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File: [Pegasus] / pegasus / Schemas / CIM27 / Attic / Physical27_Package.mof (download)
Revision: 1.3, Thu Feb 24 20:47:21 2005 UTC (19 years, 4 months ago) by a.dunfey
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: TASK-PEP362_RestfulService-merged_out_from_trunk, TASK-PEP348_SCMO-merged_out_from_trunk, TASK-PEP317_pullop-merged_out_from_trunk, TASK-PEP317_pullop-merged_in_to_trunk, TASK-PEP311_WSMan-root, TASK-PEP311_WSMan-branch, RELEASE_2_5_0-RC1, HPUX_TEST, HEAD
Changes since 1.2: +0 -0 lines
PEP#: 215
TITLE: Remove old schemas


Removing old, unneeded schema files from the repository:

CIM 2.7
CIM 2.7.1 Preliminary
CIM 2.8 Preliminary
CIM 2.9 Preliminary

// ===================================================================
// Title:       Physical Packages 2.7
// Filename:    Physical27_Package.mof
// Version:     2.7.0
// Release:     Final
// Date:        03/31/03
// ===================================================================
// Copyright 1998-2003 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF).
// All rights reserved.  
// DMTF is a not-for-profit association of industry members dedicated 
// to promoting enterprise and systems management and interoperability. 
// DMTF specifications and documents may be reproduced for uses
// consistent with this purpose by members and non-members, 
// provided that correct attribution is given. 
// As DMTF specifications may be revised from time to time, 
// the particular version and release date should always be noted.
// Implementation of certain elements of this standard or proposed 
// standard may be subject to third party patent rights, including 
// provisional patent rights (herein "patent rights"). DMTF makes 
// no representations to users of the standard as to the existence 
// of such rights, and is not responsible to recognize, disclose, or
// identify any or all such third party patent right, owners or 
// claimants, nor for any incomplete or inaccurate identification or 
// disclosure of such rights, owners or claimants. DMTF shall have no 
// liability to any party, in any manner or circumstance, under any 
// legal theory whatsoever, for failure to recognize, disclose, or 
// identify any such third party patent rights, or for such party's
// reliance on the standard or incorporation thereof in its product, 
// protocols or testing procedures. DMTF shall have no liability to 
// any party implementing such standard, whether such implementation 
// is foreseeable or not, nor to any patent owner or claimant, and shall 
// have no liability or responsibility for costs or losses incurred if 
// a standard is withdrawn or modified after publication, and shall be
// indemnified and held harmless by any party implementing the 
// standard from any and all claims of infringement by a patent owner 
// for such implementations.
// For information about patents held by third-parties which have 
// notified the DMTF that, in their opinion, such patent may relate to 
// or impact implementations of DMTF standards, visit 
// http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/disclosures.php.
// ===================================================================
// Description: The Physical Model defines modeling concepts related
//              to actual boxes and packaging. This file defines the 
//              concepts related to packaging of Cards, Frames, 
//              Chassis, etc.
//              The object classes below are listed in an order that
//              avoids forward references. Required objects, defined 
//              by other working groups, are omitted.
// ==================================================================
// Change Log for v2.7
// CR623 - Fix the DMI mapping string to include the attribute number
//         PhysicalFrame.SecurityBreach and Chassis.ChassisTypes 
// CR629 - Extend Chassis.ChassisType to include "Multi-system Chassis"
// CR877 - Add AGP8X enumeration to PhysicalConnector.ConnectorType 
// ==================================================================

#pragma locale ("en_US")

