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File: [Pegasus] / pegasus / Schemas / CIMPrelim28 / Attic / Application28_AppServer.mof (download)
Revision: 1.2, Thu Feb 24 20:47:28 2005 UTC (19 years, 4 months ago) by a.dunfey
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: TASK-PEP362_RestfulService-merged_out_from_trunk, TASK-PEP348_SCMO-merged_out_from_trunk, TASK-PEP317_pullop-merged_out_from_trunk, TASK-PEP317_pullop-merged_in_to_trunk, TASK-PEP311_WSMan-root, TASK-PEP311_WSMan-branch, RELEASE_2_5_0-RC1, HPUX_TEST, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +1 -1 lines
PEP#: 215
TITLE: Remove old schemas


Removing old, unneeded schema files from the repository:

CIM 2.7
CIM 2.7.1 Preliminary
CIM 2.8 Preliminary
CIM 2.9 Preliminary

// ===================================================================
// Title:       Application MOF Specification 2.8, Application Server
//              Model
// Filename:    Application28_AppServer.mof
// Version:     2.8
// Status:      Preliminary
// Date:        18 August 2003
// CVS:         $Revision: 1.2 $
// ===================================================================
// Copyright 1998-2003 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF).
// All rights reserved.
// DMTF is a not-for-profit association of industry members dedicated
// to promoting enterprise and systems management and interoperability.
// DMTF specifications and documents may be reproduced for uses
// consistent with this purpose by members and non-members,
// provided that correct attribution is given.
// As DMTF specifications may be revised from time to time,
// the particular version and release date should always be noted.
// Implementation of certain elements of this standard or proposed
// standard may be subject to third party patent rights, including
// provisional patent rights (herein "patent rights"). DMTF makes
// no representations to users of the standard as to the existence
// of such rights, and is not responsible to recognize, disclose, or
// identify any or all such third party patent right, owners or
// claimants, nor for any incomplete or inaccurate identification or
// disclosure of such rights, owners or claimants. DMTF shall have no
// liability to any party, in any manner or circumstance, under any
// legal theory whatsoever, for failure to recognize, disclose, or
// identify any such third party patent rights, or for such party's
// reliance on the standard or incorporation thereof in its product,
// protocols or testing procedures. DMTF shall have no liability to
// any party implementing such standard, whether such implementation
// is foreseeable or not, nor to any patent owner or claimant, and shall
// have no liability or responsibility for costs or losses incurred if
// a standard is withdrawn or modified after publication, and shall be
// indemnified and held harmless by any party implementing the
// standard from any and all claims of infringement by a patent owner
// for such implementations.
// For information about patents held by third-parties which have
// notified the DMTF that, in their opinion, such patent may relate to
// or impact implementations of DMTF standards, visit
// http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/disclosures.php.
// ===================================================================
// Description: These classes represent the characterization of the
//      management of a Java application server as defined in JSR 77
//      Version 1.0. They are maintained as a separate MOF file in
//      the Application Model.
//      The object classes below are listed in an order that
//      avoids forward references. Required objects, defined
//      by other working groups, are omitted.
// ==================================================================
// Change Log for v2.8 Preliminary (Company Review)
//      31 July 2003
//         - CR 1109 Changes to properties of core J2ee classes.
//         - CR 1110 Remove subclasses of HostedService connecting
//                   elements to the Server.
//         - CR 1112 Change Association names to singular form
//         - CR 1113 Change the J2eeNotification's IndicationType
//                   property to integer, and add a ValueMap qualifier
//                   to the property. Add the Octetstring qualifier to
//                   the UserData property. Update several Descriptions
//                   in J2ee_Notification in the AppServer Sub-Model.
//         - CR 1115 Move to use Instance ID in App Server Model
//         - CR 1116 Fix Cardinalities
//         - CR 1118 Remove Start and Stop Methods from
//                   J2eeManagedObject
//                   and use RequestStateChange instead.
//         - CR 1119 Add a line to the overall MOF description stating
//                   that the classes are based on JSR77 V1.0
//         - CR 1120 Add a line to the overall MOF description stating
//                   that the classes are based on JSR77 V1.0
//         - CR 1128 Change subclassing for J2eeModulesUsesJVMs,
//                   J2eeJDBCResourceUsesDataSources,
//                   J2eeJDBCDataSourceDriver,
//                   J2eeConnectionFactoriesAvailableToJCAResource,
//                   and
//                   J2eeJCAConnectionFactoryManagedConnectionFactory
//                   from Dependency to HostedDependency.
//         - CR 1138 Fix missing model Correspondence
//         - CR 1140 Remove ManagementState from J2eeManagedObject
//                   and map to OperationalStatus instead. Override
//                   OperationalStatus and use the Description to
//                   define the mapping.
// Change Log for v2.8 Preliminary
//      15 May 2003
//         - CR 1008 - Original Application Server Model
// ===================================================================

