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  1 kumpf 1.1 include $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/mak/config.mak
  2           include $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/mak/test.mak
  3 kumpf 1.19 include $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/mak/commands.mak
  4 kumpf 1.1  
  5            system = localhost
  7            ###############################################################################
  8            ##
  9            ## Test Makefile for Pegasus CIMOM
 10            ##
 11            ## Options:
 12            ##      rebuild            - Rebuild
 13 david.dillard 1.15 ##      build              - Build
 14 kumpf         1.1  ##      prestarttests      - Execute functional tests
 15                    ##      poststarttests     - Execute poststarttests (No security, No SSL)
 16                    ##      tests              - Execute prestarttests and poststarttests
 17                    ##      standardtests      - Execute poststartests and a series of
 18                    ##                           posstarttests using multiple options.
 19 david.dillard 1.15 ##
 20 kumpf         1.1  ###############################################################################
 22 kumpf         1.19 TESTS = prestarttests poststarttests
 23 kumpf         1.1  
 24 david.dillard 1.15 error:
 25                    	@ $(ECHO) "Specify desired makefile option (i.e., build, rebuild)"
 26 kumpf         1.1  
 27                    buildmu:
 28 mday          1.6  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/utils/mu -f Makefile
 29 kumpf         1.19 	$(MKDIRHIER) $(BIN_DIR)
 30 kumpf         1.1  
 31                    rebuild: clean buildmu all
 33                    build: all
 35                    all: buildmu
 36                    	$(MAKE)  -f Makefile depend
 37                    	$(MAKE)  -f Makefile all
 39                    doc:
 40 mday          1.6  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/doc/ProviderSpec -f Makefile
 41                    	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/doc/DevManual -f Makefile
 42 kumpf         1.1  
 43                    clean:
 44                    	$(MAKE) -f Makefile clean
 46 david.dillard 1.15 repositoryServer:
 47 kumpf         1.1  	$(CIMSERVER_STOP_SERVICE)
 48 kumpf         1.19 	$(SLEEP) 5
 49 kumpf         1.1  	$(RMDIRHIER) $(REPOSITORY_ROOT)
 50                    	$(CIMSERVER_START_SERVICE)
 51 kumpf         1.19 	$(SLEEP) 5
 52 kumpf         1.1  	$(MAKE) -f Makefile repositoryServer
 53                    	$(MAKE) -f Makefile testrepositoryServer
 54 mday          1.6  
 55 david.dillard 1.15 prestarttests:
 56 kumpf         1.1  	$(CIMSERVER_STOP_SERVICE)
 57 kumpf         1.19 	$(SLEEP) 5
 58 kumpf         1.1  	$(MAKE) -f Makefile repository
 59                    	$(MAKE) -f Makefile testrepository
 60                    	$(MAKE) -f Makefile tests
 61 kumpf         1.14 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Server -f Makefile install_run
 62 kumpf         1.1  
 63                    poststarttests:
 64 lucier        1.17 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Pegasus/CQL/tests/Queries -f Makefile clean
 65                    	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Pegasus/Query/QueryExpression/tests/Queries -f Makefile clean
 66 mday          1.6  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/test/wetest -f Makefile clean
 67 kumpf         1.1  	$(CIMSERVER_START_SERVICE)
 68 kumpf         1.19 	$(SLEEP) 5
 69 kumpf         1.1  	$(MAKE) -f Makefile poststarttests
 71                    tests: $(TESTS)
 72 tony          1.5  ifeq ($(PEGASUS_PLATFORM),WIN32_IX86_MSVC)
 73                    	$(CIMSERVER_STOP_SERVICE)
 74 mday          1.6  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Server -f Makefile uninstall
 75 tony          1.5  endif
 76 david.dillard 1.15 	@ $(ECHO) Finished Tests
 77 kumpf         1.1  
 78                    ###############################################################################
 79 denise.eckstein 1.18 ##  Test Suite Definitions
 80                      ###############################################################################
 82                      ###############################################################################
 83                      ##  OOP Test Suite 1: "Out-of-Process"(OOP) Provider Tests 
 84                      ##
 85                      ##  Configuration Options: forceProviderProcesses=true
 86                      ##
 87                      ###############################################################################
 88                      OOP_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS = forceProviderProcesses=true
 89                      OOP_TS1_TEST_CMDS = \
 90                              TestClient
 92                      run_OOP_TS1:
 93                      	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/mak/commands.mak runTestSuite \
 94                                  CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(OOP_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 95                                  TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(OOP_TS1_TEST_CMDS)"
 96                      ###############################################################################
 98                      ###############################################################################
 99 kumpf           1.1  ##
100                      ## Trace Configuration
101                      ##
102                      ## Options:
103                      ##      XMLTraceOn: Enables XML request and response tracing.
