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File: [Pegasus] / pegasus / Schemas / CIMPrelim29 / Attic / Core_Software.mof (download)
Revision: 1.1, Wed Aug 4 13:02:12 2004 UTC (19 years, 11 months ago) by karl
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: pegasus25BeforeLicenseUpdate, SLPPERFINST-root, SLPPERFINST-branch, RELEASE_2_4_3, RELEASE_2_4_2, RELEASE_2_4_1-BETA3, RELEASE_2_4_1-BETA2, RELEASE_2_4_1-BETA1, RELEASE_2_4_1, RELEASE_2_4_0-RC3, RELEASE_2_4_0-RC2, RELEASE_2_4_0, RELEASE_2_4-root, RELEASE_2_4-branch, PEP217_PRE_BRANCH, PEP217_POST_BRANCH, PEP217_BRANCH, PEP213_SIZE_OPTIMIZATIONS, IBM_241_April1405, CQL_2_5_BRANCH, CHUNKTESTDONE_PEP140
BUG#: 1735
TITLE: Add CIM2.9 Preliminary schema to the Pegasus CVS Repository.

DESCRIPTION:  Schema was added in directory CIMPrelim29.  Note that this is not complete and tested until bug 1651 is resolved.

// ===================================================================
// Title:  Core Software
// $State: Exp $
// $Date: 2004/08/04 14:02:12 $
// $Source: /cvs/MSB/pegasus/Schemas/CIMPrelim29/Attic/Core_Software.mof,v $
// $Revision: 1.1 $
// ===================================================================
//#pragma inLine ("Includes/copyright.inc")
// Copyright 1998-2004 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF).
// All rights reserved.
// DMTF is a not-for-profit association of industry members dedicated
// to promoting enterprise and systems management and interoperability.
// DMTF specifications and documents may be reproduced for uses
// consistent with this purpose by members and non-members,
// provided that correct attribution is given.
// As DMTF specifications may be revised from time to time,
// the particular version and release date should always be noted.
// Implementation of certain elements of this standard or proposed
// standard may be subject to third party patent rights, including
// provisional patent rights (herein "patent rights"). DMTF makes
// no representations to users of the standard as to the existence
// of such rights, and is not responsible to recognize, disclose, or
// identify any or all such third party patent right, owners or
// claimants, nor for any incomplete or inaccurate identification or
// disclosure of such rights, owners or claimants. DMTF shall have no
// liability to any party, in any manner or circumstance, under any
// legal theory whatsoever, for failure to recognize, disclose, or
// identify any such third party patent rights, or for such party's
// reliance on the standard or incorporation thereof in its product,
// protocols or testing procedures. DMTF shall have no liability to
// any party implementing such standard, whether such implementation
// is foreseeable or not, nor to any patent owner or claimant, and shall
// have no liability or responsibility for costs or losses incurred if
// a standard is withdrawn or modified after publication, and shall be
// indemnified and held harmless by any party implementing the
// standard from any and all claims of infringement by a patent owner
// for such implementations.
// For information about patents held by third-parties which have
// notified the DMTF that, in their opinion, such patent may relate to
// or impact implementations of DMTF standards, visit
// http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/disclosures.php.
//#pragma inLine
// http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/disclosures.php.
// ===================================================================
// Description: The Core Model defines basic management concepts.
//              This file defines the SoftwareIdentity class,
//              representing software assets/inventory/units of
//              existence.
//              The object classes below are listed in an order that
//              avoids forward references. Required objects, defined
//              by other working groups, are omitted.
// ==================================================================
// Change Log for v2.9 Preliminary
// CR1352 - Add 'Service/Support Pack' to SoftwareIdentity
// classifications
// CR1180 - Addition of SoftwareInstallationService and related classes
// CR1330 - Addition of SoftwareIdentityComponent association
// Change Log for v2.8 Final
// CR1189 - Add SerialNumber property to SoftwareIdentity
// CR1200 - ElementSoftwareIdentity
// CR1210 - Removal of experimental Qualifiers for core.
// Change Log for v2.8 Preliminary
// CR1019 - CIM Versioning for 2.8 Preliminary
// CR1020 - Add ServiceSoftware relationship
// CR1049 - Modify the ServiceSoftware association to be
//          ServiceSoftwareIdentity
// CR1098 - Addition of InstalledSoftwareIdentity
// CR1131 - Add enumerations to SoftwareIdentity.Classification
// Change Log for v2.7
// CR968 - Remove the Experimental qualifier
// CR994 - Update the description of InstanceID
// Change Log for v2.7
// CR753 - Add SoftwareIdentity
// CR904 - Added missing brackets to SoftwareIdentity.
//         ClassificationDescriptions array
// ===================================================================