#pragma locale ("en_US")
// ====================================================================
// CIM_J2eeManagedObjectCapabilities
// ====================================================================
   [Experimental, Abstract, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeManagedObjectCapabilities is a class for defining "
       "additional capabilities of J2EE managed objects.  It contains "
       "the attributes that are common to all J2EE managed objects.  "
       "These common attributes are mapped to the corresponding J2EE "
       "classes using the CIM_ElementCapabilities association.") ]
class CIM_J2eeManagedObjectCapabilities : CIM_Capabilities {

      [Override ("InstanceID"), Description (
          "InstanceID identifies a unique instance of a J2EE "
          "ManagedObject's Capabilities in a given namespace.  In "
          "order to ensure uniqueness, the value of InstanceID MUST be "
          "constructed using the form specified in JSR77. in "
          "order to avoid the need for manual key propagation."), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. objectName|V1.0"}, 
       ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_J2EEManagedObjectCapabilities.ElementName"} ]
   string InstanceID;

      [Override ("ElementName"), Description (
          "The name of a J2EE managed object.  The name MUST be "
          "constructed using the form specified in JSR77. in "
          "order to avoid the need for manual key propagation."), 
       MaxLen (256), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. objectName|V1.0"}, 
       ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_J2EEManagedObjectCapabilities.InstanceID"} ]
   string ElementName;

      [Description (
          "A property that indicates whether the managed object "
          "implements the state management model as defined in State "
          "Management chapter of the JSR77 specification.  A value of "
          "true indicates that the managed object implements the state "
          "management interface.  A value of false indicates that the "
          "managed object does not implement the state management "
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. stateManageable|V1.0"} ]
   Boolean StateManageable;

      [Description (
          "A property that indicates whether the managed object "
          "implements the statistics provider model as defined in "
          "Performance Monitoring chapter of the JSR77 specification.  "
          "A value of true indicates that the managed object "
          "implements the statistics provider interface.  A value of "
          "false indicates that the managed object does not implement "
          "the statistics provider interface."), 
       MappingStrings { "JSR77.JCP|JSR77. " 
          "statisticsProvider|V1.0"} ]
   Boolean StatisticsProvider;

      [Description (
          "A property that indicates whether the managed object "
          "implements the event provider model as defined in the "
          "Events chapter of the JSR77 specification.  A value of true "
          "indicates that the managed object implements the event "
          "provider interface.  A value of false indicates that the "
          "managed object does not implement the event provider "
       MappingStrings { "JSR77.JCP|JSR77. eventProvider|V1.0"} ]
   boolean EventProvider;

// ====================================================================
// CIM_J2eeManagedObject
// ====================================================================
   [Experimental, Abstract, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeManagedObject is a class for defining operations that "
       "may supported by all J2EE managed objects.  It contains the "
       "attributes and methods that are common to all J2EE managed "
       "objects.  The J2EE Managed objects - for eg.  J2eeServer "
       "should participate in instances of the CIM_LogicalIdentity "
       "association with the corresponding instance of the "
       "J2eeManagedObject class.  The start and stop methods of "
       "JSR77's J2eeManagedObject find an equivalent in the "
       "RequestStateChange method inherited from "
       "EnabledLogicalElement.  Using Enabled/Disabled as inputs to "
       "RequestStateChange, one can effect start and stop.") ]
class CIM_J2eeManagedObject : CIM_EnabledLogicalElement {

      [Key, Description (
          "InstanceID identifies a unique instance of a J2EE "
          "ManagedObject's Capabilities in a given namespace.  In "
          "order to ensure uniqueness, the value of InstanceID MUST be "
          "constructed using the form specified in JSR77. in "
          "order to avoid the need for manual key propagation."), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. objectName|V1.0"}, 
       ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_J2EEManagedObject.Name"} ]
   string InstanceID;

      [Override ("ElementName"), Description (
          "The name of a J2EE managed object.  The name MUST be "
          "constructed using the form specified in JSR77. in "
          "order to avoid the need for manual key propagation."), 
       MaxLen (256), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. objectName|V1.0"}, 
       ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_J2EEManagedObject.InstanceID"} ]
   string ElementName;

      [Override ("OperationalStatus"), Description (
          "The current state of the entity for J2ee managed objects "
          "that support state management.  If the StateManageable "
          "property is FALSE, the value of this property MUST be set "
          "to 0 - Unknown.  The mapping from the J2ee management "
          "states to OperationalStatus is as follows - "
          "j2ee.state.starting - Starting, j2ee.state.running - OK, "
          "j2ee.state.stopping - Stopping, j2ee.state.stopped - "
          "Stopped, and j2ee.state.failed - Error."), 
       ValueMap {"0", "2", "6", "8", "9", "10"}, 
       Values {"Unknown", "OK", "Error", "Starting", "Stopping",
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. state|V1.0"}, 
       ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_J2eeManagedObjectCapabilities.StateManageable"} ]
   uint16 OperationalStatus[];

