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  1 karl  1.1 // ===================================================================
  2           // Title:  Network Routes
  3           // $State: Preliminary $
  4           // $Date: 2004/06/28 18:01:28 $
  5           // $Source: /home/dmtf2/dotorg/var/cvs/repositories/dev/Schema/MOF/Network_Routes.mof,v $
  6           // $Revision: 1.4 $
  7           // ===================================================================
  8           //#pragma inLine ("Includes/copyright.inc")
  9           // Copyright 1998-2004 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF).
 10           // All rights reserved.
 11           // DMTF is a not-for-profit association of industry members dedicated
 12           // to promoting enterprise and systems management and interoperability.
 13           // DMTF specifications and documents may be reproduced for uses
 14           // consistent with this purpose by members and non-members,
 15           // provided that correct attribution is given.
 16           // As DMTF specifications may be revised from time to time,
 17           // the particular version and release date should always be noted.
 18           // 
 19           // Implementation of certain elements of this standard or proposed
 20           // standard may be subject to third party patent rights, including
 21           // provisional patent rights (herein "patent rights"). DMTF makes
 22 karl  1.1 // no representations to users of the standard as to the existence
 23           // of such rights, and is not responsible to recognize, disclose, or
 24           // identify any or all such third party patent right, owners or
 25           // claimants, nor for any incomplete or inaccurate identification or
 26           // disclosure of such rights, owners or claimants. DMTF shall have no
 27           // liability to any party, in any manner or circumstance, under any
 28           // legal theory whatsoever, for failure to recognize, disclose, or
 29           // identify any such third party patent rights, or for such party's
 30           // reliance on the standard or incorporation thereof in its product,
 31           // protocols or testing procedures. DMTF shall have no liability to
 32           // any party implementing such standard, whether such implementation
 33           // is foreseeable or not, nor to any patent owner or claimant, and shall
 34           // have no liability or responsibility for costs or losses incurred if
 35           // a standard is withdrawn or modified after publication, and shall be
 36           // indemnified and held harmless by any party implementing the
 37           // standard from any and all claims of infringement by a patent owner
 38           // for such implementations.
 39           // 
 40           // For information about patents held by third-parties which have
 41           // notified the DMTF that, in their opinion, such patent may relate to
 42           // or impact implementations of DMTF standards, visit
 43 karl  1.1 // http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/disclosures.php.
 44           //#pragma inLine
 45           // ===================================================================
 46           // Description: The Network Model extends the management concepts to
 47           //              represent protocol interfaces and network/protocol
 48           //              services.  This file defines network/next hop routes
 49           //              (for use for both static and dynamic routes). Also,
 50           //              default administrative distances for a system are
 51           //              modeled - to be used when selecting a route.
 52           // 
 53           //              The object classes below are listed in an order that
 54           //              avoids forward references. Required objects, defined
 55           //              by other working groups, are omitted.
 56           // ==================================================================
 57           // Change Log for v2.7
 58           // CR805 - Deprecate NextHopRouting, IPRoute, CalculatedRoutes,
 59           //         RouteFowardedByService, and ForwardedRoutes
 60           //       - Add NextHopRoute, HostedRoute, NextHopIPRoute,
 61           //         RouteUsesEndpoint, and AssociatedNextHop
 62           // CR866 - Add default values to the definition of the distance
 63           //         properties in AdministrativeDistance; Override the Name
 64 karl  1.1 //         property since it is inherited from MSE
 65           // CR982 - Removal of Experimental for preliminary to final
 66           // CR983 - v2.7 Deprecations promoted to final
 67           // CR994 - Update the InstanceID property Description
 68           // Change Log for v2.8
 69           // CR1128 - Change subclassing from CIM_Dependency to
 70           //          CIM_HostedDependency for identified classes. This is
 71           //          needed as a result of the introduction of HostedDependency
 72           //          by SysDev
 73           // CR1232 - Property CIM_NextHopRouting.DestinationMask
 74           // (CIM_NextHopRoute.DestinationMask)
 75           //                      reference does not exist
 76           // 
 77           // Change Log for V2.9
 78           // No changes
 79           // ===================================================================
 81           #pragma Locale ("en_US")
 84           // ==================================================================
 85 karl  1.1 // NextHopRoute
 86           // ==================================================================
 87              [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description (
 88                  "NextHopRoute represents one of a series of 'hops' to reach a "
 89                  "network destination. A route is administratively defined, or "
 90                  "calculated/learned by a particular routing process. A "
 91                  "ConcreteDependency associaton may be instantiated between a "
 92                  "route and its routing service to indicate this. (In this "
 93                  "scenario, the route is dependent on the service.)")]
