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File: [Pegasus] / pegasus / Schemas / CIMPrelim28 / Attic / Network28_VLAN.mof (download)
Revision: 1.1, Tue Sep 2 17:59:15 2003 UTC (20 years, 10 months ago) by tony
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: test, pegasus25BeforeLicenseUpdate, local, TEST, SLPPERFINST-root, SLPPERFINST-branch, RELEASE_2_4_FC_CANDIDATE_1, RELEASE_2_4_3, RELEASE_2_4_2, RELEASE_2_4_1-BETA3, RELEASE_2_4_1-BETA2, RELEASE_2_4_1-BETA1, RELEASE_2_4_1, RELEASE_2_4_0-RC3, RELEASE_2_4_0-RC2, RELEASE_2_4_0, RELEASE_2_4-root, RELEASE_2_4-branch, RELEASE_2_3_2-testfreeze, RELEASE_2_3_2-root, RELEASE_2_3_2-releasesnapshot, RELEASE_2_3_2-branch-freeze, RELEASE_2_3_2-branch, RELEASE_2_3_1-root, RELEASE_2_3_1-branch, RELEASE_2_3_0-root, RELEASE_2_3_0-msg-freeze, RELEASE_2_3_0-branch, PRE_LICENSE_UPDATE_2003, POST_LICENSE_UPDATE_2003, PEP217_PRE_BRANCH, PEP217_POST_BRANCH, PEP217_BRANCH, PEP213_SIZE_OPTIMIZATIONS, MONITOR_CONSOLIDATION_2_5_BRANCH, IBM_241_April1405, CQL_2_5_BRANCH, CHUNKTESTDONE_PEP140
PEP 73 - Add CIMPrelim28 schema

// ===================================================================
// Title:       Network VLAN 2.8
// Filename:    Network28_VLAN.mof
// Version:     2.8
// Status:      Preliminary
// Date:        August 12, 2003
// ===================================================================
// Copyright 1998-2003 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF).
// All rights reserved.
// DMTF is a not-for-profit association of industry members dedicated
// to promoting enterprise and systems management and interoperability.
// DMTF specifications and documents may be reproduced for uses
// consistent with this purpose by members and non-members,
// provided that correct attribution is given.
// As DMTF specifications may be revised from time to time,
// the particular version and release date should always be noted.
// Implementation of certain elements of this standard or proposed
// standard may be subject to third party patent rights, including
// provisional patent rights (herein "patent rights"). DMTF makes
// no representations to users of the standard as to the existence
// of such rights, and is not responsible to recognize, disclose, or
// identify any or all such third party patent right, owners or
// claimants, nor for any incomplete or inaccurate identification or
// disclosure of such rights, owners or claimants. DMTF shall have no
// liability to any party, in any manner or circumstance, under any
// legal theory whatsoever, for failure to recognize, disclose, or
// identify any such third party patent rights, or for such party's
// reliance on the standard or incorporation thereof in its product,
// protocols or testing procedures. DMTF shall have no liability to
// any party implementing such standard, whether such implementation
// is foreseeable or not, nor to any patent owner or claimant, and shall
// have no liability or responsibility for costs or losses incurred if
// a standard is withdrawn or modified after publication, and shall be
// indemnified and held harmless by any party implementing the
// standard from any and all claims of infringement by a patent owner
// for such implementations.
// For information about patents held by third-parties which have
// notified the DMTF that, in their opinion, such patent may relate to
// or impact implementations of DMTF standards, visit
// http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/disclosures.php.
// ===================================================================
// Description: The Network Model extends the management concepts to
//              represent protocol interfaces and network/protocol
//              services.  This file defines VLAN (virtual LAN)
//              concepts.
//              The object classes below are listed in an order that
//              avoids forward references. Required objects, defined
//              by other working groups, are omitted.
// ==================================================================
// Change Log for v2.8
// CR1024 - Updated version of VLAN model
// CR1123 - Incorporates member comments
// CR1146 - Update cardinalities for associations VLANsInTrunk and
//          EndstationInVLAN
// /Change Log for v2.7
// CR867 - Remove Min(1), Max(1) cardinality restrictions on Related
//         TransparentBridgingService
// CR920 - Add missing parenthesis to the Description for CIM_VLAN
// ===================================================================

#pragma Locale ("en_US")

