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   1 martin 1.99 #//%LICENSE////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   2 martin 1.100 #//
   3 martin 1.99  #// Licensed to The Open Group (TOG) under one or more contributor license
   4              #// agreements.  Refer to the OpenPegasusNOTICE.txt file distributed with
   5              #// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
   6              #// Each contributor licenses this file to you under the OpenPegasus Open
   7              #// Source License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the
   8              #// License.
   9 martin 1.100 #//
  10 martin 1.99  #// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
  11              #// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
  12              #// to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
  13              #// the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
  14              #// and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
  15              #// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
  16 martin 1.100 #//
  17 martin 1.99  #// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
  18              #// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  19 martin 1.100 #//
  27 martin 1.100 #//
  28 martin 1.99  #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  29 kumpf  1.1   ###############################################################################
  30              ##
  31              ## Test Makefile for Pegasus CIMOM
  32              ##
  33 jim.wunderlich 1.40  ## see the usage rule for documentation of rules etc.
  34 jim.wunderlich 1.34  ##
  35                      ##
  36 kumpf          1.1   ###############################################################################
  38 david.dillard  1.15  error:
  39 jim.wunderlich 1.40  	@ $(ECHO) "Specify desired makefile option (i.e., unittests, usage )"
  40 kumpf          1.1   
  41 kumpf          1.23  include $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/mak/config.mak
  42                      include $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/mak/test.mak
  43                      include $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/mak/commands.mak
  45                      system = localhost
  47 jim.wunderlich 1.34  .PHONY: FORCE
  49                      FORCE:
  51 jim.wunderlich 1.40  usage: FORCE
  52                      	$(USAGE)
  53                      	$(USAGE)"TestMakefile Primary Targets:"
  54                      	$(USAGE)
  55                      	$(USAGE)"The following are all standalone tests. They stop and start the server,"
  56                      	$(USAGE)"and build repositories as needed."
  57                      	$(USAGE)
  58                      	$(USAGE)"alltests           - Execute unittests and servertests"
  59                      	$(USAGE)"unittests          - Execute the unit functional tests - no repository"
  60                      	$(USAGE)"                     or active server is required"
  61                      	$(USAGE)"servertests        - Execute a basic server test suites (No security, No SSL)"
  62                      	$(USAGE)"standardtests      - Execute an extended server test suites "
  63                      	$(USAGE)"                     using multiple options."
  64 jim.wunderlich 1.45  	$(USAGE)"perftests          - Executes a brief server performance test"
  65 jim.wunderlich 1.40  	$(USAGE)
  66                      	$(USAGE)"usage2             - usage on secondary test targets"
  67 jim.wunderlich 1.43  	$(USAGE)"usagetrace         - usage on trace targets"
  68 j.alex         1.66  	$(USAGE)"stresstests        - Execute the default stress test suite"
  69 jim.wunderlich 1.40  	$(USAGE)
  71                      usage2: FORCE
  72                      	$(USAGE)
  73                      	$(USAGE)"TestMakefile Secondary Targets:"
  74                      	$(USAGE)
  75                      	$(USAGE)"The following are run as part of the Primary target test suites and may"
  76                      	$(USAGE)"also be invoked as standalone tests."
  77                      	$(USAGE)
  78                      	$(USAGE)"TestXMLRepository       - Executes poststarttests on XML repository"
  79                      	$(USAGE)"                          built with cimmofl."
  80 kumpf          1.101 	$(USAGE)"TestXMLRepositoryServer - Executes poststarttests on XML repository"
  81 jim.wunderlich 1.40  	$(USAGE)"                          built with cimmof."
  82                      	$(USAGE)"TestXMLCmpRepository    - Executes poststarttests on XML compressed"
  83                      	$(USAGE)"                          repository built with cimmofl."
  84                      	$(USAGE)"TestBinRepository       - Executes poststarttests on binary repository "
  85                      	$(USAGE)"                          built with cimmofl."
  86                      	$(USAGE)"TestBinRepositoryServer - Executes poststarttests on binary repository"
  87                      	$(USAGE)"                          built with cimmof."
  88                      	$(USAGE)"TestBinCmpRepository    - Executes poststarttests on binary compressed"
  89                      	$(USAGE)"                          repository built with cimmofl."
  90                      	$(USAGE)
  91                      	$(USAGE)"The following require the repository to be pre-built."
  92                      	$(USAGE)
  93 sushma.fernandes 1.84  	$(USAGE)"run_SSL_CBA_TS1         - Executes the Certificate based authentication test suite."
  94                        	$(USAGE)"run_SSL_IPV4_TS1        - Executes the IPv4 SSL connection test suite."
  95                        	$(USAGE)"run_SSL_IPV6_TS1        - Executes the IPv6 SSL connection test suite."
  96 jim.wunderlich   1.40  	$(USAGE)"run_OOP_TS1             - Executes the Out Of Process Provider tests"
  97 kumpf            1.46  	$(USAGE)"run_G11N_TS1            - Executes the Globalization tests"
  98 jim.wunderlich   1.40  	$(USAGE)
  99                        	$(USAGE)"The following require the repository to be pre-built and the server to be started."
 100                        	$(USAGE)
 101                        	$(USAGE)"serversuite             - the collection of test run by the servertests rule"
 102 j.alex           1.66  	$(USAGE)"run_STRESS_TS1          - Executes the stresstests"
 103 dave.sudlik      1.78  	$(USAGE)"slptests                - Executes the slptests"
 104 kumpf            1.101 	$(USAGE)"run_Cmpi_Sub            - Executes the CMPI subscription tests"
 105 jim.wunderlich   1.40  	$(USAGE)
 108                        ##########################################################
 109                        #
 110                        # rules that are defined in Makefile
 111                        #
 112                        ##########################################################
 113 kumpf            1.21  
 114 jim.wunderlich   1.39  build: FORCE
 115                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile build
 116 kumpf            1.21  
 117 jim.wunderlich   1.40  world: FORCE
 118                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile world
 120                        new: FORCE
 121                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile new
 123 jim.wunderlich   1.39  clean: FORCE
 124 kumpf            1.21  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile clean
 126 jim.wunderlich   1.40  depend: FORCE
 127                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile depend
 129 denise.eckstein  1.69  ###############################################################################
 130                        #   mak/certificate_test.mak implements three key functions for
 131                        #   testing Certificate-Based Authentication (CBA).
 132 kumpf            1.101 #
 133 denise.eckstein  1.69  #   setupCBATestCertificates is used to create a set of test certificates
 134                        #       make -f TestMakefile setupCBATestCertificates
 135                        #
 136                        #   runCBATestSuites is used to run a set of CBA tests
 137                        #       make -f TestMakefile runCBATestSuites
 138                        #
 139                        #   cleanupCBATestCertificates can be used to remove the test certificates
 140                        #       make -f TestMakefile cleanupCBATestCertificates
 141                        ###############################################################################
 142                        include $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/mak/certificate_test.mak
 143 jim.wunderlich   1.40  
 144                        ############################################################
 145                        #
 146                        # rules defined here
 147                        #
 148                        ############################################################
 150 jim.wunderlich   1.41  ##
 151                        ## Although the macros CIMSERVER_STOP_SERVICE and CIMSERVER_START_SERVICE
 152                        ## are available and could be invoked directly, their direct usage is
 153                        ## discouraged in favor of invoking the cimstop and the cimstart rules
 154 kumpf            1.101 ## as this allows one place where additional checks, delays etc may be
 155 jim.wunderlich   1.41  ## added in the future to control or further test the servers performance
 156                        ## in executing these commands.
 157                        ##
 159 jim.wunderlich   1.40  #######################
 160                        #
 161                        # doc
 162                        #
 163 kumpf            1.1   doc:
 164 mday             1.6   	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/doc/ProviderSpec -f Makefile
 165                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/doc/DevManual -f Makefile
 166 kumpf            1.1   
 167 jim.wunderlich   1.40  
 168                        #######################
 169                        #
 170                        # repositoryServer
 171                        #
 172                        repositoryServer: FORCE
 173 kumpf            1.22  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
 174 kumpf            1.19  	$(SLEEP) 5
 175 kumpf            1.90  	$(RMREPOSITORY) $(REPOSITORY_ROOT)
 176 jim.wunderlich   1.41  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstart
 177 kumpf            1.19  	$(SLEEP) 5
 178 kumpf            1.21  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile repositoryServer
 179                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile testrepositoryServer
 180 mday             1.6   
 181 jim.wunderlich   1.40  ######################
 182                        #
 183                        # prestarttests is being deprecated since poststarttest is being deprecated
 184 kumpf            1.101 # in favor of name more related to its intended functionality.
 185 jim.wunderlich   1.40  #
 186                        prestarttests: prestarttests_msg shortsleep unittests
 188                        prestarttests_msg: FORCE
 189                        	@$(ECHO) "=============================================================================="
 190                        	@$(ECHO) "TestMakefile: The \"prestarttests\" rule is being deprecated."
 191                        	@$(ECHO) "              Use \"make testusage\" for a description of the usage model."	
 192 kumpf            1.101 	@$(ECHO) "              The equivalent new rule is \"unittests\"."
 193 jim.wunderlich   1.40  	@$(ECHO) "              Invoking the \"unittests\" rule now."
 194                        	@$(ECHO) "=============================================================================="
 196                        ####################
 197                        #
 198 kumpf            1.101 # poststarttests is being deprecated since it multiply defines a
 199 jim.wunderlich   1.40  # recursive make rule leading to ambuguity and confusion.
 200                        #
 201 kumpf            1.101 poststarttests: poststarttests_msg shortsleep servertests
 202 jim.wunderlich   1.40  
 203                        poststarttests_msg: FORCE
 204                        	@$(ECHO) "==============================================================================="
 205 kumpf            1.101 	@$(ECHO) "TestMakefile: The \"posstarttests\" rule is being deprecated.."
 206 jim.wunderlich   1.40  	@$(ECHO) "              Use \"make testusage\" for a description of the usage model."	
 207 kumpf            1.101 	@$(ECHO) "              The equivalent new rule is \"servertests\"."
 208 jim.wunderlich   1.40  	@$(ECHO) "              Invoking the \"servertests\" rule now."
 209                        	@$(ECHO) "==============================================================================="
 211                        #####################
 212                        #
 213 kumpf            1.101 # tests is being deprecated since it multiply defines a
 214 jim.wunderlich   1.40  # recursive make rule leading to ambuguity and confusion.
 215                        #
 216                        tests: tests_msg shortsleep alltests
 218                        tests_msg: FORCE
 219                        	@$(ECHO) "==================================================================="
 220                        	@$(ECHO) "TestMakefile: The \"tests\" rule is being deprecated."
 221                        	@$(ECHO) "              Use \"make testusage\" for a description of the usage model."	
