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 1 mike  1.1 
 2 karl  1.3 The Pegasus WEB Demonstration
 3 mike  1.1 
 4 karl  1.3 $Log$
 5           $Author$
 7           This directory contains the HTML CGI interface to Pegasus. It is used as part
 8           of a demonstration of the Pegasus environment through a WEB browser
11           It consists of two subdirectories
13           htdocs - Contains the HTML forms that form the basis of the demonstration. The
14           starting point for the demo is index.html
16           cgi - This directory contains the CGI executables.  This consists of the
17           Pegasus CGIClient.exe program and supporting .DLLs.  We have placed them in
18           this directory despite the fact that they also exist in the PEGASUS_HOME/bin
19           directory to limit exposure to other executables through CGI and to avoid
20           having to have a permanent path the the $PEGASUS_HOME$/bin directory when
21           Apache is executing.
23           This demonstrations uses the HTML pages in htdocs as forms to generate CGI
24           requests through the WEB Server.  These requests are services by the Pegasus
25 karl  1.3 CGIClient.exe program (located in cgi).   This program, in turn converts the
26           CGI forms input to Pegasus CIM Operations as Pegasus Client Operations and
27           passes them to the Pegasus CIM Server.
29           NOTE: Today, the Pegasus CIM server and the WEB server must be in the same
30           machine because CGIClient fixes the address and port of the CIM server as
32           	URL - localhost
33           	Port - 8888
35           This will be modified in the future.
37           To use this demonstration, you must have a you must add definitions to your
38           web server. For example, in Apace, the followingdefintions to httpd.conf would
39           workd if the %PEGASUS_ROOT% was D:/tog/pegasus.
40 mike  1.1 
41               ScriptAlias /pegasus/cgi-bin "D:/tog/pegasus/cgi/cgi-bin"
42               Alias /pegasus/icons "D:/tog/pegasus/cgi/icons"
43               Alias /pegasus "D:/tog/pegasus/cgi/htdocs"
45               <Directory "D:/tog/pegasus/cgi/cgi-bin">
46               AllowOverride None
47               Options ExecCGI
48               allow from all
49               </Directory>
50 mike  1.2 
51           To use the CGI interface, type "make" in this directory. Next run the
52 karl  1.3 Server like this:
54               C:\> Server <pegasus-run-directory>
55 mike  1.2 
56 karl  1.3     where <pegasus-run-directory> is required only if PEGASUS_HOME environment
57               variable is not defined.
58 mike  1.2 
59           Then go to your browser and type in this URL:
61               http://<yourhost>/pegasus
62 karl  1.3 
63               Thus if the browser is on the same machine, enter localhost/pegasus
65           This demonstration can be used either locally or from a remote browser

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