// ==================================================================
// ==================================================================
   [Deprecated {"CIM_NetworkVLAN"}, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "This property is deprecated in lieu of NetworkVLAN An instance "
       "of VLAN represents a VLAN within a switch.  In a particular "
       "switch, there should be an instance of VLAN for every VLAN "
       "available.  For example, in a switch with port-based VLANs, if "
       "there are 16 VLANs to which ports can be assigned (VLAN 1 "
       "through VLAN 16), there should be an instance of CIM_VLAN for "
       "each of VLAN 1 through VLAN 16.\n"
       "VLAN inherits Name from ServiceAccessPoint.  Use this for the "
       "textual name of the VLAN, if there is one.  Otherwise, "
       "synthesize a textual name, e.g., VLAN 0003.  (Consider leading "
       "zero fill, as shown, to ensure that if the textual VLAN names "
       "are extracted and presented by a management applictions, the "
       "VLAN names will sort in the expected order.) The numeric part "
       "of the name should be at least four digits wide since 802.1Q "
       "specifies 4095 VLANs.\n"
       "It is intended that VLAN be subclassed only if necessary to "
       "add attributes.  The type of the VLAN can be inferred from the "
       "VLANService(s) with which the VLAN is associated in the "
       "VLANFor association.\n"
       "An instance of VLAN may be associated with more than one "
       "VLANService.  For example, there are switches that support "
       "both 802.1Q VLANs and the vendor's proprietary VLANs.  In some "
       "such switches, if a broadcast packet is received on a port in "
       "an 802.1Q VLAN (VLAN 5, for example), it may be be transmitted "
       "from a port in a 'proprietary' VLAN 5.  In effect, there is "
       "only one VLAN 5, and the type of port only determines the "
       "packet format for tagged packets.  In the case just described, "
       "only one instance of CIM_VLAN should be instantiated for VLAN "
       "5, and it should be associated both with the 802.1Q "
       "VLANService and the proprietary VLANService.\n"
       "In typical VLAN-aware switches, packets can be assigned to a "
       "VLAN based on the port on which they are received (port-based "
       "VLANS), based on the source MAC address (MAC-based VLANs), or "
       "based on the value of a set of bits in the packet "
       "(protocol-based VLANs).  If it is desirable to represent the "
       "VLAN assignment predicate for some MAC-based VLAN switch, it "
       "will be necessary to subclass VLAN.  The list of MAC addresses "
       "associated with a VLAN might be an attribute of the subclass.  "
       "If it is desirable to represent the VLAN assignment predicate "
       "in a protocol-based VLAN switch, it will also be necessary to "
       "subclass VLAN, InboundVLAN, or both.  If the predicate applies "
       "to all ports in the switch, then only VLAN need be "
       "used/instantiated.  If the predicate may vary based on the "
       "port, then InboundVLAN must be subclassed, and CIM_VLAN might "
       "have to be subclassed as well.") ]
class CIM_VLAN : CIM_ServiceAccessPoint {

      [Deprecated {"CIM_NetworkVLAN.VLANId"}, Description (
          "VLAN identifying number.  This property is deprecated in "
          "lieu of VLANId in class NetworkVLAN.") ]
   uint16 VLANNumber;

// ==================================================================
// InboundVLAN
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Deprecated {"No Value"}, Version ("2.7.1000"), 
    Description (
       "This class is deprecated in lieu or not being necessary to "
       "indicate whether the VLAN is inbound/outbound This association "
       "makes explicit the operational dependencies of a SwitchPort "
       "when operating in a VLAN.  If there is an association between "
       "a particular SwitchPort and a particular VLAN, then there is "
       "the possibility that a packet received by the port will be "
       "assigned to the VLAN (or if the packet already has a VLAN tag, "
       "that the packet will not be dropped).  If there is no such "
       "association, then there is NO possibility that a packet "
       "received by the port will progress through the switch having "
       "been assigned to the referenced VLAN.") ]
class CIM_InboundVLAN : CIM_SAPSAPDependency {

      [Deprecated {"No Value"}, Override ("Antecedent"), Description (
          "The VLAN to which the SwitchPort is assigned.") ]
   CIM_VLAN REF Antecedent;

      [Deprecated {"No Value"}, Override ("Dependent"), Description (
          "The SwitchPort on the VLAN.") ]
   CIM_SwitchPort REF Dependent;

