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 1 mike  1.1 <html>
 2 a.arora 1.7 	<body bgcolor="#cccccc">
 3             		<table width="100%">
 4             			<tr>
 5             				<td width="50%" align="bottom"><h1>EnumerateQualifiers</h1>
 6             				<td>
 7             				<td width="50%" align="right">
 8             					<img border="1" src="/pegasus/icons/OpenGroupLogo.gif">
 9             				</td>
10             			</tr>
11             		</table>
12             		<hr>
13             		<form name="EnumerateQualifiers" METHOD="get" ACTION="/pegasus/cgi-bin/CGIClient">
14             			<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Operation" VALUE="EnumerateQualifiers"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="hostaddress" VALUE="localhost:5988">
15             			<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="debug" value="">
16             			<p><b>NameSpace</b> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="NameSpace" SIZE="30" VALUE="root/cimv2">&nbsp;String 
17             				that defines the target namespace. See <A href="enumeratenamespaces.html">NameSpace 
18             					Operations</A>
19             			for more information.
20             			<p><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit Request">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
21             				<INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Reset Form">
22             		</form>
23 a.arora 1.7 		<hr>
24             		<h2>Return Results</h2>
25             		If successful, the method returns zero or more CIMQualifier declarations. If 
26             		unsuccessful, one of the following status codes MUST be returned by this 
27             		method, where the first applicable error in the list (starting with the first 
28             		element of the list, and working down) is the error returned. Any additional 
29             		method-specific interpretation of the error in is given in parentheses.
30             		<UL>
31             			<LI>
32             			CIM_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED
33             			<LI>
34             			CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED
35             			<LI>
37             			<LI>
38             			CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER (including missing, duplicate, unrecognized or 
39             			otherwise incorrect parameters)
40             			<LI>
41             			CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND (the requested CIMQualifier declaration did not exist)
42             			<LI>
43             				CIM_ERR_FAILED (some other unspecified error occurred)
44 a.arora 1.7 			</LI>
45             		</UL>
46             		<hr>
47             		<h2>Additional Fields Description</h2>
48             		The <TT>enumerateQualifiers</TT> operation is used to enumerate CIMQualifier 
49             		declarations from the target Namespace.&nbsp;
50             		<p><b>NameSpace</b> The NameSpace parameter is a string that defines the target 
51             			namespace&nbsp;
52             			<hr>
53             			<h2>C++ Pegasus API</h2>
54             			<pre>
55 karl    1.3     virtual Array<CIMQualifierDecl> enumerateQualifiers(
56             		const String&amp; nameSpace) = 0;
57                </pre>
58 a.arora 1.7 			<hr>
59             		<p style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px">
60             			<font size="2">Demonstration Prepared by the OpenGroup Manageability Work Group 
61             				Pegasus Development Team</font>
62             		<p style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px">
63             			<font size="2">See (<a href="http://www.opengroup.org/management">http://www.opengroup.org/management</a>) 
64             				for more information on Pegasus</font>
65             		<p style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px">
66             			<font size="1">Last Modified <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED"
67                 S-Format="%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M:%S %p" startspan --> 
68             				Friday, June 29, 2001 06:40:22 PM<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" i-CheckSum="54885" endspan --> 
69             				&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Copyright @ The Open Group 2001&nbsp;</font>
70             			<script>
71 karl    1.6        document.EnumerateQualifiers.hostaddress.value = top.hostAddress;
72                    document.EnumerateQualifiers.debug.value = top.debug;
73                    document.EnumerateQualifiers.NameSpace.value = top.NameSpace;
74             	   window.focus();
75 a.arora 1.7 			</script>
76             		</p>
77             	</body>
78 mike    1.1 </html>

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