 222 kumpf            1.101 	@$(ECHO) "              The equivalent new rule is \"alltests\"."
 223 jim.wunderlich   1.40  	@$(ECHO) "              Invoking the \"alltests\" rule now."
 224                        	@$(ECHO) "==================================================================="
 227                        shortsleep: FORCE
 228                        	@$(SLEEP) 5
 230                        ####################
 231                        #
 232                        # unittests
 233                        #
 234                        unittests: FORCE
 235 h.sterling       1.38  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile tests
 236 jim.wunderlich   1.40  	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ TestMakefile unittests complete"
 238                        #####################
 239                        #
 240                        # servertests
 241                        #
 242 kumpf            1.1   
 243 jim.wunderlich   1.40  servertestsclean: FORCE
 244 jim.wunderlich   1.41  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
 245 lucier           1.17  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Pegasus/CQL/tests/Queries -f Makefile clean
 246                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Pegasus/Query/QueryExpression/tests/Queries -f Makefile clean
 247 mday             1.6   	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/test/wetest -f Makefile clean
 248 jim.wunderlich   1.31  
 249 jim.wunderlich   1.40  servertestssetup: FORCE
 250 denise.eckstein  1.50  ifdef PEGASUS_HAS_SSL
 251 jim.wunderlich   1.61  #
 252 kumpf            1.101 # The association between user names and certificates is stored in the
 253 jim.wunderlich   1.61  # repository.  If the repository is recreated, we also need to re-initialize
 254 kumpf            1.101 # the trust store directories. Otherwise, the truststore content will be
 255 jim.wunderlich   1.61  # out-of-sync with the mapping stored in the repository.
 256                        #
 257 w.otsuka         1.76  #  NOTE: Tests that require their own test namespaces to run poststarttests
 258                        #  should add their namespace creation make commands to pegasus/Makefile
 259                        #  under the testrepository tag.
 260                        #
 261 denise.eckstein  1.50  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Server -f Makefile removeSSLTrustDirectories
 262                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Server -f Makefile createSSLTrustDirectories
 263                        endif
 264 jim.wunderlich   1.40  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile repository
 265                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile testrepository
 266 denise.eckstein  1.69  	@$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile \
 267                                    cleanupCBATestCertificates
 268                        	@$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile \
 269                                    setupCBATestCertificates
 270 jim.wunderlich   1.41  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile cimstart
 271 kumpf            1.19  	$(SLEEP) 5
 272 jim.wunderlich   1.61  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile ConfigureUsers
 273                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile Create_SSL_Certificate
 274 denise.eckstein  1.73  ifeq ($(PEGASUS_TEST_SDK),true)
 275 kumpf            1.101 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/SDK/samples -f Makefile setupSDK
 276 denise.eckstein  1.73  endif
 277 kumpf            1.98  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile cimstop
 278 denise.eckstein  1.73  
 279 dave.sudlik      1.78  # slptests are run under separate target because these testcases require that
 280                        # both the cimserver and SLP are running. There is no need for special options
 281                        # while starting cimserver.
 282                        slptests:
 283                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/slp/tests/slptests -f Makefile slptests
 284                        	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ TestMakefile slp test suite completed"
 285 jim.wunderlich   1.40  
 286                        servertests: servertestsclean servertestssetup serversuite
 287                        	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ TestMakefile servertests suites complete"
 289                        serversuite: FORCE
 290 kumpf            1.98  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Pegasus/Server/tests -f Makefile commandtests
 291                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile cimstart
 292 kumpf            1.21  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile poststarttests
 293 jim.wunderlich   1.33  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile TestBinRepository
 294 w.otsuka         1.76  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_Cimsub_InterOp
 295 kumpf            1.20  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_OOP_TS1
 296 carolann.graves  1.28  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_IndInit_TS1
 297 carolann.graves  1.67  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_OOPProvFail_TS1
 298                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_OOPProvFail_TS2
 299 carolann.graves  1.74  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_OOPProvFail_TS3
 300 denise.eckstein  1.47  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_INDSSL_TS1
 301 sushma.fernandes 1.84  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_SSL_IPV4_TS1
 302                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_SSL_IPV6_TS1
 303                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_SSL_CBA_TS1
 304 kumpf            1.46  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_G11N_TS1
 305 denise.eckstein  1.69  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile runCBATestSuites
 306 denise.eckstein  1.73  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_SDK_TS1
 307 carolann.graves  1.75  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_ExportClientSSL_TS1
 308 sahana.prabhakar 1.103 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_Cimserver_Availability
 309 rohini.deshpande 1.108 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_sslCipherSuiteTests
 310 kumpf            1.87  ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_CMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER),true)
 311 s.kodali         1.85  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_Cmpi_Sub
 312                        endif
 313 s.kodali         1.105 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile cimprovagt32tests
 314 marek            1.111 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile chgdhoststests
 315 dave.sudlik      1.88  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_idleConnectionTimeout1
 316                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_idleConnectionTimeout2
 317 venkat.puvvada   1.107 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_providerLifecycleIndicationTests
 318 dev.meetei       1.110 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile startcimListenAddress
 319                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_interfaceRestrictionTest
 320 kumpf            1.1   
 321 j.alex           1.66  #####################
 322                        #
 323                        # stresstests
 324                        #
 325                        stresstests:
 326                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile run_STRESS_TS1
 328 jim.wunderlich   1.40  ####################
 329                        #
 330 jim.wunderlich   1.45  # perftests - simple performance test until we have better
 331                        #
 332                        # - Turns statistics on (uses TestInterop until we have better)
 333 kumpf            1.81  # - runs poststarttests suite and TestBenchmark
 334 jim.wunderlich   1.45  # - runs cimperf to displat the statistics
 335 kumpf            1.101 # - turns statistics off
 336 jim.wunderlich   1.45  #
 337                        perftests: servertestsclean servertestssetup perfsuite
 339                        perfsuite: FORCE
 340                        	$(PEGASUS_HOME)/bin/TestInterop on
 341                        	$(TIME_CMD) $(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/test/wetest -f Makefile poststarttests
 342                        	@ $(ECHO) " "
 343                        	$(TIME_CMD) $(PEGASUS_HOME)/bin/TestClient
 344                        	@ $(ECHO) " "
 345 kumpf            1.81  	$(TIME_CMD) $(PEGASUS_HOME)/bin/TestBenchmark
 346 jim.wunderlich   1.45  	@ $(ECHO) " "
 347                        	@ $(ECHO) " "
 348                        	$(TIME_CMD) $(PEGASUS_HOME)/bin/cimperf
 349                        	@ $(ECHO) " "
 350                        	$(PEGASUS_HOME)/bin/TestInterop off
 352 jim.wunderlich   1.40  
 353                        ####################
 354                        #
 355                        # alltests
 356                        #
 357                        alltests: unittests servertests
 358 a.dunfey         1.79  ifeq ($(OS_TYPE),windows)
 359 kumpf            1.22  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
 360 mday             1.6   	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Server -f Makefile uninstall
 361 tony             1.5   endif
 362 jim.wunderlich   1.40  	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ TestMakefile alltests Complete"
 363 kumpf            1.1   
 364                        ###############################################################################
 365 denise.eckstein  1.18  ##  Test Suite Definitions
 366                        ###############################################################################
 368                        ###############################################################################
 369 kumpf            1.101 ##  OOP Test Suite 1: "Out-of-Process"(OOP) Provider Tests
 370 denise.eckstein  1.18  ##
 371                        ##  Configuration Options: forceProviderProcesses=true
 372                        ##
 373 jim.wunderlich   1.54  ##  If PEGASUS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_OOP is set, then tests are run with OOP disabled
 374 jim.wunderlich   1.51  ##  since tests have already been run with OOP enabled.
 375                        ##
 376                        ##
 377 denise.eckstein  1.18  ###############################################################################
 378 jim.wunderlich   1.54  ifeq ($(PEGASUS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_OOP),true)
 379 jim.wunderlich   1.52  OOP_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS = forceProviderProcesses=false
 380                        else
 381 denise.eckstein  1.18  OOP_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS = forceProviderProcesses=true
 382 kumpf            1.44  endif
 383 jim.wunderlich   1.51  
 384 kumpf            1.96  ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_PRIVILEGE_SEPARATION),true)
 385                            # When privilege separation is enabled, most providers run out of process
 386                            # regardless of the forceProviderProcesses setting.  The exception is
 387                            # providers that register with UserContext = 5 (CIM Server).  The only
 388                            # case of this in the automated tests is the UserContextTestProvider.
 389                            OOP_TS1_TEST_CMDS = \
 390                                $(MAKE)@@--directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Providers/TestProviders/UserContextTestProvider/testclient@@poststarttests
 391                        else
 392                            OOP_TS1_TEST_CMDS = \
 393                                $(MAKE)@@--directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)@@-f@@Makefile@@poststarttests
 394                        endif
 395 denise.eckstein  1.18  
 396                        run_OOP_TS1:
 397 denise.eckstein  1.26  	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 398 denise.eckstein  1.18              CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(OOP_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 399                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(OOP_TS1_TEST_CMDS)"
 400 jim.wunderlich   1.51  
 401 denise.eckstein  1.18  ###############################################################################
 403                        ###############################################################################
 404 kumpf            1.101 ##  IndInit Test Suite 1: IndicationService Initialization Tests
 405 carolann.graves  1.28  ##
 406                        ##  Configuration Options: (none)
 407                        ##
 408                        ###############################################################################
 409 kumpf            1.101 IndInit_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS =
 410 carolann.graves  1.28  IndInit_TS1a_TEST_CMDS = \
 411                        	$(MAKE)@@--directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Pegasus/IndicationService/tests/ProcessIndication@@IndInit_TS1a
 412                        IndInit_TS1b_TEST_CMDS = \
 413                        	$(MAKE)@@--directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Pegasus/IndicationService/tests/ProcessIndication@@IndInit_TS1b
 415                        run_IndInit_TS1:
 416                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 417                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(IndInit_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 418                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(IndInit_TS1a_TEST_CMDS)"
 419                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 420                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(IndInit_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 421                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(IndInit_TS1b_TEST_CMDS)"
 423                        ###############################################################################
 424 carolann.graves  1.67  ##  OOPProvFail Test Suite 1: OOP Provider Module Failure Tests
 425                        ##
 426                        ##  Configuration Options: forceProviderProcesses=true
 427                        ##  enableAuthentication=true, enableAuthentication=false
 428                        ##
 429                        ##  NOTE: Regardless of the setting of PEGASUS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_OOP, this test
 430                        ##  suite is always run with OOP enabled.  This test suite causes a provider to
 431                        ##  exit.  Running this test suite with OOP disabled would cause the cimserver
 432                        ##  to exit and the test suite to fail.
