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 1 karl  1.1 <html>
 2             <body bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
 3               <table width="100%">
 4                 <tr>
 5           	<td width="50%" align="bottom"><h1>DeleteQualifier CIM Operation</h1><td>
 6           	<td width="50%" align="right">
 7           	  <img border=1 src="/pegasus/icons/OpenGroupLogo.gif">
 8                   </td>
 9                 </tr>
10               </table>
11               <hr>
12 karl  1.2     <form name="DeleteQualifier" METHOD=GET ACTION="/pegasus/cgi-bin/CGIClient">
13 karl  1.1       <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Operation" VALUE="DeleteQualifier">
14 karl  1.2       <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="hostaddress" VALUE="localhost:5988">
15                 <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="debug" VALUE="">
16                <p>
17 karl  1.1     The <TT>setQualifier</TT> operation deletes a single Qualifier
18               declaration for the target Namespace.
19                 <p><b><a href="#NameSpace">NameSpace</a></b> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="NameSpace" SIZE=30 VALUE="root/cimv2">&nbsp;
20 a.arora 1.3       String that defines the target namespace. See <a href="enumeratenamespaces.html">NameSpace
21 karl    1.1       Operations</a> for more information
22                   <p><b><a href="#QualifierName">QualifierName</a></b> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="QualifierName" SIZE=30>
23                   Identifies the <a href="#Qualifier">Qualifier</a> whose declaration is to
24                   be deleted.
25 a.arora 1.3       <p><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit Request">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
26                   <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Reset Form">
27 karl    1.1     </form>
28                <script>
29 a.arora 1.3    	   document.DeleteQualifier.hostaddress.value = top.hostAddress;
30                    document.DeleteQualifier.debug.value = top.debug;
31                    document.DeleteQualifier.NameSpace.value = top.NameSpace;
32 karl    1.2        window.focus();
33 karl    1.1    </script>
34                 <hr>
35                 <h2>Request Return</h2>
37                 <p> If successful, message "Qualifier deleted" will be displayed
39                 If unsuccessful, one of the following status codes MUST be returned by this
40                 method, where the first applicable error in the list (starting with the
41                 first element of the list, and working down) is the error returned. Any
42                 additional method-specific interpretation of the error in is given in
43                 parentheses.
45                 <UL>
46                   <LI>CIM_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED
47                   <LI>CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED
48                   <LI>CIM_ERR_INVALID_NAMESPACE
49                   <LI>CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER (including missing,
50                   	duplicate,&nbsp;unrecognized or otherwise incorrect parameters)
51                   <LI>CIM_ERR_INVALID_CLASS (the CIM Class does not exist in the specified
52                   	namespace)
53                   <LI>CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND (the CIM Class does exist, but the requested
54 karl    1.1       	CIM&nbsp;Instance does not exist in the specified namespace)
55                   <LI>CIM_ERR_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY (the CIM Instance does exist, but the
56                   	requested Property does not)&nbsp;
57                   <LI>CIM_ERR_TYPE_MISMATCH (the supplied value is incompatible with the
58                   	type of the Property)
59                   <LI>CIM_ERR_FAILED (some other unspecified error occurred)</LI>
60                 </UL>
61                 <hr>
63                 <h2>Additional Information on Parameters</h2>
65                 <p><b><a name="NameSpace">NameSpace </a></b> - The NameSpace parameter is a string that defines the target
66                 namespace \Ref{NAMESPACE}
68                 <p><a name="QualifierName"><b>QualifierName</b></a> - The QualifierName input parameter identifies the
69                 Qualifier whose declaration to be retrieved.
71                 <p><b><a name="Qualifier">Qualifier</a></b> - Qualifiers
72                 are values that provide additional information about classes, associations,
73                 indications, methods, method parameters, triggers, instances, properties or
74                 references. All qualifiers have a name, type, value, scope, flavor and default value. Qualifiers cannot be
75 karl    1.1     duplicated; there cannot be more than one qualifier of the same name for any given class,
76                 instance, or property.</p>
78                 <hr>
79                 <h2>
80                 C++ Operation Method Definition</h2>
81                 <PRE>
82                 virtual QualifierDecl getQualifier(
83                 	const String&amp; nameSpace,
84                 	const String&amp; qualifierName) = 0;
85                 </PRE>
86 karl    1.2    <script>
87                    document.DeleteQualifier.hostaddress.value = top.hostAddress;
88             	   window.focus();
89                </script>
91 karl    1.1   </body>
92             </html>

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