 94           class CIM_NextHopRoute : CIM_ManagedElement {
 96                 [Key, Description (
 97                     "Within the scope of the instantiating Namespace, InstanceID "
 98                     "opaquely and uniquely identifies an instance of this class. "
 99                     "In order to ensure uniqueness within the NameSpace, the "
100                     "value of InstanceID SHOULD be constructed using the "
101                     "following 'preferred' algorithm: \n"
102                     "<OrgID>:<LocalID> \n"
103                     "Where <OrgID> and <LocalID> are separated by a colon ':', "
104                     "and where <OrgID> MUST include a copyrighted, trademarked "
105                     "or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business "
106 karl  1.1           "entity creating/defining the InstanceID, or is a registered "
107                     "ID that is assigned to the business entity by a recognized "
108                     "global authority. (This is similar to the <Schema "
109                     "Name>_<Class Name> structure of Schema class names.) In "
110                     "addition, to ensure uniqueness <OrgID> MUST NOT contain a "
111                     "colon (':'). When using this algorithm, the first colon to "
112                     "appear in InstanceID MUST appear between <OrgID> and "
113                     "<LocalID>. \n"
114                     "<LocalID> is chosen by the business entity and SHOULD not "
115                     "be re-used to identify different underlying (real-world) "
116                     "elements. If the above 'preferred' algorithm is not used, "
117                     "the defining entity MUST assure that the resultant "
118                     "InstanceID is not re-used across any InstanceIDs produced "
119                     "by this or other providers for this instance's NameSpace. \n"
120                     "For DMTF defined instances, the 'preferred' algorithm MUST "
121                     "be used with the <OrgID> set to 'CIM'.")]
122              string InstanceID;
124                 [Description (
125                     "The address which serves as the destination to be reached.")]
126              string DestinationAddress;
127 karl  1.1 
128                 [Description (
129                     "The specific administrative distance of this route, "
130                     "overriding any default distances specified by the system or "
131                     "routing service.")]
132              uint16 AdminDistance;
134                 [Description (
135                     "RouteMetric provides a numeric indication as to the "
136                     "preference of this route, compared to other routes that "
137                     "reach the same destination.")]
138              uint16 RouteMetric;
140                 [Description (
141                     "TRUE indicates that this is a static route, and FALSE "
142                     "indicates a dynamically-learned route.")]
143              boolean IsStatic;
145                 [Description (
146                     "An enumerated integer indicating whether the route is "
147                     "administrator-defined (value=2), computed (via a routing "
148 karl  1.1           "protocol/algorithm, value=3) or the actual route "
149                     "implemented in the network (value=4). The default is a "
150                     "computed route."), 
151                  ValueMap { "2", "3", "4" }, 
152                  Values { "Administrator Defined Route", "Computed Route",
153                     "Actual Route" }]
154              uint16 TypeOfRoute=3;
155           };
158           // ==================================================================
159           // HostedRoute
160           // ==================================================================
161              [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description (
162                  "HostedRoute describes the relationship between the route and "
163                  "the system in whose context it is defined.")]