      [Description (
          "The time that the J2EE managed object was started, "
          "represented as a datetime interval measured as the time "
          "interval since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00.  If the "
          "StateManageable property of the "
          "CIM_J2eeManagedObjectCapabilities class is false, this "
          "value MUST be set to a zero time interval."), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. startTime|V1.0"}, 
       ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_J2eeManagedObjectCapabilities.StateManageable"} ]
   datetime StartTime = "00000000000000.000000:000";

      [Description (
          "Starts the J2EE managed object.  This operation can only be "
          "invoked in when State is Stopped.  This method, causes "
          "State to become Starting initially, and eventually becomes "
          "the RUNNING state.  Additionally, StartRecursive() is "
          "called on all the child StateManageable instances that are "
          "registered with this entity and are in the Stopped state.  "
          "The method returns 0 on success and non-zero for failure."), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. startRecursive|V1.0"} ]
   uint32 StartRecursive();

      [Description (
          "This method starts the J2EE managed object.  This operation "
          "can only be invoked when the OperationalStatus is Stopped.  "
          "Note that StartService() will not be called on any of the "
          "child StateManageable instances that are registered with "
          "this instance.  It is the responsibility of the calling "
          "application to start the child if required.  The method "
          "returns 0 on success and non-zero for failure."), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. start|V1.0"} ]
   uint32 Start();

      [Description (
          "This method stops the J2EE managed object and all dependent "
          "objects that can be identified by following the "
          "Dependency/Component associations this object's identity "
          "participates in."), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. stop|V1.0"} ]
   uint32 Stop();

// ====================================================================
// CIM_J2eeDomain - JSR77.3.2
// ====================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeDomain identifies the J2EE Domains that are part of "
       "the J2EE management environment.  Domains provide a structure "
       "for grouping J2EE Server objects.") ]
class CIM_J2eeDomain : CIM_AdminDomain {

      [Override ("Name"), Description (
          "The name of the J2EE server domain.  The name MUST be "
          "constructed using the form specified in JSR77. in "
          "order to avoid the need for manual key propagation."), 
       MaxLen (256), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. Domain Name|V1.0"} ]
   string Name;

// ====================================================================
// CIM_J2eeServer - JSR77.3.3
// ====================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "The CIM_J2eeServer class represents the J2EE Server core of "
       "one instance of a J2EE platform product as described in the "
       "Java 2 Enterprise Edition Platform specification.") ]
class CIM_J2eeServer : CIM_ApplicationSystem {

      [Override ("Name"), Description (
          "The name of a J2EE Server.  The name MUST be constructed "
          "using the form specified in JSR77. in order to avoid "
          "the need for manual key propagation."), 
       MaxLen (256), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. objectName|V1.0"} ]
   string Name;

      [Description (
          "The name of the server's vendor."), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. serverVendor|V1.0"} ]
   string Vendor;

      [Description (
          "The J2EE implementation version of the J2EE server."), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. serverVersion|V1.0"} ]
   string Version;

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeServerInDomain (Association) - JSR77.
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Experimental, Aggregation, Version ("2.7.1000"), 
    Description (
       "The CIM_J2eeServerInDomain association identifies the J2EE "
       "Server that are part of a J2EE Domain for management "
       "purposes.") ]
class CIM_J2eeServerInDomain : CIM_SystemComponent {

      [Aggregate, Override ("GroupComponent"), Min (1), Max (1), 
       Description (
          "The J2ee Management Domain.") ]
   CIM_J2eeDomain REF GroupComponent;

      [Override ("PartComponent"), Min (1), Description (
          "The J2ee Server that is a member of the domain.") ]
   CIM_J2eeServer REF PartComponent;

// ====================================================================
// CIM_J2eeJVM - JSR77.3.4
// ====================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "The CIM_J2eeJVM class identifies a Java VM that is utilized by "
       "a J2EE server.  For each Java VM that is running threads "
       "associated with the J2EE server, its containers or resources, "
       "there must be an instance in this class.  The instance must be "
       "removed when the Java VM is no longer running.  The reason "
       "this class subclasses from a class as high up in the hierarchy "
       "as CIM_EnabledLogicalElement is the absence of a class that "
       "models Interpreters, Emulators and the like.  The JVM is not "
       "an OS, but then neither is it just a process.  In v2.9, we "
       "hope to plug this hole by introducing a class that will model "
       "interpreters and emulators.  At this point, the JVM class can "
       "be pushed down in the hierarchy.") ]
class CIM_J2eeJVM : CIM_EnabledLogicalElement {