 433                        ##
 434                        ##  NOTE: The test is run once with authentication enabled, and once without
 435                        ##  authentication enabled.
 436                        ##
 437                        ###############################################################################
 438 venkat.puvvada   1.104 OOPProvFail_TS1a_CONFIG_OPTIONS = forceProviderProcesses=true enableAuthentication=true maxFailedProviderModuleRestarts=0
 439                        OOPProvFail_TS1b_CONFIG_OPTIONS = forceProviderProcesses=true enableAuthentication=false maxFailedProviderModuleRestarts=0
 440 carolann.graves  1.67  OOPProvFail_TS1_TEST_CMDS = \
 441                        	$(MAKE)@@--directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Providers/TestProviders/OOPModuleFailureProvider/testclient@@OOPProvFail_TS1
 443 carolann.graves  1.68  ifndef PEGASUS_DISABLE_PRIVILEGED_TESTS
 444 carolann.graves  1.67  run_OOPProvFail_TS1:
 445                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 446                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(OOPProvFail_TS1a_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 447                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(OOPProvFail_TS1_TEST_CMDS)"
 448                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 449                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(OOPProvFail_TS1b_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 450                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(OOPProvFail_TS1_TEST_CMDS)"
 451 carolann.graves  1.68  else
 452                        run_OOPProvFail_TS1: FORCE
 453                        	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ PEGASUS_DISABLE_PRIVILEGED_TESTS defined: Skipping run_OOPProvFail_TS1"
 454                        endif
 455 carolann.graves  1.67  
 456                        ###############################################################################
 457 kumpf            1.101 ##  OOPProvFail Test Suite 2: OOP Provider Module Failure on IndicationService
 458 carolann.graves  1.67  ##                            Initialization Tests
 459                        ##
 460                        ##  Configuration Options: forceProviderProcesses=true
 461                        ##                         enableAuthentication=true
 462                        ##
 463                        ##  NOTE: Regardless of the setting of PEGASUS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_OOP, this test
 464                        ##  suite is always run with OOP enabled.  This test suite causes a provider to
 465                        ##  exit.  Running this test suite with OOP disabled would cause the cimserver
 466                        ##  to exit and the test suite to fail.
 467                        ##
 468                        ###############################################################################
 469                        OOPProvFail_TS2_CONFIG_OPTIONS = forceProviderProcesses=true enableAuthentication=true
 470                        OOPProvFail_TS2a_TEST_CMDS = \
 471                        	$(MAKE)@@--directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Providers/TestProviders/OOPModuleFailureProvider/testclient@@OOPProvFail_TS2a
 472                        OOPProvFail_TS2b_TEST_CMDS = \
 473                        	$(MAKE)@@--directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Providers/TestProviders/OOPModuleFailureProvider/testclient@@OOPProvFail_TS2b
 475 carolann.graves  1.68  ifndef PEGASUS_DISABLE_PRIVILEGED_TESTS
 476 carolann.graves  1.67  run_OOPProvFail_TS2:
 477                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 478                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(OOPProvFail_TS2_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 479                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(OOPProvFail_TS2a_TEST_CMDS)"
 480                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 481                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(OOPProvFail_TS2_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 482                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(OOPProvFail_TS2b_TEST_CMDS)"
 483 carolann.graves  1.68  else
 484                        run_OOPProvFail_TS2: FORCE
 485                        	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ PEGASUS_DISABLE_PRIVILEGED_TESTS defined: Skipping run_OOPProvFail_TS2"
 486                        endif
 487 carolann.graves  1.67  
 488                        ###############################################################################
 489 carolann.graves  1.74  ##  OOPProvFail Test Suite 3: OOP Provider Module Failure CIM Server restart
 490                        ##                            Tests
 491                        ##
 492                        ##  Configuration Options: forceProviderProcesses=true
 493                        ##                         enableAuthentication=true
 494                        ##
 495                        ##  NOTE: Regardless of the setting of PEGASUS_DEFAULT_ENABLE_OOP, this test
 496                        ##  suite is always run with OOP enabled.  This test suite causes a provider to
 497                        ##  exit.  Running this test suite with OOP disabled would cause the cimserver
 498                        ##  to exit and the test suite to fail.
 499                        ##
 500                        ###############################################################################
 501 venkat.puvvada   1.104 OOPProvFail_TS3_CONFIG_OPTIONS = forceProviderProcesses=true enableAuthentication=true maxFailedProviderModuleRestarts=0
 502 carolann.graves  1.74  OOPProvFail_TS3a_TEST_CMDS = \
 503                        	$(MAKE)@@--directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Providers/TestProviders/OOPModuleFailureProvider/testclient@@OOPProvFail_TS3a
 504                        OOPProvFail_TS3b_TEST_CMDS = \
 505                        	$(MAKE)@@--directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Providers/TestProviders/OOPModuleFailureProvider/testclient@@OOPProvFail_TS3b
 507                        ifndef PEGASUS_DISABLE_PRIVILEGED_TESTS
 508                        run_OOPProvFail_TS3:
 509                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 510                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(OOPProvFail_TS3_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 511                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(OOPProvFail_TS3a_TEST_CMDS)"
 512                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 513                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(OOPProvFail_TS3_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 514                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(OOPProvFail_TS3b_TEST_CMDS)"
 515                        else
 516                        run_OOPProvFail_TS3: FORCE
 517                        	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ PEGASUS_DISABLE_PRIVILEGED_TESTS defined: Skipping run_OOPProvFail_TS3"
 518                        endif
 520                        ###############################################################################
 521 denise.eckstein  1.47  ##  Indication SSL Test Suite 1: Indication Testing over HTTPS
 522                        ##
 523                        ##  Configuration Options: (none)
 524                        ##
 525                        ###############################################################################
 526 denise.eckstein  1.50  INDSSL_TS1a_CONFIG_OPTIONS = enableHttpsConnection=true enableAuthentication=false
 527 denise.eckstein  1.47  INDSSL_TS1a_TEST_CMDS = \
 528 denise.eckstein  1.50  	$(MAKE)@@--directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Providers/TestProviders/IndicationStressTestProvider/testclient@@-f@@Makefile@@run_TS1_AuthenticationDisabled
 530                        INDSSL_TS1b_CONFIG_OPTIONS = enableHttpsConnection=true enableAuthentication=true sslClientVerificationMode=required
 531 denise.eckstein  1.47  INDSSL_TS1b_TEST_CMDS = \
 532 denise.eckstein  1.50  	$(MAKE)@@--directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Providers/TestProviders/IndicationStressTestProvider/testclient@@-f@@Makefile@@run_TS1_AuthenticationEnabled
 534 denise.eckstein  1.47  
 535                        ifdef PEGASUS_HAS_SSL
 536 jim.wunderlich   1.53  ifndef PEGASUS_DISABLE_PRIVILEGED_TESTS
 537 jim.wunderlich   1.61  run_INDSSL_TS1: EnableUsers Create_SSL_Certificate_ignore
 538 denise.eckstein  1.47  	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 539 denise.eckstein  1.50              CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(INDSSL_TS1a_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 540 denise.eckstein  1.47              TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(INDSSL_TS1a_TEST_CMDS)"
 541                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 542 denise.eckstein  1.50              CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(INDSSL_TS1b_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 543 denise.eckstein  1.47              TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(INDSSL_TS1b_TEST_CMDS)"
 544                        else
 545                        run_INDSSL_TS1: FORCE
 546 jim.wunderlich   1.53  	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ PEGASUS_DISABLE_PRIVILEGED_TESTS defined: Skipping run_INDSSL_TS1"	
 547                        endif
 548                        else
 549                        run_INDSSL_TS1: FORCE
 550                        	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ PEGASUS_HAS_SSL not defined: Skipping run_INDSSL_TS1"
 551 denise.eckstein  1.47  endif
 554                        ###############################################################################
 555 kumpf            1.101 
 556 denise.eckstein  1.47  ###############################################################################
 557 sushma.fernandes 1.84  ##  SSL IPv4 Test Suite : Tests SSL connections for IPv4
 558                        ##
 559                        ##  Configuration Options: enableHttpsConnection=true
 560                        ##  NOTE : Authentication is not enabled as we are only verifying
 561                        ##         if SSL based IPv6 connections are working correctly. The osinfo
 562                        ##         client requires a password to be passed for a remote connection
 563 kumpf            1.101 ##         otherwise it will prompt for one. As a work around,
 564                        ##         we are providing a dummy password.
 565 sushma.fernandes 1.84  ##
 566                        ###############################################################################
 567 ouyang.jian      1.91  SSL_IPV4_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS = enableHttpsConnection=true \
 568                              enableAuthentication=false
 569 sushma.fernandes 1.84  SSL_IPV4_TS1_CMD_1 = \
 570                                osinfo -s -w notapassword -h -p 5989
 571                        SSL_IPV4_TS1_CMD_2 = \
 572                                osinfo -s -w notapassword -h localhost -p 5989
 574                        ifdef PEGASUS_HAS_SSL
 575                            run_SSL_IPV4_TS1: FORCE
 576                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 577                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(SSL_IPV4_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 578                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(SSL_IPV4_TS1_CMD_1)"
 579                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 580                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(SSL_IPV4_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 581                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(SSL_IPV4_TS1_CMD_2)"
 582                        else
 583                            run_SSL_IPV4_TS1: FORCE
 584                        	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ PEGASUS_HAS_SSL not defined: Skipping run_SSL_IPV4_TS1"
 585                        endif
 587                        ###############################################################################
 588                        ##  SSL IPv6 Test Suite : Tests SSL connections for IPv6
 589                        ##
 590 sushma.fernandes 1.84  ##  Configuration Options: enableHttpsConnection=true
 591                        ##  NOTE : Authentication is not enabled as we are only verifying
 592                        ##         if SSL based IPv6 connections are working correctly. The osinfo
 593                        ##         client requires a password to be passed for a remote connection
 594                        ##         otherwise it will prompt for one. As a work around,
 595 kumpf            1.101 ##         we are providing a dummy password.
 596 sushma.fernandes 1.84  ##
 597 sushma.fernandes 1.86  ##         The IPv4-mapped IPv6 address test is only enabled for unix
 598                        ##         platforms as Windows does not support IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses
 599 kumpf            1.101 ##         on certain versions.