164           class CIM_HostedRoute : CIM_HostedDependency {
166                 [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Min ( 1 ), Max ( 1 ), Description (
167                     "The network element that scopes/provides context for the "
168                     "route.")]
169 karl  1.1    CIM_System REF Antecedent;
171                 [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description (
172                     "The next hop route defined on the System.")]
173              CIM_NextHopRoute REF Dependent;
174           };
177           // ==================================================================
178           // NextHopIPRoute
179           // ==================================================================
180              [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description (
181                  "NextHopIPRoute specifies routing in an IP network.")]
182           class CIM_NextHopIPRoute : CIM_NextHopRoute {
184                 [Description (
185                     "An enumerated integer indicating how the route was derived. "
186                     "This is useful for display and query purposes."), 
187                  ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
188                     "10", "11" }, 
189                  Values { "Unknown", "Other", "Connected", "User-Defined",
190 karl  1.1           "IGRP", "EIGRP", "RIP", "Hello", "EGP", "BGP", "ISIS",
191                  "OSPF" }, 
192                  ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_NextHopIPRoute.OtherDerivation" }]
193              uint16 RouteDerivation;
195                 [Description (
196                     "A string describing how the route was derived when the "
197                     "RouteDerivation property is 1 (\"Other\")."), 
198                  ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_NextHopIPRoute.RouteDerivation" }]
199              string OtherDerivation;
201                 [Description (
202                     "The mask for the Ipv4 destination address.")]
203              string DestinationMask;
205                 [Description (
206                     "The prefix length for the IPv6 destination address.")]
207              uint8 PrefixLength;
209                 [Description (
210                     "An enumeration that describes the format of the address "
211 karl  1.1           "properties."), 
212                  ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" }, 
213                  Values { "Unknown", "IPv4", "IPv6" }]
214              uint16 AddressType;
215           };
218           // ==================================================================
219           // RouteUsesEndpoint
220           // ==================================================================
221              [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description (
222                  "RouteUsesEndpoint depicts the relationship between a next hop "
223                  "route and the local Endpoint that is used to transmit the "
224                  "traffic to the 'next hop'.")]
225           class CIM_RouteUsesEndpoint : CIM_Dependency {
227                 [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Max ( 1 ), Description (
228                     "The endpoint used to reach the route's destination.")]
229              CIM_ProtocolEndpoint REF Antecedent;
231                 [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description (
232 karl  1.1           "The route using the endpoint.")]
233              CIM_NextHopRoute REF Dependent;
234           };
237           // ==================================================================
238           // AssociatedNextHop
239           // ==================================================================
240              [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description (
241                  "AssociatedNextHop depicts the relationship between a route and "
242                  "the specification of its next hop. The next hop is external to "
243                  "a System, and hence is defined as a kind of "
244                  "RemoteServiceAccessPoint. Note that this relationship is "
245                  "independent of RouteUsesEndpoint (the local Endpoint used to "
246                  "transmit the traffic), and both may be defined for a route.")]
247           class CIM_AssociatedNextHop : CIM_Dependency {
249                 [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Max ( 1 ), Description (
250                     "The next hop for the route.")]
251              CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint REF Antecedent;
253 karl  1.1       [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description (
254                     "The route sending traffic to the next hop.")]
255              CIM_NextHopRoute REF Dependent;
256           };
259           // ==================================================================
260           // NextHopRouting
261           // ==================================================================
262              [Deprecated { "CIM_NextHopRoute" }, Abstract, Version ( "2.7.0" ), 
263               Description (
264                  "NextHopRouting relates a destination address to the address or "
265                  "interface through which the remote address may be reached. An "
266                  "instance of this class can represent either static or dynamic "
267                  "routing, and may represent a routing table entry (but it is "
268                  "not required that all NextHopRoutes be in a routing table). "
269                  "Static routes are distinguished by setting the IsStatic "
270                  "boolean property to TRUE. Subclasses of NextHopRouting provide "
271                  "specific protocol and Key information. NextHopRoutes are "
272                  "dependent on at least one ForwardingService to execute them. "
273                  "This is conveyed by the CIM_NextHopForwardedByService "
274 karl  1.1        "association. \n"
275                  "\n"
276                  "NextHopRouting is deprecated in lieu of the more general, "
277                  "concrete NextHopRoute class. NextHopRoute allows the "
278                  "definition of BOTH a next hop address and an interface for "
279                  "transmission of the traffic. Also, it does not mandate the "
280                  "instantiation of a ForwardingService class. The latter is not "
281                  "needed if the sole purpose of the instance is to specify a "
282                  "'desired/configured' route. This is simply a specification of "
283                  "the next hop.")]