104                      ##      ProviderLoadTraceOn: Enables Provider load tracing.
105                      ##      XML+ProviderLoadTraceOn: Enables both XML request/response and Provider
106                      ##                                 load tracing.
107                      ##      AllTraceOn: Enables all tracing.
108                      ##      AllTraceOff: Disables all tracing.
109                      ##      list: Lists trace settings.
110                      ##
111                      ###############################################################################
113                      XMLTraceOn:
114                      	cimconfig -s traceComponents=XmlIO -c
115                      	cimconfig -s traceLevel=3 -c
116                      	cimconfig -g traceComponents
117                      	cimconfig -g traceLevel
119                      ProviderLoadTraceOn:
120 kumpf           1.1  	cimconfig -s traceComponents=ProvManager,OsAbstraction
121                      	cimconfig -s traceLevel=3 -c
122                      	cimconfig -g traceComponents
123                      	cimconfig -g traceLevel
125                      XML+ProviderLoadTraceOn:
126                      	cimconfig -s traceComponents=XmlIO,ProvManager,OsAbstraction
127                      	cimconfig -s traceLevel=3 -c
128                      	cimconfig -g traceComponents
129                      	cimconfig -g traceLevel
131                      AllTraceOn:
132                      	cimconfig -s traceComponents=ALL
133                      	cimconfig -s traceLevel=3 -c
134                      	cimconfig -g traceComponents
135                      	cimconfig -g traceLevel
137                      AllTraceOff:
138                      	cimconfig -s traceComponents=
139                      	cimconfig -g traceComponents
140                      	cimconfig -g traceLevel
141 kumpf           1.1  
142                      list:
143                      	cimconfig -g traceComponents
144                      	cimconfig -g traceLevel
145                      	cimconfig -g traceFilePath
147                      # DO NOT DELETE
149 david.dillard   1.15 standardtests:
150 kumpf           1.1  	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile -i DisableSecurity
151                      	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile TestCimmof
152                      	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile TestNoSecurity
153 david.dillard   1.15 	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile EnableAuthentication
154 kumpf           1.1  	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile TestLocalSecurity
155 kumpf           1.3  	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile TestRemoteSecurity
156 kumpf           1.4  	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile EnableAuthorization
157 david.dillard   1.15 	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile TestAuthorization
158 kumpf           1.1  
159                      TestNoSecurity:
160                      	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile tests
161                      	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile RunTestClientLocal
163                      TestLocalSecurity:
164                      	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile RunTestClientLocal
165                      	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/test/wetest -f Makefile poststarttests HOSTNAME= PORT= USER= PASSWORD= SECURITY_ENABLED=true
167                      TestRemoteSecurity:
168                      	TestClient -user guest -password guest $(system):5988
169                      	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/test/wetest/static -f Makefile poststarttests HOSTNAME=-h$(system) USER=-uguest PASSWORD=-wguest SECURITY_ENABLED=true
171                      TestAuthorization:
172 kumpf           1.4  	DeleteNamespace -a -user guest -password guest
173 kumpf           1.1  	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile RunTestClientLocal
174 kumpf           1.4  	TestClient -user guest -password guest $(system):5988
175                      	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/test/wetest/static -f Makefile poststarttests HOSTNAME=-h$(system) USER=-uguest PASSWORD=-wguest SECURITY_ENABLED=true
176 kumpf           1.1  
177                      TestSubscriptions:
178                      	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile DisableSecurity
