy with reloading the provider module every
2661                                time it fails. This option would be helpful if the long running
2662                                indication provider crashes and the management application want
2663                                to receive the indications from the provider while provider fix
2664 venkat.puvvada   1.21          is being delivered. In case of provider module grouping, if one of
2665                                the indication provider crashes, it affects all indication providers
2666                                in the provider modules of the group. Note that this is the facility
2667                                provided by the CIMServer for temporary recovery of the provider and
2668                                the ultimate goal SHALL be fixing the faulty provider.
2669                           </ul>
2671 karl    <h5>maxIndicationDeliveryRetryAttempts</h5>
2672                           <ul>
2673                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b> If set to a positive integer, this value
2674                                defines the number of times that the indication service will
2675                                try to deliver an indication to a particular listener destination.
2676                                This does not effect the original delivery attempt, thus if set to 0,
2677                                cimserver will only try to deliver the indication once.<br>
2678                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>3<br>
2679                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>3<br>
2680                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2681                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
2682                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
2683                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b> This value is used to set the
2684                                CIM_IndicationService.DeliveryRetryAttempts property. See
2685                                CIM_IndicationService.DeliveryRetryAttempts property for more details. This
2686                                option is supported only when PEGASUS_ENABLE_DMTF_INDICATION_PROFILE_SUPPORT
2687                                is defined.<br>
2688                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
2689                                Pegasus/Config/IndicationServicePropertyOwner.cpp<br>
2690                           </ul>
2692 karl    <h5>minIndicationDeliveryRetryInterval</h5>
2693                           <ul>
2694                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b> If set to a positive integer, this value defines
2695                                the minimal time interval in seconds for the indication service to wait
2696                                before retrying to deliver an indication to a listener destination that
2697                                previously failed. Cimserver may take longer due to QoS or other processing.<br>
2698                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>30<br>
2699                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>30<br>
2700                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2701                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
2702                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
2703                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b> This value is used to initialize the property
2704                                CIM_IndicationService.DeliveryRetryInterval. See
2705                                CIM_IndicationService.DeliveryRetryInterval property for more details. This
2706                                option is supported only when PEGASUS_ENABLE_DMTF_INDICATION_PROFILE_SUPPORT
2707                                is defined.<br>
2708                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
2709                                Pegasus/Config/IndicationServicePropertyOwner.cpp<br>
2710                           </ul>
2712 denise.eckstein  1.1      <h5>logdir</h5>
2713                           <ul>
2714                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the name of the directory
2715                                to be used for the OpenPegasus specific log files.<br>
2716                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>logs<br>
2717                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>$LOGDIR<br>
2718                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2719                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2720                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2721 kumpf            1.12       <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>This option is not supported if
2722 denise.eckstein  1.1           PEGASUS_USE_SYSLOGS is defined.<br>
2723                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
2724                                Pegasus/Config/LogPropertyOwner.cpp<br>
2725                           </ul>
2727                           <h5>logLevel</h5>
2728                           <ul>
2729 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Defines the desired level of logging.
2730 denise.eckstein  1.1           Valid values include: TRACE, INFORMATION, WARNING, SEVERE,
2731                                FATAL.<br>
2732                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>"INFORMATION"<br>
2733                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
2734                                "INFORMATION"<br>
2735                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>"SEVERE"<br>
2736                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2737                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
2738                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2739                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b><br>
2740                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
2741                                Pegsus/Config/LogPropertyOwner.cpp<p>&nbsp;</p>
2742                           </ul>
2744 mreddy           1.3      <h5>maxLogFileSizeKBytes</h5>
2745                           <ul>
2746 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the maximum size of the logfile in Kilo
2747 mreddy           1.3           Bytes. If the logfile size exceeds maxLogFileSizeKBytes logfile will be pruned.<br>
