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   1 a.dunfey 1.1 // ===================================================================
   2              // Title:  Core Service
   3              // $State: Preliminary $
   4              // $Date: 2005/01/05 00:54:00 $
   5              // $Source: /home/dmtf2/dotorg/var/cvs/repositories/dev/Schema/MOF/Core_Service.mof,v $
   6              // $Revision: 1.9 $
   7              // ===================================================================
   8              //#pragma inLine ("Includes/copyright.inc")
   9              // Copyright 1998-2005 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF).
  10              // All rights reserved.
  11              // DMTF is a not-for-profit association of industry members dedicated
  12              // to promoting enterprise and systems management and interoperability.
  13              // DMTF specifications and documents may be reproduced for uses
  14              // consistent with this purpose by members and non-members,
  15              // provided that correct attribution is given.
  16              // As DMTF specifications may be revised from time to time,
  17              // the particular version and release date should always be noted.
  18              // 
  19              // Implementation of certain elements of this standard or proposed
  20              // standard may be subject to third party patent rights, including
  21              // provisional patent rights (herein "patent rights"). DMTF makes
  22 a.dunfey 1.1 // no representations to users of the standard as to the existence
  23              // of such rights, and is not responsible to recognize, disclose, or
  24              // identify any or all such third party patent right, owners or
  25              // claimants, nor for any incomplete or inaccurate identification or
  26              // disclosure of such rights, owners or claimants. DMTF shall have no
  27              // liability to any party, in any manner or circumstance, under any
  28              // legal theory whatsoever, for failure to recognize, disclose, or
  29              // identify any such third party patent rights, or for such party's
  30              // reliance on the standard or incorporation thereof in its product,
  31              // protocols or testing procedures. DMTF shall have no liability to
  32              // any party implementing such standard, whether such implementation
  33              // is foreseeable or not, nor to any patent owner or claimant, and shall
  34              // have no liability or responsibility for costs or losses incurred if
  35              // a standard is withdrawn or modified after publication, and shall be
  36              // indemnified and held harmless by any party implementing the
  37              // standard from any and all claims of infringement by a patent owner
  38              // for such implementations.
  39              // 
  40              // For information about patents held by third-parties which have
  41              // notified the DMTF that, in their opinion, such patent may relate to
  42              // or impact implementations of DMTF standards, visit
  43 a.dunfey 1.1 // http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/disclosures.php.
  44              //#pragma inLine
  45              // ===================================================================
  46              // Description: The Core Model defines basic management concepts.
  47              //              This file defines the concepts for a Help Service
  48              // 
  49              //              The object classes below are listed in an order that
  50              //              avoids forward references. Required objects, defined
  51              //              by other working groups, are omitted.
  52              // ==================================================================
  53              // Change Log for v2.9 Preliminary
  54              // CR1175 - Add ManagementSAP association
  55              // CR1313 - Changes needed in ProtocolEndpoint to support NFS and
  56              //          CIFS file sharing protocols and the NDMP protocol needed
  57              //          for backup/copy services.
  58              // CR1336 - Add TimeService and related classes. Deprecate CIM_TimeZone
  59              // 
  60              // Change Log for v2.8 Final
  61              // CR1205 - Update ProtocolIFType definitions to match latest
  62              //          IANAifType-MIB definitions
  63              // CR1210 - Removal of experimental Qualifiers for core.
  64 a.dunfey 1.1 // 
  65              // Change Log for v2.8 Preliminary
  66              // CR1092  - Move Service and SAP related classes to their own file
  67              // CR1124 - Add CIM_SAPAvailableForElement
  68              // CR1128 - Addition of HostedDependency
  69              // ==================================================================
  71              #pragma locale ("en_US")
  73              // ==================================================================
  74              // Service
  75              // ==================================================================
  76                 [Abstract, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description (
  77                     "A CIM_Service is a Logical Element that contains the "
  78                     "information necessary to represent and manage the "
  79                     "functionality provided by a Device and/or SoftwareFeature. A "
  80                     "Service is a general-purpose object to configure and manage "
  81                     "the implementation of functionality. It is not the "
  82                     "functionality itself.")]
  83              class CIM_Service : CIM_EnabledLogicalElement {
  85 a.dunfey 1.1       [Key, Propagated ( "CIM_System.CreationClassName" ), 
  86                     Description (
  87                        "The scoping System's CreationClassName."), 
  88                     MaxLen ( 256 )]
  89                 string SystemCreationClassName;
  91                    [Key, Propagated ( "CIM_System.Name" ), Description (
  92                        "The scoping System's Name."), 
  93                     MaxLen ( 256 )]
  94                 string SystemName;
  96                    [Key, Description (
  97                        "CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the "
  98                        "subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used "
  99                        "with the other key properties of this class, this property "
 100                        "allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be "
 101                        "uniquely identified."), 
 102                     MaxLen ( 256 )]
 103                 string CreationClassName;
 105                    [Key, Override ( "Name" ), Description (
 106 a.dunfey 1.1           "The Name property uniquely identifies the Service and "
 107                        "provides an indication of the functionality that is "
 108                        "managed. This functionality is described in more detail in "
 109                        "the object's Description property."), 
 110                     MaxLen ( 256 )]
 111                 string Name;
 113                    [Write, Description (
 114                        "The name of the primary owner for the service, if one is "
 115                        "defined. The primary owner is the initial support contact "
 116                        "for the Service."), 
 117                     MaxLen ( 64 ), 
 118                     MappingStrings { "MIF.DMTF|General Information|001.3" }]
 119                 string PrimaryOwnerName;
 121                    [Write, Description (
 122                        "A string that provides information on how the primary owner "
 123                        "of the Service can be reached (e.g. phone number, email "
 124                        "address, ...)."), 
 125                     MaxLen ( 256 ), 
 126                     MappingStrings { "MIF.DMTF|General Information|001.4" }]
 127 a.dunfey 1.1    string PrimaryOwnerContact;
 129                    [Deprecated { "CIM_Service.EnabledDefault" }, Description (
 130                        "StartMode is a string value indicating whether the Service "
 131                        "is automatically started by a System, Operating System, "
 132                        "etc. or only started upon request. This property is "
 133                        "deprecated in lieu of the EnabledDefault property inherited "
 134                        "from EnabledLogicalElement, which addresses the same "
 135                        "semantics. The change to a uint16 data type was discussed "
 136                        "when CIM V2.0 was defined. However, existing V1.0 "
 137                        "implementations used the string property and did not want "
 138                        "to modify their code. Therefore, StartMode was "
 139                        "grandfathered into the Schema. Use of the Deprecated "
 140                        "qualifier allows the maintenance of the existing property, "
 141                        "but also permits an improved, clarified definition using "
 142                        "EnabledDefault."), 
 143                     ValueMap { "Automatic", "Manual" }, MaxLen ( 10 )]
 144                 string StartMode;
 146                    [Description (
 147                        "Started is a boolean indicating whether the Service has "
 148 a.dunfey 1.1           "been started (TRUE), or stopped (FALSE).")]