#pragma locale ("en_US")

// ==================================================================
// SoftwareIdentity
// ==================================================================
   [Version ( "2.8.1000" ), Description (
       "SoftwareIdentity represents software, viewed as an asset "
       "and/or individually identifiable entity (similar to Physical "
       "Element). It does NOT indicate whether the software is "
       "installed, executing, etc. (The latter is the role of the "
       "SoftwareFeature/ SoftwareElement classes and the Application "
       "Model.) Since software may be acquired, SoftwareIdentity can "
       "be associated with a Product using the "
       "ProductSoftwareComponent relationship. \n"
       "Note that the Application Model manages the deployment and "
       "installation of software via the classes, SoftwareFeatures and "
       "SoftwareElements. The deployment/installation concepts are "
       "related to the asset/identity one. In fact, a SoftwareIdentity "
       "may correspond to a Product, or to one or more "
       "SoftwareFeatures or SoftwareElements - depending on the "
       "granularity of these classes and the deployment model. The "
       "correspondence of Software Identity to Product, "
       "SoftwareFeature or SoftwareElement is indicated using the "
       "ConcreteIdentity association. Note that there may not be "
       "sufficient detail or instrumentation to instantiate "
       "ConcreteIdentity. And, if the association is instantiated, "
       "some duplication of information may result. For example, the "
       "Vendor described in the instances of Product and "
       "SoftwareIdentity MAY be the same. However, this is not "
       "necessarily true, and it is why vendor and similar information "
       "are duplicated in this class. \n"
       "Note that ConcreteIdentity can also be used to describe the "
       "relationship of the software to any LogicalFiles that result "
       "from installing it. As above, there may not be sufficient "
       "detail or instrumentation to instantiate this association.")]
class CIM_SoftwareIdentity : CIM_LogicalElement {

      [Key, Description (
          "Within the scope of the instantiating Namespace, InstanceID "
          "opaquely and uniquely identifies an instance of this class. "
          "In order to ensure uniqueness within the NameSpace, the "
          "value of InstanceID SHOULD be constructed using the "
          "following 'preferred' algorithm: \n"
          "<OrgID>:<LocalID> \n"
          "Where <OrgID> and <LocalID> are separated by a colon ':', "
          "and where <OrgID> MUST include a copyrighted, trademarked "
          "or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business "
          "entity creating/defining the InstanceID, or is a registered "
          "ID that is assigned to the business entity by a recognized "
          "global authority (This is similar to the <Schema "
          "Name>_<Class Name> structure of Schema class names.) In "
          "addition, to ensure uniqueness <OrgID> MUST NOT contain a "
          "colon (':'). When using this algorithm, the first colon to "
          "appear in InstanceID MUST appear between <OrgID> and "
          "<LocalID>. \n"
          "<LocalID> is chosen by the business entity and SHOULD not "
          "be re-used to identify different underlying (real-world) "
          "elements. If the above 'preferred' algorithm is not used, "
          "the defining entity MUST assure that the resultant "
          "InstanceID is not re-used across any InstanceIDs produced "
          "by this or other providers for this instance's NameSpace. \n"
          "For DMTF defined instances, the 'preferred' algorithm MUST "
          "be used with the <OrgID> set to 'CIM'.")]
   string InstanceID;