2748                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>32768<br>
2749                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b> 32768<br>
2750                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>32768<br>
2751                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2752                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):</b>&nbsp;No/No<br>
2753                             <b>Dynamic?:</b>&nbsp;Yes<br>
2754                             <b>Considerations:</b> This option is not supported if PEGASUS_USE_SYSLOGS is defined. Minimum accepted value is 32 KB.&nbsp;<br>
2755                             <b>Source Configuration File:</b>&nbsp; Pegsus/Config/LogPropertyOwner.cpp<p>&nbsp;</p>
2756                           </ul>
2757 denise.eckstein  1.1      <h5>maxProviderProcesses</h5>
2758                           <ul>
2759                             <b>Description:</b>&nbsp;Limits the number of provider
2760 kumpf            1.12          processes (see 'forceProviderProcesses) that may run
2761 denise.eckstein  1.1           concurrently. A 'maxProviderProcesses' value of '0' indicates
2762                                that the number of Provider Agent processes is unlimited<br>
2763                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>0<br>
2764                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):</b>&nbsp;0<br>
2765                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):</b>&nbsp;0<br>
2766                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2767                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build): </b>No/Yes<br>
2768 kavita.gupta     1.9        <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2769 kumpf            1.12       <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>Consider there are five provider processes
2770                                already running and the maxProviderProcesses is dynamically changed to
2771                                four. In this case though new provider processes will not be created
2772 kavita.gupta     1.9           but existing five will continue running<br>
2773 denise.eckstein  1.1           <br>
2774                                <table border="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolordark="#666666"
2775                                    bordercolorlight="#CCCCCC" width=531
2776                                    style='font-size=10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>
2777                                  <tr>
2778                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width="168">Platform</th>
2779                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width=350>
2780                                      Source Configuration File</th>
2781                                  </tr>
2782                                  <tr align="center">
2783                                    <td width="168">Linux</td>
2784                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2785                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableLinux.h</td>
2786                                  </tr>
2787                                  <tr align="center">
2788                                    <td width="168">HP-UX</td>
2789                                    <td align="left" width="350">
2790                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableHpux.h</td>
2791                                  </tr>
2792                                  <tr align="center">
2793                                    <td width="168">OpenVMS</td>
2794 denise.eckstein  1.1               <td align="left" width="350">
2795                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableVms.h</td>
2796                                  </tr>
2797                                  </table>
2798                           </ul>
2800                           <h5>messageDir</h5>
2801                           <ul>
2802                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the name of the directory to
2803                                be used for the OpenPegasus translated messages.<br>
2804                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>msg<br>
2805                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>msg<br>
2806                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):</b>
2807                                $MESSAGEDIR/msg<br>
2808                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2809                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2810                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
2811                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>Only used when message localization
2812                                is enabled. &nbsp;See PEGASUS_HAS_MESSAGES for details.<br>
2813                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
2814                                FileSystemPropertyOwner.cpp<br>
2815 denise.eckstein  1.1      </ul>
2817                           <h5>providerDir</h5>
2818                           <ul>
2819 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the names of the directories
2820 denise.eckstein  1.1           that contains Provider executables.<br>
2821                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>lib<br>
2822                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
2823                                $PROVIDERDIRS<br>
2824                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2825                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2826 kavita.gupta     1.11       <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2827 denise.eckstein  1.1        <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>The CIM Server runs as a privileged
2828                                user. And, since Providers run in the same process space as the
2829 kumpf            1.12          CIM Server, Providers also have privileged access to the
2830 denise.eckstein  1.1           system. Allowing a registered Provider’s executable to be
2831 kumpf            1.12          replaced with malicious code would result in a critical
2832 denise.eckstein  1.1           security defect, giving a malicious user privileged access
2833                                to the system. Adminstrators are responsible for ensuring
2834                                that only trusted Providers are loaded into providerDir.