 149                 boolean Started;
 151                    [Description (
 152                        "The StartService method places the Service in the started "
 153                        "state. Note that this method's function overlaps with the "
 154                        "RequestedState property. RequestedState was added to the "
 155                        "model to maintain a record (i.e., a persisted value) of the "
 156                        "last state request. Invoking the StartService method should "
 157                        "set the RequestedState property appropriately. The method "
 158                        "returns an integer value of 0 if the Service was "
 159                        "successfully started, 1 if the request is not supported and "
 160                        "any other number to indicate an error. In a subclass, the "
 161                        "set of possible return codes could be specified, using a "
 162                        "ValueMap qualifier on the method. The strings to which the "
 163                        "ValueMap contents are 'translated' may also be specified in "
 164                        "the subclass as a Values array qualifier. \n"
 165                        "\n"
 166                        "Note that this method overlaps in semantics with the "
 167                        "RequestStateChange method inherited from "
 168                        "EnabledLogicalElement. This method is maintained since it "
 169 a.dunfey 1.1           "has been widely implemented, and its simple 'start' "
 170                        "semantics are convenient to use.")]
 171                 uint32 StartService(); 
 173                    [Description (
 174                        "The StopService method places the Service in the stopped "
 175                        "state. Note that this method's function overlaps with the "
 176                        "RequestedState property. RequestedState was added to the "
 177                        "model to maintain a record (i.e., a persisted value) of the "
 178                        "last state request. Invoking the StopService method should "
 179                        "set the RequestedState property appropriately. The method "
 180                        "returns an integer value of 0 if the Service was "
 181                        "successfully stopped, 1 if the request is not supported and "
 182                        "any other number to indicate an error. In a subclass, the "
 183                        "set of possible return codes could be specified, using a "
 184                        "ValueMap qualifier on the method. The strings to which the "
 185                        "ValueMap contents are 'translated' may also be specified in "
 186                        "the subclass as a Values array qualifier. \n"
 187                        "\n"
 188                        "Note that this method overlaps in semantics with the "
 189                        "RequestStateChange method inherited from "
 190 a.dunfey 1.1           "EnabledLogicalElement. This method is maintained since it "
 191                        "has been widely implemented, and its simple 'stop' "
 192                        "semantics are convenient to use.")]
 193                 uint32 StopService(); 
 194              };
 197              // ==================================================================
 198              // HostedService
 199              // ==================================================================
 200                 [Association, Version ( "2.8.0" ), Description (
 201                     "CIM_HostedService is an association between a Service and the "
 202                     "System on which the functionality resides. The cardinality of "
 203                     "this association is 1-to-many. A System may host many "
 204                     "Services. Services are weak with respect to their hosting "
 205                     "System. Heuristic: A Service is hosted on the System where the "
 206                     "LogicalDevices or SoftwareFeatures that implement the Service "
 207                     "are located. The model does not represent Services hosted "
 208                     "across multiple systems. This is modeled as an "
 209                     "ApplicationSystem that acts as an aggregation point for "
 210                     "Services, that are each located on a single host.")]
 211 a.dunfey 1.1 class CIM_HostedService : CIM_HostedDependency {
 213                    [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Min ( 1 ), Max ( 1 ), Description (
 214                        "The hosting System.")]
 215                 CIM_System REF Antecedent;
 217                    [Override ( "Dependent" ), Weak, Description (
 218                        "The Service hosted on the System.")]
 219                 CIM_Service REF Dependent;
 220              };
 223              // ==================================================================
 224              // ProvidesServiceToElement
 225              // ==================================================================
 226                 [Association, Deprecated { "CIM_ServiceAvailableToElement" },
 227                  Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description (
 228                     "The use of the CIM_ProvidesServiceToElement class has been "
 229                     "deprecated. Instead, ServiceAvailableToElement conveys the "
 230                     "semantics of 'use', while the subclasses of ProvidesService "
 231                     "ToElement (or the ConcreteDependency association) describe "
 232 a.dunfey 1.1        "dependency relationships. CIM_ProvidesServiceToElement was "
 233                     "meant to generalize the ServiceServiceDependency association. "
 234                     "It tried to indicate that ManagedElements may use the "
 235                     "functionality provided by one or more Services. An example is "
 236                     "that a Processor and an enclosure (a PhysicalElement) may use "
 237                     "AlertOnLAN Services to signal an incomplete or erroneous boot. "
 238                     "In reality, AlertOnLAN is simply a HostedService on a computer "
 239                     "system that is generally 'available for 'use' and not a "
 240                     "dependency of the processor or enclosure. To describe that use "
 241                     "of the service may be restricted or have limited availability/ "
 242                     "applicability, then the CIM_ServiceAvailableToElement "
 243                     "association would be instantiated.")]
 244              class CIM_ProvidesServiceToElement : CIM_Dependency {
 246                    [Deprecated { "CIM_ServiceAvailableToElement.ServiceProvided" },
 247                     Override ( "Antecedent" ), Description (
 248                        "The Service provided.")]
 249                 CIM_Service REF Antecedent;
 251                    [Deprecated { "CIM_ServiceAvailableToElement.UserOfService" },
 252                     Override ( "Dependent" ), Description (
 253 a.dunfey 1.1           "The ManagedElement dependent on the Service.")]