284           class CIM_NextHopRouting : CIM_LogicalElement {
286                 [Deprecated { "CIM_NextHopRoute.DestinationAddress" }, 
287                  Description (
288                     "The address which serves as the destination to be reached.")]
289              string DestinationAddress;
291                 [Deprecated { "no value" }, Description (
292                     "The mask for the DestinationAddress.")]
293              string DestinationMask;
295 karl  1.1       [Deprecated { "CIM_AssociatedNextHop.Antecedent",
296                     "CIM_RouteUsesEndpoint.Antecedent" }, Description (
297                     "This contains either the address of the next-hop router, or "
298                     "the interface used to reach the destination.")]
299              string NextHop;
301                 [Deprecated { "CIM_NextHopRoute.IsStatic" }, Description (
302                     "TRUE indicates that this is a static route, and FALSE "
303                     "indicates a dynamically-learned route.")]
304              boolean IsStatic;
305           };
308           // ==================================================================
309           // IPRoute
310           // ==================================================================
311              [Deprecated { "CIM_NextHopIPRoute" }, Abstract, Version ( "2.7.0" ), 
312               Description (
313                  "An IPRoute relates a destination address to the address or "
314                  "interface through which the remote address may be reached. The "
315                  "destination address may be a specific IP endpoint or a subnet, "
316 karl  1.1        "dependent on the mask. An instance of this class represents "
317                  "either static or dynamic routing. Static routes are "
318                  "distinguished by setting the IsStatic boolean property to "
319                  "TRUE. \n"
320                  "\n"
321                  "Since many routes between endpoints can be defined (using "
322                  "different route calculation algorithms), the CIM_IPRoute class "
323                  "is defined as Abstract. This forces subclassing (for example, "
324                  "see CIM_BGPIPRoute) and allows the instances of its subclasses "
325                  "to be distinguished based on their CreationClassName key "
326                  "property. \n"
327                  "\n"
328                  "IPRoute is deprecated in lieu of the more general, concrete "
329                  "NextHopIPRoute class. NextHopIPRoute allows the definition of "
330                  "BOTH a next hop address and an interface for transmission of "
331                  "the traffic. Also, it does not mandate the instantiation of a "
332                  "ForwardingService class.")]