2835                                In order to simplify the management task associated with
2836                                securing Provider executable, the value of providerDir can be
2837                                fixed at build time (i.e., set to one or more fixed, well-known
2838                                locations).<br>
2839                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
2840                                Pegasus/Config/FileSystemPropertyOwner.cpp<br>
2841                           </ul>
2842 kumpf            1.12     
2843 denise.eckstein  1.1      <h5>providerManagerDir</h5>
2844                           <ul>
2845                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the name of the directory that
2846                                contains the ProviderManager plugin libraries.<br>
2847                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>lib<br>
2848                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
2849                                $PROVIDERMANAGERDIRS<br>
2850                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2851                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2852                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
2853                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>Should be a dedicated directory to
2854                                minimize inspection of non-applicable files. Additionally,
2855                                since all calls to the providers go through the provider
2856                                managers, the same care should be taken with regards to
2857                                security for the provider manager directory, as for provider
2858                                directories.<br>
2859                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
2860                                Pegasus/Config/FileSystemPropertyOwner.cpp<br>
2861 kumpf            1.12     </ul>
2862 denise.eckstein  1.1      
2863                           <h5>repositoryDir</h5>
2864                           <ul>
2865 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the name of the directory
2866 denise.eckstein  1.1           to be used for the OpenPegasus repository.<br>
2867                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build): </b>repository<br>
2868                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
2869                                $REPOSITORYDIR/repository<br>
2870                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2871                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2872                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
2873                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b><br>
2874                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
2875                                Pegasus/Config/FileSystemPropertyOwner.cpp<p><br>
2876                           </ul>
2878                           <h5>repositoryIsDefaultInstanceProvider</h5>
2879                           <ul>
2880 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If true, the Repository functions
2881                                as the Instance Provider for all classes for which there
2882                                is not an explicitly registered Provider.  This flag is
2883                                also used to control the behavior of the repository when
2884 denise.eckstein  1.1           processing association operators.<br>
2885                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build): </b>true<br>
2886 kumpf            1.12       <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
2887 denise.eckstein  1.1        <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2888                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build): </b>No/Yes<br>
2889                             <b>Dynamic?: &nbsp;</b>No<br>
2890                             <b>Considerations: &nbsp;</b>This flag can be used to configure
2891                                the CIM Server to allow the Repository to be used by CIM Clients
2892                                and CIM Providers as a dynamic data store. The setting of this
2893 kumpf            1.12          flag will significantly affect CIM Server behavior as viewed
2894                                by the CIM Client.<br>
2896                                The following issues should be considered when setting
2897 denise.eckstein  1.1           repositoryIsDefaultInstanceProvider=true:
2899                                <ul>
2900 kumpf            1.12            <li><b>Authorization.</b> &nbsp;The repository has no
2901 denise.eckstein  1.1                 concept of which users (or components) are authorized to
2902                                      perform which operations.</li>
2903                                  <li><b>Appearance of instrumentation.</b>  A client application
2904 kumpf            1.12                cannot determine whether instrumentation exists for a
2905                                      given CIM class. For example,&nbsp; imagine a client
2906                                      issues a CreateInstance operation on a Disk class
2907 denise.eckstein  1.1                 for&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; which no provider is registered.
2908                                      &nbsp;The instance will be stored in the repository, and
2909 kumpf            1.12                the client gets a "success" response. Does that mean a
2910 denise.eckstein  1.1                 disk device has been created on the server? Even worse,
2911 kumpf            1.12                when another client issues an EnumerateInstances
2912 denise.eckstein  1.1                 operation,&nbsp;the spurious Disk instance is returned.
2913                                      &nbsp;With repositoryIsDefaultInstanceProvider=false, the
2914 kumpf            1.12                CreateInstance operation above would have returned a
2915                                      NOT_SUPPORTED error.</li>
2916 denise.eckstein  1.1             <li><b>Potential for inconsistent data.</b>  Using the
2917                                      repository as a data cache increases the probability
2918                                      that a client will see stale or incorrect data.  A
2919 kumpf            1.12                provider can better control the correlation
2920 denise.eckstein  1.1                 between the data returned and the current state of the
2921 kumpf            1.12                underlying managed resource (whether or not the provider
2922 denise.eckstein  1.1                 caches the data).</li>
2923                                </ul>
2924                                <br>
2925 kumpf            1.12     
2926                                The following issues should be considered when setting
2927 denise.eckstein  1.1           repositoryIsDefaultInstanceProvider=false:
2929                                <ul>
2930                                  <li><b>Provider Availability.</b> Certain Providers have been
2931 kumpf            1.12                developed to use the Repository as a dynamic data store.