 600 sushma.fernandes 1.86  ##
 601 sushma.fernandes 1.84  ###############################################################################
 602 ouyang.jian      1.91  SSL_IPV6_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS = enableHttpsConnection=true \
 603                              enableAuthentication=false
 604 sushma.fernandes 1.84  SSL_IPV6_TS1_CMD_1 = \
 605                                osinfo -s -w notapassword -h ::1 -p 5989
 606                        SSL_IPV6_TS1_CMD_2 = \
 607                                osinfo -s -w notapassword -h ::ffff: -p 5989
 609                        ifdef PEGASUS_HAS_SSL
 610                            run_SSL_IPV6_TS1: FORCE
 611                            ifeq ($(PEGASUS_TEST_IPV6), true)
 612                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 613                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(SSL_IPV6_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 614                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(SSL_IPV6_TS1_CMD_1)"
 615 sushma.fernandes 1.86        ifeq ($(OS_TYPE), unix)
 616 sushma.fernandes 1.84  	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 617                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(SSL_IPV6_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 618                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(SSL_IPV6_TS1_CMD_2)"
 619 sushma.fernandes 1.86        endif
 620 sushma.fernandes 1.84      else
 621                        	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ PEGASUS_TEST_IPV6 not defined: Skipping run_SSL_IPV6_TS1"
 622                            endif
 623                        else
 624                            run_SSL_IPV6_TS1: FORCE
 625                        	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ PEGASUS_HAS_SSL not defined: Skipping run_SSL_IPV6_TS1"
 626                        endif
 628                        ###############################################################################
 629                        ##  CBA SSL Test Suite 1: Certificate based authentication Tests
 630 nag.boranna      1.27  ##
 631                        ##  Configuration Options: enableAuthentication=true
 632                        ##                         enableHttpsConnection=true
 633                        ##                         sslClientVerificationMode=optional
 634                        ##                         sslTrustStoreUserName=$(CURRENT_USER)
 635                        ##
 636                        ###############################################################################
 637 sushma.fernandes 1.84  SSL_CBA_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS = enableHttpsConnection=true enableAuthentication=true \
 638 nag.boranna      1.27         sslClientVerificationMode=optional sslTrustStoreUserName=$(CURRENT_USER)
 639 sushma.fernandes 1.84  SSL_CBA_TS1_TEST_CMD_1 = \
 640 sushma.fernandes 1.71         $(MAKE)@@--directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Clients/cimtrust/tests@@SSLCertificateTest1
 641 sushma.fernandes 1.84  SSL_CBA_TS1_TEST_CMD_2 = \
 642 sushma.fernandes 1.72         $(MAKE)@@--directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Clients/cimcrl/tests@@SSLCRLTest1
 643 nag.boranna      1.27  
 644 jim.wunderlich   1.39  ifdef PEGASUS_HAS_SSL
 645 jim.wunderlich   1.53  ifndef PEGASUS_DISABLE_PRIVILEGED_TESTS
 646 sushma.fernandes 1.84  run_SSL_CBA_TS1: FORCE
 647 nag.boranna      1.27  	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 648 sushma.fernandes 1.84              CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(SSL_CBA_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 649                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(SSL_CBA_TS1_TEST_CMD_1)"
 650 sushma.fernandes 1.72  	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 651 sushma.fernandes 1.84              CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(SSL_CBA_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 652                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(SSL_CBA_TS1_TEST_CMD_2)"
 653 jim.wunderlich   1.39  else
 654 sushma.fernandes 1.84  run_SSL_CBA_TS1: FORCE
 655                        	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ PEGASUS_DISABLE_PRIVILEGED_TESTS defined: Skipping run_SSL_CBA_TS1"	
 656 jim.wunderlich   1.53  endif
 657                        else
 658 sushma.fernandes 1.84  run_SSL_CBA_TS1: FORCE
 659                        	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ PEGASUS_HAS_SSL not defined: Skipping run_SSL_CBA_TS1"
 660 jim.wunderlich   1.39  
 661                        endif
 663 jim.wunderlich   1.61  ############################################################################
 664 kumpf            1.101 #
 665 jim.wunderlich   1.61  # Create_SSL_Certificate
 666                        #
 667                        # create a certificate that can be used for certification testing.
 668                        # It is currently used by the following tests:
 669                        #            -run_INDSSL_TS1
 670                        #
 671                        Create_SSL_Certificate_ignore: FORCE
 672                        	-$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile Create_SSL_Certificate
 674                        Create_SSL_Certificate: FORCE
 675                        ifdef PEGASUS_HAS_SSL
 676                        ifdef PEGASUS_TEST_USER_DEFINED
 677                        	$(ECHO) "Creating SSL certificate for test"
 678 sushma.fernandes 1.71  	cimtrust -a -U $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -f $(PEGASUS_HOME)/server.pem -Ts
 679 jim.wunderlich   1.61  endif
 680                        else
 681                        	$(ECHO) "PEGASUS_HAS_SSL not defined - Not Creating SSL certificate for test"
 682                        endif
 684 rohini.deshpande 1.108 ############################################################################
 685                        ##
 686                        ##  run_sslCipherSuiteTests
 687                        ##
 688                        ##  Configuration Options: enableHttpsConnection=true
 689                        ##                         sslCipherSuite=HIGH
 690                        ##
 691                        ############################################################################
 693                        SSL_CIPHER_SUITE_TEST_CONFIG_OPTIONS= enableHttpsConnection=true sslCipherSuite=HIGH 
 694                        SSL_CIPHER_SUITE_TEST_CMDS= \
 695                        	$(MAKE)@@--directory \
 696                                    $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Pegasus/Client/tests/SSLCipherVerification/ \
 697                                    -f@@Makefile@@sslCipherSuiteTests
 699                        ifdef PEGASUS_HAS_SSL
 700                        run_sslCipherSuiteTests:
 701                        	@$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 702                                     CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(SSL_CIPHER_SUITE_TEST_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 703                                     TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(SSL_CIPHER_SUITE_TEST_CMDS)"
 704                        else
 705 rohini.deshpande 1.108 run_sslCipherSuiteTests: FORCE
 706                        	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ PEGASUS_HAS_SSL not defined: Skipping run_sslCipherSuiteTests"
 707                        endif
 710 kumpf            1.46  ###############################################################################
 711 kumpf            1.101 ##  G11N Test Suite 1: Globalization Tests
 712 kumpf            1.46  ##
 713                        ##  Configuration Options: forceProviderProcesses=false
 714                        ##
 715                        ###############################################################################
 716                        G11N_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS = forceProviderProcesses=false
 717                        G11N_TS1_TEST_CMDS = \
 718                                $(MAKE) --directory $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Clients/g11ntest \
 719                                    -f Makefile g11ntest
 721                        run_G11N_TS1:
 722                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 723                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(G11N_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 724                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(G11N_TS1_TEST_CMDS)"
 725 j.alex           1.66  
 726                        ###############################################################################
 727                        ##  Stress Test Suite 1:  Default Stress Tests
 728                        ##
 729                        ##  Configuration Options: (none)
 730                        ##
 731                        ###############################################################################
 732                        STRESS_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS =
 733                        STRESS_TS1_TEST_CMDS = \
 734                                TestStressTestController
 736                        run_STRESS_TS1:
 737                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 738                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(STRESS_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 739                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(STRESS_TS1_TEST_CMDS)"
 740 kumpf            1.46  ###############################################################################
 742 denise.eckstein  1.73  ###############################################################################
 743                        ##  SDK Test Suite 1:  SDK Tests
 744                        ##
 745                        ##  Configuration Options: (none)
 746                        ##
 747                        ###############################################################################
 748                        SDK_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS =
 749                        SDK_TS1_TEST_CMDS = \
 750                                $(MAKE) --directory $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/SDK/samples \
 751 kumpf            1.101             -f Makefile testSDK
 752 denise.eckstein  1.73  
 753                        ifeq ($(PEGASUS_TEST_SDK),true)
 754                        run_SDK_TS1: FORCE
 755                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/mak \
 756                                    -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/mak/SDKMakefile stageINCLUDE \
 757                                    PEGASUS_STAGING_DIR=$(PEGASUS_HOME) \
 758                                    PEGASUS_INCLUDE_DIR=/include
 759                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/SDK/samples \
 760                                    -f Makefile clean
 761                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/SDK/samples \
 762                                    -f Makefile PEGASUS_INCLUDE_DIR=$(PEGASUS_HOME)/include
 763                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 764                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(SDK_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 765                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(SDK_TS1_TEST_CMDS)"
 766                        else
 767                        run_SDK_TS1: FORCE
 768                        	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ PEGASUS_TEST_SDK is not true: Skipping run_SDK_TS1"	
 769                        endif
 770                        ###############################################################################
 771 jim.wunderlich   1.39  
 772 nag.boranna      1.27  ###############################################################################
 773 carolann.graves  1.75  ##  Export Client SSL Test Suite 1:
 774                        ##
 775                        ##  Configuration Options: enableHttpsConnection=true
 776                        ##
 777                        ###############################################################################
 778                        ExportClientSSL_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS = enableHttpsConnection=true
 779                        ExportClientSSL_TS1_TEST_CMDS = \
 780                        	$(MAKE)@@--directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Pegasus/ExportClient/tests/ExportClient@@-f@@Makefile@@runExportClientSSL_TS1
 782                        ifdef PEGASUS_HAS_SSL
 783                        run_ExportClientSSL_TS1:
 784                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 785                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(ExportClientSSL_TS1_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 786                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(ExportClientSSL_TS1_TEST_CMDS)"
 787                        else
 788                        run_ExportClientSSL_TS1: FORCE
 789                        	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ PEGASUS_HAS_SSL not defined: Skipping run_ExportClientSSL_TS1"
 790                        endif
 792                        ###############################################################################
 793 nag.boranna      1.27  
 794 jim.wunderlich   1.34  
 796 w.otsuka         1.76  ###############################################################################
 797 dave.sudlik      1.88  ##  idleConnectionTimeout Test Suite 1:  uses ChunkingStressProvider Tests
 798                        ##
 799 dave.sudlik      1.89  ##  Configuration Options: idleConnectionTime=55
 800 dave.sudlik      1.88  ##
 801                        ###############################################################################
 802 dave.sudlik      1.89  IDLE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_1_CONFIG_OPTIONS = idleConnectionTimeout=55
 803 dave.sudlik      1.88  IDLE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_1_TEST_CMDS = \
 804                        	$(MAKE)@@--directory \
 805                                    $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Providers/TestProviders/ChunkingStressProvider/testclient \
 806                                    -f@@Makefile@@poststarttests
 807                        run_idleConnectionTimeout1: FORCE