 254                 CIM_ManagedElement REF Dependent;
 255              };
 258              // ==================================================================
 259              // ServiceAvailableToElement
 260              // ==================================================================
 261                 [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description (
 262                     "CIM_ServiceAvailableToElement conveys the semantics of a "
 263                     "Service being available for the 'use' of a ManagedElement. An "
 264                     "example is that a Processor and an enclosure (a "
 265                     "PhysicalElement) may use AlertOnLAN Services to signal an "
 266                     "incomplete or erroneous boot. In reality, AlertOnLAN is simply "
 267                     "a HostedService on a computer system that is generally "
 268                     "'available for use', and not a dependency of the processor or "
 269                     "enclosure. To describe that use of this service is restricted "
 270                     "or has limited availability/applicability, then the "
 271                     "CIM_ServiceAvailableToElement association would be "
 272                     "instantiated between the Service and specific CIM_Processors "
 273                     "and CIM_Chassis .")]
 274 a.dunfey 1.1 class CIM_ServiceAvailableToElement {
 276                    [Key, Description (
 277                        "The Service that is available.")]
 278                 CIM_Service REF ServiceProvided;
 280                    [Key, Description (
 281                        "The ManagedElement that may use the Service.")]
 282                 CIM_ManagedElement REF UserOfService;
 283              };
 286              // ===================================================================
 287              // ServiceAffectsElement
 288              // ===================================================================
 289                 [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description (
 290                     "ServiceAffectsElement represents an association between a "
 291                     "Service and the ManagedElement(s) that may be affected by its "
 292                     "execution. Instantiating this association indicates that "
 293                     "running the service will pose some burden on the "
 294                     "ManagedElement that may affect performance, throughput, "
 295 a.dunfey 1.1        "availability, etc.")]
 296              class CIM_ServiceAffectsElement {
 298                    [Key, Description (
 299                        "The Managed Element affected by the Service.")]
 300                 CIM_ManagedElement REF AffectedElement;
 302                    [Key, Description (
 303                        "The Service that is affecting the ManagedElement.")]
 304                 CIM_Service REF AffectingElement;
 306                    [Description (
 307                        "An enumeration describing the 'effect' on the "
 308                        "ManagedElement. This array corresponds to the "
 309                        "OtherElementEffectsDescriptions array, where the latter "
 310                        "provides details related to the high-level 'effects' "
 311                        "enumerated by this property. Additional detail is required "
 312                        "if the ElementEffects array contains the value 1, "
 313                        "\"Other\"."), 
 314                     ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" }, 
 315                     Values { "Unknown", "Other", "Exclusive Use",
 316 a.dunfey 1.1           "Performance Impact", "Element Integrity" },
 317                        ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
 318                     ModelCorrespondence { 
 319                        "CIM_ServiceAffectsElement.OtherElementEffectsDescriptions" }]
 320                 uint16 ElementEffects[];
 322                    [Description (
 323                        "Provides details for the 'effect' at the corresponding "
 324                        "array position in ElementEffects. This information is "
 325                        "required ElementEffects contains the value 1 (\"Other\")."), 
 326                     ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
 327                     ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_ServiceAffectsElement.ElementEffects" 
 328                        }]
 329                 string OtherElementEffectsDescriptions[];
 330              };
 333              // ==================================================================
 334              // ServiceServiceDependency
 335              // ==================================================================
 336                 [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description (
 337 a.dunfey 1.1        "CIM_ServiceServiceDependency is an association between a "
 338                     "Service and another Service, indicating that the latter is "
 339                     "required to be present, required to have completed, or must be "
 340                     "absent for the former Service to provide its functionality. "
 341                     "For example, Boot Services may be dependent upon underlying "
 342                     "system initialization Services. In the case of the "
 343                     "initialization Services, the Boot Service may be dependent on "
 344                     "the init Services completing. \n"
 345                     "Examining the ServiceServiceDependency class definition, note "
 346                     "that its superclass ProvidesServiceToElement is deprecated. "
 347                     "Unfortunately, ProvidesServiceToElement cannot be removed from "
 348                     "the object hierarchy without a major Schema release. When/if "
 349                     "this occurs, the ProvidesServiceToElement superclass will be "
 350                     "removed, and ServiceServiceDependency will subclass from "
 351                     "CIM_Dependency directly.")]
 352              class CIM_ServiceServiceDependency : CIM_ProvidesServiceToElement {
 354                    [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Description (
 355                        "The required Service.")]
 356                 CIM_Service REF Antecedent;
 358 a.dunfey 1.1       [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description (
 359                        "The Service that is dependent on an underlying Service.")]
 360                 CIM_Service REF Dependent;
 362                    [Description (
 363                        "The nature of the Service to Service dependency. This "
 364                        "property describes that the associated Service must have "
 365                        "completed (value=2), must be started (3) or must not be "
 366                        "started (4) in order for the Service to function."), 
 367                     ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" }, 
 368                     Values { "Unknown", "Other", "Service Must Have Completed",
 369                        "Service Must Be Started", "Service Must Not Be Started" }]
 370                 uint16 TypeOfDependency;
 372                    [Description (
 373                        "This property describes that the Antecedent Service must be "
 374                        "restarted after the Dependent operation is complete.")]
 375                 boolean RestartService;
 376              };
 379 a.dunfey 1.1 // ==================================================================
 380              // ServiceComponent
 381              // ==================================================================
 382                 [Association, Aggregation, Version ( "2.6.0" ), Description (
 383                     "The ServiceComponent aggregation models a set of subordinate "
 384                     "Services that are aggregated together to form a higher-level "
 385                     "service.")]
 386              class CIM_ServiceComponent : CIM_Component {
 388                    [Aggregate, Override ( "GroupComponent" ), Description (
 389                        "The parent Service.")]
 390                 CIM_Service REF GroupComponent;
 392                    [Override ( "PartComponent" ), Description (
 393                        "The component Service.")]
 394                 CIM_Service REF PartComponent;
 395              };
 398              // ==================================================================
 399              // ServiceAccessPoint
 400 a.dunfey 1.1 // ==================================================================
 401                 [Abstract, Version ( "2.6.0" ), Description (
 402                     "CIM_ServiceAccessPoint represents the ability to utilize or "
 403                     "invoke a Service. Access points represent that a Service is "
 404                     "made available to other entities for use.")]
