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File: [Pegasus] / pegasus / doc / Attic / OSSChanges.txt (download)
Revision: 1.1, Wed May 30 16:47:07 2001 UTC (23 years, 1 month ago) by mike
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: version_1_01, version_0_99_1, version_0_99, version_0_97_3, version_0_79_4, test, pep_88, pegasus25BeforeLicenseUpdate, merge_of_dev, mday-merge-start, mday-merge-pegasus/src/Pegasus/Server, mday-merge-pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common, mday-2-0-patches, main, local, dev_dead, dev, VERSION_2_1_RELEASE_HEAD, VERSION_2_1_RELEASE_BRANCH, VERSION_2_1_RELEASE, VERSION_2_1_1_RELEASE, VERSION_2_01_01, VERSION_2_00_RC_4, VERSION_2_00_RC_3, VERSION_2_00_RC_2, VERSION_2_00_RC_1, VERSION_2_00_BRANCH, VERSION_1_10, VERSION_1_09, VERSION_1_08, VERSION_1_07, TEST, STABLE, SNAPSHOT_1_04, SLPPERFINST-root, SLPPERFINST-branch, RELEASE_2_4_FC_CANDIDATE_1, RELEASE_2_4_3, RELEASE_2_4_2, RELEASE_2_4_1-BETA3, RELEASE_2_4_1-BETA2, RELEASE_2_4_1-BETA1, RELEASE_2_4_1, RELEASE_2_4_0-RC3, RELEASE_2_4_0-RC2, RELEASE_2_4_0, RELEASE_2_4-root, RELEASE_2_4-branch, RELEASE_2_3_2-testfreeze, RELEASE_2_3_2-root, RELEASE_2_3_2-releasesnapshot, RELEASE_2_3_2-branch-freeze, RELEASE_2_3_2-branch, RELEASE_2_3_1-root, RELEASE_2_3_1-branch, RELEASE_2_3_0-root, RELEASE_2_3_0-msg-freeze, RELEASE_2_3_0-branch, RELEASE_2_2_1-snapshot, RELEASE_2_2_0_0-release, RELEASE_2_2_0-root, RELEASE_2_2_0-branch, RELEASE_2_2-root, PRE_LICENSE_UPDATE_2003, POST_LICENSE_UPDATE_2003, PEP217_PRE_BRANCH, PEP217_POST_BRANCH, PEP217_BRANCH, PEP213_SIZE_OPTIMIZATIONS, PEGASUS_FC_VERSION_2_2, MONITOR_CONSOLIDATION_2_5_BRANCH, LOCAL_ASSOCPROV-ROOT, LOCAL_ASSOCPROV-BRANCH, IBM_241_April1405, CQL_2_5_BRANCH, CHUNKTESTDONE_PEP140

Changes in pegasus 0.97 required to accomodate NSK/OSS platform        RS   05/25/01


1.  Add conditional for OSS_NSK_GNU platform in the following files:
    config.mak    library.mak    depend.mak    objects.mak

2.  Add platform file: platform_OSS_NSK_GNU.mak

3.  Separate program.mak into:
    program-unix.mak   program-windows.mak    program-oss.mak

4.  Change program.mak to only contain conditionals


1.  Add the following include files (from the Win2000 C++ environment):
    cstring  cstddef  cctype  cstdlib  cstdio  cassert malloc.h


1.  Add conditional for OSS_NSK_GNU in Config.h

2.  Add file Platform_OSS_NSK_GNU.h

3.  Change in FileSystem.cpp  line 240   return (is != 0);
    replace with:  if (is) return true; else return false;
    [ OSS compiler has problem with ambiguous operator ]

4.  Change in Array.h:  "friend CIMValue;"  to "friend class CIMValue;"
    [this will eliminate compiler warnings ]

5.  Change in SystemUnix.cpp: #ifndef PEGASUS_OS_OSS around #define dfcn.h,
    dlopen statement, and dlsym statement. Return NULL for OSS instead.


1.  cimmofRepository.h:  when ftp'ed to OSS, contains extra CRs at the end of each line (^M)

2.  cimmofParser.h:  add "#define _OPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED 1" to cover strdup function

3.  cimmofParser.cpp:  problem found in cimmofParser::setRepository. The AlreadyExists
    exception is never caught. Because createNameSpace in NamespaceManager.cpp (Repository)
    throws a CIMException::ALREADY_EXISTS, a general CIM Exception is detected instead.

    try {
         } catch(AlreadyExists &) {
           // OK, that's what we expect     --> never caught
         } catch(CIMException &e) {    --> changed Exception to CIMException
           if (e.getCode() != CIMException::ALREADY_EXISTS) {    --> added this line
           return false;
         } }  --> added closing bracket


1.  Change in cmdline.cpp:  line 91    change "while (ifs != 0)" to "while (ifs)"
    [OSS compiler has problem with ambiguous operator]

2.  Add "char cimmof_text[1000]"  in main.cpp after #define NAMESPACE_ROOT.
    This buffer is required by cimmof_tab.cpp. An undefined external will result
    without it. Caution: find out first why this didn't cause a problem in the
    Windows/Unix environments.


1.  Need to find a way to produce cimmof_lex.cpp under OSS. Currently it is built under the
    Windows environment and copied to OSS. 

2.  What is bison.simple used for ?


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