      [Key, Description (
          "InstanceID identifies a unique instance of a J2ee JVM In "
          "order to ensure uniqueness, the value of InstanceID MUST be "
          "constructed using the form specified in JSR77. in "
          "order to avoid the need for manual key propagation."), 
       ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_J2eeJVM.Name"} ]
   string InstanceID;

      [Override ("Name"), Description (
          "The name of a J2EE JVM.  The name MUST be constructed using "
          "the form specified in JSR77. in order to avoid the "
          "need for manual key propagation."), 
       MaxLen (256), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. objectName|V1.0"}, 
       ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_J2eeJVM.InstanceID"} ]
   string Name;

      [Description (
          "The Java Runtime Environment version of the JVM."), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. javaVersion|V1.0"} ]
   string JavaVersion;

      [Description (
          "The Java Runtime Environment vendor of the JVM."), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. javaVendor|V1.0"} ]
   string JavaVendor;

      [Description (
          "The node (machine) this JVM is running on."), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. node|V1.0"} ]
   string Node;

// ====================================================================
// CIM_J2eeServerUsesJVM (association) - JSR77.3.4
// ====================================================================
   [Association, Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "The association between a J2EE server and the Java virtual "
       "machine on which the J2EE server has running threads.") ]
class CIM_J2eeServerUsesJVM : CIM_Dependency {

      [Override ("Antecedent"), Min (1), Description (
          "The Java VM that is used by the J2ee Server.") ]
   CIM_J2eeJVM REF Antecedent;

      [Override ("Dependent"), Min (1), Description (
          "The J2ee Server that has threads running on the JVM.") ]
   CIM_J2eeServer REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeDeployedObject - JSR77.3.5
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Abstract, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "The CIM_J2eeDeployedObject class is an abstract class that is "
       "used to define CIM_J2eeModule and CIM_J2eeApplication objects "
       "that are deployed in the CIM_J2eeServer.  The Deployed Objects "
       "are hosted by a J2ee Server and should hence be associated to "
       "a J2eeServer instance through the CIM_HostedService "
       "association.  The scoping keys in the instance are provided by "
       "the J2eeServer hosting the deployed object.") ]
class CIM_J2eeDeployedObject : CIM_Service {

      [Override ("Name"), Description (
          "The name of a J2EE deployed object.  The name MUST be "
          "constructed using the form specified in JSR77. in "
          "order to avoid the need for manual key propagation."), 
       MaxLen (256), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. objectName|V1.0"} ]
   string Name;

      [Description (
          "Contains the original XML deployment descriptor that was "
          "created for this module during the deployment process."), 
       MappingStrings { "JSR77.JCP|JSR77. " 
          "deploymentDescriptor|V1.0"} ]
   string DeploymentDescriptor;

// ====================================================================
// CIM_J2eeModule - JSR77.3.7
// ====================================================================
   [Experimental, Abstract, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "The CIM_J2eeModule class is an abstract class from which all "
       "J2EE module type classes extend.  These represent EAR, JAR, "
       "WAR, and RAR files that have been deployed.") ]
class CIM_J2eeModule : CIM_J2eeDeployedObject {

// ====================================================================
// CIM_J2eeApplication - JSR77.3.6
// ====================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeApplication identifies the J2EE application EAR that "
       "has been deployed.") ]
class CIM_J2eeApplication : CIM_J2eeDeployedObject {

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeApplicationModule (Association) - JSR77.
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Experimental, Aggregation, Version ("2.7.1000"), 
    Description (
       "The CIM_J2eeApplicationModule association identifies a "
       "software module for a particular J2EE Application.") ]
class CIM_J2eeApplicationModule : CIM_ServiceComponent {

      [Aggregate, Override ("GroupComponent"), Description (
          "The J2ee Application that is comprised of modules.") ]
   CIM_J2eeApplication REF GroupComponent;

      [Override ("PartComponent"), Description (
          "The Module that is part of a J2ee Application.") ]
   CIM_J2eeModule REF PartComponent;

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeModuleUsesJVM (Association) - JSR77.
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "The CIM_J2eeModuleUsesJVM association identifies the JVM that "
       "a specific Module runs in.") ]
class CIM_J2eeModuleUsesJVM: CIM_HostedDependency {

      [Override ("Dependent"), Description (
          "The Module that uses a Java Virtual Machine.") ]
   CIM_J2eeModule REF Dependent;

      [Override ("Antecedent"), Min (1), Description (
          "The Java VM on which the module is running.") ]
   CIM_J2eeJVM REF Antecedent;

// ====================================================================
// CIM_J2eeAppClientModule - JSR77.3.8
// ====================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeCIM_J2eeAppClientModule identifies a deployed "
       "Application Client Module.") ]
class CIM_J2eeAppClientModule : CIM_J2eeModule {

