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File: [Pegasus] / pegasus / doc / Attic / MakeCodeNicer.dsm (download)
Revision: 1.2, Fri Jan 27 05:47:23 2006 UTC (18 years, 4 months ago) by karl
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: TASK-PEP362_RestfulService-merged_out_from_trunk, TASK-PEP348_SCMO-merged_out_from_trunk, TASK-PEP317_pullop-merged_out_from_trunk, TASK-PEP317_pullop-merged_in_to_trunk, TASK-PEP311_WSMan-root, TASK-PEP311_WSMan-branch, HPUX_TEST, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
BUG#: 4706
TITLE: Delete files not longer desired in doc directory

DESCRIPTION: Deleted the files listed in the bug

Option Explicit

'FILE DESCRIPTION: Routines to reformat C/C++ code.

Sub MakeCodeNicer()
'DESCRIPTION: Reformats the source code to look nicer, the way I like it.
' Written by Alvaro Mendez on 06/10/1999
' Taken from http://www.codeguru.com/devstudio_macros/MakeCodeNicer.shtml

	' Check that the current document can be changed
	if ActiveDocument.ReadOnly then

		' If we're connected to SourceSafe, let it prompt for check out
		ActiveDocument.Selection = "a"

		if ActiveDocument.ReadOnly then		' check again
			MsgBox "This macro cannot be executed on a read-only file.", _
			exit sub
		end if
	end if

	' Save current line so we can return to it at the end
	dim nLine
	nLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine

	' Add spaces in a few places and get rid of it in others
	Replace "\:b+;", ";"
	Replace "\:b+::\:b+", "::"
	Replace "\:b+(", "("
	Replace "if(", "if ("
	Replace "for(", "for ("
	Replace "while(", "while ("
	Replace "switch(", "switch ("
	Replace "catch(", "catch ("
	Replace "return(", "return ("
	Replace "(\:b+", "("
	Replace "\:b+)", ")"
	Replace ";)", "; )"
	Replace ";;\:b+)", ";;)"
	Replace "\[\:b+", "["
	Replace "\:b+\]", "]"
	Replace "\:b+\[", "["

	' Make sure these statements don't end on the same line they started.
	BreakSingleLiners "if ("
	BreakSingleLiners "for ("
	BreakSingleLiners "switch ("

	' Break up any lines containing multiple statements

	' Make sure braces are on lines by themselves (unless followed by comments)
	IsolateOnLeft "{"
	IsolateOnRight "{"
	IsolateOnRight "}"
	IsolateOnLeft "}"

	' Break up case statements appearing on single lines
	IsolateOnRight "case .+: "
	IsolateOnLeft "break;"

	' Add a space between these operators
	FixOperator "=", 1
	FixOperator "==", 2
	FixOperator "!=", 2
	FixOperator "\+=", 2
	FixOperator "-=", 2
	FixOperator "\*=", 2
	FixOperator "/=", 2
	FixOperator "\+", 1
	FixOperator "-", 1
	FixOperator "<=", 2
	FixOperator ">=", 2
	FixOperator "<<", 2
	FixOperator ">>", 2
	FixOperator "&&", 2
	FixOperator "||", 2
	FixOperator "|", 1

	' Append a space after these
	AppendSpace ","
	AppendSpace ";"

	' Make sure C++ comments (followed by words) have a space after them
	while ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText("//[A-Z,a-z,0-9]", dsMatchRegExp)
		ActiveDocument.Selection = " "

	' Replace all the trailing whitespace  (thanks to Paul Bludov)
	ActiveDocument.Selection.ReplaceText "\:b+\($\)", "\1", dsMatchRegExp

	' Fix tabs within code surrounded by braces

	' Remove any lines that are considered extraneous (ie. extra blank lines)

	' Indent every "case" inside switch statements (thanks to Jim Cooper)

	' Go back to where we were at the beginning
	ActiveDocument.Selection.GoToLine nLine