2932                                      These Providers are currently not supported on system
2933 denise.eckstein  1.1                 where this flag is disabled. E.g., the Common Diagnostics
2934 kumpf            1.12                Model (CDM) Provider
2935 denise.eckstein  1.1                 (http://developer.intel.com/design/servers/cdm/)
2936 kumpf            1.12                relies on use of the Repository to store instances
2937                                      of CIM_DiagnosticSetting.&nbsp; If this flag set to
2938                                      false, this Provider will not function correctly. Note
2939                                      that this feature is supported by other WBEM
2940 denise.eckstein  1.1                 implementation.&nbsp; Therefore, disabling this feature
2941                                      can increase the cost of migrating existing Providers to
2942                                      OpenPegasus.</li>
2943 kumpf            1.12           </ul>
2944 denise.eckstein  1.1      
2945 kumpf            1.12       <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
2946 denise.eckstein  1.1           Pegasus/Config/RepositoryPropertyOwner.cpp<br>
2947                           </ul>
2948 kumpf            1.12     
2949 denise.eckstein  1.1      <h5>shutdownTimeout</h5>
2950                           <ul>
2951                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>When a cimserver -s shutdown command is
2952                                issued, specifies the maximum time in seconds for the CIM Server
2953                                to complete outstanding CIM operation requests before shutting
2954                                down; if the specified timeout period expires, the CIM Server
2955 kumpf            1.12          will shut down, even if there are still CIM operations in
2956 denise.eckstein  1.1           progress. Minimum value is 2 seconds.<br>
2957                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>10<br>
2958                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>10<br>
2959                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2960                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):</b>No/No<br>
2961                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2962                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b><br>
2963                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
2964                                Pegasus/Config/ShutdownPropertyOwner.cpp<br>
2965                           </ul>
2967                           <h5>slp</h5>
2968                           <ul>
2969                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>When set to true, OpenPegasus activates
2970                                an SLP SA and issues DMTF defined SLP advertisements to this SA
2971                                on startup.<br>
2972                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>false<br>
2973                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build): </b>false<br>
2974                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>false<br>
2975                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
2976                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
2977 denise.eckstein  1.1        <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<p>&nbsp;<br>
2978                             <br>
2979                                <table border="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolordark="#666666"
2980                                    bordercolorlight="#CCCCCC" width=531
2981                                    style='font-size=10.0pt;font-family:Arial' height="80">
2982                                  <tr>
2983                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width="168" height="16">Platform</th>
2984                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width=350 height="16">
2985                                      Source Configuration File</th>
2986                                  </tr>
2987                                  <tr align="center">
2988                                   <td width="168" height="14">Linux</td>
2989                                    <td align="left" width="350" height="14">
2990                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableLinux.h</td>
2991                                  </tr>
2992                                  <tr align="center">
2993                                    <td width="168" height="14">HP-UX</td>
2994                                    <td align="left" width="350" height="14">
2995                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableHpux.h</td>
2996                                  </tr>
2997                                  <tr align="center">
2998 denise.eckstein  1.1               <td width="168" height="16">OpenVMS</td>
2999                                    <td align="left" width="350" height="16">
3000                                      Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTableVms.h</td>
3001                                  </tr>
3002                                  </table>
3003                           </ul>
3005                           <h5>socketWriteTimeout</h5>
3006                           <ul>
3007                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>If the CIM Server receives an
3008                                EWOULDBLOCK/EAGAIN error on a non-blocking write,
3009 kumpf            1.12          socketWriteTimeout defines the number of seconds the
3010                                CIM Server will wait for the socket to get ready and resume
3011 denise.eckstein  1.1           writing data.<br>
3012                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
3013                                20 (seconds)<br>
3014                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
3015                                20 (seconds)<br>
3016                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
3017                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
3018 kavita.gupta     1.11       <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
3019                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>Any changes made to this config property
3020 kumpf            1.12          dynamically will apply to new CIM Server connections only
3021 kavita.gupta     1.11          keeping old already established connections unchanged.<br>
3022 denise.eckstein  1.1        <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
3023                                Pegasus/Config/DefaultPropertyTable.h
3024                           </ul>
3026                           <h5>sslCertificateFilePath</h5>
3027                           <ul>
3028 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Contains the CIM Server SSL
3029 denise.eckstein  1.1           Certificate.<br>
3030                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
3031                                server.pem<br>
3032                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
3033                                $CERTIFICATEDIR/server.pem"<br>
3034                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
3035                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
3036                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
3037                             <b>Considerations: </b>For a more detailed look at SSL options
3038                                and their ramifications, please see the SSL guidelines.<br>
3039                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
3040                                Pegasus/Config/SecurityPropertyOwner.cpp
3041                           </ul>
3043 karl    <h5>sslCipherSuite</h5>
3044                           <ul>
3045                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>String containing OpenSSL cipher
3046                                specifications to configure the cipher suite the client is
3047                                permitted to negotiate with the server during the SSL
3048                                handshake phase.<br>
3049                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
3050                                DEFAULT (the default cipher list of OpenSSL)<br>
3051                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
3052                                DEFAULT (the default cipher list of OpenSSL)<br>
3053                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
3054                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/No<br>
3055                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
3056                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>The value should be mentioned between
3057                                single quotes since it can contain special characters like .+,
3058                                !, -.. For more details look at SSL ciphers.<br>
3059                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
3060                                Pegasus/Config/SecurityPropertyOwner.cpp
3061                           </ul>
3063 denise.eckstein  1.1      <h5>sslClientVerificationMode</h5>
3064                           <ul>
3065                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Describes the desired level of support
3066                                for certificate-based authentication.