333           class CIM_IPRoute : CIM_NextHopRouting {
335                 [Deprecated { "No value" }, Key,
336                     Propagated ( "CIM_ForwardingService.SystemCreationClassName" 
337 karl  1.1           ), Description (
338                     "The scoping ForwardingService's SystemCreationClassName."), 
339                  MaxLen ( 256 )]
340              string SystemCreationClassName;
342                 [Deprecated { "No value" }, Key,
343                     Propagated ( "CIM_ForwardingService.SystemName" ), 
344                  Description (
345                     "The scoping ForwardingService's SystemName."), 
346                  MaxLen ( 256 )]
347              string SystemName;
349                 [Deprecated { "No value" }, Key,
350                     Propagated ( "CIM_ForwardingService.CreationClassName" ), 
351                  Description (
352                     "The scoping ForwardingService's CreationClassName."), 
353                  MaxLen ( 256 )]
354              string ServiceCreationClassName;
356                 [Deprecated { "No value" }, Key,
357                     Propagated ( "CIM_ForwardingService.Name" ), Description (
358 karl  1.1           "The scoping ForwardingService's Name."), 
359                  MaxLen ( 256 )]
360              string ServiceName;
362                 [Deprecated { "No value" }, Key, Description (
363                     "CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the "
364                     "subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used "
365                     "with the other key properties of this class, this property "
366                     "allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be "
367                     "uniquely identified."), 
368                  MaxLen ( 256 )]
369              string CreationClassName;
371                 [Deprecated { "CIM_NextHopIPRoute.DestinationAddress" }, Key, 
372                  Description (
373                     "The IP address which serves as the destination of the "
374                     "traffic, formatted according to the appropriate convention "
375                     "as defined in the AddressType property of this class. \n"
376                     "\n"
377                     "This property has the same semantics as DestinationAddress "
378                     "inherited from the NextHopRouting superclass, but a "
379 karl  1.1           "different property name. This is because this property and "
380                     "class were defined before NextHopRouting and are Key "
381                     "properties. They cannot be removed. ModelCorrespondence "
382                     "indicates that they should be set to equivalent values for "
383                     "consistency and ease of query."), 
384                  ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_IPRoute.DestinationAddress" }]
385              string IPDestinationAddress;
387                 [Deprecated { "CIM_NextHopIPRoute.DestinationMask" }, Key, 
388                  Description (
389                     "The mask for the destination IP address, formatted "
390                     "according to the appropriate convention as defined in the "
391                     "AddressType property of this class. \n"
392                     "\n"
393                     "This property has the same semantics as DestinationMask "
394                     "inherited from the NextHopRouting superclass, but a "
395                     "different property name. This is because this property and "
396                     "class were defined before NextHopRouting and are Key "
397                     "properties. They cannot be removed. ModelCorrespondence "
398                     "indicates that they should be set to equivalent values for "
399                     "consistency and ease of query."), 
400 karl  1.1        ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_IPRoute.DestinationMask" }]
401              string IPDestinationMask;
403                 [Deprecated { "CIM_NextHopIPRoute.AddressType" }, Key, 
404                  Description (
405                     "An enumeration that describes the format of the address "
406                     "property. Addresses that can be formatted in IPv4 format, "
407                     "must be formatted that way to ensure mixed IPv4/IPv6 "
408                     "support. \n"
409                     "\n"
410                     "AddressType is part of the key so that an IPv4 and an IPv6 "
411                     "route to IP subnets with the same network number but "
412                     "different IP versions (v4/v6) can coexist."), 
413                  ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" }, 
414                  Values { "Unknown", "IPv4", "IPv6" }]
415              uint16 AddressType;
417                 [Deprecated { "No Value" }, Override ( "DestinationAddress" ), 
418                  ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_IPRoute.IPDestinationAddress" }]
419              string DestinationAddress;
421 karl  1.1       [Deprecated { "No Value" }, Override ( "DestinationMask" ), 
422                  ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_IPRoute.IPDestinationMask" }]
423              string DestinationMask;
424           };
427           // ==================================================================
428           // RouteForwardedByService
429           // ==================================================================
430              [Association, Deprecated { "No value" }, Version ( "2.7.0" ), 
431               Description (
432                  "This assocation makes explicit the next hops that are "
433                  "forwarded by a specific ForwardingService, to reach the "
434                  "destination. Every ForwardingService can have its own unique "
435                  "set of routing destinations and next hops. The association is "
436                  "deprecated since it is incorrect to mandate the existence of a "
437                  "ForwardingService in order to define the existence of a route.")]
438           class CIM_RouteForwardedByService : CIM_Dependency {
440                 [Deprecated { "No value" }, Override ( "Antecedent" ), Min ( 1 ), 
441                  Description (
442 karl  1.1           "The forwarding service for the route.")]
443              CIM_ForwardingService REF Antecedent;
445                 [Deprecated { "No value" }, Override ( "Dependent" ), 
446                  Description (
447                     "The route being forwarded.")]