End Sub

' Is the cursor currently within a quoted string (or character)
function IsWithinQuotes
	dim nCurrentLine, nCurrentColumn, iPos, strBuffer, nCount

    nCurrentLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine
    nCurrentColumn = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentColumn

	ActiveDocument.Selection.StartOfLine dsFirstText, dsExtend

	nCount = 0
	iPos = 0
	strBuffer = ActiveDocument.Selection

	' Count all occurrences of a double quote which apply to quoted strings
	do while true
		iPos = InStr(iPos + 1, strBuffer, """", vbTextCompare)
		if not (iPos > 0) then
			exit do
		end if

		if iPos = 1 then ' if it's the first character, then it's valid
			nCount = nCount + 1
			' Make sure it's not preceded by a \ or a \\
			if Mid(strBuffer, iPos - 1, 1) <> "\" then
				nCount = nCount + 1
			elseif (iPos > 2) and (Mid(strBuffer, iPos - 2, 1) = "\") then
				nCount = nCount + 1
			end if
		end if

	' If number of quotes is odd, we must be inside a quoted string!
	IsWithinQuotes = ((nCount > 0) and ((nCount Mod 2) <> 0))

	ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo nCurrentLine, nCurrentColumn

	' If we're not inside a quoted string, check for a quoted character
	if not IsWithinQuotes then
		ActiveDocument.Selection.CharLeft dsExtend

		' If we find a quoted character left of us, check for one on the right
		if ActiveDocument.Selection = "'" then
			ActiveDocument.Selection.CharRight dsExtend
			if ActiveDocument.Selection = "\" then
				ActiveDocument.Selection.CharRight dsExtend
			end if
			ActiveDocument.Selection.CharRight dsExtend

			if ActiveDocument.Selection = "'" then
				IsWithinQuotes = true
			end if
		end if
		ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo nCurrentLine, nCurrentColumn
	end if

	' If we're inside quotes, proceed from the next character
	if IsWithinQuotes then
	end if

end function

' Is current selection preceded by a C++ comment? ("//")
function IsWithinComment
	dim nCurrentLine, nCurrentColumn

    nCurrentLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine
    nCurrentColumn = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentColumn

	ActiveDocument.Selection.StartOfLine dsFirstText, dsExtend

	IsWithinComment = false
	if (InStr(1, ActiveDocument.Selection, "//", vbTextCompare) > 0) then
		IsWithinComment = true           ' since it's commented out
		nCurrentLine = nCurrentLine + 1  ' we proceed from the next line
	end if

	ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo nCurrentLine, 1

end function

' Should the current selection be ignored?
' (ie., is it within a comment or between quotes?)
function ShouldIgnore

	ShouldIgnore = false

	if IsWithinQuotes then
		ShouldIgnore = true
		exit function
	end if

	if IsWithinComment then
		ShouldIgnore = true
	end if

end function

' Put the cursor at the top of the document and return "" to be passed
' initially to GetCurrenPosition
function InitializePosition
	InitializePosition = ""
end function

' Retrieve the current position and return true if it's greater than the
' last one. This is used to ensure that the file is only searched once
' (provided the search is started from the top)
function GetCurrentPosition(strPos)
	dim nLastLine, nLastColumn, nCurrentLine, nCurrentColumn, iPos, ch

	nLastLine = -1
	nLastColumn = -1

	nCurrentLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine
	nCurrentColumn = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentColumn

	' Parse the last position and extract the line and column
	for iPos = 1 to Len(strPos)
		ch = Mid(strPos, iPos, 1)
		if ch = "," then
			nLastLine = Int(Mid(strPos, 1, iPos))
			nLastColumn = Int(Mid(strPos, iPos + 1))
			exit for
		end if

	' Return true if we're currently past the last position
	strPos = nCurrentLine & "," & nCurrentColumn
	GetCurrentPosition = (nCurrentLine > nLastLine) or _
		((nLastLine = nCurrentLine) and (nCurrentColumn > nLastColumn))

end function

' Move by a certain number of columns
sub MoveByColumns(nBy)
	ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine, _
							ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentColumn + nBy
end sub

