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 1 karl  1.1 <html>
 2             <body bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
 3               <table width="100%">
 4                 <tr>
 5           	<td width="50%" align="bottom"><h1>GetNameSpaces</h1><td>
 6           	<td width="50%" align="right">
 7           	    <img border=1 src="/pegasus/icons/OpenGroupLogo.gif">
 8           	</td>
 9                 </tr>
10               </table>
11 karl  1.4     <hr>
12 karl  1.2     <form name="GetNameSpaces" METHOD=GET ACTION="/pegasus/cgi-bin/CGIClient">
13 karl  1.1       <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Operation" VALUE="GetNameSpaces">
14 karl  1.4       <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="hostaddress" VALUE="localhost:5988">
15                  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="debug" VALUE="">
16                 Gets a list of all of the existing namespaces on the target CIM Server..
17 karl  1.1 
18                 <p><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit Request">
19                 <p><INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Reset">
20               </form>
21 karl  1.2    <script>
22 karl  1.4    	   document.GetNameSpaces.hostaddress.value = top.hostAddress;
23                  document.GetNameSpaces.debug.value = top.debug;
24                  document.GetNameSpaces.NameSpace.value = top.NameSpace;
26 karl  1.2    window.focus();
27 karl  1.3    </script>
28 karl  1.4     <p>Namespaces define a container within a CIM&nbsp; Server for Classes and
29               Instances. There may be multiple namespaces in a single CIM Server.&nbsp;
30               While Namespaces names are defined in a manner that makes them look
31               hiearchial (/root/cimv2), in fact, they are simply a list of names in the
32               Pegasus implementation.&nbsp; The CIM specifications leave the defintion of
33               namespace relationships as an implementation issue and we chose to simply
34               make them a flat name list.&nbsp; Thus root is a single namespace and
35               root/cimv2 is a single namespace but there is no implied relationship
36               between root and root/cimv2.&nbsp; There is no inheritance of
37               characteristics or classes and no issues of containment.</p>
38               <p>However, the concept of namespaces is key to understanding CIM
39               operations.&nbsp; All operations are executed against a namespace.&nbsp; You
40               will note that the name of the namespace exists in the form screen for all
41               operations.&nbsp; This is a required field for every CIM operation.</p>
42               <p>In fact, the only relationships that really exist across namespaces are
43               those defined by associations.</p>
44               <p>Only one namespace is clearly defined and required by the CIM
45               specificaitons, root.&nbsp; All other namespaces including cimv2 are merely
46               recommendations or examples today.</p>
47               <p>Normally namespaces are defined and populated as part of the process of
48               installing CIM classes. The capability exists to create and to delete
49 karl  1.4     namespaces.</p>
50               <p>These functions are provided in this demonstration simply as a tool to
51               help you understand what namespaces are and how we access them.</p>
52               <p>There are today two different techniques for querying an manipulating
53               namespaces.</p>
54               <h3>Original Namespace Manipulator</h3>
55               <p>The original technique defined in the CIM Operations document V1 is based
56               on the use of a pseudo class __Namespace and execution of operations on the
57               instances of this pseudo class (enumerate instances, create instance, delete
58               instance) to query namespaces and to create and delete namespaces.&nbsp; We
59               call this a pseudo class because it does not really exist in the CIM
60               schemas.&nbsp; It is implementation dependent and may be defined differently
61               for each implementation.</p>
62               <p>In fact, since the properities of this class are implementation dependent
63               there is really no interoperability in the manipulation of namespaces.</p>
64               <h3>New Namespace Manipulator</h3>
65               <p>Effective with CIM 2.6, a new set of classes has been defined for the
66               query of information about CIM Servers and the namespaces defined in those
67               CIM servers.</p>
68               <p>TBD</p>
70 karl  1.4     <pre>&nbsp;</pre>
71             <hr><p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> <font size="2">Demonstration
72                Prepared by the OpenGroup Manageability Work Group Pegasus Development Team</font>
74                <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> <font size="2">See (<a href="http://www.opengroup.org/management">http://www.opengroup.org/management</a>)
75                for more information on Pegasus</font>
77                <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> <font size="1">Last Modified <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED"
78               S-Format="%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M:%S %p" startspan -->Friday, June 29, 2001 06:42:17 PM<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" i-CheckSum="55037" endspan -->&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
79                Copyright @ The Open Group 2001&nbsp;</font>
81 karl  1.1   </body>
82           </html>

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