      [Deprecated {"No Value"}, Description (
          "If TRUE, packets already tagged with this VLAN number will "
          "be accepted when arriving at this port.  For example, if "
          "there is an InboundVLAN association between port 12 and "
          "VLAN 7 for which Tagged is true, then when a packet tagged "
          "with VLAN 7 arrives at port 12, the packet will be accepted "
          "into the switch for further processing.  If there is no "
          "such association, then the packet will be dropped.\n"
          "If FALSE, it means that any untagged packets arriving at "
          "this port MIGHT be classified into the associated VLAN.  "
          "If, for a particular SwitchPort, there is only one instance "
          "of the association for which Tagged is FALSE, then all "
          "incoming untagged packets will be classified into that "
          "VLAN.  This is the typical configuration of a non-trunk "
          "port in a switch implementing port-based VLANs.  If there "
          "is more than one such association instance, then the packet "
          "MIGHT be classified into any one of them, based on some "
          "criterion other than the identity of the switch port.  For "
          "example, in a MAC-based VLAN switch, the decision would be "
          "based on the source MAC address.  In a protocol-based VLAN "
          "switch, the decision would be based on the values of some "
          "set of bits in the packet.\n"
          "Note that the MAC address is formatted as twelve "
          "hexadecimal digits (e.g., \"010203040506\"), with each pair "
          "representing one of the six octets of the MAC address in "
          "\"canonical\" bit order according to RFC 2469.") ]
   boolean Tagged;

      [Deprecated {"No Value"}, Description (
          "Default should be TRUE if untagged packets received by the "
          "SwitchPort are assigned to the VLAN.  For 802.1Q-compliant "
          "ports, the Default property should be TRUE on the "
          "association instance connecting a SwitchPort to the VLAN "
          "corresponding to the port's PVID.  Default MUST never be "
          "TRUE if Tagged is true -- it applies only to untagged "
          "packets.") ]
   boolean Default;

// ==================================================================
// OutboundVLAN
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Deprecated {"No Value"}, Version ("2.7.1000"), 
    Description (
       "This class is deprecated in lieu or not being necessary to "
       "indicate whether the VLAN is inbound/outbound This association "
       "makes explicit the operational dependencies of a SwitchPort "
       "when operating in a VLAN.  If there is no instance of "
       "OutboundVLAN between a given SwitchPort and VLAN, then any "
       "packet that has been assigned to the VLAN and whose "
       "destination address is associated with the port will be "
       "dropped by the switch without being transmitted.  Otherwise, "
       "the packet will be transmitted.") ]
class CIM_OutboundVLAN : CIM_SAPSAPDependency {

      [Deprecated {"No Value"}, Override ("Antecedent"), Description (
          "The VLAN to which the SwitchPort is assigned.") ]
   CIM_VLAN REF Antecedent;

      [Deprecated {"No Value"}, Override ("Dependent"), Description (
          "The SwitchPort on the VLAN.") ]
   CIM_SwitchPort REF Dependent;

      [Deprecated {"No Value"}, Description (
          "If Tagged is TRUE, then the packet will be transmitted in "
          "encapsulated form, tagged with the associated VLAN tag.  If "
          "Tagged is FALSE, the packet will be trasmitted without any "
          "VLAN tag.") ]
   boolean Tagged;

// ==================================================================
// VLANService
// ==================================================================
   [Deprecated {"No Value"}, Abstract, Version ("2.7.1000"), 
    Description (
       "This class is deprecated following discussion as to the need "
       "of a modeling a VLAN as a service.  It was determined that a "
       "VLAN service was not needed.  VLANService represents the VLAN "
       "aspects of the function performed by a switch.  Some "
       "VLAN-aware devices participate in protocols where VLAN "
       "information is propagated among switches, e.g., GVRP in 802.1Q "
       "switches and VTP in Cisco Catalyst switches.  VLANService also "
       "represents the function performed by the switch as a "
       "participant in such a protocol.  VLANService must be "
       "subclassed so that the type of instance can be distinguished "
       "by its class.") ]
class CIM_VLANService : CIM_Service {