 405              class CIM_ServiceAccessPoint : CIM_EnabledLogicalElement {
 407                    [Key, Propagated ( "CIM_System.CreationClassName" ), 
 408                     Description (
 409                        "The scoping System's CreationClassName."), 
 410                     MaxLen ( 256 )]
 411                 string SystemCreationClassName;
 413                    [Key, Propagated ( "CIM_System.Name" ), Description (
 414                        "The scoping System's Name."), 
 415                     MaxLen ( 256 )]
 416                 string SystemName;
 418                    [Key, Description (
 419                        "CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the "
 420                        "subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used "
 421 a.dunfey 1.1           "with the other key properties of this class, this property "
 422                        "allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be "
 423                        "uniquely identified."), 
 424                     MaxLen ( 256 )]
 425                 string CreationClassName;
 427                    [Key, Override ( "Name" ), Description (
 428                        "The Name property uniquely identifies the "
 429                        "ServiceAccessPoint and provides an indication of the "
 430                        "functionality that is managed. This functionality is "
 431                        "described in more detail in the object's Description "
 432                        "property."), 
 433                     MaxLen ( 256 )]
 434                 string Name;
 435              };
 438              // ==================================================================
 439              // HostedAccessPoint
 440              // ==================================================================
 441                 [Association, Version ( "2.8.0" ), Description (
 442 a.dunfey 1.1        "CIM_HostedAccessPoint is an association between a Service "
 443                     "AccessPoint and the System on which it is provided. The "
 444                     "cardinality of this association is 1-to-many and is weak with "
 445                     "respect to the System. Each System may host many "
 446                     "ServiceAccessPoints. Heuristic: If the implementation of the "
 447                     "ServiceAccessPoint is modeled, it must be implemented by a "
 448                     "Device or SoftwareFeature that is part of the System hosting "
 449                     "the ServiceAccessPoint.")]
 450              class CIM_HostedAccessPoint : CIM_HostedDependency {
 452                    [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Min ( 1 ), Max ( 1 ), Description (
 453                        "The hosting System.")]
 454                 CIM_System REF Antecedent;
 456                    [Override ( "Dependent" ), Weak, Description (
 457                        "The SAP(s) that are hosted on this System.")]
 458                 CIM_ServiceAccessPoint REF Dependent;
 459              };
 461              // ==================================================================
 462              // SAPAvailableForElement
 463 a.dunfey 1.1 // ==================================================================
 464                 [Association, Version ( "2.8.0" ), Description (
 465                     "CIM_SAPAvailableForElement conveys the semantics of a Service "
 466                     "Access Point being available for a ManagedElement. When "
 467                     "CIM_SAPAvailableForElement is not instantiated then the SAP is "
 468                     "assumed to be generally available. If instantiated, the SAP is "
 469                     "only available for the associated ManagedElements. For "
 470                     "example, a device might provide management access through a "
 471                     "URL. This association allows the URL to be advertised for the "
 472                     "device.")]
 473              class CIM_SAPAvailableForElement {
 475                    [Key, Description (
 476                        "The Service Access Point that is available.")]
 477                 CIM_ServiceAccessPoint REF AvailableSAP;
 479                    [Key, Description (
 480                        "The ManagedElement for which the SAP is available.")]
 481                 CIM_ManagedElement REF ManagedElement;
 482              };
 484 a.dunfey 1.1 // ==================================================================
 485              // ManagementSAP
 486              // ==================================================================
 487                 [Association, Experimental, Version ( "2.8.1000" ), Description (
 488                     "Indicates that the associated ServiceAccessPoint provides "
 489                     "management access for the referenced element. For example, it "
 490                     "might be a UDP interface for SNMP access, or a URL.")]
 491              class CIM_ManagementSAP : CIM_SAPAvailableForElement {
 493                    [Override ( "AvailableSAP" ), Description (
 494                        "The access point through which the element can be managed.")]
 495                 CIM_ServiceAccessPoint REF AvailableSAP;
 497                    [Override ( "ManagedElement" ), Description (
 498                        "The element being managed.")]
 499                 CIM_ManagedElement REF ManagedElement;
 500              };
 502              // ==================================================================
 503              // ServiceSAPDependency
 504              // ==================================================================
 505 a.dunfey 1.1    [Association, Version ( "2.6.0" ), Description (
 506                     "CIM_ServiceSAPDependency is an association between a Service "
 507                     "and a ServiceAccessPoint indicating that the referenced SAP is "
 508                     "utilized by the Service to provide its functionality. For "
 509                     "example, Boot Services may invoke BIOS' Disk Services "
 510                     "(interrupts) in order to function.")]
 511              class CIM_ServiceSAPDependency : CIM_Dependency {
 513                    [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Description (
 514                        "The required ServiceAccessPoint.")]
 515                 CIM_ServiceAccessPoint REF Antecedent;
 517                    [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description (
 518                        "The Service that is dependent on an underlying SAP.")]
 519                 CIM_Service REF Dependent;
 520              };
 523              // ==================================================================
 524              // ServiceAccessBySAP
 525              // ==================================================================
 526 a.dunfey 1.1    [Association, Version ( "2.6.0" ), Description (
 527                     "CIM_ServiceAccessBySAP is an association that identifies the "
 528                     "access points for a Service. For example, a printer may be "
 529                     "accessed by Netware, MacIntosh or Windows ServiceAccess "
 530                     "Points, potentially hosted on different Systems.")]
 531              class CIM_ServiceAccessBySAP : CIM_Dependency {
 533                    [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Description (
 534                        "The Service.")]
 535                 CIM_Service REF Antecedent;
 537                    [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description (
 538                        "An Access Point for a Service. Access points are dependent "
 539                        "in this relationship since they have no function without a "
 540                        "corresponding Service.")]
 541                 CIM_ServiceAccessPoint REF Dependent;
 542              };
 545              // ==================================================================
 546              // SAPSAPDependency
 547 a.dunfey 1.1 // ==================================================================
 548                 [Association, Version ( "2.6.0" ), Description (
 549                     "CIM_SAPSAPDependency is an association between a Service "
 550                     "AccessPoint and another ServiceAccessPoint indicating that the "
 551                     "latter is required in order for the former ServiceAccess Point "
 552                     "to utilize or connect with its Service. For example, to print "
 553                     "at a network printer, local Print Access Points must utilize "
 554                     "underlying network-related SAPs, or ProtocolEndpoints, in "
 555                     "order to send the print request.")]
 556              class CIM_SAPSAPDependency : CIM_Dependency {
 558                    [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Description (
 559                        "The required ServiceAccessPoint.")]
 560                 CIM_ServiceAccessPoint REF Antecedent;
 562                    [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description (
 563                        "The ServiceAccessPoint that is dependent on an underlying "
 564                        "SAP.")]