      [Description (
          "The major number component of the software's version "
          "information - for example, '12' from version 12.1(3)T. This "
          "property is defined as a numeric value to allow the "
          "determination of 'newer' vs. 'older' releases. A 'newer' "
          "major release is indicated by a larger numeric value.")]
   uint16 MajorVersion;

      [Description (
          "The minor number component of the software's version "
          "information - for example, '1' from version 12.1(3)T. This "
          "property is defined as a numeric value to allow the "
          "determination of 'newer' vs. 'older' releases. A 'newer' "
          "minor release is indicated by a larger numeric value.")]
   uint16 MinorVersion;

      [Description (
          "The revision or maintenance release component of the "
          "software's version information - for example, '3' from "
          "version 12.1(3)T. This property is defined as a numeric "
          "value to allow the determination of 'newer' vs. 'older' "
          "releases. A 'newer' revision is indicated by a larger "
          "numeric value.")]
   uint16 RevisionNumber;

      [Description (
          "The build number of the software.")]
   uint16 BuildNumber;

      [Description (
          "A string representing the complete software version "
          "information - for example, '12.1(3)T'. This string and the "
          "numeric major/minor/revision/build properties are "
          "complementary. Since vastly different representations and "
          "semantics exist for versions, it is not assumed that one "
          "representation is sufficient to permit a client to perform "
          "computations (i.e., the values are numeric) and a user to "
          "recognize the software's version (i.e., the values are "
          "understandable and readable). Hence, both numeric and "
          "string representations of version are provided.")]
   string VersionString;

      [Description (
          "Specifies the target operating systems of the software. Due "
          "to the extreme variability in operating systems, this "
          "property is defined as a string array.")]
   string TargetOperatingSystems[];

      [Description (
          "Manufacturer of this software.")]
   string Manufacturer;

      [Description (
          "The language editions supported by the software. The "
          "language codes defined in ISO 639 should be used.")]
   string Languages[];

      [Description (
          "An array of enumerated integers that classify this "
          "software. For example, the software MAY be instrumentation "
          "(value=5) or firmware and diagnostic software (10 and 7). "
          "The use of value 6, Firmware/BIOS, is being deprecated. "
          "Instead, either the value 10 (Firmware) and/or 11 "
          "(BIOS/FCode) SHOULD be used."), 
       ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
          "10", "11", "12", "..", "0x8000..0xFFFF" }, 
       Values { "Unknown", "Other", "Driver", "Configuration Software",
          "Application Software", "Instrumentation", "Firmware/BIOS",
          "Diagnostic Software", "Operating System", "Middleware",
          "Firmware", "BIOS/FCode", "Support/Service Pack",
          "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }, ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
       ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_SoftwareIdentity.ClassificationDescriptions" }]
   uint16 Classifications[];

      [Description (
          "An array of free-form strings providing more detailed "
          "explanations for any of the entries in the Classifications "
          "array. Note that each entry is related to one in the "
          "Classifications array located at the same index."), 
       ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
       ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_SoftwareIdentity.Classifications" }]
   string ClassificationDescriptions[];

      [Description (
          "A manufacturer-allocated number used to identify the "
   string SerialNumber;

      [Experimental, Description (
          "An application specific invariant identifier that will be "
          "consistent between versions of a SoftwareIdentity. It will "
          "also be consistent across more major changes to the "
          "Software Identity naming structure. The purpose of the "
          "parameter is to allows Software Identities to be selected "
          "by a client that are compatible with a specific "
          "SoftwareInstallationService. A client uses this parameter "
          "to select candidate Software Identities by comparing "
          "TargetType with the contents of the SupportedTargetTypes "
          "parameter in SoftwareInstallationServiceCapabilities."), 
       ModelCorrespondence { 
   string TargetType;

