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  1 kumpf 1.2 // ===================================================================
  2           // Title:       Network Pipes 2.7
  3           // Filename:    Network27_Pipes.mof
  4           // Version:     2.7.0
  5           // Status:      Final
  6           // Date:        March 31, 2003
  7           // ===================================================================
  8           // Copyright 1998-2003 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF).
  9           // All rights reserved.  
 10           // DMTF is a not-for-profit association of industry members dedicated 
 11           // to promoting enterprise and systems management and interoperability. 
 12           // DMTF specifications and documents may be reproduced for uses
 13           // consistent with this purpose by members and non-members, 
 14           // provided that correct attribution is given. 
 15           // As DMTF specifications may be revised from time to time, 
 16           // the particular version and release date should always be noted.
 17           //
 18           // Implementation of certain elements of this standard or proposed 
 19           // standard may be subject to third party patent rights, including 
 20           // provisional patent rights (herein "patent rights"). DMTF makes 
 21           // no representations to users of the standard as to the existence 
 22 kumpf 1.2 // of such rights, and is not responsible to recognize, disclose, or
 23           // identify any or all such third party patent right, owners or 
 24           // claimants, nor for any incomplete or inaccurate identification or 
 25           // disclosure of such rights, owners or claimants. DMTF shall have no 
 26           // liability to any party, in any manner or circumstance, under any 
 27           // legal theory whatsoever, for failure to recognize, disclose, or 
 28           // identify any such third party patent rights, or for such party's
 29           // reliance on the standard or incorporation thereof in its product, 
 30           // protocols or testing procedures. DMTF shall have no liability to 
 31           // any party implementing such standard, whether such implementation 
 32           // is foreseeable or not, nor to any patent owner or claimant, and shall 
 33           // have no liability or responsibility for costs or losses incurred if 
 34           // a standard is withdrawn or modified after publication, and shall be
 35           // indemnified and held harmless by any party implementing the 
 36           // standard from any and all claims of infringement by a patent owner 
 37           // for such implementations.
 38           //
 39           // For information about patents held by third-parties which have 
 40           // notified the DMTF that, in their opinion, such patent may relate to 
 41           // or impact implementations of DMTF standards, visit 
 42           // http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/disclosures.php.
 43 kumpf 1.2 // ===================================================================
 44           // Description: The Network Model extends the management concepts to
 45           //              represent protocol interfaces and network/protocol 
 46           //              services.  This file models network pipes, based on  
 47           //              the ITU M.3100 definitions.
 48           //
 49           //              The object classes below are listed in an order that
 50           //              avoids forward references. Required objects, defined 
 51           //              by other working groups, are omitted.
 52           // ==================================================================
 53           // Change Log for v2.7
 54           // CR696 - Add M.3100 concepts of Pipe; Define the associations, 
 55           //         HostedPipe, EndpointOfPipe, and PipeComposition
 56           // CR850 - Change CIM_Pipe to CIM_NetworkPipe; Propagate this change
 57           //         through the model; Make similar name changes throughout
 58           //         the other classes
 59           // CR961 - Changes to Enabled and RequestedState in NetworkPipe, 
 60           //         inherited from EnabledLogicalElement
 61           // CR982 - Removal of Experimental for preliminary to final
 62           // CR994 - Update of the InstanceID property Description
 63           // ===================================================================
 64 kumpf 1.2  
 65           #pragma Locale ("en_US")
 68           // ================================================================
 69           // NetworkPipe
 70           // ================================================================
 71              [Version ("2.7.0"), Description (
 72                 "NetworkPipe is a subclass of EnabledLogicalElement, "
 73                 "representing the state and management of a connection or "
 74                 "trail between endpoints. This object is different than the "
 75                 "association between the endpoints (CIM_ActiveConnection) "
 76                 "since the emphasis is NOT on the endpoints but on the "
 77                 "management of the pipe itself - its state, configuration, "
 78                 "etc. NetworkPipes are defined in the context of a "
 79                 "CIM_Network and represent the 'transfer of information . . . "
 80                 "between . . . endpoints'. These concepts are aligned with "
 81                 "the definition of the Pipe object in ITU's M.3100 "
 82                 "specification."),
 83                 MappingStrings {"Recommendation.ITU|M3100.Pipe",
 84                    "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.TrailR1", 