 808                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 809                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(IDLE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_1_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 810                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(IDLE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_1_TEST_CMDS)"
 811                        ###############################################################################
 813                        ###############################################################################
 814                        ##  idleConnectionTimeout Test Suite 2:  uses IdleConnectionTimeout client test
 815                        ##
 816                        ##  Configuration Options: idleConnectionTime=6
 817                        ##
 818                        ###############################################################################
 819                        IDLE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_2_CONFIG_OPTIONS = idleConnectionTimeout=6
 820                        IDLE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_2_TEST_CMDS = \
 821                        	$(MAKE)@@--directory \
 822                                    $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Pegasus/Client/tests/IdleConnectionTimeout/ \
 823                                    -f@@Makefile@@timeoutTest@@IDLETIME=10
 824 dave.sudlik      1.88  run_idleConnectionTimeout2: FORCE
 825                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 826                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(IDLE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_2_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 827                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(IDLE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_2_TEST_CMDS)"
 828                        ###############################################################################
 830 sahana.prabhakar 1.103 ###############################################################################
 831                        ##  cimserver thread limit test:
 832                        ##
 833                        ##  Configuration Options: none
 834                        ##
 835                        ###############################################################################
 836                        CIMSERVER_THREAD_LIMIT_TEST_CONFIG_OPTIONS = forceProviderProcesses=true
 837                        CIMSERVER_THREAD_LIMIT_TEST_CMDS = \
 838                               $(MAKE)@@--directory \
 839                                    $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Providers/TestProviders/FaultyInstanceProvider/testclient \
 840                                    -f@@Makefile@@runAvailabilityTest
 841                        run_Cimserver_Availability: FORCE
 842                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 844                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(CIMSERVER_THREAD_LIMIT_TEST_CMDS)"
 845                        ###############################################################################
 846 dave.sudlik      1.88  
 847                        ###############################################################################
 848 w.otsuka         1.76  ##  cimsub CLI Test Suite 1:  PG_InterOp Tests
 849                        ##
 850                        ##  Configuration Options: (none)
 851                        ##
 852                        ###############################################################################
 853                        CIMSUB_INTEROP_CONFIG_OPTIONS =
 854                        CIMSUB_INTEROP_TEST_CMDS = \
 855                        	$(MAKE) --directory \
 856                                    $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Clients/cimsub/tests/testscriptInterOp \
 857                                    -f Makefile cimsubTest_InterOp
 858                        run_Cimsub_InterOp: FORCE
 859                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 860                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(CIMSUB_INTEROP_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 861                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(CIMSUB_INTEROP_TEST_CMDS)"
 862                        ###############################################################################
 864                        ###############################################################################
 865 s.kodali         1.85  ## CMPI subscription activation Test Suite 1:
 866                        ##
 867                        ## Configuration Options: (none)
 868                        ##
 869                        ###############################################################################
 870                        CMPI_SUB_TEST_CONFIG_OPTIONS=
 871                        CMPI_SUBa_TEST_CMDS = \
 872                        	TestIndicationStressTest TestCMPI_IndicationStressTestClass test/TestProvider setup WQL
 873                        CMPI_SUBb_TEST_CMDS = \
 874                        	TestIndicationStressTest TestCMPI_IndicationStressTestClass test/TestProvider getSubscriptionCount
 875                        CMPI_SUBc_TEST_CMDS =  \
 876                        	TestIndicationStressTest TestCMPI_IndicationStressTestClass test/TestProvider cleanup
 877                        run_Cmpi_Sub: FORCE
 878                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 879                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(CMPI_SUB_TEST_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 880                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(CMPI_SUBa_TEST_CMDS)"
 881                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 882                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(CMPI_SUB_TEST_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 883                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(CMPI_SUBb_TEST_CMDS)"
 884                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 885                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(CMPI_SUB_TEST_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 886 s.kodali         1.85              TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(CMPI_SUBc_TEST_CMDS)"
 887 kumpf            1.101 
 888 s.kodali         1.85  ##############################################################################
 889 w.otsuka         1.76  
 891 s.kodali         1.105 #############################################################################
 892                        ##
 893                        ## 32-bit provider tests on 64-bit CIMServer
 894                        ##
 895                        #############################################################################
 897                        TEST_32BIT_CONFIG_OPTIONS = providerDir=lib32:lib
 898                        TEST_32BIT_CMDS = \
 899                               $(MAKE)@@--directory \
 900                                    $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Providers/TestProviders -f@@Makefile.cimprovagt32tests@@cimprovagt32tests
 901                        cimprovagt32tests: FORCE
 902 venkat.puvvada   1.106 ifdef PEGASUS_PLATFORM_FOR_32BIT_PROVIDER_SUPPORT
 903 s.kodali         1.105 	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 904                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="$(TEST_32BIT_CONFIG_OPTIONS)" \
 905                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(TEST_32BIT_CMDS)"
 906 venkat.puvvada   1.106 else
 907                        	@$(ECHO) "PEGASUS_PLATFORM_FOR_32BIT_PROVIDER_SUPPORT not defined, skipping 32-bit tests..."
 908                        endif
 909 s.kodali         1.105 
 910 marek            1.111 #############################################################################
 911                        ##
 912                        ## CIMServer with overridden hostnames testing
 913                        ##
 914                        #############################################################################
 916                        TEST_CHGD_HOSTS_OPTIONS = "hostname=hugo fullyQualifiedHostName=hugo.bert"
 917                        TEST_CHGD_HOSTS_CMDS = \
 918                               $(MAKE)@@--directory \
 919                                    $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Pegasus/Config/tests/ChgdHosts@@chgdhoststest
 920                        chgdhoststests: FORCE
 921                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 922                                    CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS=$(TEST_CHGD_HOSTS_OPTIONS) \
 923                                    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(TEST_CHGD_HOSTS_CMDS)"
 925 venkat.puvvada   1.107 
 926                        #############################################################################
 927                        ##
 928                        ## provider lifecycle indications tests
 929                        ##
 930                        #############################################################################
 931                        run_providerLifecycleIndicationTests: FORCE
 932                        	$(MAKE) --directory $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Providers/TestProviders/TestProviderLifecycleIndications/testclient -f Makefile setupLogFile
 933                        	-$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
 934                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstart CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="forceProviderProcesses=true maxFailedProviderModuleRestarts=1"
 935                        	$(MAKE) --directory $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Providers/TestProviders/TestProviderLifecycleIndications/testclient -f Makefile createPLISubscription
 936                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
 937                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstart CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="forceProviderProcesses=true maxFailedProviderModuleRestarts=1"
 938                        	$(MAKE) --directory $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Providers/TestProviders/TestProviderLifecycleIndications/testclient -f Makefile testPLI
 939                        	$(MAKE) --directory $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Providers/TestProviders/TestProviderLifecycleIndications/testclient -f Makefile deletePLISubscription
 940                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
 941                        	$(MAKE) --directory $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Providers/TestProviders/TestProviderLifecycleIndications/testclient -f Makefile testLogFile
 943 dev.meetei       1.110 
 944                        #############################################################################
 945                        ##
 946                        ## Network Interface restriction tests
 947                        ##
 948                        ##  Configuration Options: enableHttpsConnection=true
 949                        ##                         enableHttpConnection=true
 950                        ##                         listenAddress=x.y.x.z
 951                        ##
 952                        #############################################################################
 953                        startcimListenAddress: FORCE
 954                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstart CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="enableHttpConnection=true enableHttpsConnection=true listenAddress=::1,"
 955                        	$(SLEEP) 5
 959                        LISTENING_ADD = $(shell TestListenAddress getSystemInterface)
 960                        RESTRICT_INTRFC_TEST_CONFIG_OPTIONS= enableHttpConnection=true enableHttpsConnection=true listenAddress=$(LISTENING_ADD) 
 961                        RESTRICT_INTRFC_TEST_CMDS=$(MAKE)@@--directory $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Pegasus/Server/tests/InterfaceRestriction@@-f@@Makefile@@RestrictionTest
 963                        ifneq ($(strip $(LISTENING_ADD)),)
 964 dev.meetei       1.110 run_interfaceRestrictionTest:FORCE
 965                        	$(MAKE) -f $(PEGASUS_ROOT)/TestMakefile runTestSuite \
 967                        	    TESTSUITE_CMDS="$(RESTRICT_INTRFC_TEST_CMDS)"
 968                        else
 969                        run_interfaceRestrictionTest:FORCE
 970                        	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ No Network Interface Detected: Skipping Network Restriction Test+++++++"
 971                        endif
 974 jim.wunderlich   1.34  ##############################################################################
 975                        ##
 976                        ## TestXMLRepository rule is used to run the poststarttests suite on
 977                        ## the XML Repository built using cimmofl
 978                        ##
 979                        ## TestXMLRepositoryServer rule is used to run the poststarttests suite on
 980                        ## the XML Repository built using cimmof
 981                        ##
 982 kumpf            1.101 ## TestXMLCmpRepository rule is used to run the poststarttest suite on
 983 jim.wunderlich   1.34  ## the XML Compressed Repository built using cimmofl
 984                        ##
 986                        ############################
 987                        ##
 988                        ## TestXMLRepository
 989                        ##
 991                        TestXMLRepository: TestXMLClean TestXMLBuildRepo  TestXMLRepo
 992                        	@ $(ECHO) TestXMLRepository +++++ passed all test
 994                        ############################
 995                        ##
 996                        ## TestXMLRepositoryServer
 997                        ##
 998                        TestXMLRepositoryServer: TestXMLClean  TestXMLBuildRepoServ TestXMLRepo
 999                        	@ $(ECHO) TestXMLRepositoryServer +++++ passed all test
1001                        ############################
1002                        ##
1003                        ## TestXMLCmpRepository -  run poststarttest on Compressed BIN Repository
1004 jim.wunderlich   1.34  ##
1005                        ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_COMPRESSED_REPOSITORY
1006                        TestXMLCmpRepository: FORCE
1007                        	@ $(ECHO) TestXMLCmpRepository +++++ Repository compressed by default - nothing more to test.