3067                               <ul style="MARGIN-TOP: 0in" type="circle">
3068                                 <li>“<b>required</b>” – The server requires certificate-based
3069 kumpf            1.12               client authentication.&nbsp; A client MUST present a
3070 denise.eckstein  1.1                trusted certificate in order to access the CIM Server.&nbsp;
3071 kumpf            1.12               If the client fails to send a certificate or sends an
3072 denise.eckstein  1.1                untrusted certificate, the connection will be rejected.</li>
3073                                 <li>“<b>optional</b>” – The server supports, but does not
3074 kumpf            1.12               require, certificate-based client authentication. The
3075                                     server will request and attempt to validate a client
3076 denise.eckstein  1.1                certificate, however the connection will be accepted even
3077                                     if no certificate is sent or an untrusted certificate is
3078                                     sent.&nbsp; The server will then seek to authenticate the
3079                                     client via an authentication header.</li>
3080 kumpf            1.12           <li>“<b>disabled</b>” – The server does not support
3081 denise.eckstein  1.1                certificate-based client authentication.</li>
3082                               </ul>
3083                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
3084                                disabled<br>
3085                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
3086                                disabled<br>
3087                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
3088                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build): </b>No/No<br>
3089                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
3090                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>(1) This property is only used if
3091                                <b>enableHttpsConnection</b> is  <b>&quot;true&quot;</b>.
3092                                (2) If the platform does not support PEGASUS_LOCAL_DOMAIN_SOCKET,
3093                                OpenPegasus attempts to use either HTTPS or
3094 kumpf            1.12          HTTP to establish a local connection (connectLocal).&nbsp;
3095 denise.eckstein  1.1           For platforms that do not support PEGASUS_LOCAL_DOMAIN_SOCKET,
3096 kumpf            1.12          Clients which use connectLocal, such as cimconfig -l -c,
3097 denise.eckstein  1.1           cimprovider -l -s and cimserver -s, will not work if&nbsp; the
3098                                &quot;sslClientVerificationMode&quot; variable is set to
3099                                &quot;required&quot; and HTTP is disabled.&nbsp; For these
3100 kumpf            1.12          platforms, the recommended course of action is to change the
3101 denise.eckstein  1.1           property value to &quot;optional.&quot;<br>
3102                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
3103                                Pegasus/Config/SecurityPropertyOwner.cpp
3104                           </ul>
3106                           <h5>sslKeyFilePath</h5>
3107                           <ul>
3108                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Contains the private key for the CIM
3109                                Server SSL Certificate.<br>
3110                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
3111                                file.pem<br>
3112                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
3113                                $CERTIFICATEDIR/file.pem<br>
3114                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
3115                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
3116                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
3117                             <b>Considerations: </b>File should be readable only by the
3118                                user the cimserver is running as and/or privileged users. The
3119                                file should be writeable only by a privileged user.<br>
3120                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
3121                                Pegasus/Config/SecurityPropertyOwner.cpp<br>
3122 denise.eckstein  1.1      </ul>
3124                           <h5>sslTrustStore</h5>
3125                           <ul>
3126                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the location of the OpenSSL
3127 kumpf            1.12          truststore. Consistent with the OpenSSL implementation, a
3128 denise.eckstein  1.1           truststore can be either a file or directory. If the truststore
3129 kumpf            1.12          is a directory, all the certificates within the directory are
3130 denise.eckstein  1.1           considered trusted.<br>
3131                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
3132                                client.pem<br>
3133                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
3134                                $CERTIFICATEDIR/client.pem<br>
3135                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
3136                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
3137                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
3138                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
3139                                Pegsus/Config/SecurityPropertyOwner.cpp
3140                           </ul>
3142                           <h5>sslTrustStoreUserName</h5>
3143                           <ul>
3144                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the system user name to be
3145                                associated with all certificate-based authenticated requests.<br>
3146                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build): </b>NONE<br>
3147                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>NONE<br>
3148                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
3149                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build): </b>No/No<br>