448              CIM_NextHopRouting REF Dependent;
450                 [Deprecated { "CIM_NextHopRoute.AdminDistance" }, Description (
451                     "This property contains the current administrative distance "
452                     "of this route, for the ForwardingService. Note that this "
453                     "property indicates current, specific values - whereas an "
454                     "instance of the CIM_AdministrativeDistance class defines "
455                     "default distances.")]
456              uint16 AdminDistance;
458                 [Deprecated { "CIM_NextHopRoute.RouteMetric" }, Description (
459                     "PathMetric provides a numeric indication as to the "
460                     "preference of this route compared to other routes that "
461                     "reach the same destination.")]
462              uint16 PathMetric;
463 karl  1.1 };
466           // ==================================================================
467           // ForwardedRoutes
468           // ==================================================================
469              [Association, Deprecated { "No value" }, Version ( "2.7.0" ), 
470               Description (
471                  "This assocation makes explicit the IP routes that are defined "
472                  "in the context of a specific ForwardingService. Every "
473                  "ForwardingService can have its own unique set of IP routing "
474                  "destinations. The association is deprecated since it is "
475                  "incorrect to mandate the existence of a ForwardingService in "
476                  "order to define the existence of a route.")]
477           class CIM_ForwardedRoutes : CIM_RouteForwardedByService {
479                 [Deprecated { "No value" }, Override ( "Antecedent" ), Min ( 1 ),
480                  Max ( 1 ), Description (
481                     "The forwarding service for the route.")]
482              CIM_ForwardingService REF Antecedent;
484 karl  1.1       [Deprecated { "No value" }, Override ( "Dependent" ), Weak, 
485                  Description (
486                     "The IP route being forwarded.")]
487              CIM_IPRoute REF Dependent;
488           };
491           // ==================================================================
492           // CalculatedRoutes
493           // ==================================================================
494              [Association, Deprecated { "CIM_ConcreteDependency",
495                  "CIM_NextHopIPRoute.RouteDerivation" }, Version ( "2.7.0" ), 
496               Description (
497                  "This assocation makes explicit the routes that are calculated "
498                  "by a specific RouteCalculationService. Thus, every "
499                  "RouteCalculationService can have its own unique set of "
500                  "calculated routes. The association is not necessary in the "
501                  "model and has been deprecated. An instance of the general "
502                  "ConcreteDependency association can tie a NextHopIPRoute to a "
503                  "RouteCalculationService. In addition, information on how the "
504                  "route was derived is available in NextHopIPRoute's "
505 karl  1.1        "RouteDerivation enumeration.")]
506           class CIM_CalculatedRoutes : CIM_Dependency {
508                 [Deprecated { "CIM_ConcreteDependency.Antecedent",
509                     "CIM_NextHopIPRoute.RouteDerivation" },
510                     Override ( "Antecedent" ), Max ( 1 ), Description (
511                     "The route's calculation service.")]
512              CIM_RouteCalculationService REF Antecedent;
514                 [Deprecated { "CIM_ConcreteDependency.Dependent" },
515                     Override ( "Dependent" ), Description (
516                     "The IP route calculated by a specific service.")]
517              CIM_IPRoute REF Dependent;
518           };
521           // ==================================================================
522           // AdministrativeDistance
523           // ==================================================================
524              [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description (
525                  "Information in this class affects the choice of one protocol "
526 karl  1.1        "over another, when two protocols learn the same route. "
527                  "Properties define the preference of a protocol, called its "
528                  "distance. The lower the distance, the higher the preference "
529                  "for that protocol. This class affects ALL routes and contains "
530                  "the default distances. Specific administrative distances "
531                  "relative to an individual route and Forwarding Service are "
532                  "defined in the NextHopForwardedByService association, its "
533                  "AdminDistance property. \n"
534                  "\n"
535                  "AdministrativeDistance, being a global object, is weak to the "
536                  "AdminDomain that contains it. Hence, the AdminDomain keys are "
537                  "propagated to this class.")]