      [Experimental, Description (
          "The date the software was released.")]
   datetime ReleaseDate;

// ==================================================================
// SoftwareIdentityCollection
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ( "2.8.1000" ), Description (
       "A subclass of SystemSpecificCollection which collects together "
       "Software Identities for a single system, to be managed or "
       "manipulated together. The collection MAY be populated as "
       "software is downloaded using the SoftwareInstallationService "
       "or MAY be automatically populated by the management system "
       "from, say, a web service.")]
class CIM_SoftwareIdentityCollection : CIM_SystemSpecificCollection {

// ==================================================================
// SoftwareInstallationServiceCapabilities
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ( "2.8.1000" ), Description (
       "A subclass of capabilities that defines the capabilities of a "
       "SoftwareInstallationService. A single instance of "
       "SoftwareInstallationServiceCapabilities is associated with a "
       "SoftwareInstallationService using ElementCapabilities.")]
class CIM_SoftwareInstallationServiceCapabilities : CIM_Capabilities {

      [Required, Description (
          "Enumeration indicating what operations will be executed as "
          "asynchronous jobs. If an operation is included in both this "
          "and SupportedSynchronousActions then the underlying "
          "implementation is indicating that it may or may not create "
          "a job. If a Job is created, then the methods in "
          "SoftwareInstallationService return a reference to that Job "
          "as the Job parameter."), 
       ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5" }, 
       Values { "None supported", "Install From Software Identity",
          "Install from ByteStream", "Install from URI" }, 
       ModelCorrespondence { 
   uint16 SupportedAsynchronousActions[];

      [Required, Description (
          "Enumeration indicating what operations will be executed "
          "without the creation of a job. If an operation is included "
          "in both this and SupportedAsynchronousActions then the "
          "underlying instrumentation is indicating that it may or may "
          "not create a job."), 
       ValueMap { "2", "3", "4","5" }, 
       Values { "None supported", "Install From Software Identity",
          "Install from ByteStream", "Install from URI" }, 
       ModelCorrespondence { 
   uint16 SupportedSynchronousActions[];

      [Required, Description (
          "An array containing a list of SoftwareIdentity.TargetType "
          "properties that this service 'knows' how to install. "
          "TargetType is an application specific string which is "
          "invariant across version or name changes of the "
          "SoftwareIdentity and so can be used by a client to select "
          "Software Identities compatible with this service."), 
       ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_SoftwareIdentity.TargetType" }]
   string SupportedTargetTypes[];

      [Required, Description (
          "This property indicates whether "
          "SoftwareInstallationService.InstallFromSoftwareIdentity "
          "supports adding a SoftwareIdentity to a "
   boolean CanAddToCollection;


// ==================================================================
// SoftwareInstallationService
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ( "2.8.1000" ), Description (
       "A subclass of service which provides methods to install (or "
       "update) Software Identities in ManagedElements.")]
class CIM_SoftwareInstallationService : CIM_Service {