 565                 CIM_ServiceAccessPoint REF Dependent;
 566              };
 568 a.dunfey 1.1 
 569              // ==================================================================
 570              // ActiveConnection
 571              // ==================================================================
 572                 [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description (
 573                     "This association defines a connection that is currently "
 574                     "communicating, or is configured to communicate, between two "
 575                     "ServiceAccessPoints. It is used when the connection is not "
 576                     "treated as a ManagedElement itself (i.e., with Status, "
 577                     "statistics, etc.), but its existence is known. The SAPs that "
 578                     "are connected are typically at the same networking or "
 579                     "application layer.")]
 580              class CIM_ActiveConnection : CIM_SAPSAPDependency {
 582                    [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Description (
 583                        "A ServiceAccessPoint that is configured to communicate "
 584                        "and/or is actively communicating with the Dependent SAP. In "
 585                        "a unidirectional connection, this is the SAP which is "
 586                        "transmitting.")]
 587                 CIM_ServiceAccessPoint REF Antecedent;
 589 a.dunfey 1.1       [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description (
 590                        "A second SeriveAccessPoint that is/can communicate with the "
 591                        "Antecedent SAP. In a unidirectional connection, this is the "
 592                        "SAP that is receiving the communication.")]
 593                 CIM_ServiceAccessPoint REF Dependent;
 595                    [Deprecated { "No value" }, Description (
 596                        "The type of traffic that is carried over this connection. "
 597                        "This property is deprecated since it is incorrectly placed "
 598                        "on the association. Unicast, broadcast or other traffic "
 599                        "types are not a function of the connection between the "
 600                        "referenced endpoints, but on the addressing, protocol, and "
 601                        "basic functionality of the endpoints."), 
 602                     ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" }, 
 603                     Values { "Unknown", "Other", "Unicast", "Broadcast",
 604                        "Multicast", "Anycast" }, 
 605                     ModelCorrespondence { 
 606                        "CIM_ActiveConnection.OtherTrafficDescription" }]
 607                 uint16 TrafficType;
 609                    [Deprecated { "No value" }, Description (
 610 a.dunfey 1.1           "A string describing the type of traffic that is being "
 611                        "carried over this instance when its Type property is set to "
 612                        "1 (e.g., 'Other'). This property is deprecated since it is "
 613                        "incorrectly placed on the association. Unicast, broadcast "
 614                        "or other traffic types are not a function of the connection "
 615                        "between the referenced endpoints, but on the addressing, "
 616                        "protocol, and basic functionality of the endpoints."), 
 617                     MaxLen ( 64 ), 
 618                     ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_ActiveConnection.TrafficType" }]
 619                 string OtherTrafficDescription;
 621                    [Description (
 622                        "TRUE means that this connection is uni-directional; FALSE "
 623                        "means that this connection is bi-directional. When the "
 624                        "connection is unidirectional, the 'speaker' should be "
 625                        "defined as the Antecedent reference. In a bidirectional "
 626                        "connection, the selection of which AccessPoint is the "
 627                        "Antecedent or Dependent is immaterial.")]
 628                 boolean IsUnidirectional;
 629              };
 631 a.dunfey 1.1 
 632              // ==================================================================
 633              // RemoteServiceAccessPoint
 634              // ==================================================================
 635                 [Version ( "2.8.0" ), Description (
 636                     "RemoteServiceAccessPoint describes access and/or addressing "
 637                     "information for a remote connection, that is known to a "
 638                     "'local' network element. This information is scoped/contained "
 639                     "by the 'local' network element, since this is the context in "
 640                     "which it is 'remote'. \n"
 641                     "\n"
 642                     "Why the remote access point is relevant and information on its "
 643                     "use are described by subclassing RemoteService AccessPoint, or "
 644                     "by associating to it.")]
 645              class CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint : CIM_ServiceAccessPoint {
 647                    [Description (
 648                        "Access and/or addressing information for a remote "
 649                        "connection. This can be a host name, network address or "
 650                        "similar information."), 
 651                     ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint.InfoFormat" 
 652 a.dunfey 1.1           }]
 653                 string AccessInfo;
 655                    [Description (
 656                        "An enumerated integer describing the format and "
 657                        "interpretation of the AccessInfo property."), 
 658                     ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
 659                        "11", "12", "13", "100", "101", "102", "103", "104", "200",
 660                        "201", "202", "203", "204", "205", "..", "32768..65535" }, 
 661                     Values { "Other", "Host Name", "IPv4 Address", "IPv6 Address",
 662                        "IPX Address", "DECnet Address", "SNA Address",
 663                        "Autonomous System Number", "MPLS Label",
 664                        "IPv4 Subnet Address", "IPv6 Subnet Address",
 665                        "IPv4 Address Range", "IPv6 Address Range", "Dial String",
 666                        "Ethernet Address", "Token Ring Address", "ATM Address",
 667                        "Frame Relay Address", "URL", "FQDN", "User FQDN",
 668                        "DER ASN1 DN", "DER ASN1 GN", "Key ID", "DMTF Reserved",
 669                        "Vendor Reserved" }, 
 670                     ModelCorrespondence { 
 671                        "CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint.OtherInfoFormatDescription" }]
 672                 uint16 InfoFormat;
 673 a.dunfey 1.1 
 674                    [Description (
 675                        "Describes the format when the property InfoFormat is set to "
 676                        "1 (\"Other\")."), 
 677                     ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint.InfoFormat" 
 678                        }]
 679                 string OtherInfoFormatDescription;
 680              };
 683              // ==================================================================
 684              // RemotePort
 685              // ==================================================================
 686                 [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description (
 687                     "RemotePort adds port information to the access data (such as "
 688                     "IP Address), specified in and inherited from "
 689                     "RemoteServiceAccessPoint. For example, using the additional "
 690                     "properties in this class, one could indicate that UDP Port 123 "
 691                     "is accessed at IP Address xyz. The IP Address would be "
 692                     "specified in the inherited AccessInfo property, while the UDP "
 693                     "Port number would be specified in this class' property, "
 694 a.dunfey 1.1        "PortInfo.")]