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeEJBModule - JSR77.3.9
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeEJBModule identifies a deployed EJB module and is a "
       "container for CIM_J2eeEJBs.") ]
class CIM_J2eeEJBModule : CIM_J2eeModule {

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeEJB - JSR77.3.10
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Abstract, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "The CIM_J2eeEJB class is base class that represents different "
       "types of deployed Enterprise JavaBean components.  The EJB is "
       "hosted by a J2ee Server and should hence be associated to a "
       "J2eeServer instance through the CIM_HostedService "
       "association.  The scoping keys in the instance are provided by "
       "the J2eeServer hosting the EJB.") ]
class CIM_J2eeEJB : CIM_Service {

      [Override ("Name"), Description (
          "The name of an EJB.  The name MUST be constructed using the "
          "form specified in JSR77. in order to avoid the need "
          "for manual key propagation."), 
       MaxLen (256), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. objectName|V1.0"} ]
   string Name;

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeMessageDrivenBean - JSR77.3.11
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "Identifies a deployed message driven bean within an EJB "
       "module.") ]
class CIM_J2eeMessageDrivenBean : CIM_J2eeEJB {

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeEntityBean - JSR77.3.12
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "Identifies a deployed entity bean within an EJB module.") ]
class CIM_J2eeEntityBean : CIM_J2eeEJB {

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeSessionBean - JSR77.3.13
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Abstract, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "The CIM_J2eeSessionBean class is a base class that represents "
       "specific types of deployed Session beans.") ]
class CIM_J2eeSessionBean : CIM_J2eeEJB {

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeStatefulSessionBean - JSR77.3.14
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "Identifies a deployed stateful session bean within an EJB "
       "module.") ]
class CIM_J2eeStatefulSessionBean : CIM_J2eeSessionBean {

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeStatelessSessionBean - JSR77.3.15
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "Identifies a deployed stateless session bean within an EJB "
       "module.") ]
class CIM_J2eeStatelessSessionBean : CIM_J2eeSessionBean {

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeEJBInModule (Association) - JSR77.
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Experimental, Aggregation, Version ("2.7.1000"), 
    Description (
       "CIM_J2eeEJBInModule is a aggregation of the EJB components "
       "within a deployed EJB JAR module.") ]
class CIM_J2eeEJBInModule : CIM_ServiceComponent {

      [Aggregate, Override ("GroupComponent"), Min (1), Max (1), 
       Description (
          "The EJB Module that is comprised of EJBs.") ]
   CIM_J2eeEJBModule REF GroupComponent;

      [Override ("PartComponent"), Min (1), Description (
          "The EJB that is a part of the EJB Module.") ]
   CIM_J2eeEJB REF PartComponent;

// ====================================================================
// CIM_J2eeWebModule - JSR77.3.16
// ====================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeWebModule identifies a deployed WAR module and is a "
       "container for Servlets.") ]
class CIM_J2eeWebModule : CIM_J2eeModule {

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeServlet - JSR77.3.17
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "Identifies a deployed servlet component.  The Servlet is "
       "hosted by a J2ee Server and should hence be associated to a "
       "J2eeServer instance through the CIM_HostedService "
       "association.  The scoping keys in the instance are provided by "
       "the J2eeServer hosting the servlet.") ]
class CIM_J2eeServlet : CIM_Service {

      [Override ("Name"), Description (
          "The name of a J2EE Servlet.  The name MUST be constructed "
          "using the form specified in JSR77. in order to avoid "
          "the need for manual key propagation."), 
       MaxLen (256), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. objectName|V1.0"} ]
   string Name;

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeServletInModule (Association) - JSR77.
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Experimental, Aggregation, Version ("2.7.1000"), 
    Description (
       "CIM_J2eeServletInModule is a aggregation of the servlet "
       "components within a deployed WAR module.") ]
class CIM_J2eeServletInModule : CIM_ServiceComponent {

      [Aggregate, Override ("GroupComponent"), Min (1), Max (1), 
       Description (
          "The Web Module that is comprised of servlets.") ]
   CIM_J2eeWebModule REF GroupComponent;

      [Override ("PartComponent"), Min (1), Description (
          "The Servlet that is a part of the Web Module.") ]
   CIM_J2eeServlet REF PartComponent;

// ====================================================================
// CIM_J2eeResourceAdapterModule - JSR77.3.18
// ====================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeCIM_J2eeResourceAdapterModule identifies a deployed "
       "Resource Adapter Module and is a container for resource "
       "adapters.") ]
class CIM_J2eeResourceAdapterModule : CIM_J2eeModule {