      [Description (
          "This method allows a client application to determine "
          "whether a specific SoftwareIdentity can be installed (or "
          "updated) on a ManagedElement. It also allows other "
          "characteristics to be determined such as whether install "
          "will require a reboot. In addition a client can check "
          "whether the SoftwareIdentity can be added simulataneously "
          "to a specified SofwareIndentityCollection. A client MAY "
          "specify either or both of the Collection and Target "
          "parameters. The Collection parameter is only supported if "
          "SoftwareInstallationService.CanAddToCollection is TRUE."), 
       ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "..",
          "4096","4097","4098","4099","4100","4101","4102", "4103",
          "4104", "4105","4106","4107","4108", "4109..32767",
          "32768..65535" }, 
       Values { "Job Completed with No Error", "Not Supported",
          "Unspecified Error", "Timeout", "Failed",
          "Invalid Parameter", "Target In Use", "DMTF Reserved",
          "Method Reserved", "Unsupported TargetType",
          "Unattended/silent installation not supported",
          "Downgrade/reinstall not supported", "Not enough memory",
          "Not enough swap-space", "Unsupported version transition",
          "Not enough disk space",
          "Software and target operating system mismatch",
          "Missing dependencies", "Not applicable to target",
          "No supported path to image",
          "Cannot add to SoftwareIdentityCollection","Method Reserved",
          "Vendor Specific" }]
   uint32 CheckSoftwareIdentity( 
         [IN, Description (
             "Reference to the SoftwareIdentity to be checked.")]
      CIM_SoftwareIdentity REF Source, 
         [IN, Description (
             "Reference to the ManagedElement that the Software "
             "Identity is going to be installed in (or updated).")]
      CIM_ManagedElement REF Target, 
         [IN, Description (
             "Reference to the SoftwareIdentityCollection to which the "
             "Software Identity will be added.")]
      CIM_SoftwareIdentityCollection REF Collection, 
         [IN ( false ), OUT, Description (
             "The parameter describes the characteristics of this "
             "installation/update: \n"
             "Target automatic reset: The target element will "
             "automatically reset once the installation is complete. \n"
             "System automatic reset: The containing system of the "
             "target ManagedElement (normally a logical device or the "
             "system itself) will automatically reset/reboot once the "
             "installation is complete. \n"
             "Separate target reset required: "
             "EnabledLogicalElement.RequestStateChange MUST be used to "
             "reset the target element after the SoftwareIdentity is "
             "installed. \n"
             "Separate system reset required: "
             "EnabledLogicalElement.RequestStateChange MUST be used to "
             "reset/reboot the containing system of the target "
             "ManagedElement after the SoftwareIdentity is installed. "
             "\nManual Reboot Required: The system MUST be manually "
             "rebooted by the user. \n"
             "No reboot required : No reboot is required after "
             "installation. \n"
             "User Intervention Recomended : It is recommended that a "
             "user confirm installation of this SoftwareIdentity. "
             "Inappropriate application MAY have serious consequences. "
             "\nMAY be added to specified collection : The "
             "SoftwareIndentity MAY be added to specified "
          ValueMap { "2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9", "..",
             "0x7FFF..0xFFFF" }, 
          Values { "Target automatic reset", "System automatic reset",
             "Separate target reset Required",
             "Separate system reset Required",
             "Manual Reboot Required","No Reboot Required",
             "User Intervention recommended",
             "MAY be added to specified Collection", "DMTF Reserved",
             "Vendor Specific" }]
      uint16 InstallCharacteristics[]); 

      [Description (
          "Start a job to install or update a SoftwareIdentity "
          "(Source) on a ManagedElement (Target). \n"
          "In addition the method can be used to add the "
          "SoftwareIdentity simulataneously to a specified "
          "SofwareIndentityCollection. A client MAY specify either or "
          "both of the Collection and Target parameters. The "
          "Collection parameter is only supported if "
          "SoftwareInstallationService.CanAddToCollection is TRUE. \n"
          "If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully and "
          "no ConcreteJob instance was required. If 4096/0x1000 is "
          "returned, a ConcreteJob will be started to perform the "
          "install. The Job's reference will be returned in the output "
          "parameter Job."), 
       ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "..",
          "4096","4097","4098","4099","4100","4101","4102", "4103",
          "4104", "4105","4106","4107","4108", "4109..32767",
          "32768..65535" }, 
       Values { "Job Completed with No Error", "Not Supported",
          "Unspecified Error", "Timeout", "Failed",
          "Invalid Parameter", "Target In Use", "DMTF Reserved",
          "Method Parameters Checked - Job Started",
          "Unsupported TargetType",
          "Unattended/silent installation not supported",
          "Downgrade/reinstall not supported", "Not enough memory",
          "Not enough swap-space", "Unsupported version transition",
          "Not enough disk space",
          "Software and target operating system mismatch",
          "Missing dependencies", "Not applicable to target",
          "No supported path to image",
          "Cannot add to SoftwareIdentityCollection","Method Reserved",
          "Vendor Specific" }]
   uint32 InstallFromSoftwareIdentity( 
         [IN ( false ), OUT, Description (
             "Reference to the job (may be null if job completed).")]
      CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job, 
         [IN, Description (
             "Reference to the source of the install.")]
      CIM_SoftwareIdentity REF Source, 
         [IN, Description (
             "The installation target. If NULL then the "
             "SOftwareIdentity will be added to Collection only. The "
             "underlying implementation is expected to be able to "
             "obtain any necessary metadata from the Software "
      CIM_ManagedElement REF Target, 
         [IN, Description (
             "Reference to the SoftwareIdentityCollection to which the "
             "Software Identity SHALL be added. If NULL then the "
             "SOftware Identity will not be added to a Collection.")]
      CIM_SoftwareIdentityCollection REF Collection); 