1008                        	@ $(ECHO) TestXMLCmpRepository +++++ passed all test
1009                        else
1011                        ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_COMPRESSED_REPOSITORY_TEST
1013                        TestXMLCmpRepository: TestXMLClean  TestCmpBuild TestXMLBuildRepo TestXMLRepo TestRegBuild
1014                        	@ $(ECHO) TestXMLCmpRepository +++++ passed all test
1015                        else
1016                        TestXMLCmpRepository: FORCE
1017 kumpf            1.101 	@ $(ECHO) TestXMLCmpRepository +++++ Not tested
1018 jim.wunderlich   1.34  	@ $(ECHO) TestXMLCmpRepository +++++ refer to readme.compressed_repository
1019 kumpf            1.101 	@ $(ECHO) TestXMLCmpRepository +++++ to enable: set PEGASUS_ENABLE_COMPRESSED_REPOSITORY_TEST=true
1020 jim.wunderlich   1.34  endif
1021                        endif
1023                        ###########################
1024                        ##
1025                        ## TestXMLClean
1026                        ##
1027                        TestXMLClean: FORCE
1028 kumpf            1.101 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
1029 jim.wunderlich   1.34  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile repositoryclean REPOSITORY_NAME=repository_xml
1032                        ###########################
1033                        ##
1034                        ## TestXMLStartServer
1035                        ##
1036                        TestXMLStartServer: FORCE
1037                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Server -f Makefile install_run
1038                        	- $(MKDIRHIER) $(PEGASUS_HOME)/repository_xml
1039                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstart CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="repositoryDir=$(PEGASUS_HOME)/repository_xml"
1040                        	$(SLEEP) 5
1042                        ####
1043                        #### The following caused the cimserver to fail on startup
1044                        ####
1045                        ####	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstart CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="enableBinRepository=false repositoryDir=$(PEGASUS_HOME)/repository_xml"
1047                        ###########################
1048                        ##
1049                        ## TestXMLBuildRepo
1050 jim.wunderlich   1.34  ##
1051                        TestXMLBuildRepo: FORCE
1052                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile repository REPOSITORY_NAME=repository_xml REPOSITORY_MODE=XML
1053                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile testrepository REPOSITORY_NAME=repository_xml REPOSITORY_MODE=XML
1056                        ###########################
1057                        ##
1058                        ## TestXMLBuildRepoServ
1059                        ##
1060                        TestXMLBuildRepoServ: TestXMLStartServer
1061                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile repositoryServer REPOSITORY_NAME=repository_xml REPOSITORY_MODE=XML
1062                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile testrepositoryServer REPOSITORY_NAME=repository_xml REPOSITORY_MODE=XML
1063 kumpf            1.101 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
1064 jim.wunderlich   1.34  
1066                        ###########################
1067                        ##
1068                        ## TestXMLRepo
1069                        ##
1070 jim.wunderlich   1.40  TestXMLRepo: servertestsclean
1071 jim.wunderlich   1.35  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile TestXMLStartServer
1072 jim.wunderlich   1.34  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile poststarttests REPOSITORY_NAME=repository_xml REPOSITORY_MODE=XML
1073 kumpf            1.101 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
1074 jim.wunderlich   1.34  
1080 jim.wunderlich   1.29  ##############################################################################
1081                        ##
1082 jim.wunderlich   1.31  ## TestBinRepository rule is used to run the poststarttests suite on
1083 jim.wunderlich   1.33  ## the Binary Repository built using cimmofl
1084 jim.wunderlich   1.29  ##
1085 jim.wunderlich   1.31  ## TestBinRepositoryServer rule is used to run the poststarttests suite on
1086 jim.wunderlich   1.33  ## the Binary Repository built using cimmof
1087                        ##
1088 kumpf            1.101 ## TestBinCmpRepository rule is used to run the poststarttest suite on
1089 jim.wunderlich   1.33  ## the Binry Compressed Repository built using cimmofl
1090 jim.wunderlich   1.29  ##
1091 jim.wunderlich   1.31  
1092                        ############################
1093 jim.wunderlich   1.29  ##
1094 jim.wunderlich   1.31  ## TestBinRepository
1095 jim.wunderlich   1.29  ##
1096 jim.wunderlich   1.33  ### bug 3011 disabled Binary Repository testing on LINUX_IA64 to allow
1097                        ### the nightly tests to run
1099 jim.wunderlich   1.31  TestBinRepository: TestBinClean TestBinBuildRepo  TestBinRepo
1100 jim.wunderlich   1.33  	@ $(ECHO) TestBinRepository +++++ passed all test
1101 jim.wunderlich   1.36  
1102 jim.wunderlich   1.29  
1103 jim.wunderlich   1.31  ############################
1104                        ##
1105                        ## TestBinRepositoryServer
1106                        ##
1107                        TestBinRepositoryServer: TestBinClean  TestBinBuildRepoServ TestBinRepo
1108 jim.wunderlich   1.33  	@ $(ECHO) TestBinRepositoryServer +++++ passed all test
1110                        ############################
1111                        ##
1112                        ## TestBinCmpRepository -  run poststarttest on Compressed BIN Repository
1113                        ##
1114                        ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_COMPRESSED_REPOSITORY
1115 jim.wunderlich   1.34  TestBinCmpRepository: FORCE
1116 jim.wunderlich   1.33  	@ $(ECHO) TestBinCmpRepository +++++ Repository compressed by default - nothing more to test.
1117                        	@ $(ECHO) TestBinCmpRepository +++++ passed all test
1118                        else
1120                        ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_COMPRESSED_REPOSITORY_TEST
1122 jim.wunderlich   1.34  TestBinCmpRepository: TestBinClean  TestCmpBuild TestBinBuildRepo TestBinRepo TestRegBuild
1123 jim.wunderlich   1.33  	@ $(ECHO) TestBinCmpRepository +++++ passed all test
1124                        else
1125 jim.wunderlich   1.34  TestBinCmpRepository: FORCE
1126 kumpf            1.101 	@ $(ECHO) TestBinCmpRepository +++++ Not tested
1127 jim.wunderlich   1.33  	@ $(ECHO) TestBinCmpRepository +++++ refer to readme.compressed_repository
1128 kumpf            1.101 	@ $(ECHO) TestBinCmpRepository +++++ to enable: set PEGASUS_ENABLE_COMPRESSED_REPOSITORY_TEST=true
1129 jim.wunderlich   1.33  endif
1130                        endif
1133 jim.wunderlich   1.31  ###########################
1134                        ##
1135                        ## TestBinClean
1136                        ##
1137 jim.wunderlich   1.34  TestBinClean: FORCE
1138 kumpf            1.101 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
1139 jim.wunderlich   1.31  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile repositoryclean REPOSITORY_NAME=repository_bin
1140 jim.wunderlich   1.29  
1141 jim.wunderlich   1.31  
1142                        ###########################
1143 jim.wunderlich   1.29  ##
1144 jim.wunderlich   1.31  ## TestBinStartServer
1145 jim.wunderlich   1.29  ##
1146 jim.wunderlich   1.34  TestBinStartServer: FORCE
1147 jim.wunderlich   1.30  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/src/Server -f Makefile install_run
1148 jim.wunderlich   1.31  	- $(MKDIRHIER) $(PEGASUS_HOME)/repository_bin
1149                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstart CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="enableBinaryRepository=true repositoryDir=$(PEGASUS_HOME)/repository_bin"
1150 jim.wunderlich   1.29  	$(SLEEP) 5
1151 jim.wunderlich   1.31  
1152                        ###########################
1153 jim.wunderlich   1.29  ##
1154 jim.wunderlich   1.31  ## TestBinBuildRepo
1155 jim.wunderlich   1.29  ##
1156 jim.wunderlich   1.34  TestBinBuildRepo: FORCE
1157 jim.wunderlich   1.29  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile repository REPOSITORY_NAME=repository_bin REPOSITORY_MODE=BIN
1158                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile testrepository REPOSITORY_NAME=repository_bin REPOSITORY_MODE=BIN
1159 jim.wunderlich   1.31  
1161                        ###########################
1162                        ##
1163                        ## TestBinBuildRepoServ
1164                        ##
1165                        TestBinBuildRepoServ: TestBinStartServer
1166                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile repositoryServer REPOSITORY_NAME=repository_bin REPOSITORY_MODE=BIN
1167                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile testrepositoryServer REPOSITORY_NAME=repository_bin REPOSITORY_MODE=BIN
1168 kumpf            1.101 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
1169 jim.wunderlich   1.31  
1171                        ###########################
1172                        ##
1173                        ## TestBinRepo
1174                        ##
1175 kumpf            1.101 TestBinRepo: servertestsclean
1176 jim.wunderlich   1.35  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile TestBinStartServer
1177 jim.wunderlich   1.29  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile poststarttests REPOSITORY_NAME=repository_bin REPOSITORY_MODE=BIN
1178 kumpf            1.101 	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
1179 jim.wunderlich   1.29  
1182 jim.wunderlich   1.34  
1183                        ############################
1184                        ##
1185                        ## TestCmpBuild - used to compile the repository for compression
1186                        ##
1187                        TestCmpBuild: FORCE
1188                        	@ $(MAKE) "-SC" $(ROOT)/src/Pegasus/Repository clean
1189                        	@ $(MAKE) "-SC" $(ROOT)/src/Pegasus/Repository depend PEGASUS_ENABLE_COMPRESSED_REPOSITORY=1
1190                        	@ $(MAKE) "-SC" $(ROOT)/src/Pegasus/Repository PEGASUS_ENABLE_COMPRESSED_REPOSITORY=1
1193                        ############################
1194                        ##
1195                        ## TestRegBuild - used to compile the repository for no compression
1196                        ##
1197                        TestRegBuild: FORCE
1198                        	@ $(MAKE) "-SC" $(ROOT)/src/Pegasus/Repository clean
1199 kumpf            1.101 	@ $(MAKE) "-SC" $(ROOT)/src/Pegasus/Repository depend
1200                        	@ $(MAKE) "-SC" $(ROOT)/src/Pegasus/Repository
1201 jim.wunderlich   1.34  
1202 nag.boranna      1.27  ###############################################################################
1203 kumpf            1.1   ##
1204                        ## Trace Configuration
1205                        ##
1206 jim.wunderlich   1.43  ## Options: see usagetrace rule
1207                        ##
1208                        ###############################################################################
1210                        usagetrace: FORCE
1211                        	$(USAGE)
1212 jim.wunderlich   1.60  	$(USAGE)"TestMakefile Trace Commands: "
1213                        	$(USAGE)"  The cimserver must be running when using W=c which is the default for W"
1214 jim.wunderlich   1.43  	$(USAGE)
1215 jim.wunderlich   1.60  	$(USAGE)" traceon  W=[current/planned(c,p):   Enables all tracing."
1216                        	$(USAGE)" traceoff W=[current/planned(c,p):   Disables all tracing."
1217                        	$(USAGE)" tracesettings:                      Displays all trace settings."
1218                        	$(USAGE)" tracecomp:                          Displays a trace componenets list."
1219                        	$(USAGE)" traceon-CL C=[comp] L=[level(1,2,3,4)] W=[current/planned(c,p): "
1220                        	$(USAGE)"                           Enables tracing on component C at trace level L."