// ==================================================================
// 802dot1QVLANService
// ==================================================================
   [Deprecated {"No Value"}, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "This class is deprecated following discussion as to the need "
       "of a modeling a 802.1Q as a service.  It was determined that a "
       "802.1Q service was not needed.  If a switch supports 802.1Q, "
       "an instance of this class should be instantiated in the "
       "switch.  If the switch supports GVRP, this class represents "
       "the function that the switch performs with respect to GVRP.") ]
class CIM_802dot1QVLANService : CIM_VLANService {

// ==================================================================
// VLANFor
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Deprecated {"No Value"}, Version ("2.7.1000"), 
    Description (
       "The VLAN for the VLAN Service.") ]
class CIM_VLANFor : CIM_ServiceSAPDependency {

      [Deprecated {"No Value"}, Override ("Antecedent"), Description (
          "The VLAN for the VLANService.") ]
   CIM_VLAN REF Antecedent;

      [Deprecated {"No Value"}, Override ("Dependent"), Min (1), 
       Description (
          "The VLANService which uses the VLAN for processing.") ]
   CIM_VLANService REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
// SwitchServiceVLAN
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Deprecated {"No Value"}, Aggregation,
    Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "This class is deprecated as a fall out of the previous "
       "deprecations within the existing model An association linking "
       "SwitchService to a component VLANService.") ]
class CIM_SwitchServiceVLAN : CIM_ServiceComponent {

      [Deprecated {"No Value"}, Aggregate, Override ("GroupComponent"),
       Min (1), Max (1), Description (
          "The SwitchService containing the VLANService.") ]
   CIM_SwitchService REF GroupComponent;

      [Deprecated {"No Value"}, Override ("PartComponent"), 
       Description (
          "The VLANService that is a component of the SwitchService.") ]
   CIM_VLANService REF PartComponent;

// ==================================================================
// RelatedTransparentBridgingService
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Deprecated {"No Value"}, Version ("2.7.1000"), 
    Description (
       "This class is deprecated as a fall out of the previous "
       "deprecations within the existing model The association between "
       "a VLAN and the forwarding database (some use the term "
       "filtering database) used to determine which port a packet "
       "should be transmitted on, given that it is assigned to the "
       "VLAN and that it has a particular destination MAC address.  "
       "The TransparentBridgingService represents a forwarding "
       "database.") ]
class CIM_RelatedTransparentBridgingService : CIM_ServiceSAPDependency {

      [Deprecated {"No Value"}, Override ("Antecedent"), Description (
          "The VLAN.") ]
   CIM_VLAN REF Antecedent;

      [Deprecated {"No Value"}, Override ("Dependent"), Description (
          "The BridgingService that determines the port, given the the "
          "VLAN and addressing information.") ]
   CIM_TransparentBridgingService REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
// NetworkVLAN
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "An instance of NetworkVLAN represents a collection of "
       "VLANSwitchEndpoints and/or VLANEndstationEndpoints which are "
       "members of the VLAN.  There SHOULD be an instance of "
       "NetworkVLAN for every VLAN available in a switch.  For "
       "example, in a switch with port-based VLANs, if there are 16 "
       "VLANs to which ports can be assigned (VLAN 1 through VLAN 16), "
       "there SHOULD be an instance of NetworkVLAN for each of VLAN 1 "
       "through VLAN 16.") ]
class CIM_NetworkVLAN : CIM_ConnectivityCollection {

      [Description (
          "A 12-bit VLAN ID used in the VLAN Tag header."), 
       MinValue (1), MaxValue (4094), 
       MappingStrings {"MIB.IETF|Q-BRIDGE-MIB.VlanId"} ]
   uint16 VLANId;

      [Description (
          "The value of this property is set to a positive integer "
          "when the value of the MTU for all members (switch "
          "endpoints/endstationendpoints of the VLAN is the same, "
          "otherwise is set to -1 and the MaxTransmission size is set "
          "on each of the individual endpoints.") ]
   sint32 MaxTransmissionSize;

      [Description (
          "The value of the 802.10 SAID field which would be used for "
          "this VLAN.") ]
   uint32 SAIdentifier;

// ==================================================================
// OrgEntityAssignedVLAN
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Experimental, Aggregation, Version ("2.7.1000"), 
    Description (
       "The organizations that are members of the VLAN.") ]
class CIM_OrgEntityAssignedVLAN : CIM_MemberOfCollection {