 85 kumpf 1.2          "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.ConnectionR1",
 86                    "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.SubNetworkConnection"} ]
 87           class CIM_NetworkPipe : CIM_EnabledLogicalElement {
 89                   [Key, Description (
 90                    "Within the scope of the instantiating Namespace, InstanceID " 
 91                    "opaquely and uniquely identifies an instance of this class. "
 92                    "In order to ensure uniqueness within the NameSpace, the "
 93                    "value of InstanceID SHOULD be constructed using the "
 94                    "following 'preferred' algorithm: \n"
 95                    " <OrgID>:<LocalID> \n"
 96                    "Where <OrgID> and <LocalID> are separated by a colon ':', "
 97                    "and where <OrgID> MUST include a copyrighted, trademarked "
 98                    "or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity "
 99                    "creating/defining the InstanceID, or is a registered ID that "
100                    "is assigned to the business entity by a recognized global "
101                    "authority. (This is similar to the <Schema Name>_<Class Name> "
102                    "structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure "
103                    "uniqueness <OrgID> MUST NOT contain a colon (':'). When "
104                    "using this algorithm, the first colon to appear in "
105                    "InstanceID MUST appear between <OrgID> and <LocalID>. "
106 kumpf 1.2          "(For DMTF defined instances, the 'preferred' algorithm MUST be "
107                    "used with the <OrgID> set to 'CIM'.) \n"
108                    " <LocalID> MUST include either a vendor specified unique "
109                    "identifier, or if mapping from an ITU M.3100 environment, "
110                    "the trailID, connectionID or subNetworkConnectionID of "
111                    "the instances of PipeR2."),         
112                    MappingStrings {"Recommendation.ITU|M3100.TrailR1.trailId", 
113                       "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.ConnectionR1.connectionID", 
114                       "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.SubNetworkConnection."
115                          "subNetworkConnectionID"} ]
116               string InstanceID;
118                   [Description (
119                    "Indicates whether the pipe is bi-directional (value = "
120                    "2), unidirectional (value = 3), or this information is "
121                    "not known (value = 0). For unidirectional pipes, the "
122                    "source and sink are indicated by a property (SourceOrSink) "
123                    "of the association, EndpointOfNetworkPipe."),
124                    ValueMap {"0", "2", "3"},
125                    Values {"Unknown", "Bi-Directional", "Unidirectional"}, 
126                    MappingStrings {
127 kumpf 1.2             "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.Pipe.directionality"} ]
128               uint16 Directionality;
130                 [Description (
131                  "  Indicates whether the pipe is composed of lower-level "
132                  "pipes, and if so, how these lower-level pipes are aggregated "
133                  "(in parallel or in sequence). The specific instances of "
134                  "NetworkPipe that are combined are described using the "
135                  "NetworkPipeComposition association. \n"
136                  "\n"
137                  "  In the context of M.3100, the ability to be composed of "
138                  "lower-level pipes is modeled as a Trail. A Trail is made up "
139                  "of one or more Connections. (Note that both Trails and "
140                  "Connections are subclasses of Pipe). Because of the "
141                  "flexibility of the NetworkPipeComposition association, there "
142                  "is no need to subclass NetworkPipe, as was done in M.3100, "
143                  "but merely to instantiate the NetworkPipeComposition "
144                  "association to describe the bundling of the lower-level "
145                  "pipes (i.e., the connections), or the sequencing of them."),
146                  ValueMap {"0", "2", "3", "4"},
147                  Values {"Unknown", "No Lower-Level Composition", 
148 kumpf 1.2           "Combined In Parallel", "Combined In Sequence"} ]
149               uint16 AggregationBehavior;
151                 [Override ("EnabledState"), 
152                  MappingStrings {
153                     "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.Pipe.operationalState"} ]
154               uint16 EnabledState;
156                 [Override ("RequestedState"), Write, 
157                  MappingStrings {
158                     "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.Pipe.administrativeState"} ]
159               uint16 RequestedState = 5;
160           };
163           // ==================================================================
164           // HostedNetworkPipe
165           // ==================================================================
166              [Association,  Version ("2.7.0"), Description (
167                 "HostedNetworkPipe is an association between a pipe and the "
168                 "network in whose context the pipe is defined.  The "
169 kumpf 1.2       "cardinality of this association is 1-to-many. A network may "
170                 "host many pipes, and pipes are scoped/contained by only "
171                 "one network.") ]
172           class CIM_HostedNetworkPipe : CIM_Dependency {
174                   [Override ("Antecedent"), Min (1), Max (1), 
175                    Description ("The hosting network.") ] 