1221                        	$(USAGE)
1222 kumpf            1.101 	$(USAGE)" W defaults to c in the above commands where W can be specified"
1223 jim.wunderlich   1.43  	$(USAGE)
1224 jim.wunderlich   1.60  	$(USAGE)"  Usage examples:"
1225                        	$(USAGE)"   traceon       turns on trace in current server config"
1226                        	$(USAGE)"   traceon W=c   turns on trace in current server config"
1227                        	$(USAGE)"   traceon W=p   turns on trace in planned server config"
1228                        	$(USAGE)"   traceoff      turns on trace in current server config"
1229                        	$(USAGE)"   traceoff W=c  turns on trace in current server config"
1230                        	$(USAGE)"   traceoff W=p  turns on trace in planned server config"
1231                        	$(USAGE)
1232                        	$(USAGE)"   traceon-CL C=DiscardedData L=3 W=c"
1233                        	$(USAGE)"     Turns on trace for DiscardedData at level 3 in current server config"
1234                        	$(USAGE)"   traceon-CL C=DiscardedData L=3 W=p"
1235                        	$(USAGE)"     Turns on trace for DiscardedData at level 3 in planned server config"
1236 jim.wunderlich   1.43  	$(USAGE)
1237                        	$(USAGE)
1239                        traceon: FORCE
1240 kumpf            1.101 	@ cimconfig -s traceComponents=ALL -$W
1241 jim.wunderlich   1.60  	@ cimconfig -s traceLevel=3 -$W
1242                        	$(MAKE) -f $(ROOT)/TestMakefile tracesettings
1244 jim.wunderlich   1.43  
1245                        traceoff: FORCE
1246 jim.wunderlich   1.60  	@ cimconfig -s traceComponents=  -$W
1247                        	$(MAKE) -f $(ROOT)/TestMakefile tracesettings
1248 jim.wunderlich   1.43  
1250                        tracesettings: FORCE
1251                        	@ $(ECHO) " "
1252 jim.wunderlich   1.60  	cimconfig -g traceComponents -c -p
1253 jim.wunderlich   1.43  	@ $(ECHO) " "
1254 jim.wunderlich   1.60  	cimconfig -g traceLevel -c -p
1255 jim.wunderlich   1.43  	@ $(ECHO) " "
1256 jim.wunderlich   1.60  	cimconfig -g traceFilePath -c -p
1257 jim.wunderlich   1.43  	@ $(ECHO) " "
1259                        traceon-CL: FORCE
1260 jim.wunderlich   1.60  	@ cimconfig -s traceComponents=$C -$W
1261                        	@ cimconfig -s traceLevel=$L -$W
1262                        	$(MAKE) -f $(ROOT)/TestMakefile tracesettings
1263 jim.wunderlich   1.43  
1264                        tracecomp: FORCE
1265                        	$(USAGE)
1266                        	$(USAGE)"Trace component list:"
1267                        	$(USAGE)
1268                        	$(USAGE)"Channel"
1269                        	$(USAGE)"XmlParser"
1270                        	$(USAGE)"XmlWriter"
1271                        	$(USAGE)"XmlReader"
1272                        	$(USAGE)"XmlIO"
1273                        	$(USAGE)"Http"
1274                        	$(USAGE)"CimData"
1275                        	$(USAGE)"ProvManager"
1276                        	$(USAGE)"Repository"
1277                        	$(USAGE)"Dispatcher"
1278                        	$(USAGE)"OsAbstraction"
1279                        	$(USAGE)"Config"
1280                        	$(USAGE)"IndDelivery"
1281                        	$(USAGE)"IndHandler"
1282                        	$(USAGE)"Authentication"
1283                        	$(USAGE)"Authorization"
1284 jim.wunderlich   1.43  	$(USAGE)"UserManager"
1285                        	$(USAGE)"SubscriptionService"
1286                        	$(USAGE)"Registration"
1287                        	$(USAGE)"Shutdown"
1288                        	$(USAGE)"Server"
1289                        	$(USAGE)"IndicationService"
1290                        	$(USAGE)"IndicationServiceInternal"
1291                        	$(USAGE)"ConfigurationManager"
1292                        	$(USAGE)"MessageQueueService"
1293                        	$(USAGE)"ProviderManager"
1294                        	$(USAGE)"ObjectResolution"
1295                        	$(USAGE)"WQL"
1296                        	$(USAGE)"CQL"
1297                        	$(USAGE)"Thread"
1298                        	$(USAGE)"MetaDispatcher"
1299                        	$(USAGE)"IPC"
1300                        	$(USAGE)"IndicationHandlerService"
1301                        	$(USAGE)"CIMExportRequestDispatcher"
1302                        	$(USAGE)"Memory"
1303                        	$(USAGE)"SSL"
1304                        	$(USAGE)"ControlProvider"
1305 jim.wunderlich   1.43  	$(USAGE)"AsyncOpNode"
1306                        	$(USAGE)"CIMOMHandle"
1307                        	$(USAGE)"L10N"
1308                        	$(USAGE)"ExportClient"
1309                        	$(USAGE)"Listener"
1310                        	$(USAGE)"DiscardedData"
1311                        	$(USAGE)"ProviderAgent"
1312                        	$(USAGE)
1314                        ###############################################################################
1315                        ##
1316                        ## Trace Configuration - Old rules being deprecated
1317                        ##
1318 kumpf            1.1   ## Options:
1319                        ##      XMLTraceOn: Enables XML request and response tracing.
1320                        ##      ProviderLoadTraceOn: Enables Provider load tracing.
1321                        ##      XML+ProviderLoadTraceOn: Enables both XML request/response and Provider
1322                        ##                                 load tracing.
1323                        ##      AllTraceOn: Enables all tracing.
1324                        ##      AllTraceOff: Disables all tracing.
1325                        ##      list: Lists trace settings.
1326                        ##
1327                        ###############################################################################
1329                        XMLTraceOn:
1330                        	cimconfig -s traceComponents=XmlIO -c
1331                        	cimconfig -s traceLevel=3 -c
1332                        	cimconfig -g traceComponents
1333                        	cimconfig -g traceLevel
1335                        ProviderLoadTraceOn:
1336                        	cimconfig -s traceComponents=ProvManager,OsAbstraction
1337                        	cimconfig -s traceLevel=3 -c
1338                        	cimconfig -g traceComponents
1339 kumpf            1.1   	cimconfig -g traceLevel
1341                        XML+ProviderLoadTraceOn:
1342                        	cimconfig -s traceComponents=XmlIO,ProvManager,OsAbstraction
1343                        	cimconfig -s traceLevel=3 -c
1344                        	cimconfig -g traceComponents
1345                        	cimconfig -g traceLevel
1347 jim.wunderlich   1.43  AllTraceOn: traceon
1349                        AllTraceOff: traceoff
1350 kumpf            1.1   
1351 jim.wunderlich   1.43  list: tracesettings
1352 kumpf            1.1   
1353 jim.wunderlich   1.55  #########################################################################
1354                        # standardtests
1355                        #
1356                        # More testing options...
1357                        #
1358 kumpf            1.101 # The standard test seem to contain additional test that may not be able
1359 jim.wunderlich   1.55  # to run on all platforms so they have been grouped here for now rather than
1360                        # being included in the serversuite rule.
1361                        #
1362                        # The test are:
1363                        #      TestCimmof
1364                        #      TestNoSecurity
1365                        #      TestLocalSecurity
1366                        #      TestRemoteSecurity
1367                        #      TestAuthorization
1368                        #
1369                        # NOTE: The TestsNoSecurity test is comprised of DisableSecurity and
1370                        #       TestNoSecurity.
1371                        #
1372                        # NOTE: The TestNoSecurity step runs the servertests which builds the
1373                        #       the repository that is then left in place for the remaining tests.
1374                        #       The cimof test must be before the TestNosecurity step as it removes
1375                        #       the repository builds a new one with cimmofl and another one with
1376 kumpf            1.101 #       cimmof and then compares them.
1377 jim.wunderlich   1.55  #
1378 kumpf            1.101 # NOTE: The Authentication test is comprised of EnableAuthentication,
1379                        #       TestLocalSecurity and TestRemoteSecurity.
1380 jim.wunderlich   1.55  #
1381                        # NOTE: The Authorization test is comprised of EnableAuthorization and
1382 kumpf            1.101 #       TestAuthorization.
1383 jim.wunderlich   1.55  #
1384 kumpf            1.101 # NOTE: The EnableAuthentication and EnableAuthorization steps require
1385 jim.wunderlich   1.55  #       root access. Pegasus doesn't currently have the infrastructure
1386                        #       in place to run the server as root and run the test as non-root.
1387                        #       Rather than run everything, server, tests, providers, clients etc.
1388                        #       as root many testers prefer to run the tests as non-root. Setting
1389 kumpf            1.101 #       PEGASUS_DISABLE_PRIVILEGED_TESTS in the environment helps to
1390 jim.wunderlich   1.55  #       facilitate that.
1391                        #
1392 kumpf            1.1   
1393 jim.wunderlich   1.40  standardtests: FORCE
1394 kumpf            1.21  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i DisableSecurity
1395                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile TestCimmof
1396 kumpf            1.94  #	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile TestNoSecurity
1397                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile repository testrepository
1398 jim.wunderlich   1.55  ifndef PEGASUS_DISABLE_PRIVILEGED_TESTS
1399 kumpf            1.21  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile EnableAuthentication
1400                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile TestLocalSecurity
1401                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile TestRemoteSecurity
1402                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile EnableAuthorization
1403                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile TestAuthorization
1404 jim.wunderlich   1.53  else
1405 jim.wunderlich   1.55  	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ PEGASUS_DISABLE_PRIVILEGED_TESTS defined: Skipping EnableAuthentication, TestLocalSecurity, and TestRemoteSecurity "
1406 jim.wunderlich   1.53  	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ PEGASUS_DISABLE_PRIVILEGED_TESTS defined: Skipping EnableAuthorization and TestAuthorization "	
1407                        endif
1408 kumpf            1.94          # Reset the security options to the defaults
1409                        	cimconfig -u enableNamespaceAuthorization -p
1410                        	cimconfig -u enableAuthentication -p
1411 kumpf            1.93  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
1412 jim.wunderlich   1.40  	@ $(ECHO) "+++++ TestMakefile standardtests complete"
1413 kumpf            1.1   
1414                        TestNoSecurity:
1415 jim.wunderlich   1.56  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile servertests
1416 kumpf            1.24  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile startcimWithoutSSL
1417 kumpf            1.21  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile RunTestClientLocal
1418 kumpf            1.1   
1419                        TestLocalSecurity:
1420 kumpf            1.21  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile RunTestClientLocal
1421 kumpf            1.1   	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/test/wetest -f Makefile poststarttests HOSTNAME= PORT= USER= PASSWORD= SECURITY_ENABLED=true
1423                        TestRemoteSecurity:
1424 jim.wunderlich   1.59  	TestClient -user $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -password $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_PASS) $(system):5988
1425                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/test/wetest/static -f Makefile poststarttests HOSTNAME=-h$(system) USER=-u$(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) PASSWORD=-w$(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_PASS) SECURITY_ENABLED=true
1426 kumpf            1.1   
1427                        TestAuthorization:
1428 jim.wunderlich   1.59  	TestPegClientDeleteNamespace -a -user $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -password $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_PASS)
1429 kumpf            1.21  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile RunTestClientLocal
1430 jim.wunderlich   1.59  	TestClient -user $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -password $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_PASS) $(system):5988
1431                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/test/wetest/static -f Makefile poststarttests HOSTNAME=-h$(system) USER=-u$(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) PASSWORD=-w$(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_PASS) SECURITY_ENABLED=true
1432 kumpf            1.1   
1433                        TestSubscriptions:
1434 kumpf            1.21  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile DisableSecurity
1435 kumpf            1.1   	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile repository
1436                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile testrepository
1437 kumpf            1.21  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile startcimWithoutSSL
1438 david.dillard    1.15  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT)/test/wetest/cimv2/Subscription -f Makefile poststarttests
1439 kumpf            1.21  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile cimstop
1440 kumpf            1.1   
1441                        TestCimmof:
1442 kumpf            1.95          # Build the repository with cimmofl and cimmof and compare them.