' Replace the given strFrom with strTo case sensitively
sub Replace(strFrom, strTo)
	dim strLastPos, bContinue

	strLastPos = InitializePosition
	do while ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText(strFrom, _
		dsMatchCase + dsMatchRegExp)

		bContinue = GetCurrentPosition(strLastPos)

		' Check if we're inside a comment or between quotes
		if not ShouldIgnore then

			' Repeat the search since ShouldIgnore puts the cursor at
			' the beginning of the line
			ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText strFrom, _
				dsMatchCase + dsMatchRegExp
			ActiveDocument.Selection = strTo

		elseif not bContinue then
			exit do
		end if

end sub

' Break the given str ending in (, so that instead of this:
'   if (a) return b;
' it looks like this:
'   if (a)
'       return b;
sub BreakSingleLiners(str)
	dim strLastPos, strFound, nCol, bBreak, strAfterFound

	' Verify str ends in (, the beginning parenthesis
	if Right(str, 1) <> "(" then
		exit sub
	end if

	strLastPos = InitializePosition

	while ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText(str, dsMatchCase) and _

		' Check if we're inside a comment or between quotes
		if not ShouldIgnore then

			' Repeat the search since ShouldIgnore puts the cursor at the
			' beginning of the line
			ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText str, dsMatchCase

			' Find the matching brace and go to the end of the line
			ExecuteCommand "GoToMatchBrace"
			nCol = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentColumn
			ActiveDocument.Selection.EndOfLine dsExtend
			strFound = LTrimTabs(ActiveDocument.Selection)

			' If there's anything after the brace that isn't a comment, move
			' it to the next line
			if (Len(strFound) > 0) and (Left(strFound, 1) <> "/") then
				bBreak = false

				' Check if there's a "{" after the statement which should
				' also be broken into multiple lines
				if (Mid(strFound, 1, 1) = "{") and (Len(strFound) > 1) then
					strAfterFound = LTrimTabs(Mid(strFound, 2))
					if strAfterFound <> "" then
						ActiveDocument.Selection = "{" + strAfterFound
						ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo _
							ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine, nCol

						bBreak = true	' primitive but it works
					end if
				end if

				if not bBreak then
					ActiveDocument.Selection = strFound
					ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo _
						ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine, nCol
				end if
			end if
		end if

end sub

' Trim blanks AND tabs from the left side
function LTrimTabs(str)
	dim iPos, ch

	for iPos = 1 to Len(str)
		ch = Mid(str, iPos, 1)
		if ch <> " " and ch <> vbTab then
			exit for
		end if

	LTrimTabs = Mid(str, iPos)

end function

' Isolate the given str on a new line with nothing left of it
sub IsolateOnLeft(str)
	dim strLastPos, nLen, bContinue, nCurrentLine, nCurrentColumn

	strLastPos = InitializePosition

	while ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText("^.*" & str, dsMatchRegExp) and _

		' Check if we're inside a comment or between quotes
		if not ShouldIgnore then

			' Repeat the search since ShouldIgnore puts the cursor at the
			' beginning of the line
			ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText "^.*" & str, dsMatchRegExp

			' Get the length of the found string
			' (which may have been a regular expression)
			ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText str, _
										dsMatchBackward + dsMatchRegExp
			nLen = Len(ActiveDocument.Selection)

			if not ShouldIgnore then

				' Now that we have the length, we need to redo
				' the search and go on
				ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText "^.*" & str, dsMatchRegExp

				bContinue = false

				' If we're isolating a brace, make sure its matching brace
				' isn't on the same line
				if (str = "{") or (str = "}") then
					nCurrentLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine
					nCurrentColumn = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentColumn

					ExecuteCommand "GoToMatchBrace"
					if ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine = nCurrentLine then
						ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo _
							nCurrentLine, nCurrentColumn
						bContinue = true ' we found it so move to the next match
						ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo nCurrentLine, 1
						ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText "^.*" & str, _
					end if
				end if

				if LTrimTabs(ActiveDocument.Selection) <> str and _
					not bContinue then
					MoveByColumns -nLen
					MoveByColumns nLen
				end if

				GetCurrentPosition strLastPos
			end if
		end if


end sub

' Isolate the given str so that everything after it is placed on the next line
sub IsolateOnRight(str)
	dim strLastPos, strRight, nCurrentLine, nCurrentColumn, nLen

	strLastPos = InitializePosition

	while ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText(str & ".+$", dsMatchRegExp) and _

		' Check if we're inside a comment or between quotes
		if not ShouldIgnore then

			' Repeat the search since ShouldIgnore puts the cursor at the
			' beginning of the line
			ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText str & ".+$", dsMatchRegExp

			' Get the length of the found string
			' (which may have been a regular expression)
			ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText str, dsMatchRegExp
			nLen = Len(ActiveDocument.Selection)

			' Now that we have the length, we need to redo the search and go on
			ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText str & ".+$", dsMatchRegExp

			strRight = LTrimTabs(Mid(ActiveDocument.Selection, nLen + 1))

			' Handle braces a bit differently
			if (str = "{") or (str = "}") then

				' If it's a closing brace, and the code after it contains
				' a semicolon, leave it alone (ie. variable definition).
				if (str = "}") then
					ActiveDocument.Selection.EndOfLine dsExtend
					if (InStr(1, ActiveDocument.Selection, ";", vbTextCompare) _
						> 0) then
						strRight = "" ' we found it so move on to the next match
					end if
				end if

				' If we're isolating a brace make sure the matching brace
				' isn't on the same line
				if (strRight <> "") then
					nCurrentLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine
					nCurrentColumn = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentColumn

					ExecuteCommand "GoToMatchBrace"
					if ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine = nCurrentLine then
						ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo _
										nCurrentLine, nCurrentColumn + 1
						strRight = "" ' we found it so move on to the next match
						ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo _
							nCurrentLine, nCurrentColumn
						ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText _
							str & ".+$", dsMatchRegExp
					end if
				end if
			end if

			if (strRight <> "") and _
				(Left(strRight, 1) <> "/") and _
				(strRight <> ",") and _
				(strRight <> ";") and _
				(strRight <> "\") then
				MoveByColumns nLen
			end if

		end if

end sub

' Place the given strOperator (of nLen REAL characters)
' between spaces (if needed)
sub FixOperator(strOperator, nLen)
	dim strLastPos, strFind

	strLastPos = InitializePosition

	' Add one space between the operator
	while ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText("[A-Z,a-z,0-9,\),_,\]]" & _
			strOperator & "[A-Z,a-z,0-9,\(,_,\*,"",',&]", dsMatchRegExp) and _

		' Check if we're inside a comment or between quotes
		if not ShouldIgnore then

			' Repeat the search since ShouldIgnore puts the cursor at the
			' beginning of the line
			ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText "[A-Z,a-z,0-9,\),_,\]]" & _
					strOperator & "[A-Z,a-z,0-9,\(,_,\*,"",',&]", dsMatchRegExp

			ActiveDocument.Selection = " "
			MoveByColumns nLen
			ActiveDocument.Selection = " "

		end if

	strLastPos = InitializePosition

	' Fix any C++ "operator" member functions which were broken above
	while ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText("operator " & strOperator & " ", _
		dsMatchRegExp) and GetCurrentPosition(strLastPos)

		' Check if we're inside a comment or between quotes
		if not ShouldIgnore then

			' Repeat the search since ShouldIgnore puts the cursor at the
			' beginning of the line
			ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText "operator " & strOperator & " ", _
			MoveByColumns -nLen

		end if

end sub

' Fix < operator without altering template<T> code and operator <<
function FixLessThanOperator()
	dim strLastPos, strFound, strTemplate

	strLastPos = InitializePosition

	while ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText("^.*[^ <]<.", dsMatchRegExp) and _