3150                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
3151 denise.eckstein  1.1        <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>This property has no default; for
3152 kumpf            1.12          security reasons, the system administrator must explicitly
3153 denise.eckstein  1.1           specify this value.&nbsp; This feature allows a single user
3154                                name to be specified.&nbsp; This user will be associated
3155                                with all certificates in the truststore.&nbsp; In the future,
3156                                OpenPegasus will allow a system administrator to associate a
3157                                distinct user name with each certificate.<br>
3158                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
3159                                Pegsus/Config/SecurityPropertyOwner.cpp<br>
3160                           </ul>
3162                           <h5>traceComponents</h5>
3163                           <ul>
3164                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Defines the components to be traced.<br>
3165                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>""<br>
3166                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>""<br>
3167                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>""<br>
3168                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
3169                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>No/Yes<br>
3170                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
3171                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
3172                                Pegasus/Config/TracePropertyOwner.cpp<br>
3173                           </ul>
3174 denise.eckstein  1.1      
3175                           <h5>traceFacility</h5>
3176                           <ul>
3177 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Defines the desired facility for trace
3178 denise.eckstein  1.1           messages. Valid values include: &quot;File&quot;
3179 marek            1.14          , &quot;Log&quot; and &quot;Memory&quot; .<br>
3180 denise.eckstein  1.1        <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>File<br>
3181                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build): </b>File<br>
3182                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build): </b>File<br>
3183                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
3184                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build): </b>No/Yes<br>
3185                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
3186                             <b>Case Sensitive?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
3187                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>If you specify &quot;File&quot;,
3188 kumpf            1.12          trace messagesare written into the file specified by the
3189 denise.eckstein  1.1           configuration option traceFilePath. If you specify
3190 kumpf            1.12          &quot;Log&quot;, trace messages are written to the
3191 marek            1.14          OpenPegasus Log. If you specify Memory, the trace messages 
3192                                are collected in a wrap-around memory buffer. 
3193                                If this memory is part of a dump the trace messages can be 
3194                                found by the eye-catcher &quot;PEGASUSMEMTRACE&quot; at 
3195                                the top of the memory buffer. The trace is in clear text and 
3196                                the last written message has the suffix &quot;EOTRACE&quot;.<br>
3197 denise.eckstein  1.1        <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
3198                                Pegasus/Config/TracePropertyOwner.cpp<br>
3199                           </ul>
3201                           <h5>traceFilePath</h5>
3202                           <ul>
3203                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Specifies the location of the
3204                                OpenPegasus trace file.<br>
3205                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>cimserver.trc<br>
3206                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):</b>
3207                                cimserver.trc<br>
3208                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
3209                                $TRACEDIR/cimserver.trc<br>
3210                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build):</b>No/No<br>
3211                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build): </b>Yes<br>
3212                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
3213                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
3214                                Pegasus/Config/TracePropertyOwner.cpp<br>
3215                           </ul>
3217                           <h5>traceLevel</h5>
3218 denise.eckstein  1.1      <ul>
3219                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b></b>Defines the desired level of
3220                                tracing. Valid values include: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.<br>
3221                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>0<br>
3222                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build): </b>0<br>
3223                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build): </b>0<<br>
3224                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
3225                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build): </b>No/Yes<br>
3226                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>Yes<br>
3227                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
3228                                Pegasus/Config/TracePropertyOwner.cpp<br>
3229                           </ul>
3231 marek            1.14     <h5>traceMemoryBufferKbytes</h5>
3232                           <ul>
3233                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Defines the size of the buffer for 
3234                               in memory tracing in kbytes ( 2<sup>10</sup> bytes ). 