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeResourceAdapter - JSR77.3.19
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "Identifies a deployed Resource Adapter within a Resource "
       "Adapter Module.  The resource adapter is hosted by a J2ee "
       "Server and should hence be associated to a J2eeServer instance "
       "through the CIM_HostedService association.  The scoping keys "
       "in the instance are provided by the J2eeServer hosting the "
       "resource adapter.") ]
class CIM_J2eeResourceAdapter : CIM_Service {

      [Override ("Name"), Description (
          "The name of a J2EE Resource Adapter.  The name MUST be "
          "constructed using the form specified in JSR77. in "
          "order to avoid the need for manual key propagation."), 
       MaxLen (256), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. objectName|V1.0"} ]
   string Name;

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeResourceAdapterInModule (Association) - JSR77.
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Experimental, Aggregation, Version ("2.7.1000"), 
    Description (
       "CIM_J2eeResourceAdapterInModule is an aggregation of the "
       "resource adapters contained within a deployed RAR Module.") ]
class CIM_J2eeResourceAdapterInModule : CIM_ServiceComponent {

      [Aggregate, Override ("GroupComponent"), Min (1), Description (
          "The ResourceAdapter Module that is comprised of resource "
          "adapters.") ]
   CIM_J2eeResourceAdapterModule REF GroupComponent;

      [Override ("PartComponent"), Min (1), Description (
          "The resource adapter that is a part of the resource adapter "
          "Module.") ]
   CIM_J2eeResourceAdapter REF PartComponent;

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeResource - JSR77.3.20
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Abstract, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "The J2eeResource class is a base class for all managed object "
       "types that represent J2EE resources.  J2EE resources are "
       "resources that are utilized by the J2EE server to provide the "
       "J2EE standard services required by the J2EE platform "
       "architecture.  The J2EEResource class has several subclasses "
       "that do not add any new properties.  The option of using a "
       "type property to identify the different resource types while "
       "doing away with the numerous empty subclasses was not chosen "
       "because the subclasses, when enhanced by vendor specific "
       "extensions are significantly different from each other.") ]
class CIM_J2eeResource : CIM_SystemResource {

      [Key, Description (
          "InstanceID identifies a unique instance of a J2ee "
          "Resource.  In order to ensure uniqueness, the value of "
          "InstanceID MUST be constructed using the form specified in "
          "JSR77. in order to avoid the need for manual key "
       ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_J2eeResource.Name"} ]
   string InstanceID;

      [Override ("Name"), Description (
          "The name of a J2EE Resource.  The name MUST be constructed "
          "using the form specified in JSR77. in order to avoid "
          "the need for manual key propagation."), 
       MaxLen (256), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. objectName|V1.0"}, 
       ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_J2eeResource.InstanceID"} ]
   string Name;

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeResourceOnServer (Association) JSR77.
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeResourceOnServer is an association that establishes "
       "the relationship between a J2EE server and its resources.") ]
class CIM_J2eeResourceOnServer : CIM_ResourceOfSystem {

      [Override ("GroupComponent"), Min (1), Max (1), Description (
          "The Server exposing the resources.") ]
   CIM_J2eeServer REF GroupComponent;

      [Override ("PartComponent"), Description (
          "The resource that is a component of the server.") ]
   CIM_J2eeResource REF PartComponent;

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeJavaMailResource - JSR77.3.21
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeJavaMailResource identifies a JavaMail resource.") ]
class CIM_J2eeJavaMailResource : CIM_J2eeResource {

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeJCAResource - JSR77.3.22
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeJCAResource identifies a JCA resource.") ]
class CIM_J2eeJCAResource : CIM_J2eeResource {

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeJCAConnectionFactory - JSR77.3.23
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "The CIM_J2eeJCAConnectionFactory class identifies individual "
       "JCA connection factories.") ]
class CIM_J2eeJCAConnectionFactory : CIM_EnabledLogicalElement {

      [Key, Description (
          "InstanceID identifies a unique instance of a J2ee "
          "JCAConnectionFactory.  In order to ensure uniqueness, the "
          "value of InstanceID MUST be constructed using the form "
          "specified in JSR77. in order to avoid the need for "
          "manual key propagation."), 
       ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_J2eeJCAConnectionFactory.Name"} ]
   string InstanceID;

      [Override ("Name"), Description (
          "The name of a J2EE JCAConnectionFactory.  The name MUST be "
          "constructed using the form specified in JSR77. in "
          "order to avoid the need for manual key propagation."), 
       MaxLen (256), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. objectName|V1.0"}, 
       ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_J2eeJCAConnectionFactory.InstanceID"} ]
   string Name;

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeJDBCResource - JSR77.3.25
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeJDBCResource identifies a JDBC resource.  A JDBC "
       "resource manages one or more JDBC data sources.") ]
class CIM_J2eeJDBCResource : CIM_J2eeResource {