      [Aggregate, Override ("Collection"), Max (1), Description (
          "The VLAN to which the organization/group has been assigned "
          "to.") ]
   CIM_NetworkVLAN REF Collection;

      [Override ("Member"), Description (
          "One of the organizations (groups) that have been assigned "
          "to this VLAN.") ]
   CIM_OrganizationalEntity REF Member;

// ==================================================================
// VLANSwitchEndpoint
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "An endpoint on a switch which is assigned to a given VLAN or "
       "accepts traffic from one or more VLANs.  As defined by the "
       "property, SwitchEndpointMode, the endpoint may be configured "
       "as trunking or nontrunking.  When operating in trunking mode, "
       "the remaining properties of the class apply.  Given this "
       "statement, one might ask why a subclassing structure was not "
       "chosen versus this design of a single class with properties "
       "that may not be applicable.  The reason is that an endpoint "
       "may dynamically be converted to/from a trunking mode.  When "
       "this occurs, it is not correct to delete the instance and "
       "recreate it, since the SwitchEndpoint itself has not been "
       "deleted/created, only its mode has changed.  Note that when "
       "configured as a trunk, the VLANsInTrunk association is used to "
       "identify the VLANs which are allowed by the trunk.") ]
class CIM_VLANSwitchEndpoint : CIM_ProtocolEndpoint {

      [Description (
          "The configuration mode for the SwitchEndpoint/switch port.  "
          "The following values are defined:\n"
          "- Access: Puts the endpoint/switch port into permanent "
          "nontrunking mode and negotiates to convert the link into a "
          "nontrunk link.  The endpoint becomes a nontrunk interface.\n"
          "- Dynamic Auto: Makes the endpoint able to convert the link "
          "to a trunk link.  The endpoint becomes a trunk interface if "
          "the neighboring interface is set to trunk or desirable mode.\n"
          "- Dynamic Desirable: Makes the endpoint actively attempt to "
          "convert the link to a trunk link.  The endpoint becomes a "
          "trunk interface if the neighboring interface is set to "
          "trunk, desirable, or auto mode.  The default switch-port "
          "mode for all Ethernet interfaces is 'dynamic desirable.'\n"
          "- Trunk: Puts the endpoint into permanent trunking mode and "
          "negotiates to convert the link into a trunk link.  The "
          "endpoint becomes a trunk interface even if the neighboring "
          "interface is not a trunk interface.\n"
          "- Dot1Q Tunnel: Configures the interface as a tunnel "
          "(nontrunking) endpoint/port to be connected in an "
          "asymmetric link with an 802.1Q trunk port.  802.1Q "
          "tunneling is used to maintain customer VLAN integrity "
          "across a service provider network."), 
       ValueMap {"0", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"}, 
       Values {"Unknown", "Access", "Dynamic Auto",
           "Dynamic Desirable", "Trunk", "Dot1Q Tunnel"} ]
   uint16 SwitchEndpointMode;

      [Write, Description (
          "The type of VLAN encapsulation that is requested for use "
          "when trunking.  (Note that the encapsulation currently in "
          "use is given by the VLANTrunkOperationalEncapsulation "
          "property.) This property is either 'not applicable' (i.e., "
          "the endpoint will never be placed in trunking mode), a "
          "particular type (802.1q or Cisco ISL today), or 'negotiate' "
          "(i.e., the result of the negotiation between this interface "
          "(PE) and its neighbor).  The value, \"Negotiate\" is not "
          "allowed if the endpoint does not support negotiation.  The "
          "ability to negotiate the trunk encapsulation is hardware "
          "and vendor dependent.  Property "
          "VLANSwitchEndpointCapabilities.  "
          "SupportsTrunkEncapsulationNegotiation is used to indicate "
          "whether or not a particular endpoint (port) supports "
          "encapsulation negotiation."), 
       ValueMap {"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"}, 
       Values {"Not Applicable", "802.1q", "Cisco ISL", "Negotiate",
          "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved"}, 
       ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_VLANSwitchCapabilities.SupportsTrunkEncapsulationNegotiation"} ]
   uint16 DesiredVLANTrunkEncapsulation;