 695              class CIM_RemotePort : CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint {
 697                    [Description (
 698                        "Port information that may further specify the remote access "
 699                        "information."), 
 700                     ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_RemotePort.PortProtocol" }]
 701                 string PortInfo;
 703                    [Description (
 704                        "An enumerated integer describing the protocol of the port "
 705                        "addressed by PortInformation."), 
 706                     ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "32768..65535" }, 
 707                     Values { "Other", "TCP", "UDP", "Vendor Specific" }, 
 708                     ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_RemotePort.OtherProtocolDescription" 
 709                        }]
 710                 uint16 PortProtocol;
 712                    [Description (
 713                        "Describes the protocol when the property PortProtocol is "
 714                        "set to 1 (\"Other\")."), 
 715 a.dunfey 1.1        ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_RemotePort.PortProtocol" }]
 716                 string OtherProtocolDescription;
 717              };
 720              // ==================================================================
 721              // ServiceAccessURI
 722              // ==================================================================
 723                 [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description (
 724                     "CIM_ServiceAccessURI represents the ability to utilize or "
 725                     "invoke a Service via a uniform resource identifier. RFC 1738 "
 726                     "describes the Uniform Resource Locator which is a more "
 727                     "specific form of a URI, and RFC 2396 describes the broader, "
 728                     "inclusive URI. Quoting from the RFC, 'A Uniform Resource "
 729                     "Identifier (URI) is a compact string of characters for "
 730                     "identifying an abstract or physical resource.' In the context "
 731                     "of a ServiceAccessPoint, a URI contains the information "
 732                     "necessary to access an associated service (associated via "
 733                     "ServiceAccessBySAP), using a syntax specific to that service.")]
 734              class CIM_ServiceAccessURI : CIM_ServiceAccessPoint {
 736 a.dunfey 1.1       [Required, Description (
 737                        "The LabeledURI property is based on RFC 2079 and its value "
 738                        "and syntax is service specific."), 
 739                     MaxLen ( 256 )]
 740                 string LabeledURI;
 741              };
 744              // ==================================================================
 745              // ProtocolEndpoint
 746              // ==================================================================
 747                 [Version ( "2.8.1000" ), Description (
 748                     "A communication point from which data may be sent or received. "
 749                     "ProtocolEndpoints link system/computer interfaces to "
 750                     "LogicalNetworks.")]
 751              class CIM_ProtocolEndpoint : CIM_ServiceAccessPoint {
 753                    [Override ( "Description" ), 
 754                     MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifDescr" }]
 755                 string Description;
 757 a.dunfey 1.1       [Override ( "OperationalStatus" ), 
 758                     MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifOperStatus" }]
 759                 uint16 OperationalStatus[];
 761                    [Override ( "EnabledState" ), 
 762                     MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifAdminStatus" }]
 763                 uint16 EnabledState;
 765                    [Override ( "TimeOfLastStateChange" ), 
 766                     MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifLastChange" }]
 767                 datetime TimeOfLastStateChange;
 769                    [Override ( "Name" ), Description (
 770                        "A string which identifies this ProtocolEndpoint with either "
 771                        "a port or an interface on a device. To ensure uniqueness, "
 772                        "the Name property should be prepended or appended with "
 773                        "information from the Type or OtherTypeDescription "
 774                        "properties. The method chosen is described in the "
 775                        "NameFormat property of this class."), 
 776                     MaxLen ( 256 )]
 777                 string Name;
 778 a.dunfey 1.1 
 779                    [Description (
 780                        "NameFormat contains the naming heuristic that is chosen to "
 781                        "ensure that the value of the Name property is unique. For "
 782                        "example, one might choose to prepend the name of the port "
 783                        "or interface with the Type of ProtocolEndpoint that this "
 784                        "instance is (e.g., IPv4) followed by an underscore."), 
 785                     MaxLen ( 256 )]
 786                 string NameFormat;
 788                    [Deprecated { "CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.ProtocolIFType" }, 
 789                     Description (
 790                        "ProtocolType is an enumeration providing information to "
 791                        "categorize and classify different instances of this class. "
 792                        "For most instances, information in this enumeration and the "
 793                        "subclass' definition overlap. However, there are several "
 794                        "cases where a specific subclass of ProtocolEndpoint is not "
 795                        "required (for example, there is no Fibre Channel subclass "
 796                        "of ProtocolEndpoint). Hence, this property is needed to "
 797                        "define the type of Endpoint. \n"
 798                        "\n"
 799 a.dunfey 1.1           "This property is deprecated in lieu of the ProtocolIFType "
 800                        "enumeration. This is done to have better alignment between "
 801                        "the IETF's IF-MIB and this CIM class."), 
 802                     ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
 803                        "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19",
 804                        "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27" }, 
 805                     Values { "Unknown", "Other", "IPv4", "IPv6", "IPX", "AppleTalk",
 806                        "DECnet", "SNA", "CONP", "CLNP", "VINES", "XNS", "ATM",
 807                        "Frame Relay", "Ethernet", "TokenRing", "FDDI", "Infiniband",
 808                        "Fibre Channel", "ISDN BRI Endpoint",
 809                        "ISDN B Channel Endpoint", "ISDN D Channel Endpoint", 
 810                        // 22                         
 811                        "IPv4/v6", "BGP", "OSPF", "MPLS", "UDP", "TCP" }, 
 812                     ModelCorrespondence { 
 813                        "CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.OtherTypeDescription" }]
 814                 uint16 ProtocolType;
 816                    [Description (
 817                        "ProtocolIFType is an enumeration synchronized with the IANA "
 818                        "ifType MIB, maintained at the URL, "
 819                        "http://www.iana.org/assignments/ianaiftype-mib. Also, "
 820 a.dunfey 1.1           "additional values defined by the DMTF are included. The "