// ==================================================================
// PhysicalPackage
// ==================================================================
[Version ("2.6.0"), Description (
    "The PhysicalPackage class represents PhysicalElements that "
    "contain or host other components. Examples are a Rack "
    "enclosure or an adapter Card.") ]
class CIM_PhysicalPackage : CIM_PhysicalElement {
    [Description (
        "A PhysicalPackage is Removable if it is designed to be "
        "taken in and out of the physical container in which it is "
        "normally found, without impairing the function of the "
        "overall packaging. A Package can still be Removable if "
        "power must be 'off' in order to perform the removal. If "
        "power can be 'on' and the Package removed, then the Element "
        "is both Removable and HotSwappable. For example, an extra "
        "battery in a laptop is Removable, as is a disk drive Package "
        "inserted using SCA connectors. However, the latter is also "
        "HotSwappable.  A laptop's display is not Removable, nor "
        "is a non-redundant power supply.  Removing these "
        "components would impact the function of the overall packaging "
        "or is impossible due to the tight integration of the "
        "Package.") ]
    boolean Removable;
    [Description (
        "A PhysicalPackage is Replaceable if it is possible to "
        "replace (FRU or upgrade) the Element with a physically "
        "different one.  For example, some ComputerSystems "
        "allow the main Processor chip to be upgraded to one of a "
        "higher clock rating. In this case, the Processor is said "
        "to be Replaceable. Another example is a power supply "
        "Package mounted on sliding rails. All Removable packages "
        "are inherently Replaceable.") ]
    boolean Replaceable;
    [Description (
        "A PhysicalPackage is HotSwappable if it is possible to "
        "replace the Element with a physically different "
        "but equivalent one while the containing Package has power "
        "applied to it (ie, is 'on').  For example, a disk drive "
        "Package inserted using SCA connectors is both Removable "
        "and HotSwappable. All HotSwappable packages are inherently "
        "Removable and Replaceable.") ]
    boolean HotSwappable;
    [Description (
        "The height of the PhysicalPackage in inches."),
        Units ("Inches") ]
    real32 Height;
    [Description (
        "The depth of the PhysicalPackage in inches."),
        Units ("Inches") ]
    real32 Depth;
    [Description (
        "The width of the PhysicalPackage in inches."),
        Units ("Inches") ]
    real32 Width;
    [Description (
        "The weight of the PhysicalPackage in pounds."),
        Units ("Pounds") ]
    real32 Weight;
    [Description (
        "The IsCompatible method verifies whether the referenced "
        "PhysicalElement may be contained by or inserted into "
        "the PhysicalPackage. The return value should be 0 if "
        "the request was successfully executed, 1 if the request "
        "is not supported and some other value if an error "
        "occurred. In a subclass, the set of possible return codes "
        "could be specified, using a ValueMap qualifier on the "
        "method. The strings to which the ValueMap contents are "
        "'translated' may also be specified in the subclass as a "
        "Values array qualifier.") ]
    uint32 IsCompatible(
        [IN] CIM_PhysicalElement REF ElementToCheck);

// ==================================================================
// Container
// ==================================================================
[Association, Aggregation, Version ("2.6.0"), Description (
    "The Container association represents the relationship "
    "between a contained and a containing PhysicalElement. "
    "A containing object must be a PhysicalPackage.") ]
class CIM_Container : CIM_Component {
    [Override ("GroupComponent"), Aggregate, Max (1), Description (
        "The PhysicalPackage that contains other PhysicalElements, "
        "including other Packages."),
        MappingStrings {
            "MIB.IETF|Entity-MIB.entPhysicalContainedIn"} ] 
    CIM_PhysicalPackage REF GroupComponent;
    [Override ("PartComponent"), Description (
        "The PhysicalElement which is contained in the Package.") ]
    CIM_PhysicalElement REF PartComponent;
    [Description (
        "A free-form string representing the positioning of the "
        "PhysicalElement within the PhysicalPackage. Information "
        "relative to stationary elements in the Container (for "
        "example, 'second drive bay from the top'), angles, "
        "altitudes and other data may be recorded in this property. "
        "This string could supplement or be used in place of "
        "instantiating the CIM_Location object."),
        MappingStrings {
            "MIB.IETF|Entity-MIB.entPhysicalParentRelPos"} ] 
   string LocationWithinContainer;