      [Description (
          "The type of VLAN encapsulation in use on a trunk "
          "endpoint/port.  This property is either 'not applicable' "
          "(i.e., the endpoint is not operating in trunking mode), a "
          "particular type (802.1q or Cisco ISL), 'negotiating' (i.e., "
          "the endpoints are negotiating the encapsulation type)."), 
       ValueMap {"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"}, 
       Values {"Not Applicable", "802.1q", "Cisco ISL", "Negotiating",
          "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved"} ]
   uint16 VLANTrunkOperationalEncapsulation;

      [Description (
          "If a VLAN Id is part of this array, then the system MAY "
          "prune that VLAN on this trunk endpoint/port.  This property "
          "is applicable only when the endpoint is operating in "
          "trunking mode (determined by examining the "
          "SwitchEndpointMode property)."), 
          {"CIM_VLANSwitchEndpoint.SwitchEndpointMode"} ]
   uint16 PruneElegibleVLANList[];

      [Description (
          "VLAN Id that is used to tag untagged traffic received on "
          "this trunk endpoint/port.  This property is applicable only "
          "when the endpoint is operating in trunking mode (determined "
          "by examining the SwitchEndpointMode property)."), 
          {"CIM_VLANSwitchEndpoint.SwitchEndpointMode"} ]
   uint16 NativeVLAN;

      [Description (
          "Default value for the native VLAN on this trunk "
          "endpoint/port.  This property is applicable only when the "
          "endpoint is operating in trunking mode (determined by "
          "examining the SwitchEndpointMode property)."), 
          {"CIM_VLANSwitchEndpoint.SwitchEndpointMode"} ]
   uint16 DefaultVLAN;

      [Description (
          "Indicates whether GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP) is "
          "enabled or disabled on the trunk endpoint/port.  This "
          "property is 'not applicable' unless GVRP is supported by "
          "the endpoint.  This is indicated in the Capabilities "
          "property, VLANSwitchEndpointCapabilities.Dot1QTagging.  "
          "This property is applicable only when the endpoint is "
          "operating in trunking mode (determined by examining the "
          "SwitchEndpointMode property)."), 
       ValueMap {"2", "3", "4"}, 
       Values {"Not Applicable", "Enabled", "Disabled"}, 
          "CIM_VLANSwitchEndpointCapabilities.Dot1QTagging"} ]
   uint16 GVRPStatus;

// ==================================================================
// VLANsInTrunk
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "The VLANs allowed by the VLANSwitchEndpoint.  The reason for "
       "the association is to permit query for either the endpoint or "
       "the VLAN, instead of being one directional information (stored "
       "as a property in the switch endpoint class).  Note that this "
       "association only applies to switch endpoints operating in "
       "trunking mode (determined by examining the SwitchEndpointMode "
       "property).") ]

class CIM_VLANsInTrunk : CIM_Dependency {

      [Override ("Antecedent"), Max (1), Description (
          "The SwitchEndpoint configured for trunking.") ]
   CIM_VLANSwitchEndpoint REF Antecedent;

      [Override ("Dependent"), Description (
          "The VLAN allowed by this SwitchEndpoint acting as a trunk.") ]
   CIM_NetworkVLAN REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
// SwitchEndpointInVLAN
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Experimental, Aggregation, Version ("2.7.1000"), 
    Description (
       "The switchendpoints which participate in this VLAN.") ]
class CIM_SwitchEndpointInVLAN : CIM_MemberOfCollection {

      [Aggregate, Override ("Collection"), Max (1), Description (
          "The VLAN to which the endpoint belongs.") ]
   CIM_NetworkVLAN REF Collection;

      [Override ("Member"), Description (
          "One of the switch endpoints in this VLAN.") ]
   CIM_VLANSwitchEndpoint REF Member;

// ==================================================================
// VLANEndstationEndpoint
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "An endpoint on an endstation which has been configured to "
       "belong to a given VLAN and is a VLAN aware endstation that "
       "sends traffic on a given VLAN.") ]
class CIM_VLANEndstationEndpoint : CIM_ProtocolEndpoint {

      [Description (
          "The type of VLAN encapsulation desired to be used on this "
          "trunk port.  Today this is only 802.1q for VLAN aware "
          "endstations.  The value of 'Not Applicable' is used when "
          "the endstation is not VLAN aware."), 
       ValueMap {"2", "3", "4", "5"}, 
       Values {"Not Applicable", "802.1q", "DMTF Reserved",
           "Vendor Reserved"}, 
       ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_VLANEndstationEndpoint.VLANAware" } ]
   uint16 DesiredVLANTrunkEncapsulation;