 821                        "property is used to categorize and classify instances of "
 822                        "the ProtocolEndpoint class. Note that if the ProtocolIFType "
 823                        "is set to 1 (\"Other\"), then the type information should "
 824                        "be provided in the OtherTypeDescription string property."), 
 825                     ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
 826                        "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19",
 827                        "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29",
 828                        "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39",
 829                        "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49",
 830                        "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "57", "58", "59",
 831                        "60", "61", "62", "63", "64", "65", "66", "67", "68", "69",
 832                        "70", "71", "72", "73", "74", "75", "76", "77", "78", "79",
 833                        "80", "81", "82", "83", "84", "85", "86", "87", "88", "89",
 834                        "90", "91", "92", "93", "94", "95", "96", "97", "98", "99",
 835                        "100", "101", "102", "103", "104", "105", "106", "107",
 836                        "108", "109", "110", "111", "112", "113", "114", "115",
 837                        "116", "117", "118", "119", "120", "121", "122", "123",
 838                        "124", "125", "126", "127", "128", "129", "130", "131",
 839                        "132", "133", "134", "135", "136", "137", "138", "139",
 840                        "140", "141", "142", "143", "144", "145", "146", "147",
 841 a.dunfey 1.1           "148", "149", "150", "151", "152", "153", "154", "155",
 842                        "156", "157", "158", "159", "160", "161", "162", "163",
 843                        "164", "165", "166", "167", "168", "169", "170", "171",
 844                        "172", "173", "174", "175", "176", "177", "178", "179",
 845                        "180", "181", "182", "183", "184", "185", "186", "187",
 846                        "188", "189", "190", "191", "192", "193", "194", "195",
 847                        "196", "197", "198", "199", "200", "201", "202", "203",
 848                        "204", "205", "206", "207", "208", "209", "210", "211",
 849                        "212", "213", "214", "215", "216", "217", "218", "219",
 850                        "220", "221", "222", "223", "224", "225..4095", "4096",
 851                        "4097", "4098", "4099", "4100", "4101", "4102", "4103",
 852                        "4104", "4105", "4106", "4107", "4108", "4109", "4110",
 853                        "4111", "4112", "4113", "4114", "4115", "4200", "4201",
 854                        "4202", "4203", "4204", "4205", "4300", "4301..32767",
 855                        "32768.." }, 
 856                     Values { "Unknown", "Other", "Regular 1822", "HDH 1822",
 857                        "DDN X.25", "RFC877 X.25", "Ethernet CSMA/CD",
 858                        "ISO 802.3 CSMA/CD", "ISO 802.4 Token Bus",
 859                        "ISO 802.5 Token Ring", "ISO 802.6 MAN", "StarLAN",
 860                        "Proteon 10Mbit", "Proteon 80Mbit", "HyperChannel", "FDDI",
 861                        "LAP-B", "SDLC", "DS1", "E1", "Basic ISDN", "Primary ISDN",
 862 a.dunfey 1.1           "Proprietary Point-to-Point Serial", "PPP",
 863                        "Software Loopback", "EON", "Ethernet 3Mbit", "NSIP", "SLIP",
 864                        "Ultra", "DS3", "SIP", "Frame Relay", "RS-232", "Parallel",
 865                        "ARCNet", "ARCNet Plus", "ATM", "MIO X.25", "SONET",
 866                        "X.25 PLE", "ISO 802.211c", "LocalTalk", "SMDS DXI",
 867                        "Frame Relay Service", "V.35", "HSSI", "HIPPI", "Modem",
 868                        "AAL5", "SONET Path", "SONET VT", "SMDS ICIP",
 869                        "Proprietary Virtual/Internal", "Proprietary Multiplexor",
 870                        "IEEE 802.12", "Fibre Channel", "HIPPI Interface",
 871                        "Frame Relay Interconnect", "ATM Emulated LAN for 802.3",
 872                        "ATM Emulated LAN for 802.5", "ATM Emulated Circuit",
 873                        "Fast Ethernet (100BaseT)", "ISDN", "V.11", "V.36",
 874                        "G703 at 64K", "G703 at 2Mb", "QLLC",
 875                        "Fast Ethernet 100BaseFX", "Channel", "IEEE 802.11",
 876                        "IBM 260/370 OEMI Channel", "ESCON", "Data Link Switching",
 877                        "ISDN S/T Interface", "ISDN U Interface", "LAP-D",
 878                        "IP Switch", "Remote Source Route Bridging", "ATM Logical",
 879                        "DS0", "DS0 Bundle", "BSC", "Async", "Combat Net Radio",
 880                        "ISO 802.5r DTR", "Ext Pos Loc Report System",
 881                        "AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol",
 882                        "Proprietary Connectionless", "ITU X.29 Host PAD",
 883 a.dunfey 1.1           "ITU X.3 Terminal PAD", "Frame Relay MPI", "ITU X.213",
 884                        "ADSL", "RADSL", "SDSL", "VDSL", "ISO 802.5 CRFP", "Myrinet",
 885                        "Voice Receive and Transmit",
 886                        "Voice Foreign Exchange Office",
 887                        "Voice Foreign Exchange Service", "Voice Encapsulation",
 888                        "Voice over IP", "ATM DXI", "ATM FUNI", "ATM IMA",
 889                        "PPP Multilink Bundle", "IP over CDLC", "IP over CLAW",
 890                        "Stack to Stack", "Virtual IP Address", "MPC", "IP over ATM",
 891                        "ISO 802.5j Fibre Token Ring", "TDLC", "Gigabit Ethernet",
 892                        "HDLC", "LAP-F", "V.37", "X.25 MLP", "X.25 Hunt Group",
 893                        "Transp HDLC", "Interleave Channel", "FAST Channel",
 894                        "IP (for APPN HPR in IP Networks)", "CATV MAC Layer",
 895                        "CATV Downstream", "CATV Upstream", "Avalon 12MPP Switch",
 896                        "Tunnel", "Coffee", "Circuit Emulation Service",
 897                        "ATM SubInterface", "Layer 2 VLAN using 802.1Q",
 898                        "Layer 3 VLAN using IP", "Layer 3 VLAN using IPX",
 899                        "Digital Power Line", "Multimedia Mail over IP", "DTM",
 900                        "DCN", "IP Forwarding", "MSDSL", "IEEE 1394",
 901                        "IF-GSN/HIPPI-6400", "DVB-RCC MAC Layer",
 902                        "DVB-RCC Downstream", "DVB-RCC Upstream", "ATM Virtual",
 903                        "MPLS Tunnel", "SRP", "Voice over ATM",
 904 a.dunfey 1.1           "Voice over Frame Relay", "ISDL", "Composite Link",
 905                        "SS7 Signaling Link", "Proprietary P2P Wireless",
 906                        "Frame Forward", "RFC1483 Multiprotocol over ATM", "USB",
 907                        "IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregate", "BGP Policy Accounting",
 908                        "FRF .16 Multilink FR", "H.323 Gatekeeper", "H.323 Proxy",
 909                        "MPLS", "Multi-Frequency Signaling Link", "HDSL-2", "S-HDSL",
 910                        "DS1 Facility Data Link", "Packet over SONET/SDH",
 911                        "DVB-ASI Input", "DVB-ASI Output", "Power Line",
 912                        "Non Facility Associated Signaling", "TR008", "GR303 RDT",
 913                        "GR303 IDT", "ISUP", "Proprietary Wireless MAC Layer",
 914                        "Proprietary Wireless Downstream",
 915                        "Proprietary Wireless Upstream", "HIPERLAN Type 2",
 916                        "Proprietary Broadband Wireless Access Point to Mulipoint",