		' Check if we're inside a comment or between quotes
		if not ShouldIgnore then

			' Repeat the search since ShouldIgnore puts the cursor at the
			' beginning of the line
			ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText "^.*[^ <]<.", dsMatchRegExp

			strFound = ActiveDocument.Selection

			' Fix the left side
			strFound = Left(strFound, Len(strFound) - 2) & " " & _
						Right(strFound, 2)
			ActiveDocument.Selection = strFound

			' Fix the right side
			strTemplate = Right(strFound, 11)
			if  (Left(strTemplate, 8) <> "template") and _
				(Right(strFound, 1) <> " ") and _
				(Right(strFound, 1) <> "=") and _
				(Right(strFound, 1) <> "<") and _
				(Right(strFound, 1) <> ">")then
				ActiveDocument.Selection = " "
			end if

		end if

end function

' Append a space after the given strOperator (if it needs it)
sub AppendSpace(strOperator)
	dim strLastPos

	strLastPos = InitializePosition

	while ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText(strOperator & _
		"[A-Z,a-z,0-9,\(,\-,_,\*,"",',&]", dsMatchRegExp) and _

		' Check if we're inside a comment or between quotes
		if not ShouldIgnore then

			ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText strOperator & _
					"[A-Z,a-z,0-9,\(,\-,_,\*,"",',&]", dsMatchRegExp

			MoveByColumns Len(strOperator)
			ActiveDocument.Selection = " "

		end if

end sub

' Fix tabbing within function blocks (surrounded by braces)
function TabifyMatchingBraces()
	dim strLastPos, cBeforeBrace

	strLastPos = InitializePosition

	while ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText("{") and _

		' Check if we're inside a comment or between quotes
		if not ShouldIgnore then

			' Repeat the action since ShouldIgnore puts the cursor at the
			' beginning of the line
			ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText "{"

			' Go to matching brace and reformat tabs
			ExecuteCommand "GoToMatchBraceExtend"

			cBeforeBrace = Mid(ActiveDocument.Selection, _
				Len(ActiveDocument.Selection) - 1, 1)

			' If SmartFormat indents the block (by mistake), unindent it
			if (cBeforeBrace = vbTab or cBeforeBrace = " ") then
			end if
		end if

end function

' Since Microsoft's "SmartFormat" is not smart enough to indent case
' statements inside the switch body, we'll do it here.
' (Thanks to Jim Cooper)
function IndentSwitchBody()
	dim nSwitchLine, nFirstLine, nLastLine, strLastPos, iLine

	strLastPos = InitializePosition

	while ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText("switch", _
		dsMatchWord + dsMatchCase) and GetCurrentPosition(strLastPos)

		' Check if we're inside a comment or between quotes
		if not ShouldIgnore then

			nSwitchLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine

			' Now find the opening brace and make sure it's on the next line
			if ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText("{") and _
				not ShouldIgnore and _
				(ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine = nSwitchLine + 1) then

				' Repeat the action since ShouldIgnore puts the cursor at the
				' beginning of the line
				ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText "{"

				' Find next line in file, since earlier code put '{' on
				' a line by itself
				nFirstLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine + 1

				' Go to matching brace and reformat tabs
				ExecuteCommand "GoToMatchBrace"

				' Find previous line in file, since earlier code put '}' on
				' line by itself
				nLastLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine

				' Move to the line after the opening brace
				ActiveDocument.Selection.GoToLine nFirstLine, 1

				' Select everything between the braces and indent it
				for iLine = nFirstLine to nLastLine - 1
					ActiveDocument.Selection.LineDown dsExtend
			end if
		end if
end function