179                      	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile repository
180                      	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile testrepository
181                      	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile startcimWithoutSSL
182 david.dillard   1.15 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/test/wetest/cimv2/Subscription -f Makefile poststarttests
183 kumpf           1.1  	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile stopcim
185                      TestCimmof:
186                      	$(MAKE) -f Testcimmof poststarttests
188                      RunTestClientLocal:
189                      	TestClient -local
191                      DisableSecurity:
192 david.dillard   1.15 	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile -i stopcim
193 kumpf           1.1  	cimconfig -s enableAuthentication=false -p
194                      	cimconfig -s enableNamespaceAuthorization=false -p
196                      EnableAuthentication:
197 david.dillard   1.15 	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile -i stopcim
198 kumpf           1.1  	cimconfig -s enableAuthentication=true -p
199                      	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile startcimWithoutSSL
200                      	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile ConfigureUsers
202                      EnableAuthorization:
203                      	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile -i stopcim
204 kumpf           1.10 	cimconfig -s enableNamespaceAuthorization=true -p
205 kumpf           1.1  	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile startcimWithoutSSL
206                      	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile -i ConfigureAuthorizations
208                      EnableSSL:
209                      	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile -i stopcim
210                      	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile startcimWithSSL
212                      ConfigureUsers:
213                      ifndef PEGASUS_PAM_AUTHENTICATION
214                      	cimuser -a -u guest -w guest
215                      endif
217                      ConfigureAuthorizations:
218                      	cimauth -a -u guest -n test/cimv2 -R -W
219                      	cimauth -a -u guest -n root/cimv2 -R -W
220 kumpf           1.10 	cimauth -a -u guest -n root/PG_Internal -R -W
221                      	cimauth -a -u guest -n root/PG_InterOp -R -W
222                      	cimauth -a -u guest -n root/benchmark -R -W
223                      	cimauth -a -u guest -n root/sampleprovider -R -W
224 kumpf           1.1  	cimauth -a -u guest -n test/static -R -W
225                      	cimauth -a -u guest -n root/SampleProvider -R -W
226                      	cimauth -a -u guest -n root -R -W
227                      	cimauth -a -u guest -n test1 -R -W
228                      	cimauth -a -u guest -n test2 -R -W
229                      	cimauth -a -u guest -n test3 -R -W
230                      	cimauth -a -u guest -n test4 -R -W
231                      	cimauth -a -u guest -n test5 -R -W
232                      	cimauth -a -u guest -n test6 -R -W
233                      	cimauth -a -u guest -n test1/test2 -R -W
234                      	cimauth -a -u guest -n test1/test2/test3 -R -W
235                      	cimauth -a -u guest -n test1/test2/test3/test4 -R -W
236                      	cimauth -a -u guest -n test1/test2/test3/test4/test5 -R -W
237                      	cimauth -a -u guest -n test1/test2/test3/test4/test5/test6 -R -W
239                      startcimWithoutSSL:
240 david.dillard   1.15 	$(CIMSERVER_START_SERVICE)
241 kumpf           1.19 	$(SLEEP) 5
242 kumpf           1.1  
243                      startcimWithSSL:
244 david.dillard   1.15 	$(CIMSERVER_START_SERVICE) enableHttpConnection=false enableHttpsConnection=true
245 kumpf           1.19 	$(SLEEP) 5
246 kumpf           1.1  
247                      stopcim:
248                      	$(CIMSERVER_STOP_SERVICE)
249 kumpf           1.19 	$(SLEEP) 5
250 kumpf           1.1  
251                      rebuild:
252 david.dillard   1.15 	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile -i stopcim
253 kumpf           1.1  	rm -f rebuild.txt
254                      	$(MAKE) -f TestMakefile pegasus >> rebuild.txt  2>&1
256                      pegasus:
257 david.dillard   1.15 	$(MAKE) -f Makefile rebuild

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