 917                        "SONET Overhead Channel", "Digital Wrapper Overhead Channel",
 918                        "ATM Adaptation Layer 2", "Radio MAC", "ATM Radio",
 919                        "Inter Machine Trunk", "MVL DSL", "Long Read DSL",
 920                        "Frame Relay DLCI Endpoint", "ATM VCI Endpoint",
 921                        "Optical Channel", "Optical Transport", "Proprietary ATM",
 922                        "Voice over Cable", "Infiniband", "TE Link", "Q.2931",
 923                        "Virtual Trunk Group", "SIP Trunk Group", "SIP Signaling",
 924                        "CATV Upstream Channel", "Econet", "FSAN 155Mb PON",
 925 a.dunfey 1.1           "FSAN 622Mb PON", "Transparent Bridge", "Line Group",
 926                        "Voice E&M Feature Group", "Voice FGD EANA", "Voice DID",
 927                        "MPEG Transport", "6To4", "GTP", "Paradyne EtherLoop 1",
 928                        "Paradyne EtherLoop 2", "Optical Channel Group", "HomePNA",
 929                        "GFP", "ciscoISLvlan", "actelisMetaLOOP", "Fcip",
 930                        "IANA Reserved", "IPv4", "IPv6", "IPv4/v6", "IPX", "DECnet",
 931                        "SNA", "CONP", "CLNP", "VINES", "XNS",
 932                        "ISDN B Channel Endpoint", "ISDN D Channel Endpoint", "BGP",
 933                        "OSPF", "UDP", "TCP", "802.11a", "802.11b", "802.11g",
 934                        "802.11h", "NFS", "CIFS", "DAFS", "WebDAV", "HTTP", "FTP",
 935                        "NDMP", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }, 
 936                     MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifType" }, 
 937                     ModelCorrespondence { 
 938                        "CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.OtherTypeDescription" }]
 939                 uint16 ProtocolIFType;
 941                    [Description (
 942                        "A string describing the type of ProtocolEndpoint when the "
 943                        "Type property of this class (or any of its subclasses) is "
 944                        "set to 1 (i.e., \"Other\"). This property should be set to "
 945                        "NULL when the Type property is any value other than 1."), 
 946 a.dunfey 1.1        MaxLen ( 64 ), 
 947                     ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.ProtocolType",
 948                        "CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.ProtocolIFType" }]
 949                 string OtherTypeDescription;
 950              };
 953              // ==================================================================
 954              // BindsTo
 955              // ==================================================================
 956                 [Association, Version ( "2.6.0" ), Description (
 957                     "This association establishes a ServiceAccessPoint as a "
 958                     "requestor of protocol services from a ProtocolEndpoint. "
 959                     "Typically, this association runs between SAPs and endpoints on "
 960                     "a single system. Since a ProtocolEndpoint is a kind of "
 961                     "ServiceAccessPoint, this binding can be used to establish a "
 962                     "layering of two protocols, the upper layer represented by the "
 963                     "Dependent and the lower layer represented by the Antecedent.")]
 964              class CIM_BindsTo : CIM_SAPSAPDependency {
 966                    [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Description (
 967 a.dunfey 1.1           "The lower-level endpoint which is accessed by the SAP.")]
 968                 CIM_ProtocolEndpoint REF Antecedent;
 970                    [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description (
 971                        "The AccessPoint or ProtocolEndpoint dependent on the lower "
 972                        "level endpoint.")]
 973                 CIM_ServiceAccessPoint REF Dependent;
 974              };
 977              // ==================================================================
 978              // ProvidesEndpoint
 979              // ==================================================================
 980                 [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description (
 981                     "This association represents a ProtocolEndpoint provided by a "
 982                     "Service, to allow access to the Service.")]
 983              class CIM_ProvidesEndpoint : CIM_ServiceAccessBySAP {
 985                    [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Description (
 986                        "The Service that is accessed by the ProtocolEndpoint.")]
 987                 CIM_Service REF Antecedent;
 988 a.dunfey 1.1 
 989                    [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description (
 990                        "The ProtocolEndpoint that provides access to the Service.")]
 991                 CIM_ProtocolEndpoint REF Dependent;
 992              };
 994              // ==================================================================
 995              // TimeService
 996              // ==================================================================
 998                 [Experimental, Version ( "2.8.1000" ), Description (
 999                     "The TimeService manages time (retrieves or sets time) for one "
1000                     "or more elements in a system. All elements to which the "
1001                     "Service 'applies' are associated via "
1002                     "ServiceAvailableToElement.")]
1003              class CIM_TimeService : CIM_Service {
1005                    [Description (
1006                        "This method gets or sets the time for the specified "
1007                        "element."), 
1008                     ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6..32767",
1009 a.dunfey 1.1           "32768..65535" }, 
1010                     Values { "Success", "Not Supported", "Unknown", "Timeout",
1011                        "Failed", "Invalid Parameter", "DMTF Reserved",
1012                        "Vendor Specific" }]
1013                 uint32 ManageTime (
1015                       [IN, Description (
1016                           "Indicates whether the request is to get (TRUE) or set "
1017                           "(FALSE) the time for the specified element.")]
1018                    boolean GetRequest,
1020                       [IN, OUT, Description (
1021                           "The current date and time. On input, this is the time "
1022                           "that is set on the specified element, if the GetRequest "
1023                           "input parameter is TRUE. Otherwise, the input time is "
1024                           "ignored. On output, this is the time as known by the "
1025                           "element.")]
1026                    datetime TimeData,
1028                       [Required, IN, Description (
1029                           "A reference to the ManagedElement whose time is "
1030 a.dunfey 1.1              "retrieved or set. This reference is necessary since the "
1031                           "TimeService MAY apply to multiple elements "
1032                           "simultaneously. The referenced element MUST be "
1033                           "associated with the Service using the "
1034                           "ServiceAvailableToElement relationship.")]
1035                    CIM_ManagedElement REF ManagedElement); 
1036              };
1038              // ===================================================================
1039              // end of file
1040              // ===================================================================

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