3235                               Smallest value is 16.<br>
3236                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>10240<br>
3237                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build): </b>10240<br>
3238                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build): </b>10240<br>
3239                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Development Build): </b>No/No<br>
3240                             <b>Recommend To Be Fixed/Hidden (Release Build): </b>No/No<br>
3241                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
3242                             <b>Case Sensitive?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
3243                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>Is ignored if configuration 
3244                               property traceFacility is not set to Memory.<br>
3245                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
3246                                Pegasus/Config/TracePropertyOwner.cpp<br>
3247                           </ul>
3249 denise.eckstein  1.1      <h3>Configuration Constants</h3>
3251                           <h4>Definitions</h4>
3253                           <h5>static char CURRENT_CONFIG_FILE [] = </h5>
3254                           <ul>
3255                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Default file name for the current
3256                                configuration file.<br>
3257                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):</b>
3258                                cimserver_current.conf<br>
3259                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build): </b>
3260                                $CONFIGDIR/cimserver_current.conf<br>
3261                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No&nbsp;<br>
3262                             <br>
3263                                <table border="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolordark="#666666"
3264                                    bordercolorlight="#CCCCCC" width=531
3265                                    style='font-size=10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>
3266                                  <tr>
3267                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width="168">Platform</th>
3268                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width=350>
3269                                      Source Configuration File</th>
3270 denise.eckstein  1.1             </tr>
3271                                  <tr align="center">
3272                                    <td width="168">Linux</td>
3273                                    <td align="left" width="350">
3274                                      Pegasus/Config/ConfigFileDirLinux.h</td>
3275                                  </tr>
3276                                  <tr align="center">
3277                                    <td width="168">HP-UX</td>
3278                                    <td align="left" width="350">ConfigFileDirHpux.h</td>
3279                                  </tr>
3280                                  <tr align="center">
3281                                    <td width="168">OpenVMS</td>
3282                                    <td align="left" width="350">
3283                                      Pegasus/Config/ConfigFileDirVms.h</td>
3284                                  </tr>
3285                                  </table>
3286                           </ul>
3288                           <h5>static char PLANNED_CONFIG_FILE [] = </h5>
3289                           <ul>
3290 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>Default file name for the planned
3291 denise.eckstein  1.1           configuration file.<br>
3292                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
3293                                cimserver_planned.conf<br>
3294                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
3295                                $CONFIGDIR/cimserver_planned.conf<br>
3296                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
3297                                <br>
3298                                <table border="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolordark="#666666"
3299                                    bordercolorlight="#CCCCCC" width=531
3300                                   style='font-size=10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>
3301                                  <tr>
3302                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width="168">Platform</th>
3303                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width=350>
3304                                      Source Configuration File</th>
3305                                  </tr>
3306                                  <tr align="center">
3307                                    <td width="168">Linux</td>
3308                                    <td align="left" width="350">
3309                                      Pegasus/Config/ConfigFileDirLinux.h</td>
3310                                  </tr>
3311                                  <tr align="center">
3312 denise.eckstein  1.1               <td width="168">HP-UX</td>
3313                                    <td align="left" width="350">
3314                                      Pegasus/Config/ConfigFileDirHpux.h</td>
3315                                  </tr>
3316                                  <tr align="center">
3317                                    <td width="168">OpenVMS</td>
3318                                    <td align="left" width="350">
3319                                      Pegasus/Config/ConfigFileDirVms.h</td>
3320                                  </tr>
3321                                  </table>
3322                           </ul>
3324                           <h5>static char CIMSERVER_START_FILE [] = </h5>
3325                           <ul>
3326                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>This is for the default file name
3327                                for the cimserver startup file containing the PID.<br>
3328                             <b>Default Value:&nbsp;</b>/tmp/cimserver_start.conf<br>
3329                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
3330                                /tmp/cimserver_start.conf<br>
3331                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
3332                                $PIDFILE<br>
3333 denise.eckstein  1.1        <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
3334                                <br>
3335                                <table border="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolordark="#666666"
3336                                    bordercolorlight="#CCCCCC" width=531
3337                                    style='font-size=10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>
3338                                  <tr>
3339                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width="168">Platform</th>
3340                                    <th bgcolor="#CAE6CA" width=350>
3341                                      Source Configuration File</th>
3342                                  </tr>
3343                                  <tr align="center">
3344                                    <td width="168">Linux</td>
3345                                    <td align="left" width="350">
3346                                      Pegasus/Config/ConfigFileDirLinux.h</td>
3347                                  </tr>
3348                                  <tr align="center">