// ==================================================================
// PhysicalFrame
// ==================================================================
[Version ("2.7.0"), Description (
    "PhysicalFrame is a superclass of Rack, Chassis and "
    "other frame enclosures, as they are defined in extension "
    "classes. Properties like visible or audible alarm, and data "
    "related to security breaches are in this superclass." ) ]
class CIM_PhysicalFrame : CIM_PhysicalPackage {
    [Description ("CableManagementStrategy is a free-form string "
        "that contains information on how the various cables are "
        "connected and bundled for the Frame. With many networking, "
        "storage-related and power cables, cable management can be "
        "a complex and challenging endeavor. This string property "
        "contains information to aid in assembly and service "
        "of the Frame.") ]
    string CableManagementStrategy;
    [Description (
        "ServicePhilosophy is an enumerated, integer-valued "
        "array that indicates whether the Frame is serviced from the "
        "top (value=2), front (3), back (4) or side (5), whether it "
        "has sliding trays (6) or removable sides (7), and/or whether "
        "the Frame is moveable (8), for example, having rollers."),
        ArrayType ("Indexed"), 
        ValueMap {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"},
        Values {"Unknown", "Other", "Service From Top",
            "Service From Front", "Service From Back", 
            "Service From Side", "Sliding Trays", 
            "Removable Sides", "Moveable"},
        ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_PhysicalFrame.ServiceDescriptions"} ]
    uint16 ServicePhilosophy[];
    [Description ("An array of free-form strings providing more "
        "detailed explanations for any of the entries in the Service"
        "Philosophy array. Note, each entry of this array "
        "is related to the entry in ServicePhilosophy that is "
        "located at the same index."),
        ArrayType ("Indexed"),
        ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_PhysicalFrame.ServicePhilosophy"} ]
    string ServiceDescriptions[];
    [Description ("Boolean indicating whether the Frame is protected "
        "with a lock.") ]
    boolean LockPresent;
    [Description ("Boolean indicating whether the Frame is equipped "
        "with an audible alarm.") ]
    boolean AudibleAlarm; 
    [Description ("Boolean indicating that the equipment includes "
        "a visible alarm.") ]
    boolean VisibleAlarm;
    [Description ("SecurityBreach is an enumerated, integer-valued "
        "property indicating whether a physical breach of the Frame "
        "was attempted but unsuccessful (value=4) or attempted and "
        "successful (5). Also, the values, \"Unknown\", \"Other\" or "
        "\"No Breach\", can be specified."),
        ValueMap {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"},
        Values {"Other", "Unknown", "No Breach", "Breach Attempted", 
            "Breach Successful"},
        MappingStrings {
            "MIF.DMTF|Physical Container Global Table|004.12"},
        ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_PhysicalFrame.BreachDescription"} ]
    uint16 SecurityBreach;
    [Description ("BreachDescription is a free-form string providing "
        "more information if the SecurityBreach property indicates "
        "that a breach or some other security-related event "
        ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_PhysicalFrame.SecurityBreach"} ]
    string BreachDescription;
    [Description (
        "Boolean indicating that the Frame is currently locked.") ]
    boolean IsLocked;

// ==================================================================
// Rack
// ==================================================================
[Version ("2.6.0"), Description (
    "A Rack is a PhysicalFrame that represents an enclosure in "
    "which Chassis are placed. Typically a Rack is nothing more "
    "than the enclosure, and all the functioning componentry is "
    "packaged in the Chassis, loaded in the Rack.") ]
class CIM_Rack : CIM_PhysicalFrame {
    [Override ("Height"), Description (
        "The height of the PhysicalPackage in 'U's. A 'U' is a "
        "standard unit of measure for the height of a Rack or "
        "rack-mountable component. It is equal to 1.75 inches or "
        "4.445 cm."),
        Units ("Us") ]
    real32 Height;
    [Description ("Enumeration indicating the type of Rack."
        "Information such as \"Telco\" rack (value=2) or standard "
        "19 inch rack (1) can be specified. The country for which "
        "the Rack is manufactured is defined in the the Country"
        "Designation property."),
        ValueMap {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4"},
        Values {"Unknown", "Standard 19 Inch", "Telco", 
            "Equipment Shelf", "Non-Standard"},
        ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_Rack.CountryDesignation"} ]
    uint16 TypeOfRack;
    [Description ("Designation of the country for which the Rack "
        "is designed. Country code strings are as defined by "
        "ISO/IEC 3166. The rack type is specified in the TypeOf"
        "Rack property."),
        ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_Rack.TypeOfRack"} ]
    string CountryDesignation;