1443                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
1444                        	-@$(MOVE) $(REPOSITORY_DIR)/repository $(REPOSITORY_DIR)/repository-save
1445                        	@$(RMREPOSITORY) $(REPOSITORY_DIR)/repository-cimmofl
1446                        	@$(RMREPOSITORY) $(REPOSITORY_DIR)/repository-cimmof
1447                        	@$(ECHO) $(CIM_SCHEMA_DIR)
1448                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile repository
1449                        	@$(MOVE) $(REPOSITORY_DIR)/repository $(REPOSITORY_DIR)/repository-cimmofl
1450                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile cimstart
1451                        	@$(ECHO) $(CIM_SCHEMA_DIR)
1452                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f Makefile repositoryServer
1453                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile cimstop
1454                        	@$(MOVE) $(REPOSITORY_DIR)/repository $(REPOSITORY_DIR)/repository-cimmof
1455                        	-@$(MOVE) $(REPOSITORY_DIR)/repository-save $(REPOSITORY_DIR)/repository
1456                        	TestCompareRepositories $(REPOSITORY_DIR)/repository-cimmofl $(REPOSITORY_DIR)/repository-cimmof
1457                        	@$(RMREPOSITORY) $(REPOSITORY_DIR)/repository-cimmofl
1458                        	@$(RMREPOSITORY) $(REPOSITORY_DIR)/repository-cimmof
1459 kumpf            1.1   
1460                        RunTestClientLocal:
1461                        	TestClient -local
1463                        DisableSecurity:
1464 kumpf            1.21  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
1465 kumpf            1.1   	cimconfig -s enableAuthentication=false -p
1466                        	cimconfig -s enableNamespaceAuthorization=false -p
1468 jim.wunderlich   1.61  EnableUsers:
1469                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
1470                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile startcimWithoutSSL
1471                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile ConfigureUsers
1473 kumpf            1.1   EnableAuthentication:
1474 kumpf            1.21  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
1475 kumpf            1.1   	cimconfig -s enableAuthentication=true -p
1476 kumpf            1.21  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile startcimWithoutSSL
1477                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile ConfigureUsers
1478 kumpf            1.1   
1479                        EnableAuthorization:
1480 kumpf            1.21  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
1481 kumpf            1.10  	cimconfig -s enableNamespaceAuthorization=true -p
1482 kumpf            1.21  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile startcimWithoutSSL
1483                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i ConfigureAuthorizations
1484 kumpf            1.1   
1485                        EnableSSL:
1486 kumpf            1.21  	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstop
1487                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile startcimWithSSL
1488 kumpf            1.1   
1489 jim.wunderlich   1.61  #
1490                        # ConfigureUsers
1491                        #
1492                        # The server must be running prior to invoking this rule
1493                        #
1494 kumpf            1.1   ConfigureUsers:
1495                        ifndef PEGASUS_PAM_AUTHENTICATION
1496 jim.wunderlich   1.62  	-cimuser -l
1497 jim.wunderlich   1.61  	-cimuser -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -w $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_PASS)
1498 kumpf            1.1   endif
1500 jim.wunderlich   1.61  #
1501                        # ConfigureAuthorizations rule
1502                        #
1503                        # The server must be running prior to invoking this rule
1504                        #
1505 kumpf            1.1   ConfigureAuthorizations:
1506 jim.wunderlich   1.59  	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n test/cimv2 -R -W
1507                        	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n root/cimv2 -R -W
1508                        	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n root/PG_Internal -R -W
1509 anusha.kandepu   1.109 	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n $(PEGASUS_INTEROP_NAMESPACE) -R -W
1510 jim.wunderlich   1.59  	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n root/benchmark -R -W
1511                        	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n root/sampleprovider -R -W
1512                        	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n test/static -R -W
1513                        	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n root/SampleProvider -R -W
1514                        	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n root -R -W
1515 sushma.fernandes 1.80  	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n root/MCCAtest/A -R -W
1516                        	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n root/MCCAtest/B -R -W
1517 kumpf            1.65  	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n test/TestProvider -R -W
1518 jim.wunderlich   1.59  	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n test1 -R -W
1519                        	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n test2 -R -W
1520                        	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n test3 -R -W
1521                        	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n test4 -R -W
1522                        	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n test5 -R -W
1523                        	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n test6 -R -W
1524                        	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n test1/test2 -R -W
1525                        	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n test1/test2/test3 -R -W
1526                        	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n test1/test2/test3/test4 -R -W
1527                        	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n test1/test2/test3/test4/test5 -R -W
1528                        	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_TEST_USER_ID) -n test1/test2/test3/test4/test5/test6 -R -W
1529 kumpf            1.82  ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_PRIVILEGE_SEPARATION),true)
1530 kumpf            1.83  	cimauth -a -u $(PEGASUS_CIMSERVERMAIN_USER) -n root/cimv2 -R -W
1531 kumpf            1.82  endif
1532 kumpf            1.1   
1533 jim.wunderlich   1.41  startcimWithoutSSL: FORCE
1534                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstart
1535 kumpf            1.19  	$(SLEEP) 5
1536 kumpf            1.1   
1537 jim.wunderlich   1.41  startcimWithSSL: FORCE
1538                        	$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile -i cimstart CIMSERVER_CONFIG_OPTIONS="enableHttpConnection=false enableHttpsConnection=true"
1539 kumpf            1.19  	$(SLEEP) 5
1540 j.alex           1.66  
1541 denise.eckstein  1.97  ###############################################################################
1542                        ##
1543                        ## check_for_cores - used to search for core files in the build environment.
1544                        ##
1545                        ## This option will search (1) each source directory, (2) the PEGASUS_CORE_DIR
1546                        ## if it is defined and (3) the PEGASUS_TMP directory.
1547                        ##
1548                        ###############################################################################
1549                        CORE_FILE_LIST = $(PEGASUS_HOME)/CoreFileList
1551                        check_core_search_results:
1552                        ifneq ($(wildcard $(CORE_FILE_LIST)), )
1553                        	@$(ECHO) "*** One or more core files found. ***"
1554                        	@$(CAT) $(CORE_FILE_LIST)
1555                        	@exit 1
1556                        endif
1558                        ifdef PEGASUS_CORE_DIR
1559                           CORE_FILES_IN_CORE_DIR = \
1560                               $(wildcard $(PEGASUS_CORE_DIR)/$(PLATFORM_CORE_PATTERN))
1561                        endif
1562 denise.eckstein  1.97  ifdef PEGASUS_TMP
1563                           CORE_FILES_IN_TMP_DIR = \
1564                               $(wildcard $(PEGASUS_TMP)/$(PLATFORM_CORE_PATTERN))
1565                        endif
1567                        generate_core_file_list:
1568                        	@$(RM) $(CORE_FILE_LIST)
1569                        	@$(MAKE) -s directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) general OPTION=CORE_SEARCH \
1570 kumpf            1.101             CORE_FILE_LIST=$(CORE_FILE_LIST)
1571 denise.eckstein  1.97  ifdef PEGASUS_CORE_DIR
1572                           ifneq ($(CORE_FILES_IN_CORE_DIR), )
1573                        	@$(ECHO) $(CORE_FILES_IN_CORE_DIR) >> $(CORE_FILE_LIST)
1574                           endif
1575                        endif
1576                        ifdef PEGASUS_TMP
1577                           ifneq ($(CORE_FILES_IN_TMP_DIR), )
1578                        	@$(ECHO) $(CORE_FILES_IN_TMP_DIR) >> $(CORE_FILE_LIST)
1579                           endif
1580                        endif
1582                        check_for_cores:
1583                        	@$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile \
1584 kumpf            1.101             generate_core_file_list
1585 denise.eckstein  1.97  	@$(MAKE) --directory=$(PEGASUS_ROOT) -f TestMakefile \
1586 kumpf            1.101             check_core_search_results
1587 kumpf            1.102 
1588                        ###############################################################################
1589                        ##
1590                        ## option_summary - used to generate a concise list of build options for use in
1591                        ## a nightly build status report.  This is not intended to be a complete list,
1592                        ## so it is likely that some options are omitted.  New options may be added
1593                        ## here as needs dictate.
1594                        ##
1595                        ###############################################################################
1597                        OPTION_SUMMARY =
1598                        ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_CMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER),true)
1599                            OPTION_SUMMARY += "+CMPI"
1600                        endif
1601                        ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_CQL),true)
1602                            OPTION_SUMMARY += "+CQL"
1603                        endif
1604                        ifeq ($(PEGASUS_HAS_ICU),true)
1605                            OPTION_SUMMARY += "+ICU"
1606                        endif
1607                        ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_IPV6),true)
1608 kumpf            1.102     OPTION_SUMMARY += "+IPv6"
1609                        endif
1610                        ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_JMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER),true)
1611                            OPTION_SUMMARY += "+JMPI"
1612                        endif
1613                        ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_PRIVILEGE_SEPARATION),true)
1614                            OPTION_SUMMARY += "+PrivSep"
1615                        endif
1616                        ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_EXECQUERY
1617                            OPTION_SUMMARY += "+Query"
1618                        endif
1619                        ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_REMOTE_CMPI
1620                            OPTION_SUMMARY += "+RCMPI"
1621                        endif
1622                        ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP),true)
1623                            OPTION_SUMMARY += "+SLP"
1624                        endif
1625                        ifeq ($(PEGASUS_USE_SQLITE_REPOSITORY),true)
1626                            OPTION_SUMMARY += "+SQLite"
1627                        endif
1628                        ifdef PEGASUS_HAS_SSL
1629 kumpf            1.102     OPTION_SUMMARY += "+SSL"
1630                        endif
1631                        ifeq ($(PEGASUS_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_WSMAN),true)
1632                            OPTION_SUMMARY += "+WSMan"
1633                        endif
1635                        option_summary:
1636                        	@$(ECHO) "$(OPTION_SUMMARY)"

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