' Remove any lines that are considered extraneous (usually blank ones).
function RemoveExtraneousLines()
	dim strLastPos, nCurrentLine, nCurrentColumn

	strLastPos = InitializePosition

	' Remove any blank lines that fall below any open braces ("{")
	while ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText("{") and _

		' Check if we're inside a comment or between quotes
		if not ShouldIgnore then
			' Repeat the action since ShouldIgnore puts the cursor at the
			' beginning of the line
			ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText "{"

		    nCurrentLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine
			nCurrentColumn = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentColumn


			' Cut any blank lines below the {
			do while true
				ActiveDocument.Selection.EndOfLine dsExtend

				if LTrimTabs(ActiveDocument.Selection) <> "" then
					exit do
				end if
				ExecuteCommand "LineCut"

				' Make sure we haven't hit the bottom of the file
				if ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine = nCurrentLine + 1 then
				    exit do
				end if
				ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo nCurrentLine + 1, 1

			ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo nCurrentLine, nCurrentColumn
		end if

	strLastPos = InitializePosition

	' Remove any blank lines right above any closing braces ("}")
	while ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText("}") and _

		' Check if we're inside a comment or between quotes
		if not ShouldIgnore then
			' Repeat the action since ShouldIgnore puts the cursor at the
			' beginning of the line
			ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText "}"

			' Cut blank lines above the }
			do while true
				ActiveDocument.Selection.EndOfLine dsExtend

				if LTrimTabs(ActiveDocument.Selection) <> "" then

					if ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine > 1 then
					end if

					ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText "}"
					strLastPos = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine & "," & _

					exit do
				end if
				ExecuteCommand "LineCut"
		end if

end function

' Remove all spaces and tabs found in the current selection
function RemoveSpacesInSelection
	dim iPos, ch, strNoSpaces

	for iPos = 1 to Len(ActiveDocument.Selection)
		ch = Mid(ActiveDocument.Selection, iPos, 1)
		if ch <> " " and ch <> vbTab then
			strNoSpaces = strNoSpaces + ch
		end if

	ActiveDocument.Selection = strNoSpaces
end function

' Fix any code with exponential notation (ie. 3.4e-2) which was
' broken when the + and - operators were fixed above (by FixOperator).
function FixExponents

	while ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText("[0-9,\.]e [\+\!\-] [0-9]", _

end function

' Break any lines containing multiple statements (separated by semicolons)
function BreakLinesWithMultipleStatements()
	dim strLastPos, nCurrentLine

	strLastPos = InitializePosition

	' Search for multiple semicolons on the same line
	while ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText(";.+;", dsMatchRegExp) and _

		' Check if we're inside a comment or between quotes
		if not ShouldIgnore then
			' Repeat the action since ShouldIgnore puts the cursor at the
			' beginning of the line
			ActiveDocument.Selection.FindText ";.+;", dsMatchRegExp

			nCurrentLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine
			ActiveDocument.Selection.StartOfLine dsFirstText, dsExtend

			' If found, check that the semicolons don't belong to a for loop
			if (InStr(1, ActiveDocument.Selection, "for (", _
				vbTextCompare) > 0) then
				ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo nCurrentLine + 1, 1
			end if
		end if

end function

Sub MakeSelectedCodeNicer()
'DESCRIPTION: Reformats the currently selected source code to look nicer.
' Written by Alvaro Mendez on 07/15/1999

	' Check if there's a valid selection
	if ActiveDocument.Selection = "" then
		exit sub
	end if

	' Copy the selection to the clipboard

	' Open a new document and changed its language to C/C++
	' This is required for SmartIndent to work.
	Documents.Add "Text"
	ExecuteCommand "Properties"
	ActiveDocument.Language = "C/C++"

	' Paste the selection into the document and run the macro
	ExecuteCommand "MakeCodeNicer"

	' Select the resulting code and copy it to the clipboard

	' Close the new document (without saving it)
	ActiveWindow.Close dsSaveChangesNo

	' Paste the reformatted code back over the original selection

End Sub

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