      [Description (
          "The type of VLAN encapsulation in use on this trunk port.  "
          "Today this is only 802.1q for VLAN aware endstations.  The "
          "value of 'Not Applicable' is used when the endstation is "
          "not VLAN aware."), 
       ValueMap {"2", "3", "4", "5"}, 
       Values {"Not Applicable", "802.1q", "DMTF Reserved",
           "Vendor Reserved"}, 
       ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_VLANEndstationEndpoint.VLANAware" } ]
   uint16 VLANTrunkOperationalEncapsulation;

      [Description (
          "The Endstation is VLAN aware (i.e.  can send 802.1q tagged "
          "frames).") ]
   boolean VLANAware;

// ==================================================================
// EndstationInVLAN
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Experimental, Aggregation, Version ("2.7.1000"), 
    Description (
       "The endstation port (endpoints) which participate in this "
       "VLAN.") ]
class CIM_EndstationInVLAN : CIM_MemberOfCollection {

      [Aggregate, Override ("Collection"), Description (
          "The VLAN to which the endpoint belongs.") ]
   CIM_NetworkVLAN REF Collection;

      [Override ("Member"), Description (
          "One of the endstation endpoints in this VLAN.") ]
   CIM_VLANEndstationEndpoint REF Member;

// ==================================================================
// VLANCapabilities
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "Properties in VLANCapabilities represent the ComputerSystem's "
       "constraints and capabilities for VLANs.  The information "
       "included in this class addresses the resource limits for the "
       "ComputerSystem.") ]
class CIM_VLANCapabilities : CIM_Capabilities {

      [Description (
          "The maximum number of IEEE 802.1Q VLANs that this device "
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Q-BRIDGE-MIB.dot11MaxSupportedVlans"} ]
   uint16 MaxSupportedVLANs;

      [Description (
          "The maximum number of IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Ids that this device "
       MappingStrings {"MIB.IETF|Q-BRIDGE-MIB.dot1qMaxVlanId"} ]
   uint16 MaxVLANId;

// ==================================================================
// VLANSwitchEndpointCapabilities
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "Capabilities supported by the switch endpoint.") ]
class CIM_VLANSwitchEndpointCapabilities : CIM_Capabilities {

      [Description (
          "Indicates support for dot1Q tagging and GVRP."), 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|P-BRIDGE-MIB.dot1dPortCapabilities"} ]
   boolean Dot1QTagging;

      [Description (
          "Describes the type of frames that are accepted by the "
       ValueMap {"2", "3"}, 
       Values {"Accept All", "Admit VLAN Tagged Only"}, 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|P-BRIDGE-MIB.dot1dPortCapabilities"} ]
   uint16 Dot1ConfigurableAcceptableFrameTypes;

      [Description (
          "Supports the discarding of any frame received on a "
          "ProtocolEndpoint whose VLAN classification does not include "
          "that ProtocolEndpoint in its Member set."), 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|P-BRIDGE-MIB.dot1dPortCapabilities "} ]
   boolean Dot1qIngressFiltering;

      [Description (
          "This property indicates whether or not the protocol "
          "endpoint supports negotiation of the trunk encapsulation."), 
          {"CIM_VLANSwitchEndpoint.SwitchEndpointMode"} ]
   boolean SupportsTrunkEncasulationNegotiation;

// ==================================================================
// GARPMembershipSettingData
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "Configuration for the Generic Attribute Registration Protocol "
       "(GARP).  GARP is a protocol used by switches and end stations "
       "to register and de-register attribute values, such as VLAN "
       "Ids.  The GVRP is an application of GARP for VLAN "
       "registration.  The properties (timers) in this class are GARP "
       "control information about every ProtocolEndpoint supporting "
       "GARP & GVRP.") ]
class CIM_GARPMembershipSettingData: CIM_ConnectivityMembershipSettingData {

      [Description (
          "The GARP join time."), 
       Units ("MilliSeconds"), 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Q-BRIDGE-MIB.dot1dPortGarpJoinTime"} ]
   uint32 Dot1dPortGarpJoinTime;

      [Description (
          "The GARP leave time."), 
       Units ("MilliSeconds"), 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Q-BRIDGE-MIB.dot1dPortGarpLeaveTime"} ]
   uint32 Dot1dPortGarpLeaveTime;