538           class CIM_AdministrativeDistance : CIM_LogicalElement {
540                 [Key, Propagated ( "CIM_AdminDomain.CreationClassName" ), 
541                  Description (
542                     "The scoping AdminDomain's CreationClassName."), 
543                  MaxLen ( 256 )]
544              string SystemCreationClassName;
546                 [Key, Propagated ( "CIM_AdminDomain.Name" ), Description (
547 karl  1.1           "The scoping AdminDomain's Name."), 
548                  MaxLen ( 256 )]
549              string SystemName;
551                 [Key, Description (
552                     "CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the "
553                     "subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used "
554                     "with the other key properties of this class, this property "
555                     "allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be "
556                     "uniquely identified.")]
557              string CreationClassName;
559                 [Key, Override ( "Name" ), Description (
560                     "This is the name of the AdministrativeDistance class."), 
561                  MaxLen ( 256 )]
562              string Name;
564                 [Description (
565                     "The distance for directly connected peers. It has a default "
566                     "value of 0.")]
567              uint8 DirectConnect = 0;
568 karl  1.1 
569                 [Description (
570                     "The distance for staticly connected peers. It has a default "
571                     "value of 1.")]
572              uint8 Static = 1;
574                 [Description (
575                     "The distance for peers using EBGP. It has a default value "
576                     "of 20.")]
577              uint8 EBGP = 20;
579                 [Description (
580                     "The distance for peers using internal EIGRP. It has a "
581                     "default value of 90.")]
582              uint8 EIGRPInternal = 90;
584                 [Description (
585                     "The distance for peers using IGRP. It has a default value "
586                     "of 100.")]
587              uint8 IGRP = 100;
589 karl  1.1       [Description (
590                     "The distance for peers using OSPF. It has a default value "
591                     "of 110.")]
592              uint8 OSPF = 110;
594                 [Description (
595                     "The distance for peers using ISIS. It has a default value "
596                     "of 115.")]
597              uint8 ISIS = 115;
599                 [Description (
600                     "The distance for peers using RIP. It has a default value of "
601                     "120.")]
602              uint8 RIP = 120;
604                 [Description (
605                     "The distance for peers using EGP. It has a default value of "
606                     "140.")]
607              uint8 EGP = 140;
609                 [Description (
610 karl  1.1           "The distance for peers using external EIGRP. It has a "
611                     "default value of 170.")]
612              uint8 EIGRPExternal = 170;
614                 [Description (
615                     "The distance for peers using IBGP. It has a default value "
616                     "of 200.")]
617              uint8 IBGP = 200;
619                 [Description (
620                     "The distance for peers using BGP locally. It has a default "
621                     "value of 200.")]
622              uint8 BGPLocal = 200;
624                 [Description (
625                     "The distance for peers using an unknown protocol. It has a "
626                     "default value of 255.")]
627              uint8 Unknown = 255;
628           };
631 karl  1.1 // ==================================================================
632           // HostedAdminDistance
633           // ==================================================================
634              [Association, Version ( "2.6.0" ), Description (
635                  "AdministrativeDistance, being a global object, is weak to the "
636                  "AdminDomain that contains it. This association formalizes that "
637                  "relationship.")]
638           class CIM_HostedAdminDistance : CIM_HostedDependency {
640                 [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Min ( 1 ), Max ( 1 ), Description (
641                     "The AdminDomain that scopes the AdministrativeDistance.")]
642              CIM_AdminDomain REF Antecedent;
644                 [Override ( "Dependent" ), Weak, Description (
645                     "The table of (global) administrative distances that are "
646                     "defined in the context of the AdminDomain.")]
647              CIM_AdministrativeDistance REF Dependent;
648           };
651           // ===================================================================
652 karl  1.1 // end of file
653           // ===================================================================

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