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeJMSResource - JSR77.3.28
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeJMSResource identifies a JMS resource.") ]
class CIM_J2eeJMSResource : CIM_J2eeResource {

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeJNDIResource - JSR77.3.29
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeJNDIResource identifies a Java Naming and Directory "
       "Interface (JNDI) resource.") ]
class CIM_J2eeJNDIResource : CIM_J2eeResource {

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeJTAResource - JSR77.3.30
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeJTAResource identifies a Java Transaction API (JTA) "
       "resource.") ]
class CIM_J2eeJTAResource : CIM_J2eeResource {

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeRMI_IIOPResource - JSR77.3.31
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeRMI_IIOPResource identifies an RMI_IIOP resource.") ]
class CIM_J2eeRMI_IIOPResource : CIM_J2eeResource {

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeURLResource - JSR77.3.32
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeURLResource identifies a URL resource.") ]
class CIM_J2eeURLResource : CIM_J2eeResource {

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeJCAManagedConnectionFactory - JSR77.3.24
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "This class identifies JCA managed connection factories.") ]
class CIM_J2eeJCAManagedConnectionFactory : CIM_EnabledLogicalElement {

      [Key, Description (
          "InstanceID identifies a unique instance of a J2ee "
          "JCAManagedConnectionFactory.  In order to ensure "
          "uniqueness, the value of InstanceID MUST be constructed "
          "using the form specified in JSR77. in order to avoid "
          "the need for manual key propagation."), 
       ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_J2eeJCAManagedConnectionFactory.Name"} ]
   string InstanceID;

      [Override ("Name"), Description (
          "The name of a J2EE JCAManagedConnectionFactory.  The name "
          "MUST be constructed using the form specified in "
          "JSR77. in order to avoid the need for manual key "
       MaxLen (256), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. objectName|V1.0"}, 
          {"CIM_J2eeJCAManagedConnectionFactory.InstanceID"} ]
   string Name;

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeJDBCDataSource - JSR77.3.26
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "The CIM_J2eeJDBCDataSource class contains instances that "
       "identify physical JDBC data sources.") ]
class CIM_J2eeJDBCDataSource : CIM_EnabledLogicalElement {

      [Key, Description (
          "InstanceID identifies a unique instance of a J2ee "
          "JDBCDataSource.  In order to ensure uniqueness, the value "
          "of InstanceID MUST be constructed using the form specified "
          "in JSR77. in order to avoid the need for manual key "
       ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_J2eeJDBCDataSource.Name"} ]
   string InstanceID;

      [Override ("Name"), Description (
          "The name of a J2EE JDBCDataSource.  The name MUST be "
          "constructed using the form specified in JSR77. in "
          "order to avoid the need for manual key propagation."), 
       MaxLen (256), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. objectName|V1.0"}, 
       ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_J2eeJDBCDataSource.InstanceID"} ]
   string Name;

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeJDBCDriver - JSR77.3.27
// ==================================================================
   [Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "The CIM_J2eeJDBCDriver class identifies individual JDBC "
       "drivers.") ]
class CIM_J2eeJDBCDriver : CIM_EnabledLogicalElement {

      [Key, Description (
          "InstanceID identifies a unique instance of a J2ee "
          "JDBCDriver.  In order to ensure uniqueness, the value of "
          "InstanceID MUST be constructed using the form specified in "
          "JSR77. in order to avoid the need for manual key "
       ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_J2eeJDBCDriver.Name"} ]
   string InstanceID;

      [Override ("Name"), Description (
          "The name of a J2EE JDBCDriver.  The name MUST be "
          "constructed using the form specified in JSR77. in "
          "order to avoid the need for manual key propagation."), 
       MaxLen (256), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. objectName|V1.0"}, 
       ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_J2eeJDBCDriver.InstanceID"} ]
   string Name;

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeJDBCResourceUsesDataSource (Association) - JSR77.
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeJDBCResourceUsesDataSource is an association that "
       "identifies the JDBC data sources that are available to a "
       "CIM_J2eeJDBCResource.") ]
class CIM_J2eeJDBCResourceUsesDataSource : CIM_HostedDependency {

      [Override ("Dependent"), Min (1), Max (1), Description (
          "The JDBC Resource that requires a Data Source.") ]
   CIM_J2eeJDBCResource REF Dependent;

      [Override ("Antecedent"), Min (1), Description (
          "The Data Source that is being used by a JDBC Resource.") ]
   CIM_J2eeJDBCDataSource REF Antecedent;

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeJDBCDataSourceDriver (Association) - JSR77.
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeJDBCDataSourceDriver associates the JDBC driver with a "
       "JDBC data source.") ]
class CIM_J2eeJDBCDataSourceDriver : CIM_HostedDependency {

      [Override ("Dependent"), Min (1) ]
   CIM_J2eeJDBCDataSource REF Dependent;