      [Description (
          "The GARP leave all time."), 
       Units ("MilliSeconds"), 
       MappingStrings { 
          "MIB.IETF|Q-BRIDGE-MIB.dot1dPortGarpLeaveAllTime"} ]
   uint32 Dot1dPortGarpLeaveAllTime;

// ==================================================================
// VLANSwitchSettings
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "The VLAN configuration data for a system.  It is associated "
       "using ElementSettingData to the ComputerSystem to which it "
       "applies.") ]
class CIM_VLANSwitchSettings : CIM_SettingData {

      [Description (
          "List of VLANs which are reserved for pre-determined "
          "uses/media types, etc.  An example of this is reservation "
          "of VLANs specifically for use with FDDI or Token Ring.") ]
   uint16 ReservedVLANList[ ];

      [Description (
          "This is a set of VLANs reserved for use internally by the "
          "switch.") ]
   uint16 InternalVLANList[ ];

      [Description (
          "The current number of VLANs configured in the switch.") ]
   uint16 NumberOfConfiguredVLANs;

      [Description (
          "List of VLANs dynamically created in the switch.") ]
   uint16 DynamicVLANList[];

      [Description (
          "List of VLANs statically created in the switch.") ]
   uint16 StaticVLANList[];

// ==================================================================
// VLANStatistics
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "Performance metrics for a either a VLAN or a port (endpoint).  "
       "Depending on the switch's ability to collect statistics, these "
       "statistics may be associated with all endpoints on the port "
       "(i.e.  port level stats) or they may be per VLAN per port "
       "stats.  When a port (endpoint) is configured as an access port "
       "then port stats are equivalent to the VLAN stats.  The "
       "AssociatedStatisticalData association is used to tie the "
       "VLANNetwork with its statistics.") ]
class CIM_VLANStatistics : CIM_StatisticalData {

      [Description (
          "The number of valid frames received by this "
          "ProtocolEndpoint from its segment which were classified as "
          "belonging to this VLAN.  Note that a frame received on this "
          "port is counted by this object if and only if it is for a "
          "protocol being processed by the local forwarding process "
          "for this VLAN.  This object includes received bridge "
          "management frames classified as belonging to this VLAN "
          "(e.g.  GMRP, but not GVRP or STP - RFC2674)."), 
       MappingStrings { 
          "MIB.IETF|Q-BRIDGE-MIB.Dot1qTpVlanPortHCInFrames"} ]
   uint64 Dot1qTpVlanPortHCInFrames;

      [Description (
          "The number of valid frames transmitted by this port to its "
          "segment from the local forwarding process for this VLAN.  "
          "This includes bridge management frames originated by this "
          "device which are classified as belonging to this VLAN "
          "(e.g.  GMRP, but not GVRP or STP - RFC2674)."), 
       MappingStrings { 
          "MIB.IETF|Q-BRIDGE-MIB.Dot1qTpVlanPortHCOutFrames"} ]
   uint64 Dot1qTpVlanPortHCOutFrames;

      [Description (
          "The number of valid frames received by this port from its "
          "segment which were classified as belonging to this VLAN "
          "which were discarded due to VLAN related reasons.  "
          "Specifically, the IEEE 802.1Q counters for Discard Inbound "
          "and Discard on Ingress Filtering - RFC2674."), 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Q-BRIDGE-MIB. " 
          "Dot1qTpVlanPortHCInDiscards"} ]
   uint64 Dot1qTpVlanPortHCInDiscards;

      [Description (
          "A 12-bit VLAN ID used in the VLAN Tag header."), 
       MinValue (1), MaxValue (4094), 
       MappingStrings {"MIB.IETF|Q-BRIDGE-MIB.VlanId"} ]
   uint16 VLANId;

// ==================================================================
// VLANMembershipSettingData
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "For dynamic VLAN assignment, these rules define how incoming "
       "traffic is assigned to a VLAN.  A typical set of assignment "
       "rules include assignment based on MAC address, IP address, or "
       "IP subnet.  Many other criteria or combination of criteria may "
       "be used.") ]
class CIM_VLANMembershipSettingData: CIM_ConnectivityMembershipSettingData {

// ===================================================================
// end of file
// ===================================================================

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