176               CIM_Network REF Antecedent;
178                   [Override ("Dependent"), 
179                    Description ("The pipe in the network.") ] 
180               CIM_NetworkPipe REF Dependent;
181           };
184           // ==================================================================
185           // EndpointOfNetworkPipe
186           // ==================================================================
187              [Association,  Version ("2.7.0"), Description (
188                 "EndpointOfNetworkPipe describes the endpoints between which "
189                 "a pipe transfers information. Whether an endpoint is a source "
190 kumpf 1.2       "or sink is indicated by a property of the association, "
191                 "SourceOrSink."), 
192                 MappingStrings {"Recommendation.ITU|M3100.Pipe.a-TPInstance",
193                    "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.Pipe.z-TPInstance"} ]
194           class CIM_EndpointOfNetworkPipe : CIM_Dependency {
196                   [Override ("Antecedent"), Min (2), Max (2), 
197                    Description ("One of the endpoints of the pipe.") ] 
198               CIM_ProtocolEndpoint REF Antecedent;
200                   [Override ("Dependent"), Description (
201                    "The pipe which is dependent on the endpoints as the "
202                    "source or sink of the transferred information.") ] 
203               CIM_NetworkPipe REF Dependent;
205                   [Description (
206                    "Indicates whether the endpoint is a source (value = "
207                    "2), or sink (value = 3) for the pipe. If this information "
208                    "is not applicable, the property is set to 4. If the "
209                    "information is not known, the property is set to 0."), 
210                    ValueMap {"0", "2", "3", "4"},
211 kumpf 1.2          Values {"Unknown", "Source", "Sink", "Not Applicable"} ]
212               uint16 SourceOrSink;
213           };
216           // ==================================================================
217           // NetworkPipeComposition
218           // ==================================================================
219              [Association, Aggregation, Composition,  
220               Version ("2.7.0"), Description (
221                 "NetworkPipeComposition describes the makeup a pipe, based on "
222                 "lower-level ones. If the pipe is not composed of lower-level "
223                 "entities (i.e., its AggregationBehavior property is set to 2), "
224                 "then no instances of this association should be defined where "
225                 "the pipe has the role of GroupComponent. \n"
226                 "\n"
227                 "In the context of M.3100, this semantic is modeled as a "
228                 "Trail that is made up of one or more Connections. Both Trails "
229                 "and Connections are subclasses of M.3100's Pipe. Because of the "
230                 "flexibility of the NetworkPipeComposition association, there is "
231                 "no need to subclass NetworkPipe, as was done in M.3100, but merely "
232 kumpf 1.2       "to instantiate this association to describe the bundling of the "
233                 "lower-level pipes (connections), or the sequencing of them. "
234                 "How the lower-level pipes are aggregated is described by the "
235                 "property, AggregationBehavior, of NetworkPipe. If the pipes "
236                 "are combined in a sequence, the ordering is conveyed via "
237                 "the property, AggregationSequence, on this association."), 
238                 MappingStrings {
239                    "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.TrailR1.serverConnectionListPackage",
240                    "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.TrailR1.clientConnectionListPackage"} ]
241           class CIM_NetworkPipeComposition : CIM_Component {
243                   [Override ("GroupComponent"), Aggregate, Description (
244                    "The higher level pipe that is composed of lower-level "
245                    "parts/pipes.") ] 
246               CIM_NetworkPipe REF GroupComponent;
248                   [Override ("PartComponent"), Description (
249                    "A pipe which is a part of a higher-level one.") ] 
250               CIM_NetworkPipe REF PartComponent;
252                   [Description (
253 kumpf 1.2          "Indicates the ordering of the PartComponent pipes in the "
254                    "GroupComponent.  If the AggregationBehavior property of the "
255                    "GroupComponent pipe is set to 0 or 3 (\"Unknown\" or "
256                    "\"Combined In Parallel\"), then this property MUST be set "
257                    "to 0. If the AggregationBehavior is set to 4 (\"Combined "
258                    "In Sequence\"), then this property SHOULD indicate the "
259                    "ordering of the component pipes. Ordering starts with 1 "
260                    "and larger numbers indicate subsequent pipes. The "
261                    "numbering does not have to be in sequence. The word SHOULD "
262                    "is used in this Description, since the specific ordering "
263                    "of all the component pipes may not be known. In these cases, "
264                    "a value of 0 would be placed in AggregationSequence to "
265                    "indicate that ordering information is not available.") ]
266               uint16 AggregationSequence;
267           };
270           // ===================================================================
271           // end of file
272           // ===================================================================

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