// ==================================================================
// Chassis
// ==================================================================
[Version ("2.7.0"), Description (
    "The Chassis class represents the PhysicalElements that "
    "enclose other Elements and provide definable functionality, "
    "such as a desktop, processing node, UPS, disk or tape storage, "
    "or a combination of these.") ]
class CIM_Chassis : CIM_PhysicalFrame {
    [Description (
        "Integer indicating the number of power cords which must be "
        "connected to the Chassis, for all the componentry to "
        "operate.") ]
    uint16 NumberOfPowerCords;
    [Description (
        "Current required by the Chassis at 120V. If power is "
        "provided by the Chassis (as in the case of a UPS), this "
        "property may indicate the amperage produced, as a negative "
        Units ("Amps at 120 Volts") ]
    sint16 CurrentRequiredOrProduced;
    [Description (
        "Amount of heat generated by the Chassis in BTU/hour."),
        Units ("BTU per Hour") ]
    uint16 HeatGeneration;
    [Description (
        "An enumerated, integer-valued array indicating the type of "
        ArrayType ("Indexed"),
        ValueMap {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", 
            "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19",
            "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25"},
        Values {"Other", "Unknown", "Desktop", "Low Profile Desktop",
               "Pizza Box", "Mini Tower", "Tower", "Portable", "LapTop",
               // 10 
               "Notebook", "Hand Held", "Docking Station", "All in One",
               "Sub Notebook", "Space-Saving", "Lunch Box",
               "Main System Chassis", "Expansion Chassis", "SubChassis",
               // 20
               "Bus Expansion Chassis", "Peripheral Chassis",
               "Storage Chassis", "Rack Mount Chassis",
               "Sealed-Case PC", "Multi-system Chassis"},
        MappingStrings {
            "MIF.DMTF|Physical Container Global Table|004.1"},
        ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_Chassis.TypeDescriptions"} ]
    uint16 ChassisTypes[];
    [Description (
        "An array of free-form strings providing more information "
        "on the ChassisTypes array entries. Note, each entry of this "
        "array is related to the entry in ChassisTypes that is "
        "located at the same index."),
        ArrayType ("Indexed"),
        ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_Chassis.ChassisTypes"} ]
    string TypeDescriptions[];

// ==================================================================
// ChassisInRack
// ==================================================================
[Association, Aggregation, Version ("2.6.0"), Description (
    "Racks, as simple enclosures, contain Chassis that provide "
    "the physical componentry realizing processing nodes, "
    "storage devices, UPSs, etc. The ChassisInRack association "
    "makes explicit the 'containing' relationship between the "
    "Rack and the Chassis.") ]
class CIM_ChassisInRack : CIM_Container {
    [Override ("GroupComponent"), Aggregate, Max (1),
        Description ("The Rack that contains the Chassis.") ]
    CIM_Rack REF GroupComponent;
    [Override ("PartComponent"),
        Description ("The Chassis which is mounted in the Rack.") ]
    CIM_Chassis REF PartComponent;
    [Description (
        "An integer indicating the lowest or 'bottom' U in which "
        "the Chassis is mounted. A 'U' is a standard unit of "
        "measure for the height of a Rack or rack-mountable "
        "component. It is equal to 1.75 inches or 4.445 cm."),
        Units ("Us") ]
    uint16 BottomU;