      [Override ("Antecedent"), Min (1), Max (1) ]
   CIM_J2eeJDBCDriver REF Antecedent;

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeConnectionFactoryAvailableToJCAResource(Association)
//                   JSR77.
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeConnectionFactoryAvailableToJCAResource is an "
       "association that identifies the connection factory that is "
       "available to a CIM_J2eeJCAResource object.") ]
class CIM_J2eeConnectionFactoryAvailableToJCAResource : CIM_HostedDependency {

      [Override ("Dependent"), Min (1), Max (1), Description (
          "The JCA Resource that requires a Connection Factory.") ]
   CIM_J2eeJCAResource REF Dependent;

      [Override ("Antecedent"), Min (1), Description (
          "The Connection Factory being used by a JCA Resource.") ]
   CIM_J2eeJCAConnectionFactory REF Antecedent;

// ==================================================================
// CIM_J2eeJCAConnectionFactoryManagedConnectionFactory (Association)
//      JSR77.
// ==================================================================
   [Association, Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "CIM_J2eeJCAConnectionFactoryManagedConnectionFactory "
       "identifies the JCA managed connection factory associated with "
       "the corresponding JCA connection factory .") ]
class CIM_J2eeJCAConnectionFactoryManagedConnectionFactory: CIM_HostedDependency {

      [Override ("Dependent"), Min (1) ]
   CIM_J2eeJCAConnectionFactory REF Dependent;

      [Override ("Antecedent"), Min (1), Max (1) ]
   CIM_J2eeJCAManagedConnectionFactory REF Antecedent;

// ====================================================================
// CIM_J2eeNotification - JSR77.4.2
// ====================================================================
   [Indication, Experimental, Version ("2.7.1000"), Description (
       "The J2eeNotification class specifies the properties that must "
       "be included in every event that is generated by a J2EE managed "
       "object that supports the event model.  All management systems "
       "that support event notification must support all of the "
       "properties in this class.") ]
class CIM_J2eeNotification : CIM_ProcessIndication {

      [Override ("IndicationIdentifier"), Description (
          "The identifier for the indication, represented as the name "
          "of the source J2EE managed object that generated the "
          "event.  The name MUST be constructed using the form "
          "specified in JSR77."), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. source|V1.0"}, 
       ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_J2eeManagedObject.Name"} ]
   string IndicationIdentifier;

      [Description (
          "The sequence number of the indication.  Identifies the "
          "position of the indication in a stream of indications.  The "
          "sequence number provides a means of determining the order "
          "of sequential indications that occurred with the same "
          "timestamp (within the minimum supported unit of time)."), 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. sequence|V1.0"} ]
   sint64 SequenceNumber;

      [Description (
          "The type of the indication.  The type is assigned by the "
          "source object that generated the indication.  It conveys "
          "the semantic meaning of the particular indication.  The "
          "standard types (starting, stopping, running, etc.) MUST be "
          "described by this property's enumeration.  Other values MAY "
          "also be specified by entering 1 (\"Other\") in this "
          "property and placing the type's string value in "
          "OtherIndicationType.  The latter SHOULD be interpreted as a "
          "number of dot-separated components.  This allows some "
          "structure in the naming of indication types.  Source "
          "objects are free to define any types that they wish to use "
          "when naming the indications that they generate.\n"
          "Note that this enumeration is defined by examining "
          "J2eeManagedObject's OperationalStatus property, by the "
          "creation or deletion of the J2eeManagedObject instance, or "
          "is the decision of the JSR77 experts or the "
          "implementation.  It is not a one-to-one mapping of the "
          "OperationalStatus property in ManagedSystemElement, and is "
          "therefore a unique enumeration and specific "
       ValueMap {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"}, 
       Values {"Unknown", "Other", "j2ee.object.created",
          "j2ee.object.deleted", "j2ee.state.starting",
          "j2ee.state.running", "j2ee.state.stopping",
          "j2ee.state.stopped", "j2ee.state.failed"}, 
       MappingStrings {"JSR77.JCP|JSR77. type|V1.0"}, 
       ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_J2eeNotification.OtherIndicationType"} ]
   uint16 IndicationType;

      [Description (
          "The type of the indication when a non-standard event is "
          "generated by the source object.  This value MUST be "
          "specified when IndicationType is set to 1 (\"Other\")."), 
       ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_J2eeNotification.IndicationType"} ]
   string OtherIndicationType;

      [Description (
          "An informational message about the indication.") ]
   string Message;

      [Description (
          "Optional data that the notication broadcaster wishes to "
          "communicate to listeners.  The content of the data is user "
          "specific.  The UserData property may be null."), 
       OctetString ]
   string UserData;

// ==================================================================
// end of file
// ==================================================================

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