3349                                    <td width="168">HP-UX</td>
3350                                    <td align="left" width="350">
3351                                      Pegasus/Config/ConfigFileDirHpux.h</td>
3352                                  </tr>
3353                                  <tr align="center">
3354 denise.eckstein  1.1               <td width="168">OpenVMS</td>
3355                                    <td align="left" width="350">
3356                                      Pegasus/Config/ConfigFileDirVms.h</td>
3357                                  </tr>
3358                                  </table>
3359                           </ul>
3361                           <h3>Configuration Macros</h3>
3363                           <h4>Definitions</h4>
3365                           <h5>PEGASUS_SSLCLIENT_CERTIFICATEFILE</h5>
3366                           <ul>
3367                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b><br>
3368                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build): </b>client.pem<br>
3369                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
3370                                $CERTIFICATEDIR/client.pem<br>
3371                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
3372                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
3373                                Pegasus/Common/Constants.h<br>
3374                           </ul>
3375 denise.eckstein  1.1      
3376                           <h5>PEGASUS_SSLCLIENT_RANDOMFILE</h5>
3377                           <ul>
3378                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>On platforms that do not support
3379 kumpf            1.12          /dev/random or /dev/urandom, OpenSSL will use this file to
3380                                seed the PRNG (Pseudo-Random Number Generator). This
3381                                PEGASUS_SSLCLIENT_RANDOMFILE defines the default CIM
3382 denise.eckstein  1.1           Client random file.<br>
3383                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):</b>ssl.rnd<br>
3384                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):</b>
3385                                $RANDOMDIR/ssl.rnd<br>
3386                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
3387                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>Use of this variable requires&nbsp;
3388 kumpf            1.12          PEGASUS_HAS_SSL to be set.&nbsp; CIM Client use of a
3389 denise.eckstein  1.1           shared random file is not recommended.&nbsp; On systems where
3390                                /dev/random or /dev/urandom are not available, CIM Clients are
3391 kumpf            1.12          encouraged to generate a unique random file which
3392 denise.eckstein  1.1           contains sufficient entropy.<br>
3393                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
3394                                Pegasus/Common/Constants.h<br>
3395                           </ul>
3397                           <h5>PEGASUS_SSLSERVER_RANDOMFILE</h5>
3398                           <ul>
3399 kumpf            1.12       <b>Description:&nbsp;</b>On platforms that do not support
3400                                /dev/random or /dev/urandom, OpenSSL will use this file
3401                                to seed the PRNG (Pseudo-Random Number Generator). This
3402                                PEGASUS_SSLSERVER_RANDOMFILE defines the CIM Server
3403 denise.eckstein  1.1          random file.<br>
3404                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
3405                                cimserver.rnd<br>
3406                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
3407                               $RANDOMDIR/cimserver.rnd<br>
3408                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
3409                             <b>Considerations:&nbsp;</b>1)Use of this variable
3410                                requires&nbsp; PEGASUS_HAS_SSL to be set.(2) On systems where
3411 kumpf            1.12          /dev/random or /dev/urandom are not available, CIM Server
3412                                vendors need to be sure that the cimserver.rnd file
3413 denise.eckstein  1.1           contains sufficient entropy and is uniquely generated for
3414                                each system.<br>
3415                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
3416                                Pegasus/Common/Constants.h<b><br>
3417                           </ul>
3419                           <h5>PEGASUS_LOCAL_AUTH_DIR</h5>
3420                           <ul>
3421                             <b>Description:</b>&nbsp;</b>For local connections (i.e.,
3422 kumpf            1.12          connectLocal), OpenPegasus uses a file-based authentication
3423 denise.eckstein  1.1           mechanism.<br>
3424                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build): </b>/tmp<br>
3425                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
3426                                $LOCALAUTHDIR/localauth<br>
3427                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
3428                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
3429                                Pegasus/Common/Constants.h<br>
3430                           </ul>
3432                           <h5>PEGASUS_LOCAL_DOMAIN_SOCKET_PATH</h5>
3433                           <ul>
3434                             <b>Description:&nbsp;</b><br>
3435                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Development Build):&nbsp;</b>
3436                                /tmp/cimxml.socket<br>
3437                             <b>Recommended Default Value (Release Build):&nbsp;</b>
3438                                $SOCKETDIR/cimxml.socket<br>
3439                             <b>Dynamic?:&nbsp;</b>No<br>
3440                             <b>Source Configuration File:&nbsp;</b>
3441                                Pegasus/Common/Constants.h<br>
3442                           </ul>
3444 denise.eckstein  1.1      <hr>
3445 martin           1.13     <p>Licensed to The Open Group (TOG) under one or more contributor license
3446                           agreements.  Refer to the OpenPegasusNOTICE.txt file distributed with
3447                           this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
3448                           Each contributor licenses this file to you under the OpenPegasus Open
3449                           Source License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the
3450                           License.</p>
3451                           <p>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
3452                           copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
3453                           to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
3454                           the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
3455                           and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
3456                           Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:</p>
3457                           <p>The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
3458                           in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.</p>
3465                           SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.</p>
3466 denise.eckstein  1.1      <hr>
3467                           </body>
3468                           </html>

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