// ==================================================================
// PackageInChassis
// ==================================================================
[Association, Aggregation, Version ("2.6.0"), Description (
    "A Chassis can contain other Packages, such as other Chassis "
    "and Cards. The PackageInChassis association makes explicit "
    "this relationship.") ]
class CIM_PackageInChassis : CIM_Container {
    [Override ("GroupComponent"), Aggregate, Max (1), Description (
        "The Chassis that contains other PhysicalPackages.") ]
    CIM_Chassis REF GroupComponent;
    [Override ("PartComponent"), Description (
        "The PhysicalPackage which is contained in the Chassis.") ]
    CIM_PhysicalPackage REF PartComponent;

// ==================================================================
// Docked
// ==================================================================
[Association, Version ("2.6.0"), Description (
    "A laptop, a type of Chassis, may be docked in another "
    "type of Chassis, a Docking Station. This is the relationship "
    "represented by the Docked association. Because this is "
    "such a typical relationship, it is explicitly described."),
    MappingStrings {"MIF.DMTF|Dynamic States|001.2"} ]
class CIM_Docked : CIM_Dependency {
    [Override ("Antecedent"),
        Max (1), Description ("The Docking Station.") ]
    CIM_Chassis REF Antecedent;
    [Override ("Dependent"),
        Max (1), Description ("The Laptop that is 'Docked'.") ]
    CIM_Chassis REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
// Card
// ==================================================================
[Version ("2.6.0"), Description (
    "The Card class represents a type of physical container that "
    "can be plugged into another Card or HostingBoard, or is "
    "itself a HostingBoard/Motherboard in a Chassis. The CIM_Card "
    "class includes any package capable of carrying signals and "
    "providing a mounting point for PhysicalComponents, such as "
    "Chips, or other PhysicalPackages, such as other Cards.") ]
class CIM_Card : CIM_PhysicalPackage {
    [Description (
        "Boolean indicating that this Card is a Motherboard or, "
        "more generically, a baseboard in a Chassis.") ]
    boolean HostingBoard;
    [Description (
        "SlotLayout is a free-form string that describes the "
        "slot positioning, typical usage, restrictions, individual "
        "slot spacings or any other pertinent information for the "
        "slots on a Card.") ]
    string SlotLayout;
    [Description (
        "Boolean indicating that at least one daughterboard or "
        "auxiliary Card is required in order to function properly.") ]
    boolean RequiresDaughterBoard;
    [Description ("Boolean indicating that this Card is physically "
        "unique from other Cards of the same type and therefore "
        "requires a special Slot. For example, a double-wide Card "
        "requires two Slots. Another example is where a certain Card "
        "may be used for the same general function as other Cards but "
        "requires a special Slot (e.g., extra long), whereas the "
        "other Cards can be placed in any available Slot. "
        "If set to TRUE, then the corresponding property, "
        "RequirementsDescription, should specify the nature of the "
        "uniqueness or purpose of the Card."),
        ModelCorrespondence{"CIM_Card.RequirementsDescription"} ]
    boolean SpecialRequirements;
    [Description ("A free-form string describing the way(s) in which "
        "this Card is physically unique from other Cards. This "
        "property only has meaning when the corresponding boolean "
        "property, SpecialRequirements, is set to TRUE."),
        ModelCorrespondence{"CIM_Card.SpecialRequirements"} ]
    string RequirementsDescription;
    [Description ("Operating voltages required by the Card."),
        Units("MilliVolts") ]
    sint16 OperatingVoltages[];
    [Description (
        "This method manipulates the power to a PhysicalConnector on "
        "a Card. It is intended to be used by a Card (especially by a "
        "motherboard - i.e., HostingBoard=TRUE) to turn the power on "
        "and off for a specific PhysicalConnector located on it. For "
        "example, in a personal computer, a system slot does not know "
        "how to turn itself on and off. However, the motherboard "
        "hosting this slot may have that capability. This is important "
        "in order to support hot swapping of an adapter card in a "
        "system slot. The method should return 0 if successful, 1 if "
        "the request is not supported, and some other value if any "
        "other error occurred. In a subclass, the set of possible "
        "return codes could be specified, using a ValueMap qualifier "
        "on the method. The strings to which the ValueMap contents are "
        "'translated' may also be specified in the subclass as a "
        "Values array qualifier.") ]
    uint32 ConnectorPower(
        CIM_PhysicalConnector REF Connector,
        boolean PoweredOn);