      [Description (
          "Start a job to download a series of bytes containing a "
          "software image to a ManagedElement. \n"
          "Note that this method is provided to support existing, "
          "alternative download mechanisms (such as used for firmware "
          "download). The 'normal' mechanism will be to use the "
          "InstallFromSoftwareIdentity method. \n"
          "If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully and "
          "no ConcreteJob instance was required. If 4096/0x1000 is "
          "returned, a ConcreteJob will be started to to perform the "
          "install. The Job's reference will be returned in the output "
          "parameter Job."), 
       ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "..",
          "4096","4097","4098","4099","4100","4101","4102", "4103",
          "4104", "4105","4106","4107","4108..32767", "32768..65535" }, 
       Values { "Job Completed with No Error", "Not Supported",
          "Unspecified Error", "Timeout", "Failed",
          "Invalid Parameter", "Target In Use", "DMTF Reserved",
          "Method Parameters Checked - Job Started",
          "Unsupported TargetType",
          "Unattended/silent installation not supported",
          "Downgrade/reinstall not supported", "Not enough memory",
          "Not enough swap-space", "Unsupported version transition",
          "Not enough disk space",
          "Software and target operating system mismatch",
          "Missing dependencies", "Not applicable to target",
          "No supported path to image", "Method Reserved",
          "Vendor Specific" }]
   uint32 InstallFromByteStream( 
         [IN ( false ), OUT, Description (
             "Reference to the job (may be null if job completed).")]
      CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job, 
         [IN, Description (
             "A array of bytes containing the install image."), 
      uint8 Image[], 
         [IN, Description (
             "The installation target.")]
      CIM_ManagedElement REF Target ); 

      [Description (
          "Start a job to install software from a specific URI in a "
          "ManagedElement. \n"
          "Note that this method is provided to support existing, "
          "alternative download mechanisms (such as used for firmware "
          "download). The 'normal' mechanism will be to use the "
          "InstallFromSoftwareIdentity method. \n"
          "If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully and "
          "no ConcreteJob instance was required. If 4096/0x1000 is "
          "returned, a ConcreteJob will be started to to perform the "
          "install. The Job's reference will be returned in the output "
          "parameter Job."), 
       ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "..",
          "4096","4097","4098","4099","4100","4101","4102", "4103",
          "4104", "4105","4106","4107", "4108..32767", "32768..65535" }, 
       Values { "Job Completed with No Error", "Not Supported",
          "Unspecified Error", "Timeout", "Failed",
          "Invalid Parameter", "Target In Use", "DMTF Reserved",
          "Method Parameters Checked - Job Started",
          "Unsupported TargetType",
          "Unattended/silent installation not supported",
          "Downgrade/reinstall not supported", "Not enough memory",
          "Not enough swap-space", "Unsupported version transition",
          "Not enough disk space",
          "Software and target operating system mismatch",
          "Missing dependencies", "Not applicable to target",
          "URI not accessible", "Method Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }]
   uint32 InstallFromURI( 
         [IN ( false ), OUT, Description (
             "Reference to the job (may be null if job completed).")]
      CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job, 
         [IN, Description (
             "A URI for the software based on RFC 2079.")]
      string URI, 
         [IN, Description (
             "The installation target.")]
      CIM_ManagedElement REF Target ); 

