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  1 mike  1.3 
  2 mike  1.33     -	Do we need strings to represent NULL and empty (what if the standard
  3            	adds something where a string parameter can be null distinguished from
  4            	an empty value).
  6                -	Expose repository inheritance tree.
  8                -   Look at not passing HTTP header to CIM request decoder queue.
 10 mike  1.32     -	Propagate message key for all messages pertaining to a particular 
 11            	request.
 13                -	Run Purify on all sources (port to Sun first).
 15                -	Rework Pegasus to use asynchronous I/O.
 17                -	Finalize export client/server:
 19            	    -	Covert GetClass operation to DeliverIndication operation.
 21            	    -   Rework export-client to asynchronously process responses 
 22            		(instead of the RPC style used now).
 24            	    -	Need meta-export-client (with connection management).
 26            	    -	Implement disconnect() logic.
 28                -	Remove keys from messages?
 30                -   Get rid of unused source code (dealing with channels and TCP).
 31 mike  1.32 
 32                -   Rethink the useage of queue-ids in messages and how requests and
 33            	responses are matched up. Queue-ids are only used on the server
 34            	side. Perhaps a more general mechanism can be found.
 36                -   Fix bug in which the messageId is calculated inside the XmlWriter.
 37            	It should be calculated by the caller.
 39                -	Delete CIMOperations.h.
 41                -	Get rid of message keys? They don't seem to be used.
 43                -	Fix bug in src/Pegasus/Client/tests/Client in which associators()
 44            	fails and says class does not exist (seems to happen in debug mode
 45            	only). Disappears when I/O is enabled.
 47                -	Replace old headers with new ones (co-ordinate with team).
 49                -	Get rid of usage of System (use since it
 51                -	Migrate to use of Linkage.h files.
 52 mike  1.32 
 53 mike  1.31     -   Document that lex and yacc are no longer a requirement to build
 54            	Pegasus.
 56 mike  1.30     -	Figure out how to handle very large CIM respones and possibly
 57            	requests too.
 59                -   Integrate client/server tests into make system somehow.
 61 mike  1.29     -   Note that it is possible to remove an class and still have association
 62            	classes which refer to it.
 64                -   Class inheritance not taken into consideration when resolving the
 65            	AssocClass
 67                -   It seems that associatios() will fail when AssocClass is a super
 68            	class of the class which is in the association instance table.
 70 mike  1.28     -   Should there be a single associations table for the entire repository
 71            	or should there be one per namespace as there is now?
 73 mike  1.27     -   If it is the case that a reference may only refer to an instance,
 74            	then we must derive new types for representing object paths.
 76                -   Many CIM operations interfaces are incorrect: GetInstance() for example
 77            	takes a namespace and a CIMReference (which also may contain the 
 78            	namespace). According to the standard, it should take an "InstanceName".
 80 mike  1.26     -   Need way of signaling the cimserver so that it will reload the
 81            	class inheritance table (after a MOF compile).
 83 mike  1.25     -   Revisit use of namespace v.s. objectName in all CIM operations.
 85                -   What do we do when getInstance() is called and the nameSpace is
 86            	provided both as an argument and as part of the instance name?
 88                -   ReferenceNames should return classes not just instances?
 89 mike  1.22 
 90 mike  1.24     -   Remove final const from const methods in non-const CIM element classes.
 92 mike  1.22     -   Null vs. empty CIM/HTTP parameters.
 94                -   Resolve constness problems. (get rid or Const classes?)
 96                -	Change CIMReference to CIMObjectPath?
 98                -	Finish associations.
100                -	Provide CIMOM Context.
102                -	Complete conventions document.
104 mike  1.23     -   The CIMServer.exe program should probably create the logs directory
105            	under PEGASUS_HOME.
107 mike  1.22     -   Clean up exceptions.
109 mike  1.21     -   Resolve redundancy in which the namespace is passed to certain methods
110            	(getClass) and the CIMReference itself may contain a namespace arguent.
112 mike  1.20     -	Implement consistency and constraint checking on classes and instances.
114                -   Implement filtering (using includeQualifiers, localOnly, etc.)
116 mike  1.18     -	Consider eliminating const CIM element classes.
118 mike  1.17     -   Support for NULL property lists (in interface and protocol).
119 mike  1.16 
120 mike  1.17     -   Rename tests (prepend "Test" to each test).
121 mike  1.16 
122 mike  1.17     -   Fix bug with cimserver.exe causing it to fail to start without te
123            	"-l" option.
124 mike  1.16 
125 mike  1.17     -   Resolve whether the backslash should be permitted in namespaces.
126 mike  1.16 
127 mike  1.17     -   Create CIMOMContext (interface to CIMOM used b the provider).
128 mike  1.16 
129 mike  1.17     -	Define Encoding module interface.
130 mike  1.11 
131 mike  1.17     - 	Develop XMLEncodings module.
132 mike  1.1  
133 mike  1.17     - 	Develop BinaryEncodings module.
134 mike  1.5  
135 mike  1.17     - 	Develop MOFEncodings module.
136 mike  1.4  
137 mike  1.17     -	Employ BinaryEncodings module in repository (reduce disk usage).
138 mike  1.7  
139 mike  1.17     -   Combine repository instances, classes, and qualifiers  into their
140            	respective files (to reduce the number of files).
141 mike  1.8  
142 mike  1.17     -	Employ an efficient indexing scheme in repository (B-trees or hashing).