// ==================================================================
// SystemBusCard
// ==================================================================
[Version ("2.7.0"), Description (
    "The SystemBusCard class represents additional information "
    "for a CIM_Card, detailing the Card's bus type and data width. "
    "These properties dictate the type of Slot into which the Card "
    "can be inserted. For example, using the properties of this "
    "class, one can define that a Card is a PCI, 64 bit adapter.") ]
class CIM_SystemBusCard : CIM_Card {
    [Description (
        "An enumerated integer describing the System bus type for "
        "this Card. It indicates the type of Slot into which the "
        "Card can plug. The list of permissible values aligns with "
        "the System bus types in CIM_PhysicalConnector.Connector"
        ValueMap {"43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50", 
            "64", "65", 
            "73", "74", "75", "76", "77", "78", "79", 
            "80", "81", "82", "83", "84", "85", "86", "87", 
            "98", "99", 
            "100", "101", "102", "103", "104", "105", "106", 
            "109", "110", "111"},
        Values {
            // 43
            "PCI", "ISA", "EISA", "VESA", "PCMCIA", 
            "PCMCIA Type I", "PCMCIA Type II", "PCMCIA Type III", 
            // 52
            // 64
            "Access.bus", "NuBus", 
            // 73
            "AGP", "VME Bus", "VME64", "Proprietary", 
            "Proprietary Processor Card Slot", 
            "Proprietary Memory Card Slot", 
            "Proprietary I/O Riser Slot", 
            // 80
            "PCI-66MHZ", "AGP2X", "AGP4X", "PC-98", "PC-98-Hireso", 
            "PC-H98", "PC-98Note", "PC-98Full", 
            // 98
            "PCI-X", "Sbus IEEE 1396-1993 32 bit", 
            // 100
            "Sbus IEEE 1396-1993 64 bit", "MCA", "GIO", "XIO", 
            "HIO", "NGIO", "PMC", 
            // 109
            "Future I/O", "InfiniBand", "AGP8X"},
        ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_PhysicalConnector.ConnectorType"} ]
    uint16 BusType;
    [Description (
        "System bus width (in bits) required by this Card. If "
        "'unknown', enter 0. If 'other' than the values, 8, 16, "
        "32, 64 or 128, enter 1. The list of permissible values "
        "aligns with the data in CIM_Slot.MaxBusWidth."),
        Units ("Bits"),
        ValueMap {"0", "1", "8", "16", "32", "64", "128"},
        ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_Slot.MaxBusWidth"} ]
    uint16 BusWidth;

// ==================================================================
// CardOnCard
// ==================================================================
[Association, Aggregation, Version ("2.6.0"), Description (
    "Cards may be plugged into Motherboards/baseboards, are "
    "daughtercards of an adapter, or support special Card-like "
    "modules. These relationships are described by the CardOnCard "
    "association.") ]
class CIM_CardOnCard : CIM_Container {
    [Override ("GroupComponent"), Aggregate,  Max (1), Description (
        "The Card that hosts another Card.") ]
    CIM_Card REF GroupComponent;
    [Override ("PartComponent"), Description (
        "The Card that is plugged into or otherwise mounted on "
        "another Card.") ]
    CIM_Card REF PartComponent;
    [Description (
        "A string describing and identifying how the Card is "
        "mounted on or plugged into the 'other' Card. Slot "
        "information could be included in this field and may be "
        "sufficient for certain management purposes. If so, "
        "this avoids creating instantiations of Connector/Slot "
        "objects just to model the relationship of Cards to "
        "HostingBoards or other adapters. On the other hand, "
        "if Slot and Connector information is available, this "
        "field could be used to provide more detailed mounting "
        "or slot insertion data.") ]
    string MountOrSlotDescription;

// ===================================================================
// end of file
// ===================================================================

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