// ===================================================================
// ElementSoftwareIdentity
// ===================================================================
   [Association, Version ( "2.8.0" ), Description (
       "ElementSoftwareIdentity allows a Managed Element to report its "
       "software related asset information (firmware, drivers, "
       "configuration software, and etc.)")]
class CIM_ElementSoftwareIdentity : CIM_Dependency {

      [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Description (
          "A LogicalElement's Software Asset.")]
   CIM_SoftwareIdentity REF Antecedent;

      [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description (
          "The ManagedElement that requires or uses the software.")]
   CIM_ManagedElement REF Dependent;

      [Description (
          "Indicates the element's ability to upgrade this software "
          "asset. \n"
          "'Resides off element'(2), indicates the persistence of the "
          "software is outside of the element. Typically for a element "
          "this software is part of the OperatingSystem is typically "
          "upgradeable. \n"
          "'Owner Upgradeable' (3), indicates the persistence of the "
          "software is on the element and is upgradeable by the owner. "
          "\n'FactoryUpgradeable' (4),indicates the persistence of the "
          "software is on the element and is upgradeable by the "
          "manufacturer. \n"
          "'Not Upgradeable' (5), indicates the presistence of the "
          "software is on the element and is not upgradeable. (i.e. "
          "burned into a non replaceable ROM chip."), 
       ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "..","0x8000..0xFFFF" }, 
       Values { "Unknown", "Other", "Resides off device",
          "Owner Upgradeable", "Factory Upgradeable","Not Upgradeable",
          "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }, 
       ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_ElementSoftwareIdentity.OtherUpgradeCondition" }]
   uint16 UpgradeCondition;

      [Description (
          "Describes the upgrade condition, when UpgradeCondition is "
          "set to 1 (\"Other\")."), 
       ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_ElementSoftwareIdentity.UpgradeCondition" }]
   string OtherUpgradeCondition;

// ==================================================================
// InstalledSoftwareIdentity
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Version ( "2.8.0" ), Description (
       "The InstalledSoftwareIdentity association identifies the "
       "System on which a SoftwareIdentity is installed. This class is "
       "a corollary to InstalledSoftwareElement, but deals with the "
       "asset aspects of software (as indicated by SoftwareIdentity), "
       "versus the deployment aspects (as indicated by "
class CIM_InstalledSoftwareIdentity {

      [Key, Description (
          "The system on which the software is installed.")]
   CIM_System REF System;

      [Key, Description (
          "The SoftwareIdentity that is installed.")]
   CIM_SoftwareIdentity REF InstalledSoftware;

// ==================================================================
// CIM_SoftwareIdentityComponent
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Experimental, Aggregation, Version ( "2.8.1000" ), 
    Description (
       "SoftwareIdentities can have an arbitrarily complex hierarchy. "
       "SoftwareIdentityComponent is used to construct that hierarchy. "
       "It SHOULD not be used to represent dependency. For example, if "
       "a 'support pack' represented by a CIM_SoftwareIdentity consist "
       "of multiple installable software packages then this "
       "association class enables a management client to determine all "
       "the SoftwareIdentities that are be contained in the support "
class CIM_SoftwareIdentityComponent : CIM_Component {

      [Override ( "GroupComponent" ), Description (
          "The container SoftwareIdentity in the association.")]
   CIM_SoftwareIdentity REF GroupComponent;

      [Override ( "PartComponent" ), Description (
          "The contained SoftwareIdentity in the association.")]
   CIM_SoftwareIdentity REF PartComponent;

// ===================================================================
// end of file
// ===================================================================

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