143 mike  1.1  
144 mike  1.17     -	Develop module manager: interface, lookup scheme, and loading scheme.
145 mike  1.15 
146 mike  1.17     -   Package Encodings classes as a module.
147 mike  1.15 
148 mike  1.17     -   Finalize repository assocations.
149 mike  1.13 
150 mike  1.17     -   Add association CIM/HTTP operations.
151 karl  1.14 
152 mike  1.17     -   Design association provider infrastructure.
153 mike  1.10 
154 mike  1.17     -	Implement missing CIM protocol operations.
155 mike  1.10 
156 mike  1.17     -   Implement good observer module interface which allows different levels:
157 mike  1.10 
158 mike  1.17 	-   Observation of client/CIMMOM connections/disconnection.
159 mike  1.9  
160 mike  1.17 	-   Observation of client/CIMOM communication.
161 mike  1.1  
162 mike  1.17 	-   Observation of CIMOM/repository communication.
163 mike  1.1  
164 mike  1.17 	-   Observation of CIMOM/provider communication.
165 mike  1.1  
166 mike  1.17 	-   Observation of CIMOM state transitions.
167 mike  1.1  
168 mike  1.17     -	Pegasus providers for Sun WBEM Services.
169 mike  1.1  
170 mike  1.17     -	Pegasus providers for WMI.
171 mike  1.1  
172 mike  1.17     -	Sun WBEM Services providers for Pegasus.
173 mike  1.1  
174 mike  1.17     -   CIM/HTTP Proxy for WMI.
175 mike  1.1  
176 mike  1.17     -   Web Server/Pegasus Integration (use HTTP protocol capabilities of
177            	web server rather than Pegasus).
178 mike  1.1  
179 mike  1.17     -   Add CIMRepository::namespaceExists() method.
180 mike  1.1  
181 mike  1.17     - 	Change HTTP message id's to this format: "YYYY.MM.DD.HH.MM.SS.NNNNN".
182 mike  1.1  
183 mike  1.17     - 	GetInstances() and GetClasses() need to use iterators on
184            	provider and repository end. Otherwise, all classes or instance
185            	to be enumerated, must be sucked into memory.
186 mike  1.1  
187 mike  1.17     -   Template bloat reduction.
188 mike  1.1  
189 mike  1.17     - 	Need a tool to say which features are supported by a compiler.
190 mike  1.1  
191 mike  1.17     -   Support unloading of dynamic libraries (presently only load() is
192            	supported).
193 mike  1.2  
194 mike  1.1      -	Clean up and consolidate exception classes.
196 mike  1.17     -	Asynchronous socket writes in the CIMOM (need write enabled flags).
197 mike  1.1  
198 mike  1.5      -	Handle PARAMETER.REFARRAY in Procotol?
199 mike  1.1  
200 mike  1.17     -	Implemented stream oriented XML parsing.
201 mike  1.1  
202 mike  1.17     -	Ignore extraneous XML elements (implement "loose validation" concept).
203 mike  1.1  
204 mike  1.5      -	Add methods to get objects by their names, in addition to index. For
205 mike  1.1  	example:
207            	    CIMProperty CIMClass::getProperty(const String& name);
209 mike  1.5      -	Distinguish between private and public classes (otherwise, users may
210 mike  1.1  	come to depend on classes with unstable interfaces).
212 mike  1.17     -	Walk through all code to expose consistency/aesthetic issues.
213 mike  1.1  
214 mike  1.17     -	Provide ACE Channel implementation (for porting purposes)?
215 mike  1.1  
216 mike  1.17     -	Expand datatime (setCurrentTime() and comparison and increment 
217            	functions).
218 mike  1.1  
219                -	Write Pegasus Architecture Paper.
221 karl  1.14     -	Implement MOF provider registration scheme (according to the
222 mike  1.17 	standard).
223 mike  1.1  
224 mike  1.17     -	WBEM Query Language and integration.
225 mike  1.1  
226 mike  1.17     -   Threading
227 mike  1.1  
228                -	Package up pegasus in Install Shield application.
230 mike  1.17     -	Internationalization: Handle UCS2 characters in XML 
231            	(parsing and writing).
232 mike  1.1  
233 mike  1.17     -	Export of repository to MOF.
234 mike  1.1  
235 mike  1.6      -   Change CompareNoCase() to String::compareNoCase().
237 mike  1.17     -	Figure out how to handle CIM NULL values.
238 mike  1.1  
239 mike  1.5      -	Figure out how inheritance of keys works.
240 mike  1.1  
241 mike  1.28     -	Investigage weak associations.
242 mike  1.1  
243 mike  1.5      -	Enforce constraint qualifiers.
244 mike  1.1  
245 mike  1.5      -	Disallow resetting size of fixed length arrays.
246 mike  1.1  
247 mike  1.5      -	Shrink object sizes.
248 mike  1.1  
249 mike  1.5      -	Use lighter I/O system (than C++ streams).
250 mike  1.1  
251 mike  1.5      -	Optimize clear method on arrays (to not release memory).
252 mike  1.1  
253 mike  1.17     -	Provide conversions between DateTime and time_t.
254 mike  1.1  
255 mike  1.5      -	Port to Solaris
256 mike  1.1  
257 mike  1.17     -   Support multiple providers of the extact same class.
258            	DiskController example and LanController.
259 mike  1.19 
260 mike  1.28     -   SLP - Eliminate lib directory.

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